wake up and retrace your steps - part 1

Ref. No.: 22-09-2019 Amos Olusegun Omoboriowo March 2021 WAKE UP AND RETRACE YOUR STEPS - THE JACKSON MOVEMENT - PART 1 This message was originally preached by Brother Amos, on Sunday 22nd, September 2019, at Bible Faith Tabernacle, Lagos, Nigeria. However, the message was re-written by Brother Amos in January 2021, in order to bring in developments, both old and new, to help the seeds of God in the Jackson Movement to see their Way Forward, to see the clear pathway back to God. This re-writing produced Six Parts, of which this is the First Part. The team at Bible Faith Tabernacle, would like you to note that when this message was preached, that Bud Thompson, the Assistant Pastor of Faith Assembly, was then alive. Since the re-writing and eventual publication of this message, Bud Thompson has passed away. His name has been mentioned several times, in lieu of the various situations that he was involved in, in times past. It is not our intention to gloat or to be mean by retaining his name in the messages, but only to state the facts. Good morning Church. I greet every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a joy to be back home from working on the Scribe. I arrived on Wednesday, and I thank God for travelling mercies, for His immense goodness, mercy, and eternal faithfulness. I also want to greet all the saints Online, for it is a pleasure to have you. May the Lord bless you all, and may God give us a good Internet connection today. Blessings to you my darling, and to Jason and

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Ref. No.: 22-09-2019

Amos Olusegun Omoboriowo

March 2021


- PART 1

This message was originally preached by Brother Amos, on Sunday 22nd, September 2019, at Bible Faith Tabernacle, Lagos, Nigeria. However, the message was re-written by Brother Amos in January 2021, i n o r d e r t o b r i n g i n developments, both old and new, to help the seeds of God in the Jackson Movement to see their Way Forward, to see the clear pathway back to God. This re-writing produced Six Parts, of which this is the First Part. The team at Bible Faith Tabernacle, would like you to note that when this message was preached, that Bud Thompson, the Assistant Pastor of Faith Assembly, was then alive. Since the re-writing and eventual publication of this message, Bud Thompson has passed away.

His name has been mentioned several times, in lieu of the various situations that he was involved in, in times past. It is not our intention to gloat or to be mean by retaining his name in the messages, but only to state the facts.

Good morning Church. I greet every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a joy to be back home from working on the Scribe. I arrived on Wednesday, and I thank God for travelling mercies, for His immense goodness, mercy, and eternal faithfulness. I also want to greet all the saints Online, for it is a pleasure to have you. May the Lord bless you all, and may God give us a good Internet connection today. Blessings to you my darling, and to Jason and

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Mark, and may God be with you all. I appreciate your love and care, and ALL the sacrifices you make for my M i n i s t r y , y o u r k i n d understanding and your wholehearted support, rarely having me around on account of the Scribe work. From the time Jason and Mark were small, my wife and I have always had to travel and leave them behind on account of the Ministry, and as such, we have always been away from them for a lot of the time. When I also think of my mum, I realise that I hardly get to see her even when I am in Lagos, all on account of my Ministry workload. I also appreciate h e r l o v e , h e r understanding, and her prayers. May God richly bless her gentle and caring soul. I thank God for bringing me safely back after the Third Scribe session of this year 2019. I am most grateful to God for m a k i n g e v e r y t h i n g possible, for His marvelous grace, His inspiration, His protection, and for the good health and strength He has given me, to enable me to do this work, for it has ALL been by His grace. I also want to appreciate the immense sacrifice of the

brethren who make these journeys possible, by the kind and sacrificial support they give. May God bless them richly, and may He be gracious to them, lift their burdens, and smile upon them all. Lastly, I want to appreciate ALL the saints around the globe for your ceaseless prayers for the work, for without it, this work would be impossible. As I said on Thursday, and as it is written in the Book of James Chapter 5, verse 16: “… The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Only God knows what He is using your prayers to accomplish in the Ministry. Your continual prayers are like fuel (the gasoline) that carries the Ministry in this great work. Because we face a lot of opposition and buffeting from the devil, as it is his business to throw every spanner he can at this work, to slow down the work. So, I really appreciate all your prayers from around the globe, and may God richly bless you all. Most times when I come back from working on the Scribe, some of the saints leave anonymous love offerings in envelopes with my name on, in the offering box, and some brethren

also transfer funds into my bank account; some of you send love gifts, drinks, fruits, loads of tinned foods, etcetera. So, a lot of times, I do not know who sent these love gifts, but God knows, and may God bless you a hundredfo ld fo r your kindness. I want to thank ALL the saints around the globe for your love and kind support , and for the sacrifices you make for the work, as well as for your u n d e r s t a n d i n g , t h e understanding you have for the Ministry, bearing with me in this Ministry. I appreciate my fe l low M in is te r ing b ro the rs : Brother Victor, Brother I f eany i , and B ro the r Kingsley, whom God has placed over this Local Assembly, to hold the fort in my absence, and to be a blessing. May the Lord give you strength and grace, and may He uphold you all by His power. I thank God for the grace of the Lord upon the life of Brother Victor, for the lovely and painstaking way he has been faithfully b r e a k i n g d o w n t h e Continuing Message of Jesus Christ, for the edification of the local body of saints, giving peace, and I appreciate his total dedication and sacrifice.

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Ref. No.: 22-09-2019Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps - The Jackson Movement - Part 1

March 2021

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May God strengthen and uphold all these brothers, and may His grace continue to abound in their lives. Amen. I am really grateful to God this morning for His grace, how He has helped us thus far. Before I take my message this morning, and if she does not mind, I would like to ask Sister Grace Ojeaga to sing the song, The Evening Time. I am sorry for springing this on her, as I should have let her know beforehand. I will call her to take that song, after saying a few things. Brothers and sisters, I give thanks to God for making it possible for us to eventually produce The Seven Church A g e s i n t h e S c r i b e Magazine, of which there are Eleven Scribes in all, titled, The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages. It took longer than I thought it would take, for it is an extremely deep, complex, and wide topic, a heavy message, which demanded a lot of input, a lot of work, because it is God tracing the journey of the True Church ALL through time in the Grace Age, from its very inception to its very end. But I am most grateful to God that it is now finally done, accomplished, for the Lord

helped us greatly to do immense justice to that message, setting forth ALL t he T ru ths we have received from both Brother Branham and Brother Jackson, on this great Bible subject, including shedding additional Light, Fresh Light. I give God ALL the glory, because it is nothing any man could do of himself, and they are now available on our website for the whole world to test. When Brother Branham took The Seven Church Ages in 1960, it was not ready in printed format until 1964, which probably gives us about four years of hard labour, the amount of time that probably went into producing the Sermon Book on The Church Ages, and is what God has helped us to do in just four months. That is the truth! During the same period, that is within this four months, we have also produced another Scribe message, titled, A Close Look At Tithing, which will be available Online next week by the grace of God. Brothers and sisters, I will confess and say this to the glory of God: We have never seen Tithing laid out on that level before! It is God simply lifting a Standard to shut up the

mouths of the opposition on Tithing, and that is the truth! Saints, it is a settled scriptural fact that Truth can only get brighter, as Nothing can take away the Truth, any Truth of God, for the Word of God is sovereign. Truth can only get brighter, not dimer, only brighter, and No man can dim the Light that God has shed on His Word. So, by the sheer enablement of God, we were able to produce ALL these Scribes within four months, giving us a total of Twelve Scribe Magazines. May God be praised for His immeasurable grace and mercy! The El Shaddai God, being our “Eben-ezer”, has really helped us hitherto, for by His grace, we have been able to put ou t so many Sc r ibe messages at this time, laying out the Message of the Holy Bible, the Plan of Redempt i on , f o r t he children of God around the globe, who are “the c h i l d r e n o f L i g h t . ” Incidentally, I went on our website this morning, as I do once in a while, just to see precisely where people are coming from on our site, and I saw that someone came on it, not just from Indiana, but precisely from Elizabeth. That is where

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Brother Jackson lived, for that is where his home is, and that is where his children are also based. You know, Brother Jackson was a farmer, so he had a large expanse of land, some of which he gave to his children, and they all built homes around the place. We used to make a joke in those days, that the place ought to be called J a c k s o n H e i g h t s , particularly as that is where they all have their houses, being a very small town. Personally, I do not know who else lives in Elizabeth, o t h e r t h a n B r o t h e r Jackson's family, and so, I think that maybe someone informed them that I spoke about their family in one of the Scribes on The Church Ages, because I did. I should have even said more, but everything has its due time. Hence, God helping me, I have some things I will be sharing in this message this morning that touches on them, for I believe that the time is now due. Whoever it was that came on our website is welcome, and I only pray that God will open the eyes of His elects to the Truth. I also saw that someone came on our website from Alabama, which is the State

where Brother Russell Davis, and Brother Bobby Stewart are based. And although I do not know exactly who came online, all I can pray is, Lord, touch your children wherever they may be located, and open their eyes to the Truth. I will say this before I call my sister to sing: They can call Truth ALL kinds of names, but the absolute fact remains that: TRUTH IS WHAT WILL HAVE THE LAST SAY, AND TRUTH IS WHAT WILL HAVE A GLORIOUS END, FOR ONLY TRUTH HAS A GLORIOUS END! In total contrast, the end of Untruth, Error, Falsehood, is terrible, mos t hor r ib le ; IT IS DREADFUL! They may be smiling now for the carnal things they are using Falsehood to accomplish for themselves on this earth, but nevertheless, I tell you, THE END OF UNTRUTH IS BITTER, UNIMAGINABLY BITTER! Only Truth has a glorious end, and Truth is what will have the Last Say, and it is most certain that the Bride of Jesus Christ will have the Last Laugh! That is settled! Therefore, I plead with One and ALL, let us stay with the Truth of the Word of Christ, sincerely

and faithfully, for God will be glorified in the saints. Sister Grace, please come and take that song, The Evening Time. The Lord bless you. (Sister Grace sings). May God bless our sister for that song. Shall we bow our heads in prayer. (Brother Amos prayed).

Can you please turn with me to the Book of Proverbs Chapter 4, and for our first Bible reading, we will take just one verse, verse 18, which records: “But the PATH of the Just is as the s h i n i n g L i g h t , t h a t shineth MORE and MORE unto the perfect day.” We will take our second Bible reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, verse 3, which states: “If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, in the place where the Tree Falleth, there it shall be.” Shall we bow our heads in prayer one more t ime . (B ro the r Amos prayed). Based on these two passages of Scripture, brothers and sisters, this morning, we want to take a message we have on our chart, titled, Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps – The

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Jackson Movement. This is really a message to the Jackson Movement, and I pray that God will help me to lay it out in a way that will speak to as many as God has ordained to be blessed by this message, for it is a serious warning that it carries. And as we ALL know, God never brings men to judgment without first sending a warning, and the truth is, the Lord's warning is really a mercy call. Look at the text in Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, verse 3, our second Bible reading, which declares: “If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth”, (because there is nowhere else they can release the heavy cargo of water they hold, except for them to come down. They cannot be contained, and hence, the rain must be released! Now notice): “and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE WHERE THE TREE FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE.” Wherever a tree falls, whether it falls to the south, or it falls to the north, it remains right there. You can go for a thousand years, and when you come back, you will still meet that tree lying right where it had

fallen, except it has now completely decayed. But even its decay still proves that it does not leave there, for there it remains and decays, until it is no more! Therefore, wherever a tree falls, there it remains; whether it falls to the south, or it falls to the north, wherever a tree falls, it shall remain there forever! Church, this is a very ins t ruc t i ve Word , an instructive message that God put in the Book of the Preacher, Ecclesiastes, and it is a verse of Scripture t h e P r o p h e t t o t h i s Laodicean Age used a number of times. This verse of the Holy Bible carries a crucial thought, a crucial message, because it gives us a very serious warning. Hence, the message we are taking this morning is also a message that carries a very serious warning, and as such, I pray for God's grace and mercy in delivering it, for without Him, I can do a b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g . Therefore, I pray that I am able to deliver it as I should, as the Lord would inspire, regardless of what men may do with it, or say about it, because we live in an Apostate religious world, where they hate men who rebuke at the gate, because

they love deception! Saints, may I reiterate that this verse of Scripture recorded in the Book of Ecclesiastes, carries a very serious message, both in its Part A, which deals with “The Clouds”, as well as in its Part B, which deals with “The Tree”, although our focus will not be on Part A, which speaks about “The Clouds”, but our focus will be on Part B, which speaks about “The Tree.” Our focus is entirely on Part B, where it records: “… and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE W H E R E T H E T R E E FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE”, (Meaning, THERE IT WILL REMAIN). T h e m a t e r i a l i s s u e , therefore, is this: What is the Spirit of God saying right here? We have to ask, because we can clearly see that the verse is carrying a serious warning, and we want to know its precise application to us, not just in this Last Age, but right here in this Last Move, in God's Ending Move for the Universal Bride of Christ. We most certainly want to learn, we want to profit by the rebuke of Life, even as it is written in Proverbs Chapter 21, verse 11:

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“When The Scorner is punished, the simple is made WISE: and when The Wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge.” The truth is, if there is any time we need to heed the application of this verse of Scripture, Ecclesiastes 11:3B, if there is any time that it has application, is now, because time-wise, w e a r e a b o u t “ T w o Minutes” to the Rapture. In re-presenting this message in the Scribe in January 2021, I was moved to check the Doomsday Clock – The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and it is very interesting to know what their press release states, as to what time is. It states: “ I T I S N O W 1 0 0 S E C O N D S T O M I D N I G H T ” (DOOMSDAY). Which is just under Two Minutes! If Atomic Scientists, who have absolutely nothing to do with God and His Plan of Salvation, have put the Doomsday Clock at “100 Seconds to Midnight”, as Bible believers, this should make us think! It should make us think: Just how can we come this far, and come so close to the Rapture, and miss it?! Come on! We just cannot afford to miss it! We have come too far, and

have come too close, to now miss it! God forbid that having come this far, and this close to the Rapture, we are now derailed! God forbid that that should happen to us! We cannot afford that! Therefore, please pay close attention a s t h i s m e s s a g e i s speaking to you, for we are speaking directly and specifically to the Jackson Movement. And although what we will be sharing applies to the Branham Movement, nevertheless, our focus this morning is not on the Branham Movement, but it is specifically on the Jackson Movement. Do not forget that regardless of the f e e l i n g s a n d o r t h e objections of the Branham Movement, to the fact that the Jackson Movement is a Movement, which they firmly deny, the truth still remains that the Jackson Movement is indeed a Movement, for it is a M o v e m e n t w i t h i n a M o v e m e n t ! I t i s a Movement wi th in the B r a n h a m M o v e m e n t ! However, what do these people know? What does the Branham Movement know?! This is a truth we have laid out in our message in the Scribe, t i t l e d , T h e G r e a t

Separation, and it will do you good to study that Scribe with your Bible, if you have not already done so. You must be able to see what God has ordained to do in the earth, relating to His Plan of Redemption, a serious separating work, right here at this Evening Time, and what He has accomplished so far in that revealed Plan, in this Seventh Age, and what the balance is, ALL according to the inspired written Word of God!

Let us even ask the Branham Movement, who are denying that there is a Jackson Movement, just because to begin with, they do not know what a Movement is: Why is it not a Movement? Brothers and Sisters, we must know that the Jackson Movement is a Move within a Move, for it is a Movement within the Branham Movement. So, it is an Offshoot, for it is still w i t h i n t h e B r a n h a m Movement , be ing an Extension of the Branham Movement, and hence, it is a d i f f e r e n t k i n d o f Movement to what the religious world understands as being a Movement. Why is it different? It is different because it is not a Move

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t h a t e s t a b l i s h e d a n O r g a n i s e d C h u r c h ; because the End Time Message that God sent Brother William Branham, the Elijah of Malachi 4:6B, does not establish an Organisation, and neither can it be Denominated! It is simply because God cannot use a Message to call out the Bride Elements from ALL Organised Systems of Religion, and for that Message to a lso be Denominated! It is utterly impossible! May I reiterate: The Message of the End-time Elijah cannot be O r g a n i s e d , b e i n g a Message designed to call ALL God's Elects out from t h e E n t i r e W o r l d o f Organised Religion! That is why the Message itself condemns Organ ised Religion, and is totally opposed to Organised Religion in ALL its forms, sizes, and shapes! Even so, brothers and sisters, we must equally understand that the people in the Branham Movement, the peop le fo l low ing the Message, can indeed be ruled by the Spirit of Satan which is behind Organised Religion, IF and WHEN they fail or refuse to subject themselves to the Absolute Rulership of the Holy Word

of God, the Holy Scriptures! And it is a notorious (obvious) fact, that the spirit of Organised Religion is what f irmly rules the Branham Movement, which is precisely the reason they never moved on to accept Further Light of any other vessel of God, and they never will! And should time tarry for another Five Hundred Years, just like t h e L u t h e r a n s , t h e Presbyterians, the Baptists, and the Methodists, who never moved on an inch in the Light, even as we speak this day, the Branham M o v e m e n t w i l l equally remain at the Ministry of Elijah Bus-stop of December 1965, the i n s t r u m e n t o f t h e i r Movement, where they are permanent ly and p e r p e t u a l l y s t u c k ! They will forever keep crying: “The Prophet! The Prophet! The Prophet! Oh, the Prophet! Oh, my Prophet!” Nevertheless, in bringing back Pure and Or i g i na l Seeds , and because “Every revival produces twins”, just as the Move of God through Moses produced “A Mixed Multitude”, following the death of William Branham, God had to make A MOVE WITHIN A

MOVE, to whittle down the followership of the Truth, until we get back to Original Seeds! So, that gave us nothing but a Move of God within a Major Move of God, m a k i n g t h e J a c k s o n Movement an Offshoot, or better still, it makes it an Extension of the Branham Movement. Otherwise, we must ask the Branham Movement: On what basis did they accept God's dealing through John Knox as a Movement, that the Jackson Movement is not? I n w h a t w a y i s t h e John Knox Movement different to that of the J a c k s o n M o v e m e n t ,except that the Jackson Movement i s no t an Organisation? Come on! In what way is the John Calvin Movement also different to t ha t o f t he Jackson Movement, IF not that the Jackson Movement is also not an Organisation? What made the dealings of God through John Knox and John Wesley, Movements? Is it the size of the Movement, the size of its global followership, and not what it accomplishes in the Revealed Plan of God? Brothers and sisters, it is the Light of the Word of God that these men carried for God's children to follow,

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God using each of these Reformers to carry and restore a Truth of the Early Church, a Truth of the Holy Bible, that produced the v a r i o u s M o v e m e n t s beginning with that of Martin Luther, which gives us the Lutheran Movement! The difference between them and the Jackson Movement, taken together w i t h t h e B r a n h a m Movement, is that each and e v e r y o n e o f t h e s e M o v e m e n t s , t h e s e Reformation Movements, formed an Organisation around the Truth that their Movement was used to restore! Therefore, they became bogged down, for they could not move on with God in His Light, and they never moved on with God in the Light, after they had Organised themselves like the Church of Rome, which is the First Organised Church, “The Mother of Harlots”! (Rev. 17:5). Look at it for instance, it is only One Nugget of Truth that the Lutheran Movement bore, just One Fundamental Doctrine of the Original Church, One Lone Truth of God, which is this: “… The Just shall live by Faith”! The Doctrine of Justification by Faith! John Wesley also bore just One Nugget of

Truth, which produced a Movement around which the Methodist Organisation was formed, which is the D o c t r i n e o f “Sanctification”, and yet, it was a Move of God! So, we must ask for the umpteenth time: What makes a Movement, A Divine Movement? It is the True Revelation of the Word of God that a man carries, by which a Universal Body o f e l e c t p e o p l e a r e positively affected by the Light (the Truth), and are separated unto this Truth, that makes a Movement! How much more, when a Man, such as Brother Raymond Jackson, was used to open up the Holy W o r d o f G o d o n a p h e n o m e n a l l e v e l , posi t ively af fect ing a Universal Body of saints by the Light, and who were separated unto this Light?! That is why the Jackson Movement is a Movement, although it is a Movement wi th in the Branham Movement, being only A Continuing Light, an Extension, Moving the Universal Bride of Christ further, in the Restored T r u t h s o f t h e H o l y Bible which the End Time Elijah bore, as God slowly brings back Original Seeds,

slowly taking out Tares, till we come to only Pure and O r i g i n a l S e e d s ! Consequently, A Divine Movement of God is much more than signs, wonders, and miracles, even though the Pentecostal Movement led by William Seymour, is an exception to this truth, and the only exception to this truth. This is only because God also had to restore the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to Christendom, bringing back the dynamics of the Spirit of God to the Church, and this was precisely what God used W i l l i a m S e y m o u r t o a c c o m p l i s h , a M o v e a r o u n d w h i c h t h e Pentecostal Organisation was formed! Nevertheless, the truth remains, brothers and sisters, that the Movement of God is much more than signs, wonders, and miracles, because you can have ALL these things, and you can perform ALL these supernatural things, and still miss Eternal Life! Later on, though, the Lord used the Pentecostal Organisation to also restore the Doctrine of Water Baptism by full immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and also the Doctrine of the Oneness of God, that God is One.

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Saints of God, we must just understand that there is something much bigger than signs, wonders, and miracles, and that is Divine W i s d o m , t h e T r u e Revelation of our Saviour Jesus Christ! For the Revelation of Life is greater than signs, and wonders, and miracles, which is p r e c i s e l y w h y G o d magnifies His Word above His Name that we use for signs, wonders, miracles! It is an irrefutable Scriptural fact that you can work ALL these wonders, and still find yourself in hell! That is why Jesus earnestly warned us in Matthew Chapter 7, verses 21-23, saying: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven”, (as it is written in the Holy Scriptures). “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, L o r d , h a v e w e n o t prophesied” (and or preached) “in thy name? and in thy name have c a s t o u t d e v i l s ? a n d i n t h y n a m e done many wonderful works?” (Supernatural works). “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart

from me, ye that work iniquity.” These are n o t e v e n s m a l l - t i m e Preachers of the Gospel; these are not Local Pastors: These are International Ministries, World renown so-called Men of God, World Renown Ministries! T h e s e a r e b i g t i m e International Ministries! Yet, the Master will say to them: “… I Never Knew You: DEPART FROM ME, ye that work iniquity.” Preachers and Teachers of Unbel ief! Peddlers of Untruths! Carr iers of Falsehood, Error! They were not even saved, let alone being born again, but were simply deceived individuals, having only a religious spirit! And as it is written in 2 Timothy Chapter 3, verse 13: “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” They preach Jesus in a way, for it is a carnal message they bear, and they carry the Holy Bible, and traverse the entire globe doing so, but at the end, they wil l realise that it is ALL for nothing; because they are peddlers of a p e r v e r t e d g o s p e l , they are Perverters of the Truth! So, in the light of this

ve ry g rave (ser ious) warning of Jesus Christ, I now ask: As a Prophet so-called, what is the point of being able to tell me by prophetic insight, things of this life, carnal things of this life, fleshly prophecies, when what you reveal to me does not help me spiritually, that I might grow spiritually, through the exclusive means of spiritual growth, which is by the divine revelation of the Holy Scriptures, that I might obtain Eternal Life that is in Christ Jesus?! Come on! So, something is much greater than signs and miracles, and that is the revelation of the Pure Word of God, in which Eternal Life is encapsulated (encased or enclosed)! For by the Word, God c r e a t e d t h e E n t i r e Universe: He spoke, and it ALL came into being, for by it everything was made! Moreover , the who le Universe as i t is, is sustained by the power of His Almighty Word! Hence, i t is crucia l that we understand, that God is revealed in His Word, and as such, if you play with the Word of God, you are playing with Eternal Life, and you will reap the Second Death, which is

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Eternal Separation from God, Eternal Damnation! Full stop!

Coming back to our message, titled, Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps – The Jackson Movement, brothers and sisters, the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, verse 3B records: “… if the Tree fall toward the South, or toward the North, in the place where the Tree Falleth, THERE IT SHALL BE.” This message carries a strong admonition to everyone, although this m o r n i n g , w e a r e applying it directly and specifically to the Jackson Movement. So, we ask again: What is the Lord saying by this verse of Scripture, that where a Tree F a l l s , t h e r e i t shall be? When a Tree F a l l s , i t f a l l s o n a particular spot, and at that spot where it falls, is exactly where it will lie and r e m a i n f o r e v e r . T h e material question now is, how do we apply this to Churchgoers? How do we apply it to ALL the people who profess faith in God? And more particularly, just how do we apply this to the Jackson Movement? That is the material issue! To

begin with, we must not forget that we are ALL trees, figurative trees. One day Jesus rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees, even as it is written in Matthew Chapter 15, beginning from verse 7: “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. BUT IN VAIN THEY DO WORSHIP ME, Teaching for Doctrines the commandments of men”, (AND MAKING GOD'S WORD OF NON-E F F E C T B Y T H E I R TRADITIONS). Skipping to verses 12-14, the Holy Bible records: “Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, EVERY PLANT”, (EVERY TREE) , “WHICH MY H E AV E N LY FAT H E R HATH NOT PLANTED, SHALL BE ROOTED UP. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” Christ said this, because you are a tree, and I am also a tree; but the

crucial question is, what is your source? What kind of tree are you? Are you wheat or tare? Are you a goodly vine, or an evil vine? Are you a good tree or a bad tree? Are you the planting of the Lord or of Satan? That is the fundamental issue, for w e a r e A L L t r e e s , figurative trees! Speaking of the First Advent of Jesus C h r i s t a n d h i s accomplishments, Isaiah Chapter 61, verse 3 records: “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called TREES of R i g h t e o u s n e s s , t h e planting of the Lord, that He” (the Lord) “might be glorif ied.” Therefore, knowing that we are trees, figurative trees, is precisely why the Preacher warned in Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, verse 3B: “… if the Tree fall toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE WHERE THE TREE FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE.” We should ALL see, therefore, that this passage of Scripture is carrying a very serious instruction, and may God help us to apply it where

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n e c e s s a r y, a n d h o w necessary, and in a way that is most apt and very helpful, so that someone may hear s o m e t h i n g , a n d b e delivered! Where a Tree Falls, there it will remain. Speaking in relation to the Jackson Movement, it simply means this, and you must consider it seriously: Brothers and sisters, when you stumble at the Word of God, whatever Stone of Truth it is that you stumble on, until you come back to i t , unt i l you backtrack to that very Stone of Truth, to reconcile yourself with the Truth, with that very Truth, right where you have Fallen, is right where you will remain, totally cut off from God! I repeat, and please listen attentively to me: When you stumble at the Word of God, when you stumble at a Truth of the Word of God, by that very Stone on which you fell, is precisely where you will forever remain. You can go on with God for another twenty, thirty, or forty years, sowing seeds, praying, fasting, fellowshipping, preaching, and engaging in ALL sorts of religious activities, even making painful sacrifices in this way, but the absolute fact remains, brothers and

sisters, that you have fallen, you have stumbled and fallen over a Truth, and right t h e r e i s w h e r e y o u wi l l remain, for your relationship with God has been totally severed from that point back there, unless you wake up, and come back to it! It is called ret rac ing your steps, backtracking to see the Stone you stumbled on and fell, because once you stumble at the Word and fall, there you will remain! It is an immutable divine law! Anything and everything you do from that point on, is a sheer waste of time, for you will not receive any reward for it, even though God will use it to serve His purpose, FOR THE LORD IS SOVEREIGN! As for you, your relationship with God has been severed from that very point of stumbling, and as such, you will have to wake up and come back, retrace your steps, and find out precisely: “Where did I stumble and fall? On what Stone did I stumble? Where did I miss it, so I can make right, and straighten myself out? Where in the Word of God did I transgress?!” Because the spiritual effect of the Tree Falling and remaining there, signifies a total cut off from fellowship

with God and Christ Jesus! As such, to continue on in this way of revealed Faith, without any true retrospect and care for the Stone that y o u s t u m b l e d u p o n , amounts to utter wilful u n b e l i e f a n d s t o n y heartedness, a blatant disregard for the Truth of the Word of God, a disdain for the Holy Scriptures! You become self-deceived, deceived of having a relationship with God that you do not have, because that relationship has been severed, for you severed it! Exactly WHEN and HOW did th is happen, the Jackson Movement may ask? I will tell you now in clear and categorical terms, whether you believe it or not. It happened when you stumbled at the Word of T r u t h r e g a r d i n g t h e Apostolic Leadership of the Bride of Jesus Christ! Thus, your fellowship with Jesus Christ, who alone links us to God, has been severed, because you stumbled at this Word of Truth! For it is written in 1 Peter Chapter 2, verses 6-8: “Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a Chief Corner Stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on h i m s h a l l n o t b e

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confounded. Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto t h e m w h i c h B E DISOBEDIENT, the Stone w h i c h t h e b u i l d e r s disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, AND A STONE OF STUMBLING, AND A ROCK OF OFFENCE, EVEN TO THEM WHICH STUMBLE AT THE WORD, BEING DISOBEDIENT: W H E R E U N T O A L S O T H E Y W E R E APPOINTED.” And when you stumble at the Word, it does not matter how long you go on in Christendom, in the Continuing End-time Message, and it does not ma t te r wha t you do thereafter, or what you think of yourself, ALL your works are for the dunghill! For as it is infallibly and immutably written: “… IF THE TREE FALL toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE WHERE THE TREE FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE”! There you will remain forever, unless you think seriously, and retrace your steps! You have to backtrack, IF YOU WANT LIFE! Just look at the very sad and most pathetic spiritual condition that now surrounds you, a sad reality that you should clearly see,

and ponder deeply upon your pathway, except you are reprobate minded (twisted minded)! This simply means that you should be able to think on your ways, and REPENT; MAKE RIGHT!

Brother Branham once preached a message carrying this very thought, on June 10th, 1959, titled, As I Thought On My Way, w h e r e h e s t a t e d i n paragraphs 42-43: “Pilate, after trying to wash his hands of Jesus, ten years passed, and he was still trying to get the Blood of Christ off of his hands. Maybe ten years from tonight you'll be trying to shake this Message off your hands.” (And I say the same thing to the Jackson Movement, for the message I am taking today, will follow you to the grave. B r o t h e r B r a n h a m continued, speaking of Pilate): “But he washed, and he washed, and he washed, and there was no way to get it off, with too much PRIDE to turn to the MAN that he had killed. He finally plunged himself to death over in Switzerland in a pool of water… I WONDER TONIGHT, IF YOU'RE THINKING ON

YOUR WAYS. I wonder if you've been thinking back down in your mind something that you've done AND THE P A T H T H A T Y O U HAVE TROD. IF YOU A R E , A N D Y O U ' R E CONDEMNED, DON'T TAKE THE SHORT WAY to go join a Church, or go do this, or drink yourself to death, or something.” SIMPLY REPENT AND RETURN TO THE LORD, BY RETRACING YOUR STEPS TO WHERE YOU STUMBLED AND FELL! The prodigal son “came to himself”, for he thought on his ways, and he retraced his steps! (Luke 15:17). We are supposed to think on our ways, and find out if we are truly in the Faith, if we are truly in tune with God in His Light! 2 Corinthians Chapter 13, verse 5 p rov ides : “EXAMINE YOURSELVES, whether ye be in The FAITH; prove your own selves…” It is not about feeling good about yourself, as feelings have nothing to do with it, for most people always feel w o n d e r f u l a b o u t themselves, however far removed they may be from God! The sole and infallible determiner is the Word of God! It is, are you in tune

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with God by His Word, totally secured within the invincible confines of the prevailing revelation of the Holy Scriptures, which is inherently A Continuing Revelation, giving you a true revelation of the Word of Life, the Word of God, the Word of Jesus Christ that is conveyed in the Holy Bible?! It is ALL about the Holy Bible, the Word of God that the whole world of C h r i s t e n d o m , h a v e trampled down and cast behind them, as though it has no application on i s s u e s o f f a i t h a n d spirituality! I am simply saying in effect, that someone needs to wake up and retrace their steps! Someone has to wake up in the Jackson Movement, and retrace his or her steps! For as it is written: “… if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE W H E R E T H E T R E E FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE.” It calls for a true realisation, a sincere one; it is truly knowing that you a re wrong , and knowing precisely what you did wrong, knowing exactly where you went off! And can you not see where you are, spiritually speaking?! Can you not see your sad

condition, your sad spiritual state?! Can you not also see your environment, the p a t h e t i c s p i r i t u a l environment around you? Are you that blind, that you cannot see that you have fallen from the Truth, the T r u e F a i t h , T H E APOSTOLIC FAITH?! Now come with me on a journey, for we will go back to the beginning, when God was dealing with the Nation of Israel.

In the Book of Joshua Chapter 1, the Holy Bible provides from verse 1: “Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant IS DEAD”, (just as Brother Branham IS DEAD, and as Brother Jackson is ALSO DEAD); “now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and ALL th is people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.” (Now listen to verse 3): “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I” (God) “given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this

Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, ALL the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea”, (the M e d i t e r r a n e a n s e a ) , “toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.” (Listen to this. Verse 5): “There shall not Any Man be able to stand before thee ALL the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Because it was not about Moses, nor was it about Joshua, it was ALL about God's Plan of Redemption for the Nation of Israel! That is a Truth we highlighted in our message during the Last 2018 November Convention, titled, Before There Was Moses And Elijah. Brothers and sisters, here we see a word of promise, the promise of God to Joshua, given solely for the purpose of accompl ish ing the Redemption of Israel, by bringing them to Canaan land, the Promised Land, thereby setting a perfect type of the Redemption of the Gentile Bride. So, Joshua had a promise in that day, a definite promise of God, because the Lord promised him in verse 3, plainly declaring: “EVERY

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PLACE that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.” And the Lord added in verse 5: “There shall not ANY MAN be able to stand before thee ALL the days of thy life...”, No matter who he is, and whatever his name may be, whether in the Ministry or in the Laity! In other words, it does not matter how big or great the person may be, or what power he has! It does not matter his race or the colour of his skin, and it does not matter what nation he comes from, for the promise of God was ALL inclusive, covering any and every man on the globe, who was in the way of Joshua! Why was this so? It is simply because Nothing is to offend God's Great Plan of Redemption, and Nothing can offend God's Great Plan of Redemption, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Therefore, God has to watch over His Plan, and i n d e e d , H e w a t c h e s jealously over His plan. God jealously watches over His Word to bring it to pass! So, w e m u s t a l w a y s remember, it is not about the man; it is not about Joshua, it is ALL about God's infallible promise,

which is firmly tied to God's Great Plan of Redemption, FOR WHICH THE LORD ALWAYS HAS KEY INSTRUMENTS, MAJOR INSTRUMENTS, TO MOVE THIS PLAN OF R E D E M P T I O N FORWARD, OF WHICH JOSHUA WAS ONE!!! So, the Lord is under an obligation to watch over that major instrument, for the sake of His own Plan of Redemption! Hence, the Lord gave Joshua a sure word of promise, declaring in verse 3: “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, THAT HAVE I GIVEN UNTO YOU...” In other words, “Every place the sole of your foot touches, IS YOURS!” Oh, my! “Once your foot touches it, IT IS YOURS!” Furthermore, when it comes to claiming the Promised Land, any portion of it that your foot has trod upon, the Lord added in verse 5, fortifying this promise: “There shall not ANY MAN be able to stand before thee ALL THE DAYS OF THY LIFE. . .” Sain ts , God honoured His Word, and eventual ly, under the Leadership of Joshua, the c h i l d r e n o f I s r a e l successfully crossed over

Jordan into the Promised Land, and in that day, the Lord did many wonderful and astounding things under the Ministry of Joshua, ALL which are laid out in the Holy Bible.

Church, continuing with the journey of the children of Israel after they had crossed over the River Jordan, brothers and sisters, something terrible happened along the way, n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e infallible promise of God, and we will consider this incident, because it is very pertinent to our message. In J o s h u a C h a p t e r 7 , beginning from verse 1, the Holy Bible provides: “But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for ACHAN, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the Tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the anger of the Lord was k indled against the children of Israel. And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Bethaven, on the east side of Bethel, and spake unto them, saying, Go up and view the country. And the men went up and viewed Ai.

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And they returned to Joshua, and said unto him, Let not ALL the people go up; but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not ALL the people to labour thither; for they are but few.” There was no need taking ALL the troops of Israel, as a little contingent of soldiers was enough to do the work. Remember, they had a promise, and they were moving under the divine promise! “So there went up thither of the peop le about th ree thousand men: AND THEY FLED BEFORE THE MEN OF AI”, (A LITTLE CITY). “And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty and six men: for they chased them from before the gate even unto Shebarim, and smote them in the going down: wherefore the hearts of the people melted, and became as water.” This incredible and impossible de fea t , r eve rbe ra ted through the entire camp of the army of Israel. Now, the i r bo ldness , the i r courage and fearlessness dissipated, and great fear now took over the camp of the hosts of Israel, the camp of God's people! Verse 6:

“And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth upon his face before the Ark of the Lord until the eventide”, (being a very humble man), “he and the elders of Israel, and put dust upon their heads.” Because Joshua knew someth ing was seriously wrong! This was not the promise; this was completely contrary to the promise of God, who is a faithful God, a covenant keeping God! The Lord had plainly promised him: “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you...” And further: “There shall not Any Man be able to stand before thee ALL the days of thy life...” Yet, they were seriously defeated by a very small and insignificant army, that they even had to flee, when it ought to have been a walk over! So, J o s h u a k n e w t h a t something was wrong, terribly wrong, and he immediately called a halt! He had enough wisdom, enough smartness, enough divine understanding of the ways of God, enough discernment, to know that the situation demanded a halt, a complete halt to the war! He did not gather them

and try to carnally booster their faith, saying: “Oh, we have the promise of God. So, do not be afraid, and do not worry. We are going to turn this battle around!” Spiritual men have spiritual discernment, for it is by the Spirit of discernment that they are guided and preserved, kept! For an Assembly can be dead, spiritually dead, and the Pastor can still feel that everything is honky dory, everything is okay, ALL because he has not an o u n c e o f s p i r i t u a l discernment of anything! There is a measure of spiritual discernment that every man of God needs, to know when the enemy has entered into the camp of God's people, to know w h e n s o m e t h i n g i s seriously wrong in the Assembly, in the camp of the people of God! Joshua did not behave like these foolhardy men in the Ministry, carnally holding to a promise that had been breached, a promise that had been suspended or severed, saying: “Do not be discouraged, brethren, by the initial loss we have faced in this battle. Do not let this initial defeat trouble you. We shall yet overcome them, because we have a

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sure word of promise.” Why would Joshua, ISRAEL'S GUIDE under God, do that, and not consider that that defeat should not even have happened to begin with?! They were supposed to be invincible! They were supposed to prosper in Every Military Adventure! Why? Because it is written that every place that the sole of his feet steps upon, is divinely given ground, For No Man is to stand before him, ALL the days of his Lead Ministry! That was why! That man was a spiritual man, and hence, he immediately realised t h a t s o m e t h i n g w a s seriously wrong, for it should not have gone that way, and he immediately called for a halt! I can see t h e u n t u t o r e d a n d unrevelated minds, the men who have no iota of spiritual discernment, men who carry only carnal faith, mental faith, which lacks d i v i n e i n p u t , d i v i n e revelation, say to Joshua: “Do not be discouraged by this little defeat. You have the promise of God. Be strong Brother Joshua, and hold faith, for this is only a trial of faith. Do not let this stop you. Let us get back up and face them, and they will be vanquished!” This was

not a trial of faith, because it went completely contrary to God's unfailing Word of promise! It overturned the Word of God that they had received, and for which reason they came out of Egypt! After all, Israel was not going to possess the land for Joshua. It was ALL about God's promise to the Nation of Israel, which types the Universal Nation of the Bride, and nothing could offend that! It is spiritual discernment men in the ministry need, which, unfortunately, many do not have! That highly revelated man instantly called for a halt, as they sought the face o f God, because he realised something was wrong, something that had overturned the promise, momentarily! Do not forget our second Bible text for this message, which forms the basis for what we are setting forth this morning, for here we see the serious application of this divine warning. Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, verse 3B records: “… and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE WHERE THE TREE FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE.” (FOR THERE IT WILL REMAIN)! Joshua possessed a high

level of spiritual sense, for that man was spiritually very alert, very much spiritually sensitive. So, he knew that something was wrong in the camp of God's p e o p l e , f o r t h e development was most unlike God! For the children of Israel to have run before their enemy, smit ten, something was definitely seriously wrong, and as such, Joshua knew he had to find the Stone on which the children of Israel stumbled and fell! They had to have stumbled at a Stone and Fallen, and he knew that unless they woke up and retraced their steps, finding out precisely where they had gone wrong, where they had stumbled, where they had missed it, their defeat and failure was b o u n d t o c o n t i n u e ! Therefore, Joshua called a halt, and he fell on his face with fasting and prayer till evening, for he knew it was time for them to think seriously on their ways, and make right with God, finding out why this had happened! And the elders of Israel also jo ined him, humbl ing themselves to seek the face of God for mercy, and for His light, showing that indeed, True Leadership is exampleship, for it shows

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the way! We will continue from verse 7 of Joshua Chapter 7, and it records: “And Joshua said, Alas, O Lord God, wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over Jordan, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us? would to God we had been content, and dwelt on the other side Jordan! O Lord, what shall I say, when Israel turneth their b a c k s b e f o r e t h e i r e n e m i e s ! F o r t h e Canaanites and ALL the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it, and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth: and what wilt thou do unto thy great name? And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? Israel hath SINNED, and they have also TRANSGRESSED MY COVENANT which I commanded them: FOR THEY HAVE EVEN TAKEN OF THE ACCURSED THING, and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff. THEREFORE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL COULD NOT STAND B E F O R E T H E I R ENEMIES, BUT TURNED

THEIR BACKS BEFORE T H E I R E N E M I E S , BECAUSE THEY WERE ACCURSED: NEITHER WILL I BE WITH YOU ANY M O R E , E X C E P T Y E D E S T R O Y T H E A C C U R S E D F R O M A M O N G Y O U . U p , sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, THERE IS AN ACCURSED THING IN THE MIDST OF THEE, O ISRAEL: THOU CANST NOT STAND BEFORE THINE ENEMIES, UNTIL YE TAKE AWAY THE A C C U R S E D T H I N G FROM AMONG YOU.” FOR WHERE THE TREE FALLS, THERE IT SHALL REMAIN! They had fallen by transgression, and as such, brothers and sisters, defeat could only be multiplied upon defeat for them in their transgression, for as it is infallibly and immutably written: “… in the place where the Tree Falleth, THERE IT SHALL BE”, UNLESS THEY W O K E U P A N D R E T R A C E D T H E I R STEPS, AND SET RIGHT!

May I remind you of the title of our message: Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps –

The Jackson Movement. Brothers and sisters, it w o u l d h a v e b e e n foolhardiness and utter f o o l i s h n e s s , e m p t y bravado, to carry on with their losses, vainly blessing themselves in the Name of the Lord, claiming a divine promise, and thinking God would be with them and overturn their losses, when they had stumbled at the Word of God, for they had transgressed the Word of God! Thank God they realized early enough, and they did not use carnal faith. Am I making sense?! Because what a lot of people call faith, is not faith, but just fleshly or carnal faith, mental faith, which is mere positive thinking, completely devoid of divine revelation, which true faith is! Because there is a revelation that goes with everything! Because you can overturn the Word of God even in major respects, and still think you have Faith! That is why in Luke Chapter 18, verse 8, Jesus asked a rhetorical question, one which is more of a statement of fact than a q u e s t i o n , d e c l a r i n g p r o p h e t i c a l l y a b o u t t h i s E n d T i m e : “ … Nevertheless when the Son of man Cometh” (For

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his Bride), “SHALL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH?” The Old Scofield Study Bible rightly says in i t s f o o t n o t e o f t h i s d e c l a r a t i o n : “ T h e reference is not to personal faith, but to belief in the whole body of Revealed Truth.” And this gives us Nothing but THE APOSTOLIC FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST. Meaning that to overturn Any Truth, Any Apostolic Truth, simply totally Nullifies your faith, whatever faith you think you may have in Jesus Christ, making it Another Faith Completely, an Accursed Faith! Absolutely! The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians says so! For Apostle Paul declared in Galat ians Chapter 1, verses 6-9, saying: “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him” (God) “that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another”, (meaning that it is not an entirely new gospel); “but there be s o m e ” ( p r e a c h e r s , teachers, and so-called apostles) “that trouble y o u , a n d w o u l d PERVERT” (or TWIST, or O V E R T U R N , i n a n y measure), “THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.” (This mere

perversion of the Apostolic Truth of Christ in any measure, and on any issue, is precisely what makes it another gospel, for it takes out the Life-Giving Power that is in the True and Pure Gospel of Christ, which the Early Church Apostles carried. Hence, Apostle Paul declared under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost): “But though WE” (ORIGINAL APOSTLES), “or an ANGEL from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which WE” (WHO ARE T H E O R I G I N A L A P O S T L E S ) “ h a v e preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. As WE said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received” (from us the Original Apostles), “ L E T H I M B E ACCURSED.” For such a m a n i s c a r r y i n g A n Accursed Gospel, and hence, whosoever believes it is equally Accursed! Period! Think about that! Coming back to the case of the initial defeat which the children of Israel suffered at the battle of the city of Ai, thank God for the spiritual sensitivity, the great level of spiritual discernment that

Joshua possessed! For Joshua, being a spiritual man, knew that the enemy had entered the camp of the ch i ld ren o f God, fo r something was wrong, and he fell on his face before the Lord. The Lord came on the scene, and He let Joshua know in plain terms that an accursed thing had been brought into the camp, for the Word of God had been f lagrantly and wilful ly trampled upon, by which they fell, and would remain fallen, unless and until they removed the accursed thing! We will continue the inspired account from verse 14, where God declared: “In the morning therefore ye shall be brought according to your Tribes: and it shall be, that the Tribe which the Lord t a k e t h s h a l l c o m e according to the families thereof; and the family which the Lord shall take s h a l l c o m e b y households; and the household which the Lord shall take shall come man by man. And it shall be, that he that is taken with the accursed thing shall be burnt with FIRE, he and ALL that he hath”; (Why?) “BECAUSE HE HATH TRANSGRESSED THE

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COVENANT OF THE LORD, and BECAUSE HE HATH WROUGHT FOLLY IN ISRAEL.” For Achan had overturned the Truth of the Word of God, and had brought a great set-back to the Entire Body of God's people, a bitter fact at that, and a bitter reality we also face today as we speak, for it is strictly an issue of Faith! A n d w h e n y o u d e a l decisively and militantly with it, being an issue of Faith, for Truth is what is in Conflict, most people, being carnal followers of the Message, do not see Truth, they only see the Judgment Act of Joshua against Achan, the total annihilation (destruction) of Achan and his family, and hence, they always personalize what amounts to A Great Conflict of Faith, and they take great offence! “So Joshua rose up early in the morning, and brought Israel by their Tribes; and the Tribe of Judah was taken: And he brought the family of Judah; and he took the family of the Zarhites: and he brought the family of the Zarhites man by man; and Zabdi was taken: And he brought his household man by man; and Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah,

of the Tribe of Judah, was taken. And Joshua said unto Achan, My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession unto Him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me. And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done: When I saw among the spoils A GOODLY BABYLONISH GARMENT, and TWO HUNDRED SHEKELS OF SILVER, and A WEDGE OF GOLD of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.” Brothers and sisters, the Lord had given a clear Word, a very firm and categorical Word, through the Lead Minist ry of Prophet Joshua: They were n o t t o t o u c h A N Y ACCURSED THING, that the city was for total destruction, just as Joshua Chapter 6, verses 16-18 proclaims: “And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew w i t h t h e t r u m p e t s , JOSHUA said unto the people, Shout; for the

Lord hath given you the city. And the city shall be ACCURSED, even it, and ALL that are therein, to the Lord: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and ALL that are with her in the house, because she hid the Messengers that we sent. And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from THE ACCURSED THING, LEST YE MAKE Y O U R S E L V E S ACCURSED, WHEN YE T A K E O F T H E ACCURSED THING, AND MAKE THE CAMP OF ISRAEL A CURSE, AND TROUBLE IT.” Despite the clear-cut divine instruction, which they had received from the Prophetic Lead Ministry of Joshua they were ALL following, laying out before them what the accursed things were, and also warning them in clear terms not to touch the accursed things, Brother Achan blatantly and wilfully d e f i e d t h e d i v i n e instructions guaranteeing the victory and prosperity of the children of Israel, which Joshua had plainly and categorically set before them, just as James Allen a n d B u d T h o m p s o n similarly wilfully defied the Apostolic Way Forward that the Chief Apostle had

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clearly laid out before the Universal Bride of Christ, which guarantees THE SECURITY and THE SPIRITUAL PROSPERITY of the Elect Bride! Saints of God, ACHAN took these Three accursed things. F i r s t : H e t o o k a SEEMINGLY “GOODLY Babylonish Garment”, which is nothing but a c o m p l e t e l y s t r a n g e revelation, one that could only divest the children of Israel of the Truth of God that clothed their souls, which is thei r TRUE GOODLY Divine Garment! The Babylonish Garment was spurn (made) with strange threads, strange materials that were totally contrary to the threads of God, for they are the threads of the ideas of men, and completely opposed to the threads of Truth, which is Revealed Faith! Any garment made up of the thread of untruth, sewn to clothe the soul of a man, or a woman, or an assembly, gives us a false garment, a strange garment for the soul, and it amounts to a Babylonish garment, and that is precisely what James Allen has equally brought into camp of the Jackson Movement! Achan should not have taken what

he could not have! He should not have taken what God did not give to him! Second: Achan also took “Two Hundred Shekels of Silver”, which speaks or represents a st range c u r r e n c y, a s t r a n g e revelation, for the global currency of the children of God is revealed Faith, the Truth of God, FOR WE TRADE IN TRUTH, GOD'S TRUTH, THE REVEALED APOSTOLIC BIBLE FAITH, which James Allen is blatantly, wilfully, and consistently overturning with his twisted teachings, his so-called revelations, most carnal and strange currency! Third: He also took “A Wedge of Gold”, which equally speaks of a s t r a n g e r e v e l a t i o n ; because the revealed Faith o f G o d , w h i c h i s represented by pure natural gold, under intense fire, holds, and it does not dazzle like fake gold, worldly gold, but it only glows with divine coolness and glory! Saints, true gold does not shine, it only glows, for it radiates with a coolness that gives serenity and peace. There is a beauty and a coolness about it, for it radiates serenity and peace, typing o r rep resen t ing t rue

spiritual gold, which is revealed Faith, which holds true in any fire scenario, however intense. Hence, true pure natural gold just glows! In total contrast, what shines, what dazzles, is fake gold. And whatever shines, whatever dazzles, only attract the natural eye, creating lust, giving us the lust of the world, the mere vanities of this life! Fake gold that dazzles, and hence, is very eye catching, represents Satan's lie, for it speaks of the devil's gold, w h i c h i s U n t r u t h , Falsehood, and that is precisely what the “wedge o f g o l d ” o f A c h a n translates to! It speaks of Untruth, Error, for it is a so-called revelation, which is really not a revelation, being only a carnal idea of man; but this idea of man is the devil's lie, something that is inspired by the devil, being something that goes against the Word of God, something that is Anti-Truth! That is what a golden w e d g e a m o u n t s t o , spiritually speaking, for it is any teaching or projection that is contrary to the revealed Word of God! Period! I repeat: A golden wedge is any message, any teaching, any spiritual projection and stand that

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contradicts the Word of God! That is a golden wedge, and that is also exactly what James Allen and Bud Thompson are giving out today, a notorious fact which is plain for ALL to see, un less you are reprobate minded, (warped minded)! And ALL of these things, ALL of which a m o u n t s t o S t r a n g e R e v e l a t i o n , t h e “Babylonish garment”, t h e “ T w o H u n d r e d Shekels of Silver”, and the “Wedge of Gold”, WERE ACCURSED, and they had been clearly shown by the Lead Ministry of Joshua whom they followed, and whom they sat under in that day, to be Accursed! So, what exactly did Achan want to do with a strange Babylonish Garment, Two Hundred Shekels of Silver, and a Golden Wedge?! What did he need them for, when he had been given unlimited accessibility to the True Divine Revelation of God, constituting in a type, the Royal Robe of the Br ide, her Invaluable (Priceless) possession?! Come on! He wanted FAME and MONEY! His ambitious and covetous heart for what he just could not have, was what killed him! Church, I am show ing you i t s

typological application, because ALL that was setting a perfect type of the reality that we would also face in the Dispensation of Grace, under the New Testament, particularly here in this Laodicean Age, having equally come out of Spiritual Babylon, the Entire W o r l d o f O r g a n i s e d Religion, a reality that is now staring us right in the face! And as such, we had better take heed, because history is repeating itself as we speak this day! Achan took a Babylonish garment, and we do not need a Babylonish garment, we only need the “Fine Linen” spiritual garment of the Lord Jesus Christ, the garment of divine “righteousness of the saints”, which comes strictly by revealed Faith, for it comes by the divine revelation of the Holy Scriptures, which the Original Apostles bore, and which the End-time Paul also firmly upheld! The terrible experience the children of Israel faced in that day, on their way to Canaan Land, created by Achan's evil actions, simply reminds me of the sad developments that took place right after Brother Jackson, the End-time “The Apostle” Paul, our

“JOSHUA”, was called home. And in case anyone wants to contest the application of this title to Brother Jackson, in 1960, Brother Branham took a message titled, The Seven Church Ages. In that message, he testified that the Holy Spirit instructed him to pick his pen and write. Part of what he was prophetically inspired to write to the Bride of Christ is precisely this, and please pay close attention: “Now let us stand like JOSHUA and Caleb. Our Promised L a n d i s c o m i n g i n sight even as theirs did. Now JOSHUA means “Jehovah Saviour”, and HE REPRESENTS the End-time Leader THAT WILL COME TO THE CHURCH even as PAUL came as THE ORIGINAL LEADER.” This gives us right here in this L a o d i c e a n A g e , t h e Promised Chief Apostolic Ministry of Saint Paul, wh ich Of f ice Brother R a y m o n d J a c k s o n undoubtedly occupied for 39 solid years, and hence, he is indeed our “JOSHUA”! And as Elijah warned prophet ica l ly : “Now let us stand like JOSHUA”, RAYMOND JACKSON, FOR THE

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A P O S T O L I C LEADERSHIP OF THE BRIDE! However, Brother Jackson is now deceased, and the Bride of Christ is still here, she is still waiting to enter her Promised Land, which is Glory Land, Heaven! Consequently, this gives us a Dual Application of Joshua's Lead Ministry today, for it not only applies to Paul, but it also applies to John, the Lead Ministry of C o n t i n u a t i o n a n d Conclusion, The Lead Ministry of Possession! Saints, we dealt with the issue of the Dual prophetic application of Joshua, here in this Seventh and Final Age, for we brought out this truth in our message, titled, Before There Was Moses And Elijah. Brothers and sisters, the terrible defeat and shameful fall which the c h i l d r e n o f I s r a e l experienced in that day, at the battle of the city of Ai, because of the Strange and Accursed Things Achan had brought into the camp of Israel, the “Babylonish garment” , the “Two Hundred Shekels of Silver”, and “wedge of gold”, does not fail to remind me of what also took place in the Jackson Movement, precisely on January 16th, 2005, at Faith

Assembly, Jeffersonville, Indiana, in the United States. Do not forget the focus and title of our message: Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps – The Jackson Movement. The Ta k e - O v e r P a s t o r a l Ministries of James Allen a n d B u d T h o m p s o n , b latant ly and wi l fu l ly trampled upon the Truth of the Apostolic Leadership which Brother Jackson, the C h i e f A p o s t l e , o u r “Joshua”, had clearly been used of God to establish for the Universal Bride of Christ, and they tried to estab l ish a Two-Man Leadership Committee o v e r t h e J a c k s o n Movement. When the A p o s t a t e T w o - M a n Leadership Committee generated a lot of heat, for it w a s s e r i o u s l y a n d consistently being knocked, particularly on account of our publications and our books, Bud Thompson was l a t e r s y s t e m a t i c a l l y stepped down for James Allen to lead, giving the Jackson Movement the Leadership of a man who does not know his left or his right of the Truth, ALL because of their godless ambition and racial pride! What do we call that? It was the evil re-enactment of

Achan's “Babylonish garment” , h is “Two Hundred Shekels of Silver”, and “wedge of gold”! It gave us a Strange Ministry, and A Strange Revelation, totally opposed to the Restored Apostolic Faith of Jesus Christ that the Chief Apostle of this End-time, had plainly and clearly laid down for the Universal Bride of Christ! On January 16th, 2005, the J a c k s o n M o v e m e n t stumbled on a Stone, a Vital Stone, a Fundamental S t o n e , A p o s t o l i c Leadership Stone! And as it is written: “… in the place where the Tree Falleth, THERE IT SHALL BE”! FOR THERE IT SHALL FOREVER REMAIN! It was not possible that they would prosper or move on, spiritually speaking, having fallen on the Stone of Truth! Do we wonder then that another plague of Untruth, called “The Third Day” Plague, struck the Jackson Movement thereafter, a grossly erroneous and Anti-Word Teaching of James Allen, which claims that we are now living in the Third Day of Hosea 6:2, A THIRD DAY WHICH GIVES US THE MILLENNIUM?! As we stated earlier, you can go on for a thousand years, but

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when you come back, IF you do, you will meet that Tree lying exactly where it fell! And it is for this fundamental and principal scriptural reason: THERE CAN BE NO SPIRITUAL PROGRESS WITH AN ACCURSED THING IN THE CAMP, IN ANY CAMP OF GOD'S PEOPLE! PERIOD! The Bride of Christ cannot progress one inch, with an accursed thing in her camp, for nothing but the pure and unadulterated revelation of the Holy Scriptures will work, as ALL other grounds are sinking sand! We cannot accept or follow the “hand-me-down” traditional ideas of men, h o w e v e r g o o d a n d appealing they may be, for they are “Leaven”, and they divest of “The Living Water”, which is the True Bread of Life, Jesus Christ in his true divine scriptural revelation! Brothers and sisters, here we are once again, at this junction of time in the Ministry of the End-time “Joshua”, when men are not listening to the Directions and Instructions of “Joshua”! They faced a problem in that day, under the Prophetic Lead Ministry of Joshua, because the evil ambition and covetous activity of one man in the

camp of the host of Israel, brought defeat to the entire camp! I can preach a message on that this morning, but I had better not g o d o w n t h a t r o a d , otherwise, I will not finish my message. The activities of one man became a cancer, a plague, a total stumbling to the whole Church, to the whole congregation of Israel! Because they stumbled upon the Word of Truth that the Lead Ministry of Joshua had so plainly laid out before them! One man made the entire host of Israel stumble, and it also takes just one unfaithful Pastor to also cause a whole Assembly to stumble! It takes just One Pastor, one so-called man of God, to cause the people of God to stumble, because of the influence he has over them! That i s why Bro ther Branham preached a message, titled, Influence, s p e a k i n g a b o u t t h e enormous influence men in the Ministry have over the people, because they are looked upon as men of God, who bear the Word of God, and God help you IF you h a v e a n A c h a n s e t over you!

Brothers and sisters,

speaking about the great power of influence that the men in the Ministry have, just look at the recent confession of the American Evangelist, Benny Hinn. After how many decades of preaching a carnal gospel, the gospel of money, prosperity, it is only now that h e k n o w s t h a t t h e p rospe r i t y gospe l i s grieving the mind of the Holy Spir i t?! He just realised that, after he had shopped in the most expensive shops, stayed in the most expensive hotels, cost ing thousands of dollars per night, flown around the world in private jets, arguing that it was a n e c e s s i t y , b e c a u s e according to him, if he travelled in the Ministry on commercial flights, “with my schedule, I would wear out”! Brothers and sisters, he just realized that he had deceived the people, after how many decades of making money, good money, living large, ALL with the perverted and d e v i l i s h g o s p e l o f prosperity, THE GOSPEL OF MAMMON?! And yet, when he was making his confession, just look at the designer blazer, specially made, the custom-made b laze r , w i th a l ogo ,

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designed just for him, that he wore! And he is telling me about repentance. My foot! The man has no clue about what repentance is, otherwise, he would not be making right, and at the same t ime be giv ing someone a “high five” (slapping hands), whilst m a k i n g h i s p u b l i c confession! Brothers and sisters, God is to be feared! The mouth tha t had peddled this bastardised and sacrilegious gospel for m a n y d e c a d e s , t h e perverted and nonsensical message of prosperity, is the same mouth that now confesses that that gospel is wrong, that the Holy Bible utterly condemns it, taking a full bow to the Truth! Indeed, God is to be feared! You do not need to change your revelation when you are having a true stand. We are still standing where we stood decades ago! We condemned the prosperity gospel then, and we still condemn it even now. And only God knows how many other things he needs to repent of! And talking about that repentance, I hope you ALL know that that is not repentance! I hope you ALL know that! He does not have a clue to what repentance is! That was

why he could give someone a “high five”, whilst he was purportedly making right, as if it is a joke! Many souls have gone to the grave believing his nonsensical message of prosperity; many lives have been forever wrecked, spiritually; many souls led to slaughter, and he was giving someone a “high five” whilst making right, whilst repenting! My, my, my! Brothers and sisters, I have said ALL that to make a point. When men peddle error, when they peddle anything that is contrary to the Word of God, and they lay it over the people as the Word of God, it is a golden wedge they are giving to the people. And when the people themselves hold to a golden w e d g e , t h e y a r e unknowingly giving their own souls False Light, which is actually Darkness! When what you hold is contrary to the revealed Word of God, the Holy Bible, you are only adorning (covering) your own soul w i t h n o t h i n g b u t a “Babylonish garment”! Sure, it will look good to you, for a Babylonish garment has to look good, having serious carnal appeal, because you are u n d e r t h e s p i r i t o f

deception, the spirit of delusion, which is precisely why i t is ca l led, “A GOODLY Babylonish g a r m e n t ” ! O n e fundamental fact about this “Babylonish garment”, therefore, is that it looks good, very good, but it is t o t a l l y c o n t r a r y a n d opposed to the revelation of Joshua, the Standard Bearer, the man who bore the Plumb-line of the Truth of God for the Entire Nation of Israel in that day! It looked so good and perfect to Achan, that he must have wondered why the Lead Ministry was not seeing it, just as our brother in Bonny I s l a n d , N i g e r i a , i s wondering why we are not seeing his carnal and i r r e l e v a n t s o - c a l l e d revelation of “the colour code”! And our brother in Owerri, Nigeria, is also wondering why we cannot see the utterly incorrect and downright carnal dichotomy that he is making, between the Ministry Work of the coming Jewish Moses and Elijah of Revelation 11, WHEN THEIR MINISTRY WORK IS ONE, and it is essentially this: They are to prophetical ly REVEAL JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL, thereby

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Sea l ing the 144 ,000 E v e r l a s t i n g G o s p e l Preachers, with the Holy Ghost, and also Seal the Woman Element of the Nation of Israel, revealed in Revelation 12! Full stop! A c h a n m u s t h a v e wondered why Joshua was opposed to what he c o n s i d e r e d a g o o d revelation, which was precisely why he took it in the first place, blatantly and w i l f u l l y d e f y i n g t h e revelation of the Prophetic Lead Ministry of Joshua, who had firmly opposed it in his message, and who had even seriously warned against the “accursed thing”! The Babylonish garment was too good, carnally speaking, for Achan not to take it, for he felt justified in himself, because anything to the contrary did not make sense to him, and as a result, he defied the true revelation of Joshua, the Guide of Israel under God, and took it! And that is exactly what James Allen and Bud Thompson also did, for they defied the Apostolic Leadership that the Chief Apostle laid down! That is also precisely why “The Third Day” ERROR looks so good and perfect to James Allen, that he is

wondering why we are not seeing it! The truth is, having been robed in your soul with this Untruth, this Babylonish garment, you are fal len from “The F A I T H ” , y o u h a v e transgressed, and as it is written: WHERE A TREE FALLS, THERE IT SHALL REMAIN! You just have to wake up and retrace your steps, and make right! Come back to the Light: Just Backtrack! Come back to the revealed Truth of the Holy Scriptures! Thank God for the highly revelated Joshua: He did not waste many days and weeks, going on an endless and unprofitable onslaught, warfare that would have led nowhere, except defeat after defeat, until they were t o t a l l y v a n q u i s h e d ! Remember what God told him: “You would never have been able to stand before your enemies, had you not called a halt, realizing something was utterly wrong, and made right. And the problem is not with me, for I do not fail my Word, for my Word stands. The problem is with your camp; it is with your people. You cannot trample my Word and still want to reap the benefits of Truth. You cannot overturn my Word,

casting it behind you, and still receive the blessings of my Word at the same time! It will not work! Because when you violated my W o r d , w h e n y o u transgressed my Word, by your very actions, you vit iated (nul l i f ied) my covenant!” FOR WHERE A TREE FALLS, THERE IT S H A L L F O R E V E R REMAIN, PERMANENTLY AND PERPETUALLY! There has got to be a realization, coming from a deep conviction in our hearts, that something is w r o n g , a n d w h e n something is truly wrong, we will have this realisation, IF indeed we have the Spirit of God in our lives, for it is the Spirit of conviction, and He convicts (reproves) of sin, which is unbelief! (John 16:7-8). But if our hearts are not right with the Lord, having the idol of Unbelief, just how are we going to know that something is wrong, when it takes a heart of conviction?! We will simply carry on in our foolhardiness, carrying a carnal faith, thinking that ALL is well, and that we have faith, when we do not even understand what True Faith is! Brothers and sisters, faith is a revelation which comes directly and

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solely from God in heaven, based exclusively on the Word of God, because the sole foundation for True F a i t h , i s t h e H o l y Scriptures! True Faith is a revelation of God, based on the Word of God. So, when what we say we have as a God-given revelation, is contrary to the Word of God, we most certainly do not have any revelation, which is True Faith! We are just carrying an idea, a carnal idea, and ALL we have is a carnal knowledge of the Word of God, without a revelation of anything! We are only carrying mere letters, and are motivated by mere letters! Brothers and sisters, for instance, you can throw the Words of the Holy Scriptures at the devil, but he knows which words are backed by the power of faith, and which are not, because what is backed by Faith, is what affects and moves Satan! As such, he knows when it is just empty words you are quoting, for instance, when you say: “Satan, I bind you, for the Bible says this, and the Bible says that!” He knows when it is just empty words, because not only does he know what the Holy Bible says, but he also knows what word is backed

with power, divine power, the authority of God! Because the word that is spoken by faith, releasing the power of God, backed by it, is what breaks the shackles that Satan has bound the people with, as that is what he recognizes, respects, and obeys! So, if h e k n o w s t h a t t h e dec lara t ions you are making are just mere words, he will look at you, and say to you: “You are quoting the Bible for me. What did you say again? Say it again. Repeat it again.” Because he is not going to mind you or budge! Exactly! Because quoting the mere letters of the Word is not going to move the devil! It is the power of God, the authority of God, which is conveyed in the divine revelation that a man bears, that does the job!

Brothers and sisters, we need to move on with this message, titled, Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps – The Jackson Movement. We are s tar t ing th is m e s s a g e w i t h t h e consideration of the Lead M i n i s t r y o f J o s h u a , because I want you ALL to see something, as i t exemplif ies something crucial. It gives us a very

beautiful scenario, the example of a situation where we can see the application of the warning t h a t i s l a i d o u t i n Ecclesiastes Chapter 11, verse 3B: “… and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, in the place where the Tree Falleth, THERE IT SHALL BE.” In other words, when a person stumbles on the Word of God, he can go on for twenty or more years, he is just wasting his time, because he will never prosper! No, he does not know that, because he is looking at his own religious exercise, religious works, thinking: “I go to Church; I pay my Tithes; in fact, when the Church needed a new b u i l d i n g , I d o n a t e d thousands of dollars, and even paid for a great amount of cement blocks, and moreover, I invest my time in Church work, as a Church worker.” That is wonderful, very wonderful! But the primary or main issue is this: You are out of the Truth! You did ALL those t h i n g s , w h i c h a r e commendable, having derailed from the Truth! You did ALL that, but you have stumbled on the stone of Truth, and do not know it!

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There fo re , ALL you r sp i r i tua l i ty, ALL your sac r i f i ces , ALL you r devotion and worship from that point on, is nothing but vanity and vexation of the spirit, for it is ALL for the dunghill! That is very serious! In other words, you cannot walk over the Word of God and bless yourself in the Name of the Lord! If you do, it is because you are self-deceived, for God did not deceive you! That is why in Joshua Chapter 7, the Holy Bible records in verses 10-12: “And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed my c o v e n a n t w h i c h I commanded them: FOR THEY HAVE EVEN TAKEN OF THE ACCURSED THING, and have also stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff”, (because TRUTH and ERROR will not mix)! “Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their enemies, because they were accursed: NEITHER WILL I BE WITH YOU ANY MORE, EXCEPT Y E D E S T R O Y T H E

A C C U R S E D F R O M AMONG YOU.” Brothers and sisters, so we see something here. Thank God for Joshua, for he did not have to suffer many defeats before he woke up! Are you with me? Joshua did not have to suffer many defeats before calling for a retreat. Another man would have tried to inspire carnal confidence in the people, saying: “Do not feel weak, and do not be discouraged, for we have suffered only a minor loss. After all, only thirty-six people were killed, out of three thousand soldiers. So, do not be dismayed, for we have an infallible Word of promise. God is only trying us, and as such, we must not become unbelieving because of a little defeat, a minor defeat. Let us hold faith, and stand as men, for we are soldiers, not women. Because we underest imated these people, let us now get up and fight, and show them that we are the people of God!” Joshua could have tried to inspire faith, are you with me? But would that truly be faith? For if they had gone further in their military endeavour, they were bound to be defeated! As long as they continued that way, brothers and sisters,

defeat was guaranteed, and God said so! But thank God for Joshua, a man with discernment, a sharp level of discernment, and he was immediately able to call for a halt. He retraced his steps, knowing deep down in his soul: “Something is wrong! We have to go back to the promise, and see what the problem is.” The man went back to the promise, for he had to fall back to the promise, to find out precisely: “Where did we stumble? Where did we fall? How come this has befallen us, because it should not have happened at all! Where did we go wrong?” He cried to God, and God showed him exactly where they went wrong. And if he had not called for a retreat, if he had not halted, if he had not woken up, they would have suffered many defeats, and only God knows how many lives would have been wasted needlessly! Now, let us take this wastage on a spiritual level. What if the lives being wasted were on a spiritual level? What if their lives were being wasted spiritually? That would have devolved upon their Eternal Destiny! Hear me this morning! What if it was on a spiritual level?

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What if it had a spiritual application, where souls h a d b e e n M a d e To “stumble at the Word” of God, Sealing Their Eternal Destiny, wasting their souls Eternally?! And indeed, it has a spiritual application, coming to this Dispensation of Grace! How many souls are in Churches around the g l o b e t h i s m o r n i n g , blessing God, shouting Halleluiah, singing to the name of Jesus, thanking God for His mercies, and yet, do not know that they are on their way to hell?! How many people have died, and were buried with great pomp and pageantry, and the persons who were being celebrated are languishing in hell?! How many souls in the Jackson Movement around the globe, are blessing God this morning, thanking Him for the Light, and yet, like Achan, they are standing in gross Untruth, standing firmly against the clear divine Direct ions and Instructions, and against the Scriptural Teachings, which the Chief Apostle had been used by God to establish for the Universal Bride of Christ?! Think about it!

Brothers and sisters, I will

not keep you long this morning, as I will not be finishing this message today. Saints, I thank God for the life of Joshua, the son of Nun, and I cannot wait to meet that brother! The grace of God upon his life, the level of discernment he had, his faithfulness, his total dedication, and his militancy, was something else! He was quick to realise that something was wrong, and he acted really quickly! Yet, when he was preparing to face the city of Ai, he did not know that something had gone wrong in the camp of Israel. But when the enemy beat them back, and the Israeli soldiers ran, and the children of Israel were scattered, he was swift to wake up, and realise that there had to be a breach somewhere, and the man quickly retraced his steps. Joshua retraced his steps, he went back to the Blueprint, for it had to relate to the Divine Blueprint of Israel's Redemption, and with it, he went to seek the face of God, to find out: “Exactly where did we miss it?” He told every soldier, “Throw down ALL your weapons, fall on your face before God, and seek His face, because something is

wrong, as this should not have happened. Our condition should not be like this. The condition of the Church should not be like this. The condition of the Ministry should not be like this. The condition of the Movement should not be like this. Something is terribly wrong!” Joshua called a halt, and he retraced his steps to seek the face of God, that he may know precisely what was wrong, that he may make right, and God showed him exactly where they had stumbled! You know the rest of the story, because Achan and his entire household, including ALL t h e t h i n g s t h a t h e p o s s e s s e d , w e r e completely burnt out of existence! Now let us take a close look at Proverbs Chapter 4, verse 18, where the Holy Bible declares: “But the Path” (Way) “of the Just”, (the Justified), “is as the Shining Light, that SHINETH MORE and MORE unto the perfect day” (of Rapture, when we see Christ). It is absolutely so, because we cannot take this term of “the perfect day” as used in this verse of Scripture to the Eternal Age, which is the Perfect Eternal Day, because it is

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not as if we can apply the Ever-brightening Pathway of the Justified even to the Millennium! Therefore, the application of this verse terminates on the day of our translation to heaven, and until then, our Pathway must and will only get Evermore Brighter! In total contrast, verse 19 records: “The Way of the Wicked”, (Preachers and Teachers of Unbelief, along with ALL Unbelievers, ALL who are Non-E lec ts ) , “ IS AS DARKNESS: they know not at what they stumble” (IN THE WORD, AND THEY NEVER WILL)! C o n s e q u e n t l y , t h e possibility of their waking up, and coming to a r e a l i s a t i o n o f t h e i r stumbling, of retracing their steps, so that they can get back on the way of right, the way of Life, and be saved, is completely out of the equation, totally out of the question! Now listen to me, brothers and sisters. Here we have a sure and unchangeable Word of promise, an unfailing word of promise recorded in Proverbs Chapter 4, verse 18, which states: “But the PATH of the JUST is as the Shining Light, THAT SHINETH MORE and MORE…” Because this

Revealed Way can only shine Brighter and Brighter, and as a result, for the Elect Bride Seeds of God, the Light of the Word they receive, can only get Evermore Brighter with each passing day, giving them an Ever-richer, Ever-deeper, and Ever-clearer understanding of the Holy Scriptures, which conveys t h e E n t i r e P l a n o f Redemption. Saints, here we have an unfailing and sure word of promise. This v e r s e o f S c r i p t u r e guarantees us an Ever-increasing measure of Light, IF indeed we have been Justified, IF indeed we have been Saved, IF indeed we are truly one of the elect righteous people of God! The Bible Light of the Elect Bride of Christ just does not stop getting Ever-Brighter, “unto the perfect day”, which is actually when we see Jesus Christ o n t h a t g l o r i o u s resurrect ion morning, which is the day of the Rapture! Halleluiah! This is the Word of the Lord, God's Unfailing and Immutable Word of Promise: THE PROMISE OF AN EVER-INCREASING L IGHT, which we have solely by the Continuous Unveiling of the Word of God! Just

look at what the Master said in Matthew Chapter 13, where Jesus deliberately spoke in parables, thereby losing the people, because they did not understand him. The disciples were bothered that he was losing the people by his use of parables, and they wanted him to speak plainly, so that everyone would understand him, so he could have more converts. Their thinking was that if a lot of people got to understand him, what he w a s p r e a c h i n g a n d teaching, surely they would follow him. So, in Matthew Chapter 13, they asked the Lord in verse 10, where it r e c o r d s : “ A n d t h e disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest t h o u u n t o t h e m i n parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you” (the Elect Seeds of God), “to know The M y s t e r i e s ” ( P l u r a l M y s t e r i e s ) , “ o f t h e kingdom of heaven, but to them” (who are Non-Elects, to them who are without), “it is not given.” In other words, and as it is further written in Psalm 97, verse 11, Divine or Spiritual “Light is sown for the righteous…”, and only for the righteous, and hence,

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only the righteous can appropriate the Light, r e g a r d l e s s o f h o w extremely simple and plain Truth is made! Brothers and sisters, in Matthew Chapter 13, we also have the Lord's Word of promise of the Unvei l ing of ALL the Mysteries of the Kingdom to the Elect Bride. Moving to the Book of Daniel Chapter 12, again we have a word of promise in verse 10, but we will take it from verse 8, where Daniel declared: “And I heard, BUT I UNDERSTOOD NOT”, (and it was so, because Daniel was not meant to appropriate the revelational understanding of the prophetic things of God that he saw, things that he was shown, for he was only meant to write them down): “then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he” (the Angel of the Lord) “said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are Closed U p a n d S e a l e d ” , (completely veiled, totally concealed), “till the time of the end.” (Speaking of the E n d , v e r s e 1 0 n o w records): “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked” (in the way of Faith, in C h r i s t e n d o m , t h e

Unbelievers), “shall do wickedly” (against the Word of God): “and None of the wicked”, (the preachers, teachers, and Church goers , be ing U n b e l i e v e r s ) , “ s h a l l understand” (these deep and precious things of the Spirit of God), “BUT THE WISE” (VIRGINS OF JESUS CHRIST) “SHALL U N D E R S T A N D . ” Halleluiah! Thank God we are in this elect number of Wise Virgins, the Elect Class of God's people who do understand! So, we ALL clearly see that we have an irrevocable and infallible promise of an Ever-increasing Light; not of physical light, because physical light only sets a type of spiritual Light, but a promise that there will be a continuous increase in the intensity of the spiritual Light of the Bride, enabling her, as The Wise Virgins, to understand (know) The Mysteries, and the Deep Prophecies of the kingdom! Saints of God, Proverbs 4:18, Matthew 13:11, and Daniel 12:10, guarantee us this great and marvellous divine promise, this great and marvellous dealing by the Spirit of God! And please note that this promise is firmly applicable

to the New Covenant, for it is firmly and unshakably tied to it. So, listen to me this morning. Consequently, there is not One Kingdom Mystery that we will not understand by the time it is all over! There is not One Kingdom Mystery that will be hidden from the Elect B r i d e , a n d n o t O n e K i n g d o m P r o p h e t i c Revelation that we will not possess, when we are going in the Rapture, and this most certainly includes the Unwritten Prophetic Revelation of God! (Rev. 1 0 : 3 - 4 ) . I t i s G o d -guaranteed that we will walk in the Ever-increasing intensity of Bible Light, possessing ALL Mysteries and Prophetic revelations of Jesus Christ contained in the Holy Scriptures, IF we are truly walking in the pathway of the righteous, IF we are truly Justified, IF we are God's Elect Bride Seeds! Hence, it is not what we say about ourselves, and neither is it what we t h i n k o r f e e l a b o u t ourselves, nor is it even what one “Sugbe” (Carnal) Pastor somewhere says about his Local Assembly, because after all, when I was in Denomination, they believed they were the best crop of people on the Planet

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in Christendom. For this reason, a good number of times, they would give a p r o p h e t i c u t t e r a n c e , saying: “Thus saith the Lord: If only we could find people like the ones in this Church, how wonderful the world would be.” They were just deceiving themselves, having no revelation of anything! They have No clue to what the Holy Bible says, being completely shut out from the Fountain of Living Water, the Water of Life! Yet, in those days, we would be told by the Prophet-Founder of that p a r t i c u l a r C h u r c h Organisation, that God loves us so much, He would be sending Archangel Michael to us the following Saturday, as he would be descending at exactly 12 O'clock Noon. No one came to Church late in that day; no one could afford to be late, as we were so totally deceived, and yet, we were sincere in our hearts, and just did not know any better! It is just like the so-called New Anointing bottled Water that Prophet T.B. Joshua of Niger ia is currently giving people around the world, as the so lu t ion to whatever problems they may have: Del iverance, Heal ing,

I N C L U D I N G “BREAKTHROUGH”! This is a recent development we are now facing, as it began at the time we started the production of this Scribe, and in their multitudes, the people are falling headlong for this Nonsense, which is nothing but Satan's Lie, A First-class Deception, being downright Sorcery! Brothers and sisters, if it were not for the grace of God, we would ALL still be out there in the Organised Religious World, following one spiritually dead so-called “Man of God, Emmanuel”! Brothers and sisters, I have said ALL that to make a crucial point, and it is this: We have a sure word of promise, and as such, if you have truly been j u s t i f i e d , y o u r understanding of the Holy Bible cannot remain the same, because we have a God given guarantee that we will walk in an Ever-increasing measure of Bible Light! It is an infallible and an immutab le d i v ine g u a r a n t e e , a n d consequently, if you cannot locate yourself in Proverbs 4:18, Matthew 13:11, and Daniel 12:10; if you are not living in the reality of this p r o m i s e , h a v i n g i t s application in your walk with

Christ, the devil is deceiving you big time! It does not mat ter how big your Ministry is; it does not matter how big your name h a s b e c o m e i n Christendom, for you can h a v e t h e g r e a t e s t followership in Lagos, or in America, or even around the globe, the absolute scriptural fact remains that you are not walking with Jesus Christ! And the same thing applies to the Jackson Movement. Therefore, may I reiterate to the Jackson Movement: If you cannot l oca te yourse lves in Proverbs 4:18, in Matthew 13:11, and in Daniel 12:10; if it has no present-day application to you, the devil has deceived you, pure and simple! Because it is a f u n d a m e n t a l a n d a n infallible scriptural mirror with which to censor your own true spiritual state, and that of the Ministry you are sitting under, as well as the Assembly you are in! Please hear me loud and c l e a r : W A L K I N G I N PROGRESSIVE LIGHT, E V E R - I N C R E A S I N G L I G H T , H A V I N G CONTINUOUS DIVINE REVELATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, IS THE LITMUS TEST OF A TRUE MINISTRY, AND OF

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A N A S S E M B LY O F TRUTH, AN ASSEMBLY OF THE ELECT ROYAL BRIDE! IT CONFIRMS THE WAY YOU ARE TAKING, WHETHER IT IS THE TRUE WAY, OR THE F A L S E W A Y ! Consequently, IF Proverbs 4:18 does not apply in your walk with Christ, it stands to reason that you stumbled somewhere along the way, and you derailed from the Word of Truth! YOU HAVE DERAILED FROM THE TRUTH, DERAILED FROM THE WAY, THE TRUE WAY, HAVING STUMBLED ON A STONE, AND YOU HAVE FALLEN! So, are you not going to wake up and retrace your steps?! Are you not going to Backtrack? Are you not going to judge your spir i tual l i fe, or your Ministry, or your Assembly, with this infallible Plumb-line of the Word of God, and wake up, and see what Stone you have stumbled on?! Are you never going to wake up?! Hear the Word of the Lord, and shake yourselves: “… and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, in the place where the Tree Falleth, THERE IT SHALL BE.” (Eccl. 11:3B). Someone in the Jackson Movement has to wake up,

Ever-increasing spiritual Light of the Word of God, given for the adornment of the precious souls of the Elect Seeds of God called as Bride, the Justified, let us now go back to the Old Testament, to consider where God set this divine spiritual reality in a Type, in a Shadow. The Book of E x o d u s C h a p t e r 1 6 , beginning from verse 1, provides: “And they” (the children of Israel) “took their journey from Elim, and ALL the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt. And the whole congregation of the c h i l d r e n o f I s r a e l murmured against Moses a n d A a r o n i n t h e wilderness”, (because they were hungry): “And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, t o k i l l t h i s w h o l e assembly with hunger.”

and retrace his or her steps before it is too late! Otherwise, I will ask you: What are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the testimony of a Man about himself and his Assembly, and not the Word of God? Is that who you are going to follow? Are you not going to follow the Word of God?! Brothers and sisters, it is either the Holy Bible is the Word of God, or it is not! Consequently, you are either going to believe the Holy Bible, wholly believe it, and follow the Word of God, or not at ALL, otherwise, your believing is in vain!

Church, there are loads and loads of Scriptures in the New Testament that we can tie to the divine promise we see in Proverbs 4:18, but it is not necessary, because the Truth has already been established. Hence, with t h i s s u r e a n d m o s t fundamental promise of the Lord, the promise of Continuous Fresh Light, at the back of our minds, we will dash to the Torah, the Law of Moses, to see its application in a Shadow, under the Old Testament, before we come to the New Testament. So, for the realisation of this promise, the infallible promise of the

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(What a horrible attitude t h e s e p e o p l e h a d , despising the deliverance of God from their bondage in Egypt, rather than being immensely grateful and thankful! Yet, God was in the situation they were facing in that day, for the very route they took was designed to serve a great divine purpose). “Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain BREAD from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, THAT I MAY PROVE THEM, WHETHER THEY WILL WALK IN MY LAW, OR NO.” (FOR IT WAS A TEST, SETTING A PERFECT TYPE). “And it shall come to pass, that on the Sixth Day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily. And Moses and Aaron said unto ALL the children of Israel, At even, then ye shall know tha t the Lord ha th brought you out from the land of Egypt: And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the Lord; for that He heareth your murmurings against the Lord: and what are we, that ye murmur against us?” (Let us skip to verse

13, which states): “And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up”, (which are birds that look similar to chickens, but are smaller in size), “and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host.” (Now watch verses 14-24): “And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.” (It is a picture we have conveyed right here, on the extreme bottom left angle of our chart). “And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is MANNA: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the BREAD which the Lord hath given you to eat. This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in h i s t e n t s . A n d t h e children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less. And when they did mete it with

an omer”, (a measured con ta ine r ) , “he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating. And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till t h e m o r n i n g . Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them. And they g a t h e r e d i t e v e r y morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted. And it came to pass, that on the Sixth Day”, (which was Friday), “they gathered Twice” (Double) “as much bread, two omers for one man: and ALL the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses. And he said unto them, This is that which the Lord hath said, To morrow” (Saturday) “is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning. And they laid it up till the

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morning, as Moses bade: AND IT DID NOT STINK, NEITHER WAS THERE ANY WORM THEREIN.” (IT REMAINED FRESH ON THE SABBATH). Amen! Brothers and sisters, here we see God gave the children of Israel, who, according to Acts 7:38, constituted “the Church in the wilderness”, Manna to eat, Bread which came directly from heaven. They were to gather it Fresh every day, and they were not supposed to keep it overnight, because the Manna of each day would not work the following day, for the Manna of today will not work for tomorrow. In fact, the Manna that was kept overnight, that is till the next day, corrupted, it developed worms and stank! Worms took it over, and it stank, and it became useless to the people, b e c a u s e t h e y w e r e expected to only eat Fresh Manna! So, God gave them Fresh Manna every blessed day! When it even came to the Shabbat, the Sabbath day, in order not to trample the Sabbath Law, because “the Word of God cannot be broken”, God instructed them that on Friday, they were to gather double what they normally gathered.

The portion of Manna for the Sabbath day that was gathered on Friday, and reserved till Saturday, did not stink, but it remained Fresh, because it is the Word of God! Therefore, the sole means, the exclusive means, of the sustenance of the children of Israel d u r i n g t h e i r e n t i r e wilderness journey, was Manna, FRESH MANNA, Fresh Meal. And that was on a daily basis, for they had Fresh Manna every day of their wilderness journey. They never ate or fed on Old or Stale Manna, not even once, for the Old Manna totally corrupted and stank, the Lord ensuring that it could not be eaten! S a i n t s , I r e p e a t f o r necessary emphasis: God ensured that for the forty years of their wilderness journey, the children of Israel fed on nothing, but Fresh Manna every blessed day of their entire journey! Let that sink in! For four whole decades, they ate Fresh Manna every single day; for every blessed day of the entire forty years, the Manna they ate was only Fresh, even as Exodus Chapter 16, verse 35 confirms, declaring: “And the children of Israel did e a t M a n n a F O R T Y

YEARS, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat Manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.” They had nothing but Fresh Manna to eat , every blessed day. They never did eat Stale or Old Manna, setting forth in a Shadow, a most beautiful Type of the spiritual reality of Proverbs 4:18, which the Elect Bride will have! That was why God made sure that they could not eat the Manna of yesterday; because when it s t a y e d o v e r n i g h t , i t developed worms, for it corrupted and stank, and so they just could not touch it, as it was impossible for them to eat, even if they wanted to! May I reiterate t h i s f a c t : T h e L o r d g u a r a n t e e d t h a t t h e children of Israel would not eat anything but Manna that was Fresh, Fresh Manna, for the entire duration of their wilderness journey. S a i n t s , I a m g o i n g somewhere w i th th is message, and as such, I cannot emphasize this important and fundamental Truth enough. Because it is a most crucial Truth, a major Truth, one that relates to the reality which the True Bride of Christ have in this Last Age, a

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Truth which the Message M o v e m e n t , a n d i n particular, the Jackson Movement, just do not understand, and neither do they care for it! They do not understand, and they just cannot seem to grasp the fundamental fact, that the True Bride of Jesus Christ, the True Church of God, cannot take anything but Fresh Manna, because the sole means, the exclusive means of her sustenance, is FRESH MANNA! And speaking of Fresh Manna, it is most apparent that the Lord has laid the Jackson Movement on the shelf, and has moved on big time in the Light, so much so, that they cannot even see the taillight of the Bride's Convoy! TRUTH HAS M O V E D O N TREMENDOUSLY, AND IT IS MARCHING STEADILY ON, AND THE GATES OF HELL CANNOT PREVAIL AGAINST HER! Amen!

Now, turn with me to Deuteronomy Chapter 8, because the Lord had a def in i te object ive for feeding the children of Israel with Fresh Manna every day, for it was God setting forth Types and Shadows. As the Bride of Christ, and as we ALL know,

our God is a God of Types and Shadows, who set the New Testament realities in the Shadows of the Old Testament. Look at what God said in Deuteronomy Chapter 8, verses 1-3: “ALL the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers. And thou shalt remember ALL the way which the Lord thy God led thee these f o r t y y e a r s i n t h e wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, WHETHER THOU WOULDEST KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, OR NO.” In other words, God could have led them through the Caravan routes, the trading routes, in bringing them out of Egypt, but He did not. And He did that with one main objective in mind: It was to put them in a way where there would be no food, where there would be hunger, so that He Himself could feed them, that they may know that it is by God alone that we live, and that the means of our sustenance comes from God and from God alone,

and that is His Word, THE LIVING BREAD! Now listen closely to verse 3: “And He” (God) “humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, AND FED THEE WITH MANNA, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that He” (God) “might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH” ( P R E S E N T L Y a n d CONTINUOUSLY) “OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THE LORD DOTH MAN LIVE.” GIVING US NOTHING BUT F R E S H M A N N A , A CONTINUOUS FRESH DIVINE OUTFLOW OF REVELATION! Hence, for forty whole years, they did not have to toil or sow; they did not have to run up and down, labouring for a meal. ALL they had to do was to gather the Fresh Manna that God rained down from heaven every blessed day, under the Consecutive Lead Ministries of Moses and Joshua. And on the Fridays, the day before the Shabbat, the children of Israel gathered double, and the portion for the Sabbath day remained Fresh on Saturdays. It was just as Fresh as the Manna they had taken on the Fridays,

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for there was absolutely no difference in its taste, no difference in its texture, no difference in its quality, and certainly no difference in its state or constitution, FOR IT WAS SIMPLY FRESH! Are you listening to me? Why? B E C A U S E G O D ORDAINED THAT THEY A T E O N L Y F R E S H M A N N A , F O R T H E Y WERE NOT TO EAT ANY S TA L E M E A L , O L D MANNA, OLD MEAL! Saints, let us skip to verse 16, which records of God: “Who fed thee in the wilderness with Manna, which thy fathers knew not, that He might humble thee, and that He might prove thee, TO DO THEE GOOD AT THY LATTER END.” Because the end objective of the Fresh Manna they ate every single day for forty years, was designed to get them to The Promised Land, setting a perfect type of the Eternal Good of the Bride, which is God getting us to Himself, over to G lo ry Land , Heaven! Are you with me? The end objective of God giving Fresh Manna to the children of Israel, was to get them to the land flowing with milk and honey, Canaan Land, thereby doing them GOOD at their

“Latter End”. Church, ALL that was setting a perfect type, a very beautiful type! Look at what Jesus Christ also said in Matthew Chapter 4, where he lifted the absolute Truth that is e n t r e n c h e d i n Deuteronomy Chapter 8. The Gospel of Saint M a t t h e w C h a p t e r 4 , beginning from verse 1 records: “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the w i l d e r n e s s t o b e tempted” (tested) “of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred”, (just as the children of Israel were also hungry in the wilderness, and God fed them with Fresh Manna for forty years). “And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” (In other words, perform a miracle like it h a p p e n e d i n t h e wilderness, and use your divine authority to satisfy your fleshly desire). “But he” (Jesus) “answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, BUT BY EVERY W O R D ” , ( E V E R Y REVELATION), “THAT P R O C E E D E T H ”

( P R E S E N T L Y a n d CONTINUOUSLY) “OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.” Jesus Christ quoted Deuteronomy 8:3, right back at Satan, where the Lord had told the children of Israel: “The Manna you are eating, is what I am using to set a type. I am feeding you with only Fresh Manna, so you may know that Man shall live Only BY MY P R O G R E S S I V E REVELATION!” That is precisely it! Hence, in the Gospel of Saint Matthew Chapter 4, verse 4, Jesus Christ picked the End-Type of the Manna that God gave the children of Israel, equally declaring in plain and categorical terms: “… Man shall not live by bread alone, BUT BY EVERY WORD”, (EVERY REVELATION), “THAT P R O C E E D E T H ” , (Meaning, PRESENTLY and PROGRESSIVELY; Not “that Proceeded”, as in past tense, but “that Proceedeth”, PRESENTLY and CONTINUOUSLY) “OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.” B ro thers and sisters, this absolute and immutable declaration of J e s u s C h r i s t , w h i c h reaffirms and reinforces the declaration of God to “the C h u r c h i n t h e

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wilderness”, was precisely why the children of Israel could not say: “We ate Fresh Manna yesterday, and as such, we do not want it today, for we are satisfied with the Manna that God gave us yesterday.” They could not say that, for they had to have Fresh Manna every day, or they were o v e r t h r o w n i n t h e w i l de rness ! Whoever despised or loathed the F r e s h M a n n a w a s o v e r t h r o w n i n t h e wilderness! BECAUSE MANNA, THE FRESH MANNA, WAS THEIR LIFE, T H E S O L E O R EXCLUSIVE MEANS OF THEIR SUSTENANCE, BEING THE BREAD OF LIFE IN BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT TYPOLOGY! Therefore, “the Church in the wilderness” could not say: “We ate Fresh Manna yesterday, and as such, we will stay with that Manna, as we are satisfied with it. We do not need any more Fresh Manna, for we are satisfied w i t h t h e M a n n a o f y e s t e r d a y ” ! T H E Y NEEDED FRESH MANNA, THE FRESH MANNA THAT GOD GAVE FOR EVERY SINGLE DAY, BECAUSE THE FRESH MANNA OF YESTERDAY HAS NO SUSTAINING POWER



Brothers and sisters, thank

you for your patience. We

will take a quick look at

Joshua Chapter 5, and

close our message, to

continue on Tuesday, the

Lord willing. We have

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considered the application of Joshua Chapter 7, where we saw Achan with the “Babylonish garment” and “a wedge of gold” that he took. Coming now to J o s h u a C h a p t e r 5 , beginning from verse 12, it is written: “And the Manna ceased on the morrow AFTER THEY HAD EATEN OF THE OLD CORN OF THE LAND; neither had the children of Israel Manna any more; but they did eat of the Fruit of the land of Canaan that year.” So, saints of God, we can ALL clearly see that the eating of Manna, Fresh Manna, Physical Manna, came to an end, for it ceased, but only when they h a d E N T E R E D t h e Promised Land, and it ceased, only after they had EATEN the Old Corn of the Promised Land! Church, we can give this particular T y p o l o g y a D o u b l e Application in its End-Type. In other words, we can either give the Fresh Manna a Broad Application, covering the Unwritten Revelation that we will have in the hour of the Seven Thunders, or we can give it a Narrow Application, differentiating it from the Unwritten Revelation of the Thunders. In its Narrow Application, it simply means that we will have the Fresh

the same declaration, applying this absolute, infallible, and immutable Truth, equally proclaiming: “… It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH” ( P R E S E N T L Y a n d CONTINUOUSLY) “OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.” This undoubtedly proves that just as the Old Testament Church lived by the Fresh Manna of God, being the exclusive means of their sustenance, and by which means they were brought to their expected goodly end, the Promised Land, likewise, the New Testament Church is to live by the Fresh Manna of the Word of God, for it is also the exclusive means of her sustenance, and the sole means by which she will equally be brought to her expected goodly end, which is Glory Land, Heaven! That was why Fresh Manna did not stop falling until they entered the Promised Land, just as Fresh Manna will likewise continue falling until we enter the hour of the Thunders, who will come with the “Old Corn” of Glory Land, Heaven, the Corn of our Canaan, our Land of Rest, which is the Power of the Spoken Word! That is the very reason we also have a sure Word of

M a n n a o f W r i t t e n Revelation until the time we ENTER the hour of The Prophetic Seven Thunders, when the Fresh Manna of the Written Word of God will equally cease, and then we will be eating the Old Corn of Glory Land, Heaven, which is THE SPOKEN WORD: “Let there be this, and Let there be that! Thus saith the Lord this, Thus sai th the Lord that ! ” However, until then, the Fresh Manna, the Fresh Unveiling of the Written Word of God must continue to Flow or Fall, and it will most definitely continue to Flow or Fall, because God does not fail, particularly as there is nothing else that can sustain the True Elect Bride of Jesus Christ, the Eagles of God! For in the wi lderness, God was setting a beautiful Type of the great reality that the Justified people of God will r e c e i v e i n t h e N e w Te s t a m e n t , w h i c h i s precisely why it is written in Deuteronomy Chapter 8, verse 3: “… Man doth not live by bread only, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT P R O C E E D E T H ” ( P R E S E N T L Y a n d CONTINUOUSLY) “OUT OF THE MOUTH OF THE LORD doth man live.” And in Matthew Chapter 4, verse 4, Jesus Christ made

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promise, for the End-Type cannot be different from the Type, but it must correlate with the Type, and it does correlate with the Type! Fresh Manna did not cease for Natural Israel until she crossed into the Promised Land, for the Fresh Manna had served God's purpose, bringing them to their expected end! Therefore, we must know with absolute scriptural certainty, giving Fresh Manna a broad application, taking in the Unwritten Message of the Thunders, which gives us THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD: THUS SAITH THE LORD, “LET THERE BE LIGHT: AND THERE WAS LIGHT”, that FRESH MANNA cannot also cease for Spiritual Israel, the Royal Bride of Christ, until we go to Heaven in the Rapture, which is our expected end! Remember, the title of our message, Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps – The Jackson Movement. May I say this as I close my message this

M a n n a , T h e F r e s h Carcase of the Word of God, FOR THIS THIRD and FINAL JUNCTION OF TIME IN LAODICEA, having its reality in your spiritual life, YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY NOT WALKING WITH JESUS CHRIST: YOU STUMBLED ON A STONE AND FELL, SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY! And as it is written: “… and if the Tree Fall toward the South, or toward the North, IN THE PLACE WHERE THE TREE FALLETH, THERE IT SHALL BE.” FOR THERE IT WILL FOREVER R E M A I N ! T h e r e f o r e , someone in the Jackson Movement needs to wake up and retrace his or her steps before it is too late, for the day is far spent, and the Return of Christ is right at the doors. Shall we bow our heads in prayer. (Brother Amos prayed).

The Lord bless you.

morning. Brothers and sisters, someone needs to wake up, because we also have a sure word of promise of EVER-FALLING FRESH MANNA! I have given you Proverbs 4:18; Matthew 13:11; and Daniel 12:10; to which I now add Matthew 4:4. FOR THE ROYAL BRIDE CAN ONLY LIVE BY FRESH MANNA, THE FRESH MANNA THAT PROCEEDETH EVER-CONTINUOULSY FROM THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD! If you do not see this Truth, you see nothing, and I cannot help you, for as it is written: “DEEP CALLETH UNTO DEEP”, AND ONLY UNTO THE DEEP. FOR THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT THE SHALLOW WILL UNDERSTAND OR APPRECIATE IN THE CALL OF THE DEEP, AS THE CALL CAN ONLY PA S S O V E R T H E I R HEADS. (Psalm 42:7). Consequently, if you are not Feasting Consistently and Continuously on Fresh

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131. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 5: The Sardisean Church Age (July 2019)

132. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 6: The Philadelphian Church Age (July 2019)

133. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 7A: The Laodicean Church Age (August 2019)

134. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 7B: The Laodicean Church Age (August 2019)

135. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 7C: The Laodicean Church Age (August 2019)

136. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 7D: The Laodicean Church Age (August 2019)

137. A Close Look At Tithing (September 2019)

138. The Pure Seed Doctrines - The Introduction (October 2019)

139. The Pure Seed Doctrines - Part 1 (October 2019)

140. The Pure Seed Doctrines - Parts 2 & 3 (December 2019)

141. The Pure Seed Doctrines - Parts 4 & 5 (January 2020)

142. The Pure Seed Doctrines - Parts 6 & 7 (February 2020)

143. The Pure Seed Doctrines - Part 8 (March 2020)

144. The Eternal Age: Our Eternal Home - Parts 1 & 2 (April 2020)

145. The Sign Of A True Apostle - Parts 1 & 2 (June 2020)

146. Marriage And Divorce - Parts 1, 2 & 3 (July 2020)

147. Marriage And Divorce - Parts 4, 5, 6 & 7 (August 2020)

148. One Flesh - Genesis 2:24 Issue (September 2020)

149. The Joy Of Christmas (October 2020)

150. The Lead Thunder, And The Chronology Of Revelation 10 - A Revisit (October 2020)

151. The Doctrine Of The Seed Of The Serpent - Parts 1, 2 & 3 (December 2020)

152. Before There Was Moses And Elijah - Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 (January 2021)

153. Who Are The Sons Of The Prince? (February 2021)

154. The Everlasting Gospel - A New Song - Parts 1 & 2 (February 2021)

155. Wake Up And Retrace Your Steps - The Jackson Movement - Part 1 (March 2021)

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74. The Lead Thunder, And The Chronology Of Revelation 10 - Parts 1-3 (July 2014) 75. Revisiting Armageddon - Parts 1 & 2 (August 2014)76. Why It Had To Be Fishers - Parts 1 - 3 (September 2014)77. God In The Laodicean Age: The Year 2005 - Parts 3 & 4 (Oct 2014)78. See The Bigger Picture - Parts 1 & 2 (December 2014)79. Who Is Considering The Seed? (January 2015)80. Why Am I Here? - Parts 1 & 2 (January 2015)81. God And Races - Parts 1 - 3 (February 2015)82. Luke 17:30 - Parts 1 & 2 (March 2015)83. The Prosperity Of Serpent Seeds - Parts 1 - 3 (April 2015)84. Perilous Times Are Here!!! - Parts 1 & 2 (June 2015)85. Perilous Times Are Here!!! - Parts 3 & 4 (July 2015)86. The Mysterious Birthing Of The Ministry (August 2015)87. The Day Of The Lord (September 2015)88. The Four Blood Moons And The Shemitah Cycle - Parts 1 - 3 (October 2015)89. The Millennium - Parts 1 & 2 (December 2015)90. The Dual Application Of Malachi 4:6B, Promise of Elijah - Part 1 (January 2016)91. The Dual Application Of Malachi 4:6B, Promise of Elijah - Part 2 (February 2016)92. The Dual Application Of Malachi 4:6B, Promise of Elijah - Part 3 (March 2016)93. The Dual Application Of Malachi 4:6B, Promise of Elijah - Part 4 (April 2016)94. The Householder (June 2016)

95. The Sun And The Gospel Movement (July 2016)

96. The Book Of Life - Part 1 (August 2016)

97. The Book Of Life - Part 2 (September 2016)

98. The way of Every Lighthouse (October 2016)

99. How Far Are We Into The Five Fold Ministry? (October 2016)

100. Just Before The Crossing Over (October 2016)

101. The Fan, And The Ending Ministry - Part 1 (December 2016)

102. The Fan, And The Ending Ministry - Part 2 (January 2017)

103. If We Sin Wilfully (February 2017)

104. The Times Of The Gentiles - Parts 1 & 2 (March 2017)

105. Remember Lot’s Wife - Parts 1 & 2 (April 2017)

106. The Seven Mountains of Revelation 17 - Parts 1 - 3 (June 2017)

107. Dispensational Messengers, Lead Ministries: In Defence Of William Branham - Parts 1 - 3(July 2017)

108. The Acts Of The Apostles: “Writing” The Last Chapter - Parts 1 - 3 (August 2017)

109. The Elect Lady, And Her Royal Robe - Parts 1 & 2 (September 2017)

110. Manifestations And Gifts Of The Spirit - Parts 1 & 2 (October 2017)

111. There Was No Room For Truth In The Inn (December 2017)

112. The Place Of Prophecy, And Its Judgement - Parts 1 - 3 (January 2018)

113. The Place Of Prophecy, And Its Judgement - Parts 4 & 5 (February 2018)

114. The Image Of The Beast - Parts 1 - 4 (March 2018)

115. The Great Separation - Parts 1 - 3 (April 2018)

116. The Martyrdom Of Saints - Parts 1 & 2 (June 2018)

117. The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel - Parts 1 & 2 (July 2018)

118. Divine Standard For Men In The Ministry - Parts 1 & 2 (August 2018)

119. Order In The Church - Parts 1 & 2 (September 2018)

120. The Seven Prophetic Thunders - Parts 1 & 2 (October 2018)

121. The Godhead: The One God Doctrine - Parts 1 - 3 (December 2018)

122. The Godhead: The One God Doctrine - Parts 4 & 5 (January 2019)

123. Christian Work Ethics - Parts 1 & 2 (February 2019)

124. God And The Law Of Contrast - Parts 1 & 2 (March 2019)

125. Aaron’s Rod And The Currency Of God’s Leadership: The Opposition Of John Ben Tay - Parts 1 & 2 (April 2019)

126. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Introductory Chapter (June 2019)

127. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 1: The Ephesian Church Age (June 2019)

128. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 2: The Smyrnaean Church Age (June 2019)

129. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 3: The Pergamean Church Age (June 2019)

130. The Revelation Of Jesus Christ To The Church Ages - Part 4: The Thyatirean Church Age (July 2019)

(Knowing The Objective Of God)

(Special Edition)

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22. The Walking Voice, Parts 1 & 2 (October 2007).

23. The Man That Was Caught Up, Parts 1 & 2 (December 2007).

24. Genesis: The Creation Of The Universe (January 2008).

25. Genesis: The Eden Of Angels (February 2008).

26. Genesis: The Eden Of Man (March 2008).

27. Genesis: Cain And Abel (April 2008).

28. Genesis: The Mark Of Cain (June 2008).

29. Genesis: The Mixing Of Seeds (July 2008).

30. Genesis: The Travails Of Ham (August 2008).

31. Why Continuity?, Parts 1 - 5 (September 2008 - February 2009).

32. The Promise Of John - Parts 1 & 2 (March - April 2009).

33. The Spirit Of John - (June 2009).

34. John: The Angel's Feet Placing (July 2009).

35. John: The Eating Of The Scroll (August 2009).

36. John: Completing The Voice Of The Seventh Angel (September 2009).

37. John: The Foundation And The Plumbline (October 2009).

38. John: They Confessed And Denied Not (December 2009).

39. The Unseen Headship Of Jesus Christ (January 2010).

40. The Beautiful Bride - Part 1 (February 2010)

41. John, Angels, And Prophecy; Special Edition (March 2010).

42. The Beautiful Bride - Parts 2 & 3 (June 2010)

43. The Beautiful Bride - Parts 4 & 5 (August 2010)

44. The Beautiful Bride - Part 6 (September 2010)

45. Demonology: The New Face Of The Contender; Special Edition (October 2010).

46. The Beautiful Bride - Parts 7 - 9 (December 2010 - February 2011).

47. Latter Rain (March 2011).

48. Joel’s Army (April 2011).

49. An Unholy And Profane Sign (June 2011)

50. A Religion On Its Last Trail - Part 1 - 4 (July - October 2011).

51. He Preached To Spirits In Prison: Who Are They? Part 1 & 2 ( Dec. 2011 - Jan. 2012)

52. After Two Days (February 2012)

53. Who Are The Foolish Virgins? (March 2012)

54. Ham Is In The Covenant (April 2012)

55. The Hour Of Gold - Part 1 - 2 (June - July 2012)

56. Rapturing Faith (August 2012)

57. The Revelation Of God Is One (September 2012)

58. The Angel Of Time: Who Is He? (October 2012)

59. The Restoration Of The Serpent? (December 2012)

60. The White Throne Judgment (January 2013)

61. The Seventh Seal (February 2013)

62. The Threefold Mystery of The Seventh Seal (March 2013)

63. Sin Lieth At The Door (April 2013)

64. The Present Day Identity Of The Serpent (June 2013)

65. Doors In Door (July 2013)

66. Ezekiel 38 And 39 Battle - A Revisit (August 2013)

67. The Apostolic Ministry: Timothy And Titus. (September 2013)

68. The Application of Types And Shadows - Parts 1 & 2 (Oct. - Dec. 2013)

69. The Application of Types And Shadows - Part 3 (January 2014)

70. The Application of Types And Shadows - Parts 4 & 5 (Feb. - Mar. 2014)

71. The Seven Spirits Before The Throne (April 2014)

72. God In The Laodicean Age: The Year 2005 - Parts 1 & 2 (June 2014)

73. The Input Of Ham (July 2014)

(Principles Of Types And Shadows)

(The Wilderness Experience)

(Who Is This Melchizedek?)

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1. The Foundation Of The Five Fold Ministry, Parts 1&2 (January 2007).2. The Foundation Of The Five Fold Ministry, Part 3: The Uniqueness Of The Ministry (January 2007).3. The Foundation Of The Five Fold Ministry, Parts 4&5: Testing For Faithfulness (January 2007).4. Locating God: The Visitation Of God, Parts 1&2 (February 2007).5. Affinity With Evil (February 2007).6. Where Are We? (February 2007).7. The Way Forward (February 2007).8. The Plot, Parts 1 - 4 (March 2007).9. The Seven Thunders In Relation To The Five Fold Ministry, Parts 1&2 (March 2007).10. The Jewish Connection, Parts 1& 2 (April 2007).11. The Third Pull (June 2007).12. The Third Pull, And The Three Steps Into The Rapture (June 2007).13. The Angel Of The Seventh Seal (June 2007).14. They Came To Present Themselves, Parts 1&2 (July 2007).15. The Invitation (July 2007).16. The Promise To The Overcomer, Parts 1-3 (July 2007).17. The Manifestation Of The Sons Of God (July 2007).18. A Woman Rises In America (July 2007).19. The Prophetic Ministry Of William Branham, Parts 1-4 (August 2007).20. The Three Scribes (September 2007).21. Ministerial Irresponsibility (September 2007).

Directory contd. in the inner cover.

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November Convention: 18th - 21st, 2021.

November Convention: 17th - 20th, 2022.

Our Convention dates for 2021 & 2022 are as follows:

March 2021