wih sec1 chapter6

8/14/2019 WIH Sec1 Chapter6 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/wih-sec1-chapter6 1/4 12 Beliefs Of Saivism chapter 6 E very religion has a creed of on o, n uoiiv fomulion of oilly, ds v dvlod w mig fom i omlnds. Unil n, fully onind in ulu nd ug o nul of gowing u. a d is volums of knowldg ino sis of sy-o lifs. a d is mn o summiz x o ils of fi, o imbd nd us o blifs. cds giv sng o individu undsnd lif nd ligion. cds lso n of on fi o xss, in lmny nd o i diions o mmbs of no. toug vs y of doins wiin no lwys bn iuld in summy fom ims uno ody w v wll-known  vakya, “g syings,” of Vdi Upanis is nologil g in wi villg ing ld by woldwid mobiliy, imo boms n if ligious idniy is o W nd wo kinds of sng— wi vsiy nd individul fdom o inqui divs fom union of minds in uolding nd sd inils of ou fi. Sivism is uly glss, fo i s no bgin uso of mny-fd ligion now ism. Sols oos of Siv wosi b 8,000 ys o dvnd I ndus Vlly sd wiings ll us nv ws im did no xis. Modn isoy ods six min Siddn, psuism, Ksmi Sivism Sidd Siddn nd Siv advi. Sivism’ buy found in il ulu, n n of mn’s l in univs nd ofound l mysiism nd yog. I ovids knowld oluion fom God nd bk o God, of sou nd wkning guidd by nlignd sg hindu ss, is mjoiy fmilis, d of ods of swmis nd sdus wo follow nouning o moks. t  Ve- d-  as s Siv, wo is iddn in ll ings, xdingl ising fom lid bu, On mb vs—by lizing God, on is lsd fom t wlv blifs on following gs m uis-old nl onviions of Sivism, s uld in Siv Siddn, on of six s ty ov bsi blifs bou God, soul nd lov nd mo. On ls g is glo usd in wlv blifs.  A Sacred Creed of One of Hinduism’s F Primary Denominati    s   r    a   j    a   m chapter 6: twelve beliefs o Dvou follows bing bundn gifs, ys nd iions in loving wosi of Lod Siv

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12 Beliefs

Of Saivism

c h a p t e r 6

 Every religion has a creed of on

o, n uoiiv fomulion ofoilly, ds v dvlod w

mig fom i omlnds. Unil n, fully onind in ulu nd ug o

nul of gowing u. a d is volums of knowldg ino sis of sy-olifs. a d is mn o summiz xo ils of fi, o imbd nd us o blifs. cds giv sng o individuundsnd lif nd ligion. cds lso nof on fi o xss, in lmny nd oi diions o mmbs of no.

toug vs y of doins wiinno lwys bn iuld in summy fomims uno ody w v wll-known  vakya, “g syings,” of Vdi Upanisis nologil g in wi villg ingld by woldwid mobiliy, imoboms n if ligious idniy is oW nd wo kinds of sng— wivsiy nd individul fdom o inqui divs fom union of minds in uoldingnd sd inils of ou fi.

Sivism is uly glss, fo i s no bginuso of mny-fd ligion now ism. Sols oos of Siv wosi b8,000 ys o dvnd I ndus Vlly sd wiings ll us nv ws imdid no xis. Modn isoy ods six minSiddn, psuism, Ksmi SivismSidd Siddn nd Siv advi. Sivism’buy found in il ulu, n nof mn’s l in univs nd ofoundl mysiism nd yog. I ovids knowldoluion fom God nd bk o God, of sound wkning guidd by nlignd sghindu ss, is mjoiy fmilis, dof ods of swmis nd sdus wo follow nouning o moks. t  Ve-d- as sSiv, wo is iddn in ll ings, xdinglising fom lid bu, On mb

vs—by lizing God, on is lsd fomt wlv blifs on following gs muis-old nl onviions of Sivism, suld in Siv Siddn, on of six sty ov bsi blifs bou God, soul nd lov nd mo. On ls g is glousd in wlv blifs.

 A Sacred Creed ofOne of Hinduism’s FPrimary Denominati


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c ha p t e r 6 : t w e l v e b e l ie f s o

Dvou follows bingbundn gifs, ysnd iions in loving

wosi of Lod Siv

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Belief Oneregarding god ’s unmanifest reality

Siv’s follows ll bliv LodSiv is God, wos absolu Bing,psiv, nsnds im, fom nds. t yogi silnly xlims, “Iis no is. I is no .” Y, su n

insubl God is God Siv. aum.

Belief Threeregarding god  as personal 

lord and  creator of all

Siv’s follows ll bliv LodSiv is God, wos immnn nuis piml Soul, Sum M-dv, pmsv, uo of  Vedas 

nd  Agamas, o, svnd dsoy of ll xiss. aum.

Belief Tworegarding god ’s manifest 

nature of all-pervading love

Siv’s follows ll bliv LodSiv is God, wos immnn nuof lov, pski, is subsum,

iml subsn o u onsiousnssowing oug ll fom s ngy,xisn, knowldg nd bliss. aum.

60 what is hinduism?

Belief Fourregarding the  elephant-faced deity

Siv’s follows ll bliv in Mdv Lod Gns, son of Siv-Ski, o wom y muss suli bfo bginningny wosi o sk. his ul

is omssion. his lw is jus. Jusi is his mind. aum.

Belief Sixregarding the  soul’s 

creation and  identity  with god

Siv’s follows ll bliv soul is d by Lod Siv nd isidnil o him, nd is idnwill b fully lizd by ll souls w bondg of  anava, km nd

my is movd by his g. aum.

Belief Fiveregarding the  deity karttikeya

Siv’s follows ll bliv in Mdv Kiky, son of Siv-

Ski, wos vl of g dissolvs bondgs of ignon. t yogi,

lokd in lous, vns Muugn. tussind, is mind boms lm. aum.

c ha p t e r 6 : t w e l v e b e l ie f s o

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Belief Seventhe  gross, subtle and causal planes  of existence

Siv’s follows ll bliv in wolds: goss ln, w soulsk on ysil bodis; sublln, w souls k on sl bodis;nd usl ln, w souls xis

in i slf-ffulgn fom. aum.

Belief Nineregarding the  four margas,

or  stages of inner progress

Siv’s follows ll bliv fomn of charya, viuous living,kriya, ml wosi, nd yog, ldingo psiv oug g of living satguru, is bsoluly nssy

o bing fo jnana, wisdom. aum.

Belief Eightregarding karma, samsara 

and  liberation  from rebirth

Siv’s follows ll bliv in lw of km— on mus ffsof ll ions s usd—nd

soul oninus o innunil ll kms solvd nd

moks, libion, is ind. aum.

62 what is hinduism?

Belief Tenregarding the  goodness of all

Siv’s follows ll bliv is no ininsi vil. evil s nosou, unlss sou of vil’ssming b ignon islf. ty uly omssion, knowing

ulimly is no goodo bd. all is Siv’s will. aum.

Belief Twelveregarding the  five letters

Siv’s follows ll bliv in pnks Mn, v ssyllbls “Nmsivy,” s Sivism’s

fomos nd ssnil mn. ts of Nmsiv y is o i fom

ig lis ig im. aum.

Belief Elevenregarding the  esoteric 

purpose of temple   worship

Siv’s follows ll bliv ligionis monious woking og

of wolds nd ismony n b d oug ml

wosi, win bings of ll wolds n ommuni. aum.

c ha p t e r 6 : t w e l v e b e l ie f s o

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The Path to Enlightenment

 T of nlignmn is dividd nully ino fou sgso  padas: charya, viu nd slss svi; kri- ya, wosi-ful sa-dhanas; yog, mdiion und guu’s guidn; nd

 jnn, s of nlignd wisdom d owd ’snd s sul of Slf rlizion oug Guu’s g. tsfou  padas qui simil o fou yogs of Vdn: km

 yog, bki yog, j yog nd  jnana yog. howv, is onky diffn. Ws in Vdn you n oos o follow juson of yogs, in Siv Siddn sool of Sivism w ndo ss oug ll fou sgs, o  padas.

L’s sy of lif is oks oss sllow sm. Vdngivs us fou s ok s o oos fom, on fo of  fou yogs, ll of wi ld oss iv. Siv Siddngivs us on fo ossing iv wi onsiss of fou sons:charya,-kriya,- yog nd-jnana.

t fou sgs no lniv wys, bu ogssiv, um-uliv ss of on , mu lik nul d vlomn of buy fom gg o ill, fom ill o u, nd n nl mmoosis o buy. t fou sgs w umn soul mus ss oug in mny bis o in is nl golof moks, fdom fom bi. In bginning sgs, w suffunil w ln. Lning lds us o svi; nd slss svi is bginning of siiul siving. Svi lds us o undsnd-ing. Undsnding lds us o mdi dly nd wiou dis-

ions. Finlly mdiion lds us o sund in God. tis is sig nd in , Sn Mg, lding o Slf rlizion, inmos uos of lif.

Charya PadaCharya, lilly “ondu,” is s sg of ligiousnss nd foundion fo nx sgs. I is lso lld dasa-marga, mning “ of sviud,” fo soul ls o God s s-vn o ms. t disilins of charya inlud umbl svi, -nding ml, foming on’s duy o ommuniy nd fmily,

onoing oly mn, sing lds, oning fomisdds nd fullling n lssil sinslld yamas, wi : noninjuy, ufulnss,nonsling, divin ondu, in, sdfsnss,omssion, onsy, mod i nd uiy.I is sg of ovoming bsi insiniv -ns su s ndnis o bom ngy nduful. rig bvio nd slf-siing svi nv ougown. t kyno of  charya, okm yog, is seva, ligious svi givn wiou ls oug of wd, wi s mgilff of sofning go nd binging fo soul’s inn dvoion.

Kriya Pada

Sivism dmnds d dvoion oug bki yog in kriya-pada, sofning of inl-l nd unfolding lov. In kriya, sond sgof ligiousnss, ou  sadhana, o gul siiuldisilin, wi ws mosly xnl in charya, isnow lso innl. Kriya, lilly “ion o i,”is siing of soul in wnss of Divin,ovoming insiniv-inllul mind. Wnow look uon Diy img no jus s vdson, bu s living sn of God. Wfom iul nd uj no bus w v o bubus w wn o. W dwn o mlo sisfy ou longing. W sing joyfully. W bsobnd inui wisdom of  Vedas nd Agamas. 

W fom ilgimg nd fulll smns. W idilignly n lssil obsvns lld  niyamas wi :mos, onnmn, giving, fi, wosi of Lod, siullisning, ogniion, sd vows, iion nd usiy. Ou l-ionsi wi God in kriya is s son o is ns.

Yoga PadaYog, “union,” is oss of uniing wi God wiin onslf, sg ivd oug fing charya nd kriya. God is nowlik find o us. tis sysm of inn disovy bgins wi s-n—siing quily in yogi osu—nd nym , b on-ol. Pratyahara, sns widwl, bings wnss ino dharana, onnion, n ino dyn , mdiion. Ov ys, undidl ondiions, kundlini of onsiousnss snds o ig ks, buning doss of ignon nd s kms.Dyn nlly lds o nssy— onmliv xin of Sidnnd, God s ngy-bliss, nd ulimly o nirvikalpas-mdi, xin of God s psiv, imlss, fomlss, s-lss. tuly living satguru is ndd s sdy guid o vsis . Wn yog is id by on fd in kriya, Gods iv yogi ino i mids oug is wknd, ykundlini, o osmi ngy wiin vy individul.

Jnana Pada Jnana is divin wisdom mning fom n nlignd bing, soul in is muiy, immsd in Sivnss, blssd lizion of God, wil living ou ly km.  Jnana is fuiion of yog

nd tapas, o inns siiul disilin. toug yog on bussino suonsious mind, xining bliss, ll-knowingnssnd f siln. I is wn yogi’s inll is sd sos ino psiv nd oms ou  jnani, know. e im ns unskbl  nirvikalpa smdi, uns o on-siousnss mo nd mo know. h is libd on,  jivanmukta, iom of kaivalya—f fdom—f-sing,lld wi lig, lld wi lov. On dos no bom  jnani sim-ly by ding nd undsnding ilosoy. t s of  jnana lisin lm of inuiion, byond inll.

64 what is hinduism?

 Veda study:  A-father-and-his-sons-chant-Vedic-mantras-together- outside-their-adobe-dwelling-during-their-daily-practice-sessions

Temple worship: With-Siva-watcdevotees-approach-a-temple-trad with-offerings-of-owers,-fruits-a

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