who enjoyed the ball?. continuing without interruption

Who enjoyed the ball?

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Who enjoyed the ball?

• Continuing without interruption

• incessant

• Very poor person

• pauper

• Excessive

• exorbitant

• Done naturally

• Instinctive

• The money, goods, or estate that one brings to her marriage

• Dowry

• The hanging of heavy fabric for use as a curtain

• Draperies

• A low but often continuous sound

• Murmur

• To make involuntary stops and repetitions while speaking

• stammer

• To fill with alarm

• Dismay

• Clever management of money

• Thrifty

• Mme Forestier never contacted Mathilde after her necklace was “returned.” Why?

• She didn’t realize that her necklace was fake

• Why did Mr. Loisel expect his wife to be pleased to receive the invitation from the Minister of Education?

• She likes fancy things

• What was Mathilde’s reaction on reading the invitation?

• annoyed

• Why had Mr. Loisel been saving money?

• To buy a rifle

• Why did Mathilde want to hurry away from the ball?

• Her coat was plain

• What did Mathilde do to find the necklace?

• Police station• Cab company• Newspaper office

• What was Mme Forestier’s reaction when she saw Mathilde and figured out who she was?

• Shocked

• Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life?

• She felt she had been born for a better life

• What did Mathilde do to help earn money for a new necklace?

• Washed clothes• Washed dishes• Carried out garbage

• Whose point of view is this story told from?

• Narrator

• What is the mood of this story

• Gloomy• Nervousness• anticipation

• What can we conclude about Mathilde?

• She pretends to be someone else

• In what year did the scientists find the “machine” on the moon?

• 1996

• What was the narrator doing when he first noticed the pyramidal structure?

• Cooking breakfast

• How did the scientists open the machine?

• Atomic energy

• “If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the ______ and have nothing to do but wait”

•Fire alarm

• Why did the aliens leave the “machine” on the moon?

• They wanted to know when we were advanced enough to leave Earth

• What country was Maya visiting?

• Ghana

• What culture did the elder think Maya to belong to?

• Bambara

• What was the lady carrying who helped Maya find shelter?

• Water and her child

• Who wrote the murder story?

• Agatha Christie

• Who was the detective’s assistant?

• Captain Hastings

• Who was the detective?

• Poirot

• Did the murder take place in London?

• No

• This person aided in the murder

• The housekeeper (Mrs. Havering)• Mr. Havering

• What was used to murder the victim?

• A revolver

• How did “Nemesis” find justice?

• The murderers died

• What does the necklace represent when Madame Loisel first sees it in the black satin box?

• It represents the life Madame Loisel desired

• What does the necklace symbolize after Madame Loisel discovers that it is lost?

• The life they will never have because of debt

• How does the meaning of the symbol change when it is revealed that the diamonds in the necklace were fake?

• It then becomes a symbol fo the emptiness of Mathilde’s vanity and her illusions about happiness

• Know the ending of “The Sentinel.”