transcending work day stress in 10 mins or less with vocal toning

with Vocal Toning (Annotated for SlideShare) TRANSCENDING WORK DAY STRESS in 10 minutes or less

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Post on 15-Apr-2017



Self Improvement

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Page 1: Transcending Work Day Stress in 10 mins or Less with Vocal Toning

with Vocal Toning

(Annotated for SlideShare)


in 10 minutes or less

Page 2: Transcending Work Day Stress in 10 mins or Less with Vocal Toning

Why is it that some people seem unfazed by mounting

workplace pressures?

Whether literally on a tight rope or a ledge, their calm appears relatively undisturbed and their focus pinpointed on the goal at hand.


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While others growincreasingly frustrated

by the hour?

Issues and obstacles can block our view of the solutions. And our work can easily become a reflection of our stress instead of, of our best.



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Well Guess What?

With a little regular practice, you can learn to focus your attention, and quickly reduce your overall stress.

And the mechanism you’ll use to accomplish this mental acuity and calm is your ver y own voice.


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That’s Right… Your Voice.

By asking yourself 3 simple questions and being willing to be honest with yourself about what comes up for you while Toning, you can embark on a mastery of mental focus that clears the mind and helps you to be more present.

There’s nothing quite like the power of your own voice to deeply soothe you.


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So what is Toning?

( No worries, the only muscles we’ll be working today are the vocal cords.)


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Toning, is technically the elongated or extended

pronunciation of vowel sounds.

Think E-e-e-e-e-e… as in “east”or oo-oo-oo-oo-oo… as in “soothing”

or maybe a-a-a-a-a… as in “ah”

*Humor me: take a deep breath and exhale making the ahhh sound.

Different languages have different letters/symbols for vowels, but for all of us, the elongated “ah” seems to naturally calm and call the mind to attention. Sometimes even sounding its own way into a-ah-oh-m-m-m-m…


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No Tricks. No Gimmicks.We seem wired for a soothing

response to Toning.

Somewhere in between regular speaking and singing, toning can be thought of as the sound of the exhale and a means by

which we aspirate our intentions.

It’s the combination of sound + intentions that effectively empty us of the day and bring us present to our home life.


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The Practice

Let’s begin!


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The Practice “Sacred Sound can help us

to not become a victim of our sensitivities.” -Vickie Dodd

Everyone has buttons to push. It’s part of the human condition. We do this work in an effort to choose how we respond when they inevitably are pushed. Our first goal with toning is to cultivate listening as a mindfulness practice to become more aware of when it’s necessary to, and what’s necessary to do, to reset our balance.

Remember, the student tones, but the adept is tuned. Consider thinking of the first few times you practice as an introduction to your voice. Eventually you’ll discern by subtle fluctuations in the sound of your voice and body awareness, the areas of your life that are calling most for your attention.


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The Practice

1. Sit comfortably and take 3 or so, slow, deep, breaths.

2. As you feel ready, begin to elongate the “ahhh”

on the exhale. (Use whichever vowel sound you prefer.)

3. Just listen at first as you consistently create and support

the sound with your breath.

*Be mindful of the spine and relax the shoulders.

Minutes 1:00 & 2:00

Note:It’s best to practice in a place where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes and where your sound is not found disturbing.

You will be able to do these steps as you go, but it’s also helpful to read completely through before you begin.


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4. While continuing to produce the “ahh” sound,

- imagine it originating from the lower belly,

- and expanding through the heart and chest area,

- before “resting” on the back of the throat.

(You’re intention is not to project, just allow the sound to pass as you hold the space for it to.)

5. Take a Deep Breath…

And call to mind the situation you’d like to reflect on.

Minutes 3:00 & 4:00


The Practice

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6. For the next few minutes ask yourself 3 questions.

After each question tone for a moment to *Listen

and pay attention to what comes up for you.

7. Question 1: What’s most upsetting me about that situation?

Tone & Listen…

The “answer(s)” will present itself usually as the thing you feel the strongest about.

8. Question 2: What is it that I believe (about myself) that’s making me feel this way?

Tone & Listen…

and by all means be honest in the sanctuary of your own mind.

*Ask knowing - the answers come. Listen within the moments of practice. Listen in the silence after. And listen throughout your day-to-day routine.

For the answers to present themselves in ways uniquely appropriate for your


Minutes 5:00 - 8:00


The Practice

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9. Recall a similar situation in nature, or

maybe in the other person’s life, or your own life & ask;

Question 3: How might I see the situation differently after

considering it from a few different points of view?

Don’t come upwithout your pearl.


The Practice

*For example: Consider that they see the world from the perspective of their beliefs, and may have

projected what they believe to be true onto you. It may have struck some sort of chord within you,

meaning on some level you partially believed it in the past. What’s most important is what you choose

to believe about you. And with that, allow this situation to quicken your resolve to do better, and not

remain hooked in the web of what they believe.

Tone & Listen… Inevitably there’s a personal epiphany!

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10. Breathe a little lighter now, seeing things differently.

11. Dedicate these last couple of minutes to toning

while honoring the ways you’re wiser, stronger,

or otherwise changed for the better as a result of this experience,

and to being thankful for that.

12. Tone - Gratitude (and a Joyfulness may surprise you)…

*Also try enjoying these slides with your favorite meditation music playing in the background and keep practicing ’til you can reset in 5 minutes or less.


The Practice

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…it’s about singing your soul a lullaby

If you found this helpful check out the Sound Mandala of Self Love! Part 1

Thank You

Finally, … “a practical & elegant Sacred Sound tool to help you become

so grounded and girded in the ‘Yes’ of your truth, it activates the necessary courage to FREE your best self and begin living your best life today!”

-Genie J

Introducing Sound Mandalas