volume november & december r s issue · 11/1/2016 · volume -november & december r s...

The Rock The newsletter from Beth Eden United Methodist Church “A Christian Community, Open and Loving” VOLUME 61 - NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2017 - ISSUE 8 BETH EDEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3201 Huffman Blvd. - Rockford, IL 815.877.9237 ~ [email protected] www.bethedenumcrockford.org Visit us on Facebook @Beth Eden United Methodist Church “This is a good place to visit, to come frequently, and to remain”

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The Rock The newsletter from Beth Eden United Methodist Church

“A Christian Community, Open and Loving”



815.877.9237 ~ [email protected] www.bethedenumcrockford.org

Visit us on Facebook @Beth Eden United Methodist Church

“This is a good place to visit, to come frequently, and to remain”

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The following is the way the 1621 Pilgrims First Thanksgiving Feast was de-scribed in a first-hand account, presumably by one of the leaders of the colo-ny, Edward Winslow: "Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might, after a special manner, rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. The four in one day killed as much fowl, as with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms. Many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest King Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we enter-tained and feasted; and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty” From this we know that the feast went on for three days, including ninety "Indians", and food was plentiful. In addition to the venison provided by the Indians, there was enough wild fowl to supply the village for a week. The fowl would have included ducks, geese, turkeys, and even swans.

Now, in Ephesians 1:15–23 Apostle Paul is writing to invite believers to be thankful because what God has given to us through a thanks prayer. This thanksgiving prayer includes three sections: 1. The formal thanksgiving and prayer report (vss. 15-16); 2. Paul's intercession, asking for God to give the Ephesians insight and wisdom (vss. 17-19); and, 3. A Christological expansion on God's power in Christ (vss. 20-23). We have to consider that this is the time to count our blessings, one by one, and thank God for everything from mental health to material wealth.

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It is Thanksgiving time I said, time to count your blessings! If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead, and a place to sleep ... you are richer than 75 percent of this world of ours. If you have money in the bank, cash in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace ... you are among the top 8 percent of the Earth's wealthiest people. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of im-prisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation ... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you can attend this worship service, or any other religion-related meet-ing, without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death ... you are for-tunate. Billions of people in the world cannot. It's really hard for us to count our blessings? Most of us could quickly and easily write down lengthy lists, including thanks for family, for friends, for food, for clothing, for cars, for a home, for a job, for health, for free-dom, for opportunity, and so on. We can count our blessings only if we have stuff to count. However, the apostle Paul encourages us to give thanks for nothing. In fact, he offers us the example of his own thanksgiving for nothing at all - not one physical, material, tangible thing. Paul gives constant thanks for things which are not things: Faith in the Lord Jesus, love toward the saints, a spirit of wisdom and revelation, the riches of God's glorious inheritance, and the immeasurable greatness of God's power (Ephesians 1:15-19). None of these blessings can be seen, touched, purchased or possessed - like food, clothing, cars, boats, or homes. And yet, they are the very greatest gifts we could ever receive. It is Thanksgiving time, time to count our blessings. It is Thanksgiving time, time to thank you for the love and care from our Congregation.

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It is time to thank my family, my wife and kids, for their support to my min-istry. Have a HAPPY AND BLESSED THANKSGIVING!!! In His name, Pastor Mario S. Mayer

We will soon begin the process of updating our Church Key Records. We will be sending out letters soon! We need to know what number your main entrance key is (gold key, with square top, and a number imprinted on one side) and any other keys you may have. You may either email the in-formation to the church at [email protected] or

call the office at 815.877.9237. If you no longer use or need these keys, please return them to the church office. You can mail them, put them in the secretary’s mailbox (behind the coat racks on the main level of the church), or bring them to the church office anytime Wednesday-Friday from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Thank you for your help. If you have any questions, please feel free to con-tact the church office. God’s Blessings, Pastor Mario Mayer Sherry Severing, Administrative Assistant

Listed below are the names of beloved sisters & brothers in Christ. Each of their lives and ministries was a great blessing and cherished memory for each of us.

These are the names of persons who have passed away since August 23, 2017

Billy Ray Manning May 10, 1991 ~ September 23, 2017 (Friend of Anthony Bradford)

Beverly Tucker November 19, 1934 ~ September 16, 2017 (Aunt of Karen Andrus)

Norma Hurless March 19, 1927 ~ October 9, 2017 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labors for their deeds follow them.” ~ ~ Revelation 14:13

As a reminder from the Memorial Committee, memorials re-main open for 6 months after an individuals passing. There is a memorial box with cards & envelopes in the Narthex.

Memorials are currently being accepted for: Jim White (6/1/17) Joanne Larkin (6/11/17) Jean Waeffler (7/6/17) Mary Ann Schou (7/28/17) Norma Hurless (10/9/17)

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To have a card sent to someone to let them know we are praying for them,

please give their name and address to Dorothy Van Matre at 815.637.1580.

David Boeselager

Judy Branson

Anita Collingwood

Doris Collman

Carolyn Decker

Charlie & Oliver Fidler

Malachi Hill (Grandson of Sieg & Betty Schwirblat)

Carol Holmes

Logan Kast

Pastor Ken Krause

Tony Kryzaniak

Spencer Lafferty

Anna Lake

Wayne Loury (God-Nephew of Tony Bradford)

Marge McCraney (Mother of Betty Schwirblat)

Mason Manning (Grandson of Teri Zimmerman)

Mike Pastuska (Son-in-Law of Ginny Pearson)

Dottie Roberts

Frank Schou

Carl & Mae Schumacher

Nancy Shervy (Mother of Beth Barrett)

Nancy Todora

Natalie Todora


We want to invite you, your family, and friends to come and celebrate the BIRTH of OUR Savior Jesus Christ


Sunday, December 3, 2017 Christmas Shoppe & Cookie Walk ~ 1:30-5:00 p.m.

Bethlehem Marketplace ~ 2:00-5:00 p.m.

CHILDRENS CHOIR PROGRAM Sunday, December 10, 2017

9:30 a.m.

CHOIR CHRISTMAS CANTATA Sunday, December 17, 2017

9:30 a.m.

BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE Wednesday, December 20, 2017

6:30 p.m.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Worship Service ~ 9:30 a.m.

Christmas Eve Service ~ 4:00 p.m.

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Our Annual Charge/Church Conference is rapidly approaching.

Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. Staff-Parish Relations Committee will meet at 8:30 a.m.

Conference Reports were due to the office on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.

If you have not turned yours in yet, please do so as soon as possible Questions? Please contact the church office.

All members of the church are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference meeting.



Beth Eden UMC & Centennial UMC

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

10:00 am @ Beth Eden UMC 3201 Huffman Blvd. - Rockford, IL

“Give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”

“Dad gracias en todo, porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús”

1 Thess. 5:18 / 1 Tes. 5:18

Thanksgiving Potluck: Beth Eden UMC: Main dish, Dessert

Centennial UMC: Side dish, Salad

Bible Readings for the Month of November

November 5 ~ 22nd Sunday after Pentecost/Holy Communion Scripture: Psalm 34:1-2, 22; Matthew 23:1-12 Sermon: “You Have One Teacher . . . Christ”

November 12 ~ 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Scripture: Psalm 78:1-7; Matthew 25:1-13 Sermon: “Lord, Open the Doors for Us”

November 19 ~ 24th Sunday after Pentecost Scripture: Psalm 123; Matthew 25:14-.30 Sermon: Thanksgiving Celebration with Bishop Sally Dyck

November 26 ~ Last Sunday after Pentecost Scripture: Psalm 100; Matthew 25:31-46

Sermon: “Jesus said . . . You Did it for Me”

Bible Readings for the Month of December

December 3 ~ 1st Sunday of Advent/Holy Communion Scripture: Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Mark 13:24-37 Sermon: “I Say to Everyone: Watch”

December 10 ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent/Children’s Choir Program Scripture: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13; Mark 1:1-8 Sermon: “Prepare the Way for the Lord”

December 17 ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent/Christmas Cantata Scripture: Psalm 126; John 1:6-8, 19-28 Sermon: “I am the Voice of the One Calling in the Desert”

December 24 ~ 4th Sunday of Advent/Christmas Eve Sunday Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 Sermon: “His Kingdom Will Never End”

December 31 ~ 1st Sunday after Christmas Day Scripture: Psalm 148; Luke 2:22-40


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Liturgist for the month of November is: Rhonda Burright & Praise Team

November 5 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Bonnie Powless & Barb Stenger & Kathy Walker & Elaine McDuell Dolores Rundberg Ruth Gilbertson

Ushers: 9:30 am Thomas Covert & Dustyn Wiersema

Communion Servers: 9:30 am Rhonda Burright, Helen Emerick, & Dolores Rundberg

November 12 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Dianne Young & Helen Emerick & Dixie Hoffman & Robin Smith Tom Paine Blake Smith

Ushers: 9:30 am Anita Collingwood & Mike Peacock

November 19 ~ Thanksgiving Celebration with Bishop Sally Dyck Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 10:00 am Kathy Berschneider & Carol Bennehoff & Jerry Lamb & Sue Viel Tim Kast Gary Holmes

Ushers: 10:00 am Terry & Dana Meacham

November 26 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Wilma Kuhlmeyer Patti Luevano & Jesse McDuell Anthony Bradford

Ushers: 9:30 am Blake Smith & Dan Todora

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Liturgist for the month of December is: Barb Stenger & Praise Team

December 3 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Elaine McDuell Dolores Rundberg Wayne Young & Ruth Gilbertson

Ushers: 9:30 am Thomas Covert & Dustyn Wiersema

Communion Servers: 9:30 am Kim Paine, Ginny Pearson, & Ken Sanders

December 10 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Rhonda Burright & Carolyn North & Diana Gorrell & Robin Smith Tom Paine Blake Smith

Ushers: 9:30 am Anita Collingwood & Mike Peacock

December 17 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Sue Viel Audrey Seebach & Ginny Pearson & Tim Kast Gary Holmes

Ushers: 9:30 am Terry & Dana Meacham

December 24 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Ruth Plock Helen Roser & Gary Rieken Anthony Bradford Jesse McDuell

Ushers: 9:30 am Blake Smith & Dan Todora

December 31 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 9:30 am Bonnie Powless & Barb Stenger & Kathy Walker & Mike Peacock Mike Rundberg Blake Smith

Ushers: 9:30 am Blake Smith & Dan Todora

If your Birthday or Anniversary is listed wrong or missing, please notify the Church Office so we can correct it.

Thank you!

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3 Lucy Hoffman

4 Dennis Klinkhammer

6 Katie Barrett

8 Branden Bauer

9 Jessie Holmes

13 Nancy Todora

Ray Covert

14 Renee Damon

Mary Scott

16 Ian Johnson

18 Shirley Ann Tudor

19 Barb Stenger

22 Phillip McDuell

24 Doris Musselman

26 Aaliyah Holmes

27 Megan Church

Darlene Haselton

3 Tim & Kelcey Kast

Branden & Kelli Bauer

9 Steve & Debbie Moburg

10 Fred & Sherry Block

15 Pat & Sara Abrahamson

28 Rick & Vicki Porter

30 Blake & Amy Smith

If your Birthday or Anniversary is listed wrong or missing, please notify the Church Office so we can correct it.

Thank you!

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4 Beau Carlock

7 Wayne Young

Kathy Hopkins

11 Elaine McDuell

Patti Luevano

12 Kayla Paine

15 Michael Pastuska

16 Barbara Fisher-Livingston

17 Kristine Schach

19 Amanda Andrus

Nicole Schandelmeier

20 Ty Scott

22 Kathy Berschneider

24 Pat Abrahamson

25 Norma Kitchen

Christian Klinkhammer

27 Mason Manning

29 Dennis Johnson

Arlene Standring

Connor Scott

30 Terry Smith

5 Kevin & Amy Seyller

8 Herb & Lois Johnson

30 Terry & Robin Smith

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Dick Oakley 4146 Doris Ave.

Rockford, IL 61101 815.962.0320 / 815.979.9126

Dick has 3 daughters; Kathleen, Sherri, and Wendy. He comes to Rockford from Durand, IL. Previously he attended Auburn Road Church of the Naza-rene until it closed on July 31, 2016. He was a letter carrier for the United States Post Office. He likes to watch the Cubs and Bears play on TV. He also likes to bowl, read novels, and dance with his wife. While he was growing up his family attended Durand United Methodist Church. When they moved to Rockford they attended Court Street United Methodist Church for many years. He and his wife were married at Court Street. As a new member of Beth Eden he liked to come and worship God and listen to the services.

Wendy DeRosso 405 W. Soper St.

Winnebago, IL 61088 815.979.9125

Wendy is an LPN at Maple Crest Care Center. She likes gardening and listen-ing to music. She has been married to her husband Frank since 2004. As a new member of Beth Eden she would like to just come Praise God and learn more!


The next meeting of the Edenettes Circle of the United Methodist Women will be on Thursday, November 9, 2017 @ 12:30 p.m. in the youth room. Karen Weiss will be our hostess. Wilma

Kuhlmeyer will be the Leader for our Annual Thank Offering.

The setting for the Edenettes Dinner on Thursday, December 7, 2017 will be in the Executive Room at the Wesley Willows Town Center. The room is reserved from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. We plan to eat at 11:30 a.m. A sign-up sheet will be available soon listing the menu and cost, plus the deadline date for reservations.

A $1.00 donation for the Carrie Lynn Children’s Center each month. MONTHLY COLOR EMPHASIS

With so many people battling Diabetes it behooves us to learn as much about it as we can and try to find ways to prevent it. That is the emphasis chosen by the United Methodist Women

for November. On Sunday, November 12th, everyone is invited to wear something gray to bring attention to this disease. Be watching for some help-ful information that we hope to share.

The United Methodist Women are choosing to lift up the BEST MEDICINE—JOY and LAUGHTER! On Sunday, December 10, everyone is invited to wear something gold, red, or green - or any combination thereof! May we all enjoy the Holiday Season and rejoice in God’s greatest gift to us, our Savior Jesus Christ.

Purpose: To honor Gods gift of our bodies and to practice good stewardship of them. “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” James 4:17

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 All Saints Day 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden

2 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir

3 World Community Day


5 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Communion Sunday All Saints Sunday Daylight Savings Ends 8:30 am-Staff Parish Committee 9:30 am-Charge Conference 11:45 am-BMP Meeting

6 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

7 9:30 am-Congregation Care Ministry Team 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

8 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Wesley Willows Luncheon 6:30 pm-Girl Scout Leader’s Mtg

9 12:30 pm-Edenettes Circle 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir

10 10:30 am-UMWomen Leadership Team Meeting

11 Veterans Day Diabetic Support Groups: 9:00 am-Adult & Family 11:00 am-Youth & Family 7:00 pm-Service for Searchers w/ Music Encounter

12 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Organ & Tissue Donor Sunday International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Pie Sunday Wear Gray for Diabetes 8:30 am-Trustees Meeting

13 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

14 6:00 pm-Sunday School Meeting 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

15 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Jolly Beth Eden Seniors 6:00 pm-Fishes & Loaves Community Dinner

16 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir



19 24th Sunday after Pentecost Bible Sunday 10:00 am-Thanksgiving Celebration ~ Combined Worship Service with Centennial UMC featuring Bishop Sally Dyck 11:15 am-Potluck

20 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

21 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

22 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden

23 Thanksgiving Day



26 Last Sunday after Pentecost United Methodist Student Day National Bible Week 9:00-9:30 am-Blood Pressure Checks in the Conference Room

27 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

28 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study 7:00 pm-Glory B’s @ Barb Stenger’s

29 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden

30 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers

BMP Construction

BMP Construction

Worship Schedule 9:30 a.m.— Worship Service

10:45 a.m.— Sunday School for all ages

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 All Saints Day 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden

2 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir

3 World Community Day


5 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Communion Sunday All Saints Sunday Daylight Savings Ends 8:30 am-Staff Parish Committee 9:30 am-Charge Conference 11:45 am-BMP Meeting

6 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

7 9:30 am-Congregation Care Ministry Team 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

8 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Wesley Willows Luncheon 6:30 pm-Girl Scout Leader’s Mtg

9 12:30 pm-Edenettes Circle 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir

10 10:30 am-UMWomen Leadership Team Meeting

11 Veterans Day Diabetic Support Groups: 9:00 am-Adult & Family 11:00 am-Youth & Family 7:00 pm-Service for Searchers w/ Music Encounter

12 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Organ & Tissue Donor Sunday International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Pie Sunday Wear Gray for Diabetes 8:30 am-Trustees Meeting

13 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

14 6:00 pm-Sunday School Meeting 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

15 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Jolly Beth Eden Seniors 6:00 pm-Fishes & Loaves Community Dinner

16 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir



19 24th Sunday after Pentecost Bible Sunday 10:00 am-Thanksgiving Celebration ~ Combined Worship Service with Centennial UMC featuring Bishop Sally Dyck 11:15 am-Potluck

20 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

21 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

22 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden

23 Thanksgiving Day



26 Last Sunday after Pentecost United Methodist Student Day National Bible Week 9:00-9:30 am-Blood Pressure Checks in the Conference Room

27 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

28 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study 7:00 pm-Glory B’s @ Barb Stenger’s

29 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden

30 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers

BMP Construction

BMP Construction

Sunday Monday Tuesday

3 1st Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday 1:30 –5:00 pm-Christmas Shoppe & Cookie Walk 2:00-5:00 pm-Bethlehem Marketplace

4 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

5 9:30 am-Congregation Care Ministry Team 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

10 2nd Sunday of Advent Wear Gold, Red, or Green for Joy & Laughter 9:30 am -Children’s Choir Program

11 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

12 6:30 pm-Glory B’s @ Delores Bartlett’s 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

17 3rd Sunday of Advent Christmas Cookie Sunday 9:30 am-Choir Cantata

18 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

19 7:00 pm-Men’s Bible Study

24 4th Sunday of Advent Christmas Eve ————————————————— 31 New Years Eve 9:00-9:30 am-Blood Pressure Checks in the Conference Room

25 Christmas Day


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Worship Schedule 9:30 a.m.— Worship Service

10:45 a.m.— Sunday School for all ages

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Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

6 Pearl Harbor Day 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 6:30 pm-New Staff Parish Meeting

7 11:00 am-Edenettes Circle Dinner in the Executive Room at Wesley Willows 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir

8 10:30 am-UMWomen Leadership Team Meeting

9 7:00 pm-Service for Searchers w/ Music Encounter

13 ROCK DEADLINE 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Wesley Willows Luncheon 6:30 pm-Church Council Meeting 6:30 pm-Girl Scout Leader’s Mtg

14 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir



20 Winter Begins 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Jolly Beth Eden Seniors 6:00 pm-Fishes & Loaves Community Dinner

21 6:00 pm-Weight Watchers 6:00 pm-Bells of Faith 6:45 pm-Grace Notes Choir

22 9:00 am-Stuffers & Stickers


27 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden




BMP Construction


Do you remember all of those scrumptious pies last No-vember? What better treat to go along with your cup of cof-fee! We will need lots of pies so we are inviting our bakers to share their specialty. Please find a sign-up list in Eden

Cafe so that we know how to plan.


The food theme for December will be Christmas Cookies—naturally! We will need a variety of cookies, so we are in-viting our bakers again to share their specialty. Please find a sign-up list in Eden Cafe so that we know how to plan.


Calendars are now available at very reasonable prices: Wall Calendars ~ $7.00

Notepads ~ $1.00 They make great Christmas gifts!

Each month of the Wall Calendar provides a richly colored scene from na-ture, a Scripture verse to guide you each week, plus plenty of room to fill in all of your daily appointments.

Get your Calendars/Notepads at the Welcome Center or call the Beth Eden office (Wed.-Fri. ~ 9am-2 pm) at 815.877.9237.


The meetings for November and December of the Jolly Beth Eden Seniors will be Wednesday, November 15 and Wednes-day, December 20 from 11:30 am-1:30 p.m. for a potluck

meal. As always, all are welcome to attend.

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The Glory B’s will gather on Tuesday, November 28 @ 7:00 p.m. at Barb Stenger’s home and on Tuesday, December 12 @ 6:30 p.m. at Delores Bartlett’s home.


The November & December Community Dinner will be on Wednesday, November 15 and Wednesday, December 20

from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and is FREE to everyone! All are invited to join us!


Order forms are now available in Eden Hall!

The first order is due by November 15, 2017 and will be in before Thanksgiving!

The second order is due by December 13, 2017 And will be in before Christmas!

Questions, see Mike Scott!

SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION PROJECT: WE NEED YOU! The children of Beth Eden Sunday School need you to help them with two projects, for this holiday season, to help those in need in the community of Rockford!

Our first project will be collecting warm socks for the homeless community in the Rockford area. When Beth Eden was in the Cooperative with Evans UMC, this project was done a few times together and then taken to Carpen-ter’s Place. We are asking the Adult Sunday School along with our congrega-tion to please bring in new socks from November 4th thru December 10th. A container will be in the Beth Eden Hall area for socks to be dropped off.

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These will be then taken to Carpenter’s Place in Rockford for distribution. Just imagine, not having warm socks to protect your feet not only in the winter but all year long. Please consider helping our cause by donating and helping to bring a smile to those in need.

Our second project will begin around December 12th and end on the December 24th. For those that can participate, we are asking for you to either take a bag or small box and put one item a day in this to donate to the food pantry. This is the count down for the 12 days of Christmas. On December 24th, we are asking you to please bring this to church to contribute to our

food pantry collection. If you are not able to be at church this day, please bring to church next time you attend.

Thank you for considering assisting Sunday School with these projects. It is important for our children and youth to learn how to help others in our community as not everyone is able to have food and warm socks and need people like us to help. Not only is this a Sunday School project but our con-gregation working together to help others!

Rhonda Burright, Sunday School Superintendent

Beth Eden UMC, Thank you so very much for your congregation’s thoughts and prayers dur-ing my health scare this summer. I greatly appreciated it. Scott McWilliams (Son of Bob McWilliams)

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Kudos and thanks to all who helped to make our UMWomen’s Annual Fall

Festival of Crafts and Talents a fun, informative, and interesting event. Ruth

Ross, who brought her colorful sun catchers as well as a helpful chart show-

ing the creative process in making them; Marie Stenger for bringing a

“trunk-full” of quilts in many colors, designs, and sizes she has made; Carol

Holmes for her adorable stuff animals and doll clothes, plus her beautifully

embroidered dish towels and pillow cases; Teri Zimmerman for special pil-

lows made from her father’s shirts, unique wreaths, and “to-die-for” jewel-

ry; Dana Meacham who displayed her creative talents in making charming

greeting cards and then guided a few of us to make a card; Norma Shipton,

whose appliqued pillow was given as a door prize; the gals of the Glory B’s

Circle who provided the sweet treats for refreshments; and all who so gen-

erously donated items for door prizes.

I would like to thank the whole congregation for the many expression of Christian love and care as you helped me celebrate the month of October as Pastor Appreciation Month. In doing that, you have given an extra amount of encouragement for our common ministry, teaching to church, and especially to our kids that we are serving together in the family of God. Also as an indubitable expression that the Spirit of God that is love and care, is leading us. Thank you for cards and gifts that the whole family is enjoying as we go out for a meal every week. God bless you all! Pastor Mario

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Our family: Fabiola, Pedro, Paulina, and I would like to thank everyone who came to be at Pedro and Paulina’s Birthday Celebration. People from both churches, Beth Eden and Cen-tennial, are great.

They always said that you are their family; and in many ways you are since they are growing with you. Thank you for coming!

We have a lot of fun, good food, and entertainment provide by a magician who did a beautiful performance that everyone enjoyed.

Thank you also for the cards and gifts that they are still opening and will re-main wearing or playing with for several more month.

Thank you very much and God bless you!

Library News

The Library Committee wishes to give thanks to this month’s donors of magazines and books: Barrett family, Anita Colling-wood, Scott family, and those wonderful unknown benefactors.

We recently received a subscription to The Christian Century. You can find it on the magazine shelf.

Book donations include, in order of section only: Bibles The New English Bible: New Testament (Oxford Cambridge) The New Chain Reference Bible: Fourth Improved Edition (Thompson) Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version (Nelson)

Fiction Section Hope Through Heartsongs (Mattie J.T. Stepanek) Look to This Day: A Keepsake of Joyful and Inspiring Thoughts (Hallmark Editions)

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Hymnals Evangelical United Brethren The Faith We Sing: Pew Edition The United Methodist Hymnal

Large Print Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul (Jack Canfield, Mark V. Hansen, & oth-ers) A Third Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul (Jack Canfield, Mark V. Hansen, & others)

Media (Cassettes) Nero8 Ultra Edition: Window Vista Read

Non-Fiction Section One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven (Mark Cahill) Lessons I Learned in the Dark & Lessons I Learned in the Light: All You Need to Thrive in a Dark World (Jennifer Rothschild) Harvest at the Front (Margaret E. Grossett)

Not all of the books are listed. The remaining donated books will be listed in the upcoming Rock.

NEW THINGS: Return Shelf under the Magazines Shelf. Devotionals Shelf under the Return Shelf.

Please feel free to take some magazines and donate some. They are for all ages and interests. Older magazines are welcome. Recipes, car repair, crafts, and so on do not change much over the years.

Please keep donating books and magazines. There is an orange donation crate located on the floor by the Welcome Center. Feel free to fill it!

Until next time, have a Happy Thanksgiving Day and a Very Merry Christmas!

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Follow That Star!

Did you see the Silhouette of Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem in the Eden Cafe ? It’s there to remind us of a

very important event our church offers as a Christmas gift to our communi-ty. As a church family, we need to all take part in some way and there are many “job openings” and items needed before the December 3rd Bethle-hem Market Place: an Interactive Experience happens. This year we are combining ALL of our Christmas events! This means they will all occur on the same day, December 3, 2017 from 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm. This means the Christmas Cookie Walk, the Gift Baskets, and the Children’s Christmas Shoppe will be COMBINED with the Bethlehem Mar-ket Place! We are also bringing back Music, so every 30 minutes will be a new local group performing in the sanctuary! This includes the Alleluia Quartet the last 30 minutes or more!!

All this means more people are needed to help!

The Gift Bag Items needed are small personal items like soap, candles, cards, hand lotion, etc. The Children’s Christmas Shoppe needs your gently-used household items that a child can purchase for pennies to a dollar to give to their parents & other family members. The Cookie Walk needs your baking skills to provide a variety of Christmas Cookies. The Cookie Walk and Children’s Christmas Shoppe need helpers. A sign-up will be available. Other people needed: An emcee for the music performers so that they are introduced and kept

on schedule. A person to oversee the communion supplies during the hours of the

event and also keep the restrooms clean.

Poster Makers Eden Lighthouse Cafe Host or Hostess Actors in the Market Place (Costumes and review of dialogue will be

12:30 pm on November 19- after Service at Beth Eden) Mary, Joseph and babies for the Holy family (would like at least 2) Helpers to set up the Market Place and to tear it down (set up starts No-

vember 15 and continues until December 3, tear down starts December 4 and every night that week). Please use the sign-up poster.

We would appreciate your prayerful consideration as to what you could do to be a part of this beautiful Christmas event! There really is something for everyone!! With God’s Love and Guidance, Nancy Todora and the “Inn Team”

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Children’s Christmas


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NEW! Diabetes Support Groups

Adult and Family: First meeting is Saturday, November 11, 2017

at 9:00 a.m.

Will meet the second Saturday, January to November, 9:00 a.m. at Beth Eden United Methodist Church

3201 Huffman Blvd. Rockford, IL 61103.

Youth and Family: First Meeting is Saturday, November 11, 2017

at 11:00 a.m.

Will meet the second Saturday, January to November, 11:00 a.m. at Beth Eden United Methodist Church

3201 Huffman Blvd. Rockford, IL 61103.

Any questions, call Nancy Todora, RN, BS, CDE at 815-957-0172


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Yes, the cold weather is fast approaching. If you retreat away for the winter, please be sure to let the office know when you are leaving and when you will be back. Also, please be sure we have your winter address so we know where to send the monthly Rock and any other mailings we

may have. You can call the office at 815.877.9237 or email at [email protected]. Thank you!


Have you thought about taking this Spiritual Journey? Plan ahead!

Women’s Fall Walk #151 is November 2-5, 2017

*Walks are at Bishop Lane Retreat Center in Rockford, IL

Men’s Spring Walk #152 is May 17-20, 2018 Women’s Spring Walk #153 is May 24-27, 2018

*Walks are at Carmelite Retreat Center in Darien, IL

If you are interested in learning more about the Walk to Emmaus you can visit their website at www.nil-emmaus.org or see anyone who has been on

the walk. It’s an experience you don’t want to miss!

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BETH EDEN UMC—STAFF Rev. Mario Mayer, Pastor

Email: [email protected] Cell 618.553.7191

Secretary Sherry Severing

Email: [email protected] Office: 815.877.9237

Office Hours: Wed-Fri 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Worship Musician Barbara Fisher-Livingston

Music Director Hannah Fidler

Nursery Care Givers Ashley Collins, Megan Emery,

& Maggie Orlando

Custodian Anthony Bradford

December 13 (For January & February Rock)

Contributors Pastor Mario

Sherry Severing Norma Shipton

Anita Collingwood Nancy Todora

Production & Mailing “Royal Order of The Stuffers & Stickers”

Published bi-monthly at Beth Eden UMC

3201 Huffman Blvd., Rockford, IL 61103-2941

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