unit2 welcome to our school ---taught by wangjuan

Unit 2 Welcome to our school ---Taught by WangJuan

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Welcome to our school ---Taught by WangJuan

Page 2: Unit2 Welcome to our school ---Taught by WangJuan

Unit 2 Robot (Reading)

Teaching aims:

1.   To understand the idea of how robots can change our lives.2.   To recognize and understand vocabulary about life with robots.3.   To identify the good points and bad points of owning a robot.

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Part One Lead-in

Can you guess what it is?

It is a robot that can sweep the floor for me!

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What can a robot do?

sweep the floor

make the bed

do the laundry

wash dishes

make dinner

look after children

chat with people

explore dangerous places

It may help you a lot, but it may also bring you much trouble.

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rice cookermirror


n. 售货员,推销员adj. 日常的,每天的vt. 使通风n. 病毒n. 垃圾箱n. 混乱,杂乱n. 电饭煲n. 镜子n. 硬币vt. & vi. 使分布;展开

Part Two Pre-reading

Task One New words

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Matching the new words with their meanings

Task Two

1 salesman

2 spare

3 iron

4 laundry

5 virus

6 mess

7 spread

a cover a large areab the process of washing

clothesc a dirty and untidy

conditiond a man who sells thingse freef make clothes smooth

with an irong something that causes

computer problems2分

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Part Three While-reading

Task One Listening

1 Did the robot make a great difference to Mr Jiang’s everyday life?

2 What did Mr Jiang decide to do in the end?

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Part Three While-reading

Task One Listening

1 Did the robot make a great difference to Mr Jiang’s everyday life?

2 What did Mr Jiang decide to do in the end?

Yes, it did.

He decided to return the robot to the robot shop.

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Part Three While-reading

Task One Listening

1 Did the robot make a great difference to Mr Jiang’s everyday life?

2 What did Mr Jiang decide to do in the end?

Yes, it did.

He decided to return the robot to the robot shop.


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Task Two Reading Paragraphs 1 & 2 and answering the questions

1 What’s Mr Jiang’s job?

2 Why did he decide to buy a robot for himself?

He is a salesman.

He bought the robot in order to have more spare time.


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Task Three Reading Paragraphs 3-5 and filling in the form below

What did the robot do?What did Mr

Jiang do?

_________ the breakfast;

_________ his shirts;_________ a lunch box

stay in bed for____________every day


makean extra hour

In the morning


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______ the flat; ___ the laundry;

_____ the dishes; _____ thefloor; _____ the bed; _____ therooms; __________ at the supermarket

workclean dowash sweep

make airgo shopping

During the day


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_________ the dinner;_________ the dishes

_________ and watch his favourite TV programmes



In the evening


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Task Four Reading Paragraphs 6 & 7 and choosing the wrong things that the robot did He cooked breakfast at the right time. He woke up Mr Jiang at the wrong time. He threw Mr Jiang’s breakfast into the

dustbin. He threw Mr Jiang’s clean shirts into the

dustbin. He moved around the house and knocked

things over. He went out and often lost his way home. He made a mess in Mr Jiang’s flat.


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Part Four Post-readingTask One Helping Daniel complete the lists below (Page 26)

Good points1 I will have a lot more _____ time.2 I can __________ for a bit longer in the

morning.3 It can help Mum do the ________ when

there are dirty clothes.4 It can ________ my shirts after they are

washed.5 It can ________ after dinner.6 My _____ will be as clean as new.

sparestay in bed



wash the dishes flat


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Bad points1 If the robot catches _________, it will

cause a lot of problems.2 It might put my breakfast in the

________________.3 It might even throw my shirts into the

_________ along with the rubbish.4 It might ________ some things over.5 It might make a __________ in my flat.6 I might have to send it back to the


washing machine



robot shop

a virus


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Task Two Reading and telling ‘T’ or ‘F’ (Page 27)

(1) Yes.

(2) Maybe. Some changes are good, but

some are not.

(3) From the supermarket.

(4) They want to have more spare time.

(5) It can eat my breakfast for me.







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(6) Yes, I can sleep until noon every day.

(7) It’ll do the housework.

(8) I’m afraid it can’t.

(9) No. Robots never go wrong.

(10) I can return it to the shop.







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Robots can do nearly everything for us. (1)______________( 结果 ),many people would like to have a robot (2) ______________ (为了) have more time to enjoy life. They can really make our lives more relaxed in many ways if they act normally. However, like human may get ill, a robot may (3) ______________(染上病毒) . If so, things will start to (4) ______________ (出差错) . It may (5) ______________________ (撞翻你的东西) and you will find your room (6) ______________ (一团糟 ). It may make many mistakes when it helps with your studies.(7) ______________ (最后 , you will find it is (8) _____________( 太麻烦) .

as a result

in order to

catch a virus

go wrong

knock your things over

in the end

too much trouble

in a mess

Part Five Consolidation2分

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Part Six Discussion

Would you like to live with a robot?

Why or why not?

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Part Seven DesignWhat is your ideal robot?

Design your ideal robot You need to draw the robot on the paper then write a short passage about your robot

Name: Appearance: Ability: do the housework / tell funny jokes / teach you Chinese , English and other subjects/play football

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1 Read the passage aloud.

2 Finish off the additional exercises.

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Additional exercises

Put the following sentences into English.

1 因特网已经在很多方面改变了我们的生活。 The Internet _______________ our life


2 为了能挽救那个病人的生命,医生们已经试用了所有有效的药物。

_______________ save the ____________, doctors ____________ all the effective medicines.

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3 新规定使这座城市的交通状况产生了很大的改观。

The new rule ________ a _____________ the city’s traffic conditions.

4 他改变了饮食习惯并且每天锻炼,结果很快便减肥成功了。

He ________ his diet and _________ every

day. _______, he successfully __________.

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5 我的电脑上周感染了一个病毒,它开始工作不正常了。

My computer __________ last week and it

started to ___________.

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Keys to the additional exercises

1 has changed; in many ways

2 In order to; patient’s life; have tried

3 made; great change to

4 changed; exercised; As a result; lost his


5 caught a virus; go wrong

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说 明

本课是 9B Unit 2 的 Reading 。这一课




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