week 3 integration in the middle years classroom

Creating Powerful Learning Experiences Through Integration Week #3: Synthesis of New Knowledge

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Creating Powerful Learning Experiences Through


Creating Powerful Learning Experiences Through


Week #3: Synthesis of New Knowledge

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-Purpose: We will focus on integrating prior learning with new learning about curriculum integration

-Critical Evidence: Chapter Presentations/Brochures/Movie Trailers (please post), Course Participation Task #3: ReBuild Your Shelfari (practicum and beyond), Synthesis Paper, Integrated Unit Template (due by Friday afternoon)-Required Reading: Chapter 5-10: How to Integrate the Curricula, Review: Beyond Monet (Ch 5-10)

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Let’s Recap

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Where do you start?

What are the Big Rocks in the Middle Years Program?

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Grade 4 Science

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Integration and Middle School

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….more specifically in terms of curriculum, instruction and assessment

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….more specifically in terms of curriculum, instruction and assessment

Where are we?

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MAINSTREAM by Yothu Yindi

Reflection in the water I seeSix pretty girls on my mind todayYellow foam floating down the riverVoices I hear of Yolngu heroes

Go go go go living in the mainstream, Go go go go under one dream

Monsoon clouds rolling over the oceanThunder and rain raging here tonightHear the sound of speargrass cryingCross rivers and valleys on Yolngu land

Go go go go living in the mainstream, Go go go go under one dream

Reflections in the water we seeBlack and white living togetherSharing dreams of the red, black and goldLiving dreamtime now is the Yolngu way

Go go go go living in the mainstream, Go go go go under one dream

We’re living together, We’re living togetherWe’re learning together, We’re living togetherYolngu Balanda

This is Australia

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What does Integration Look Like?• planning around 4-6 week themes in

core subjects (e.g. Mystery Unit)• various levels and kinds of integration• planning together across subjects

(interdisciplinary team planning), and sometimes across grades

• combines textbook-based learning with resource-based learning (e.g. guest speakers, field trips, internet, etc.)

• centered on current topics of student interest (e.g. Harry Potter, Mission to Mars, Lord of the Rings)

• Connected to learning outcomes from various subjects within chosen grade level

• Examples of Integration (e.g. Camp Skagway, Titanic Tournament, Heroes & Villains of Russia)

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What does Interaction Look Like?

• simulation games, debates and role playing

• field trips and guest speakers• project-based learning• research (internet, surveys,

interviews, etc.)• cooperative learning• reflective journals, self-

evaluations, etc.• multi-media presentations, fairs,

and showcases• Technology (blogs, clickers, chats,


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Benefits to Kids• increases relevance

• comprehensive & consistent

• holds the kids interest

• choices increase motivation

• gets kids out into the community

• relevant and meaningful

• concentrated time for in-depth examinations

• supports how the brain learns best with “novel” experiences

Benefits to Teachers:• easier subject transitions

• teachers can share new ideas

• support is available from other teachers, staff, adults

• teachers can learn new things

• positive experiences from students is very rewarding

• more fun

• get to work with new people

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Issues• time to co-plan• team leadership for planning• time to cover the curriculum• timing for closure across subjects• teacher effort and commitment to

the process• making the connections between

subjects• integrating the complementary

areas (e.g. options)• topics can be teacher driven• new teachers preparation for

integration• integration across grades• kids don’t always see the big picture• finding the money for field trips,

fairs, games, and guest speakers

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Examples of Integration*

• Parallel Disciplines DesignWhen the curriculum is designed in parallel fashion, teachers sequence their lessons to correspond to lessons in the same area in other disciplines. For example, if the social studies teacher teaches a World War II unit in the beginning of the spring semester, then the English teacher will reschedule her autumn book, Summer of My German Soldier, to coincide with the social studies unit. The content itself does not change, only the order in which it appears. The goal is a simultaneous effect as students relate the studies in one subject with the others. Teachers working in a parallel fashion are not deliberately connecting curriculum across fields of knowledge; they are simply re-sequencing their existing curriculum in the hopes that students will find the implicit linkages.

*Source: Jacobs H. H., ed. (1989). Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation (pp. 14-18). Alexandria, VA: ASCD

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Examples of Integration

• Interdisciplinary DesignIn this design, periodic units or courses of study deliberately bring together the full range of disciplines in the school’s curriculum: language arts, math, social studies, and science, and the arts, music, and physical education. The main point is that designers attempt to use a full array of discipline-based perspectives. The units are of specific duration: a few days, a few weeks, or a semester. This option does not purport to replace the discipline-field approach; rather, they are mutually supportive.

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Examples of Integration

• Multidisciplinary DesignThe multidisciplinary option suggests that certain related disciplines be brought together in a formal unit or course to investigate a theme or issue. It is different from parallel teaching, where the focus stays on the prescribed scope and sequence of each discipline. A good analogy is a colour wheel and the notion of complimentary colours. Just as groups of colours compliment one another, certain disciplines are directly related to one another, such as the humanities. Of course, it is possible to design a course that brings together two disciplines of seemingly different characters – as long as the questions shed light on and compliment one another (as in a course on “Ethics in Science”).

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Examples of Integration

• Integrated-Day Design (Single Grade, Whole School)This mode is based primarily on themes and problems emerging from the child’s world. The emphasis is on an organic approach to classroom life that focuses the curriculum on the child’s questions and interests rather that on content determined by a school or state syllabus. The approach originated in the British Infant School movement in the ‘60s and is most commonly seen in the United States in preschools and kindergarten programs.


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Examples of Integration

• Field-Based ProgramThis approach is the most extreme form of interdisciplinary work. Students live in the school environment and create the curriculum out of their day-to-day lives. Perhaps A.S. Neil’s Summerhill is the most widely know example of such an approach. Students who are interested in the buildings on campus might study architecture. If there were a conflict between students concerning ways to behave in the school, they could study rules of government. This is a totally integrated program because the student’s life is synonymous with school.


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“Designing Integrated or Interdisciplinary Units”By J. Bondi

1. Select a theme together2.  Work/reflect independently3. Meet together to define

objectives4. Meet together to determine

learning activities5. Brainstorm resources6. Develop learning activities7. Schedule your unit/timeline8. Advertise/promote your unit9. Teach your unit10. Celebrate your unit

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The kids in Clive have the greatest idea for dealing with the horrors of 9/11. They've turned that atrocious act into an effort to live in peace. Their peace garden is something we should all strive to build. Chad

Anderson The Lacombe Globe

September 16, 2003

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Clive School Community Peace Garden

Growing and Learning Together for Life

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Objectives ResultsPEACEFULTo learn about the concepts of Canadian culture, conflict resolution and peacekeeping

Increased global consciousness

EDUCATIONALTo bring the outdoors and environmental learning opportunities into the classroom

Improved learning performance in science, math and the humanities

ECOLOGICALTo identify natural habitats and provide opportunities for interaction with nature

Development of stewardshipSurvival of endangered species


Decreased consumption of non-renewable resources, especially energy and paper

Reaping and Sowing…

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The Canadian Peace Garden:

Curricular Connections

ECS:Spring Theme

(frog and butterflies, plant


Grade 1:Birds/Spring,

Needs of Animals/Plants, Season


Grade 2:Small Crawling

and Flying Animals, People

in the World

Grade 3: Rocks and Minerals,

Communities, Symmetry,

Grade 4:Plants and Plant Growth. Alberta -

its Geography and People

Grade 5:Shape and Space,

Wetland Ecosystem, Native Groups of Canada

Grade 6:Trees of Alberta,

Shape and Space

Grade 7:Cells &Systems, Water Systems,

Geometry, Speech, Essays and

Grade 8:Shape and Space, Short Stories, Cells & Systems, Water


Grade 9:Technology,Powers & Roots, Diversity of Living Things, Environmental Quality, News, Other Areas:

PE - Mousersize, Bird Dance, Cult ural Games

Music - Songs about gardens, flowers, birds, insects, etc.

Art/Crafts - Stepping Stones, rock crafts, garden crafts

Woods - Garden crafts, bird houses

Health - Service Learning

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• ECS-Grade 9• 250 students

• 30 staff• Parent & Community volunteers

Our Gardeners…

“Nature’s Garden” outdoor mural (grades 6-9)

“Garden Fantasy” indoor mural (grades ECS-6)

All students, including those with special needs, participated in the

creation of the murals.

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“Nature’s Garden”…April 2003

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Garden On-Site

This the way we plant our trees early in the fall…

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Garden On-Line

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Media Clippings…

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Determining Acceptable Evidence

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Determining Acceptable Evidence:


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Context, Audience, RoleSuccess Tips (Expectations requirements)

Create a rubric, based on the criteria, and share with students at beginning of task.

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Determine how to assess 21st Century Competencies and the

Curriculum Learning Outcomes

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Stage 3: Plan Learning Activities and Instruction

Unit Lesson OpenerEDES 340 Presentations

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Planning Learning Activities:Think WHERETO:


WWhere are we going? Why?

What is expected?

HHow will we hook and

hold student interest?

EHow will we

equip students to explore and experience?

OHow will we

organize and sequence the


THow will we

tailor learning to varied needs,

interests, styles?

EHow will

students self-evaluate and reflect on their


RHow will we help

students rethink, rehearse, revise, and


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Do your plans honor all of the multiple intelligences?

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Comparing Learning Theories

withInstructional Strategies

Do your plans honor the best instructional strategies?

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Designing the Instructional Unit:Outcomes Content

Instructional Strategies

Learning Product

Intelligence/Learning Style

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Culminating Activities

Titanic TournamentSurvival Kits

Brazilian Carnival

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Creating Powerful Learning Experiences Through


Creating Powerful Learning Experiences Through


Week #3: Synthesis of New Knowledge

Critical Evidence:Required Readings: