washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1900 …...the evenlngr times washington saturday june 9...

THE EVENlNGr TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY JUNE 9 1900 I I u 2 < GrcafcRnsh of Applications for to the Academies Over n Thouimml Petition Received by the President Alone Since Con KreM Irovldeil for the Increase at AVent Point and Annnpol In Sena- tor Alvo BenlcKed by AMiiIrnnt The provision made by Congress for a large Increase In the number of Appoin- tments of cadets to the Military and Naval academies Sas resulted already in the re ceipt of a great number of applications by Senators end by the President Hereafter the number of annual appoint- ments to the Military and Naval will exceed any previous record in the history of those two institutions The output of these schools will therefore be considerably increased and the number of Dew officers added each your to the two of the Service greater than ever betore Congress having given to the Senators first time the right of naming cadets to West Point this variety of patronage is likely to cause some trouble and probably before many years have passed Senators will the new conditions which have Imposed on them the necessity of selecting young men for cadetshlps Both laws are at once effective and the rush of appli- cants for appointments will no doubt con- tinue until all vacancies have been hued Over 200 such appointments will be made of which 175 are now available and of these 110 belong to West Point and about sixty to Annapolis No time has been lost In preparing for the selection of these young men While the law does not specifically state that Senators shall have the privilege of nominating cadets to West Point this has been construed by the Secretary of War to be its intent and ac cordingly a circular letter will be mailed to each Senator requesting that he name- a principal and alternate for West Point not later than July 10 and at the same time notifying them that the entrance ex- aminations will be held on July 25 at West Point There are ninety Senators and each vrlll- be thus entitled to nominate a boyatlarge from his State and two alternates to ap- pear in the event of the principals failing to meet the entrance requirements Sen- ators have been notified that all appoint- ments for vacancies not made by July 10 will be filled by the department This vory action resulted some years ago in a pro- vision by which the Secretary of the Navy was prohibited from making cadet from districts where members of Congress had failed to fill vacancies through Indifference or neglect the result being to give the Secretary the privilege of appointing boys from any section of the country and assigning them to almost any MANY SEEK GAllET SHIPS Ap- pointment acade- mies brancheS for- th regret app- ointments ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Congressional district West Point is large enough to meet the increased quota having quarters for at least 590 cadets The quota now allowed is 331 and with 110 additional there will still i be room left Of the total strength now authorized for the Military Academy fifty cadets will be credited to the or forty more than he has had since the pas- sage of an act one year ago which pro- vided for the appointment of tea in to the ten which have the Presi dents number since the foundation of the school Considerable misunderstanding as to the number allowed the PreskIent has led to a tremendous rueh of applications to the White House and perhaps 1000 or more young men from every part of the country have applied for appointments The twen ty appointments allowed will be made V1 the next few weeks and while no definite conrse has been decided upon it Is prob able that most of the places will go to sons ned close relatives of Army officers who have distinguished themselves In the Itfst war Army men as a rule have no legal resWeace and few can expect favors from members of Congress Hence the Presi- dent has Invariably adhered to he polity of his predecessors in reserving places at West Point and Annapolis for boys whose family connections are closely identified with the Army or Navy Apart from these newlycreated places at West Point there are about twenty Congressional vacancies which members of Congress may fill after the examinations- on the 13th inst September has been the usual time for the later examinations but with such a large new class as will enter the school this year it has been deemed advisable to hold the examinations earlier so that the cadets may have the advantage of the summer drill work and experience- in camp No definite arrangements have yet been completed by the Navy Department for complying with the terms of the Naval bill by which the vacancies at Annapolis here- after will occur at the end of the four In stead of sixyears course The effect of the law is to provide 111 vacancies represented by the class now at sea which graduates finally in June next and the class graduated at Annapolis to day Of these two there are fifty members afloat and sixtyone graduates of the our years course To add over 100 cadets how- ever to the number Just entered and In- cluding vacancies existing ordinarily would more than tax the present accom- modations of the school The Navigation Bureau therefore has decided to ask for the appointment of cadets to fill only those vacancies which are made by the class now at ea numbering fifty and n a few days Congressmen will be notified of vacancies existing in their districts Senators Wel- lington and McComas will each be enti- tled to a cadetship at West Point and the First and Third Congressional districts will be entitled to cadetshlps at the Naval Academy The Fifth district has been AmJIir 1 Women u wen u men J jnadc miserable by kidney sod bladder trouble Dr Kilmers- I V Root the great kidney oLvllI druggists In fljty cent sad dol- lar tlziu ron nuT have a sample bottle by mall free also pamphlet telling all shunt It and Ita wonderful Addiwa LT Kilmer Ox 3lashamton N Y Wander What Merta Will Say Today A June Clearance Sale Today f Special Prices Mertz Mertz Betteryfct Tailors I 906 and 908 F St Pres dent been I i i Imme- diately cures k i 4 t i i r r i addi- tion irs iw Swamp remedy promptly cores At I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + I vacant at West Point for two years and unless Mr MuddUH lt very soon the place will no doubt be represented by a boy from some otherState designated by tho Secretary of War Thes new appointments havti arlar reachIng effect upon thafuturo personnel of the army They mean In IBS ntar fntarty the of appointments Jrorn civil life aria the ranks of tile army tiler hun- dred additional cadets appointed under the new act graduate four years hence tSere will not be withoqt addltlcnaWegislation any further opportunity for young men to obtain commissions In the army without going through West Point for the reason that the graduating class of 1304 will prob ably more than consume all of the vacan- cies then existing in the grade of second lieutenant A RIDER DEAD The Oklahoma Covrjoy Expires In a IlarrlMliurf HARRISBURG Pa Juno 3 Edwin M Hill the Oklahoma cowboy and one of Roosevelts Rough Riders died yesterday- at the city hospital His chum Sergt Guy M Babcock ten yeaxs on the plains with him anji served with him with the Rough Riders in Cuba arrived in the city Thursday afternoon and spent several hours with his friend before he diedBabcock after Hills death gave orders- to nave his remains sent toT8Ctimseh Okla and they ware embalmed by Under- taker Spicer and were shipped West last night The dead cowboy was a Master Ma- son He was also the Democratic candi- date for sheriff of Pattowatonrie county GIRL IN BOYS to Texas Pa June Gil more aged eighteen was arrested here yesterday In boys clothing She is tramp- ing from New dfk 16 her fathers ranch in New Mexico I look well In tfom she said looking- at her trousers und Its much easier walking and stealing rides in them than in skirts The girl was arrested white sleeping In a grove opposite this city She said she left New York on Monday morning a man friend having bought the clothes for her She tramped or rode on frieght trains and came over the 170 miles to this city slow ly owing to the hot weather She said she had no trouble getting along and none of the men she met thought shewas a girl She is broad shouldered and well built and her hair is cut short She walks with a swagger and carries a pipe which she does not smoke however She said she had been a servant In New York and had become tired of work and wanted to gBTibme EXPLOSION IN A CISTERN Bowling Green Street Torn nntl Several People Hurt BOWLING GREEN Ohio June an explosion in a cistern at Perrysburg win elimi- nation ROUGH t who pent L TrnlulllI From WILKES ARIU 9Rosa UI 9By hospital TEE Arrested Whili Nev Tone ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > in this county yesterday eight persons were badly irijttred and several others slightly hurt a paved street and street car- lines were torn up and several buildings were badly wrecked A building occupied by William Sclecbt took fire and the department was called out The engine was a hand affair and was put to work over a mammoth cistern- in the street TBe1 machine failed to work and someone threw a lighted match In the cistern to see If there was any water A tremendous explosion followed tear- ing up the street and hurling bricks and people in every direction The engine was completely wrecked and outside help had to be called to out out the fire SLAIN BY AN EVANGELIST Double Shoot IIIK Affray In n Quiet Iiicliniin Town NOBLESViLIiE lad June 9 Canael a quiet town of 30 inhabitants located on the Meson Railway sister saitaft Berth of IwllaoapoHe was the scene of a shoot lag affair at a Ite hour yesterday resulting In death of two nse Cyclone Johnson an evangelist of some note wbo had given the Indianapolis poMee much trouble located In this eeaaty about a year ago preaching at various places A week ago he became Infuriated with some young men Thursday night ke emptied a revolver into a crowd wounding some one Last evening Frank Gary a wealthy farmer and son of County Commisstoaer Lemuel Cary was deputized to arrest the preacher Johnspn drew his gun to shootT Cary caught his arm but Johnson shot him dead Several other shots were fired and Johnson fell dead No one seems to know by whom be was shot BOTH JOHNS CLAIM IT Two Men of the Same Auiiic After a Fortune YONKERS N Y June John Bowers one of Washington N J the oth er of Watertown N Y have appeared as claimants for the estate of William Bowers seventyfour years old who died in St Jo sephs Hospital here In the filthy rooms littered with cigar- ette stumps and tobacco boxes in which old Bowers made Hie home there wore found bank books and deeds for property aggregating mare than 100000 The dis- covery was made by Dr James T Gibson appointed executor three weeks ago by Surrogate Silktnan Found In the Harbor BALTIMORE June 3 The report of the harbor scavengers was submitted to presentation to the board It covers the period from April 29 to May 31 and is the first report this year The scavengers re port finding and removing the following S3 cats 98 dogs 100 rats 1COO pounds of chunks that had probably spoiled and been thrown overboard from vessels S3 fowls of different kinds 426 fish US crabs 1 turtle 1 terrapin 2 goats 1 pig Vood 11 K Ienccninlce HAVANA June 9 General Wood has returned to Havana from his trip of rec reation He Is now engaged In out the trouble between Captain Pitcher and Chief of Police Cardenas over the control of the police Ilcv John ODonnelln Body Found NIAGARA FALLS N Y June 9 The body of John OVDcnnell the priest who escaped from the Providence Retreat at Buffalo where he was under treatment for melancholia and who committed sui- cide by jumping over the falls on May 27 was found In the river near Queenstown today It be sent to New York where Rev M J ODonnell brother of the deceased resides Ask tot Hearlchn 3Incrzcn Whew peope go into 3 saloon and ajic for dark beer they men Hcuricha JIaerzen but frequent- ly the bartender draws a glass of cheap beer and places it before the customer When this lisp there is always a remark about the leer being off There is only one way to do justice- to yourself and to the of Heurichs brew that is to ask for and insist on Maerzeu fleer Do not call for dirk beer for there are many imitation of Maerzeh under Bother names AH reputable dealers handle Heurichs beer and it can bo obtained in bottlsaJjy telephoning C34 GLORiOUS NEWS Comes from Dr D D Gargle ot STarfiita L T- He writes Electric Bitters hs cured Mrs Brewer of sCTofuUwhichlil4 causcdher great suf- fering for years Terrible sores would break out on her Lead and face and the best doctors could give no help but now her health is excellent Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known Its the supreme reraedr for czcmar tetter salt rheum ulcers and running sores It stimu- lates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisons helps digestion builds up the strength Only 50 dents Sold by Henry Evans Druggist 82 F Street P j the I i I 9Two meat General straighte- ning Rev Will pens i aftern- oon haying ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ Presidant Lancasters Report to tle Tonleytown Association Northwest Section of the City Jinn Grown Steadily And Many Improve- ments Have Been Made Approprl- utloim by ConKrcsH Hxtenntve Ope rations In the Itnlldlne Line The annual meeting of the Citizens Northwest Suburban Association last night In the Town Hall at Tenleytown was large- ly attended Charles C Lancaster presi- dent of the association presided The president offered his annual in which be said that since organiza- tion of the association on June 24 1897 j the membership has steadily Increased and we have secured the cooperation fef a large number of enterprising and public spirited citizens In the northwest section of the District and I congratulate the association upon the feeling of harmony and public spirit which has animated Ha proceedings and advanced itsJnterestsr It Is a fact well hat under our present system of government these citizens associations exist from a common necessity to protect and advance the in terest of the public It should be a matter of pride for every member to take a i er sonal Interest in the work of this asso- ciation Our efforts In securing appropriations from Congress to meet yis public necessl ties in this section have been fairly We have secured our appropria- tion of 24000 for a site and building for a chemical fire engine so much needed for the proper protection of property Tho site has been selected on Wisconsin Ave- nue near this village and the m ork on the building will begin promptly after July L We from the last Congress an of 3000 for electric lights on Connecticut Avenue extruded Woodley Road Pierce Mill Road ana Grant Road but on account of a technical ruling of the Commissioners the funds could not be used Our efforts were renewed at the ses- sion Just closed and an appropriation has been made for these lights and we have the promise ot the Commissioners to give us the benefit of this appropriation We had not been successful In the i t COB gress In securing an Increased for county roads but during tie we succeeded In getting a large Increase of appropriation for this purpose We have also succeeded in getting an additional appropriation of 40000 for the construc- tion tof a bridge on Connecticut Avenue over Rock Creek Another appropriation of 50096 was through our assist- ance to begin a sewer along Avenue to the Potomac a source of gratification to note pNE SUBURBS PROGRESS I rePOrt the t recon i l I re- warded ap- propriation I se see of Arizona Rive appropria- tion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the increase ot building in this village One large store baa been erected two oth- ers have been greatly Improved four res- idences have been completed and the hotel I now being remodeled The t Cleveland Park are and University Park is also developing rapidly A large is being erected on Wisconsin south of Pierce Hill Red as a classical and scientific school for young men which will increase the necessity for rooms and board Owing to the Increased facilities for travel afrorded by the Improvement ot the electric railroads and the beauty of our section the Is greater than the supply which will nec- essarily attract capital for the erection ot and cottages and thereby Increase of Tenleytown- No better eridence of the develop- ment and progress of our section can be found than the great improvements made In the electric railroads running from the city in this direction All three of the Improvement biding natural hose nearly ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ roads running from the city have been greatly improved by the laj ng ot new rails and ties and the purchase of the lat- est improved cars The through service- to the city on one fare has brought this section into close touch with the heart of the city and has made the inexpensive compared to the railroad advantages are having their in- fluence with persons seeking investments and homes in our The muzzle a fruitful source of discussion It was precipitated- by the introduction of a resolution by Dr John W calling upon the District extend the order laded nitely until Congress has passed a law requiring dogs to be muzzled permanently- It was spiritedly discussed by Dr Chapell Dr A M Ray A E Shoemaker and Rob ert Burrows The resolution was adopted LITEBABY ANI AST BTTKEATJ Certificate of Incorporation Filed With the Recorder A certificate of incorporation or the Bu teen of National Literature and Art has been placed on record in the ofllce of Recorder of Deeds The objects of corporation are stated to he buying and obtaining copyrights buying or manufac- turing stereotype plates publishing and selling works of historical political sci- entific or artistic The caplAl is stated to be the incorporators are James S Barcas Indians Rudolph J Bodiner and Harr Lamson District of Columbia who constitute the board of trustees Articles of incorporation of teh Nemo One or Machine sad Mining Company was also put on recwh The pnrpce of the organi- zation is stated to be to discover and op orate mines and to establish and operate stores and trading posts The capital stock Is 0000 and the incorporators are John Q Reynolds New York Albert H Phelps New York CLeroy Parker Fred- erick Parker and Loren P Smith District cf Columbia PISH DYHT TN THE RILE Authorities Fear That the Stream May Be Polluted LONDON Juno 9 A despatch to the Dally News from says a strange phenomenon sounn Numbers of fish were seen swim- ming uneasily on the surface of the Nile above the first cataract and during the next few thousands of were found The authorities are making an investi gation as disastrous results are possible- if the river is found to be polluted College Fellowships AssIgned PRINCETON N J June 9 Prof T W Huntot the English department of Prince ton University announced this morning that the two fellowships of 500 each in English have been next year to Hardin Craig Ky a grad- uate of Centre College and to D L Chambers ot Washington D C i mem- ber of the graduating class ot Princeton Bad Blood Is a It is responsible for most of the diseases from which humanity suffers It causes salt rheum humors and many including and that tired feeling But Is made good blood and all these troubles are cured by Hoods Do not allow your blood to remain impure The wise Is to take Hoods Sarsaparilla at Indication of impurities Hoods SarsaparillaI- s Americas Greatest Medicine traveler suburb Chapel the merit Cir tat das tem age o Bad Thing scrofula rl curse stock ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLEMENCY FOR MURDERERS Otis Action In the Cases at the A- vaMMlitN of Sergeant Votrie- A report from Otis while he was still Military of the Philip- pines was received yesterday by the War Department The report relates that three natives were convicted by a military com- mission of having murdered Quartermaster Sergeant Albert Votrie of Company K- Thirtyninth Volunteer Infantry at the Barrio of Bagbag near Tanauan In the province of Batangas February 2 and were sentenced to death by hanging In passing upon the case General Otis as the final reviewing authority said that the ndings of thed com mission were fully sustained by the evidence and that the deatti sentence Imposed by it had the ex- press sanction of lawi of war He was however unwilling o direct the execution- of the sentence as he believed that the ac- cused were Influenced to commit the crime of which they were convicted by local guerrilla chiefs who he said were the principal criminals affair Moreover he said the prisoners were Ignorant of the legal consequences of their act Therefore- he commuted the sentence in each case to imprisonment at hard labor in the Presidio de Manila The clemency hereia exercised said General Otis will be considered a precedent to guide or influence the future action of the reviewing authority upon of military commissions in cases of such gravity as the present one and the occasion is taken to announce that in the judicial determination of questions of guilt which involve responsibility for the unlaw- ful taking of human life the full rigor of the law will ba nfllcted when rightfully invoked by legally constituted courts OFFICESE District Comuiiujtlonerx Be Iejrc l by ApplIcants for Position The rush of officeseekers to the District Building has bees uninterrupted since the organization of the new Board of sioners Each of the Board is obliged to spend several day In receiving delegations urge the appointment of some one to one of the departments of the munici- pal government Private individuals call separately to urge their OWl cr others claims and all these people have to be listened to and the candidates taken into consideration Commissioner Macfarland has been spe- cially busy ever since he came Into office in to the friends of rival candi- dates or appointment on the School Board Commissioner Ross has been visited dally by applicants for the or in the Captain Beach has his troubles along seine line by all of applicants to him to secure in the lion of the when the lists be mode up The Superintendent of Street Gleaning has come in for his share of applications- in connection with the organization of the garbage service under the new contractor The appointments in the gift of the Com miffiicners in connection with this work been decided upon between Mr and Ross Seven apfrJintmeuts upon and it is understood that the for that department been and will not be changed between now and the time the appointments are announced about last appointment was decided upon today and the only vacancies in the gar- bage service In the future will be by ret son of death resignation or removal for cause This fact undoubtedly will less en the pressure of applicants and the Commissioners and the Superintendent Gleaning will have more time to to official business and to the or- ganization of the new C C as a has beta Congrees a deputy at a salary df 1W and it te understood that Edward E Jones will be appointed to the position Gene th t nut RUSH Comm hour ever the sore position the kind fin Boar have Commoner sat July o- rS sere Roger lathe pro- ceedings has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL PTLED TOIL PSOBATE The Brief Tentnmeht of Mrs Sarah C Williams The will of Sarah JO Williams dated February 21 last filed yesterday for pro bate is in the form of a letter addessed to her son and is as fellows Sly D Br Si 1 T ave erertMw I to you Tarn and I sot able to I IwHrv I am ifinff The will of Bridget Murphy May 5 Streets that her entire be left to her friends Henry Murray and Michael OHanloa la trustS for her chil- dren The will of Catherine Riley dated Oc tober 20 1S3L was filed yesterday for bate The testatrix directs that all estate shall be divided between her two grandchildren Agnes and Helen Rlley The will of Algernon Sidney dated November 3 ISM provides entire estate revert to his wife Emma Cordelia whom he names as trixBy the terms of the will of David I Huntington dated January 3 1599 the testatrix leaves his entire estate to his wife Gertrude Elizabeth Huntington who is named executrix A PBJECOCIOTJS TOTIKrGSTEEU Locked rp for Theft He Steals a Doorknob Though John Is but eleven years old he has a propensity for theft that is unusual He was arraigned before Judge Kimball yesterday charged with two cases of petit larceny Later it developed that he had statlon houso in which he Young GIHcn was charged with the lar- ceny of a bicycle a ticycle lamp and two electric light carbons He admitted the charges Policeman Howard who ar- rested the boy then informed the court that while the offender was In No 8 sta- tion stole a knob from the door The kr was found in his pocket when nearrhed Judge Kimball sentenced young Gilldn to the Reform School during his minority THE HOLLAND Two 3Iay Be Constructed on the Pa- cific Const It is likely that at least one and perhaps two of the Holland submarine boats in the Naval Appropriation law on the Pacific Coast Tho Harbor of San Francisco it Is said by submarine boat advocates would be an Ideal place for the operation of the and It Is expected the boats built on the laid up at Mare Islcu and of trouble stationed in that harbor Admiral ONeil proposes to place new armor contracts a provision that the Government shall receive the benefit of any Improvements that may be made in the manufacture ot armor Ord- nance experts believe there rtll be only two bidders although 35000 tons ore to be manufactures and the Government to pay nearly 17000060 for the r Paying Comeuerate Pensioners RICHMOND VtUj June 2000 of the 3500 Confederate pensioners on the old rolls of the have been paid Those passed new county boards organized under the Parker law have yet had their cases passed upon at auditors office here It is estimated 103000 will Seen to axis and of the pen slon ar reached It is estl require 5133000 this year to pay the 4 have by E rte date pro Whit Whit exec Stntionho Glen rob h OAT au- thorize crt tat Sop Rear ex- pect 9About S te by e not the tat paid boar 1 wit a sd over- night widos ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ What Has Prol Munyon Done Pro Munyon has sold his Washington offices to his lug a physician of twentyeight years acknowledged ability who has put the old offices in firstclass order repainting etc and has also put a new Electric Static Mica Plate In the electric parlors which generates a higher po- tency of electricity than any other machine in the lila object to and spare to the Munyon far exceed any previous period as pertains to the ability and rfrin of his corps of physi- cians who are consulted free of charge and who extends cour- tesy that Is only In of firstclass ap- pointments Homeopathic Remedies Mostly 25c Allopathic Remedies Mostly 25c Those who prefer allopathic remedies win be supplied as our physicians represent both schools of medicine and are surpassed by none in the profession for ability Integrity and honest deal- ing people Weekly supplies of Munyons Homeopathic are received fresh from the home office fiitr v all parts of the fOr joo including all medicines homeopathic free advice and prescribe Not JUl a penny to pay fllll PflvciriJnc are regular in medicine and axe in the Dis- trict of Columbia The highest grade of medical service guaran and see our newly flttedup offices and notice the windows as you go by Hours 9 to 6 w sk days Sundays 12 to 2 only 623 Thirteenth Street N W Phone 12934 Tonight at Hechts UNTIL 9 OCLOCK 340 pairs 5 pants 340 pairs of mens worsted pants embracing a line of patterns which in- clude the most stripes etc the most perfectfittteg pasts to be had and which are to duplicate elsewhere for less than J5 will be pt on sale tonight at exactly half price at i50 Mens 50c office 35cV- e Shall put oa another lot of mens office coats made of the genuine Simpsons prints which youll find it impossible to equal tOe tar S5c 7th Street Lea Spec paper world I- ts leave not received med wit cit pat Physicians guts ted Pea on 2 50 dele coat gate 5 1 D1701 the sick in L say give 35 I 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = = Thousands Arriving at Monndh for the Worlds Assembly Sick and Crippled Seek Ile torntlon to Health Through the of Prayer Several Mcmliera of the Cult Slave Come From England France and Other Iarin of Europe W Va June twelve miles below Wheeling the annnal worlds assembly of the Holi- ness Society as it is popularly has begun and it will be a strange The sick and persons afflicted wilt be prayed over view of thousands of worshipers The religious principle ot the so by any mortal man and their as- sembly is Intended to demonstrate to the thousands who are arriving daily that the doctrine is sound and that with holy leaders wonders may be worked In the way of curing the physical ills ot those who present themselves Several members ot the society have arrived from England France and other countries of Europe and be present from the United Can ada Among those who are now on the grounds are many who are crippled and ill They expect to be taken Into the meetings in the auditorium prayed and restored to perfect health Last year the elders prayed over several persons said to have been afflicted with various diseases for years and later these It Is claimed ran shouting though the grove declaring that they had been cured This season the sick are coming from almost State In the Union The la progress by the middle of next A Double Tragedy In Georgia CEDARTOWX Ga June 9 Tom Jor dan of Carroll county was In Carrollton Thursday evening and drank blind tiger He became Involved in a dim R M Crider the chief marshal ot Carrollton and shot the marshal near the heart As Crider fell he at Jordan and accidentally s ot B In the leg Crider and Hoo both died In a very few after they were shot InvcttlKntlnEr Mayors Conduct ATLANTA Ga June 9 Tho Investiga lbs of the alleged misconduct of Mayor James G Woodward by a subcommittee from the city council began yesterday The sessions are held behind closed doors Among the subpoenaed was former Smith a number of city and police officials and of two local papers Should the the committee be adverse it will prepare articles of impeachment SICK HEADACHE PILLS PositivelyCared these Uttlo Pills They also relieve Dis- tress from Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too Hearty Aper feet Dizri Bod Taste in the IouthCoatedToigue ala la the Side TOR- PID LIVER They regulate the Bonrds Small Pill Snail Dose Snail Price Till HOLNESS SOGETY I yie WHEEL G 9At QUo crippled wit frt may be hundred big ever week whisk fred mute wits reporter CADTER lYLE Eng Medium clety perfect holiness ac- quired it mess ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < IF YOU TAINS sad BLANKETS t Drop a postal oc IM KMd VCll Try ui ee sad TOLMAN SIEAM LAUNDRY- Cor Sib and C XW Phone 155T Summer FurnitureW- e carry aa uneasily fine of Rerd axiS Grass lad show of Garden Seats and Parch Rockers CASH OR CREDIT LC t to a el1 g t act Itt havent room to 4ry yssr seed u sad well gssriltio to seed bock dry 314 ftt for ysor p54555 yesS sever ew House Herrmann 50IW3 Seventh Street I Eye Street SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Washington D C June 1 1900 Notice is hereby given that on the partnership existing between Charles P Hancock and H H Templeton and conducting the busi- ness known as the National Engraving Company was by mutual consent dis soled CHARLES P HANCOCK- H H TEMPLETON NOTICE OP COPARTNERSHIP Wash ington D C June 1 19W Notice is hereby given that on the above date a copartnership was formed between P Hancock and Howard J Koken duct the business known as the National Engraving Company AH against said National Engraving to be assumed by usCHARLES P It HOWARD J PROPOSALS DEPOT QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE WASHING- TON D X SEALED POSALS In triplicate will be received here 2 P M JUNE li 1POO for famishing during fiscal year ending June 30 1001 tease straw and bran Information furnished on application U S re serves right to or accept any or all pro- posals or any part thereof Envelopes containing T E TRUE Depot Q M PROPOSALS FOR FOUNDATIONS UBRART BUILDING Office ol Superintendent of Con- struction Library of Congress Washington D X June 150ft Sealed proposal for the excava- tion foundations and drainage of the building for the Washington PoblicvLibrary on Mount Ver non Square in this city wilt be received at this office at 2 OCLOCK P Jt ba SATURDAY THE 16TH DAY OF JUNE 1000 and then publicly opened Specifications general instructions and conSiders and terms of proposal rosy be had and the drawings Seen On to this office BERNARD S GREEN Superintendent- of Construction je456911 WASHINGTON BARRACKS D a JUNE 7 1000 relent here until XOOX JUSK 52 1900 fur cen strnction of hospital quarters at this reject any cr all or any part thereof Information furnished on Envelopes should be endorsed Proposal for Hospital Quarters E S BESTOX Q M BARRACKS C JUXE 7 1900 Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re- ceived here until JLXE 22 1900 fer of addition to train hospital at this United States reserves right to or reject any or all proposals ot any part thereof Information furnished on application Envelopes should be endorsed Proposal for Addition to IIos- nltaL E a BENTON Q M je7891 a21 Corer the Chares clams HANCOCK PRO prop old be marked Pro h for Fortge f u Sealed in tripUssiA win be n post mites reserves right to aeeept or WSUI GroS D put abovedate reject stewards Stew- ard je7S9U2O con- struction ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COMMISSIONERS NOTICES OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON D C MAY 23 1900 NOTICE Is given that the CommlasJoBexa of the District of Columbia intend to make the foUrolngnamed whim are in their Judgment necessary tat the public safety or comfort AscessmenU of the cost of the same win be made u pro- vided in public act No 171 approved August 7 Parties who arc interested ia the prof e work are that the said iriH- Civ bearing at District Cuildtcff on WED KESI AY TOE THIRTEENTH DAY OF JUNE MOO at U OCLOCK X M in the board rooTs of the said CommlnBiener to any and all persons who may desire to object thereto SET NEW CURB AND LAY CEMCST SIDE- WALK On the east aide of Third Street er Hare wood Avenue Le Droll Pace from Florida Ave- nue north to T Street at an estimated eopt cf 1920 to be sssezsed aytiret all Iota in Week 12 Le Broil Park fronting oa said Third Street or Hamrood Avenue between the limits zanieS and also against lots 45 M and 65 block 1 Le Droit Park which front oa Florida Avenue On the north side of Baltimore Street northwest in trout of block 3 CHffbcurne sad extending from the west curb of Nineteenth Street westerly to the west of lot 11 block 3 Ciiffboume on the south aide of Baltimore Street northwest ex- tending from the east line of lot 311 MIntwood- suIxHvkicn westwardly to east line of Twen- tieth Street at an estimated cost of J3JH3 to be asfe d against an lets or parcels of land abut tinc oa said him Street between the limits named On the north side ef Dartmouth Street n rthw et from Thirteenth Street eastward ta the east use f lots block 2 Columbia Heishtaataa tots S S 4 5 6 T 8 9 and TO Week SO Colom- bia heights RESET CURB AND LAY CEMENT SIDEWALK- On the wed side of Fourteenth Street swthwcst rem Columbia southward 1SS feet at an estimated cost ot SU to be assessed against tots 20 21 sad 22 block Colombia College north port On tile east de of TWrtysush Street Bertlnrest frost 0 Street to P Street at an estimated cart at 46 ta be assessed agaiost Jets in square 13J7 said TMrtyeJxth between the Media named On the north side of T Street northwest from Vermont Ave- nue t Eleventh Street at an estimated east Of M7 t be itif MI t agaiast aH in square 33 abutting saW T Street between the MeRits named On the south side ot G Street nortsrwst from Twentieth Street t Twenty JSret Sweet at aa esti- mated cMt of K to be assessed against Iota ia square MS abuttic said C Street Urtvrecn limits named LAY CEMENT SIDEWALK On the east aide cf Brichtwoed Avenue ceuth side of Chesapeake Street and west aide ot Illinois Avenue ezte learn the south line of lot 13 Mock 3 BrigKivood Park Ifceaee U Chesapeake Street along the south side of C and thence on the west side of DJteoU sae to south line of tot HVWeck 3 weed Park at an estimated rest of 184 to be as eesaed against lets 13 14 15 15 and 17 block 3- BrUhtwood Park SET NEW CCRBOn the east side of Fifth street northeast from E Street to F Street at aa estimated eost of 440 to be assessed against all lots in square SK abetting en said Fifth Street between the Meats named On both aides of Adan Mill Road from OtexMz Road to the Zoological Park at an estimated cost of LOOt to be axiMtcd asatast lots ia Lamer Heights ssdtdi- viswo sad the uvcubdtvided property abutting on said road between the Hrrdta named LAY BRICK SIDEWALK AND SET NEW CURB On the nortfe elSe of Park Street swwest in t PI s ar at an PAvE ALLEYS WITH NITRIFIED OR AS- PUALT BLOCK Alley in square east f square 19t2 at an estimt d cost of 4S8L In square 70 at aa esttewtwi ecst of 5J1S A j In between Tweatyfiiat aad Twesrtyseeosd Streets and Newport Pfaee sad 0 Street at am csUaateii cost f SUSOOi PAVE ALLEY WITH Vn IFED BLOCK AND TRAPROCK BLOCKTbe eastandwest alley ia square 744 known an estimated eest- Me M K8 1ST 40 set 158 137 165 J IH 1S 182 151 150 149 148 147 144 1 144 148 142 141 149 1 US 137 and 9 square 744 H B F MACFARLAND JOHN W LANSING H BEACH Cocnuimeoerj D C nryK2Je3 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DIS- TRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON a C MAY 19 MOO Notiee Is hereby given that tile CemroissteDers of the District sf Cefandria intend batth safetr lad imotart Assefsseats Soc one half of the east of the same will be made ax yov- isted i 15W Parties who are i work are ocd tot the Cnni iyi snra wHt a hcuisc at te District Bwksns OB WEB NESDAY JUNE 13 1 at 11 OCLOCE A 3- Ln the beard room f saW OiwrasssMaers te thereto C rHct stostewsae r eis as fritews Twelfth Street Br nd Df CL Wtw a Prvi douse sat IIMJS Street tttMMtari east 4M D C to tile west side of Fwteesk Sxtttjutkr mA Soistst Carettu AW- w ad TMMKT we M3O Sort lute 1S8 HI met l the west of orteiaal lot eabixt by parcel o ei eaters fcy parcel e at ike west west 7S square Atoejr the west sMe ef- Qaeaeeticet arewje between KKogte F td Road and Newark Street also in Street from OeaaectiODt Arcane trestwarA to point CM tret west of Ute wet line of GoBMetient Avenue total estimated east 17S8L la the seatk side MofeactBetu Avenue westward tress SberMan Glide estimated cast S3W abutting I t 38 27 53 r 31 and 3 Mock S Katerama Heights hENRY B F 11ACFARLAXD JOHN W ROSS LANSING H BEACH Cansmssioners D C T COIDUSSIO ERS haW imp ta health for ODe not OffS a the line also estimated out of tlShL t be assessed siairat Reed 31 I abutting Street the Street to IMinois Ave- nue Ave tilt Bright t heat IoU I aBd of S P nras sabdtriieJ Mower estimated of of 8qIIaR haag that portion as Francis Place at ol to be let see Ross to maR tile feIIetriBg1I2me which art is Sm the paW act X 171 AIIt 7 In 1It eel the j aU wile tIeIiiR te t In I aIIettiIIc H Week D C sd Jots 12 sad 11 block t1 eut w C Street a etItEd t lots S ait- E re is aM Twuaiyeeesed ant 0 COlt aWtirt IRs t SO as a 41 ia pucd at tM JIM I Mt 1Dat alley IIIIIIft 16t- I Ii 155 C JtegimH I at a posed fret ue at lbs t 3tist I welt sua said leas 4t 174 US B at a pout Sort ssst e raft the west JS1oot eat Sect JMs 1415 lot JiBe of tile east DOrtIaalMHotith slay asS DIJIBia- I feet Newark a 1991 5 lots Of 2 east 5106 Alley north half of- te north- west senthesat 2380 amesied against lea s- is iseproccuiessa the jednncst norazy lic appesced e rice cay sad persoss ay is Nee I sad Nsa f4I abottiog 7 l Neopsee lee faKeen- TssiitIisS N imeis- aorthwait ieaisd ss ss aM o1 eek by- E bsgi5t nose bui1eg of- the meth sad south 554 of eelseed by peed 1eE ssstkedeeetk sey aed- rousiss hat sqe sad S l3Z tee bed icc of asethen4ssstk alky sad vaoriett irs S 5 buihng 32foot It mytSitL9 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < DENTISTRY KO CHARGE for i Painless Extracting when teeth are cr- A dtred FULL SET SL WE GUARANTEE A tiT OE NO PAY Gold Fillings 1 up Silver Ffflins 50c np Gold Crown 3 to i Ysshi2cton Dental Parlors 7th and E its ZBjlOlmoem Guaranteed Cure for Dyspepsia SCHLOERS TONIC BITTERS Acceptable to tho Most Del- icate Stomach 6lh SU Cor H SU NW Why Suffer of Headache Sttfferinj of Is misery Instant re- lief can be obtained by M3WALTERS HEADACHE POIO ERS33 Your druggist s s them Ask fer Welters One gives relief 3 doses 3 ewes 18 Package mail if you wish relief 18 cents free WALTER CHEMICAL CO Fourandahalf St S W D C for sample j Stf Rubbed outside gets in heals cures Catarrh Masons Cream of Olives Masons Yellow Tablets cure Dyspepsia Masons Brown Tablets cure Constipation Masons Red Tablets cure Masons White Tablets cure Sere Throat 30 tablets drnsrgists or f r price II T MASON CHEMICAL COMPANY 515 Area EL Philadelphia Misens Cream of Olives cures CaUrrh and all iniUmtaatioa of mucous membrane and skin Safe and Sure for Pile 5c a box Henry ETSM 922 F St nw Edward Stevens 9th and Pa ire Uacfcall Bros 9th axiS H Sta S Iadbeater Sons Alexandria Va HiCXDE- RTAICERS Cndcrtokcr and Livery S3 Penn Ave X W D DIED CAIIR SttdderAr n Friday June S MOO al- E Carr S20 Ninth Street northwest 3IUS SLiCE HARD cum wife at the late Cot Jeeeph II Interment at Wooster Ohio It I Headache a using cools Sample eel seed t iOn aU sent Pa Rem- edy ne- E PAINEJS CELERY T WTTT T AtiT LEE Wash ten C 515 p lB at tM residence of her Krtbuz Crr 5 sun 4 ¬ ¬

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1900 …...THE EVENlNGr TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY JUNE 9 1900 I u 2 < GrcafcRnsh of Applications for to the Academies Over n Thouimml Petition


I Iu



GrcafcRnsh of Applications forto the Academies

Over n Thouimml Petition Receivedby the President Alone Since Con

KreM Irovldeil for the Increase atAVent Point and Annnpol In Sena-

tor Alvo BenlcKed by AMiiIrnnt

The provision made by Congress for alarge Increase In the number of Appoin-tments of cadets to the Military and Navalacademies Sas resulted already in the receipt of a great number of applications bySenators end by the President

Hereafter the number of annual appoint-ments to the Military and Naval

will exceed any previous record in thehistory of those two institutions Theoutput of these schools will therefore beconsiderably increased and the number ofDew officers added each your to the two

of the Service greater than everbetore

Congress having given to the Senatorsfirst time the right of naming cadets to

West Point this variety of patronage islikely to cause some trouble and probablybefore many years have passed Senatorswill the new conditions which haveImposed on them the necessity of selectingyoung men for cadetshlps Both laws areat once effective and the rush of appli-cants for appointments will no doubt con-

tinue until all vacancies have been huedOver 200 such appointments will be

made of which 175 are now available andof these 110 belong to West Point andabout sixty to Annapolis No time hasbeen lost In preparing for the selection ofthese young men While the law does notspecifically state that Senators shall havethe privilege of nominating cadets toWest Point this has been construed by theSecretary of War to be its intent and accordingly a circular letter will be mailedto each Senator requesting that he name-a principal and alternate for West Pointnot later than July 10 and at the sametime notifying them that the entrance ex-

aminations will be held on July 25 at WestPoint

There are ninety Senators and each vrlll-be thus entitled to nominate a boyatlargefrom his State and two alternates to ap-pear in the event of the principals failingto meet the entrance requirements Sen-ators have been notified that all appoint-ments for vacancies not made by July 10will be filled by the department This voryaction resulted some years ago in a pro-vision by which the Secretary of the Navywas prohibited from making cadet

from districts where membersof Congress had failed to fill vacanciesthrough Indifference or neglect the resultbeing to give the Secretary the privilegeof appointing boys from any section of thecountry and assigning them to almost any





















Congressional districtWest Point is large enough to meet the

increased quota having quarters for atleast 590 cadets The quota now allowed is331 and with 110 additional there will still i

be room left Of the total strength nowauthorized for the Military Academy fiftycadets will be credited to the orforty more than he has had since the pas-sage of an act one year ago which pro-vided for the appointment of tea in

to the ten which have the Presidents number since the foundation of theschool

Considerable misunderstanding as to thenumber allowed the PreskIent has led to atremendous rueh of applications to theWhite House and perhaps 1000 or moreyoung men from every part of the countryhave applied for appointments The twenty appointments allowed will be made V1

the next few weeks and while no definiteconrse has been decided upon it Is probable that most of the places will go to sonsned close relatives of Army officers whohave distinguished themselves In the Itfstwar Army men as a rule have no legalresWeace and few can expect favors frommembers of Congress Hence the Presi-dent has Invariably adhered to he polityof his predecessors in reserving places atWest Point and Annapolis for boys whosefamily connections are closely identifiedwith the Army or Navy

Apart from these newlycreated placesat West Point there are about twentyCongressional vacancies which members ofCongress may fill after the examinations-on the 13th inst September has been theusual time for the later examinations butwith such a large new class as will enterthe school this year it has been deemedadvisable to hold the examinations earlierso that the cadets may have the advantageof the summer drill work and experience-in camp

No definite arrangements have yet beencompleted by the Navy Department forcomplying with the terms of the Naval billby which the vacancies at Annapolis here-after will occur at the end of the four Instead of sixyears course The effect ofthe law is to provide 111 vacancies

represented by the class now atsea which graduates finally in June nextand the class graduated at Annapolis today Of these two there are fifty membersafloat and sixtyone graduates of the ouryears course To add over 100 cadets how-ever to the number Just entered and In-

cluding vacancies existing ordinarilywould more than tax the present accom-modations of the school The NavigationBureau therefore has decided to ask forthe appointment of cadets to fill only thosevacancies which are made by the class nowat ea numbering fifty and n a few daysCongressmen will be notified of vacanciesexisting in their districts Senators Wel-lington and McComas will each be enti-

tled to a cadetship at West Point and theFirst and Third Congressional districtswill be entitled to cadetshlps at the NavalAcademy The Fifth district has been

AmJIir 1 Women u wen u menJ jnadc miserable by kidney sod

bladder trouble Dr Kilmers-I V Root the great kidney

oLvllI druggists In fljty cent sad dol-

lar tlziu ron nuT have a sample bottle by mallfree also pamphlet telling all shunt It and ItawonderfulAddiwa LT Kilmer Ox 3lashamton N Y

Wander What MertaWill Say

Today A

JuneClearance Sale

Today fSpecialPrices

Mertz MertzBetteryfct Tailors I

906 and 908 F St

Pres dent












r r




Swampremedy promptly cores At


















vacant at West Point for two years andunless Mr MuddUH lt very soon theplace will no doubt be represented by aboy from some otherState designated bytho Secretary of War

Thes new appointments havti arlarreachIng effect upon thafuturo personnelof the army

They mean In IBS ntar fntarty theof appointments Jrorn civil life aria

the ranks of tile army tiler hun-dred additional cadets appointed under thenew act graduate four years hence tSerewill not be withoqt addltlcnaWegislationany further opportunity for young men toobtain commissions In the army withoutgoing through West Point for the reasonthat the graduating class of 1304 will probably more than consume all of the vacan-cies then existing in the grade of secondlieutenant


The Oklahoma Covrjoy Expires In aIlarrlMliurf

HARRISBURG Pa Juno 3 Edwin MHill the Oklahoma cowboy and one ofRoosevelts Rough Riders died yesterday-at the city hospital His chum SergtGuy M Babcock ten yeaxs onthe plains with him anji served with himwith the Rough Riders in Cuba arrived inthe city Thursday afternoon and spentseveral hours with his friend before hediedBabcock after Hills death gave orders-to nave his remains sent toT8CtimsehOkla and they ware embalmed by Under-taker Spicer and were shipped West lastnight The dead cowboy was a Master Ma-son He was also the Democratic candi-date for sheriff of Pattowatonrie county


to TexasPa June Gil

more aged eighteen was arrested hereyesterday In boys clothing She is tramp-ing from New dfk 16 her fathers ranchin New Mexico

I look well In tfom she said looking-at her trousers und Its much easierwalking and stealing rides in them than inskirts

The girl was arrested white sleeping In agrove opposite this city She said she leftNew York on Monday morning a manfriend having bought the clothes for herShe tramped or rode on frieght trains andcame over the 170 miles to this city slowly owing to the hot weather She saidshe had no trouble getting along and noneof the men she met thought shewas a girl

She is broad shouldered and well builtand her hair is cut short She walks witha swagger and carries a pipe which shedoes not smoke however

She said she had been a servant In NewYork and had become tired of work andwanted to gBTibme


Bowling Green Street Torn nntlSeveral People Hurt

BOWLING GREEN Ohio Junean explosion in a cistern at Perrysburg




who pent

LTrnlulllI From






Arrested Whili NevTone










in this county yesterday eight personswere badly irijttred and several othersslightly hurt a paved street and street car-

lines were torn up and several buildingswere badly wrecked

A building occupied by William Sclecbttook fire and the department was calledout The engine was a hand affair andwas put to work over a mammoth cistern-in the street TBe1 machine failed to workand someone threw a lighted match In thecistern to see If there was any water

A tremendous explosion followed tear-ing up the street and hurling bricks andpeople in every direction The engine wascompletely wrecked and outside help hadto be called to out out the fire


Double Shoot IIIK Affray In n QuietIiicliniin Town

NOBLESViLIiE lad June 9 Canaela quiet town of 30 inhabitants locatedon the Meson Railway sister saitaft Berthof IwllaoapoHe was the scene of a shootlag affair at a Ite hour yesterday

resulting In death of two nseCyclone Johnson an evangelist of

some note wbo had given the IndianapolispoMee much trouble located In this eeaatyabout a year ago preaching at variousplaces A week ago he became Infuriatedwith some young men Thursday night keemptied a revolver into a crowd woundingsome one

Last evening Frank Gary a wealthyfarmer and son of County CommisstoaerLemuel Cary was deputized to arrest thepreacher Johnspn drew his gun to shootTCary caught his arm but Johnson shothim dead Several other shots were firedand Johnson fell dead No one seems toknow by whom be was shot

BOTH JOHNS CLAIM ITTwo Men of the Same Auiiic After a

FortuneYONKERS N Y June John

Bowers one of Washington N J the other of Watertown N Y have appeared asclaimants for the estate of William Bowersseventyfour years old who died in St Josephs Hospital here

In the filthy rooms littered with cigar-ette stumps and tobacco boxes in whichold Bowers made Hie home there worefound bank books and deeds for propertyaggregating mare than 100000 The dis-covery was made by Dr James T Gibsonappointed executor three weeks ago bySurrogate Silktnan

Found In the HarborBALTIMORE June 3 The report of

the harbor scavengers was submitted topresentation to the board It covers theperiod from April 29 to May 31 and is thefirst report this year The scavengers report finding and removing the followingS3 cats 98 dogs 100 rats 1COO pounds of

chunks that had probably spoiledand been thrown overboard from vesselsS3 fowls of different kinds 426 fish UScrabs 1 turtle 1 terrapin 2 goats 1 pig

Vood 11 K IenccninlceHAVANA June 9 General Wood has

returned to Havana from his trip of recreation He Is now engaged In

out the trouble between CaptainPitcher and Chief of Police Cardenas overthe control of the police

Ilcv John ODonnelln Body FoundNIAGARA FALLS N Y June 9 The

body of John OVDcnnell the priestwho escaped from the Providence Retreatat Buffalo where he was under treatmentfor melancholia and who committed sui-cide by jumping over the falls on May 27was found In the river near Queenstowntoday It be sent to New York whereRev M J ODonnell brother of thedeceased resides

Ask tot Hearlchn 3IncrzcnWhew peope go into 3 saloon and ajic for dark

beer they men Hcuricha JIaerzen but frequent-ly the bartender draws a glass of cheap beer andplaces it before the customer When this lisp

there is always a remark about the leerbeing off There is only one way to do justice-to yourself and to the of Heurichs brewthat is to ask for and insist on Maerzeufleer Do not call for dirk beer for there aremany imitation of Maerzeh under Bother namesAH reputable dealers handle Heurichs beer andit can bo obtained in bottlsaJjy telephoning C34

GLORiOUS NEWSComes from Dr D D Gargle ot STarfiita L T-He writes Electric Bitters hs cured MrsBrewer of sCTofuUwhichlil4 causcdher great suf-fering for years Terrible sores would break outon her Lead and face and the best doctors couldgive no help but now her health is excellentElectric Bitters is the best blood purifier knownIts the supreme reraedr for czcmar tetter saltrheum ulcers and running sores It stimu-lates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisonshelps digestion builds up the strength Only 50dents Sold by Henry Evans Druggist 82 FStreet P




























Presidant Lancasters Report to tleTonleytown Association

Northwest Section of the City JinnGrown Steadily And Many Improve-ments Have Been Made Approprl-utloim by ConKrcsH Hxtenntve Operations In the Itnlldlne Line

The annual meeting of the CitizensNorthwest Suburban Association last nightIn the Town Hall at Tenleytown was large-ly attended Charles C Lancaster presi-dent of the association presided

The president offered his annualin which be said that since organiza-tion of the association on June 24 1897 j

the membership has steadily Increased andwe have secured the cooperation fef alarge number of enterprising and publicspirited citizens In the northwest sectionof the District and I congratulate theassociation upon the feeling of harmonyand public spirit which has animated Haproceedings and advanced itsJnterestsr

It Is a fact well hat underour present system of government thesecitizens associations exist from a commonnecessity to protect and advance the interest of the public It should be a matterof pride for every member to take a i ersonal Interest in the work of this asso-ciation

Our efforts In securing appropriationsfrom Congress to meet yis public necesslties in this section have been fairly

We have secured our appropria-tion of 24000 for a site and building fora chemical fire engine so much needed forthe proper protection of property Thosite has been selected on Wisconsin Ave-nue near this village and the m ork on thebuilding will begin promptly after July LWe from the last Congress an

of 3000 for electric lights onConnecticut Avenue extruded WoodleyRoad Pierce Mill Road ana Grant Roadbut on account of a technical ruling of theCommissioners the funds could not beused Our efforts were renewed at the ses-sion Just closed and an appropriation hasbeen made for these lights and we havethe promise ot the Commissioners to giveus the benefit of this appropriation Wehad not been successful In the i t COBgress In securing an Increased

for county roads but during tiewe succeeded In getting a large Increase ofappropriation for this purpose We havealso succeeded in getting an additionalappropriation of 40000 for the construc-tion tof a bridge on Connecticut Avenueover Rock Creek Another appropriationof 50096 was through our assist-ance to begin a seweralong Avenue to the Potomac

a source of gratification to note




recon i







see ofArizona













the increase ot building in this villageOne large store baa been erected two oth-ers have been greatly Improved four res-idences have been completed andthe hotel I now being remodeled The

t Cleveland Park areand University Park is

also developing rapidly A largeis being erected on Wisconsinsouth of Pierce Hill Red as a classicaland scientific school for young men whichwill increase the necessity for rooms andboard

Owing to the Increased facilities fortravel afrorded by the Improvement ot theelectric railroads and the beautyof our section the Isgreater than the supply which will nec-essarily attract capital for the erection ot

and cottages and thereby Increaseof Tenleytown-

No better eridence of the develop-ment and progress of our section can befound than the great improvements madeIn the electric railroads running from thecity in this direction All three of the










roads running from the city have beengreatly improved by the laj ng ot newrails and ties and the purchase of the lat-est improved cars The through service-to the city on one fare has brought thissection into close touch with the heart ofthe city and has made theinexpensive compared to therailroad advantages are having their in-

fluence with persons seeking investmentsand homes in our

The muzzle a fruitfulsource of discussion It was precipitated-by the introduction of a resolution by DrJohn W calling upon the District

extend the order ladednitely until Congress has passed a lawrequiring dogs to be muzzled permanently-It was spiritedly discussed by Dr ChapellDr A M Ray A E Shoemaker and Robert Burrows The resolution was adopted


Certificate of Incorporation FiledWith the Recorder

A certificate of incorporation or the Buteen of National Literature and Art hasbeen placed on record in the ofllce ofRecorder of Deeds The objects ofcorporation are stated to he buying andobtaining copyrights buying or manufac-turing stereotype plates publishing andselling works of historical political sci-entific or artistic The caplAlis stated to be the incorporatorsare James S Barcas Indians Rudolph JBodiner and Harr Lamson District ofColumbia who constitute the board oftrustees

Articles of incorporation of teh Nemo Oneor Machine sad Mining Company was alsoput on recwh The pnrpce of the organi-zation is stated to be to discover and oporate mines and to establish and operatestores and trading posts The capitalstock Is 0000 and the incorporators areJohn Q Reynolds New York Albert HPhelps New York CLeroy Parker Fred-erick Parker and Loren P Smith Districtcf Columbia


Authorities Fear That the StreamMay Be Polluted

LONDON Juno 9 A despatch to theDally News from says a

strange phenomenonsounn Numbers of fish were seen swim-ming uneasily on the surface of the Nileabove the first cataract and during thenext few thousands of werefound

The authorities are making an investigation as disastrous results are possible-if the river is found to be polluted

College Fellowships AssIgnedPRINCETON N J June 9 Prof T W

Huntot the English department of Princeton University announced this morningthat the two fellowships of 500 each inEnglish have been next yearto Hardin Craig Ky a grad-uate of Centre College and to D LChambers ot Washington D C i mem-ber of the graduating class ot Princeton

Bad Blood Is a

It is responsible for most of the diseasesfrom which humanity suffers It causes

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that tired feeling But Is madegood blood and all these troubles are curedby Hoods Do not allow yourblood to remain impure The wiseIs to take Hoods Sarsaparilla atIndication of impurities

Hoods SarsaparillaI-s Americas Greatest Medicine






Cir tat

das tem


Bad Thing


















Otis Action In the Cases at the A-

vaMMlitN of Sergeant Votrie-A report from Otis while he

was still Military of the Philip-pines was received yesterday by the WarDepartment The report relates that threenatives were convicted by a military com-mission of having murdered QuartermasterSergeant Albert Votrie of Company K-

Thirtyninth Volunteer Infantry at theBarrio of Bagbag near Tanauan In theprovince of Batangas February 2 andwere sentenced to death by hanging

In passing upon the case General Otisas the final reviewing authority said thatthe ndings of thed com mission were fullysustained by the evidence and that thedeatti sentence Imposed by it had the ex-

press sanction of lawi of war He washowever unwilling o direct the execution-of the sentence as he believed that the ac-

cused were Influenced to commit the crimeof which they were convicted by localguerrilla chiefs who he said were theprincipal criminals affair Moreoverhe said the prisoners were Ignorant of thelegal consequences of their act Therefore-he commuted the sentence in each case toimprisonment at hard labor in the Presidiode Manila

The clemency hereia exercised saidGeneral Otis will be considered aprecedent to guide or influence the futureaction of the reviewing authority upon

of military commissions in casesof such gravity as the present one and theoccasion is taken to announce that in thejudicial determination of questions of guiltwhich involve responsibility for the unlaw-ful taking of human life the full rigor ofthe law will ba nfllcted when rightfullyinvoked by legally constituted courts


District Comuiiujtlonerx Be Iejrc l byApplIcants for Position

The rush of officeseekers to the DistrictBuilding has bees uninterrupted since theorganization of the new Board ofsioners Each of theBoard is obliged to spend several

day In receiving delegationsurge the appointment of some one

to one of the departments of the munici-pal government Private individuals callseparately to urge their OWl cr othersclaims and all these people have to belistened to and the candidatestaken into consideration

Commissioner Macfarland has been spe-cially busy ever since he came Into officein to the friends of rival candi-dates or appointment on the School BoardCommissioner Ross has been visited dallyby applicants for the

or in theCaptain Beach has his troubles alongseine line by all of applicantsto him to secure in thelion of the when the lists bemode up

The Superintendent of Street Gleaninghas come in for his share of applications-in connection with the organization of thegarbage service under the new contractorThe appointments in the gift of the Commiffiicners in connection with this work

been decided upon between Mrand Ross Seven

apfrJintmeuts upon andit is understood that the for thatdepartment been and willnot be changed between now and the timethe appointments are announced about

last appointment was decided upontoday and the only vacancies in the gar-bage service In the future will be by retson of death resignation or removal forcause This fact undoubtedly will lessen the pressure of applicants and theCommissioners and the Superintendent

Gleaning will have more time toto official business and to the or-

ganization of the newC C as a has

beta Congrees a deputy at asalary df 1W and it te understood thatEdward E Jones will be appointed to theposition








sore position

thekind finBoar




















The Brief Tentnmeht of Mrs SarahC Williams

The will of Sarah JO Williams datedFebruary 21 last filed yesterday for probate is in the form of a letter addessedto her son and is as fellows

Sly D Br Si 1 T ave erertMw I to youTarn and I sot able to IIwHrv I am ifinff

The will of Bridget Murphy May5 Streets that her entire beleft to her friends Henry Murray andMichael OHanloa la trustS for her chil-dren

The will of Catherine Riley dated October 20 1S3L was filed yesterday forbate The testatrix directs that allestate shall be divided between her twograndchildren Agnes and Helen Rlley

The will of Algernon Sidneydated November 3 ISM providesentire estate revert to his wife EmmaCordelia whom he names astrixBy

the terms of the will of David IHuntington dated January 3 1599 thetestatrix leaves his entire estate to hiswife Gertrude Elizabeth Huntington whois named executrix


Locked rp for Theft He Steals aDoorknob

Though John Is but eleven yearsold he has a propensity fortheft that is unusual He was arraignedbefore Judge Kimball yesterday chargedwith two cases of petit larceny Later itdeveloped that he had statlonhouso in which he

Young GIHcn was charged with the lar-ceny of a bicycle a ticycle lamp and twoelectric light carbons He admitted thecharges Policeman Howard who ar-rested the boy then informed the courtthat while the offender was In No 8 sta-tion stole a knob from the door Thekr was found in his pocket whennearrhed Judge Kimball sentenced youngGilldn to the Reform School during hisminority


Two 3Iay Be Constructed on the Pa-cific Const

It is likely that at least one and perhapstwo of the Holland submarine boats

in the Naval Appropriation lawon the Pacific Coast

Tho Harbor of San Francisco it Is saidby submarine boat advocates would be anIdeal place for the operation of theand It Is expected the boatsbuilt on the laid up at MareIslcu and of trouble stationedin that harbor

Admiral ONeil proposes to placenew armor contracts a provision

that the Government shall receive thebenefit of any Improvements that may bemade in the manufacture ot armor Ord-nance experts believe there rtll be onlytwo bidders although 35000 tons ore tobe manufactures and the Government

to pay nearly 17000060 for ther

Paying Comeuerate PensionersRICHMOND VtUj June 2000

of the 3500 Confederate pensioners on theold rolls of the have been paidThose passed new county boardsorganized under the Parker law haveyet had their cases passed upon atauditors office here It is estimated103000 will Seen to

axis and of the penslon ar reached It is estl

require 5133000 thisyear to pay the


haveby E rte




Whit exec












S teby e


boar 1 wit












What Has Prol Munyon Done

Pro Munyon has sold his Washington offices to hislug a physician of twentyeight years

acknowledged ability who has put the oldoffices in firstclass order repainting etc andhas also put a new Electric Static MicaPlate In the electric parlors which generates a higher po-

tency of electricity than any other machine in thelila object to and spare to

the Munyon far exceed any previousperiod as pertains to the ability and rfrin of his corps of physi-cians who are consulted free of charge and who extends cour-tesy that Is only In of firstclass ap-


Homeopathic Remedies Mostly 25c

Allopathic Remedies Mostly 25cThose who prefer allopathic remedies win be supplied as our

physicians represent both schools ofmedicine and are surpassedby none in the profession for ability Integrity and honest deal-ing people Weekly supplies of Munyons Homeopathic

are received fresh from the home office

fiitr v all parts of thefOr joo including all medicines

homeopathicfree advice and prescribe Not

JUl a penny to payfllll PflvciriJnc are regular in medicine and

axe in the Dis-

trict of Columbia The highest grade of medical service guaranand see our newly flttedup offices and noticethe windows as you go by

Hours 9 to 6 w sk days Sundays 12 to 2 only

623 Thirteenth Street N W Phone 12934

Tonight at HechtsUNTIL 9 OCLOCK

340 pairs5 pants

340 pairs of mens worsted pants embracing a line of patterns which in-

clude the most stripes etc the most perfectfittteg pasts to be hadand which are to duplicate elsewhere for less than J5 will be pt onsale tonight at exactly half price at i50

Mens 50coffice


e Shall put oa another lot of mens office coats made of thegenuine Simpsons prints which youll find it impossible to equal

tOe tar S5c

7th Street


world I-ts leavenotreceived med



gutsted Peaon

2 50dele


5 1

D1701 the sick inL say


35 I 5







= = = =

Thousands Arriving at Monndh

for the Worlds Assembly

Sick and Crippled Seek Ile torntlonto Health Through the ofPrayer Several Mcmliera of theCult Slave Come From EnglandFrance and Other Iarin of Europe

W Va Junetwelve miles below Wheeling

the annnal worlds assembly of the Holi-

ness Society as it is popularly hasbegun and it will be a strange

The sick and persons afflictedwilt be prayed over

view of thousands of worshipersThe religious principle ot the so

by any mortal man and their as-

sembly is Intended to demonstrate to thethousands who are arriving daily that thedoctrine is sound and that with holy

leaders wonders may be worked In theway of curing the physical ills ot thosewho present themselves

Several members ot the society havearrived from England France and othercountries of Europe and bepresent from the United Can

adaAmong those who are now on the

grounds are many who are crippled andill They expect to be taken Into themeetings in the auditorium prayedand restored to perfect health

Last year the elders prayed over severalpersons said to have been afflicted withvarious diseases for years and laterthese It Is claimed ran shouting thoughthe grove declaring that they had beencured

This season the sick are coming fromalmost State In the Union The

la progress by the middleof next

A Double Tragedy In GeorgiaCEDARTOWX Ga June 9 Tom Jor

dan of Carroll county was In CarrolltonThursday evening and drank blind tiger

He became Involved in a dimR M Crider the chief marshal

ot Carrollton and shot the marshalnear the heart As Crider fell heat Jordan and accidentally s ot BIn the leg Crider and Hoo both diedIn a very few after they wereshot

InvcttlKntlnEr Mayors ConductATLANTA Ga June 9 Tho Investiga

lbs of the alleged misconduct of Mayor

James G Woodward by a subcommitteefrom the city council began yesterdayThe sessions are held behind closed doorsAmong the subpoenaed wasformer Smith a numberof city and police officials andof two local papers Should thethe committee be adverse it will preparearticles of impeachment



PositivelyCaredthese Uttlo PillsThey also relieve Dis-

tress from DyspepsiaIndigestion and TooHearty Aperfeet Dizri

Bod Taste in theIouthCoatedToigueala la the Side TOR-

PID LIVER They regulate the Bonrds

Small Pill Snail Dose Snail Price






witfrt may be









lYLE Eng


clety perfect holiness ac-












Drop a postal oc IM KMd VCllTry ui ee sad


Cor Sib and C XW Phone 155T

SummerFurnitureW-e carry aa uneasily fine

of Rerd axiS Grasslad show of Garden Seats andParch Rockers


LCt toa

el1 g t


havent room to 4ry yssrseed

u sad well gssriltio to seedbock dry 314 ftt

for ysor p54555yesS sever ew

House Herrmann50IW3 Seventh Street

I Eye Street


NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION WashingtonD C June 1 1900 Notice is hereby

given that on the partnershipexisting between Charles P Hancock andH H Templeton and conducting the busi-ness known as the National EngravingCompany was by mutual consent dissoled


NOTICE OP COPARTNERSHIP Washington D C June 1 19W Notice is

hereby given that on the above date acopartnership was formed betweenP Hancock and Howard J Kokenduct the business known as the NationalEngraving Company AH againstsaid National Engraving to beassumed by




TON D X SEALEDPOSALS In triplicate will be received here2 P M JUNE li 1POO for famishing during fiscalyear ending June 30 1001 tease straw and branInformation furnished on application U S reserves right to or accept any or all pro-posals or any part thereof Envelopes containing

T E TRUE Depot Q M


struction Library of Congress Washington D X

June 150ft Sealed proposal for the excava-tion foundations and drainage of the buildingfor the Washington PoblicvLibrary on Mount Vernon Square in this city wilt be received at thisoffice at 2 OCLOCK P Jt ba SATURDAY THE16TH DAY OF JUNE 1000 and then publiclyopened Specifications general instructions andconSiders and terms of proposal rosy behad and the drawings Seen On tothis office BERNARD S GREEN Superintendent-of Construction je456911WASHINGTON BARRACKS D a JUNE 7 1000

relent here until XOOX JUSK 52 1900 fur censtrnction of hospital quarters at this

reject any cr all or any part thereofInformation furnished on Envelopesshould be endorsed Proposal for Hospital

Quarters E S BESTOX Q M

BARRACKS C JUXE 7 1900Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re-

ceived here until JLXE 22 1900 ferof addition to train hospital at this

United States reserves right to orreject any or all proposals ot any part thereofInformation furnished on application Envelopesshould be endorsed Proposal for Addition to IIos-nltaL E a BENTON Q M je7891 a21







prop old be marked Pro h for Fortge



Sealed in tripUssiA win be npost mites reserves right to aeeept or
















MAY 23 1900 NOTICE Is given that theCommlasJoBexa of the District of Columbia intendto make the foUrolngnamed whimare in their Judgment necessary tat the public

safety or comfort AscessmenUof the cost of the same win be made u pro-

vided in public act No 171 approved August 7Parties who arc interested ia the prof e

work are that the said iriH-Civ bearing at District Cuildtcff on WEDKESI AY TOE THIRTEENTH DAY OF JUNEMOO at U OCLOCK X M in the board rooTsof the said CommlnBiener to any and all personswho may desire to object thereto

SET NEW CURB AND LAY CEMCST SIDE-WALK On the east aide of Third Street er Harewood Avenue Le Droll Pace from Florida Ave-nue north to T Street at an estimated eopt cf1920 to be sssezsed aytiret all Iota in Week 12

Le Broil Park fronting oa said Third Street orHamrood Avenue between the limits zanieS andalso against lots 45 M and 65 block 1 Le DroitPark which front oa Florida Avenue On thenorth side of Baltimore Street northwest in troutof block 3 CHffbcurne sad extending from thewest curb of Nineteenth Street westerly to thewest of lot 11 block 3 Ciiffboume onthe south aide of Baltimore Street northwest ex-

tending from the east line of lot 311 MIntwood-suIxHvkicn westwardly to east line of Twen-tieth Street at an estimated cost of J3JH3 to beasfe d against an lets or parcels of land abuttinc oa said him Street between the limitsnamed On the north side ef Dartmouth Streetn rthw et from Thirteenth Street eastward ta theeast use f lots block 2 Columbia Heishtaataa

tots S S 4 5 6 T 8 9 and TO Week SO Colom-bia heights

RESET CURB AND LAY CEMENT SIDEWALK-On the wed side of Fourteenth Street swthwcst

rem Columbia southward 1SS feet at anestimated cost ot SU to be assessed against tots20 21 sad 22 block Colombia Collegenorth port On tile east de of TWrtysushStreet Bertlnrest frost 0 Street to P Street atan estimated cart at 46 ta be assessed agaiostJets in square 13J7 said TMrtyeJxth

between the Media named On the northside of T Street northwest from Vermont Ave-nue t Eleventh Street at an estimated east OfM7 t be itif MI t agaiast aH in square 33

abutting saW T Street between the MeRits namedOn the south side ot G Street nortsrwst fromTwentieth Street t Twenty JSret Sweet at aa esti-mated cMt of K to be assessed against Iota iasquare MS abuttic said C Street Urtvrecnlimits named

LAY CEMENT SIDEWALK On the east aide cfBrichtwoed Avenue ceuth side of ChesapeakeStreet and west aide ot Illinois Avenue eztelearn the south line of lot 13 Mock 3 BrigKivoodPark Ifceaee U Chesapeake Street along thesouth side of C

and thence on the west side of DJteoUsae to south line of tot HVWeck 3weed Park at an estimated rest of 184 to be aseesaed against lets 13 14 15 15 and 17 block 3-

BrUhtwood ParkSET NEW CCRBOn the east side of Fifth

street northeast from E Street to F Street at aaestimated eost of 440 to be assessed against alllots in square SK abetting en said Fifth Streetbetween the Meats named On both aides ofAdan Mill Road from OtexMz Road to theZoological Park at an estimated cost of LOOt tobe axiMtcd asatast lots ia Lamer Heights ssdtdi-viswo sad the uvcubdtvided property abutting onsaid road between the Hrrdta named

LAY BRICK SIDEWALK AND SET NEW CURBOn the nortfe elSe of Park Street swwest in


PUALT BLOCK Alley in square east f square19t2 at an estimt d cost of 4S8L In square70 at aa esttewtwi ecst of 5J1S A j In

between Tweatyfiiat aad TwesrtyseeosdStreets and Newport Pfaee sad 0 Street

at am csUaateii cost f SUSOOi

PAVE ALLEY WITH Vn IFED BLOCK ANDTRAPROCK BLOCKTbe eastandwest alley iasquare 744 knownan estimated eest-Me M K8 1ST 40 set 158 137 165

J IH 1S 182 151 150 149 148 147 1441 144 148 142 141 149 1 US 137 and 9


TRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON a CMAY 19 MOO Notiee Is hereby given that tileCemroissteDers of the District sf Cefandria intend

batth safetr lad imotart Assefsseats Soc onehalf of the east of the same will be made ax yov-isted i15W Parties who are iwork are ocd tot the Cnni iyi snra wHt

a hcuisc at te District Bwksns OB WEBNESDAY JUNE 13 1 at 11 OCLOCE A 3-Ln the beard room f saW OiwrasssMaers te

theretoC rHct stostewsae r eis as fritews

Twelfth Street Br nd Df CL Wtw a Prvidouse sat IIMJS Street tttMMtari east 4M

D C to tile west side of Fwteesk SxtttjutkrmA Soistst Carettu AW-

w a d TMMKT we M3O Sort lute 1S8 HImet l the west

of orteiaal lot eabixt by parcel

o ei eaters fcy parcele at ike west

west 7S square Atoejr the west sMe ef-Qaeaeeticet arewje between KKogte F td Roadand Newark Street also in Street fromOeaaectiODt Arcane trestwarA to point CM tretwest of Ute wet line of GoBMetient Avenuetotal estimated east 17S8L la the seatk sideMofeactBetu Avenue westward tress SberManGlide estimated cast S3W abutting I t 38 2753 r 31 and 3 Mock S Katerama HeightshENRY B F 11ACFARLAXD JOHN W ROSSLANSING H BEACH Cansmssioners D C



imp tahealth for ODe

not OffSa the

line also

estimated out of tlShL t be assessed siairat






Street to IMinois Ave-nue Ave

tilt Brightt

heat IoU I aBd of S P nras sabdtriieJMower estimated of

of 8qIIaR haag that portion

as Francis Place atol to be

let see


to maR tile feIIetriBg1I2me whichart is Sm the paW

act X 171 AIIt 7In 1It eel


jaU wile tIeIiiR te tIn

I aIIettiIIc H Week DC sd Jots 12 sad 11 block t1eut w C Street a

etItEd t lots S ait-E re is

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I Mt 1Dat alley IIIIIIft16t-

I Ii 155 C JtegimHI

at a posed fretue at lbs t 3tist

I welt sua said leas 4t174 USB at a pout Sort ssst eraft the westJS1oot eat Sect JMs1415 lot

JiBe of tileeast DOrtIaalMHotith slay asS DIJIBia-







Of 2east 5106


north half of-



senthesat2380 amesied against



iseproccuiessathe jednncst norazy

lic appescede


cay sad persoss ay

is Nee I sadNsa

f4I abottiog 7l Neopsee lee faKeen-

TssiitIisS N imeis-aorthwait ieaisd

ss ss aM o1 eek by-E bsgi5t nose bui1eg of-

the meth sad south

554 of eelseed by peed1eE

ssstkedeeetk sey aed-rousiss hat sqe

sad S

l3Z teebed icc of asethen4ssstk

alky sad vaoriett irsS

5 buihng32footIt












i Painless Extractingwhen teeth are cr-


WE GUARANTEE A tiT OE NO PAYGold Fillings 1 up Silver Ffflins 50c np

Gold Crown 3 to iYsshi2cton Dental Parlors 7th and E itsZBjlOlmoem

Guaranteed Cure forDyspepsia


Acceptable to tho Most Del-icate Stomach

6lh SU Cor H SU NW

Why Suffer of HeadacheSttfferinj of Is misery Instant re-

lief can be obtained byM3WALTERS HEADACHE POIO ERS33

Your druggist s s them Ask fer WeltersOne gives relief 3 doses 3 ewes 18

Package mail if you wish relief 18 centsfree WALTER CHEMICAL CO

Fourandahalf St S W D Cfor sample j Stf

Rubbed outsidegets in healscures Catarrh

MasonsCream of Olives

Masons Yellow Tablets cure DyspepsiaMasons Brown Tablets cure ConstipationMasons Red Tablets cureMasons White Tablets cure Sere Throat

30 tablets drnsrgists or f r priceII T MASON CHEMICAL COMPANY 515

Area EL Philadelphia Misens Cream ofOlives cures CaUrrh and all iniUmtaatioa ofmucous membrane and skin Safe and Sure

for Pile 5c a boxHenry ETSM 922 F St nwEdward Stevens 9th and Pa ireUacfcall Bros 9th axiS H Sta

S Iadbeater Sons Alexandria Va


RTAICERSCndcrtokcr and Livery

S3 Penn Ave X W D

DIEDCAIIR SttdderAr n Friday June S MOO al-

E Carr S20 Ninth Street northwest 3IUS SLiCEHARD cum wife at the late Cot Jeeeph II

Interment at Wooster Ohio It


Headache ausing





iOn aU sent





T WTTT T AtiT LEEWash ten C

515 p lB at tM residence of her Krtbuz





