visual rhetoric, feb 14th 2013


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Yay, Valentine's Day!


Page 1: Visual Rhetoric, Feb 14th 2013
Page 2: Visual Rhetoric, Feb 14th 2013


1) VOTE! 2) Some pictures3) Some theorizing about logos and fonts4) Match up my logo5) Match up YOUR logo6) The visual rhetoric of romance (time pending)7) Homework

Page 3: Visual Rhetoric, Feb 14th 2013

Step 1

I have emailed to all of you the two potential plans for the remainder of the semester. One incorporates the video project and the other does not.Open the email now and read it over.

Let me know if you have questions, or if anyone has final pitches. Then we vote.

Page 4: Visual Rhetoric, Feb 14th 2013

Step 1.5


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Step 2

In Niihka, I have added a folder within “resources” called “ACE photos.” Please divide into your teams and take a few minutes to look them over.

Sadly there is nothing groundbreaking there. But some of them might be useful. We can also brainstorm what else we’d like to have.

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Step 3

You read an article for today that spoke to you specifically about how to match type to a logo (remember the article with the tree logo in it?).

Let’s look at some logos and the fonts used.

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Step 3

I am in the process of designing new business cards, and I want one side to be just my logo with the URL of my website.

What I want you to do is to use the criteria discussed in that article to find me a font to use.

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Step 4

Now do the same thing with your current ACE logo.

Go ahead. I’ll wait here.

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Step 5

I want to talk a little with you about images of “romance,” stemming from the discussion we had about Wysocki last class and visuals in American culture (and because it’s Valentine’s Day).

I don’t want to gather the samples, though– what I think of as romantic might not match your sense of that. So in your teams, pick a romantic image or two and email them to me, then we’ll put them on the screen and talk about it.

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Read for class: Williams non-designers design bookChapter 7, Kimball & Hawkins Chapter 8 and read around on/tinker with Colors on the Web.

Have some color palettes in mind for your ACE materials. Bring them with you to class. And KEEP WORKING!