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How to create a great LinkedIn profile #welcometalent

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How to create a great LinkedIn profile



How to create a great LinkedIn profile

In this presentation you will learn: Page

The difference between a good and a great profile 3-4

Create a great profile in 7 steps 5-12 1. Professional photo 6 2. Headline 7 3. Summary 8 4. Experience 9 5. Multi-media 10 6. Skills and endorsements 11 7. Volunteer experience & causes 12

Five things to do now! 13

The key to land a job through LinkedIn is to go from a good profile to a great one. The more time you invest in creating your profile, the

more value and opportunities you will get in return!


The difference between a good and a great profile


Good profile  Great profile


Learnings from the 2 profiles If you were a recruiter who would you have hired?

Profile number 2 has 39 keywords more than profile 1, That means it will be found in 39 more lists of keywords than profile 1.

Recruiters don’t just want to know your past title, they want to know what your responsibilities were. If they can’t find that chances are big they´ll go for another candidate where they can see that in the profile

What’s not in your profile doesn't exist. At least not for recruiters, so make sure to add all your experience. Someone else applying for the job will have a great profile.

1. Professional Photo14x more likely to be viewed if you have a photo

2. Headline: Grab AttentionExplain what you do, show your passion and/or aspirations

3. Draft a Compelling Summary40 words or more, include keywords

4. Detail ExperienceInclude part-time jobs or sports/clubs if no formal work experience

5. Add Multi media Upgrade your profile and show your work.

6. Add Skills and Get EndorsementsInclude a mix of high level and niche skills

7. Highlight Volunteer Experience & Causes6x more profile views than those without

على اإلحترافية هويتك LinkedInبناء

رائع إلى جيد من الشخ صي ملفك انقل

إحترافية. 1 صورةالشخصي ملفك استعراض احتماالت لديك 14تزيد كان إن ضعفا

الشخصي ملفك على شخصية صورة

2 : اإلنتباه. جذب الرئيسي العنوانوتطلعاتك عملك في شغفك واستعرض تفعله، ما وتوضيح بشرح قم

وشامل. 3 دقيق ملخص صياغةمفتاحية 40من كلمات ويتضمن أكثر، أو كلمة

التعليمية. 4 الخبرات إضافةالتطوعية خبراتك وأيضا دراستك، وتواريخ الجامعات بإضافة قم

المهنية. 5 الخبرات إضافةأو رياضية أنشطة أي أو جزئي بدوام عمل أو مهام أي بإضافة قم

إحترافية مهنية خبرة لديك تكن لم Lإن أخرى أنشطة

مصادقات. 6 على والحصول المهارات إضافةبعناية والمنتقاة الرفيعة المهارات من تنوعا بإضافة قم

التطوعية. 7 والقضايا الخبرات إبرازمشاهدات على تطوعية خبرات تضم التي الشخصية الملفات تحصل

أضعاف 6أكثر

Building Professional Brands on LinkedInTake Your Profile from Good to Great


Two things before we start Before you start:

 If you're going to update your profile you might want to turn of the notifications to your network. If ”Notify your

network” is turned on every section you update will go out as an update to your network.

On the righthand side of the screen you will find Yes/No Switch.

 Modify your URL  First step is to modify your URL which actually makes your name more searchable in for example a google search. So log in to your LinkedIn profile and follow the simple steps


Press the cogwheel next to your current URL (under your profile picture)

Click on the penn and edit your url to your first & last name. For example: se.linkedin.com/in/sofieforsberg



1. Add a Professional PhotoThe photo is a very important part of your profile and you are 14 times

more likely to be viewed with a photo then without.

5 Tips for the perfect profile picture:

● Showcase yourself - It should only be you in the picture and no confusion who the profile belongs to.

● It should be a close-up where you cover about 60% of the photo.

● Keep your picture updated - the most important thing is that it showcases how you look today.

● Plain background- keep the background plain so it shows what you look like.

● Show your personality - SMILE!



2. Headline – grab attention

Write your title and add your branchThe easiest way is to create a headline is just to add your current title. To add a few extra keywords and make you more searchable you can simply just add your branch and or company.

Make it personal – grab attention

 Your Headline is your first impression and a very important part of your profile. This is the part where you are able to say what you do

and what you're passionate about in just a few short words.

The other option takes some extra effort but is an amazing way to make you stand out among LinkedIn's 400+ million members.

Instead of just writing what you do try to turn it to who you help. Show your selling point and value for the customer/ employer. For example: a lawyer helps its client get out of jail, a doctor helps it clients keep their health...

Try to capture what you do and what you're passionate about in a few words and let it represent you on LinkedIn



3. Draft a Compelling Summary

Write your summary ● Use phrases such as ”I’m passionate about” ”I enjoy working when” etc. ● Tell the story about yourself as you would be speaking to another person. ● Keywords is a very important part of your summary. If you can't seem to

get all your keywords into your summary you can easily add them as below with “Specialties include:...”

● Need inspiration? search on your dream title and choose people - what keywords do they use? What can you learn from their profiles?

● If you want employers to find you add #welcometalent to your summary

Select keywords to become a candidate

  The summary is where you should tell your story in your own words, just as you were telling it to another person. What are you

passionate about, what are you looking for and what are your ambitions.

See how recruiters filter for #welcometalent jobs. First they select country “Sweden”. All profiles that do not have that will fall off the recruiter's list over applicants, see illustration above were 100 people became 73. Then they do the same with keyword and add 2-3 words until they just got 5-10 candidates left. Observe that they will only look at the profiles of these 5-10. The others are no longer in there list.

What should you do before you press apply-For welcome talent jobs you need to change your country to Sweden. Go into the job and imagine if you were the recruiter for this job, what would you add as a keyword to find the right candidate. Try to write a list and incorporate the skills you have onto your profile.


100 applicants

Top 5-10 candidates

1.Country “Sweden” 73 left2. Keywords


4. Detail Experience

3 steps for rich experience

 Your experience is more than just a title. Explain your role and contributions. This will make you stand out and leave recruiters

wanting to hear more about you.

1. 2 sentences about your company and what they do. Ex: LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network. That works to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

2. 2 sentences about your role and tasks on the company Ex: As a sale representative my key responsibility is to grow the customer's current solution and also be the client's trusted advisor.

3. 2-4 sentences about what you achieved/ contributed withEx: During my time as sales manager my team delivered over 100% every quarter. I also leveraged my knowledge by mentoring one of the newer managers, who I later worked together with on a project on simplifying the sales process for our customers.


A recommendation - a great payment for an internship

An internship or a “Praktik” is a great way to get out on Swedish labour market. A great payment for your achievements during the internship period is to get a recommendation on LinkedIn from your closest supervisor or a colleague. This will work in the same way as a reference only that it will be visible for everyone on LinkedIn and employers can see it without asking for it. Your supervisor or colleagues does not have to give you a recommendation. But you can always ask and see what they say.



5. Add Multi-media

Showcase your brand

Illustrate your unique professional story and achievements by adding visuals such as pictures, compelling videos, links to news stories and innovative presentations to your experience section.

By adding multi-media you can actually show what you create and work for. Add the websites you designed, the vision of the company you worked for or the 3 slides of pictures you had from presenting at an event. Literally anything that will give the recruiter a sense of who you are.

If you do create something: such as cloths, websites, art, styling/makeup or houses. Make sure that your work is displayed on your profile. You can add 100 words about your work but the actual results say more than that.

Stand out!


Personality is key if you want to stand out from 400 milj + members on LinkedIn. A picture says more than a hundred words. So use those presentations and images that showcases who you are as a professional.

Look around at other great profiles, start with the LinkedIn influencers for example: what elements of their profiles give you a sense of their personality? How can you translate that onto your new profile?


6. Add Skills and Get Endorsements

The skills section is what matches when you get updates and emails about Jobs you might be interested in on LinkedIn. If the jobs that come up is irrelevant for you it is probably because you haven't added the right skills to your profile.

To find the skills to add, look at a job description of your dream job and add all skills and that you obtain of those.

You decide if people should be able to add skills you that they think you have or if they should only be able to endorse you for the skills you want to put up.

You can then decide what order you would like your skills to be displayed in.

Don’t forget - the best way to get endorsements is to make it a habit to endorse people when you recognize a skill they obtain. They are then a lot more likely to endorse you back for your skills.

How to know what skills to add

  Your skills is pure keywords that you can add to your profile. It is also the place at LinkedIn where people actually can confirm that

you have those skills. That is a great way to strengthen your brand.



7. Highlight Volunteer Experience & Causes

Volunteer experience

  Volunteer experience & causes you care about brings an extra depth and personality to your profile. It is also a great way to sign

up interest for joining a nonprofit board for example.

If you have volunteer experience you should definitely add it to your profile to showcase what you're passionate about. This can actually be a aspect in company culture and that is what makes it extra important.

If you do not have any volunteer experience add what causes you care about, what organizations to support and what opportunities you are looking for.


If you never been a Volunteer


Five things to do now

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