web viewthe word . they (line 4) refers to friends and family. 4. the word . th. is ......

1 คคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคค คคคคคคคคคเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเ 1. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 2. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ (MIA) เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ-เเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 4 3. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 4. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ (MIA) เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ 5. เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ เเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเเ

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เมอครผสอนไดนำ�แบบฝกเสรมทกษะไปใชควรปฏบต ดงน

1. ทดสอบคว�มรกอนเรยน เพอวดคว�มรพนฐ�นของนกเรยนแตละคน

2. ดำ�เนนก�รจดกจกรรมก�รเรยนก�รสอน โดยใชแบบฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�ม

ภ�ษ�องกฤษโดยใชหลกบรณ�ก�รของเมอรดอค (MIA) ควบคไปกบแผนก�รจดก�รเรยนรวช�ภ�ษองกฤษอ�น-เขยน ชนมธยมศกษ�ปท 4

3. หลงจ�กไดศกษ�เนอห�แลวใหนกเรยนตอบคำ�ถ�มเพอประเมนคว�มรแตละเรอง

4. ควรใหนกเรยนปฏบตกจกรรมต�มแบบฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษโดยใชหลกบรณ�ก�รของเมอรดอค (MIA) โดยครดแลและใหคำ�แนะนำ�อย�งใกลชด

5. ใหนกเรยนตรวจสอบคำ�เฉลยท�ยเลม เมอนกเรยนทำ�กจกรรมต�มแบบฝกเสรมทกษะจบแลวเพอทร�บผลก�รเรยนรของตนเอง

6. ทดสอบคว�มรหลงเรยน หลงจ�กทนกเรยนทำ�แบบฝกเสรมทกษะจบทกแบบฝกแลว ดวยก�รทำ�แบบทดสอบหลงเรยน

7. ใชเปนสอก�รสอนส�หรบคร

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8. ใชเปนแบบเรยนทใหนกเรยนไดเรยนร และซอมเสรมคว�มรตนเองทงในและนอกเวล�เรยน


ในก�รศกษ�แบบฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษโดยใชหลกบรณ�ก�รของเมอรดอค (MIA) ทนกเรยนตองฝกดวยตนเอง ดงนนนกเรยนควรปฏบตดงน

1. ศกษ�ส�ระสำ�คญ ผลก�รเรยนร และจดประสงคก�รเรยนรของแตละแบบฝกใหเข�ใจถงเป�หม�ยของก�รฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษ

2. ทำ�แบบทดสอบกอนเรยนจำ�นวน 10 ขอ เพอเปนก�รประเมนพนฐ�นของตนเอง กอนจะใหฝกปฏบตจ�กแบบฝกเสรมก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษ

3. นกเรยนศกษ�และทำ�คว�มเข�ใจพรอมทงดจ�กตวอย�งกอนจะทำ�แบบฝก

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4. นกเรยนอ�นขอคว�มทกำ�หนดให แลวตอบคำ�ถ�มต�มแบบฝกทกษะ

5. ทำ�แบบทดสอบหลงเรยน 6. นกเรยนนำ�ผลก�รทดสอบกอนเรยนและหลงเรยนม�

ประเมนคว�มก�วหน� ในก�รฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษ

7. เนองจ�กก�รเรยนแบบฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษเปนก�รเรยน ดวยตนเอง ดงนนนกเรยนควรมคว�มซอสตยตอตนเองไมควรดเฉลยกอนทจะทำ�แบบฝกหด

8. ในก�รเรยนต�มแบบฝกเสรมทกษะก�รอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษนกเรยน ส�ม�รถเรยนรวมกบผอนได

ก�รสอนอ�นจบใจคว�มภ�ษ�องกฤษโดยใชหลกบรณ�ก�รของเมอรดอค (MIA)


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1. ขนก�รถ�มนำ�กอนก�รอ�น (Priming Questions)2. ขนก�รทำ�คว�มเข�ใจคำ�ศพท (Understanding

Vocabulary)3. ขนก�รอ�นเนอเรอง (Reading the text)4. ขนก�รทำ�คว�มเข�ใจเนอเรอง (Understanding

the text)5. ขนถ�ยโอนขอมล (Transferring Information)6. ขนก�รทำ�แบบฝกหดตอชนสวนประโยคและเรยง

โครงสร�งอนเฉท (Jigsaw Exercise and Paragraph Structure)

7. ขนก�รประเมนผลและก�รแกไข (Evaluation and Correction)

ส�ระสำ�คญ ผลก�รเรยนร จดประสงคก�รเรยนร

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ส�ระสำ�คญ ก�รอ�นเรองร�วคว�มเปนม�เกยวกบเรอง Birthdays และ

ทำ�คว�มเข�ใจในเนอเรอง ทำ�ใหนกเรยนส�ม�รถจบใจคว�มของเรองทอ�นได ซงเปนทกษะทนกเรยนจำ�เปนตองฝกฝน เพร�ะส�ม�รถนำ�ไปใชอ�นในชวตประจำ�วนได

ผลก�รเรยนร 1. อ�นออกเสยงและบอกคว�มหม�ยคำ�ศพท จ�กขอคว�มทอ�น 2. อ�นออกเสยงขอคว�ม ไดถกตองต�มหลกก�รอ�น 4. จบใจคว�มสำ�คญ สรปคว�ม ตคว�มและวเคร�ะหคว�มจ�กเรองทอ�น 5. เขยนสอทไมใชคว�มเรยงเชน แผนภม ต�ร�ง ใหสมพนธกบประโยค และขอคว�มทอ�น 6. ซอสตยสจรต มวนย ใฝเรยนร มงมนในก�รทำ�ง�น และมจตส�ธ�รณะ

จดประสงคก�รเรยนร - จดประสงคปล�ยท�ง นกเรยนอ�นเรองทกำ�หนด แลวส�ม�รถบอกใจคว�มสำ�คญและร�ยละเอยดของเรองทอ�นได - จดประสงคนำ�ท�ง 1. บอกคว�มหม�ยของคำ�ศพททกำ�หนดใหได 2. ตอบคำ�ถ�มจ�กเรองทอ�นไดถกตอง 3. บอกใจคว�มสำ�คญของเรอง (Main Idea) ทอ�นได 4. เขยนแผนภมสรปใจคว�มสำ�คญของเรองทอ�นได

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5. ลำ�ดบเหตก�รณของเรองได


Direction : Choose the best answer.

1. Te most popular ice cream………………..is chocolate.a. cakeb. foodc. flavord. custom

2. The………………..of the United States is red, white, and blue.a. cakeb. flagc. foodd. map

3. Thailand………………..Songkran in April.a. likesb. remembersc. findsd. celebrate

4. Try to blow out the birthday candles with one……………………. .a. breathb. flagc. caked. gift

5. A custom is a……………………………. .a. party

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b. habitc. ruled. celebration

6. Children in the other countries celebrate birthday……………..a. like people in the United State.b. with just their friendc.in different wayd. in the party

7. In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, people…………….on the child’ s birthday.a. fly flagb. have breakfast in bedc.put gift in the child’s bedd. sing a song

8. In some countries, some……………..are more important than others.a. cakeb. yearsc.festivalsd. days

9. Birthday cakes……………….a. are there some around the worldb. have noodles in Chinac.are different everywhered. are same everywhere

10. In Japan, 3, 5, and 7 are…………….years.a. happyb. luckyc.surprised. days

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Everybody has a birthday. Many children in other countries celebrate their birthdays like children in the United States. They have a birthday cake, gifts, and sometimes a birthday party for friends. Friends and family gather around a table with a birthday cake on it. They sing ‘Happy birthday to you.’ Two American sisters wrote this song in 1893,but people still sing this song 5 today! The birthday cake usually has lighted candle on it, one candle for each year of your life. The birthday child makes a wish and then blows out all the candles. If the child blows out the candles in one breath, the wish will come true. Other countries have different customs.

In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, people fly the country’s flag outside their home to tell everyone that someone in the family is having a birthday. In Denmark, a parent puts gifts around a child’s bed when the child is sleeping at night. When the child wakes up in the morning, the gifts will be the first thing the child sees. In Sweden and also in Finland, the birthday child gets breakfast in bed!

In some countries, some years are more important than others. In Holland, these are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 21. They call them ‘crown’ years. On a crown birthday, the birthday child gets a much more important gift.

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The family also decorates the child’s chair at dining table with flowers, paper, and balloons. The special years in Japan are 3,5, and 7. These are the lucky years. On November 15 every year, there is a festival called ‘Seven, five, three’ when the children and their families go to a religious place. Then the family gives a party for the child and gives the child gifts. Because of religious reasons, Hindu children only get to celebrate their 25 birthdays until the age of sixteen.

Birthday cakes around the world come in different sizes and flavors. There are even ice cream birthday cakes today. In China, there is no birthday cake. Friends and family go out to lunch, and to wish the birthday child a long life they eat noodles.

ทม� : Milada Broukal. Weaving It Together Connecting Reading and Writing. กรงเทพฯ : ไทยวฒน�พ�นช จำ�กด, 2004.

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แบบฝกทกษะท 1

ก�รถ�มนำ�กอนก�รอ�น (Priming Questions)

ครและนกเรยนสนทน�กนเกยวกบรปภ�พ ดงคำ�ถ�มนำ� เชน

A : What do you see in this picture ?B : ……………………………….

………………………A : Do you celebrate your birthday every

year or only in Special years ?

B : ………………………………………………………………………………………..……..

A : What do you usually do on your birthday ?

(have a birthday cake, have a party, go out)

B : ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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A : Do you like birthday? Why or why not ?B :

…………………………………………………………...… ……..

แบบฝกทกษะท 2

ก�รทำ�คว�มเข�ใจคำ�ศพท (Understanding Vocabulary)

Past A: Direction: Write the meanings of these words. You can use dictionaries.

1. celebrate(v.)2. candle(n.)3. breath(v.)4. parents (n.)


6. decorate (v)7. religiou (adj.)8. wish (v.)9. blows (v.)


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5. festival (n.)

……………… 10. custom(n.)


Past B :Direction: Match the words and the meaning given below.

A B………….

1. to celebrate (v.)

a. the habits of a country or group


2. customs (n.)

b. the amount of air that you take into your body and then let out again


3. to gather around (v.)

c. helping good things happen by chance


4. one breath (n.)

d. to do something special and fun for a reason


5. lucky (v.) e. to stand together in a group


6. flag (n.) f. special tastes


7. flavor (n.) g. a piece of cloth with special colors for a country

แบบฝกทกษะท 3

ก�รอ�นเนอเรอง (Reading the Text)

Direction : Read this passage and answer the questions below.

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Everybody has a birthday. Many children in other countries celebrate their birthdays like children in the United States. They have a birthday cake, gifts, and sometimes a birthday party for friends. Friends and family gather around a table with a birthday cake on it. They sing ‘Happy birthday to you.’ Two American sisters wrote this song in 1893, but people still sing this song 5 today! The birthday cake usually has lighted candle on it, one candle for each year of your life. The birthday child makes a wish and then blows out all the candles. If the child blows out the candles in one breath, the wish will come true. Other countries have different customs.

1. The word they (line 2) refers to ………………………………………………….…. . 2. The word they (line 4) refers to ………………………………………………….….. . 3. The word it (line 4) refers to …………………………………………………………. .4. The word this (line 5) refers to ………………………………………………….……. . 5. The word it (line 5) refers to …………………………………………………………. .6. Who wrote Happy birthday to you? ………………………………………………… .

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แบบฝกทกษะท 4

ก�รทำ�คว�มเข�ใจเนอเรอง (Understanding the Text)

Direction: Answer the questions according to the text. 1. How do the people in the United States celebrate on their birthday ?



2. What is the same thing that people in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden do on their birthdays ?………………………………………………………………



3. How do the people in Holland celebrate on a crown birthday ?


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4. What are the lucky years in Japan ?


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Which country doesn’t have birthday cake ?



แบบฝกทกษะท 5

ก�รถ�ยโอนขอมล (Transferring Information)

Past : ADirection : Do mind mapping about BIRTHDAYS

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Past : BDirection : Do mind mapping about BIRTHDAYS

Birthday Customs in Europe and North


Customs in

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แบบฝกทกษะท 6

ก�รตอชนสวนประโยค และเรยงโครงสร�งของอนเฉท (Jigsaw Exercise and Paragraph Structure)

Direction: Rearrange the given stripes into 5 completed sentences, then write them into a paragraph in your notebook.In some countries, some years are more important than others.

On a crown birthday, the birthday child gets a much more important gift.

On November 15 every year, there is a festival called ‘Seven, five, three’ when the children and their families go to a religious place.

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In Holland, these are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 21. They call them ‘crown’ years.

The special years in Japan are 3,5, and 7. These are the lucky years.

Then the family gives a party for the child and gives the child gifts.

Because of religious reasons, Hindu children only get to celebrate their birthdays until the age of sixteen

The family also decorates the child’s chair at dining table with flowers, paper, and balloons.

แบบฝกทกษะท 7

ก�รประเมนผลและก�รแกไข (Evaluation and Correcting)

Past : A

Direction: Write T in front of the statements that are correct and F in front of the statements that are incorrect.

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…………1) There is one candle on the birthday cake

…………2) In Denmark, they put gifts around the birthday cake.

…………3) Two sister wrote the famous birthday song.

…………4) The crown years are 5,10,15,20, and 21.

…………5) In Finland, the child eats breakfast in bed.

…………6) Hindu children celebrate their birthday after age sixteen

…………7) In Norway, Denmark, and England, people fly the country’s

flag outside their home.…………8) If the child blows out the candles

in three breath, the wish will come true.…………9) In Japan are 3, 5, and 7 are lucky

years.…………10) In China. There is birthday cake.

Past : B Choose the best answer.

Direction : Choose the best answer.

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1. Children in the other countries celebrate birthday……………..a. like people in the United State.b. with just their friendc. in different way

2. In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, people…………….on the child’ s birthday.a. fly flagb. have breakfast in bedc. put gift in the child’s bed

3. In some countries, some……………..are more important than others.a. cakeb. yearsc. festivals

4. Birthday cakes……………….a. are there some around the worldb. have noodles in Chinac. are different everywhere

5. In Japan, 3, 5, and 7 are…………….years.a. happyb. luckyc. surprise


Direction : Choose the best answer.

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1. Te most popular ice cream………………..is chocolate.a. cakeb. foodc. flavord. custom

2. The………………..of the United States is red, white, and blue.a. cakeb. flagc. foodd. map

3. Thailand………………..Songkran in April.a. likesb. remembersc. findsd. celebrate

4. Try to blow out the birthday candles with one……………………. .a. breathb. flagc. caked. gift

5. A custom is a……………………………. .a. partyb. habitc. ruled. celebration

6. Children in the other countries celebrate birthday……………..a. like people in the United State.b. with just their friendc. in different wayd. in the party

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7. In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, people…………….on the child’ s birthday.a. fly flagb. have breakfast in bedc. put gift in the child’s bedd. sing a song

8. In some countries, some……………..are more important than others.a. cakeb. yearsc. festivalsd. days

9. Birthday cakes………………. .a. are there some around the worldb. have noodles in Chinac. are different everywhered. are same everywhere

10. In Japan, 3, 5, and 7 are…………….years.a. happyb. luckyc.surprised. days

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Direction : Choose the best answer.

1. Te most popular ice cream………………..is chocolate.a. cakeb. food

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c. flavord. custom

2. The………………..of the United States is red, white, and blue.a. cakeb. flagc. foodd. map

3. Thailand………………..Songkran in April.a. likesb. remembersc. findsd. celebrate

4. Try to blow out the birthday candles with one……………………. .a. breathb. flagc. caked. gift

5. A custom is a……………………………. .a. partyb. habitc. ruled. celebration

6. Children in the other countries celebrate birthday……………..a. like people in the United State.b. with just their friendc. in different wayd. in the party

7. In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, people…………….on the child’ s birthday.a. fly flagb. have breakfast in bed

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c. put gift in the child’s bedd. sing a song

8. In some countries, some……………..are more important than others.a. cakeb. yearsc. festivalsd. days

9. Birthday cakes……………….a. are there some around the worldb. have noodles in Chinac. are different everywhered. are same everywhere

10. In Japan, 3, 5, and 7 are…………….years.a. happyb. luckyc. surprised. days

เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 1

ก�รถ�มนำ�กอนก�รอ�น (Priming Questions)

ครและนกเรยนสนทน�กนเกยวกบรปภ�พ ดงคำ�ถ�มนำ� เชน

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A : What do you see in this picture ?B : I see birthday partyA : Do you celebrate your birthday every

year or only in Special years ?

B : Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. A : What do you usually do on your birthday

? (have a birthday cake, have a party, go

out)B : Have a birthday party and a birthday

cake A : Do you like birthday? Why or why not ?B : Yes, I like birthday because it’s fun and


เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 2

ก�รทำ�คว�มเข�ใจคำ�ศพท (Understanding Vocabulary)

Past A: Direction: Write the meanings of these words. You can use dictionaries.

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1. celebrate (v.)2. candle (n.)3. breath (v.)4. parents (n.)5. festival (n.)


6. decorate (v)7. religiou (adj.)8. wish (v.)9. blow (v.)10. custom(n.)

…ตกแตง,ประดบประด�...…………..ศ�สน�…………………ตองก�ร, ปร�รถน�.........…………เป�…………………………ประเพณ………………

Past B :Direction: Match the words and the meaning given below.

A B……d…….

1. to celebrate (v.)

a. the habits of a country or group


2. customs (n.)

b. the amount of air that you take into your body and then let out again


3. to gather around (v.)

c. helping good things happen by chance


4. one breath (n.)

d. to do something special and fun for a reason


5. lucky (v.) e. to stand together in a group

…… 6. flag (n.) f. special tastes

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g…….……f……. 7. flavor (n.) g. a piece of cloth with

special colors for a country

เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 3

ก�รอ�นเนอเรอง (Reading the Text)

Direction : Read this passage and answer the questions below.

Everybody has a birthday. Many children in other countries celebrate their birthdays like children in the United States. They have a birthday cake, gifts, and sometimes a birthday party for friends. Friends and family gather around a table with a birthday cake on it. They sing ‘Happy birthday to you.’ Two American sisters wrote this song in 1893, but people still sing this song 5 today! The birthday cake usually has lighted candle on it, one candle for each year of your life. The birthday child makes a wish and then blows out all the candles. If the child blows out the candles in one breath, the wish will come true. Other countries have different customs.

1. The word they (line 2) refers to the children in the United States

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2. The word it (line 4) refers to a table3. The word they (line 4) refers to Friends and family4. The word this (line 5) refers to Happy birthday to you song5. The word it (line 5) refers to The birthday cake6. Who wrote Happy birthday to you? Two American sisters

เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 4

ก�รทำ�คว�มเข�ใจเนอเรอง (Understanding the Text)

Direction: Answer the questions according to the text. 1. How do the people in the United States celebrate on their birthday ?

They have a birthday cake, gifts, and sometimes a birthday party

for friends.

2. What is the same thing that people in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden do on their birthdays ?People fly the country’s flag outside their home to tell everyone that someone in the family is having a birthday.

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3. How do the people in Holland celebrate on a crown birthday ?

On a crown birthday, the birthday child gets a much more important gift.

The family also decorates the child’s chair at dining table with flowers,

paper, and balloons. 4. What are the lucky years in Japan ?

The lucky years in Japan are 3,5, and 7.

5. Which country doesn’t have birthday cake ? China

เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 5

ก�รถ�ยโอนขอมล (Transferring Information)

Past : ADirection : Do mind mapping about BIRTHDAY

Birthday Customs in Europe and North




-Birthday child has a birthday cake, gift and sometimes a birthday party

-Fly country’s flag

-Birthday child gets breakfast in

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Customs in

India Japan


-Fly country’s flag outside home-Parents

-Fly country’s flag outside home-Birthday child gets breakfast in bed

-Birthday child gets a much more important gift on a crown birthday

On November 15 children and families

go to the religious

place, then the family

give a party

Hindo children celebrate their birthday at the age of sixteen

-No birthday cake-Friends and family eat noodle for lunch to wish birthday child a

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เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 6

ก�รตอชนสวนประโยค และเรยงโครงสร�งของอนเฉท (Jigsaw Exercise and Paragraph Structure)

Direction: Rearrange the given stripes into 8 completed sentences, then write them into a paragraph in your notebook.

เฉลย 1. ตอชนสวนประโยค

1. In some countries, some years are more important than others.

2. In Holland, these are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 21. They call them ‘crown’ years.

3. On a crown birthday, the birthday child gets a much more important gift. 4. Then the family gives a party for the child and gives the child gifts.

5. The special years in Japan are 3,5, and 7. These are the lucky years.

-No birthday cake-Friends and family eat noodle for lunch to wish birthday child a

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6. On November 15 every year, there is a festival called ‘Seven, five, three’ when the children and their families go to a religious place.

7. The family also decorates the child’s chair at dining table with flowers, paper, and balloons.

8. Because of religious reasons, Hindu children only get to celebrate their birthdays until the age of sixteen

เฉลย 2.เรยงโครงสร�งอนเฉท

In some countries, some years are more important than others. In Holland, these are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 21. They call

them ‘crown’ years. On a crown birthday, the birthday child gets a much

more important gift. The family also decorates the child’s chair at dining

table with flowers, paper, and balloons. The special years in Japan are

3,5, and 7. These are the lucky years. On November 15 every year, there is a festival called ‘Seven, five, three’ when the children and their families go to a religious place. Then the family gives a party for the child

and gives the child gifts. Because of religious reasons, Hindu children only

get to celebrate their birthdays until the age of sixteen.

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เฉลยแบบฝกทกษะท 7

ก�รประเมนผลและก�รแกไข (Evaluation and Correcting)

Past : A

Direction: Write T in front of the statements that are correct and F in front of the statements that are incorrect.

……F……1) There is one candle on the birthday cake

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……F……2) In Denmark, they put gifts around the birthday cake.

……T……3) Two sister wrote the famous birthday song.

……T……4) The crown years are 5,10,15,20, and 21.

……T……5) In Finland, the child eats breakfast in bed.

……F……6) Hindu children celebrate their birthday after age sixteen

……F……7) In Norway, Denmark, and England, people fly the country’s

flag outside their home.……F……8) If the child blows out the candles

in three breath, the wish will come true.……T……9) In Japan are 3, 5, and 7 are lucky

years.……F……10) In China. There is birthday cake.

Past : B Choose the best answer.

Direction : Choose the best answer.

1. Children in the other countries celebrate birthday……………..a. like people in the United State.

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b. with just their friendc. in different way

2. In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, people…………….on the child’ s birthday.a. fly flagb. have breakfast in bedc. put gift in the child’s bed

3. In some countries, some……………..are more important than others.a. cakeb. yearsc. festivals

4. Birthday cakes……………….a. are there some around the worldb. have noodles in Chinac. are different everywhere

5. In Japan, 3, 5, and 7 are…………….years.a. happyb. luckyc. surprise

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ใบคว�มร เรองReference

  Reference คอ คำ�อ�งองทใชแทน กลมคำ�หรอประโยคทไดกล�วม�แลวในเรอง หรออ�จจะกล�วตอไปนกได ทงนเพอหลกเลยงก�รใชคำ�ซำ�เดม ชวยใหเรองทอ�นกระชบคว�ม ไมเยนเยอ ดงนน ก�รห�คำ�อ�งองในขอคว�มจะชวยใหผอ�นทร�บคว�มเกยวพน คว�มตอเนองของขอมลหรอร�ยละเอยดต�งๆ อนจะนำ�ไปสคว�มเข�ใจในก�รอ�นยงขน

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คำ�อ�งองทพบบอยๆ มดงน1. Demonstrative Pronouns คอ สรรพน�มทชเฉพ�ะ

ไดแก This , that , these , those อ�จใชแทนคำ�น�ม กลมคำ� หรอประโยคกได เชน

Mr.Jackson's explanations are easier to understand than those of Mr. Hill.(จ�กประโยคกล�วถงก�รอธบ�ยของ Mr. Jackson ว�เข�ใจง�ยกว�ก�รอธบ�ยของ Mr. Hill ดงนน those จงเปนคำ�อ�งถงคำ�น�ม explanations ทกล�วม�กอนแลว)

Students must attend classes regularly , everyone knows that.(จ�กประโยค กล�วว� นกเรยนตองเข�เรยนเปนประจำ�สมำ�เสมอ และทกคนต�งรถงสงนนกนด ในทน สงนน หรอ that กคอ attending classes regularly นนเอง)        

2. Personal Pronouns คอ สรรพน�มทใชแทนบคคล หรอสงต�งๆ และทพบใชบอยๆ ในก�รอ�งองถง ไดแก he , she , it และ they เชน

Athletes know that a good diet is important. They eat very healthy foods, especially before a race.(นกกฬ�รดว�ก�รรบประท�นอ�ห�รทดนนเปนเรองสำ�คญ พวกเข�จงรบประท�นแตอ�ห�รทมประโยชน โดยเฉพ�ะอย�งยง เวล�กอนแขงขน ในทน they (พวกเข�) อ�งองถง Athletes หรอนกกฬ�นนเอง)

 3. Other Pronouns ไดแก สรรพน�มอนๆ ทอ�งองถงคำ� กลมคำ�หรอประโยคในขอคว�ม เชน one , ones, some , others, all, most , many , a few, few และ none ดงตวอย�ง         Which book have you chosen ?-- The one that is about murder.

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(หนงสอเลมใดทคณเลอก - เลมทเกยวกบก�รฆ�ตกรรม ในทน one ใชอ�งถง book โดยไมกล�วคำ�ว� book ซำ�อกในประโยคคำ�ตอบ)         Some students study in the library, and others study in their rooms.(นกเรยนจำ�นวนหนงศกษ�ห�คว�มรในหองสมด และ(นกเรยน)อกจำ�นวนหนงเรยนอยในหองของเข� คำ�ว� others อ�งองถง other students นนเอง)      4. There , here ใชแทนคำ�วเศษณบอกสถ�นทหรอเวล� เชน          The new market has a big parking lot. There's a wide choice of goods.Prices are reasonable. These are the advantages of shopping there.(ตล�ดแหงใหมมทจอดรถขน�ดใหญ มสนค�ใหเลอกม�กม�ย ร�ค�กเหม�ะสม เหล�นคอประโยชนของก�รซอของทนน there ใชแทน at the new market ) 5. Such + noun ใชแทนก�รบรรย�ยเกยวกบบคคลหรอสงของ ดงตวอย�ง            The boy's village in the remote region of South Africa had no running water or electricity. He was seeing such things for the first time.(หมบ�นของเดกช�ยในพนทห�งไกลของแอฟรก�ใต ไมมนำ� หรอไฟฟ� เข�เพงพบสงประเภทนเปนครงแรกเมอพจ�รณ�คว�มสมพนธแลว such things (สงประเภทน สงเชนน) เปนกลมคำ�ทใชแทนน�ม running water หรอ electricity )             

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ทม� : http://www.bwc.ac.th/e-learning/taidream/reference.



กระทรวงศกษ�ธก�ร. (2548). ก�รวดและประเมนผลองม�ตรฐ�นก�รเรยนร ต�มหลกสตร

ก�รศกษ�ขนพนฐ�น พทธศกร�ช 2544 กลมส�ระก�รเรยนรภ�ษ�ต�งประเทศ. กรงเทพฯ: องคก�รรบสงสนค�และพสดภณฑ.

กงแกว อ�รรกษ และละเอยด จฑ�นนท. (2546). ก�รวดและประเมนผลท�งภ�ษ�.

กรงเทพฯ: พฒน�คณภ�พวช�ก�ร (พว.).

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รศ.ดร.ธญญรตน ป�ณะกล และ ผศ.สองศร โตประเสรฐ ก�รอ�นเอ�คว�ม Reading for

Comprehension : ภ�ควช�ภ�ษ�องกฤษและภ�ษ�ศ�สตร คณะมนษยศ�สตร

มห�วทย�ลย ร�มคำ�แหง สำ�นกง�นคณะกรรมก�รก�รศกษ�ขนพนฐ�น สมตร� องวฒนกล. (2535). วธก�รสอนอ�นเปนภ�ษ�ต�ง

ประเทศ. กรงเทพฯจฬ�ลงกรณมห�วทย�ลย.

สวทย มลคำ� และสนนท� สนทรประเสรฐ. (2550). ก�รพฒน�ผลง�นท�งวช�ก�รส

ก�รเลอนวทยฐ�นะ. กรงเทพฯ: อ. เค. บคส.อจฉร� วงศโสธร. (2538). แนวท�งก�รสร�งขอสอบภ�ษ�. กรงเทพฯ: จฬ�ลงกรณ

มห�วทย�ลย._______. (2539). ก�รทดสอบและประเมนผลก�รเรยนก�รสอนภ�ษ�องกฤษ.

กรงเทพฯ: จฬ�ลงกรณมห�วทย�ลย.Broukal, M. [ม.ป.พ.]. Weaving It Together Connecting Reading and Writing Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Third Edition, Singapore : Green

Giant Press, 2009.Longman. Longman Basic English Dictionary, England : Pearson Education Limited,

2003.http://www.oknation.net/blog/geta/2007/11/04/entry-1 www.freewebs.com/wichaimakyou/unit6 uit7.pdf

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