unit 2 – electrons and periodic behavior cartoon courtesy of nearingzero.net

Unit 2 – Electrons Unit 2 – Electrons and Periodic and Periodic Behavior Behavior Cartoon courtesy of NearingZero.n

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Unit 2 – Electrons Unit 2 – Electrons and Periodic and Periodic


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Page 2: Unit 2 – Electrons and Periodic Behavior Cartoon courtesy of NearingZero.net

Wave-Particle DualityWave-Particle DualityJJ Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the electron as a particle.

His son, George Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the wave-like nature of the electron.

The electron

is a particle!

The electron is an energy


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The Wave-like ElectronThe Wave-like Electron

Louis deBroglie

The electron propagates through space as an energy

wave. To understand the atom, one must

understand the behavior of

electromagnetic waves.

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…produces all of the colors in a continuous spectrum

Spectroscopic analysis of the visible Spectroscopic analysis of the visible spectrum…spectrum…

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This produces bands of light with definite wavelengths.

Electron Electron transitionstransitionsinvolve jumps of involve jumps of definite amounts definite amounts ofofenergy.energy.

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e- Configuratione- Configuration

The arrangement of e- in an atom

Assume arrangements have the lowest possible energies Students Slouching

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Quantum NumbersQuantum Numbers

Each electron in an atom has a unique set of 4 quantum numbers which describe it.

Principal quantum number Angular momentum quantum number Magnetic quantum number Spin quantum number

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Principal Quantum NumberPrincipal Quantum NumberGenerally symbolized by n, it denotes the shell (energy level) in which the electron is located.

Number of electrons that can fit in a shell:


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Angular Momentum Angular Momentum Quantum NumberQuantum Number

The angular momentum quantum number,

generally symbolized by l, denotes the orbital (subshell) in which the electron is located. (shape or type of orbital)

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Magnetic Quantum NumberMagnetic Quantum NumberThe magnetic quantum number, generally symbolized by m, denotes the orientation of the electron’s orbital with respect to the three axes in space. (Indicates the #s & orientation of orbitals)

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Spin Quantum NumberSpin Quantum NumberSpin quantum number denotes the behavior (direction of spin) of an electron within a magnetic field. *A single orbital can hold a MAX of 2e- which must have opposite spins!!

Possibilities for electron spin:





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Orbital shapes are defined as the surface that contains 90% of the total electron probability.

An orbital is a region within an atom where thereAn orbital is a region within an atom where thereis a probability of finding an electron. This is a is a probability of finding an electron. This is a probability diagram for the s orbital in the probability diagram for the s orbital in the first first energy level…energy level…

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Orbitals of the same shape (s, for instance) grow larger as n increases…

Nodes are regions of low probability within an orbital.

Sizes of Sizes of ss orbitals orbitals

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The s orbital has a spherical shape centered around the origin of the three axes in space.

s orbital shape

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There are three dumbbell-shaped (peanut-shaped) p orbitals in each energy level above n = 1, each assigned to its own axis (x, y and z) in space.

PP orbital shape orbital shape

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Things get a bit more complicated with the five d orbitals that are found in the d sublevels beginning with n = 3. To remember the shapes, think of “double dumbells” or “double-peanuts” …and a

“dumbell with a donut”!

d orbital shapes

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Shape of f orbitalsShape of f orbitals

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Orbital filling tableOrbital filling table

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Electron configuration of the Electron configuration of the elements of the first three elements of the first three


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Irregular confirmations of Cr and CuIrregular confirmations of Cr and Cu

Chromium steals a 4s electron to half fill its 3d sublevel

Copper steals a 4s electron to FILL its 3d sublevel