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This is the August 2014 edition.


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ACTIONA U G U S T 2 0 1 4

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Christian Education - It’s a value to the heart!IN THIS ISSUE:CS Lewis was asked to review a book

that had been written by two educators. The premise of this book they wrote was to eliminate the use of assigning values of any kind to objects and therefore making education more neutral. Lewis took issue with this and responded in a book of his own entitled, “The Abolition of Man.” Lewis reasoned with them by going back to some ancient philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Augustine. These respected philosophers all believed that the purpose of education was to train children in “ordinate affections.” This meant that education has the responsibility of teaching good to be good and bad to be bad.

In Platonic thinking the head is where knowledge and learning happen while the belly is where our passions are strong with desire. In the middle is the important link, the chest, where heart and character are developed.

Lewis argued therefore that those who are lacking an education in values are simply “men without chests”. He reasoned that without values the instruction of the mind and body only simply leaves man as a “cultural castaway” as he looses his purpose and follows a broad range of uncontrolled passions.

He further explained that there are universal truths and objective values that must be shared with “minor differences, by every culture.” These universal values need to be trained because they are not ones that develop automatically and naturally in children. This is because we are born sinful and struggle between what we know in the conscience, learn in the mind to be right and the passions of the flesh that give us strong urge to do otherwise. Scripture comments specifically on this reality in several places. (Prov. 14:12, Rom. 7:19)

To use C.S. Lewis’ thought we could say that Christian Education is a teaching that gives children a chest! It builds character and integrity based on God’s values as He has set before us in the Scriptures. St. Paul writes to Timothy that, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

At Trinity our staff is dedicated to educate the mind, the body, and the spirit with the values of Christ and a biblical understanding of man’s purpose in this world.

Trinity Lutheran School was just named as a Nationally Accredited School by the National Lutheran School Accreditation. This honor was given to Trinity for the continuous pursuit of providing a quality Christian education. Our teachers are excellent examples of the love of Christ to their students and the pursuit of learning and application for the service to our community.

As we get ready for a new school year there are still openings available. Contact the school office today.

Already have a student at Trinity? Perhaps in reading this today you have thought of someone who is looking for the kind of Christian Values based education that is available here at Trinity. Why not invite them to come with you for a tour of the school?

For all of us we are assured that whenever we study God’s Word at school, church or in our homes we are getting anchored to the truth which can keep us steady and hold us fast in this constant storm of cultural change and shifting values. That is what the second step of our discipleship pathway is all about; GROW! It’s a value to the heart that is eternal!

by Rev. Chris Singer

LOOK OUT FOR:Blood Drive August 10

from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Matins service August 10

Sunday School Rally Day August 17

Confirmation Parent Meeting August 19 at

7 p.m. in the Pier

New Sermon Series about Trinity’s Discipleship

Pathway starts in September

More information on the German Christmas



News from the Minister of Music............................3

Men’s Club Celebration..................5

Trinity Ablaze in Kenya.......................6

LWML Convention..................7

TKLS News.....................7

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Christian Education - It’s a value to the heart! MEET GOD

by Dr. William Brusick, D.M., Minister of Music It is the end of another wonderful day. On Thursday, July 10, Jeanne and I found ourselves virtually alone up on Powder Mountain, Utah at nearly 8,000 feet being treated to an amazing piece of God’s handiwork. Our minds, flooded with so many wonderful thoughts, never once considered that the sun would never return. Why? Faith. Sure, faith assured us that Friday would indeed arrive and another great day in God’s creation would dawn. So it goes. Likewise, we stand here at the waning hours of summer, yet knowing full well that the new day of a program season is just under the horizon. Ideas are cooking, plans are fomenting, schedules are merging and the excitement is mounting. We don’t yet know what God has planned for us, rather faith assures us that it will arrive and that God’s hand will be upon it, blessing our efforts. So, it’s almost time to gather on the mountaintop and begin our work. This month all of our special music groups will begin their rehearsals and we sincerely invite all who have a desire to be a part of our music ministry family to join us.

Exalt Ringers - Wednesday, Aug. 20 3:30 p.m.Trinity Men’s Choir - Thursday, Aug. 21 6:30 p.m.Sanctuary Choir - Thursday, Aug. 21 7:30 p.m.Jubilate Deo Ringers - Wednesday, Aug. 27 7:30 p.m.

Here’s to a new day.

TRADITIONAL: Sunday 8:30 a.m. & Wednesday 7:15 p.m. CONTEMPORARY: Sunday 11 a.m.SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday 9:50 a.m.

@ Worship

Such kissable cheeks!

August Nursery Hours:Sundays: 8:20 a.m. to end of 11:00 a.m. service (Ages two months- PreK)Wednesdays: 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study email Sarah Dill at [email protected] if nursery care is needed.Weekdays (Two months-Kinder)

On Sundays we encourage children ages three and up to attend 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. For additional Sunday School information contact Jeanette Singer at [email protected] or 281.290.4902. For nursery questions, contact Sarah Dill at [email protected] or 281-290-4911. The nusery is hiring caregivers for Sunday mornings. We schedule around your worship preferences. It’s a great opportunity to serve the young families of our Church and community. If you enjoy caring for and playing with children ages two months-PreK, please contact Sarah Dill for information.

We appreciate donations of Goldfish, animal crackers, Cheerios, raisins, pretzels, Kleenex, baby wipes, Clorox wipes, and small disposable drinking cups.


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Grow to Know God

Part of the Seabrook trip in July included a stop for lunch at Outriggers, and this was the view!

Lunch at Goodson’s Cafe before touring the Salem Archives in Tomball, Tx.

July Senior Trips

Upcoming Trips: Matagorda County Museum on Aug. 26. Details and sign up information to come for Aug. 26, Sept. 30 and Oct. 21.

If your child will begin Confirmation this fall,

please let Fran know at [email protected]. We will

keep you updated with dates and details through your email and the weekly announcements.

SPLASHTOWN TRIPWe are heading to Splashtown September 6! This trip is for 2014-2015 sixth, seventh and eighth graders and friends! Cost is $25 (sorry, passes can’t be used) for admission, lunch and dinner. Bring your students TO Splashtown at 11:45 a.m. and pick them up FROM the Pier at 8:30 p.m. Flyers with full details available in the Pier. Use the registration envelopes and include $25. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 3. Parents, we need your help: chaperones, pizza, drivers from Splashtown to the Pier, and clean up. Call Fran at 281-376-5773 ext. 249.

Incoming Freshman RetreatAll incoming freshmen are invited to

attend an overnight retreat August 16-17. Activities begin at 4 p.m. in the Pier August 16 and conclude after Sunday school on August 17. Host homes will

provide separate housing for guys and girls. No cost for this event; however,

you MUST use a registration envelope to sign up so we have enough food and beds. Very cool itinerary for this

event: photo scavenger hunt, a “CREW” journey, good eats, movies,

board games and more! Deadline is August 13.


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by Barnell Lange The Trinity Men’s Club was organized on July 11, 1944 with 15 members. From the Constitution, Article II, Aims and Objectives: “The aims and Objectives of this organization shall be to foster Christian knowledge and fellowship among the members.” In 1987, the Club established a scholarship fund to aid young men and women who wished to train for full-time church work. The first source of funding was an aluminum can drive. In 1990, following the death of Mr. Herman Schaefer, the fund was named “The Herman Schaefer Scholarship Fund.” Mr. Schaefer was a dedicated Lutheran teacher and principal for many years. He spent his adult life in this ministry. At his funeral Trinity’s congregation was asked by the District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, “who will Trinity send to replace Herman Schaefer in the Kingdom’s work?” This became the theme and gave the scholarship fund its name, That same year the Men’s Club awarded the first scholarship to Diane Hanff of $500. Currently, the Herman Schaefer

Fund gives $2,500 to eligible students for each semester. Since 1990, a total of 61 students received assistance and the total amount awarded since that date is $561,000. Four of our scholarship recipients are now pastors and five are currently studying to become pastors. It also makes us very proud that two of our past recipients are now working at Trinity. This scholarship money is the result of Easter breakfasts, garage sales, can drives, memorials and donations, Yes, Trinity’s Men’s Club has been blessed for 70 years. In attendance for the Men’s Club 70th

Anniversary celebration were members and their spouses, ex-members, widows of deceased members, special friends and volunteers that worked at the garage sales. Thanks to Aviator Grill for catering the meal.

Men’s Club Celebrates 70 Years of BlessingsServe and Love God

S.T.A.R.S. Retreat“... you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life ...”

Philippians 2:15-16WHO? Does your walk of faith need some renewal as you try to keep up with the pace of this stress-filled world? Are you looking for deeper meaning in your spiritual life? If your answer is “yes,” you’re ready for S.T.A.R.S. Retreat!WHAT? The goal of the S.T.A.R.S. Retreat is: To celebrate God’s love in Jesus Christ; to grow as one who knows Him and follows Him, and to shine the light of new life that Jesus gives in a setting of solitude, prayer, worship and fellowship, using clear teaching and powerful inspiration.WHEN? Sept. 18-21 21 (You will leave Thursday evening and return Sunday morning.) WHERE? Check-in will be at Trinity Klein Lutheran Church. A chartered bus will transport you to a retreat center in Brenham.COST? Total cost of the retreat is $200 and covers bus transportation, accommodations, meals and retreat materials. *Scholarships may be available. Please contact Jean Smith prior to registering for the retreat to receive scholarship information.QUESTIONS? Contact Ronny Kiel at [email protected]

MOPS registration day and Open House is scheduled for August 25 from 9 to 11a.m.

It will be located in the Bible Coffee Café area in the FLC building. The nursery will be open and available for tours

and for a staff meet and greet.

MOPS begins on Sept. 8 at

9:15 a.m.

Hamburger Day: August 7 at 10:30 a.m. Cost is $6 per person

Fellowship Club will meet August 13 at

10:30 a.m. There will be table games and a

pot luck lunch.


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The VBS kids raised close to $5,000 to makenearly 1,000 hygiene kits for the homeless.

Since the kids surpassed their offering goal, everyone got ‘pied’ on the last day of VBS!

Advent By Candlelight December 7

Planning has begun! Contact Jean Smith at [email protected] if you would like to be part of the

planning committee.

Toys for NAM

Register new and old quilts at the Bible Coffee Cafe area from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 20 and 27 and Sept. 3, 10 and 17 if space is available. Contact Ann Mueller at [email protected].

Trinity Piecemaker’s 7th Annual Quilt Show

966 kids heard the Word of God at Trinity Klein Weird

Animals VBS!

TRINITY ABLAZE IN KENYAOctober 3, 2013, was the beginning of a memorable and blessed thirteen days of my life. Getting on the plane to Kenya, I felt excitement, joy, peace and trust in my Lord, knowing He would be with me all the time to guide, give me wisdom to fulfill my work, and words to witness His love and forgiveness for all people.

Kenya is a beautiful country, with people that are patient, happy, and smiling a lot. My job was to do “Reader’s Glasses” with the help of two wonderful interpreters from the church, Joyce and Kiswlahil. We fitted over 450 people with glasses, hearing the people say, “I can now read my bible,” with joy and thankfulness to God for sending us to help them. At that time I felt in my heart, “I cannot preach like Paul.” I did tell them Jesus loves them and Jesus died for all.

Joining hands each morning and closing at the end of the day with our Kenya helpers, praying and singing together, made me realize we all have some things in common; we are all God’s children. I hope for my part I have helped the mustard seeds that were planted by the past mission trips to continue to grow.

Kenyan people may not have very much in earthly goods, but there are beautiful happy people, rich in spirit and their love for Jesus. My trip was a life-changing experience. I hope and pray one day I will be praising God in heaven with the Kenyan people I met. To God be the glory!

by Evelyn Prestwood

Workcamp 2014 Brighton, TN

59 high school students traveled to Brighton, TN for Workcamp 2014. They were joined by youth from other states to help repair houses in the Brighton community.


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by Jean Webber Four Trinity ladies attended the Texas District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League convention held in Frisco, Tx, June 20-22 along with about 500 other men and women associated with LWML. They were Beverly Evans, president of the Ladies Aid, Michelle Heckmann, Janelle Oberg, president of the Lydia Guild, and Jean Webber, Golden Harvest Zone LWML president. The convention theme, ”Designed To Shine, Study God’s Word, Proclaim It, Live It” was based on 2 Corinthians 4:6. Rev. Mike Hafer presented a Bible study including 2 Cor 4:7, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God, and not to us.” Janelle asked, “Do you think the Bible was telling us we were going to find a treasure, maybe the Dead Sea Scrolls, in jars of clay?” Of the 16 mission grants proposed, 10 were adopted for funding with our mite offerings for the next 2 years. They included scholarships for seminary and DCE students from Texas, ministry to Muslim women and an Arabic Small Catechism, LINC ministry in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and Austin, LWML short term mission teams, spiritual care for abused children, Kenya vision ministry in the Wichita Falls area, and Hispanic ministry in the Beaumont/Port Arthur/Orange area. If anyone is interested in learning more about the LWML groups at Trinity please call Beverly Evans, 281-376-4835, or Janelle Oberg, 832-717-5138.

Submission deadline for the September issue of Trinity In Action will be August 15. Please send your content to Melissa Kasper at [email protected].

by Brenda Burdick

We are off and running! This is the 140th year for both our church and school. We have been sharing the Word and educat-ing children in this community longer than anyone else. It would be safe to say that everything has changed EXCEPT the fact that we continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. It looks like we will have approximately fifty students who are completely new to TLS on the first day of school. As we continue to grow, we have added one new teacher to our faculty this year. Chelsie Schleicher will be teaching 2nd grade. Another change that will be obvious from the start is the absence of our computer lab. That space has become our third fourth grade class. There are now three classes in every grade level, K-8. Lap tops and iPads will be available for use in all classrooms. School will officially begin Wednesday, August 13th. There will be a Parent Coffee with light breakfast-type snacks in FLC-116 from 7:45 that morning until 8:45. Please feel free to join us for opening chapel (in the sanctuary) at 9:00 that morning. Please note that although we have grown, not all of our classes are completely full. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please call Brenda Burdick (281-376-5810) to get information or to schedule a tour.

Important Dates: August 8 1-6 p.m. Meet the Teachers 6-7 p.m. New Families Ice Cream Social August 13 First Day of School

Portals of Prayer Recycling Trinity received a thank you note from one of the institutions that receives our recycled Portals of

Prayer. The recipients “were blessed by the gener-ous gift from your church. Keep up the good works for our Lord”. If you would like to recycle your Por-tals of Prayer, please remove your address, the re-turn address and deposit in the basket by the stairs in the Family Life Center. Thank you for supporting

this ministry sponsored by the Lydia Guild.“God has put us into community, into church and

family and state precisely so that we will learn to love our neighbor, so that we will set aside the delusion

of autonomy and our selfish desires to serve our neighbor … (Romans 14:7) … To be the Lord’s, to

belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, is to love the weak, the wretched, the burdensome, the annoying, the stinking,

the foolish.” - Rev. Christopher Esget, Immanuel Lutheran Church,

Alexandria, Virginia – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life


The Henry Fuchs Family would like to say thank you to Gary Stuhr and the Men’s Club for the prayer service they held for our dad and to all those who offered their prayers. Thank you to Pastor Stavig and Pastor Singer for their hospital visits, to Jean Smith who helped us coordinate the funeral service. A most appreciative thank you to Pastor Singer for the beautiful funeral service for our Dad and to Dr. Brusick for the uplifting music. We will remember it always, Thank you for all the cards, letters and prayers expressed, Last, but not least, thank you to the ladies who served the mean, and to all who helped.

Pictured is Peggy Turnipseed, Mission Associate for Lutheran Braille Workers, at the LBW exhibit at convention giving some Braille materials to an LWML member who is blind.

LWML Convention7

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