weird 10-minute mental shift brings in $11, ·...

Customer Support | Affiliates | Cash Like Clockwork | Facebook Page | Twitter | Customer login A Free Newsletter to Marlon’s Customers With 1 or More Purchases In The Past 12 Months and 1 or None Refunds Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11,590.88 Starting two days later can you spare 10 minutes? if you can, then try this 10-minute mental shift method and see what happens I tried it and it brought in hard, cold, spendable cash starting just 2 days later not to mention 883 new customers

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Page 1: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Customer Support | Affiliates | Cash Like Clockwork | Facebook Page | Twitter | Customer login

A Free Newsletter to Marlon’s Customers With 1 or More Purchases In

The Past 12 Months and 1 or None Refunds

Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift

brings in $11,590.88

Starting two days later can you spare 10 minutes?

if you can, then try this 10-minute mental shift method and see what happens

I tried it and it brought in hard, cold, spendable cash starting just 2 days later

not to mention 883 new customers

Page 2: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy


Marlon here.

Feast those greedy little eyes of yours on this:

As you can see, on December 28, I got an idea.

I applied a little 10-minute mental shift.

Page 3: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Starting December 30, the sales started pouring in.


And even as of this morning, they are STILL coming in.

I’m NOT showing you this to toot my own horn. NOT at all. I simply want to illustrate to you that this little 10-minute shift works and can work for you also.

Now, you may not make what I did. You might also make more or do better.

But I’m convinced that virtually ANYONE who applies this little 10-minute mental shift method can see REAL results.

What’s This Minute Mental Shift All About And Can It Really Help Me Deal With MY

Page 4: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Problems, Financial Needs, Bills, and Pressures TODAY?

I know you have bills, maybe medical bills. Or unexpected expenses, house repairs, auto breakdowns or the unexpected need for a new vehicle. You’ve had to buy a new phone you didn’t expect. Just paying your health insurance bill if you live the U.S. is no inconsequential thing.

“Marlon, I KNOW online marketing works for YOU. But what about me? I’m NOT you.”

Now, here is the thing.

The area that gives you your big breakthrough may not be info products. It may not even be online marketing at all.

It might be in your wealth management or investments. Or with your relationships or kids.

Some area of your life that has been nagging you.

The mental shift COMBINES TWO powerful ideas

Idea 1: The Secret to The Ideas and Resources You Need

I heard this live stream by Grant Cardone who said that the SECRET to creativity is COMMITING. That your brain actually doesn’t see the NEED to create ideas until AFTER you’ve COMMITTED.

And most people feel they don’t have enough new product or service ideas. They feel they don’t have the resources or can’t do things.

And it’s the oddest thing.

The REASON is that your creativity and the power of the Mastermind Napoleon Hill talked about doesn’t kick in until AFTER you commit.

The reason the resources and ideas aren’t there is you haven’t fully and completely committed yet!

Page 5: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

It’s a chicken and the egg thing. In this case, the commitment comes FIRST. Then the resources, ideas, and people come into your awareness. They’ve been there all along. But it’s your COMMITMENT that causes you to become aware of what has been there all along.

Idea #2:

I was reading T.J. Rohleder. I love his books. He always gets me thinking. And TJ was talking about the importance of TESTING a LOT of innovative ideas SMALL that GET YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

And SOME will work.

See, the reason we don’t COMMIT FULLY is we don’t want to get in over our heads.

But when you PAIR that idea WITH the idea of testing NEW, INNOVATIVE ideas SMALL that get you out of your comfort zone, it’s very powerful.

You’re then FREE to fly into action with ideas without worrying about getting in over your head, because you keep the test small and manageable. but you test ideas new enough and innovative enough for YOU that it makes you uncomfortable.

You won’t get where you need to go without becoming UNCOMFORTABLE because you’re trying something new.

Creating a new product.

Launching in a new market.

Marketing on a new platform.

Offering a new service.

But this can be an idea in ANY area of your life. The idea that HELPS you MOVE FORWARD with your health, relationships, wealth, investments or other things is probably an idea you aren’t COMFORTABLE with because it’s new, like a pair of new shoes.

Page 6: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Most People Sabotage Their Success Because They Do This ONE Thing

Most people sabotage their success because they do this one thing. They HOLD BACK because they ONLY want to do what’s comfortable.

So they never FULLY COMMIT. They never go all in on their idea.

It’s NOT their fault. We aren’t TAUGHT the attitude I’m going to tell you about. We’re TOLD “don’t take risks.” Don’t waste time on stuff. Stop dreaming. Get a job. Shut up. Don’t sell. Don’t hype anything. Don’t email anyone.

This is the stuff we’re told.

The 10-minute mental shift is this:

Step 1: Pick a NEW idea or action that makes you a bit uncomfortable to do it because it’s new or a bit BIGGER than you’ve thought before.

Step 2: Come up with a way you can TEST your NEW idea without risking too much.

Step 3: Now FULLY COMMIT to doing that and DON’T HOLD BACK!

Most people HOLD THEMSELVES BACK and never really give the idea their all.

I’m NOT for giving your all to an idea you’ve never tested. I mean, I’ve seen people invest their life’s savings in some idea they never even tested or validated. That’s not smart.

Instead, try NEW, INNOVATIVE ideas and solutions that make you uncomfortable just because they are NEW like a new pair of SHOES.

Create a TEST of the idea that you can FULLY, 100% commit to. Don’t hold back. Really go for it.

Page 7: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

A lot of people put their toe in the water. But honestly, they never give it enough energy to give it a chance.

Here Is The BIG Reason This Creates Home Runs

A lot of people decide in advance that their idea won’t work. So if they test the idea, they don’t COMMIT to it at all. They just halfway do it. Or more often than not, TALK THEMSELVES OUT OF DOING ANYTHING AT ALL.


I think this is BECAUSE of the societal conditioning we have that makes us hold back. Somewhere deep in the human psyche we all fear criticism because in tribal days, if the tribe disapproved of you, they would KICK YOU OUT.

Being IN the tribe meant survival. Being OUT of the tribe you were on your own. Maybe it goes back to that.

You want to test out a bunch of NEW, INNOVATIVE ideas or new things you aren’t comfortable with.

New markets for your product or service.

Or selling a new product or service.

Or speaking in public or at a seminar.

Or conducting a webinar.

Or going to networking meetings.

Or doing video.

Or doing livestream Facebook video

Or learning Snapchat or Instagram.

Here’s How It Worked For Me

I was reading T.J. Rohleder at my coffee table the morning of December 27.

Page 8: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

TJ is talking about testing a bunch of new, innovative ideas because a FEW will work and be big hits. But you never know which ones in advance!

All of a sudden this idea popped into my mind to do a special report on how to make profits by launching and selling your own planner.

Instead of putting that idea on the backburner, I decided that launching a report like that on Warrior+ (Which I’ve only done once) would be a great test of something new for me.

While I launched on there one time, it wasn’t a PDF report.

I hopped on my computer.

In maybe 2, 3 or 4 hours I typed out the report. Almost all at one sitting I think. I didn’t time it so I don’t remember the exact time it took. I’m a fast writer.

Of course, if you ask me, the information it was really outstanding. I think when you do products, you need put value into them.

Now, putting together the upsells (one time offers) took longer to hook up the order buttons and stuff because I was UNCOMFORTABLE doing that. I had only done it once before and was scared of screwing it up.

I put the funnel together in Warrior+ which is FREE to put up a funnel on. I put up a very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it’s nothing fancy.

What you don’t know or see is I had a REALLY NASTY COLD. I struggled to do that video without coughing my head off! LOL. I had been laying on the sofa for several days.

I think that was the first day I had the energy to do much.

I didn’t even contact any affiliates.

I launched it on Warrior+ and announced it in some JV groups. And mailed my list.

That was about it.

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Sales were kinda slow at first. But it picked up a little speed. Then more. Then more.

What I found out is if your offer CONVERTS on Warrior+ it can really take off. True, the price was cheap.

But I did offer limited PLR rights to my planner. And I offered a couple other products I had.

But Marlon, I Don’t HAVE Products For OTOS

Yes, I know when you’re starting you don’t.

Some people sell access to a FB group f or $20. Others offer 1-on-1 Skype coaching.

Or, one of my friends goes here and buys high quality PLR and uses it for OTO’s, although you have to check if Warrior+ still allows you to do that. Not sure what the current rules are.

The Point Is NOT That You Should Do a WSO. Read This To GET The Point

The point is NOT that you should do what I did.

If you want to, that’s great. Gaurab Borah started from nothing in another country outside the U.S. Not knowing anyone. Having no list. Having no advantages. And not even creating his own products, he STILL built up to $1 million in sales. And in his product he explains EXACTLY how he did it. I highly recommend his ebook.

The POINT here is to take the ATTITUDE that instead of JUDGING your ideas and going THUMBS DOWN on them, you SAY YES and figure out a way to TEST them.

Then COMMIT all you can to the test to give it every chance to succeed. Once you decide to DO the test, don’t hold back. Go all in on the test.

For example, some people throw up a wso but don’t do a JV page. No man, DO a jv page.

Page 10: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Some people put very little effort into the sales letter cause “it won’t work anyway so why try?”

Again, it’s not our fault we do these things. For whatever reasons and however it happened, we’re kind of programmed this way.

How a Friend Of Mine Used This Mental Shift To Have a Million Dollar Breakthrough

What ideas do you have you could start TODAY?

Maybe they’ll work.

Maybe they won’t.

You won’t know until you test it.

I have a friend in another country. Competition had changed. Facebook ads had changed. Things had STOPPED WORKING.

And you know what he did?

He started testing all kinds of CRAZY Facebook ad ideas. He tried stuff no one else was doing. He really COMMITED to it.

A lot of stuff didn’t work at all or was mediocre.

But then, BANG!

He stumbled across ONE METHOD that was blockbuster for him and his specific niche.


That changed everything for him. He’s now got this amazing sales machine. And it was all because he COMMITED to testing new, innovative ideas.

He told me his method and my jaw dropped.

I had never heard of anyone else doing it.

What Ideas Are Lurking In Your Mind You Could Easily Jump On ASAP?

Page 11: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Do you have ideas lurking in your mind you could jump on?

I almost didn’t DO my planner report.

We all have these little voices that say “Oh, that won’t work.”

If I would have listened to that little voice, I would have missed out on getting 883 new customers.

Your little voice in your head might be right. It might not work.

BUT you also need to listen to the BIG VOICE in your head that says, “Yeah but WHAT IF it DOES work? What about THAT?”

And THAT is the voice you need to listen to and ACT ON!

THAT is the mental shift.

Don’t discount. Act!

Applies To ALL Areas Of Life

This applies to ALL areas of your life.

Maybe you have an idea for an investment you could test on a small scale. Or you have an idea for improving your relationships, marriage, or just having more FUN in life.

Instead of listening to the little NO voice in your head that tells you not to bother, listen to the GO VOICE that tells you to GO try it because who really knows until you try?

And when you try it, don’t put a toe in the water. Really GO FOR IT.

Best wishes,


PS: Here are some of my solutions you might be interested in:

Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy – The Ebook

This is under revision and not currently available for purchase.

Page 12: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Amazing Formula “The Course” (advanced)

1. This is my super in-depth treatment of Amazing Formula. If you’re serious about learning to market on the Internet this is the ONE course to get NOW. It has a lot of intermediate and advanced information in it but starts at the beginning for newbies. It’s not cheap. But neither is it expensive when compared to the value it creates and the other alternative solutions. Go here. What is UNIQUE about it is I draw from a huge amount of experience being full-time in this business since 1997 and owning roughly 4,000 books. I’ll put my marketing library up against anyone’s. So what’s UNIQUE is you get strategies and methods you’ve never heard anywhere else. No one else teaches them. These give you and EDGE because you have TOOLS no one else knows about. That’s especially important today when everyone is competing using the same information everyone else has. The bottom line is this is WHY I believe you can get superior results compared to other courses. If you’re wanting to learn intermediate and advanced methods and “new stuff” you don’t already know and you want A to Z coverage, this is IT.

The Fail Safe System (intermediate to advanced)

This zeroes in only on the Info Product Business. On Zoo and W+ you can buy a lot of beginner courses and possibly a few “intermediate” info product marketing courses or training. But you won’t find advanced training. There really is almost no advanced training on the Info Product Business other than the Fail Safe System. It’s advanced information, although not as sweeping and comprehensive as the Amazing Formula Full-Blown Course above. The price reflects that but is considerably more than you’d pay for an introductory or intermediate course on info products. Click here to see it.

Product Dashboard

This is one of my famous Dashboard products that breaks it down step-by-step for beginners with screen caps. It’s more detailed than How to Create High Profit Info Products, thus the slightly higher price. But it doesn’t

Page 13: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

contain the rarer intermediate and advanced concepts in the Fail Safe System. It’s a beginners product that is very step0by-step.

How to Create High Profit Info Products

This is my info product creation training for BEGINNERS.

There’s not a lot of “new” methods in it like my intermediate and advanced courses above. But it’s 100+ pages of solid, step-by-step information, albeit not with the numbered steps and screen caps in Product Dashboard. Recommended for newbies and beginners. See it here.

Fast Start System

I designed this to help beginners and newbies get off to a fast start. It’s certainly not everything you need to know but it’s a start. Contains around 5 hours of training plus bonus “over-the-shoulder” videos. See it here. It covers how to overcome hypercompetition and is my best presentation of Value Equations next to Amazing Formula “The Course.” Value Equations are my proprietary method for boiling sales messages down into essentials that make them sell or not sell. It’s a hugely powerful, breakthrough approach. This has a whole hour on the topic to get your feet wet and give you the basics, so you KNOW why something sells or doesn’t sell. This eliminates confusion and frustration and allows you to focus on the right things, so you don’t go chasing rabbits.

Traffic Dashboard

If you want to drill down and get step-by-step treatment of how to get traffic to your sites or blogs, this is one of my famous “Dashboard” products that I innovated and am known for. See it here. At one point we ran the numbers and found that 1 out of every 102 people in the world who surfed the Internet with an English browser had been to one of my websites as measured by 24-hour cookies. These are my methods and secrets, especially row #6. Row #2 is how a friend of mine crushes it by buying private banner ads and solo ads that aren’t normally available.

Push Button Letters

Page 14: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

One of my all-time best-selling products that started a whole genre of software. Fill in the blanks. Click a button. Get a sales letter. See it here.

Big Ticket Dashboard

If you want to sell big ticket coaching but don’t want to pay $5,000+ for a coaching program, this under $100 product will teach you many of the same basics the expensive programs teach you. Do NOT buy this if you’re wanting software. And don’t buy it if you expect it to be as comprehensive as a $5000 coaching program. And don’t buy it if you don’t want to do webinars or get on the phone with people. Listen, you need some hustle in you to sell $3,000 to $20,000 packages. But this DOES have all the basics you’ll find in far more expensive programs. See it here.

Marlon’s Book of Secrets

Imagine being a fly on the wall and listening in on my conversations with multi-millionaires and incredibly talented marketers. Well, this book is the next best thing. It contains the cream of the crop secrets I’ve learned in a lifetime of being in this business. See it here. Oh, the book has typos. I’ve never taken the time to fix them. If you can’t stand that, then don’t buy it. I personally care about the quality of the information, not my ability to hire a proofreader. What’s UNIQUE about this product is you won’t find many of these secrets anywhere else because they are based on my experience. You’ll get ideas you won’t get anywhere else. This is NOT a step-by-step training product like my Dashboards. If you want step-by-step, buy a Dashboard.

Gimme My Money Now

This was my original action plan for the Amazing Formula. It teaches how to conduct a 12-product survey which is a proprietary method I teach that prevents you from banging your head up against the wall trying to sell products no one wants to buy. It teaches how to write a sales letter using the formula I’ve taught around the world so that you actually understand the structure of a sales letter. Which means your eyes won’t glaze over when you start writing your sales letters because you’ll understand the psychology. It teaches how to create a quick-and-dirty version of a product

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(today this is called a minimum viable product). Then test it. And if it works, roll it out with an affiliate program. This is my personal moneymaking formula I’ve used to sell millions online. See it here. It’s a timeless classic and contains data proprietary and unique to me.

The Round Table

A comprehensive explanation of the basics of targeting a market, creating products, writing sales messages and getting affiliate traffic. More detailed and insightful than 95% of the products with intermediate and a dose of advanced information in it. The difference between Round Table and the Fail Safe System is Fail Safe contains more intermediate and advanced information whereas Round Table is for beginners wanting a cut above what I have in my Dashboards. It’s hard to find products that are a step beyond what you’d buy on Zoo or W+ as pertains to the info product business. 90% of this is classic, evergreen information. There are a small percentage of things in it that are dated. The price on this product reflects the higher quality of information. See it here. This is a product I’d recommend more to my hardcore fans, not new customers. New customers would be better served by Amazing Formula “The Course” or Fail Safe System if you’re wanting something that goes into the Intermediate or advanced levels of information.

The Road Not Taken

Page 16: Weird 10-Minute Mental Shift brings in $11, · 2017-01-07 · very simple JV page. I did that in Instabuilder. Believe me, it ’s nothing fancy

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost