willmar tribune. (willmar, minn.) 1919-06-18 [p ]. · tries board under which we were ... miss ella...

— J i y ->$ * f;\ Insurance Assurance brings peace mind. Peace of mind makes for efficiency, success, happi- ness. fu- Don't gamble on the ture—safeguard it Now is the time! Consult our Officers as to the necessary steps to take. I+X+X+X + X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X4X4X+X+X+X+X+X + X+X+M+X+X4 WILLMAR TRIBUNE Established Feb. 19. 1895. Published every Wednesday at 328- 8S0 Benson Ave., Willmar, Minn., by Victor E. Lawson, under the firm name of Tribune Printing: Company. TELEPHONE NO. 51. (Entered December 5, 1902, at Will* mar, Minnesota, as second class matter, under act of March 3, 1879). THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHES ALL OFFICIAL MATTERS OF COUNTY AND CITY. One year, in advance $1.60 Six months 75 Two months 25 One year to Canada 2.90 One year to other foreign coun- tries 2.50 m The printed •mailing- list Is corrected the first of each month. If the yellow slip shows no credit one month after you pay, please notify us. : In sending- change of address, give the old address as well as the new. !&€ The restrictions of the War Indus* tries Board under which we were obliged to cut off all subscribers in ar- rears has been relaxed, with the re* commendation, however, that the rules be adhered to as far as possible. SPICER-ON-GREEN-LAKE SpiceiMm-Green-Lake, June 16th.— Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Lunde and daughters, Helen and Leonore visited relatives and friends in, the Twin Cities the past week. A. W. Holt arrived here Saturday for a visit with his family. Mrs. W. J. Warner and daughter Lucile left last week for a visit with relatives at Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson departed Monday of last week for their home near Cokato. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wicks of New- ark, m., visited at the homo of Mr. ad Mrs. J. B. Feeland, a couple of .ays the past week- W. H. Lester made a business trip td the Cities the first of the week. M. D. Cromett left Monday on a business trip to Waubun Minnesota. Wm. Nelson visited with his family here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Guttprmson and eon Milo, returned Saturday from a couple of days' visit with relatives in Min- neapolis. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson of Sunnyside, Wash., arrived Wednes* dal for a month's visit with relatives. Thomas Tait, who was seriosuiy injured some time ago at Beaudotte, •was brought here last week to the Jiome of his sister, Mrs. T. T. Nelson Hie is recovering nicely. His brothers James Tait of Diamond Lake and John Tait of Spicer accompanied him here. The Ladies Aid of the' Norwegian church will give a social and sale at the Annex Saturday June 21st in the Afternoon and evening. The sale will' begin at 8 o'clock. Everybody wel- £6me to attend. Rev. A! F. Aimer will conduct Bng- ilsh services in the Swedish Lutheran ehttrchnext Sunday afternoon at 5 ti'clock. die Ahlstrom who has been visit- ing tfith his son John Ahlstrom and &mily departed Wednesday for his tome at Duluth. V. E£ Oman returned to Minneapolis ttidAf after a few days' visit at the 6man home here. His wife remained Ibr a, longer visit. Hefman Elson was a Willmar visi- tor^Friday between trains. Wyhn Rainbault and family from Qmflhjl, Neb. arrived here Friday to spend'the suinmer in their cottage oh North Shore. , > Mlti* Anns, Rufsvold returned Fri- tter from a visit with relatives at IrV- - P t t . Louis Bergluhd arrived borne Jfeturday, having been honorably dis- charged from the army. Sgt. Arnold Anders6n arrived home |ast week from Sparta, WJs. t p* a few days' furlough. He returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Luhdgren re- turned Friday from a couple of days' visit with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lundgren at Glenwood. Mrs. Fredolf Hultgren returned the latter part of the week from Minnea- polis, where she was called on account of}- the illness of her father, John smith. Henry J. Thorvig, carrier on Route two, is taking his annual vacation. M. J. Kloster is now making the daily rounds. Miss Ella C. Findley arrived here a week ago from Santy, Neb., where she has been matron in an Indian school the past year. She will visit at the home of her brother, Rev. T. M. Findley and family for some time. Miss Amelia Carlson was a guest of friends near Darwin a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kloster «nd M. J- Kloster and family, were entertain- ed at the Enoch Nelson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Benjaminson visit- friends at New London from Satur- day until Sunday. Chas. Bothum of "Dalton, Minn., vis- ited his sister, Mrs. Hannah Anderson last week. Mrs. Anderson accompan- ied him home and will make an ex- tended visit there. P. O. Stulen of Brewster, Minn, ar- rived Thursday and visited until Fri- day at the J. O. Kloster and Andrew Thompson homes. The boy scouts together with their leader Louis Thorvig, went oh a hike out to Nest Lake Saturday, return- ing Sunday afternoon. HAWICK Hawick, June lB.-^J. E. Johnson and Cecil Deadriok were PaynesviUe eall- ers Saturday. Mr. Kings of Stanton, Goodhue county are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Olson and sons and Miss Sunde were otat of town visitors.from Saturday un«U Sunday. Mrs. E. N. Geseli; Mrs. Cotinell and daughter Jane and Miss Stella Sunde called at the Anton Emboli home Thursday evening- Mrs. John Iverson and daughter Ruby and Mrs. Gust Anderson attend- ed a meeting in Irving Sunday. E. P. Welch was a New London caller between trains' Thursday. Dr. Osborne was a professional call- er in this vicinity the middle of the week* Laura Iverson visited with Misses Esther and Mary Wall of Burbank the last of the week. It is rumored thatr E. N. Geseli and Company hav% sold out their mer- cantile business to a brother-in-law of Mrs. H. J. Pelkey, who will take possession July 1st. Mr*. Geseli and grandson Harold and Mrs! GonneH and daughter Jane, expect to leave the last of the month for Oregon, while Mr. Geseli will remain until the first part of July and will then leave for that place where they will make their future home. Mr. A. F- Hall received a message the middle of the week that his wijte was very ill. He left on the afternooi train to see her. Later, news was res* ceived that she is improving nicely. John Jones and, daughter Mabel autded to Willmar Friday where Ma- bel is. receiving treatments for spinal trouble. Gladys Welch accompanied them and visited her sisters during the afternoon. Several from town attended tag dane* at Mr. Hanson's in Burbatis: Saturday evening. Atwater June 16,1919.—Jewel HOT- end and family of Minneapolis motor- jttt hef£ Saturday evening for a visit at th$ L. J. Johnson home. They were accompanied by Miss Lillie Johnson who ha< visited at Minneapolis for a week. G. A. Stark of Willmar was in this village on business today. Fred Bergman' who had a harness •hop r north of Lundgren/s store for some time moved hie harness equip- ment to Graceville last Saturday. Stella.Strong returned last Wednes- day from Sherwood, N. Dak., where she taught school. The Tom Barbeau family moved up from Minneapolis. They will reside in the Geo- E. Johnson residence. Mrs. George Peterson returned Mon- day morning to Olivia after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Miller. Mrs. O. J. Gilbertson attended the graduation of her daughter, Ruth who graduated last week from St. Olof college at Northfleld. Anton Okerman and Arnold Arne- son were Willmar business callers this afternoon. S. B. Glader returned Sunday from a trip to Duluth. W. C. Johnson sold his residence property last week to Nels Holmgren from southwest of this village. Mr. Holmgren recently sold his farm. Frank Stoll and family motored Sat- urday evening from Dresser Junc- tion, Wisconsin for a visit at the Chas. Riegal home and with other relatives and friends in this vicinity. They will return home on Thursday. 'The Strong Motor Company unload- ed a carload of seven Fords last Mon- day. Four of the cars were delivered to the following: Hugh Tait Holm Brothers, J. B. Bosch and Richard Bosch. Joseph Stark returned Monday from a trip to Kensington. The Atwater Land Company sold the L. E. Harris farm, known as the Joseph Anderson farm, last week. 120 acres were sold to Albert Nelson Of Redwood for ?1&0 per acre and forty acres of the same farm was sold to Ralph Nelson for $135 per acre. Postmaster Oliver Erlckson leaves Thursday morning for a ten days' va- cation trip to Minneapolis and other places. August Melln returned Monday from Milaca where he attended the State Baptist conference. S. L. Bostick left Monday for a couple of days' visit at Litchfield. Alice Allen returned Monday to Willmar after an over Sunday visit at the Peter Norman home- The Ladies Aid of the Swedish Lutheran church which was held at the Arthur Pearson home at Lake Elizabeth last Thursday afternoon* was well attended in spite of the bad roads. The sum of $17 was realized. John- Lipsit and son Jay is at pres- ent erecting a new barn on the farm home of Mrs. Anton Zeihl in Harri- son township. Rev. A. Paulson of Lake Elizabeth, returned Monday from Milaca where he attended the State Baptist confer- ence. James Gordon, the plasterer, moved last week to the Charles Hanson resi- dence where he will reside. L. E. Harris will erect in the near future a complete set of farm build- ings on his sixty acre farm south of town. The farm will be made into a dairy farm. ^ Mr. and Mrs. F- L. Holm formerly of this village have rented their farm in North Dakota and have been visiting here for some time, left Monday morn- ing for a trip to Minneapolis. Mrs. LaBrie returned Thursday from Northfleld where she attended the graduation of her sister, Ruth Gilbertson who graduated from St. Olof College. Mrs. Geo. E. Johnson left last week for a visit with her husband, Editor Johnson, who is staying in the state of Colorado for the benefit of his health. The Swedish Lutheran church of this village numbers 315 communicant members. More new members are expected to join in the near future. Morris Sand went to Willmar Fri- day for a few days' camping with some friends at Lake Florida. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson enter- tained about thirty guests at their home last Sunday evening in honor of their twins sons' third birthday. The evening was 1 spent in a social way and later supper was served. Ray Strong of Minneapolis visited over Sunday at his home here. He received an appointment last week, a position in the main office of the Minneapolis postoffice. The services at the Lutheran church last Sunday were well attended- One hundred and eighty guests partook XOTiofe or iniTnro nsM Boi|ED Or«OUAtnSATXOH o* * S wZXdjT •CMTf ttt roStASW Notice is hereby given that the Board of-Equali2at'ioh of ther City of Willmar; Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City on Monday June 23rd, 1919, at 10 o'clocK to the forenoon, for the purpose of re* ylewinr &e. returns of the- City Assessor for the year 1919. Any perftons having- grievances about tax matters may at that time appear and.he heard. _, ^ \ -., BL.C..W1)I.UN. C Mayor. . E a Jf* •* WiUmar, June'lOlS. I9i9. V.11-18 PICNIC. The Eagle Lake Ladles Aid will have a picnic and iajp at th* Old Peo- ples' Home lawn Tuesday June 24th. Dinner.will be served in the church basement Everybody is welcome* to attend. ~Bo*gfciM AArhns left HfW day* visit at I V ^ f e * ^ - . ^ " ^ /&* *&%1S X*« of the Lord's Supjter and four new members were admitted to the con- gregation. The Atwater. Land Company closed a deal last week, whereby the Alfred Carlson farm east of this village was sold to Martin B. Saverude from the State of Iowa. The farm consisti of 80 acres and was sold for $lio per acre. Sailor Marcus Rossell returned Sun- day morning to Marine Barracks, Philadelphia after a 16 days' furlough at his home south of town. John L; Olson returned last Friday from Gotham, Wisconsin W&er^" he purchased eleven head of Red Poll cattle. ; 'The parochial school of the German Lutheran church of Harrison will give a picnic at the Frank Witte grove in Harrison next Sunday June 22nd. Among the doings will be a baseball game between Atwater and Dassel. Everybody welcome. Private Elmer Hendrixbn returned to Atwater last Saturday evening after thirteen. months overseas with the 319th field signal battalion. Among the battles he has served in was the St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest. Pri- vate Hendrixon left Atwater in Feb- ruary 26th, 1918 for Camp Dodge. He leaves on Tuesday for a vuiit with his mother and sister at Archer, Mon- tana, who will accompany him ba«k. Elmer will again be employed as oper- ator at the local depot. Services at the Swedish Lutheran church at 10:30 June 24th. Rev. G. A. Norlin of Spring Garden will conduct the services after which dinner will be served in the basement at the price of twenty-five cents. In the afternoon, several selections Will be given by the band besides other music and speech- es. The Ladies Aid annual sale will also be held in the afternoon. Lunch will be served in the evening for. the price of fifteen cents. Everybody cor- dially invited to attend. SWEDISH METHODIST. Rev- Fred Stromberg, pastor, Atwater— Sunday school at 2:00 p. m. Services at 3:00 p. m. Confirmation class Saturday at 10. Rosendale— Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Services at 11:30 a. m. Epworth League at 7:30 p. m. English services at 8:30 p. m. Confirmation olasc Sunday at 10 SWEDISH LUTHERAN. Rev. M. LeVander pastor. Sunday school at 2:00 p. m. Services at 3:00 p. m. ROSELAND Roseland, June 9.—Mrs. G. Damhof and children visited at the I. Gort home Friday afternoon. Miss Freda Douma returned home Saturday after spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. G. Grashuis of Clara City. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Visser of Prins- burg worshipped here Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Zuidema and fami- ly made a call at the John Dykema home Monday evening:. Mr. Elroy Knoll painted the buildings at the Henry Brouwer place last w&k Mr. H. Bruggers and Mr. C. Kohrs hauled their silda home lost Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dykema and family visited at the G. Damhof home Sunday evening. -AS ;•'. T ~ Miss . Ida DeVries has resigned her position as clerk at the Roseland store and Miss Angellrie Van Den Kind© has taken the position. •- ~ Mr. and Mrs. I. Gort and family were entertained for supper at the H. Qoft home In Prinsburg Sunday evening. The Busy Bee Society meet at the Rev. P. Siegers home last Friday John Zuidema shiped young stock from Danube Monday. Wm. Hoffman is busy breaking pas ture with his iractor on t,he A. Van Buren farm. Andrew Siegers Is hired out for three months at the H. Bruggers home. Mrs. S. B. Dykema and Mrs. H. Brbu wer left for Chicago Tuesday to visit with relatives and friends. Miss Nellie Plowman who is working at her grandmother, Mrs. Portfelt of Raymond visited at her parental home here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Zuidema and family visited at the Jacob Damhof home Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. Dykema visited at the H. Gort home of Prinsburg Sunday ev- ening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Plowman and family visited at the A. Van Buren home Sun- day evening. F. Holkstra purchased a new Chev- rolet car last week. The Wm. Damhof children are 111 with the chicken pox. Misses Grace Zuidema and Ida Hoff- man and Messrs. Arthur Poortinga and John Marcus were entertained for sup- per at the G. Marcus home Sunday even- ing. K. Douma and F. Holkstra are hauling their silo today, and Gertrude Siegers for supper at the J. Dragt home Sunday evening. mm Irving, June 17.—Peter Borshetm and Morris Nelson called at the home of Edward Sonde last Sunday after- noon. Conrad Pederson who is employed at a big ship building concern in; Du- luth came home for a visit last Mon- day afternoon, iurprising his folks as* his call was unexpected. Goldie Susag returned from her. visit around Herford, Minn., last Monday. No one needs to complain about dry fields and pasture now as there has been an abundance of rain. A Chippewa Indian passed through this country last Tuesday on his way home from S. Dak. to his home in Detroit. Clarence Susag from < Sioux City, Iowa, came home on a visit on Tues- day. He Will visit with relatives and friends for a short time- The Nelson brothers and Ditmar Thorson are doing some carpenter work for Mr. Batterberry. The Missionary Fesival at Martin Chrlstenson last Wednesday was well attended in spite of the rainy and sul- try weather. The goods sold brought in large proceeds, showing that the people were interested in the good cause of conversion. Conrad Sunde who was operated upon at the Paynesvllle hospital last Monday Is improving nicely and on Wednesday George and Emma Sunde, Dagney Thorson and Alfred Chrlsten- son visitelT with him for a while. The Seeland family have received a telegram from their son and brother Sivert stating that he had arrived safely in America, and expected to be home soon. Henry Peterson and Nora Thomp- son visited Mrs. Holger Thompson at the Sunnyside hospital at New Lon- don last Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson who has undergone an operation at that hospital is improving nicely. Sophus Hanson who is Working for Mr. Roisum at Norway Lake visited with friends in this vicinity last week. Lottie Chrlstenson left for an ex- tended visit with her brother Oluf's family last Thursday at Outlook, Can- ada. Olive Anderson called on Conrad Sunde at the Paynesvllle hospital last Thursday afternoon. John Sunde had some dental work done in Paynesvllle last Friday. The Missionary Festival at the Zion church will be held in the church par- lor on June 20th. All are welcome. The Girls Red Cross society met at the home of Edward Sunde last Satur- day- Melvin Haagenson had a breakdown with his car going to Paynesvllle last Thursday. Ole Valen had to help him pull the car to town. The children of Dist. 24, received their diplomas as graduates of the common school. The following received diplomas: Edwin Emerson, Hannah Peterson, Arthur Arlthson and Peder Jacobson x and from Dist, No. 97, Ruby Sunde. Anna Nelson from Willmar is vis- iting at the home of Martin Chrlsten- son. Ditmar Thorson fell fifteen feet from the barn building at Batterber- ry's and was not hurt. William Gustafson of Belgrade oall- ed at H. C. Hanson's last Sunday. S. O. Susag returned from South Dakota last Monday afternoon. The Y. P. meeting was held in the Nordland church last Sunday evening and after the program lunch was served- Ditmar and Conrad Thorson visited at Edward Sunde's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns spent Sunday afternoon at H. C. Hanson's. Philip Ring from St. Paul visited in our community last week. P. B. Nelson is visiting at Andrew Borsheim, also Mr. Berkness of Will- mar. cement staves for their silo todas - "l|y ----- * were entertained for supper at Misses Dorothj —Matt Lonien left Friday for a week's visit with his parents at Fari- bault. Jfr*-- EXTRA TEST for Perfect Fabric *v«ryyani of fabric iced in / JQSBC tjonstractkra x>f Racine Tires is carefully lens-exam*' ined against flaw in warp op weave. An expert actually counts the threads through a oiagnifytng glass*/'' WHY WOMEN SUFFER Many Willmar Women are Learn- ing the Cause. Women often suffer, not knowing the cause. Backache, headache, dizziness, ner- vousness. Irregular urinary passages, weak* ness, languor— Each a torture of itself. Together hint at weakened kidneys. Strike at the root—get to the cause. Quickly help the kidneys If they need It. No other remedy more highly en- dorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's convincing testimony from this vicinity. Mrs. A. H. Cook, Granite Falls, Minn., says: "I suppose it was over- work that weakened my kidneys and caused me to suffer from backache. When I was up moving around my back didn't bother me so badly, but when I sat down it Was sure to ache. I felt languid and tired all the time. Doan's Kidney Pills proved the right medicine for me and it wasn't long before my back was strong and my kidneys were well. I am pleased to say the cure has been permanent" x Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Cock had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. T. (Paid Advertisement.) Visited Ramsey 8tate Park. Sunday, a week ago four automo- biles with people motored to Red- wood Falls and spent the day at the Ramsay State Park: They were: Mrs. Thomas Marshall and daughters Ellen and Margaret and son William, Mr. Hazel Herrmeyer, Ruth Norman, Ruth FJellman, Alice Broman, Ida John- son, Otto Odland, Raleigh Erlckson, Melvin Root, Wm. Peterson, Paul E. Peterson; J. Melvin Johnson, Sjam Thorsness and Wesley Broman- Attending Seibo-Laget. B. P. Hovey. O. B. Samstad, Peter B. Hovey, C. B. Samstad, Arnt Quelle Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Draxten, Ole Grot- te, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Amdahl, Miss Ingrld Samstad, and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vlggen of Atwater left Tuesday of last week for Appleton to attend the Selbo Lag. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vlggen of LaCrosse, Wash., are at present visiting in the vicinity of Atwater. $9,600 for 10 Acres. Henry Johnson sold 10 acres of land tn Section 22, twp; of Willmar for the price of $9,600. Eight acres of this tract of land was sold to John Eng- land fo* a price of $»,600. Mr. John- son purchased this land seven, yean ago for the price of |105 per acre. '-'-.••-. Priam Ladies Aid. The Priam Ladles Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Martin Sanderson, Thursday June 26th. A cordial invitation extended; r"""~^J^i§ilSI —Clarence Carlson sad his sister arrived Saturday evening from Duluth for* visit at the Oscar Anderson W E invite your critical inspection of Racine Extra Tested Tires, You can depend on them to yield more miles of good service, no matter where you us© them. An extra test protects each stage in their construction, just as the extra test for perfect fabric insures the highest quality fabric. Country Road Tires The famous "Country Road" is specially designed for rough road usage. It leads the fabric tire field. 5000 mile guarantee. Racine Multi-Mile Cord Tires—the peak di cord tire value. "Come in today. Let us serve you* J. L. JOHNSON Harness Maker 213 Third St. W. Willmar Par Your Own Protection Be Certain Every Racine Tirsj You Buy Bears the Name Racine Rubber Company Major Hengstler Has Landed. Major William Howard Hengstler formerly of 2607 Columbus Ave., and at present In command of the 90th Division, landed yesterday at New- port News, Va. He has been overseas a. year and in service two years Major Hengstler went through the St. Mihiel and the Argonne drives as commander of Field Hospital 357. He" was graduated from the Universi- ty of Minnesota With Major Leon O. Smith of Montevideo, who arrived in port with him yesterday. His brother-in-law, Sergeant C. N. Baird of Graceville, also arrived on the same transport.—Minneapolis Journal. Major Hengstler is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hengstler of this city. —Olice Becker returned Friday to her home at Litchfield after a several days* visit with friends in this city. Axel Hocum Back. Word was received last week from Axel Hocum, stating that he has re- turned to his home at Fort Dodge, Iowa after overseas duty since last September. Private Hocum left with the contingent from Willmar for Camp Wadsworth last July 26th. He return- ed with the first anti aircraft machine gun battalion which has 26 German planes to their credit. Sgt. Mankcns Visiting Here* Sgt. Hobart Mankens arrived Satur- day evening for a visit at the home of his brother-in-law, John Compton. He has served nine months overseas. Bay your paint now at $3.75 a gallon at the Paint & Wall Paper Store. Alf. Bergeson. —Rev., J. A. Carlson of Ddl preached at the Swedish. B { church last (Sunday. He was ani from Milaca where he attendod state Baptist conference. KEEP IT SWEE1 Keep your stomach swec today and ward of! the ind gestion of tomorrow—try KiMDIDS the new aid to digestfot As pleasant and as safe t take as candy. MADE BY SCOTT S: BOWNE MAKERS OP SCOTTS EMULSION UflUHI'i' m-% -THE -BEVERAGE; zrno a/?-yoar'round soft drink f&rve yourrfuests-with BcVo~~-iioes ^especially *vell y*Hh Ii#ii repasts, buffer rubbers chafing dish dainties, tish and lobster dishes, Wild {fame, cold cuts of meats, sausages,sardines, cheese or spaghetti. - » Bevo Is the friend of food and fellowship. So/dcr*r,.A*~- W/»i^„,i ; ^ c , *"'}$•>< and<t*aU, V, S ifor-s arc moiled to impact our plant? ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Gamble-Robinson-Willmar Co., Distributors WILLMAB, JONTf. 8-L ?\ W^ '**•*&•&>*• *?*-* :»ii'&&tl. J f

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Page 1: Willmar tribune. (Willmar, Minn.) 1919-06-18 [p ]. · tries Board under which we were ... Miss Ella C. Findley arrived here a week ago from Santy, Neb., where she has been matron

— J

iy ->$




Assurance brings peace mind.

Peace of mind makes for efficiency, success, happi-


fu-Don't gamble on the ture—safeguard i t

Now is the time!

Consult our Officers as to the n e c e s s a r y steps to take.

I+X+X+X + X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X4X4X+X+X+X+X+X + X+X+M+X+X4

WILLMAR TRIBUNE Established Feb. 19. 1895.

Published every Wednesday at 328-8S0 Benson Ave., Willmar, Minn., by Victor E. Lawson, under the firm name of Tribune Printing: Company.


(Entered December 5, 1902, at Will* mar, Minnesota, as second class matter, under act of March 3, 1879).

THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHES ALL OFFICIAL MATTERS OF COUNTY AND CITY. One year, in advance $1.60 Six months 75 Two months 25 One year to Canada 2.90 One year to other foreign coun­

tries 2.50 m

The printed •mailing- list Is corrected the first of each month. If the yellow slip shows no credit one month after you pay, please notify us.

: In sending- change of address, give the old address as well as the new.


The restrictions of the War Indus* tries Board under which we were obliged to cut off all subscribers in ar­rears has been relaxed, with the re* commendation, however, that the rules be adhered to as far as possible.

SPICER-ON-GREEN-LAKE SpiceiMm-Green-Lake, June 16th.— Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Lunde and

daughters, Helen and Leonore visited relatives and friends in, the Twin Cities the past week.

A. W. Holt arrived here Saturday for a visit with his family.

Mrs. W. J. Warner and daughter Lucile left last week for a visit with relatives at Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson departed Monday of last week for their home near Cokato.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wicks of New­ark, m., visited at the homo of Mr.

ad Mrs. J. B. Feeland, a couple of .ays the past week-

W. H. Lester made a business trip td the Cities the first of the week.

M. D. Cromett left Monday on a business trip to Waubun Minnesota.

Wm. Nelson visited with his family here over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Guttprmson and eon Milo, returned Saturday from a couple of days' visit with relatives in Min­neapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson of Sunnyside, Wash., arrived Wednes* dal for a month's visit with relatives.

Thomas Tait, who was seriosuiy injured some time ago at Beaudotte, •was brought here last week to the Jiome of his sister, Mrs. T. T. Nelson Hie is recovering nicely. His brothers James Tait of Diamond Lake and John Tait of Spicer accompanied him here.

The Ladies Aid of the' Norwegian church will give a social and sale at the Annex Saturday June 21st in the Afternoon and evening. The sale will' begin at 8 o'clock. Everybody wel-£6me to attend.

Rev. A! F. Aimer will conduct Bng-ilsh services in the Swedish Lutheran ehttrchnext Sunday afternoon at 5 ti'clock.

die Ahlstrom who has been visit­ing tfith his son John Ahlstrom and &mily departed Wednesday for his tome at Duluth.

V. E£ Oman returned to Minneapolis ttidAf after a few days' visit at the 6man home here. His wife remained Ibr a, longer visit.

Hefman Elson was a Willmar visi-tor^Friday between trains.

Wyhn Rainbault and family from Qmflhjl, Neb. arrived here Friday to spend'the suinmer in their cottage oh North Shore. ,

> Mlti* Anns, Rufsvold returned Fri­tter from a visit with relatives at IrV-

- P t t . Louis Bergluhd arrived borne Jfeturday, having been honorably dis­charged from the army.

Sgt. Arnold Anders6n arrived home |ast week from Sparta, WJs.t p* a

few days' furlough. He returned Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Luhdgren re­turned Friday from a couple of days' visit with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lundgren at Glenwood.

Mrs. Fredolf Hultgren returned the latter part of the week from Minnea­polis, where she was called on account of}- the illness of her father, John smith.

Henry J. Thorvig, carrier on Route two, is taking his annual vacation. M. J. Kloster is now making the daily rounds.

Miss Ella C. Findley arrived here a week ago from Santy, Neb., where she has been matron in an Indian school the past year. She will visit at the home of her brother, Rev. T. M. Findley and family for some time.

Miss Amelia Carlson was a guest of friends near Darwin a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kloster «nd M. J- Kloster and family, were entertain­ed at the Enoch Nelson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Benjaminson visit-friends at New London from Satur­day until Sunday.

Chas. Bothum of "Dalton, Minn., vis­ited his sister, Mrs. Hannah Anderson last week. Mrs. Anderson accompan­ied him home and will make an ex­tended visit there.

P. O. Stulen of Brewster, Minn, ar­rived Thursday and visited until Fri­day at the J. O. Kloster and Andrew Thompson homes.

The boy scouts together with their leader Louis Thorvig, went oh a hike out to Nest Lake Saturday, return­ing Sunday afternoon.

HAWICK Hawick, June lB.-^J. E. Johnson and

Cecil Deadriok were PaynesviUe eall-ers Saturday.

Mr. Kings of Stanton, Goodhue county are visiting relatives in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Olson and sons and Miss Sunde were otat of town visitors.from Saturday un«U Sunday.

Mrs. E. N. Geseli; Mrs. Cotinell and daughter Jane and Miss Stella Sunde called at the Anton Emboli home Thursday evening-

Mrs. John Iverson and daughter Ruby and Mrs. Gust Anderson attend­ed a meeting in Irving Sunday.

E. P. Welch was a New London caller between trains' Thursday.

Dr. Osborne was a professional call­er in this vicinity the middle of the week*

Laura Iverson visited with Misses Esther and Mary Wall of Burbank the last of the week.

It is rumored thatr E. N. Geseli and Company hav% sold out their mer­cantile business to a brother-in-law of Mrs. H. J. Pelkey, who will take possession July 1st. Mr*. Geseli and grandson Harold and Mrs! GonneH and daughter Jane, expect to leave the last of the month for Oregon, while Mr. Geseli will remain until the first part of July and will then leave for that place where they will make their future home.

Mr. A. F- Hall received a message the middle of the week that his wijte was very ill. He left on the afternooi train to see her. Later, news was res* ceived that she is improving nicely.

John Jones and, daughter Mabel autded to Willmar Friday where Ma­bel is. receiving treatments for spinal trouble. Gladys Welch accompanied them and visited her sisters during the afternoon.

Several from town attended tag dane* at Mr. Hanson's in Burbatis: Saturday evening.

Atwater June 16,1919.—Jewel HOT-end and family of Minneapolis motor-jttt hef£ Saturday evening for a visit at th$ L. J. Johnson home. They were accompanied by Miss Lillie Johnson who ha< visited at Minneapolis for a week.

G. A. Stark of Willmar was in this village on business today.

Fred Bergman' who had a harness •hopr north of Lundgren/s store for some time moved hie harness equip­ment to Graceville last Saturday.

Stella.Strong returned last Wednes­day from Sherwood, N. Dak., where she taught school.

The Tom Barbeau family moved up from Minneapolis. They will reside in the Geo- E. Johnson residence.

Mrs. George Peterson returned Mon­day morning to Olivia after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Miller.

Mrs. O. J. Gilbertson attended the graduation of her daughter, Ruth who graduated last week from St. Olof college at Northfleld.

Anton Okerman and Arnold Arne-son were Willmar business callers this afternoon. S. B. Glader returned Sunday from a trip to Duluth.

W. C. Johnson sold his residence property last week to Nels Holmgren from southwest of this village. Mr. Holmgren recently sold his farm.

Frank Stoll and family motored Sat­urday evening from Dresser Junc­tion, Wisconsin for a visit at the Chas. Riegal home and with other relatives and friends in this vicinity. They will return home on Thursday.

'The Strong Motor Company unload­ed a carload of seven Fords last Mon­day. Four of the cars were delivered to the following: Hugh Tait Holm Brothers, J. B. Bosch and Richard Bosch.

Joseph Stark returned Monday from a trip to Kensington.

The Atwater Land Company sold the L. E. Harris farm, known as the Joseph Anderson farm, last week. 120 acres were sold to Albert Nelson Of Redwood for ?1&0 per acre and forty acres of the same farm was sold to Ralph Nelson for $135 per acre.

Postmaster Oliver Erlckson leaves Thursday morning for a ten days' va­cation trip to Minneapolis and other places.

August Melln returned Monday from Milaca where he attended the State Baptist conference.

S. L. Bostick left Monday for a couple of days' visit at Litchfield.

Alice Allen returned Monday to Willmar after an over Sunday visit at the Peter Norman home-

The Ladies Aid of the Swedish Lutheran church which was held at the Arthur Pearson home at Lake Elizabeth last Thursday afternoon* was well attended in spite of the bad roads. The sum of $17 was realized.

John- Lipsit and son Jay is at pres­ent erecting a new barn on the farm home of Mrs. Anton Zeihl in Harri­son township.

Rev. A. Paulson of Lake Elizabeth, returned Monday from Milaca where he attended the State Baptist confer­ence.

James Gordon, the plasterer, moved last week to the Charles Hanson resi­dence where he will reside.

L. E. Harris will erect in the near future a complete set of farm build­ings on his sixty acre farm south of town. The farm will be made into a dairy farm. ^

Mr. and Mrs. F- L. Holm formerly of this village have rented their farm in North Dakota and have been visiting here for some time, left Monday morn­ing for a trip to Minneapolis.

Mrs. LaBrie returned Thursday from Northfleld where she attended the graduation of her sister, Ruth Gilbertson who graduated from St. Olof College.

Mrs. Geo. E. Johnson left last week for a visit with her husband, Editor Johnson, who is staying in the state of Colorado for the benefit of his health.

The Swedish Lutheran church of this village numbers 315 communicant members. More new members are expected to join in the near future.

Morris Sand went to Willmar Fri­day for a few days' camping with some friends at Lake Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson enter­tained about thirty guests at their home last Sunday evening in honor of their twins sons' third birthday. The evening was1 spent in a social way and later supper was served.

Ray Strong of Minneapolis visited over Sunday at his home here. He received an appointment last week, a position in the main office of the Minneapolis postoffice.

The services at the Lutheran church last Sunday were well attended- One hundred and eighty guests partook

XOTiofe or in iTnro o» nsM Boi|ED Or«OUAtnSATXOH o* * S

wZXdjT •CMTf ttt roStASW Notice is hereby given that the Board

of-Equali2at'ioh of ther City of Willmar; Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City on Monday June 23rd, 1919, at 10 o'clocK to the forenoon, for the purpose of re* ylewinr &e. returns of the- City Assessor for the year 1919.

Any perftons having- grievances about tax matters may at that time appear and.he heard. _,

^ \ -., BL.C..W1)I.UN.CMayor. . EaJf* •* WiUmar, June'lOlS. I9i9. V.11-18

PICNIC. The Eagle Lake Ladles Aid will

have a picnic and iajp at th* Old Peo­ples' Home lawn Tuesday June 24th. Dinner.will be served in the church basement Everybody is welcome* to attend.

~Bo*gfciM AArhns left HfW day* visit at

I V ^ f e * ^ - . ^ " ^ /&* *&%1S X*«

of the Lord's Supjter and four new members were admitted to the con­gregation.

The Atwater. Land Company closed a deal last week, whereby the Alfred Carlson farm east of this village was sold to Martin B. Saverude from the State of Iowa. The farm consisti of 80 acres and was sold for $l io per acre.

Sailor Marcus Rossell returned Sun­day morning to Marine Barracks, Philadelphia after a 16 days' furlough at his home south of town.

John L; Olson returned last Friday from Gotham, Wisconsin W&er̂ " he purchased eleven head of Red Poll cattle. ;

'The parochial school of the German Lutheran church of Harrison will give a picnic at the Frank Witte grove in Harrison next Sunday June 22nd. Among the doings will be a baseball game between Atwater and Dassel. Everybody welcome.

Private Elmer Hendrixbn returned to Atwater last Saturday evening after thirteen. months overseas with the 319th field signal battalion. Among the battles he has served in was the St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest. Pri­vate Hendrixon left Atwater in Feb­ruary 26th, 1918 for Camp Dodge. He leaves on Tuesday for a vuiit with his mother and sister at Archer, Mon­tana, who will accompany him ba«k. Elmer will again be employed as oper­ator at the local depot.

Services at the Swedish Lutheran church at 10:30 June 24th. Rev. G. A. Norlin of Spring Garden will conduct the services after which dinner will be served in the basement at the price of twenty-five cents. In the afternoon, several selections Will be given by the band besides other music and speech­es. The Ladies Aid annual sale will also be held in the afternoon. Lunch will be served in the evening for. the price of fifteen cents. Everybody cor­dially invited to attend.

SWEDISH METHODIST. Rev- Fred Stromberg, pastor,

Atwater— Sunday school at 2:00 p. m. Services at 3:00 p. m. Confirmation class Saturday at 10.

Rosendale— Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Services at 11:30 a. m. Epworth League at 7:30 p. m. English services at 8:30 p. m. Confirmation olasc Sunday at 10

SWEDISH LUTHERAN. Rev. M. LeVander pastor.

Sunday school at 2:00 p. m. Services at 3:00 p. m.

ROSELAND Roseland, June 9.—Mrs. G. Damhof

and children visited at the I. Gort home Friday afternoon.

Miss Freda Douma returned home Saturday after spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. G. Grashuis of Clara City.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Visser of Prins-burg worshipped here Sunday after noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Zuidema and fami­ly made a call at the John Dykema home Monday evening:.

Mr. Elroy Knoll painted the buildings at the Henry Brouwer place last w&k

Mr. H. Bruggers and Mr. C. Kohrs hauled their silda home lost Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Dykema and family visited at the G. Damhof home Sunday evening. -AS ;•'. T~

Miss . Ida DeVries has resigned her position as clerk at the Roseland store and Miss Angellrie Van Den Kind© has taken the position. •- ~

Mr. and Mrs. I. Gort and family were entertained for supper at the H. Qoft home In Prinsburg Sunday evening.

The Busy Bee Society meet at the Rev. P. Siegers home last Friday

John Zuidema shiped young stock from Danube Monday.

Wm. Hoffman is busy breaking pas ture with his iractor on t,he A. Van Buren farm.

Andrew Siegers Is hired out for three months at the H. Bruggers home.

Mrs. S. B. Dykema and Mrs. H. Brbu wer left for Chicago Tuesday to visit with relatives and friends.

Miss Nellie Plowman who is working at her grandmother, Mrs. Portfelt of Raymond visited at her parental home here the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Zuidema and family visited at the Jacob Damhof home Sun­day evening.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Dykema visited at the H. Gort home of Prinsburg Sunday ev­ening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Plowman and family visited at the A. Van Buren home Sun­day evening.

F. Holkstra purchased a new Chev­rolet car last week.

The Wm. Damhof children are 111 with the chicken pox.

Misses Grace Zuidema and Ida Hoff­man and Messrs. Arthur Poortinga and John Marcus were entertained for sup­per at the G. Marcus home Sunday even­ing.

K. Douma and F. Holkstra are hauling their silo today, and Gertrude Siegers for supper at the J.

Dragt home Sunday evening.

mm Irving, June 17.—Peter Borshetm

and Morris Nelson called at the home of Edward Sonde last Sunday after­noon.

Conrad Pederson who is employed at a big ship building concern in; Du­luth came home for a visit last Mon­day afternoon, iurprising his folks as* his call was unexpected.

Goldie Susag returned from her. visit around Herford, Minn., last Monday.

No one needs to complain about dry fields and pasture now as there has been an abundance of rain.

A Chippewa Indian passed through this country last Tuesday on his way home from S. Dak. to his home in Detroit.

Clarence Susag from < Sioux City, Iowa, came home on a visit on Tues­day. He Will visit with relatives and friends for a short time-

The Nelson brothers and Ditmar Thorson are doing some carpenter work for Mr. Batterberry.

The Missionary Fesival at Martin Chrlstenson last Wednesday was well attended in spite of the rainy and sul­try weather. The goods sold brought in large proceeds, showing that the people were interested in the good cause of conversion.

Conrad Sunde who was operated upon at the Paynesvllle hospital last Monday Is improving nicely and on Wednesday George and Emma Sunde, Dagney Thorson and Alfred Chrlsten­son visitelT with him for a while.

The Seeland family have received a telegram from their son and brother Sivert stating that he had arrived safely in America, and expected to be home soon.

Henry Peterson and Nora Thomp­son visited Mrs. Holger Thompson at the Sunnyside hospital at New Lon­don last Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson who has undergone an operation at that hospital is improving nicely.

Sophus Hanson who is Working for Mr. Roisum at Norway Lake visited with friends in this vicinity last week.

Lottie Chrlstenson left for an ex­tended visit with her brother Oluf's family last Thursday at Outlook, Can­ada.

Olive Anderson called on Conrad Sunde at the Paynesvllle hospital last Thursday afternoon.

John Sunde had some dental work done in Paynesvllle last Friday.

The Missionary Festival at the Zion church will be held in the church par­lor on June 20th. All are welcome.

The Girls Red Cross society met at the home of Edward Sunde last Satur­day-

Melvin Haagenson had a breakdown with his car going to Paynesvllle last Thursday. Ole Valen had to help him pull the car to town.

The children of Dist. 24, received their diplomas as graduates of the common school. The following received diplomas: Edwin Emerson, Hannah Peterson, Arthur Arlthson and Peder Jacobson xand from Dist, No. 97, Ruby Sunde.

Anna Nelson from Willmar is vis­iting at the home of Martin Chrlsten­son.

Ditmar Thorson fell fifteen feet from the barn building at Batterber-ry's and was not hurt.

William Gustafson of Belgrade oall-ed at H. C. Hanson's last Sunday.

S. O. Susag returned from South Dakota last Monday afternoon.

The Y. P. meeting was held in the Nordland church last Sunday evening and after the program lunch was served-

Ditmar and Conrad Thorson visited at Edward Sunde's last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns spent Sunday afternoon at H. C. Hanson's.

Philip Ring from St. Paul visited in our community last week.

P. B. Nelson is visiting at Andrew Borsheim, also Mr. Berkness of Will­mar.

cement staves for their silo todas - "l|y - - - - - *

were entertained for supper at

Misses Dorothj

—Matt Lonien left Friday for a week's visit with his parents at Fari­bault.

Jfr*--E X T R A T E S T for Perfect Fabric

* v « r y y a n i of fabric iced in / JQSBC tjonstractkra x>f Racine Tires is carefully lens-exam*' ined against flaw in warp op weave. An expert actually counts the threads through a oiagnifytng glass*/''

WHY WOMEN SUFFER Many Willmar Women are Learn­

ing the Cause. Women often suffer, not knowing

the cause. Backache, headache, dizziness, ner­

vousness. Irregular urinary passages, weak*

ness, languor— Each a torture of itself. Together hint at weakened kidneys. Strike at the root—get to the cause. Quickly help the kidneys If they

need It. No other remedy more highly en­

dorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's convincing testimony from

this vicinity. Mrs. A. H. Cook, Granite Falls,

Minn., says: "I suppose it was over­work that weakened my kidneys and caused me to suffer from backache. When I was up moving around my back didn't bother me so badly, but when I sat down it Was sure to ache. I felt languid and tired all the time. Doan's Kidney Pills proved the right medicine for me and it wasn't long before my back was strong and my kidneys were well. I am pleased to say the cure has been permanent" x

Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Cock had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. T.

(Paid Advertisement.)

Visited Ramsey 8tate Park. Sunday, a week ago four automo­

biles with people motored to Red­wood Falls and spent the day at the Ramsay State Park: They were: Mrs. Thomas Marshall and daughters Ellen and Margaret and son William, Mr. Hazel Herrmeyer, Ruth Norman, Ruth FJellman, Alice Broman, Ida John­son, Otto Odland, Raleigh Erlckson, Melvin Root, Wm. Peterson, Paul E. Peterson; J. Melvin Johnson, Sjam Thorsness and Wesley Broman-

Attending Seibo-Laget. B. P. Hovey. O. B. Samstad, Peter

B. Hovey, C. B. Samstad, Arnt Quelle Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Draxten, Ole Grot-te, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Amdahl, Miss Ingrld Samstad, and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vlggen of Atwater left Tuesday of last week for Appleton to attend the Selbo Lag. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vlggen of LaCrosse, Wash., are at present visiting in the vicinity of Atwater.

$9,600 for 10 Acres. Henry Johnson sold 10 acres of land

tn Section 22, twp; of Willmar for the price of $9,600. Eight acres of this tract of land was sold to John Eng­land fo* a price of $»,600. Mr. John­son purchased this land seven, yean ago for the price of |105 per acre.

'-'-.••-. Priam Ladies Aid. The Priam Ladles Aid Society will

meet at the home of Mrs. Martin Sanderson, Thursday June 26th. A cordial invitation extended;


—Clarence Carlson sad his sister arrived Saturday evening from Duluth f o r * visit at the Oscar Anderson

WE invite your critical inspection of Racine Extra Tested Tires, You

can depend on them to yield more miles of good service, no matter where you us© them. An extra test protects each stage in their construction, just as the extra test for perfect fabric insures the highest quality fabric.

Country Road Tires The famous "Country Road" is specially designed for rough road usage. It leads the fabric tire field. 5000 mile guarantee. Racine Multi-Mile Cord Tires—the peak di cord tire value. "Come in today. Let us serve you*

J. L. JOHNSON Harness Maker

213 Third St. W. Willmar

Par Your Own Protection Be Certain Every Racine Tirsj You Buy Bears the Name

Racine Rubber Company

Major Hengstler Has Landed. Major William Howard Hengstler

formerly of 2607 Columbus Ave., and at present In command of the 90th Division, landed yesterday at New­port News, Va. He has been overseas a. year and in service two years Major Hengstler went through the St. Mihiel and the Argonne drives as commander of Field Hospital 357. He" was graduated from the Universi­ty of Minnesota With Major Leon O. Smith of Montevideo, who arrived in port with him yesterday. His brother-in-law, Sergeant C. N. Baird of Graceville, also arrived on the same transport.—Minneapolis Journal.

Major Hengstler is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hengstler of this city.

—Olice Becker returned Friday to her home at Litchfield after a several days* visit with friends in this city.

Axel Hocum Back. Word was received last week from

Axel Hocum, stating that he has re­turned to his home at Fort Dodge, Iowa after overseas duty since last September. Private Hocum left with the contingent from Willmar for Camp Wadsworth last July 26th. He return­ed with the first anti aircraft machine gun battalion which has 26 German planes to their credit.

Sgt. Mankcns Visiting Here* Sgt. Hobart Mankens arrived Satur­

day evening for a visit at the home of his brother-in-law, John Compton. He has served nine months overseas.

Bay your paint now at $3.75 a gallon at the Paint & Wall Paper Store. Alf. Bergeson.

—Rev., J. A. Carlson of Ddl preached at the Swedish. B { church last (Sunday. He was ani from Milaca where he attendod state Baptist conference.

KEEP IT SWEE1 Keep your stomach swec

today and ward of! the ind gestion of tomorrow—try

KiMDIDS the new aid to digestfot As pleasant and as safe t take as candy.



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