vittzhee r kilroom part of the south hook lng read inside ... bollard pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107...

The Svitzer Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG tug and lineboat fleet Issue 6 Winter 2015/2016 1 SOUTH HOOK LNG Autumn Edition Issue 8 Autumn 2017 Issue 5 Spring 2015 1 Read inside: Industry and nature existing side by side Your Safety Moment: Manual Handling Delivering energy to the UK Celebrating the fundraising and volunteering successes of our people Celebrating our tenth schools Calendar Competition

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Page 1: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

TheSvitzer Kilroompart of the South Hook LNGtug and lineboat fleet

Issue 6 Winter 2015/2016 1


Autumn Edition Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Issue 5 Spring 2015

Read inside:Industry andnature existingside by side

Your Safety Moment:Manual Handling

Delivering energyto the UK

Celebrating thefundraising andvolunteeringsuccesses of our people

Celebratingour tenthschoolsCalendar


Page 2: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Since 2006, over 100 acres to the west ofthe Terminal has been dedicated to natureconservation. South Hook LNG manages thisarea, in conjunction with the PembrokeshireCoast National Park Authority (PCNPA).

Controlled and limited access to the NatureConservation Area (NCA), supported byactive monitoring programmes andconservation management, has allowed amosaic of habitats to develop, ranging fromwet and dry scrub to grassland and bothseasonal and permanent ponds. Evolvinghabitats have allowed many species tothrive in the pools, which were originallycreated by the depression of large oilstorage tanks once located in the area, aspart of the Haven’s refining history.

Through the successful implementation ofwoody shrub management, the developmentand biodiversity of habitats has furtherbeen encouraged within the NCA. This hasincluded clearance programmes of non-nativeplants such as conifers, an invasive plantcalled Montbretia, scrub and willow fromsignificant areas around several of the ponds.

Due to the success of the introduction of aherd of ponies in 2015, a larger herd of tenponies grazed a substantially extendedfenced area so that other areas may benefitfrom the grazing.

This low level grazing inhibits theencroachment of scrub (such as gorse andbrambles) and allows the area to be kept‘open’ for traditional grassland and cliff topflowering plants, such as Orchids, SeaThrift, Sea Campion, Violets andencourage anthill formation, all of which areobserved throughout the conservationarea. The hoof prints can also open up thesward for opportunist seeding by floweringplants, to the benefit of the local wildlifeand environment.

Sea ThriftPhoto Credit: Armeriamaritima (Thrift)/Mavermick/ThinkStock

Top right: Expertsclosely monitor speciesin the NCA

Issue 8 Autumn 2017 3

South Hook LNG in the community

2 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Our activities

If you would prefer toreceive future South Hook LNG SeasonsNewsletters electronically,you can download a copy from our

Cover image: Svitzer Kilroom andLNG vessel ‘Tembek’alongside the South Hook LNG jetty• Length: 39.71m• Breadth: 14.7m• Draught: 4.81m• Depth: 6.1m• Gross registeredtonnage: 819 tonnes

• Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead)107 tonnes (astern)

• Propellers: TwoAzimuthing CPP units

• Main propulsionsystems: Two 16cylinder propulsionengines with 6104kwinstalled power

All information is correctat the time of printing.This Newsletter isprinted using vegetable-based inks, FSC paperand is fully recyclable.

South Hook LNGhas a fleet of tugs

and lineboats,operated by Svitzer UK. the 2017 Autumn Edition of ourSeasons Community NewsletterA vital contributor to the UK’s energy landscape, the South Hook LNG Terminal has beenreliably delivering gas to homes, businesses and industry since 2010, when the Terminal wasfully commissioned. Proud of our reputation for safety and reliability, we have welcomed visitsover the course of the last year, from representatives of the UK Government and industryexperts, as well as students seeking more understanding of our operations.Over the years, we have built many strong relationships within the community and havesupported hundreds of community initiatives across Pembrokeshire. Through our partnershipwith Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS), we are able to provide financialassistance to local charities and volunteer groups, giving a helping hand towards funding buildingprojects, training and garden equipment along with many other initiatives that promote areasof safety, environment, education or wellbeing - values that are important to South Hook LNG.Our annual schools calendar competition has been very successful and since the firstcompetition in 2009, we have been inundated with thousands of wonderful works of art from localschoolchildren. To mark our tenth calendar competition, this year we offered a prize of £1,000 totwelve winning local schools and have given them a very different challenge! See the back coverof this Newsletter for more details.It has been a busy year so far, and through the pages of this Newsletter, we share with you someof our activities: our 2017 Scholarship Award and experiences of local students who spent somevaluable work experience at the Terminal and how it has helped them decide what career path totake. We also celebrate some of the fundraising and volunteering successes of our own people.

We hope you enjoy the read!

Industry and nature existing side by side at the South Hook LNG Terminal

Page 3: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Our short history has established South Hook LNG as a key player in theUK energy industry and we are proud to be one of the key contributors tothe UK’s energy needs.

Over the last decade, as the UK’s domestic sources of natural gas hascontinued to decline, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has become anincreasingly important source of reliable energy. Natural gas burns morecleanly and efficiently than other fossil fuels with carbon emissionssignificantly lower than coal.

Liquefied natural gas or LNG, is natural gas, mainly methane (CH4), thathas been condensed into a liquid by cooling it to approximately minus160° C. Liquefied natural gas takes up about 1/600th the volume of naturalgas in its gaseous state. Once liquefied, the LNG can then be transportedand stored as a liquid in an unpressurised environment.

At South Hook LNG, our key function is the safe and reliable regasificationof LNG. LNG is shipped to our Terminal where it is received, stored and,when needed, the LNG is converted back to its gaseous state through aprocess known as regasification.

As one of Europe’s largest regasification terminals, weare capable of handling around a fifth of the UK’s currentnatural gas needs. Playing a vital role in thecountry’s energy infrastructure, the Terminalrepresents a long-term commitment by ourShareholders, to the security of UKenergy supplies.

Delivering energy to the UK

Issue 8 Autumn 2017 5

Our activitiesOur activities

4 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Gas to National Transmission System

LNG Ship LNG Storage Submerged CombustionVapourisers

Fuel Gas

South Hook LNG has a dedicatedworld-class fleet of vessels, consistingof five Tractor Tugs and two lineboatswhich support the safe and efficientberthing and departure of LNG shipsvisiting the Terminal. Svitzer UK is theoperator of the seven vessels.

The tugs are among the largest andmost powerful vessels of their type inthe world and are another exampleof the ground-breaking technologiesinvolved in the delivery of securesupplies of natural gas from Qatar’sNorth Field to the UK market.

Capable of operating in high seasand extreme weather conditions, thetugs have been specifically designedfor the requirements of South HookLNG Terminal. Assigned to assist

LNG ships to manoeuvre safelywithin the confines of the Port, eachhas a crew of four and facilities onboard to allow 24-hour operations.

The largest tug, the Svitzer Kilroom,is approximately 40 metres longwith a bollard pull of 113 tonnes.Both the Kilroom and the SvitzerLindsway were built in Spain. Theother three tugs, the Watwick,Musselwick and Gelliswick wereconstructed in China, while thelineboats were built in Thailand.

The two lineboats, Svitzer Taku andSvitzer Thaw, are capable ofoperating in all weather conditions,day and night and assist the LNGship to pass its mooring lines safely,while approaching our berth. With a

crew of two, each vessel is alsocapable of personnel and storestransfer, of up to 10 passengers.

Svitzer Gelliswick, Azimuth Stern Drive Tug Length 32.6m Width 11.6m Draft 4.5-5.2mSteady Bollard Pull 80 tonnes

Operations at South Hook LNG

Svitzer UK: Tug and Lineboat Fleet

Stage 1: we receive andunload the LNG frompurpose built LNG ships

Stage 2: the LNG is storedin tanks until it is required

Stage 3: when required, theLNG goes through a processknown as regasification - theLNG passes through a tepidwater bath where it iswarmed to a point when itreverts to its gaseous state

Stage 4: the gas finally entersthe National TransmissionSystem, reaching homes,industry and businessesacross the UK

A Q Max vesselcan carry enoughLNG to meet thenatural gas needsof 140,000 homesfor a year.

Page 4: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Issue 8 Autumn 2017 76 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Our activities Our activities

Welcoming guests to our TerminalSouth Hook LNG is of major significance to the UK and we are proud to be able to welcome guests to view operations at the Terminal.

The cover page of this Newslettershows the powerful Svitzer Kilroom,one of the South Hook LNG dedicatedfleet, operated by Svitzer UK.

In June 2017, we welcomed Henriette

Thygesen, CEO Svitzer, along withother representatives from Svitzer UKto South Hook LNG for a series ofmeetings. Our guests took theopportunity to tour the facility.

Earlier this year, we welcomed StephenCrabb MP back to the Terminal. As acontinued supporter of Pembrokeshire’senergy sector, Stephen’s visit was an

opportunity to discuss the ongoingcontribution that South Hook LNGmakes to both the local economy andthe wider energy landscape of the UK.

Members of the Department forBusiness, Energy & Industrial Strategy(BEIS) were recently welcomed to theTerminal, supporting our colleagues atSouth Hook Gas - the London based

Company that manages the Terminal'scapacity. Members of BEIS, who haveresponsibility for advising on UKenergy policy and economics, visitedSouth Hook LNG to get a better

understanding of the operationalprocess involved in receiving andregasifying LNG.

Safety Management Leadership atSouth Hook LNG is centred around astructured Management System - theSafety, Security, Health & EnvironmentManagement System (SHEMS). ThisManagement System is instrumental insetting clear guidelines and theexpectations required to meetstringent regulatory requirements. Itdefines the way we all work at theTerminal in delivering an excellentsafety culture.

To ensure continued best practice, wework closely with industry experts andShareholder representatives from otherLNG terminals. As well assome of our team membersvisiting Adriatic LNG in Italy, toassist with the review of theirSafety Management System,we were pleased that our ownSHEMS system was subject toaudit by experts from the Italianfacility during 2016.

UK Government advisors welcomed to site

Working with industry experts

Representatives from Svitzer visit the Terminal

Stephen Crabb MP is pictured withGeneral Manager, Rob Else and Operations Manager, Ken Hurley.

Guests from Svitzer with Rob Else GeneralManager, Hamad Al-Samra Deputy GeneralManager, Ken Hurley Operations Managerand Gerrit Schulz Supply Chain Co-ordinator.

Welcoming Stephen Crabb MP back to South Hook LNG

Experts from Adriatic LNG Terminal,working alongside South Hook LNGpersonnel.

Page 5: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Issue 8 Autumn 2017 9

South Hook LNG in the communitySafety Culture at South Hook LNG

8 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Our Community Liaison Group (CLG) meets on a quarterlybasis, and is a chance for Senior Management at SouthHook LNG to share information with locally electedcommunity representatives within the neighbourhood.

The CLG Forum provides an opportunity for us to sharesome of our current operational activities, as well asproviding an insight into some of the recent CommunityEngagement initiatives we have been proud to support.

At the last meeting, the need for greater vigilance bymembers of the public using the South Hook LNG AccessRoad, was discussed. Whilst remaining private property, thearea has become a popular walking route. With the night’sdrawing in, personal visibility and that of pets is paramountto ensure the safety of all users.

The Company asked Members to reiterate within theircommunities, the expectation that those walking in the areado so responsibly.

Simone Terry, a studentfrom Haverfordwest, hasjust started her first year atthe University of York witha financial boost fromSouth Hook LNG. Wewere proud to offer our

second Scholarship Award to Simone, aformer pupil of Sir Thomas PictonSchool. Following excellent A Levelresults, Simone has moved north toembark on a four-year Master’s Degreein Chemistry, including a year in industry.

Simone was one of many local studentsto apply for our annual Scholarship,

which - along with a written application- also involved giving a presentation asto future career aspirations.

Having grown up in Haverfordwest,Simon’s interest in Chemistry started ata young age. “Without chemistry wewould not have many of the advancesthat have come about in fields asdiverse as the energy sector,pharmaceuticals and the production ofmaterials,” commented Simone.

“Knowing that these advances areattributable to chemists and thatchemists are at the forefront of countlessremarkable discoveries, has inspired me

to carry out a degree in chemistry. Iwould like to thank South Hook LNGfor this very generous scholarshipwhich will assist me greatly during mystudies at the University of York andhelp me to fulfil my career ambitions.”

The South Hook LNG ScholarshipProgramme encourages applicationsfrom local students seeking highereducation in engineering, science orbusiness related disciplines. Details forhow to apply to the 2018 Programme willbe available on our website next year.

We wish Simone the very best as shestarts on a new chapter of her life.

Staying Safe!The commitment to safety at South Hook LNG is evident throughout theorganisation. We strongly believe that all incidents and accidents arepreventable and strive to instil a culture of continual improvement in oursafety practices.

Loss of situational awareness is a causal factor in many accidents onindustrial sites, so we encourage everyone working at the Terminal, toremember how important it is to be aware of their working environment.

Preventing Slips, Trips and FallsAll slips, trips and falls have the potential to hurt people and a third of all majorinjuries at work are caused by this category of incident.

Some guidelines for staying safe, whether at work, at homeor out and about• Avoid slips by looking out for wet floors, icy areas, oil or grease

• Wear suitable footwear for the environment

• Promptly clean up any spillage - do not leave it for someone else!

• Avoid trips by maintaining a good standard of housekeeping and ensure thatcorridors, stairs and access ways are kept clear

• Ensure rubbish and waste material is promptly removed and disposed of appropriately

• Take care when getting in and out of vehicles

• Take care if your environment is affected by poor lighting

Photo Credit: Warning sign / MauMyHat images / ThinkStock

Safety moment: Manual HandlingLifting awkwardly or movingheavy objects can cause seriousinjury when not carried outproperly. Try to think about thefollowing precautions:

• Reduce the amount of twisting,stooping and reaching

• Avoid lifting from floor level orabove shoulder height,especially heavy loads

• Consider how you canminimise carrying distances

• Assess the weight to becarried and whether you canmove the load safely or needhelp - maybe the load can bebroken down to smaller, lightercomponents?

• Make sure the route is clear,remove any obstructions

• When carrying a load for adistance, plan to rest on abench or table during theroute, allowing you to changegrip

• Keep the load at waist heightand close to the body

• Keep the heaviest side of theload next to the body

• Adopt a stable position andmake sure your feet are apart,with one leg slightly forward tomaintain balance

Photo Credit: Woman holdingbox / Jupiter Images /ThinkStock

South Hook LNG Scholarship Award

Community Liaison Group Update

Julian Owens Business Services Manager and Mariam Dalziel PR Manager,pictured with members of the CLG: Mayor of Milford Haven, Councillor Colin Sharp, Councillor Eric Harries, Councillor Alun Byrne andCouncillor Danny Richards.

Members not present: Councillor Reg Owens and Councillor Des Galdo

Page 6: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Lewys TeeInspired by hisweek at SouthHook LNG, Lewysenjoyed his timespent with theInstruments,Mechanical andElectrical teams,within theMaintenancedepartment.

Having receivedexcellent GCSEresults over thesummer, Lewyshas now returned

to sixth form to study A Levels. “Each of the teamsgave me a different insight into the plant and theregasification process,” said Lewys. “After my weekat the Terminal, I am definitely considering universityand a career in the energy industry. For now, I amgoing to concentrate on my A Levels.”

Saul Bayjoo

Saul is currentlystudying A Levelsat PembrokeshireCollege, with thehope of going touniversity to studyengineering. Heenjoyed a busyand informativeweek with theSouth Hook LNGTechnical Servicesteam, learninghow the manyengineeringdisciplines are

applied across the Terminal. Following his week’sexperience, Saul commented, “Going on the site itselfwas a personal highlight for me. I now need to look atall the university courses that would be worthconsidering. There are so many options!”

Leah Palmer

Leah completedher A-levels, aspart of a STEMprogramme andthis inspired her topursue a degreein EnvironmentalEngineering atSwanseaUniversity. Shehas just startedher third year ofstudies.

Leah shadowedthe Environment

and Regulatory SHEMS Technician, during her week at the Terminal, where she was able to observe a number of sampling activities and conductdata analysis.

Keen to express her thanks to those supporting herduring her week at South Hook LNG, Leah said, “Theweek has given me a great insight into howtheoretical knowledge may be applied to industrialprocesses. I have also learned a number of new skills,expanding my practical knowledge.”

South Hook LNG in the community

10 Issue 8 Autumn 2017 Issue 8 Autumn 2017 11

South Hook LNG in the community

Kieran HurleyKieran is abudding engineer,aspiring toachieve CharteredEngineer status.Currently studyingan EngineeringLevel 3 ExtendedDiploma, his workexperience atSouth Hook LNGhas enabled himto gain importantsoft skills, nottaught at college,such as team

working and communications skills.

One of the highlights of Kieran’s week was working ona project with the Mechanical Maintenance Team. Hesaid, “My time at the Terminal has been a fun andenjoyable experience and I feel proud to have had theopportunity to get an insight into such a well-managedbusiness.” He continued, “This has complimented mystudies and, importantly, has confirmed that I ammaking the right choice in my career. I was made tofeel very welcome and learned many things.”

Welcoming a group ofSwansea University students to the TerminalTowards the end of 2016, a group of15 students studying ChemicalEngineering at Swansea Universitywere invited to South Hook LNG tomeet with our teams from Operationsand Technical Services.

The group enjoyed a tour of theprocess area at the Terminal, includinga visit to the Central Control Building,the nerve centre of South Hook LNG,where all ship unloading, gas send outand routine operations are managed.

Choosing an interesting and worthwhile subject to pursue infurther education or knowing how that subject might beapplied in the real world, is one of the most challengingprospects for many young people. Over the course of the last year, we have welcomed a number of young students to the Terminal to help give them an insight into potential career opportunities within the LNG industry.

Learningopportunitiesfor localstudents

Personnel at the Terminal were given the opportunity to extendan invitation to young family members who may have aninterest in joining us for a week or two of work experience.

Ciara OwensCiara joined thePR team, havingjust completed herA Levels atPembrokeshireCollege. Ciara hasjust commencedher studies inMedia Productionin Cardiff, so shefound the chanceto have a go atwriting a companypress release, aswell as other PRtasks, really useful.

Ciara also spent an afternoon with the Procurementteam, which included a brief introduction to contractand budget management.

“My time at South Hook LNG gave me a much betteridea of the broad range of activities involved in PR.Everyone was so welcoming and friendly and I felt mycontributions were valued. It was a really worthwhileand enjoyable opportunity,” commented Ciara.

Harry DaweHarry is currentlyworking towards aLevel 3 Diploma inMechanicalEngineering atPembrokeshireCollege and hespent his timeshadowingcolleagues fromProcessOperations andTechnicalServices. Theexperience hasinspired Harry to

pursue a career within the local industry and he waskeen to express his gratitude, saying, “Thank you toeveryone at South Hook LNG for giving me thechance to expand my knowledge of potential jobroles at the Terminal. It was a good opportunity forme to learn some useful skills too.”

Work experiencestudents

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South Hook LNG in the community

12 Issue 8 Autumn 2017 Issue 8 Autumn 2017 13

South Hook LNG in the community

South Hook LNG support students at Pembrokeshire Mencap

Community Projectssupported

Milford Haven Gym Club

Through our Community Fund, we havebeen able to provide funding to MilfordHaven Gymnastic Club, providing a newsafety mat that will benefit children of allages, from pre-school budding gymnaststo members of the senior squads.

Our assistance has helped the Clubmeet a growing demand, as its

membership continues to expand.  Thenew safety-training mat will allowmembers of the Club to continue to trainin a safe environment, boosting theirexperience and their confidence andproviding additional support to both theClub’s recreational and squad gymnasts.

Bird Boxes, feeding tables, plantersand garden tool carriers are just someof the woodwork projects underway atPembrokeshire Mencap, followingsupport from South Hook LNG.

Pembrokeshire Mencap provides daycare at Stackpole Walled Gardens foryoung people with learning difficultiesand through our Community Fund, wehave been able to provide financialsupport for new tools, supportingworkshop activities at the Gardens.

Debbie Drewett, Gardens Manager,said, “The new equipment willtransform the learning experience,enabling the students to improve theirwork but, most importantly, thestudents will have a greater sense of

wellbeing.” Debbie continued, “Moneygenerated by the sale of the productswill contribute to the ongoing successof the organisation, so we can continueto support vulnerable adults.”

Supervised by trained staff andvolunteers, many of the students areable to follow accredited training inhorticultural work, including propagatingand growing vegetables and flowers.Fruit, vegetables and plants areharvested daily and are sold in theGarden’s shop and fresh ingredientsused in the Garden’s tearoom.

The Stackpole Gardens websiteprovides information on upcomingevents and opening

The Community Zone - a great success at this year’s County ShowHaving supported the Community Zone at thePembrokeshire County Show for a number of years, wewere pleased that this year's event proved as popular asever. Organised by Pembrokeshire Association of VoluntaryServices (PAVS), and officially opened by Chief Executive ofPembrokeshire County Council, Ian Westley, the CommunityZone played host to a number of local community andvoluntary groups, providing valuable advice to the thousandsof people who visited the Show.

Eighteen local voluntary and community groups had thechance to showcase their services over the course of thethree day event, giving greater awareness as to the supportthat is available through Pembrokeshire’s Voluntary sector.Organisations included Cruse Bereavement Care, West WalesAction for Mental Health, Pembrokeshire Citizens AdviceBureau and Multiple Sclerosis Society Pembrokeshire Group.

The event also marked the opportunity for PAVS to celebratea milestone anniversary of twenty years since its inception asthe independent association for supporting and developingvoluntary action across Pembrokeshire. Congratulations tothe team at PAVS!

The South Hook LNG CommunityFund, in partnership withPembrokeshire Association ofVoluntary Services (PAVS), helpsPembrokeshire communitiesthrough financial support. Details ofhow to apply for funding supportcan be found on the PAVS website(

South Hook LNG’s Safety Officer, Lalo Tamilia with Cllr Phil Baker andKirstie Donoghue of the County Council and PC’s Caroline Davies and Jenny Thomas.

‘Crucial Crew’ to provideimportant safety learnings for local schoolchildrenAround 1,400 schoolchildren from acrossPembrokeshire are getting set to gain new insightsinto staying safe.

Pembrokeshire County Council's annual 'Crucial Crew'event is to be held in November, with our continuedsupport. Year six pupils from 46 primary schoolsacross the County will be guided through a series ofworkshops that focus on important safety learnings.

On the theme of internet safety, Dyfed Powys Policewill explain the potential dangers of social media,whilst other workshops will focus on physical formsof wellbeing. From basic first aid, road safety, foodhygiene and domestic abuse to beach safety, fire andpower line awareness and behaviour around dogs, anumber of Agencies will be on hand to guide childrenthrough realistic scenarios in which they need torecognise the importance of staying safe.

Helping ourCommunity

Representatives of Pembrokeshire CountyCouncil, PAVS, South Hook LNG,Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authorityand PLANED

Page 8: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Issue 8 Autumn 2017 15

South Hook LNG in the communitySouth Hook LNG in the community

14 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Last year, for the South Hook LNGCalendar 2017 Competition, we invitedPembrokeshire schoolchildren tocreate artwork depicting the County’sabundant wildlife. To celebrate theachievement of the winning schools,we teamed up with PembrokeshireCoast National Park Authority (PCNPA)to help schools develop their outdoorspaces, making it a valuable learningresource for the children. The winningprize for the schools also included anRSPB voucher.

Outdoor Classrooms

Children love an outdoor classroomand during the workshops with thewinning schools, the National ParkRangers found that the children werenot short of ideas on how theirschool’s playgrounds and fields mightbe developed and improved!

In total, the National Park Rangersvisited nine schools across the County.Dan Wynn, one of the National ParkRangers, said, “Although all of thesessions focussed on the schoolgrounds, the work we were able toundertake varied from school to schooland included question and answersessions with pupils, practical work onthe ground and consultation with staffand pupils. Feedback suggests schoolswill benefit from the experience and inseveral cases Rangers have gone on tovisit the schools for a follow-on sessionand have provided written reports toaccompany their visit.” Dan concluded,“The work done with South Hook LNGhas complimented key objectives for thePembrokeshire Outdoor Schools (PODS)partnership, in particular the goal to‘create high quality learning spaces forPembrokeshire pupils to improve theiropportunities for outdoor learning’”.

Pupils help to develop their outdoor spaces

Milford Juniors RugbyWith safety being at the forefront of everything we do at the Terminal, weare proud to be able to support local projects and recently, we havecontributed towards the purchase of training equipment for Milford HavenRugby Club, benefitting over 150 youngsters.

The additional training equipment, including head guards and speed andagility training packs, will allow the young players at the Club to learn correctplaying techniques, in a safe and controlled environment. Players will also beable to learn new skills, whilst having a positive effect on their physical andmental wellbeing.

Pembroke Swimming ClubThe South Hook LNG Community Fund has helped the Pembroke & DistrictSwimming Club purchase one of five Olympic track style starting blocks, along withcontributions from a number of other local organisations. The support receivedhelped boost the fundraising efforts of the Club members, having already raisedover £5,000 towards the equipment.

A recent evening event, held at the Pembroke Leisure Centre, gave us theopportunity to meet with committee members, club coaches and race officials, aswell as the Club’s many talented and dedicated young swimmers.

St Mary's RC School - Pembroke Dock

Working closely with staff andenthusiastic pupils at St Mary’s RCSchool in Pembroke Dock, GrahamPeake, National Park Ranger, identifieda list of possible improvements. Theseincluded developing planters as mini-meadows, representative of a typicalPembrokeshire habitat and possibleprojects that would provide space forvegetable growing. It was suggestedthat these activities could either bedelivered as extra-curricular topics toengage the wider school community,including parents and carers, or builtinto the regular school day, as part ofthemed learning, for example science.

St Francis Catholic Primary School- Milford Haven

St. Francis Catholic Primary School,one of the winning schools, purchaseda Hedgehog House, Bug Hotel, plants,seeds and gardening equipment with

the voucher and, with help and advicefrom Dan Wynn, National Park Rangerand his team, landscaped the school’sFoundation playground, including a

bamboo fence, raised planting borders, apathway and a log seating area.

The school was delighted with the final result.

Outdoor class at St Francis Catholic Primary School

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Issue 8 Autumn 2017 17

South Hook LNG in the communitySouth Hook LNG in the community

16 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

If you have not received the South Hook LNG booklet ‘Our Community SafetyInformation and EmergencyInstructions’, shown here, pleasecontact us or visit our

Slow down! Be Safe! Keep us safe!

Did you know? • The South Hook LNG NatureConservation Area (page 3)supports an extending range ofspecies of dragon anddamselflies, as well as a total ofaround thirty-seven species ofbirds, including birds of preysuch as peregrine falcons,kestrels and barn owl

• LNG is the cleanest burningfossil fuel. It is colourless,odourless, non-corrosive andnon-toxic

• The Port of Milford Haven is theUK's largest energy port

• The South Hook LNG Terminalhas a total processing capacityof 15.6 million tonnes perannum, which is equivalent toaround 20% of the current UKnatural gas demand

• The rich marine life found withinthe Milford Haven Waterway isof international importance

Through the South Hook LNGCommunity Fund, we have been ableto provide support to Tenby Museumand Art Gallery, as part of an ongoing‘Clean Beach’ project with localschools and youngsters.

Local schoolchildren and members ofthe Tenby Youth Club and theBrownies, have created somewonderful bright ‘graffiti panels’ withthe support of Haverfordwest’s VCGallery. The colourful and hugelydescriptive panels are now on displayfor everyone to see, outside the TenbyMuseum and Art Gallery. Theinspirational artwork depicts localenvironmental issues, and aims toraise awareness of the importance ofthe local marine environment.

As well as collections of art, geology,archaeology and social history, TenbyMuseum also has a renowned naturalhistory collection, dating from themuseum's inception in 1878.

The South Hook LNG CommunityFund is run in partnership withPembrokeshire Association ofVoluntary Services (PAVS). Applicationinformation can be found

South Hook LNG supports ‘Clean Beach’project at Tenby Museum

‘’Please slow down!’ is the clearmessage to passing traffic outsideMount Airey Infant School!

In an attempt to appeal to local driversand parents alike, the schoolchildrenhave depicted colourful scenes ofspeeding cars and vulnerable

youngsters crossing the road.Following support from the South HookLNG Community Fund, banners havebeen created, depicting the children’scolourful artwork and are nowdisplayed in a prominent positionoutside the school, for everyone to see!

Control of Major Accident Hazards(COMAH) Regulations 2015The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) website detailsinformation about COMAH Regulations. Informationspecific to South Hook LNG can be found on theHSE website. Control of Major Accident Hazards(COMAH) Alarm and Quarterly TestsIn the unlikely event that a major incident occurs,the COMAH Alarm, will be sounded which will beclearly heard outside the South Hook LNG site.

The COMAH Alarm has a distinctivesound an intermittent tone.This specific COMAH Alarm is onlysounded if there is a potentialdanger to our local community.The ‘All Clear’ is a single continuoustone and this tone will be soundedwhen the incident is over.

You can also hear these Alarms when they are regularly tested on the first Tuesday of the quarter: • January • April • July • OctoberThe tests occur at 2.30pm and again at 7.30pm. Fridge magnets detailing the dates of the COMAHAlarm test are available.If you would like to listen to a recording of theCOMAH Alarm and the ‘All Clear’ sound to makesure that you can recognise them, please call ourspecial Freephone number: 0800 046 3470.Besides playing the site sirens, the recordedmessage repeats the emergency instructions givenin this booklet.Please note that, with the exception of thetest dates, the COMAH Alarm is onlysounded in the event of an incident whichmay have off-site effects.

Our Community Safety Information and Emergency Instructions

for the South Hook LNG Public Information Zone (PIZ)

South Hook LNG Terminal, Herbrandston

Please read this booklet and keep it in a safe place.

Ensure the booklet is left at the property to which it

has been posted if you move house.

Distributed Winter 2016.

Page 10: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

Issue 8 Autumn 2017 19

South Hook LNG in the communitySouth Hook LNG in the community

18 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

Pembroke Rugby Football Club Matthew Dennison, Process Operator

Our Staff ParticipationProgramme supports people intheir community volunteering andfundraising activities, by matchfunding or recognising the timethat they give through donationsto community organisations.We are proud that so many ofour people are able and willingto offer their time and energy tosupporting community projects.We share a number of theseinitiatives with you below.

Neptune’s Army of RubbishCleaners (NARC)Andy Davies, Process Operator

Keeping the Pembrokeshire waterssafe and clean, Andy has volunteeredwith NARC since 2005. “WithoutSouth Hook LNG’s continuing financialsupport, small volunteer groups likeNARC would struggle to continue,making a difference to the cleanlinessof the waters in the Milford HavenWaterway”, said Andy.

Pictured: a crate of lost anglingweights, collected from StackpoleQuay – all collected in one dive!

Milford Haven Rugby Football Club Karl Rozblat, Process Operator

Haverfordwest Grand National Soapbox Derby Jon Collier, Process Operator

Pembrokeshire Yacht ClubChristian Smart, Process Operator

Christian is a volunteer Senior SailingInstructor and Training Principal. “Financialassistance from South Hook LNG hasbeen used to replaced safety equipmentsuch as lifejackets and VHF radios,among other things,” said Christian.

Wales Air AmbulanceChris Lloyd, Electrical Technician

In May last year, Chris took part in thegruelling Run, Walk, Crawl, Brecon toCardiff, Ultra Marathon challenge! A42-mile race!

“Wales Air Ambulance is instrumentalin saving lives and do not receive anygovernment funding. The matchfunding I received from South HookLNG boosted the money I raised, forwhich I am really grateful.”

As Treasurer of the school’s PTA, Alexuses her financial skills to prepareannual accounts, among other things.Alex thanked South Hook LNG for

supporting her volunteering efforts,saying that the money has been usedto purchase laptops and readingbooks for the school.

Celebrating the Fundraising andVolunteering Successes of our People

Templeton C.P. School PTA Alexandra Jones, Financial Analyst

Juggling his time, Karl chairs andcoaches not only Milford Haven JuniorRugby Under 11’s team, but alsocoaches the Milford Haven RFC Minis.

“South Hook LNG has been verygenerous supporting me through thestaff community participationprogramme,” said Karl.

As Town Councillor in 2016, Jonhelped organise the HaverfordwestFestival Week in July, involving writingevent entry rules and regulations, riskassessments and arranging publicity.

Jon was keen to thank South HookLNG for a donation, supporting hisvolunteering efforts, along withcontributions from other localsponsors.

Matthew is part of a coaching team atPembroke RFC - one of four coaches whovolunteers and helps to coach around21 players in the under 9’s age group.

Matthew thanks South Hook LNG forthe generous donation, used topurchase hooded sweatshirts andtraining smocks for the team.

Page 11: vitTzhee r Kilroom part of the South Hook LNG Read inside ... Bollard Pull: 113 tonnes (ahead) 107 tonnes (astern) •Propellers: Two Azimuthing CPP units •Main propulsion systems:

20 Issue 8 Autumn 2017

South Hook LNG in the community

Marking the South Hook LNG tenth calendarThis year’s annual calendar competition withlocal schools brought a new challenge to ourCounty’s youngsters.

To mark our tenth competition, we offereda prize of £1,000 to twelve winningschools, as well as the chance to feature in our 2018 Calendar.

The competition challenged schools to work together in classes or teams, buildinga sculpture of an existing, or entirely newschool mascot from recycled and scrap materials.

As you read this Newsletter, the entries will have beenreceived and judging will be underway - look out for thenews of the winning mascots!

A special challenge for local schools!

We value your feedback• Your Community Liaison Group (CLG)representative will be happy to hear anyquestions or comments that you may have,with a view to bringing your comments to thenext meeting (see page 9)

• If you would like to contact us at South Hook LNG,there are several ways you can do this:

Through our website:

Email us: [email protected]

• To apply to the South Hook LNG Community Fund and for moreinformation regarding the criteria, contact Pembrokeshire Association ofVoluntary Services (PAVS):

Telephone: 01437 769 422

Email: [email protected]