why should your digital marketing approach

hy Should Your Digital Marketing Approac pposed To Be Like A Balanced Breakfa

Upload: josephgny

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Why should your digital marketing approach

Why Should Your Digital Marketing ApproachSupposed To Be Like A Balanced Breakfast

Page 2: Why should your digital marketing approach

Something better: Bonus at the end: At the end of the presentation

I will show you how to buy money at *$1* for every *$400

Page 3: Why should your digital marketing approach

An overarching strategy will impact all of the other elements you include inyour program (or on your plate) and should tie all of your tactics and activities together

Page 4: Why should your digital marketing approach

In order to understand those needs, you may need to complete research and audits

which will give you insight into what it is that your customers really care about

Page 5: Why should your digital marketing approach

Digital advertising is a great traffic generator and should be used to drive

your audience to bottom of funnel content that is meant to convert

Page 6: Why should your digital marketing approach

However, as search engines and customers have

evolved and become more sophisticated

Page 7: Why should your digital marketing approach

Influencers lend an incredible amount of credibilityInfluencers lend an incredible amount of credibility

Page 8: Why should your digital marketing approach

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