treehouse vol.2 issue 29

Dhaka Tribune Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 29 TALES FROM THE CITY TALES FROM THE CITY EPISODE 71: MIRROR MIRROR EPISODE 71: MIRROR MIRROR

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Page 1: Treehouse Vol.2 Issue 29

Dhaka Tribune Wednesday, December 3, 2014Volume 2, Issue 29

Tales From The CiTyTales From The CiTyEpisodE 71 : Mirror MirrorEpisodE 71 : Mirror Mirror

Page 2: Treehouse Vol.2 Issue 29

WEDN ESDAY, DEcEmbEr 3, 2014

1Jonaki's Headquarters

A weekly production ofDhakaTribune

EditorZafar Sobhan

Executive EditorShahriar Karim

Managing EditorJahangir Hyder

Magazine EditorSabrina Fatma Ahmad

Asst Magazine EditorTahsin Momin

Treehouse TeamNatasha RahmanSaudia AfrinRaisa RahimRad ShararBaizid Haque Joarder

CartoonistSyed Rashad Imam TanmoyRio Shuvo

GraphicsTahsin MominMohammed Mahbub Alam

Colour specialistShekhar Mondal

ProductionMasum Billah

AdvertisingShahidan Khurshed

CirculationMasud Kabir Pavel

[email protected]

How are you all doing today? This week’s issue has plenty of fun things for you to read. In Speedy’s Zone (Pg 5), we have the names of some ancient states that still exist today. Moreover, Dr. Meow’s Lab has amazing facts about, our very favourite fast

food, Hamburger. And if you’re done reading, turn to Bhootum’s Classroom (Pg 4) to connect the dots and find out what you just drew. Have fun reading Treehouse my little friends. Feel free to share your writing, drawing or poetry at [email protected]


Hey friends,


2 disCobang’s padQuizWord on the streetSharing is caring

3 taLEs froM tHE CityMirror mirror

4 bHootuM’s CLassrooMAmazing factsLearn English kidsConnect the dots

5 spEEdy’s ZonEHistoryA list of Ancient five Cities that still alive today

6 dr MEow’s LabFun scienceI am Adnan’s bodyTrivia Burgers

Solution: The thief hid the painting for later pick-up in the big vaseto the right. The change of pattern gave him away

Page 3: Treehouse Vol.2 Issue 29

WEDN ESDAY, DEcEmbEr 3, 2014

Word on ThE sTrEET

sHaring is CaringChildren are the only creature who can express their affection in the most simple and pure way. It’s the tiny moments of sharing, caring and playful nature that makes every child very special in their own way.


guEss tHE naMEHe was a Sanskrit grammarian. He born in Gandhara that is in modern days located in Pakistan. He also considered the founder of the Sanskrit, the classical literary language of the Ancient Indian. He is famous for his broad and scientific theory language. He formulated 3,959 rules of Sanskrit.

discobang's pad

2Suhadha A

frin Source: Jaago Foundation w


Answer Panini

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WEDN ESDAY, DEcEmbEr 3, 2014



General Meow suspects something!

EpisodE 71 : Mirror Mirror

Story and created by Sabrina Fatma Ahmad Illustration by Rio Shuvo

Coloured by Rio Shuvo

taLEs froM tHE City

ThE sTory so fAr

Page 5: Treehouse Vol.2 Issue 29

WEDN ESDAY, DEcEmbEr 3, 2014

4bhootum's Classroom

TONGUETWISTERSTongue twisters are difficult to say. How fast can you say it without making any mistakes?

I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too.

Find lots more fun things to do © British Council 2013

ConnECT ThE doTs

Page 6: Treehouse Vol.2 Issue 29

WEDN ESDAY, DEcEmbEr 3, 2014


speedy's Zone


fivE anCiEnt CitiEs tHat arE stiLL aLivE today

1. pLovdivFounded: Pre 400 BC Presently known as the Republic of Bulgaria.

2. JErusaLEMFounded: 2000 BCChristians, Muslims, and Judaist see it as a holy city, the Capital of Israel.

3. Xi’anFounded: 1100 BCIt is now the capital of the Shaanxi province in China.

4. CHoLuLaFounded: 500 BCCholula is in the Mexican state of Puebla, which started out as a pre-Columbian city.

5. varanasiFounded: 1200 BCIt is the oldest habited city in India and one of the oldest in the world. It is located beside the river Ganges.

Saudia afrin

Page 7: Treehouse Vol.2 Issue 29

WEDN ESDAY, DEcEmbEr 3, 2014

6dr Meow's Lab

fun sCiEnCE

i aM adnan’s bodyHey everybody, my name is adnan. Please help me! My body parts have been torn apart by an evil witch named rafata! Only YOu can help me put them back together. Here’s how you can do it.

One body part of mine will be here every week. You have to cut it out, collect them every week until they all come together. i’m sure you can do it and save me from rafata!

MouthSave me friends!!! I am Adnan’s mouth and evil Rafata tore me off Adnan’s face so that he cannot scream for help. The mouth allows Adnan to talk, to smile and to whistle. The mouth also contains teeth and tongue, that allows Adnan to eat his food. His teeth helps him to chew up his food, so, his body can swallow and digest it easily, and they are among the hardest parts in his body. Help me get back to Adnan’s body and I will help him bite Rafata so hard that she will be bound let Adnan go!

wEEk 1 Body parts:

• Hamburgers got their name from the Hamburg steaks that the Germans brought with them to the US.

• In 1982 the world’s largest hamburger was cooked and then eaten. Around 10,000 people came to sample the tasty 3,591 pound burger.

• If you put all the hamburgers that the Americans eat, in a line, they would circle the earth more than 32 times.

• Americans eat about 14 billion burgers a year.

• The first fast food restaurant was introduced in 1921. It sold burgers for only five cents! raiSa raHiM



Don’t miss the other body parts on:Volume 2, Issue 28

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