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  • 8/12/2019 Update Aug Dec 2012


    Global Awakening NewsCommentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times

    A-List Update # 20

    Notes at the Edge and Beyond August-December 2012

    December 22, 2012

    Link to this specific Update http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Update-Aug-Dec-2012.pdf

    Link to PDFs of all A-List Updates :http://www.pfcn.net/napsum-bul1.html

    What is most important, now more than ever, is your inner andouter completion as a spiritual self having a human experience.

    With this comes the urgency of the high attractor something thatchanges as your consciousness continues to expand and your higher

    self and your lower self become one.

    In turn, this becomes ever more intimately involved with the higherOneness.

    this may occur with imperceptible subtly at first, and yet in amoment, a greater awareness becomes you and then some.

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    The Update following this will be #21 and I expect to have it ready in thecoming weeks. It is the conclusion of the series of in-depth A-ListUpdates. It is centered on the following:

    A sc en s i o n , D ea t h , a n d T r a n sf i g u r a t i o nT h e H u m a n P r o b l e m T h e P r o b l e m o f t h e H i g h e r S el f A d d i t i o n a l R em a r k s o n t h e Co r r ect i o n E n er g i es a n d t h eL a r g er P r o cess U n d er w a y

    Commentary will continue at the NES forum. In the event of somethingof urgency for email distribution, I will maintain the present A-List.

    We have done our best to explain how things are in this realm, why they

    are this way, and what is changing and how. This has been one of arare few published sources in English that has unfolded a coherent set of perspectives on the ascension and transformation process, the nature ofreality, the true Light, and the Dark forces.

    None of this was written to be popular or sensationalistic and it hasnever been advertised. It is not written for those who only want thequick and easy and the content has evolved over the years to assist asmany as possible in their spiritual evolution.

    This work has been intended for those who are serious about

    penetrating a distorted and false reality to discover what lies beyondand who are serious about their evolution as a spiritual being.

    As I finish reviewing my notes and correspondence, new posts will bemade at the NES forums. We will try to keep the forum accessiblethrough major Internet search engines.

    Main NES link: http://www.newearthsummit.org/forum/ and mainPFCN/Updates: http://www.pfcn.net/napsum-bul1.html .

    Thank you and gratitude to each of you for being here!


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    Tem p u s f u g i t December 22, 2012

    Dear Friends and Readers,Recently I found printed correspondence from over a year ago, yet it seemed tome that not even a few months had lapsed. It also seemed to me that it was barelya year ago I was discussing the coming decade through 2013, yet it was tenhuman earth years ago according to my computer files. In other words, thisrepresents an increasing (quickening) of the passage of time/events the closer myhuman level of awareness approaches a major change point. Some portion of mygreater being is well aware of this and already well established on the other sideof this existential change point. While my human self is informed of this, from myhuman level point-of-view, I also have an inferential knowing. Many are

    reporting unusual time compression or condensation in their immediateawareness as well as in their memory of their past experiences. Tempus fugit!

    Whatever one has come to believe about it, the period around December 21,2012 represents a virtual demarcation or temporal marker. I am watchingDecember 23 rd as well as around January 15 th for something significant.

    Other than being an emotionally charged time for humans and an over-used fear-meme, 2012 is about consciousness and spiritual existence more than anythingelse and what it is that has been learned by those spiritual beings who haveenmeshed in a human existence here. When I use the term spiritual beings, Iinclude the spiritualized human level self, so no one is off the hook from givingproper attention to what is Real and Truly important over that which is not.

    All of this may be of great significance to some and mean very little to others.

    Some will proceed to consciously transcend this reality in ways unique to each while some may only abstractly think about such possibilities.

    Of those who do make these changes, some will continue to be of spiritual serviceat various levels to the larger transformational process in this realm.

    Indeed, it is most likely that the majority of human selfs will find spiritualrevelation once they are no longer in their human form, however this may occurfor them.

    In addition to the correction energies and all that is related it flooding this realm,the days surrounding 12-21 of 2012 is also a focus of the dark forces of chaos.These forces are working from human and higher levels to stimulate chaos andconflict at all possible levels from the personal to the global. I am noting this as a

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    caution, not as something not to jump into imagining to help or out of curiosity.Practice detachment. Stop paying attention to the news for a while.

    Those most connected and aware of the process have been acutely aware of thetangible and stepped up changes they have been experiencing since the latter part

    of November this year.If there ever was a time to stay focused on your completion process, higherattractors and to be detached from the apparent social 3d reality, this is it.

    This is not a time to misapply these nascent energies and non-dualityconsciousness (higher Oneness) with an intent to manifest anything into thehuman 3d realm. There are some teachers who are promoting this and no doubtothers will follow on in some fashion as they try new ways to spin thefalsehoods in 3d of create your reality.

    This has some correspondence in the higher as above levels of consciousnessrealized there is no basis for any war in heaven (as humans have come to phraseit). It is a fundamental incongruity for those of the higher light of the higherOneness to be in conflict with the Dark. This is something that took a long time toproperly understand. While there may be some certain tactical and defensiveconcerns, the process underway is primarily about the dissolution the Dark andreturning to the true Light that which originated with it separating out themayonnaise.

    The enormous creation beings which have encapsulated the dark realm are animportant element in a process that is reaching into all vibrational states,including those that underlie 3d matter reality.

    The mayonnaise is getting sorted out in ways that are analogous to consciouslyremoving the underlying source of disease and pain in a human body.

    This is a time to allow and encourage the high vibrations of correction energiesto flow in and through you with no intent or direction on your part. Just let themflow.

    From our human point-of-view there will be the tangibility of the next stages ofglobal economic collapse, war and chaos, and big changes in the planetary andspace environments, some of which have been described by various researchers

    and seen by some through dreams/visions. But this is only phenomenal to the3d state of attachments. It is like the narrow band of the named electromagneticspectrum that humanly visible light occupies.

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    The correction energies and its various agencies are doing what is possible toliterally cut the tendrils of the dark control and parasitization. While this is notthe big transformation, it does provide additional breathing space at thelower levels of human consciousness to take in some of the new air that is beingintroduced via the correction. Similarly those who are oriented to ascension and

    transformation are receiving another type of new air to improve their capacityin transcending the parameters of their existence in this realm.

    What is most important, now more than ever, is your inner and outercompletion as a human self.

    With this comes the urgency of your high attractor something that can changeas your consciousness continues to expand and your higher self and your humanself become one. In turn, this becomes ever more intimately involved with thehigher Oneness. For many, I dare say most, this may occur with imperceptiblesubtly at first, and in a moment a greater awareness becomes you.

    This is how you will Know Truth and Beauty for yourself.

    As you come into a greater state of being, there occurs bridging of vibrationalstates, even when there is no more physical body to connect through into thelower levels such as 3d. We discussed this in the Feb-Mar 2011 A-List Update and again more recently with the analogy of an elevator in a transparent glass-like building and being able to view multiple levels at the same time .

    In the forthcoming Update , we discuss the supramental relative to ascension andthe transformation of the subtle bodies and matter. We also touch on the work of Aurobindo and Mirra who explored vibrational states that lie just below normal3d awareness, corresponding to what could be called 2d and 1d.

    Over the years I have preferred to describe the major changes as leading to aexistential bifurcation a change in consciousness, vibrational, state and reality.For those spiritual beings focused on reworking the challenge of individuationinto lower densities without separation from true Source, new earth would beone descriptor. One versions I am familiar with is part of a new creation and it isnot solidified in an earthly sense and human levels of individuation from higherlevel beings have not yet occurred.

    I know there it is a dream of many for this earth to be remade into a pristine

    creation space. While this is very possible, I could not say it is with absolutecertainty. Much depends on how the coming years play out in this realm on earthand elsewhere.

    Earths planetary environment has become too damaged to support healthy lifepatterns and humanity as it is presently configured, lacks the consciousness atthe human and the higher self to pursue a path of spiritual evolution. At best

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    humans will rebel against how things are being done, but not against the natureof what humans are engaged in doing.

    Nevertheless, there is a fraction that has the potential to become spiritual human beings and they will be aided by various physical and non-physical beings toward

    developing this potential.-ASK

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    The Future An Existential BifurcationDecember 20, 2012

    How the near term future plays out depends on how the correction energiesand larger transformation process move ahead. As to human-influenced eventssuch as wars and economic collapse, these are partially limited by a partialforeknowledge by the human shadow power elite of larger events outside theircontrol.

    To add to previous Updates concerning the likely near future, I would note thatthe energy of some high-impact events have been spread out over some months, but the impetus bound up with them has not been expressed fully. In other words, I still anticipate some dramatic high-impact events within the humanrealm of influence political, military, and economic. And I continue to expectplanetary changes to grow in frequency and magnitude in the period from nowinto and through 2013.

    Various populations of humans are being subject to social and material stressthat is growing in severity. It is connected to the larger impetus behind thecollapse of civilization, regardless of the particulars of any of the apparentissues. In other words, something will give way, like an overflowing dam thatsuddenly bursts from hidden structural failures.

    At the level of ordinary human consciousness, there is such a tension and stressthat it should be no surprise when it is noticed that many people will snap andgo berserk with violent outbursts. In most cases, people will reacting to the socialcontrol pressures, not against what it is they do or why, only how. A simple

    example might be with workplace incidents where employees have become tooconstrained and unable to express themselves. But as it is throughout humansociety there is not the consciousness to exist, to be, in any fundamentallydifferent way. This is due to thousands of years of constrained and ingrainedpatterns that have served to shape the expression of human civilization. Thus it isrelatively easy for the social controllers to give people illusions of change.

    Globally, the human power elite will continue their internal competition whilepreparing for global conflict intended that is to decide the terms of their ownbalance of power and to reduce the human population to a more manageablescale.

    As to a longer term view of humans on earth, I have described the most likelypossibilities as have others and at this point I do not know any basis for anyone of these likely futures. Much will be determined by what occurs in thecoming months and how that plays out over the next few years of human calendartime.

    However some sense of this can be inferred from In the essays forthcoming inUpdate #21, a cascade of events is described which will occur during the period

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    described in various schools of human eschatology something that I prefer tocall an embarkation to a more evolved state as spiritual beings.

    It will appear as a cascade effect for various reasons. Partly due to the influenceupon the human level of perception of a compression or condensation of the

    perception of the flow of time (events) at the human level of awareness and isclosely coupled with changes in ones state of awareness and ones energy bodies.

    Expressed slightly differently, as ones awareness expands in all possible ways, itencompasses so much more and slips free of the traction of time and the hold ofthe 3d material realm.

    This will also affect many who have never considered the sorts of the thingsdiscussed in these pages.

    And there will be those who will slip away from all of this, like water flowing awayfrom shore. For them, a new adventure of a new state of being beckons. Whatinvolvement they may have in this realm is something unique to them and theirgreater being to consider. Their human self will become a part of their greaterawareness and therefore will cease to be as it may have previously identified itsbeingness when looking out of a human point of view.

    To remind those who may read with a check list in mind, over recent years, wehave discussed a wide range of changes that are associated with the ascensionand transformation process. Most of this is still very relevant.

    What has changed most since the articles in Global Awakening News is that ahigh level process has been worked out to support the prime directives ofseparating the dark from the true light and for maximizing the opportunities forall concerned to learn and evolve as spiritual beings from all that has transpiredin the fallen realms and that this process of correction energies is reachinginto the levels of density at the human level and beyond.

    Over the years we have highlighted some of these events occurring in the humansocial and planetary environments. Over a fairly short period of years aconfluence of minor and major catastrophic events has been occurring, growingin frequency, duration, and intensity. This constitutes a material or as belowdynamic which corresponding to a larger pattern of cascade events.

    Overall, the extant population of humans on earth will continue their attempts toadapt to these changes, usually hoping or fighting for an imagined better life.But sooner or later the social and material matrix will fail planetaryenvironment, social structures and processes of control, human levelconsciousness will continue to degrade, etc. Ordinary human existence willdegrade into some variation of hunter gatherers in a landscape that cannotsupport healthy/healthful plant or animal life.

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    This will most likely be unfolding over the coming few years, simultaneous withdramatic changes in the state of awareness and 3d presence of those who arefocused on a path of spiritual evolution. It is an existential bifurcation .

    There are many plans afoot among the human global elite and many plans among

    others not from the human realm and these plans vary according to the level ofconsciousness being expressed. Within the human realm, plans of the globalpower elite are not in accord with the correction energies and Higher Oneness. And there various facades of social movements, etc. that pretend at onenessand social justice yet are only new ways to keep the matrix world orderrunning at the expense of the nave and innocent.

    In the larger picture, there is nothing anyone can do about the agendas andactions of the human power elites, it is all so over the top and beyond thecapacity of ordinary humans to change anything substantial. Further, there is somuch to lose and nothing to be gained in getting involved with such matters.

    This version of human existence is rapidly drawing to a close. With an escalationof the wars and other types of disasters, these increase material and emotionalsuffering and with that a greater desire for release from this existence by many.For the vast majority of humans are unable to lift their sights beyond the narrowlimits presented to them by a society based upon falsehoods and insanity.

    The control systems are highly adaptable and can accommodate almost anythingthat does not fundamentally challenge their power or authority. Those whoimagine they are thinking of radical new ideas are only helping to develop newadaptations of the control systems. Yes indeed.

    Those who are spending their time and money and other energies trying toexpose what they believe to real truths of the global control systems, etc. are notwaking up anyone in any meaningful way, no matter what they imagine theyare doing. There are essentially three categories of responses elicited by theseexposures:

    Anger and upset, over the latest issues they are presented with, ischanneled into acting out against anyone or anything. Some may evenprefer armed conflicts. These responses reinforce the very paradigm theyimagine themselves fighting to end. Righteous social justice causes will findappeal here as well.

    Depression and withdrawal into a state of internalized oblivion and escapism.Occasionally this may erupt into external acting out.Submission and catatonic immobility making it easy to manipulate andcontrol people. As long as there are calories with which to fill their bellies andsomething, anything to occupy their attention when they are not sleeping,this would constitute the masses, as in described in books such as 1984 or Brave New World .

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    And then there are the new age, self-empowerment and related types whopromote variations on a theme of deluded dreams and false hopes for animpossible golden age or you create your own reality, etc.

    Despite all this, it is in the disintegration of illusions of civilization that many

    reject enough of the old paradigm and open to something entirely different and inso doing, perhaps eventually find an opening to a spiritual existence rather thanone of endless struggle and suffering. In some ways it is could regarded besomething of one last chance for so many to gain access to spiritual free willmeans and thus make a genuine choice, perhaps for the first time in their humanlives to seek a new way of being.

    Can you think and be aware from your non-human higher consciousness? Ifnot, then the following could further stimulate your process.

    How viable is human social-physical existence?To what extent is the human species a viable vehicle for spiritualconsciousness?What is the state of your own process of internal completions?What are your determining limiters to your human existence, if any?Can you contemplate your purpose of being in the realm ofhumans on earth now as well as in a future period?

    Do you react in any way to all the terrible news about the state of the planet and humans? How do you react? Why? How do such responsescontribute to your evolution as a spiritual being?

    Focus upon your as a spiritual consciousness. Sooner or later there will be a breakthrough and higher order of help will be evident.

    There you have it.


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    The New EnergiesDecember 4, 2012


    As the vibrational energies in the 3d range become cleared and heightened, a wide range of responses will be experienced, including intensified anxiety-stress,depression, anger, as well as feeling and being energized in a pleasing way.Feeling high or low, even manic is quite possible. There is no state of mind or body that can be taken as an accurate indication of anything more than majorchanges in reality. So pay attention to your inner state and higher connection.Conscious breathing is helpful and daily refresh your intention of connection tothe correction energies and to your own higher being.

    Here I would caution against jumping to conclusions that all the planetary toxic waste will be cleaned up, as if magically. The greater beings working to clean up

    the energetic space are, for now, mainly focused on the subtle energy levels andclearing the dark entities from the region immediately above, below, and within3d. This is providing a little more energetic breathing space for those who needit.

    What will do you do with your added energy and somewhat improved breathingspace? This is not for me to tell you.

    I will however, repeat my previous cautions against dissipating ones hard-wonnew spiritual capacities by engaging anything large or small of the dominanthuman paradigm. Nothing. Just because you have a little more breathing room,

    does not mean you must attempt to rescue the Titanic as it is already sinking.Perhaps you can do more to help the situation by setting the example of takingflight and perhaps others will get the idea when they notice you. Otherwise, youcan have the experience of being with as they grip the ships railing. Undoubtedly,there will be those who choose the latter course and will go down with theeveryone.

    These are the sorts of decisions that are coming. There is no right or wrong. Ishould add here, that there are already preparations underway to assist those who will be making this transition from the human physical to a different state of being.

    Some of us came here to observe, some to assess the situation for the higherlearning, and some came here assist in the birth of a new creation matrix(Baby). Some did a bit of each. All done now for the most part. Presently someare helping to guide in the balance of the changes which in turn will make iteasier for more to return home in their own higher level being.

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    While it is likely that our eternal essence (true light) that has been visiting in 3d will have little difficulty rejoining its greater essential being, there is neverthelessthe question of what is appropriate to our awakening to our true nature while instill human form. The 3d environment is already a cesspool of all of the detritusand effluent of human society since its founding on this planet. This situation is

    worsening due to the ongoing insanity of human society and a bio-terraformingprocess by various agents of the dark.

    While it is important to maintain the most healthy and vigorous physical andmental state as well as our energy bodies, there comes a point of consciouslyletting go of our human form. This is something we have described in variousarticles. To most, this is confounded and twisted up with deliberately distortedhuman beliefs systems about death and life. And these distorted beliefs areone of the impediments to conscious ascension and accepting the correctionenergies.

    For those who sooner or later acquire greater capacities in their energy bodiesfocused upon the human 3d physical levels, it is possible that some may vibrateout directly or aided somehow. In most instances, however, I would anticipatethe advancing self and lightbody letting go of its human biological form.

    All this is closely bound up with the lower self the sub-conscient that is mostassociated with monitoring and operating your human vehicle. It will loyallykeep you going until whatever occurs that makes it impossible to carry oncarrying you in this realm. And this is why we have been emphasizing theimportance of ones inner and outer completion, the high attractor, and onesspiritual learning from this realm. A lengthy article on the theme of Death,Transfiguration, and Ascension will be ready for circulating in the near future.


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    The New Energies Short UpdateDecember 15, 2012


    Speaking of the new being, the new consciousness: It is like the clearest waterand most quickly moving fluid that has passed a most sublime filter I havenoticed the start of a stream, it is not a flood yet, but for the first time, I see itmoving out of what has been the old and the decrepit into the new and higher vibrational space this is as seen from that new space. The cascade events willhasten this flow.

    The mayonnaise separation (and upgrading) process is at work! In the earlier"test stages" of this process over the recent years, this has only involved those who made them available for such "experiments".

    There are some teachers who are becoming vaguely aware of non-dualityconsciousness (true higher Oneness). Some of them are promoting (the misusein my opinion) of these energies in 3d vibrational space, in the human realm asthey give a new spin to the falsehoods of this realm of existence andcorresponding notions of you create your own reality. All this does is to furtherkeep one mired in a decrepit reality, one that is scheduled to go away. This is aninappropriate use of these new energies. If you are a conductor/conduit for thecorrection energies it is best to let these flow outward from you with no thoughtas to their direction or application. None whatsoever.

    Previously I have mentioned differences in the experience of the flow of time:

    (see NES post A Large-field View)http://newearthsummit.org/forum/index.php/topic,1374.msg5936.html#msg5936 )

    Time functions differently at different vibrational states of being. One of theeffects is that it will seem as though the transformational process will be drawnout from the point of view of consciousness referencing human earth time. At thelevel of consciousness on the other side of the process, there will be an entirelydifferent expression and awareness of Time. What I am saying by this is thatthe prime directives which I have described previously under this thread are being given the needed time for them to work.

    At the human level of existence, life as it is referred to, will become increasinglydifficult as the level of human material and emotional suffering grows.

    This is not some perverse punishment as many will subjectively presume,rather it is simply the logical extension of a reality system that, due to its internaldefects, is disintegrating. This is the case at all vibrational levels of the fallensystems, not just within the narrow sphere of human 3d awareness.


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    And so it is under way... December 19, 2012


    It is one of the reasons some are here at this time in this vibrational state on thisearth.

    Suffice for now that there are others now having similar experiences in theserecent weeks and months. I anticipate many more to be "lighting up" in various ways. Initially this will be mostly invisible to ordinary 3d awareness as well as tothe vibrational ranges "seen" by most clairvoyants.

    I will not attempt to give any "name" to this process so as not to diminish this inany way and I will not go into details of how this has been emerging in some, as

    that too has a limiting effect on these nascent energies that are part of the newcreation process and the "cosmic correction" and the associated ascension andtransformational process that is underway.


    And so it is under way...(continuation from above posting)

    December 20, 2012Contemplating how it is we are here now, at this time in this vibrational state onthis earth, I continue to find the entire process fascinating and have had glimpsesof the process on both sides of the main transformational filtering and processingzone.

    To push the envelope of what is possible and to be conduits for the correctionenergies from Creator of All, etc. This further extends the reach of these energiesthroughout 3d and adjacent vibrational ranges.

    To push the envelope of what is possible in ones own light bodies, human andhigher level consciousness, and more. Serving the greater process, this alsohastens the entire correction process which is under way. This is discovered asones awareness and light fields expand upwards, downwards, outwards, inwards,etc.

    Pushing the envelope of the human bio-form, facilitates the process of thetransformation of the entire mayonnaise mixture that includes 3d matter inits suspension/mixture. Some may drop their human bio-form as part of this

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    process, while some may pursue the transformation of the energetic-bio-matterinto light body as well.

    So this all becomes part of the basis to find ways to remain here on this planet aslong as it is tolerable or practicable.

    To each their own is how it works. There is no sine qua non or graduationcriteria. There is no failure.

    Sometimes, we need to send parts of ourselves home and let more of our higherlevels descend in to help with the process. In some ways it may for a short whilefeel like you are dying. Well, you are in many ways, but not according to anyordinary human conventions.

    To those on this path, there is no going back. Moreover, it is becomes ever moreessential to be detached from the large and small dramas of the personal and thesocial/global human realm. You can observe and note what seems to beoccurring, but do not react or become personally entangled.

    These nascent energies require your fullest and most welcoming attention.


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    Correction Energies A Large-field ViewStarted November 25, 2012


    Note: This is written solely to help our greater understanding as we are now positioned at the edge of a cascade of total changes.

    In past essays we have talked about Prime Creator and The All seeking whatmay lie beyond its vastness of the enormity of Its being and even greaterawareness.

    The Error of the Dark initially was not recognized to be such a great problem assteps had been taken to recall this to a point before its origination and establish

    Time as a large-scale limiter. However these efforts simply were not enough tocatch a hold of all that had already begun to extensively replicate and individuatefrom this initial moment of mis-creation.

    In trying to understand this, it helps to bear in mind that the dark force possessedsome (but not all) of the information needed to create, replicate, spread and actmuch like a potential new Creator. Act much like is the operative concept, as it was not equal and was missing some important qualities that only prime Creatorand The All included in its vastness.

    Eventually (after a very long time) it was realized at true Source that this error

    was so distorted in its core impulses that it believed itself to be Source and soughtto replace the true Source. Like a growing cancer, this replicating and expandinginfluence caused a growing energy drain upon the greater All of Creation.

    Like an immense amoeba, The All had been collecting and organizing theimmensity of energy and consciousness required to extend a portion of itself farout beyond the extensive void that it seemed to be surrounded with. It knows thatit is essential that it maintain full connection with this portion of itself (and vice versa) throughout such in extraordinary undertaking.

    Meanwhile, the Dark grew to encompass what we have termed the fallen zone ofcreation, and eventually included entire universes in its distorted model of being.In its own immense spiritual insanity, the Dark effectively set itself on a course toreplace prime Creator. From its own diseased perspective this made sense since itassumed that it was the real creator and its way was correct. Along the way, theDark found ways to reinvent itself, modify and even develop its own version ofself-correction. This is what the movie trilogy The Matrix describes, regardlessof the notions of the story writers.

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    It was the energy drain of the dark which caused this immense exploratory effort by The All to be limited and obliged an enormous redirection of a portion of itsenergies and aspects of Itself to address the growing problem. As a microcosm ofthis exploration process, it is what happens (under ideal conditions) for a larger being to explore detailed levels of existence, especially those of unknown

    densities. An example of the danger of being cut off by the unexpected is quiteevident in this realm where so many beings became mired in a cosmic version ofa tar pit.

    It is easier to spin an aircraft carrier around on an earthly ocean or rearrange asolar system that to prepare and accomplish such an enormous effort atcorrecting something of such enormity. At first there were modest forays ofhighly developed beings into the darkened regions, but many of these becametrapped or otherwise sidelined and cut-off due to complex unknowns that wereencountered. More and more of the higher level beings were tasked with findingout what happened, eventually the problem came to be understood and somechannels of communication established between those behind the lines and thezone of non-duality and higher Oneness far outside of the zone of battle for abattle it became.

    While errors or undesirable results occur in the realms of non-duality, these arereadily addressed in the context of greater unifying field of non-dualityconsciousness that permeates the vastness of true Creation.

    The Dark governs through conflictual duality where even parts of itself are in lifeand death battles with one another (one of the sources of false oneness). Giventhe situation, most consciousness operating from higher Oneness had a verydifficult time in understanding the intricate complexities of something which ithad little or no point of reference for, except perhaps at a high level of generality.So we can see there have been two vastly different sets of playing rules and syntaxand agendas.

    This resulted in elements of the true Light engaged in battle with elements of thefalse light the Dark and vice versa of course. The situations where the true Light was mostly successful was at certain very high levels of Dark were the error could be comprehended and the impetus to proceed along those pathways withdrawn and of course in those more microcosmic levels where essentially sections ofcorrupted/damaged creation would reclaimed through teaching or through theirre-absorption or annihilation into true Source.

    The topic of Time is a complicated one which we have discussed previously in various contexts. So I will limit myself here to merely remind that Time is aconsciousness Itself that emanates from true Source. One of the actions emergingfrom Time is perceived differently depending on the level of consciousness doingthe perceiving or experiencing, especially given the broad operating parametersof Time.

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    Where We Are At and the Boundary LayersOctober 1, 2012


    Over a long time, until very recently, there have been two energetic barriers: onemaintained by the Dark to keep in those trapped here and to allow in newcomers(like a one way door). The other barrier has been outside of that one, a littlefarther out, and was of the true Light. The purpose of that outer barrier was toprevent the Dark from spreading and infecting any more of creation.

    These barriers have been described in many ways by various spiritual teachersand over a very long period of history.

    Over the recent several years, major breakthroughs have occurred as in

    breaking through . And more of the higher Light (correction energies) has beenable to get in to the lower levels within or behind the dark barriers. Rather thandecades or millennia as before, this process took merely a few years to complete.

    The region above 3d and touching in on the astral (4d) region is being clearedand for some it may appear to have been removed, however this may beperceived, it will be a new boundary to contain the darkness that has been moreconcentrated in the 3d regions from leaking or escaping. This represents a newstage in the correction process and at times it may feel like the filter of a coffeepress pot. If your inner periscope penetrates this layer, it might appear to be very clear and void of much of anything, except the Clear Light. To some it might

    appear to be like the white light and rolling waves which are in place tocomplete the clearing the clearing process and maintain the desired state.

    This could lead to large and substantially safe exit portals for those who aremost ready. The superhighways were prepared, but what remained has beenachieve safe and widespread enough apertures to the higher levels. But just because someone may say beam me out (or whatever comes to mind) does notmean that is what will happen. There are filters in place and we have discussed various dynamics of the overall ascension and transformation process over recent years. So the question becomes ever more urgent as what is truly Real and whatones High Attractor is.

    While it may feel and appear to some as if it is void, it is not the void, nor is itthe high level personal void I have mentioned that some may find accessiblethrough ones highest levels of being.

    When you focus attention mostly to the region under the press pot filter (theextant human realm) what is noticed is an increasing proportion of thedegeneracy of the dark expressed through human and non-embodied modes.

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    It was in anticipation of this, we have tried to explain and suggest over the recent years to deliberately distance oneself from what does not serve ones higherspiritual aspirations. Those who have attended to this will be best prepared andthose who have not will find themselves in spiritual emergency mode as onesown higher process suddenly become a matter of spiritual life and death to the

    more spiritually aware human self.The present stage should not take very long and is preliminary to a moreintimately personal stage in the transformation process. It has been toward thisend that much of this writing has been shared, to help with the deeper and broader spiritual Learning and to help prepare those who can develop thecapacity to make the largest contribution possible to the larger process.

    One may find the need to hold ones breath while you adjust your spiritualsnorkel to get to the new air from above. Some may find that their head orneck is already getting the new air, but the rest of ones subtle body is stillimmersed in the dregs and muck.

    That said, consider practicing raising the rest of yourself up toward your higherenergetic points toward the new air. Your own higher level then becomes aninterim and convenient nearby high attractor at least until you are out of thedregs and can better set your sights upon even higher attractors.

    A little more patience.

    Further updates and additions to come


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    Where We Are At and the Boundary LayersUpdate

    October 19, 2012


    In earlier essays I have mentioned the presence of some immense beings whohave seemingly encapsulated the fallen spaces, and with it, Earth is a tiny speck within their immense bodies

    In that regard, since this first came up, looking from afar towards Earth, itappears as though the planet is now surrounded by substantial beings of thehigher light -like the ultimate in antibodies in the human blood stream -and while they are working to clear the vibrational regions above and below that ofhuman 3d, they also await instructions as to what is to occur with this planet and

    even this solar system, etc.They are densely packed - looking as if they are radially arrayed to the earth'score, like some giant seed ball.

    As it has been for so long, the higher level concern is the optimal transfer of truelight ( separation of the mayonnaise) with the least of losses. The dark is unableto expand further and will be further diminished. Eventually it will be as if theDark never existed. In the short term, this means that in the human realm andrelated spaces, there will be a more intense desperate feeding frenzy by variousnon-human dark forces and which has also infected/affected many humans.

    Thus this is to be minimized during the process. How? I am not sure.

    So yet another reason to be very clear as to your relations with others and the various organized entities/institutions of human society.


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    A Further Update to Where we are atNovember 30, 2012


    Other than correspondence, I have needed to be somewhat quiet these recentmonths. While I have prepared drafts of a few in-depth discussions, (probablymy last ones for the foreseeable future) it is has been difficult to complete themfor publication. One reason is that I needed to see how things would be unfoldingto the 3d level for anything I write to have more meaning in the present context.

    For now, here is a short update to the larger situation, as I see things.

    I noticed a few individuals promoting their own versions of a cosmic correctionor notions of using non-duality to manifest human desires and thus propping

    up the dark side falsehood that you create your own reality, etc. These notionsare mostly about trying to bend higher level energies to maintain a false reality.Of course there are still probably a few opportunities remaining to make a deal with the dark side for fame fortune or power. But even these in-store specialsare running out fast.

    In correspondence with some here, and in earlier articles, and NES postings, Ihave tried to explain the processes that are underway, how it looks, and what onemight anticipate from their human level of awareness. As to ones upper levels,some are on board but too many of our higher levels are still out of the loopdue to a (temporary) state of arrested development.

    In considering any of this, it is best if one finds ways to think and see from ahigher level or non-human point-of-view. To reference this primarily from ahuman level yields a bleak outlook. But when one understands this from a higherlevel, one can then find high compassion that does not requiring reacting to anyof this, only noting it and paying attention to the greater learning.

    To restate something I have written about before and which bears repeating:

    Imagine an immense caring and profound regard that Creator of All has for The All of Itself and all beings within and that it wishes to take the most care ineffecting the needed changes here, at these levels including humans on Earth anenvironment which until recently has been terribly mired in an immense anddistorted field of consciousness we have termed the Dark.

    The situation here has been one of the most difficult to correct in nearly everyrespect. But there has also been so much spiritual learning that has been accruedand so much potential developed.

    And so there has been at least two high level prime directives:

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    One is to extricate the most of the true Light from this realm (separation of themayonnaise) from the fallen or Dark zone.

    The other is to maximize the spiritual learning of the potentials and problems of

    lower levels of density, including that which has been learned under the influenceof the dark.

    To accomplish these directives also requires the liberation of as many evolvingspiritual selfs a manner that maintains their individuation so they can bereintegrated with their own respective greater beings. This includes of course aportion of those light beings with embodied human presences on earth.

    This is all about optimizing a situation that otherwise would have ended in a typeof annihilation of the lower levels of existence and the re-absorption of most ofthe true Light without much of the learning retained. To the higher levels theproblem would have been resolved, but too much hard-won spiritual learningneeded by so many larger beings would be lost and their evolutionarydevelopment substantially delayed.

    By the term learning, I am of course referring to spiritual understanding of thenature and dynamics of many vibrational levels of existence from the most denseand lowest to the most expansive and highest. This has been made possibledespite all attempts by the dark to entrap and control those of the Light in aseemingly endless darkness forever cutoff from the higher Oneness of trueCreation. This is something we have discussed in various GA:News articles before.

    To restate this, when all is said and done, it will be as if the Dark had neverexisted and traumatic effects it has had on the beings of true Light will have beentotally corrected. But that the future speaking to the present.

    Recently we have noticed a substantial clearing of the 4d astral spaces and thengreater attention paid to clearing of the sub-basement levels (quite a horrendoussituation). This is all part of the mayonnaise separation process I have writtenabout. At some point fairly quickly, the mayonnaise loses its apparent stabilitytoo quickly and becomes to disordered and confused. In order to achieve as muchas possible of the prime directives, it is now necessary to advance the changesin the 3d vibrational range and at a larger scale than before.

    Previously I described how the entire fallen zone was being enveloped by theseimmense creation-scale beings and that earth looked like the smallest little speck within their enormous bodies. A few years ago when introducing the incomingcorrection energies, we also described a buffer zone around this planetspecifically. More recently this has taken on the appearance of something like adensely packed radial array of energies/beings like a super-dense sycamore seed

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    ball. Fully engaged with the correction energies in the clearing of the regionsdirectly above and below 3d, these entities also provide a buffer zone to preventthe dark side from interfering with the greater correction process. They are alsoawaiting further instructions as to what is next for this entire planetary system.

    Related to this, there are now groups of immense beings moving into and through3d vibrational space and perhaps they will be more apparent in the near future.This is likely related to whatever is coming next via the correction energies andoverall transformational process. I compare their presence to that of a large scaledescent of a collective supramental state something generally not possible on anindividual level under the distorted conditions of this world.

    While they are developing their structures and forms, they are gaining familiarity with the situation here. I do not know what effect, if any, they will have upon thematerial qualities of 3d. What I am aware of is that it is the energetic space thatis of greatest interest, in effect clearing vibrational space as part of themayonnaise separation process like the distillation of pure flower essencesinto a temporary vessel or space pending further refinement and application.

    To be a little more plainly spoken, this sorting out of the mayonnaise mixture isalso closely related to large scale changes to the human global population. Asorderly a process as possible is preferred.

    Soon I will post a shortened version of the corrections invocation.

    Let us attend to our own inner and outer completions process and re-imagine ourown unique higher attractors this could be anything that is beyond your humanexistence. Perhaps lightbody, perhaps your high attractor is more like ageneralized high intention for spiritual home, to experience true non-duality being, etc. There is no handy check list or menu to pick from. It is for you todevelop your own sense of an interim high attractor. To each it is unique and it isnot something immutable, rather only interim to your larger process.

    You are a spiritual being that has been having a human experience, be it what itmay or has been.



    When I say that these immense beings will be more apparent, this will most likely be something noticed by sensitives through their inner seeing. Eventually theymay well become more apparent to ordinary human visual sensing.

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    An Invocation, An Intention, An Attention Every evening before retiring and during the day as well

    (Slightly improved version)

    * I call upon my lower, middle and higher self. I call upon my highest sourceorigins and my connection to the highest levels of true Oneness and Creator of All.

    * I invite and call in the fullest extent of the highest of the correction energies toenter and descend my entire being down to my human levels and beyond.

    * I invite and call upon the fullest extent of the highest of the correction energiesto enter and flow through the space between my atoms and create and maintain acontinuous flow through the entirety of all of my being.

    * I call upon the correction energies to clean, clear, or dissolve any and all darkside influences in my being at any and all levels of my existence.

    * I call to me all the particles of the true light in my being as the particles of truelight in my being call me to them.


    Ask and allow these energies to flow through you. Do not direct or intend themin any manner whatsoever. These energies have their own built-in guidance.Just let them flow through you. Over time your own capacity will grow and so willthe process of the larger changes that may concern you and the totality of yourown greater being.

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