volume 36 #11 november 14, 2018 november 2018orangegrovequiltersguild.com/wp-content/uploads/...nov...

Volume 36 #11 Next Meeting: November 14, 2018 Doors Open at 8:30Meeting Starts at 9:30 At Garden Grove Elks Lodge Snacks: A-G November 2018 November 14th Speaker -Leah Zieber Leah is a Southern California quilt historian and quilt maker specializing in Antique Reproduction Quilts from the nineteenth century. Her reproduc- tion quilts have been exhibited at quilt shows and historical museums across the country. Most re- cently her 19th century star quilt, I Can Only Im- aginewas published and patterned by American Quilt Study Group in the publication, Stars: A Study of 19th Century Star Quilts. The quilt is in its fourth year of a cross-country tour. She has worked closely with antique quilt collec- tors cataloging, managing and independently researching their extensive textile collections. Over fifteen years of in-depth exposure and study of antique textiles has provided her with a wealth of knowledge that is instrumental in identifying and dating antique and vintage quilts. Her own quilt collection spans over one hundred and fifty years and she shares her knowledge of American Quilt History through lectures and workshops with Southern Cali- fornia quilt guilds and historical societies. Additionally, Leah is now an author of historical fiction novels. Her American Heritage Quilt Series, which chronologically follows Elizabeth Jane Morgan and her descendants through one hundred years of American Quilting History. Leahs Lecture/trunk show will be on Historical Antique quilts. I think we will be excited to see her collection. Im sure we are going to learn a lot about the authenticcivil-war quilts and beyond.

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  • Garden Grove Elks Lodge

    11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove

    P.O. Box 453, Garden Grove, CA 92842-0453


    Volume 36 #11 Next Meeting: November 14, 2018

    Doors Open at 8:30—Meeting Starts at 9:30

    At Garden Grove Elks Lodge

    Snacks: A-G

    November 2018

    November 14th Speaker -Leah Zieber

    Leah is a Southern California quilt historian and

    quilt maker specializing in Antique Reproduction

    Quilts from the nineteenth century. Her reproduc-

    tion quilts have been exhibited at quilt shows and

    historical museums across the country. Most re-

    cently her 19th century star quilt, “I Can Only Im-

    agine” was published and patterned by American

    Quilt Study Group in the publication, Stars: A

    Study of 19th Century Star Quilts. The quilt is in

    its fourth year of a cross-country tour.

    She has worked closely with antique quilt collec-

    tors cataloging, managing and independently researching their extensive textile collections.

    Over fifteen years of in-depth exposure and study of antique textiles has provided her with

    a wealth of knowledge that is instrumental in identifying and dating antique and vintage

    quilts. Her own quilt collection spans over one hundred and fifty years and she shares her

    knowledge of American Quilt History through lectures and workshops with Southern Cali-

    fornia quilt guilds and historical societies.

    Additionally, Leah is now an author of historical fiction novels. Her American Heritage

    Quilt Series, which chronologically follows Elizabeth Jane Morgan and her descendants

    through one hundred years of American Quilting History. Leah’s Lecture/trunk show will be on Historical Antique quilts. I think we will be excited

    to see her collection. I’m sure we are going to learn a lot about the “authentic” civil-war

    quilts and beyond.


    A word from Our President


    Can it be November already?? Thanksgiving is upon us and we all have so much to be

    thankful for. I have my health, an amazing husband, wonderful children, grandchildren

    and a fantastic sewing room. And, the most wonderful friends anyone could ask for. I

    hope you are just as blessed.

    Thanksgiving at our house is always a wonderful event. We host 25 to 30 for dinner and

    everyone sits at long tables on our patio. The tables are set with the good linens, china

    and silver. Before digging in to all the goodies (especially my husband’s famous deep

    fried turkeys), we pause for a moment and go around the table and have each person tell

    what they are thankful for. Sometimes it’s a low golf score, a world series win, or great

    test scores. And, always, everyone is thankful for family. That one word is what binds us

    all together. What traditions do you have in your family?? No matter if large or small,

    traditions are what make the memories so special.

    This month we will vote for the Outstanding Member of the Year and announce that per-

    son at our December meeting. Please be sure to cast your ballot when you sign in at the

    membership table.

    Happy Stitching,



    A few items were left behind at the guild meeting this month – a crochet hook and a grey zip front

    sweat shirt jacket. If these items belong to you, please see me at the guild meeting.

    Thanks, Marie Blash


    November Workshop

    November Workshop

    Orphans and Aliens with

    Leah Zieber, Thursday, November 15, 2018

    I am very excited to have Leah Zieber joining us for our last workshop of the year. Leah will be teaching us how to use up all those left over blocks, groups of blocks, tester blocks, border pieces or any other UFO pieces you have sit-ting around in our sewing room. It’s a great opportunity to bring all your odds and ends to the workshop and get inspired to use them. Please join us for a fun day with fellow quilters. I can’t think of a better way to spend the day, playing with fabric and enjoying the benefits of belonging to a wonderful guild. Please take the time to check out the supply list that is listed on our website to get inspired to join us. Workshop Chair: Robin Gallagher, [email protected]


    Philanthropy Thank you Quilters. At our October meeting we took in 21 quilts that went

    straight to St. Joseph’s Cancer Center and 17 quilts that we are storing for the

    kids. We also gathered 47 pillowcases. And best of all, 14 of you took

    “sandwiches” to quilt for us! Thank you so much.

    Susan G Komen for the Cure

    I want to personally thank our Guild for its awesome support of

    our efforts to fundraise for Komen. You never fail to amaze me

    with your commitment to help in any way that you can. The

    quilt Summer Stars made and donated by Darci Bodin was won

    by Kathleen Jack. She wasn’t present when the ticket was

    drawn, but she subsequently came to my house to get it.

    Again, thanks a million, Barbara Purks

    Sew Day Please join us on November 8 for the final sew day of the year at Driftwood Mo-

    bile Home Park. You can bring your machine and stitch, or use our cutting tools

    to cut quilt kits or pillowcase kits. Sew Day starts about 9:30am and finishes up around 2:30 pm.

    We will be celebrating a successful year of accomplishments.

    There will be a break for a bring-your-own lunch at noon.

    We will provide dessert to thank everyone for their generous efforts on behalf of


    Contact Becky Meekhof with questions


    2019 Luncheon & Home/

    Sewing Room Tour

    Perfectly Peachy June 22, 2019

    The first committee meeting went very well. Although we only had a

    few ladies attend, we accomplished lots. We are still in need of a few

    helpers – centerpieces and docent coordinator. These are pretty easy

    jobs. We know what the centerpieces will be and whoever takes charge

    will have a relatively easy job on the day of the event. Docent coordina-

    tor is needed to make sure we have enough “helpers” at each home.

    We have increased the number of tickets to 350 this time and are keep-

    ing the price the same as 2017 -- $45.00. Tickets will go on sale at ei-

    ther the February or March guild meeting. This time groups will be able

    to reserve a table of ten by purchasing all the tickets at one time with

    one check. Credit cards will also be accepted.

    The next committee meeting is Monday, October 29 at Marie Blash’s

    home. Come join us!!

    Marie Blash, Chair


    2019 Opportunity Quilt

    We want to thank everyone involved in completing the 2019 opportunity Quilt. The pattern

    “Cardinals in the Pines” by Gathering Friends and the print fabrics from the associated Car-

    dinal Season fabric were donated by a friend of the guild, Sue Salinger. A group of five guild

    members worked on piecing, Sue Stanley, Mary Burger, Lois Gallagher, Julie Carmen and

    Robin Gallagher. Cecilia Hosford did an incredible job finding ways to make the quilting

    pop among all the prints and Carol Logue attached the binding. We are all very proud of the

    result and are looking forward to the quilt being a very successful fundraiser next year.

    Mary Burger/Sue Stanley -Co –Chairs




    FINISHED IS BETTER THAN PERFECT Last Quilt was Due in October

    Prizes will be drawn at our November meeting. And if you finished all 5 UFOs you will have a chance at the grand prize! Sign-up for 2019 UFO Challenge starts in November! Forms will be in the November newsletter and I will have forms for you to pick up at the November meeting. Remember: FINISHED IS BETTER THAN PERFECT!!!

    WAYS AND MEANS - BASKETS Basket Winners: #1 Inette Vornholt #2 Loretta Barber


    Looks like some of you are doing “end of the year cleaning” of your quilting supplies! Good

    for you and good for us! Thank you all for the many donations. Makes filling the baskets easier

    and more fun when there are choices.

    I know the following paragraph was in last months Newsletter but I think it bears repeating:

    Would like to give a special “shout out” to our faithful members who support us every month!

    You are the backbone of our success that in turn, makes every Guild member a “winner”

    through the various programs that are offered. Well done!!! ( it makes composing this article


    Just a reminder: make sure you deposit your tickets by the end of the break. Also, as a courtesy

    to speakers, please purchase tickets before the meeting starts (We try to set up approximately

    one hour before) and during the break. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Reflection: Kindness costs nothing and the rewards are immeasurable!

    Hoping to see you at our table in November.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Justine Gentile and Carol Logue

  • Page 9 ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD November Show and Tell

  • Page 10 DISPATCHER

    We have lots of sunshine this month and one shadow.

    Bea Vieira was hospitalized with chest pains and had angioplasty but is now home and doing

    well. Due to failing kidneys, she has also had to go on dialysis.

    Pat Barton is at home recovering from back surgery.

    Pat Morrison now at home after hip surgery.

    Linda Webre’s grandson is the young boy who was bitten by a shark recently. He is on the

    mend and improving.

    Barbara Purks’ brother passed away recently.

    Please keep everyone in your thoughts.

    Please be sure to let Bea Vieira and Marie Blash know of any sunshine or shadows.

    Beatrice Vieira [email protected]

    It’s Membership Renewal time!!!

    Starting at the November Guild meeting we will be accepting

    membership renewals for 2019.

    Each renewal needs to be accompanied by a completed Mem-

    bership form. You can pick up a form at the guild meeting from the membership

    table, print the attached form from this newsletter or use the form found in your

    Guild Yearbook.

    Annual Dues are $25.00. If you want to have a yearbook mailed to you in Febru-

    ary, please include an extra $5.00 to pay for the mailing.

    At the Guild meeting renewals may be paid by cash, check or credit card. Alterna-

    tively renewals (form and check) may be mailed to me using the address found on

    the membership form.

    In order to be included in the 2019 yearbook your renewal needs to be returned on

    or before the January 2019 Guild meeting. Renewals after that date will NOT ap-

    pear in the Yearbook.

    Mary Burger

    mailto:[email protected]



    Membership is $25, cash or check.

    ___NEW MEMBER: Please complete this form in its entirety.

    ___RENEWAL: MEMBER NUMBER _________ please complete even if

    all your information is the same as last year.

    To be included in the Yearbook this form needs to be returned to me ON OR

    BEFORE THE JANUARY GUILD MEETING. Renewals after that date will not

    appear in the Yearbook. Note: the yearbook is only given to members and will not

    be published online or used for any other purposes.

    YEARBOOKS: All current members receive a yearbook. They are given out at

    guild meetings. If you want to have a yearbook mailed to you, please

    include an extra $5 to pay for the mailing.

    Please clip or staple your check to this form and either mail it to the address

    below or bring it to the next guild meeting.

    PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY: DATE: ___________________________


    Nickname or Name you wish to be called:______________________________

    Spouse _______________

    Street Address ___________________________________________________

    City___________________________________State _______Zip __________

    Birthday: Month _____Day _____

    Phone: _________________________ Cell phone: _____________________

    Email: (please print legibly)


    (Please write “none” if you do not have email)

    Members will receive the monthly newsletter by e-mail. It will also

    be available on the website. orangegrovequiltersguild.com

    Thank you,

    Mary Burger 714-840-1295

  • Page 12 DISPATCHER


    Door Prizes

    Bear’s—Sharon Raustaff, Betty Jean Wenner, Nancy Post, Ruth Ann

    Laws, Ursula Hartunian, Mary O’Neill

    Jenny’s—Gale Licata, Sally Kuck

    M & L—Lynn Radell, Felica Periz

    Mel’s—Donna York, Barbara Schilling

    Member Donation—Cheryl Guacci, Joan McMurry

    Orange Quilt Bee—Phyllis Morrow, Joan Hunt, Sallie Jones

    Speaker, David Taylor—Linda Majer, Donna Ebnit, Mimi Benvin,

    Jan Zussman, Barb Mead

    Winners must be Present


    November Birthdays

    Nov 02 Eleanor Haywood (L)

    Nov 05 France Imagawa

    Nov 06 Colleen Pieretti

    Nov 06 Linda Sackin

    Nov 06 Jennifer Kerr

    Nov 07 Glenna Tuomala

    Nov 08 Pat Oakley

    Nov 08 Sandi Polizzi

    Nov 09 Pam Boozan (L)

    Nov 10 Sherril Gerard

    Nov 10 Pam Plakos

    Nov 10 Sharon Sabatini

    Nov 11 Barbara Mead

    Nov 12 Mary Carbajal

    Nov 13 Helen Williams (L)

    Nov 14 Judy Hill

    Nov 14 Lorna Fields

    Nov 16 Ema Koppelman

    Nov 17 Ruth Ann Laws

    Nov 18 Fern Plett

    Nov 19 Judy Hughes

    Nov 19 Rosalie Liogys

    Nov 20 Maritza Borbon

    Nov 21 Dolores Gilbert

    Nov 22 Sally Kuck

    Nov 23 Donna Yorke

    Nov 23 Karen Richardt

    Nov 24 Pat Barton

    Nov 25 Ruth Kaae

    Nov 25 Margaret Johnson

    Nov 26 Patricia Kritlow

    Nov 26 Fran Bodle

    Nov 28 Lois Masukawa

    Nov 29 Dianne Hoffman

    Nov 30 Dana Co

    See Karen to pick up your birthday fat quarter!

  • Page 14 DISPATCHER

    February 8 & 9, 2019 10am—4pm Valley Quilters Guild 39th Annual Quilt Show

    Valley-Wide Recreation Center, 901 West Esplanade, San Jacinto, CA www.ValleyQuilters.org


    Did you know that Mel’s gives a 10% discount to

    Orange Grove Quilters Guild members? They do!

    Support Our Supporters!

  • Page 16 DISPATCHER


    exempt group whose purpose is to educate,

    encourage and maintain high standards of design,

    technique, quilting and fiber arts and to inspire

    achievements in areas of creativity, quilting and

    fiber arts.

    MEMBERSHIP is currently open. Annual Dues are

    $25.00 per year beginning in January and ending

    in December. Guest donation is $5.00 per


    MEETINGS: The regular meeting is at 9:30am on

    the 2nd Wednesday of the month. (Doors open at

    8:30a.m.) December’s meeting is on the 1st

    Wednesday. No meeting is held in July.

    Meetings are held at Garden Grove Elks Lodge

    located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove,


    President Marie Blash

    1st Vice President Marilyn Pond

    2nd Vice President Christi Kolisnyk

    Secretary Pam Osorio

    Treasurer Gale Licata

    Standing Committees:

    Past President Gayle Wayne

    Parliamentarian Carol Logue

    Historian Nancy Post

    Librarian Judy Hughes

    Membership Mary Burger, Betty Jean Wenner

    Newsletter Kathy Harvey

    Philanthropy Becky Meekhof, Jane Oglesby

    SCCQG Rep Debi Hanna

    Ways & Means Justine Gentile, Carole Logue

    Workshops Robin Gallagher, Pat Barton

    2018 Quilt Show Pam Boozan & Jane Oglesby