tu vung anh7

Word Transcri pt Class Audi o Meaning Example Bus stop /bʌs stɒp/ n Trạm xe buýt A bus stop is a place where buses stop to allow passengers to get on and off. Differe nt /’dɪfərə nt/ adj Khác There are many different kinds of toys. Distanc e /’dɪstən s/ n Khoảng cách What's the distance between New York and California? Far /fɑr/ adj/ adv Xa She doesn't live far from here. Means /minz/ n Phương tiện The telephone is a means of communication. Transpo rt /’trænsp ɔrt/ n Sự chuyển chở, vận tải The bicycle is a cheap and efficient means of transport. Miss /mɪs/ v Nhớ, nhỡ You'll miss your train if you don't hurry up. Nice /naɪs/ adj Vui Have a nice day! Fine /faɪn/ adj Tốt, khỏe Are you all right? Everything's just fine, thanks.

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Page 1: Tu Vung Anh7

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Bus stop /bʌs stɒp/ n Trạm xe buýt

A bus stop is a place where buses stop to allow passengers to get on

and off.

Different /’dɪfərənt/ adj Khác There are many different kinds of


Distance /’dɪstəns/ n Khoảng cách What's the distance between New

York and California?

Far /fɑr/ adj/adv Xa She doesn't live far from here.

Means /minz/ n Phương tiện The telephone is a means of


Transport /’trænspɔrt/ n Sự chuyển chở, vận tải

The bicycle is a cheap and efficient

means of transport.

Miss /mɪs/ v Nhớ, nhỡ You'll miss your train if you don't

hurry up.

Nice /naɪs/ adj Vui Have a nice day!

Fine /faɪn/ adj Tốt, khỏe Are you all right? Everything's just

fine, thanks.

Pretty /’prɪti/ adv Khá The house has four bedrooms, so it's

pretty big.

Unhappy /ʌn’hæpɪ/ adjKhông hài lòng, không vui

I was very unhappy with the service.

Still /stɪl/ adv Vẫn I'm still hungry.

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Lunch room /’lʌntʃ rum/ n Phòng ăn trưa

I'm sitting in the lunchroom of the

Amsterdam high school.

Parent /’pɛərənt/ n Cha, mẹ I love my parents so much.

Market /’mɑː.kɪt/ n Chợ

Fruit and vegetables are much cheaper in the market than in the


Movie /’mu:.vi/ n Bộ phim My favourite movie is 'New Moon'.

Survey /’sɜrveɪ/ n Cuộc điều tra

A recent survey showed that 58% of people did not know where their

heart is.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Address /əˈdrɛs/ n Địa chỉ What is your address?

Appear /əˈpɪər/ v Xuất hiện He suddenly appeared in the


Birthday /’bɜrθˌdeɪ/ n Sinh nhật Happy Birthday!

Calendar /’kæləndər/ n Lịch, tờ lịch My mom bought a new calendar for the new year.

Call /kɔl/ v Gọi, gọi điện thoại

I will call you tomorrow .

Date /deɪt/ n Ngày (trong tháng)

What is your date of birth?

Except /ɪk’sɛpt/ v Ngoại trừ The museum is open daily

except Mondays.

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Finish /’fɪnɪʃ/ v Kết thúc, hoàn thành

When will you finish your


Invite /ɪn’vaɪt/ v Mời

Her family invited me to stay with them for a few


Join /dʒɔɪn/ v Tham gia

I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing you a very

happy birthday .

Fun /fʌn/ adj/noun Vui, cuộc vui Have fun!

Moment /’moʊmənt/ nKhoảnh khắc, chốc lát

Can you wait a moment,


Nervous /nɜrvəs/ adj Lo lắng, hồi hộp

I was very nervous about driving again after the


Party /’pɑrti/ n Bữa tiệc I want to invite you to join

my birthday party.

Worried /’wɜrid/ adj Lo lắng

She was sitting behind her desk with a worried look on

her face.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning

January /’dʒænjuəri/ n tháng một

February /’februəri/ n tháng hai

March /mɑːtʃ/ n tháng ba

April /’eɪprəl/ n tháng tư

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May /meɪ/ n tháng năm

June /dʒu:n/ n tháng sáu

July /dʒu:laɪ/ n tháng bảy

August /’ɔːɡəst / n tháng tám

September /sep’tembə(r)/ n tháng chín

October /ɒk’təʊbə(r)/ n tháng mười

November /nəʊˈvembə(r)/ n tháng mười một

December /dɪˈsembə(r)/ n tháng mười hai


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

personal /’pɜːsənl/ adj cá nhân It's only my personal opinion.

information /ɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/ n thông tinThe police asked him for more


directory /dɪˈrektəri/ n sách hướng dẫn, danh bạ

Her name is on the first page of the


telephone directory

/’telɪfəʊn daɪˈrektəri/ n danh bạ điện


You can find her number in the

telephone directory.

telephone number

/’telɪfəʊn ‘nʌmbə(r)/ n số điện thoại cố


Could you tell me your telephone


free /fri:/ adj rảnh rỗi Are you free now?

start /stɑːt/ v bắt đầu The match starts at 3 pm.

meet /mi:t/ v gặpWe will meet at her birthday party.

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in front of /ɪn frʌnt əv/ prep ở phía trước He is nervous when making a speech in

front of crowds.

movie theatre /’mu:vi ‘θɪətə(r)/ n rạp chiếu phim

My children want to go to the movie


tomorrow /təˈmɒrəʊ/ adv ngày mai See you tomorrow.

late /leɪt/ adj muộn Don't be late.

speak /spi:k/ v nói He can speak 5 languages.

at the moment /ət ðə ‘məʊmənt/ adv bây giờ, ở thời

điểm hiện tại She is taking a bath at the moment.

back /bæk/ adj quay lại He will be back soon.

tell /tel/ v bảo, nói cho biết Tell me the truth, please!

last /lɑːst/ v kéo dài Their love relationship does not last

very long. registration form

/redʒɪˈstreɪʃn fɔːm/ n mẫu đăng kí Fill in the registration form.

invitation card /ɪnvɪˈteɪʃn kɑːd/ n thiệp mời I received an invitation card to a party.

give /ɡɪv/ v đưa cho

Every morning, my mother gives me ten thousand dong to buy something to


get to /get tu/ v đến How do you get to school?

leave /li:v/ v rời khỏi The train leaves at 2 o'clock.

complete /kəm’pli:t/ v hoàn thành You must complete this form.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

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Compliment /’kɒmplɪmənt/ n Khen ngợi

She complained that her husband never paid her any compliments

any more.

Complaint /kəm’pleɪnt/ n Than phiền

I've made a complaint to the police

about the noise.

Exclamation /’ekskləˈmeɪʃən/ n Thán từ Please put the exclamation mark at

the end of that sentence.

Comparative /kəm’pærətɪv/ n So sánh hơn

'Fatter' is the comparative of 'fat'.

Superlative /supɜːlətɪv/ n So sánh nhất

'Richest' is the superlative of 'rich'.

Lovely /’lʌvli/ adj Đáng yêu We had a lovely time with them.

Awful /’ɔːfəl/




Khủng khiếp

He suffered awful injuries in the


Bright /braɪt/ adj Sáng sủa A bright star was shining in the


Modern /’mɒdən/ adj Hiện đại My grandpa's attitudes are very


Amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ adj Tuyệt vời What an amazing coincidence!

Horrible /’hɒrɪbl / adj Kinh dị What's that horrible smell?.

Boring /’bɔːrɪŋ/ adj Tẻ nhạt It's boring to sit on the plane with

nothing to read .

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Delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ adj Ngon This wine is delicious.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Furniture /’fɜr nɪ tʃər/

n Đồ đạc We've just bought some new

garden furniture

Tub /tʌb/ n Bồn tắm It's good to sink into a hot tub at the end of a hard day's work.

Shower /’ʃaʊ ər/ n Vòi hoa sen

Many British homes have a shower attachment fixed to the

bath taps.

Washing machine /’wɒʃ ɪŋ mə

ˈʃin /n Máy giặt

We probably know that overfilling the washing machine is not good for our clothes or the


Dryer /’draɪ ər/




Máy sấy Put those damp clothes in the


Refrigerator /rɪˈfrɪdʒ ə

ˌreɪ tər /

n Tủ lạnh Don't forget to put the milk back

in the refrigerator.

Dishwasher /’dɪʃˌwɒʃ ər/ n Máy rửa bát đĩa

Dishwasher is a machine that washes dirty plates, cups or forks.

Stove / stoʊv / n Lò sưởi Becareful, the stove is hot.

Closet /ˈklɒz ɪt/ n Buồng nhỏ She has a storage closet.

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Telephone /’tɛl əˌfoʊn/ n Điện thoại That son of mine is on the

telephone all day!

Window /’wɪn doʊ/ n Cửa sổ Close the window, please?

Bed /bɛd/ n Cái giường I have four beds in my bedroom.

Lamp /læmp/ n Đèn

There was a noise of business from the gasworks, and the electric lamps were all alight.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

First /fɜrst/ n Thứ nhất I fell in love with him the first time I

saw him.

Second /’sɛk ənd/ adj Thứ nhì This is the second time I've had flu

this winter.

Third /θɜrd/ n Thứ ba "What's the date today?" "It's the


Fourth /fɔrθ/ adj/adv Thứ bốn My birthday is on the fourth of


Fifth /fɪfθ/ n Thứ năm This is the fifth floor of the building.

Sixth /sɪksθ/ n Thứ sáu I have to return my library books on

the sixth (of July).

Seventh /’sɛv ənθ/ v Thứ 7 It's the seventh of May today.

Eighth /eɪtθ/ adj Thứ 8 He finished eighth in the race.

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Ninth /naɪnt θ/ adj Thứ 9 The ninth letter of the alphabet is I.

Tenth /tent θ/ adv Thứ 10 He receives a tenth of the profits.

Eleventh /ɪˈlɛvənθ/

adj Thứ 11 Tom is the eleventh member of school

football team.

Twelfth /stɪl/ adv Thứ 12 I finished twelfth which was the best I

could do.

Thirteenth /’lʌntʃ rum/ n Thứ 13 I am standing on the thirteenth floor of

a building.

Fourteenth /fɔr’tinθ/ n Thứ 14 My birthday is on January the


Fifteenth /fɪf’tinθ/ n Thứ 15 The first of May is my parents'

fifteenth wedding anniversary.

Sixteenth /sɪks’tinθ/ n Thứ 16 Who is the sixteenth president of the

United State?

Seventeenth /sɛvən’tinθ/

n Thứ 17 I am reading the seventeenth chapter

of this novel.

Eighteenth /eɪˈtinθ/   Thứ 18 Selena's birthday is on the eighteenth

of July.

Nineteenth /naɪn’tinθ/   Thứ 19

In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, the easiest and quickest way to travel

was by rail.

Twentieth / ‘twɛn ti


  Thứ 20 Possibly it was late nineteenth century

or early twentieth.

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Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Primary School /’praɪmɛri skul/ n Trường tiểu học

I'm 9 years old and I am studying at

London primary school.

Secondary school /’sɛkənˌdɛri skul/ n Trường trung học

cơ sở

I'm 14 years old and I am studying at New York secondary school.

High School /haɪ skul/ n Trường phổ thông trung học

I am 17 years old and I'm studying

at Texas high school.

Uniform /ˈjuː.nɪ.fɔːm/ n Đồng phục T-shirt and jeans are the student's

uniform of our school.

Schedule /’skɛdʒul/ n Lịch trình, chương trình

We expect the building work to be

completed ahead of schedule.

Timetable /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl / n Thời gian biểu, bảng giờ giấc

I'm not sure when the train leaves,

do you have a timetable?

Library /ˈlaɪˌbrɛri/ n Thư viện I often go to the library every

Friday morning.

Plan /plænl/ n Sơ đồ( Hướng dẫn mượn sách)

I don't understand the library plan.

Index /ˈɪndeks/ n Mục lục( Sách thư viện)

I am trying to look up biology book

in the index.

Order /ˈɔːdər/ n Thứ tự Arrange the books in alphabetical


Title /ˈtaɪtl/ n Tiêu đề Every Novel has its title.

Set /set/ n BộWe bought Mandy a set of cutlery

in her birthday.

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Shelf /ʃelf/ n Giá sách I can reach the bookshelf.

Shelves   n Giá sách(số nhiều)

We have two bookshelves in the

reading room.

Area /ˈɛəriə/ n Khu vực All areas of the country will have

some rain tonight.

Author /ˈɔθər/ n Tác giả He is the author of two books on

French history.

Dictionary /ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri / n Từ điển To check how a word is spelt, look

it up in a dictionary.

Novel /ˈnɒv.əl/ n Truyện, tiểu thuyết

His latest novel is selling really


Rack /ræk/ n Giá đỡ We have a plate rack in the kitchen.

Past /pɑst/ n Qua ( Khi nói giờ) It's half past seven.

Quarter /ˈkwɔː.tər/ n 1/4, 15 phút It's quarter to nine.

Break /breɪk/ n Giờ giải lao We'll take another break at 3.30.

Cafeteria /ˌkæf.əˈtɪə.ri.ə/ n Quán ăn tự phục vụ

I'll buy a cup of tea in cafeteria in

the next break.

Snack /snæk/ n Đồ anh nhanh I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need

a snack for dinner.

Capital /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/ n Thủ đô Australia's capital city is Canberra.

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Receive /rɪˈsiːv/ v Nhận Did you receive my letter?

Show /ʃoʊ/ v Cho thấy He began to show signs of recovery.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Math /mæθ/ n Môn toán, toán học

When we learn Math, we

learn numbers.

History /ˈhɪstəri/ n Lịch sử, môn lịch sử

I studied American history

at school.

Music /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ n Môn nhạc I like music lessons.

Geography /dʒiˈɒgrəfi/ n Địa lý, môn địa lý

We will learn the geography of Australia next


Economics /ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪks/ n Môn kinh tế

She's in her third year of economics at Washington


Biology /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ n Môn sinh học

My favorite subject is


Chemistry /ˈkɛməstri /




Môn hóa học

I like learning Chemistry in


Physical Education

/ˈfɪzɪkəl ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən/ n Môn thể dục

I hate Physical Education.

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Physics /ˈfɪzɪks / n Môn vật lý Tony has Physics class on


English /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ n Môn tiếng Anh

Mandy has English class on



Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ n Thiết bị My brother knows how to repair electronic appliances.

Atlas /ˈætləs/ n Sách bản đồ I have an atlas of the world.

Bell /bɛl/ n Cái chuông The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year.

Blindman's bluff

/ˈblaɪndˌmænz ˈbʌf/ n Trò bị mắt bắt

I like playing Blind man's

bluff with my friends.

Calculator /ˈkælkyəˌleɪtər/ n Máy tính I have a pocket calculator to

do calculations.

Chat /ˈ tʃæt/ v Tán gẫu She spends hours on the phone

chatting to her friends.

Drawing /ˈdrɔɪŋ/ n Tranh vẽ She gave me a beautiful

drawing of a horse.

Energetic /ˌɛnərˈdʒɛtɪk/ nHiếu động, nhiều năng lượng

Miley is an energetic young


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Enjoy /ɛnˈdʒɔɪ/ adj Yêu thích, thưởng thức

I really enjoyed that film.

Equation /ɪˈkweɪ.ʒən/ n Công thức Chemical equations are

difficult to remember.

Essay /ˈes.eɪ/ n Bài tiểu luận I want you to write an essay

on endangered species.

Event /ɪˈvɛnt/ n Sự kiện New Year is one of the biggest

events for everyone.

Experiment /ɪkˈspɛrəmənt/ n Thí nghiệm

Some people believe that experiments on animals

should be banned.

Famous /ˈfeɪməs/ adj Nổi tiếng Marie Curie is famous for her

contributions to science.

Fix / fɪks/ v sửa chữa They couldn't fix my old


Globe /gloʊb/ n Quả địa cầu We have a globe in geography


Household /ˈhaʊsˌhoʊld/ n Hộ gia đình By the 1990s, most

households had a TV.

Indoors /ɪnˈdɔrz/ adv Trong nhà Come indoors, it's cold


Marbles /ˈmɑrbəlz/ n Trò bắn bi They are playing marbles.

Pen pal /penpæl/ n Bạn qua thư I've got a pen pal in Australia.

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Portable /ˈpɔrtəbəl/ adj Có thể xách tay

I have a portable computer.

Present /ˈprɛzənt/ adj Hiện tại I don't have her present


Relax /rɪˈlæks/ v Thư giãn After work she often relaxes

with a cup of tea.

Repair /rɪˈpɛər/ n Sửa chữa (máy móc)

My brother is repairing the roof of my house after a


Score /skɔːr/ v Ghi bàn (thể thao)

Viet Nam scored (a goal) in the last minute of the match.

Swap /swɑːp/ v Trao đổi

When you've finished reading your book, and I've finished

mine, shall we swap?


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Anniversary /ˌæn əˈvɜr

sə ri /

n Ngày/lễ kỷ niệm

We always celebrate our wedding anniversary

every year.

Campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ n Chiến dịch/ đợt vận động

She's the campaign organizer for the Labour


Celebration /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃən/ n Sự tổ chức,lễ kỷ niệm

Let's buy some champagne in celebration

of her safe arrival.

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Collection /kəˈlekʃən/ n Bộ sưu tập

There's a collection of toothbrushes in the


Comic /ˈkɑːmɪk/




Truyện tranh I often read comics in my

free time.

Concert /ˈkɒnsət/ n Buổi hòa nhạc

Will you go to see the Super Junior concert this


Entertainment /entəˈteɪnmənt/ n Sự giải trí

The Disney channel is one of the most famous entertainment channels.

Orchestra /ˈɔːkɪstrə/ n Dàn nhạc giao hưởng

She's a cellist in the City of Birmingham Symphony


Paint /peɪnt/ v Sơn We painted the kitchen


Pastime /ˈpɑːstaɪm/ n Trò tiêu khiển

Shopping is one of her

favourite pastimes.

Rehearse /rɪˈhɜːs/ v Diễn tập The singers rehearsed for

the concert.

Stripe /straɪp/ n Kẻ sọc

The zebra is a wild African horse with black

and white stripes.

Teenager /ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒər/ nThiếu niên(13-19 tuổi)

Many teenagers are doing

community service.

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Volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪər/ n Tình nguyện viên

I want to be a volunteer

this summer.

Wedding /ˈwedɪŋ/ n Lễ cưới I received a wedding invitation from Mandy.

Should /ʃʊd/ v NênYou should be ashamed of


Musical Instrument

/ˈmjuː.zɪ.kəl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ n Nhạc cụ

I want to learn to play a

musical instrument.

Bored /bɔːd/ adj Buồn chán

He is getting bored with doing the same thing

every day.

Healthy /ˈhelθi/ adj Khỏe mạnh She's a normal healthy


Attend /əˈtend/ v Tham dự Over two hundred people attended John's wedding.

Model /ˈmɒdəl/ n Mô hình, mẫu

She is really a model


Coin /kɔɪn/ n Tiền xu That machine doesn't take


Environment /ɪnˈvaɪə rənmənt/ n Môi trường

We need to protect the environment from


Wear /weər/ v Mặc, đội Tracey is wearing a simple

black dress.

Assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/ n Bài tập I have a lot of reading

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assignments to complete.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Coop /kuːp/ n Chuồng gà

My mother asked me to go to the chicken coop to pick up

the eggs.

Definitely /ˈdefɪnətli/ adv Chắc chắn, nhất định

I will definitely come to your

wedding party.

Feed /fiːd/ v Cho ăn Let's feed the children first, and then have our dinner.

Hard /hɑːd/ adv Vất vả/chăm chỉ

My father has to work hard to

raise our family.

Hour /aʊr/ n Tiếng, giờ There are 24 hours in a day.

Lazy /ˈleɪ.zi/ adj Lười biếng He's too lazy to make his bed

in the morning.

Period /ˈpɪə.ri.əd/ n Tiết học We have six periods of

science a week.

Public holiday /ˈpʌb.lɪk ˈhɒl.ɪ.deɪ/ n Ngày lễ New Year's Day is a public holiday in many countries.

Quite /kwaɪt/ adv Tương đối, khá

I'm quite tired but I can still

finish the homework.

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Real /riː.əl/ adj Thật, thật sự There is a very real threat that

he will lose his job.

Realize /ˈrɪə.laɪz/ v Nhận ra I realize how difficult it's going to be, but we must try.

Shed /ʃed/




Nhà kho, chuồng (trâu bò)

Our family has a buffalo shed.

Shift /ʃɪft/ n Ca làm việcHe works an eight-hour shift.

Typical / ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/ adj Điển hình, tiêu biểu

This sort of hot and spicy food is very typical of the food in

the south of the country.

Vacation /veɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ n Kỳ nghỉ lễ We're taking a vacation in


Easter /ˈiː.stər/ n Lễ Phục Sinh

I get two weeks off school at


Thanksgiving /ˌθæŋksˈgɪv.ɪŋ/ n Lễ Tạ Ơn

Thanksgiving is an autumn holiday in the US and Canada, when families have a big meal


Review /rɪˈvjuː/ v Ôn tập I have to review for the test.

Supermarket /ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt/ n Siêu thị My family often buys vegetables in the supermarket.

Homeless /ˈhəʊm.ləs/ adj Không nhà Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of

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homeless families.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Altogether /ˌɔːltəˈgeðər/ adv Tổng cộng, tính gộp lại

That will be $50 altogether,

please Sir.

Change /tʃeɪndʒ/ n Tiền lẻ, tiền thừa

Here's your receipt and $3


Coach /koʊtʃ/ n Xe chạy đường dài

We will travel between cities in a spacious, private, air-conditioned


Cost /kɒst/ n,v Chi phí, có giá là How much does it cost?

Direction /da ɪˈrekʃən/ n Phương hướng

Can you give me directions to

your house?

Guess /ges/ v Sự phỏng đoán

I didn't know the answer, so I had

to guess.

Mail /meɪl/ v Gửi thư Could you mail it to me?

Overseas /ˌəʊvəˈsiːz/ adj Ở nước ngoài There are a lot of overseas

students in San Francisco..

Phone card /fəʊn kɑːd/ n Thẻ điện thoại I often use a phone card to call


Plain /pleɪn/ n Đồng bằng That is a very flat plain.

Regularly /ˈregjʊləli/ adv Thường xuyên

You should practise speaking

English regularly.

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Send /Send/




Gửi đi We are sending you flowers for

your birthday.

Souvenir /ˌsu:vənˈɪər/ n Đồ lưu niệm We brought back a few souvenirs

from our holiday in Greece.

Total /ˈtəʊtəl/ n, adj Tổng, toàn bộ We made $700 in total, over three

days of trading.

Police station

/ pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃən/ n Đồn cảnh sát

He was taken to the police station

for questioning.

Bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/ n Hiệu bánh I often go to the bakery to buy


Envelope /ˈenvələʊp/ n Phong bì I need an envelope to send this


Price /praɪs/ n Giá tiền The price of gas has risen sharply.

Item /ˈaɪtəm/ n Món hàng The restaurant has a long menu of

about 50 items.

Ask /ɑːsk/ v HỏiYou have to ask permission to go


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

recent /'ri:snt/ adj gần đây, mới đây

In recent years, there have been

many changes.

welcome /'welk m/ v chúc mừng, chào đón

She welcomed the visitors


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welcome back /'welk m bæk/ v chào mừng bạn

trở về They welcomed me back.

think of /θiɳk əv/ v nghĩ về I think of you all the time.

friendly /'frendli/ adj thân thiện, hiếu khách She is very friendly.

delicious /di'liʃəs/ adj ngon We had a delicious meal.

quite /kwait/ adv hoàn toàn I quite agree.

aquarium /ə'kweəriəm/ n bể/ hồ nuôi cá My father has bought a new


gift /gift/ n quà He gives me a small gift.

shark /ʃɑ:k/ n cá mập I have a picture of a shark.

dolphin /'dɔlfin/ n cá heo A dolphin is intelligent.

turtle /'tə:tl/   rùa biển Her sister bought her a turtle.

exit /‘eksit/ n lối ra There are four emergency exits in

the department store.

cap /kap/ n mũ lưỡi trai Boys often wear a cap.

poster /'poustə/ n áp phích A poster is advertising the circus.

crab /krab/ n con cua There are many kinds of crab.

seafood /'si:fud/ n hải sản, đồ biển I like seafood

diary /'daiəri/ n nhật kí She writes in her diary every day.

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rent /rent/ v thuê They have to rent a house.

move(to) /mu:v/ v di chuyển He is moving to a corner of a


keep in touch /ki:p in tʌtʃ/ v liên lạc

Do you keep in touch with her?

improve /im'pru:v/ v cải tiến, trau dồi

I am improving my English skills.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

personal /ˈpɜː.sən.əl/ adj cá nhânShe has her own personal secretary.

hygiene /ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn/ n phép vệ sinhIn the interests of hygiene, please wash your hands.

harvest /ˈhɑː.vɪst/ nv

mùa gặtthu hoạch

We had a good harvest this


all the time /ɔːl ðə taɪm/ adv luôn luônI wish you'd stop criticizing

me all the time.

shower /ʃaʊəʳ/ nv

vòi tắm hoa sentắm bằng vòi hoa sen

I shower every morning.

take care of /teɪk keəʳ əv/ n săn sóc, trông nom

He takes care of his grandmother.

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washing /wɒʃɪŋ/ n việc giặt quần áo

Washing is a boring duty.

do the washing /duː ðə wɒʃɪŋ/ v giặt quần áoI do the washing every day.

iron /aɪən/ v ủi (quần áo)It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.

ironing /ˈaɪə.nɪŋ/ n việc ủi quần áo I must do the ironing tonight.

own /əʊn/ adj riêng, cá nhânShe makes all her own clothes.

be bad for (+ noun) /bi bæd fɔːʳ/ v có hại cho...

Beer is bad for you.

advice /ədˈvaɪs/ n lời khuyênSteven gave me some good advice.

advise /ədˈvaɪz/ v khuyênI think I'd advise him to leave the company.

follow one's advice

/ˈfɒl.əʊ wʌns ədˈvaɪs/ v theo lời

khuyên của ai

I think you should follow your mother's advice.

change /tʃeɪndʒ/ v thay đổiI'm going to change my hair style.

probably /ˈprɒb.ə.bli/ adv có lẽI'll probably be home by midnight.

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brush /brʌʃ/ vn

chải (bằng bàn chải)bàn chải

I can't find my brush, but I still have my comb.

comb /kəʊm/ vn

chải (tóc)cái lược

take exercise /teɪk ˈek.sə.saɪz/ v tập thể dụcYou should take exercise every day to keep fit.

reply /rɪˈplaɪ/ nv

câu trả lờitrả lời

I replied that it was 12 o'clock.

suitable /ˈsjuː.tə.bļ/ adj thích hợpThe film is suitable for children.

appointment /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ n cuộc hẹnShe had to cancel her dental appointment.

drill /drɪl/ vn

khoancái khoan

They are going to drill for oil nearby.

afterwards /ˈɑːf.tə.wədz/ adv sau đó

We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a


fix /fɪks/ v lắpWe fixed the bookcase to

the wall.

surgery /ˈsɜː.dʒər.i/ n phòng khám bệnh, giải phẫu

The patient had surgery on

his heart.

nervous /ˈnɜː.vəs/ adj lo lắng, ái ngạiDo you feel nervous during


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painful /ˈpeɪn.fəl/ adj đau đớnThe old photograph brought back painful memories..

sensible /ˈsent.sɪ.bļ/ adj khôn ngoanIt would be sensible to take

an umbrella.

neglect nɪˈglekt/ v lơ là

I'm afraid I've rather neglected my studies this


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

check-up /´tʃek¸ʌp/ n khám tổng thể I will have a medical check-up

tomorrow morning.

medical check-up

'medikə tʃek¸ʌp/ n khám sức

khỏe tổng thể

You had better go to hospital

for a medical check-up.

record /´rekɔ:d/ n hồ sơ She is keeping records of


medical record 'medikə rekɔ:d/ n hồ sơ bệnh lí Hospital keeps all medical

records of patients.

follow /'fɔlou/ v đi theo He followed me for a long


temperature /´temprətʃə/ n sốt, nhiệt độ Keep the house at an even


run/have a temperature

/rʌn/ hæv ə temprətʃə/ v bị sốt

This child has a high


take one's temperature

/teik wʌns temprətʃə/ v đo nhiệt độ

The doctor took my


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normal /'nɔ:məl/ adj bình thường My temperature is normal.

height /hait/ n chiều cao, đỉnh cao

The height of this room is 3


measure /'meʤə/ v đoCan you measure accurately

with this ruler?

centimetre/centimeter /'senti,mi:tə/ n 1 phân

I am 160 centimetres in height.

weigh /wei/ v cân, cân nặng This case weighs 5 kilos.

weight /'weit/ n trọng lượng The two boys are of the same


scale /skeil/ n tỉ lệ, cân My father has bought a new


get on /get ɔn/ v lên, bước lên She required me to get on the


form /fɔ:m/ n mẫu đơn I send you my application form

medical form /'medikə fɔ:m/ nđơn/ giấy khám sức khỏe

All people have to buy medical


cover /'kʌvə/ v điềnI covered this paper in 5


missing information

/'misiɳ infə'meinʃn/ n thông tin thiếu

The doctor asked me to fill the missing information in medical


record card /´rekɔ:d kɑ:d/ n phiếu hồ sơ Put record card in this box.

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male /meil/ adj nam, giống đực His male horse has died..

male dog /meil dɔg/ n chó đực My family has a male dog.

female /'fi:meil/ adj nữ, giống cái The male voice is deeper than


female dog /fi:meil dɔg/ n chó cái She likes feeding a female dog.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Add /æd/ v Thêm vào, bổ sung

Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.

Affect /əˈfekt/ v Ảnh hưởng The divorce affected every

aspect of her life.

Amount /əˈmaʊnt/ n Số lượng, khối lượng

He paid regular amounts of

money to a charity.

Balanced /ˈbælənst/ adj Cân đối, cân bằng

She often has balanced meals with a healthy mixture of

different kinds of food.

Bowl /boʊl/ n Cái bát She eats a bowl of cereal every


Chopstick /ˈtʃɒpstɪk/ n Chiếc đũa Western people often don't know

how to use chopsticks.

Cucumber /ˈkjuːkʌmbər/ n Quả dưa chuột I love to eat cucumbers in

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Diet /ˈdaɪət/ n Chế độ ăn uống, chế độ ăn kiêng

The doctor put me on a low-salt diet to reduce my blood pressure.

Dirt /dɜːt/ n Bụi bẩn His coat was covered with dirt.

Dish /dɪʃ/ n Món ăn What is your favorite dish?

Durian /dʊəriən/ n Quả sầu riêng Many people hate durians but I

love them.

Energy /ˈenədʒi/




Năng lượng I didn't even have the energy to

get out of bed.

Lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ n Phong cách sống

He doesn't have a very healthy


Moderate /ˈmɒdərət/ adj Khiêm tốn, vừa phải, trung bình

The car is of moderate size - just

right for a small family.

Pan / pæn/ n Cái soong Heat the milk in a small pan.

Plate /pleɪt/ n Cái đĩa There's still a lot of food on your


Ripe /raɪp/ adj ChínThose bananas aren't ripe yet -

they're still green.

Selection /sɪˈlekʃən/ n Sự lựa chọn I hope that you will have a good selection for your future job.

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Slice /slaɪs/ n, v Lát mỏng, thái lát mỏng

Would you like another slice of


Spinach / ˈspɪn.ɪtʃ/ n Rau chân vịt Spinach is a vegetable in a


Spoon /spuːn/ n Cái thìa I often use spoons to eat soup.

Stir-fry /ˈstɜːfraɪ/ v XàoStir-fry the chicken for one minute, then add the vegetables.

Taste /teɪst/ vn

Nếm, có vị Vị

I always taste the food while I'm

cooking it.

Smell /smel/ vn

Ngửi, có mùi Mùi

There's something in the fridge

that smells mouldy.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

teenager /'ti:n,eidʤə/ n thanh thiếu niên They are still teenagers.

surprising /sə'praiziɳ/ adj đáng ngạc nhiên His performance is surprising.

skateboard /´skeit¸bɔ:d/ n ván trượt

A skateboard is a short narrow board with small wheels, which you

stand on and ride.

skateboarding /´skeit¸bɔ:diɳ/ n môn trượt ván I like skateboarding.

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roller-skating /'roulə skeitiɳ/ ntrượt pa-tin (giày trượt có bánh xe ở 4 góc)

Roller- skating is a popular entertainment among teenagers


roller- blading /roulə bleidiɳ/ ntrượt patin (giày trượt có bánh xe dọc ở dưới)

Roller-blading is a popular youth


choice /tʃɔis/ n sự lựa chọn A yellow bag is my last choice.

choose /tʃu:z/ v lựa chọn You can choose one of them.

athlectics /æθ'letiks/ n môn điền kinh She joins an athletics meeting.

swimmer /'swimə/ n người bơi He is a strong swimmer.

cyclist /'saiklist/ n người đi xe đạp He is the best cyclist.

cycle /'saikl/ v đi xe đạp I cycle every day.

skateboarder /´skeit¸bɔ:də/ n người trượt ván Everybody recognizes that he is a

excellent skateboarder.

skillful /'skilful/ adj khéo tay She is very skillful at cooking.

badly /'bædli/ adv kém, dở They treated me badly.

take part in /teik pɑ:t in/ v tham giaWe want to take part in outdoor


competition /,kɔmpi'tiʃn/ n cuộc thi/đua They agree to take part in the


district /'distrikt/   n quận, khu vực

Athletes come from different


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prize /praiz/ n giải thưởng Everybody tries their best to win the prize.

organize /'ɔ:gənaiz/ v tổ chứcThe meeting is organized every


participant /pɑ:'tisipənt/ n người tham gia There are 30 participants in this


increase /'inkri:s/ v tăngThe number of participants

increased this year.

regular activity /'rəgjulə æk'tiviti/ n sinh hoạt thường


Going camping is a regular activity

of their club.

walk- to- school day

/wɔ:k tə sku:l dei/ n ngày đi bộ đến

trường Friday is a walk- to- school day.

volunteer /,vɔlən'tiə/ v tình nguyện She volunteered for relief work.

be on one's way /bi: ɔn wʌns wei/ v trên đường đi tới

I met him when I was on my way to


awareness /ə´wɛənis/ n ý thức We should raise public awareness

of environmental issues.

aim /eim/ n mục đích Each person has his own aim.

water safety /wɔ:tə seifti/ n sự an toàn nước We have to protect water safety.

kid /kid/ n con dê con, đứa trẻ Her parents expect a lovely kid.

lifeguard /'laifgɑ:d/s n nhân viên bảo vệ, cứu hộ They need a lifeguard.

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swimming pool /'swimiɳpu:l/ n hồ bơi

In summer, I often go to the swimming pool on Saturday afternoon.

stay away /stei ə'wei/ v giữ cách xa, tránh xa

Tell him to stay away from my

sister !.

edge /edʤ/ n mé, bìa He fell off the edge of the cliff.

flag /'flæg/ n cờ This is the Vietnamese flag.

strict /strikt/ adj nghiêm ngặt He is a very strict teacher.

obey /ə'bei/ v vâng lời, tuân theo I always obey the rules of the class.

sign /sain/ n bảng hiệu She did not pay attention to the


be aware of /bi: ə'weə ɔv/ v ý thức You should be aware of yourself.

risk /risk/ n sự nguy hiểm, rủi ro

Going out alone tonight is a risk.

careless /'keəlis/ adj bất cẩn He is a careless taxi driver.

water play /wɔ:tə plei/ n trò chơi dưới nước I don't know much about water


jump /ʤʌmp/ v nhày, cú nhảy They jumped into the water.

land on one's back

/lænd ɔn wʌnsbæk/ v té ngửa He landed on his back.

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speed /spi:d/ n tốc độ He moves with great speed.

bump /bʌmp/ n cú va chạm He fell off the ladder and landed on

the ground with a bump.

fly /flaɪ/ v bay I saw a bird flying.

at the speed of sound

/æt ðə spi:d əv saund/   với tốc độ âm thanh

Two planes crashed at the speed of


Bài tập luyện tập


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Adventure /ədˈventʃər̩/ n Cuộc phiêu lưu She had exciting adventures in Egypt.

Band /bænd/ n Ban nhạcThe Beatles are probably the most

famous band in the world.

Cartoon /kɑrˈtun/ n Phim hoạt hìnhEvery child knows Tom and Jerry


Character /ˈkærɪktər/ n Nhân vật Mickey Mouse is a famous cartoon


Complete /kəmˈpli:t/ v Hoàn thành All she needs to complete her dream

is a baby.

Contest /ˈkɒntest/ n Cuộc thi She won a lot of beauty contests.

Contestant /kənˈtestənt/ n Người dự thi In tonight's game, our contestants have come from all over the country.

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Cricket /ˈkrɪkɪt/ n Con dế I saw a cricket in the garden

yesterday morning.

Detective /dɪˈtektɪv/ n Thám tử I love reading detective stories.

Gather /ˈgæð.ər/ v Tập hợp I went to several libraries to gather

information about Obama.

Import / ɪmˈpɔrt/ v Nhập khẩu We import a large number of cars

from Japan.

Mixture /ˈmɪkstʃə/




Sự pha trộn, kết hợp

Their latest CD is a mixture of new

and old songs.

Owner /ˈəʊnər/ n Người sở hữu Are you the owner of this car?

Perform /pəˈfɔːm/ v Biểu diễn He is performing in the role of


Satellite /ˈsætəlaɪt/ n Vệ tinh The World Cup was transmitted

around the world by satellite.

Series /ˈsɪəri:z/ n Phim truyền hình nhiều tập

Hanah Montana is an American

television series.

Switch on /swɪtʃ ɒn/ v Bật công tắc I switched on a light.

Viewer /ˈvjuːər/ n Người xem This weekly show is aimed at teenage


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Drama / ˈdrɑmə/ n kịch She's been in several television


Interest /ˈɪntərɪst/ n Sở thích His interests are philosophy and


Cable TV /ˈkeɪbəl ˈtiˈvi/ n Truyền hình cáp I love watching films on Cable TV.

Comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbəl/ adj Thoải mái I don't feel comfortable in the same

room with her.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

amusement /ə'mju:zmənt/ n sự giải trí The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements.

amusement center

/ə'mju:zmənt 'sentə/ n trung tâm giải trí

He often goes to the amusement center on


addictive   /ə´diktiv/ adj (có tính) gây nghiện

Coffee is addictive in a mild


arcade /ɑ:'keid/ nkhu vui chơi/mua sắm có mái vòm

Big C is a shopping arcade.

player /'pleiə/ n người chơi This game needs two


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dizzy /'dizi/ adj choáng

She was dizzy when she heard that her husband was


outdoors /'aut'dɔ:z/ adv ngoài trời I let my cat sleep outdoors

last night.

indoors /'indɔ:z/ adv trong nhà This game is indoors.

develop /di'veləp/ v phát triển, mở rộng

Our country is developing.

social skill /'souʃəl skil/ n kĩ năng giao tiếp I am bad at social skills.

skill /skil/ n kĩ năng My English skills are good.

protect prə'tekt/ v bảo vệ, che chở He has to protect himself.

premises /'premis/ n nhà cửa, đất đai, cơ ngơi

His father asked him to leave the premises


robbery /'rɔbəri/ n vụ cướp It is a serious robbery.

robber /'rɔbə/ n tên cướp The police are looking for

the robber.

rob /rɔb/ v cướp He has robbed several times.

education /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ n việc giáo dục Every child should receive

an education.

university course

/ju:ni'və:siti kɔ:s/

n khóa học ở đại học

I will finish my university

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course in 4 months.

teaching aid /'ti:tʃiɳ eid/ n trợ huấn cụ, học cụ

Teaching aids help students

study more effectively.

recorder /ri'kɔ:də/ n máy ghi âm I need a recorder.

industry /'indəstri/ n công nghiệp Our country is developing a

service industry.

compact disc /'kɔmpækt disk/   đĩa com-pắc My compact disc does not


image /'imiʤ/ n hình ảnh Did you save this image?

worldwide /'wə:ldwaid/ adj, adv

rộng khắp thế giới

Our products are sold


at the same time /ət ðə seim taim/ adv cùng một lúc,

đồng thời

I cook and listen to music at

the same time.


Bài tập luyện tập

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Ancient /ˈeɪnt ʃənt/ adj Cổ xưa People have lived in this region

since ancient times.

Attraction /əˈtrækʃən/ n Sự hấp dẫn

Life in London has so many attractions - nightclubs, good

restaurants and so on.

Battle /ˈbætl/ n Trận chiến đấu

Her only brother was killed in a


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Bulb  /bʌlb/ n Bóng đèn

The light bulb really changed human life by giving light to the


Coral /ˈkɔrəl / n San hô

Colorful coral and tropical fish combine to make for an

interesting day at the beach.

Defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ v Đánh bại If we can defeat the Italian team,

we'll be through to the final.

Depend /dɪˈpend/ v Phụ thuộc

I might go to the cinema tomorrow but it depends on what

time I get home from work.

Destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən/ n Điểm đến The Caribbean is a popular tourist

vacation destination.

Gramophone /ˈgræməˌfoʊn/ n Máy quay đĩa

These Gramophones enhance the

beauty of your home.

Invention /ɪnˈvent ʃən/ v Sáng chế The world changed rapidly after the invention of the telephone.

Minority /maɪˈnɒrɪti/




Thiểu số There are some minority students

in my class.

Monument /ˈmɒnjʊmənt/ n Tượng đài

In the square in front of the hotel stands a monument to all the

people killed in the war.

Quiz /kwɪz/ n Câu đố There are so many quizzes in one


Region /ˈriː.dʒən/ n Vùng/miền He said he had sharp pains in the

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stomach region.

Resort /rɪˈzɔːt/ n Khi nghỉ dưỡng

Hawaii is a famous tourist resort.

Show /ʃəʊ/ n Buổi trình diễn

She had tickets to see the new

show at the Theatre.

Temple /ˈtempl ̩/ n Đền thờ We often go to temples on Tet


Veteran /ˈvetərən/ n Cựu chiến binh He is a Vietnam veteran.

Peaceful /ˈpiːsfəl/ adj Bình yên

She hoped the different countries could live together in peaceful co-


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