what kind of media institution would distribute your


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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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Page 1: What kind of media institution would distribute your
Page 2: What kind of media institution would distribute your
Page 3: What kind of media institution would distribute your

Bauer media group and their media products reach 22Million UK adults every week-a high amount which would help my magazine to become successful.

They are focused on multiple forms of the media such as magazines as well as radio with their radio channel ‘absolute radio’. This is good as it will not be the first magazine they publish if I choose this company however is not as good as an institution only publishing magazines as this would be their primary focus, helping the success of my magazine.

Bauer publish many well established magazines such as ‘mojo’ and ‘empire’ meaning that they would already have experience with my media product and would help in the success of the magazine should I chose this institution.

Bauer has magazines all over Europe, whereas I wanted my magazine to be UK based meaning this institution would not be focused, solely on the area I wanted to focus on, perhaps being less precise in the focus and decreasing the chance of success

Page 4: What kind of media institution would distribute your
Page 5: What kind of media institution would distribute your

Based primarily in the United Kingdom, focusing my magazine to a particular Country and target audience, allowing me to focus on a particular audience and increasing the chance of success for my magazine.

Publishes ‘NME’, the magazine that mine was based around, this would then add more inspiration for the magazine as well as the institution already having experience with the kind of magazine that I am making.

Time Inc. UK sell over 350 Million copies each year, allowing my magazine to become successful through the large target audience.

Page 6: What kind of media institution would distribute your
Page 7: What kind of media institution would distribute your

Serves England and Wales, allowing my magazine to be focused on a particular area and possibly increasing the chance of success for a new unestablished brand to focus on one area.

Publish the ‘Guardian’ and the ‘Observer’, two newspapers, meaning that the focus would not be on a music magazine as this would not fit into their portfolio of media products and would not be a good institution to publish the magazine.

Page 8: What kind of media institution would distribute your

Through looking at existing media institutions such as Bauer, I have concluded that the best institution to distribute my media product would be the international publishing company (IPC media group). I have chosen this group as they are based primarily in the United Kingdom, meaning that my magazine can be more focused on music from the United Kingdom, something I wanted the magazine to be more focused around and with a more refined focus on target audience in the UK the chance of success would be improved. This would also be a better starting point for the magazine rather than being published by a company based around the world as it would allow for the brand to be more easily established and focused in one country to start with. I have also chosen this institution as they publish the magazine ‘NME’ a magazine similar to mine in the styling and music genre that they focus on, this would then mean that the media institution already has experience with a magazine very similar to mine and would mean that this experience would then help mine to succeed in the market. As well as this NME was a music magazine that my magazine was greatly focused around, meaning that this company already has experience publishing these kinds of magazines, this experience being able to help with a new, un-established music magazine.