welcome grit! goodbye talent?

Welcome Grit! Goodbye Talent?

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Welcome Grit! Goodbye Talent?

Welcome Grit!

Goodbye Talent?

Page 2: Welcome Grit! Goodbye Talent?

Companies went on a war for


How was talent defined? Sharp strategic thinking, Emotional maturity, Entrepreneurial instincts, The ability to deliver results.

Amongst other things…

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“Companies do not even know how to define “talent”, let alone how to manage it. Some use it to mean people like Aldous Huxley’s alphas in “Brave new world” — those at the top of the bell curve. Others employ it as a synonym for the entire workforce, a definition so broad as to be meaningless."

The battle for brainpower

Adrian Wooldridge


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We all know the story of Newton and the apple but… Even if Newton started thinking about gravity in 1666, it took him years of painstaking work before he understood it. He filled entire vellum notebooks with his scribbles and spent weeks recording the exact movements of a pendulum (it made, on average, 1,512 ticks per hour). The discovery of gravity, in other words, wasn’t a flash of insight – it required decades of effort, which is one of the reasons Newton didn’t publish his theory until 1687, in the “Principia”. Lehrer - August 2, 2009

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Angela Duckworth University of Pennsylvania « Why are some people more successfull than others? » « Talent is the common answer » « One characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of succces… It was GRIT » « Many talented individuals do not follow through their commitments »

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It is a passion for a particular long-term goal or end state

coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve this


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Think of your best people, do they:

1) Get distracted by new ideas and projects?

2) Get discouraged when they encounter setbacks?

3) Finish what they started? 4) Maintain their focus on projects till


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Define the Needs

Analyse the Market

Setup a strategy

Prospect Negociate Implement contracts

Think of your Purchasing process

Where is it that you need GRIT? Other talent…?

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Thank you!

Hervé Legenvre EIPM MBA Director

Give your feedback to [email protected]
