typical conventions of a pop magazine


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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Typical conventions of a pop magazine


Page 2: Typical conventions of a pop magazine

Cover 1

For this front cover, there are many typical conventions including cluttered format, bright/ young colour scheme, cover lines, large and bold masthead. The background colour along with all the other features I’ve stated, contribute to making this a typical pop magazine front cover. Also, the images are showing women to be fun and innocent and not sexy which is again, appropriate for a pop magazine that is aimed at predominantly young girls.

Page 3: Typical conventions of a pop magazine

Cover 2

This cover has many of the conventions that the first cove has but the format is slightly less cluttered and in your face. The colour scheme is still bright which is a vital component of a good pop magazine, and there are also various cover lines much like the first cover. The background colour is just plain white compared to the blue background of the first cover which could suggest the ‘We Love Pop’ magazine is for a more mature audience than the ‘Top of the Pops’ magazine.

Page 4: Typical conventions of a pop magazine

Cover 3

I wanted to choose an older front cover for my third part of analysis therefore I chose the ‘Smashhits’ magazine. The format is very similar to the second cover but the colour scheme is very bright much like the first cover. There is a large, bold masthead, plenty of cover lines and a slightly cluttered style. The background colour again is white, again expressing that the magazines target audience is older than the first covers audience. However, the representation of the artist Pink, is more sexualised as she doesn’t have much clothes on and she isn’t smiling.