us ch 24 word war ii (dictators)

Quiz Ch 23 1. Policy that regulate stock market 2. Informal talk to the public explaining the programs 3. Policy that gave retirement funds to the elders 4. 32 nd President 5. Name the three goal of the New Deal 6. Gave 18-25 young men jobs to eliminate Dust Bowl 7. Experts cabinets known as 8. Gave farmers money to underplant and slaughter animals to increase prices of production 9. Policy that created cheap electricity to the 7 states 10. Policy that insured savings of the people

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Page 1: US CH 24 Word War II (Dictators)

Quiz Ch 231. Policy that regulate stock market2. Informal talk to the public explaining the programs3. Policy that gave retirement funds to the elders4. 32nd President5. Name the three goal of the New Deal6. Gave 18-25 young men jobs to eliminate Dust Bowl7. Experts cabinets known as8. Gave farmers money to underplant and slaughter

animals to increase prices of production9. Policy that created cheap electricity to the 7 states10. Policy that insured savings of the people

Page 2: US CH 24 Word War II (Dictators)

Rise of Dictators

Chapter 24

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Totalitarian Government Government maintains

complete control over its citizens.

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Soviet Union (USSR/Russia)• Assassinated Monarchy (Romanovs) – Assassinated Monarchy (Romanovs) –

led to revolutionled to revolution• 1924, V.I. Lenin dies1924, V.I. Lenin dies

• Joseph Stalin Communist party.

• Five Year plan– All economic activity

under state– Abolished private

ownership and made collectives farms

– Individuals have no rights

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• By 1937, Worlds 2nd largest industrial power, to the U.S.

– But at the cost of enormous human life.But at the cost of enormous human life.

– The Purge = “or eliminated anyone who threatened his power” Historians estimate that Stalin Historians estimate that Stalin was responsible for the deaths of 8-13 was responsible for the deaths of 8-13 million people, millions more by famine.million people, millions more by famine.

– Individuals have no rights, and government suppresses all opposition.

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Italy • Benito

Mussolini– Fascist State– Power must rest

with a single strong leader and small group of devoted party members.

– Absolute obedience to the state

Italy wants peace, work, and calm. I will give these things with love if possible, with force if necessary.

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• Italy Wants to build empire in Africa– Mussolini ordered

massive invasion in Ethiopia

– No match for Italy’s planes and tanks

– League condemn attack BUT did NOTHINGHaile Selassie (African leader)

“It is us today. It will be you tomorrow.”

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Japan• Emperor

Hirohito– Figure head

• General Hideki Tojo– Prime Minister– Military Leader– Establish


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• Wanted Pacific Empire– Want more

space– Want more raw

materials– Want more


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• To ease tension in Pacific– US called meeting

and passed• Five Power Treaty

– Banned construction of large warships

» Japan build smaller warships

• Four Power Treaty– Respect territorial

rights• Nine Power Treaty

– Accept Open Door Policy

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• Kellogg-Briand Pact

– Outlaw war EXCEPT self-defense

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The Manchurian Incident 1931

• The Japanese blew up the train that carried Japanese ambassadors

• Claiming Chinese sabotage of a railway, the Japanese army occupied Manchuria.

• League ask US for help- US refused– League did nothing

• They renamed it Manchukuo and put the deposed Chinese Emperor Pu Yi up as a figure head.

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Gradual Japanese advances.• The Japanese army gradually crept

Southward, through China, fighting all the way.

Japanese soldiers ‘conquer’ the Great Wall 1933

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Marco Polo Bridge (July 1937)• Japanese army clashed with the Chinese at the

gates of Beijing • Led to full-scale warfare• League did nothing

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Rape of Nanking (Dec 1937)• Six weeks campaign

of terror• Known as “Forgotten


• 80,000 women and girls were raped, mutilated or murdered

• Used for bayonet practice,• Decapitated in beheading

contests• Burned to death• Machine gun in thousand• Tortured, buried alive• Medical experiments• Unborn babies hacked out

of womb or bayonet for sport

• League did nothing

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United States in Depression• Dawes Plan

– Giving economic aid to Germany

– Halted when Depression hit

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Depression hit the world

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GermanyGermany• Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler

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• Has talent as an orator

• Became their leader• Created the symbol


Nazi Party

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Munich Beer Hall• October 30, 1923• Hitler held a rally

and declared revolution

• Led 2000 men in take over of Bavarian Government

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Mein Kampf• My Struggle”

– German’s as master race

– Other race inferior – need to destroy (Jews, Slavs, gypsies, homos)

– Need dictatorship to rule

– Germany need Lebernsraum (living space)

– Treaty of Versailles was unfair

–Sold 5 million copies and became rich

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Germany in Depression• Hitler talked about

bringing glory back to the “Fatherland”

• Constantly blamed Jews for Germany’s problems,

• Used popularity to seize power legally

• Nazi Party:– 1930 = 18% of vote– 1932 = 30% of vote– Hitler becomes

Chancellor in 1933

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Dictator (Fuhrer)• “Reichstag fire”

(parliament building) gives Hitler total power

• People’s civil rights were suspended

• Created secret police – Gestapo

• Numbered almost 400,000 by 1932

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Absolute Power• German

economy was improving, people were happy

• Began rearming German Army

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• Finish Web (Great Depression)

• Finish CH 23 Sec 1• Start CH 24 Sec 1