working@duke - october, 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009


    Flu season is in full swing,and this year could packa one-two punch with

    the novel H1N1 flu virus.Dr. George Jackson,

    director of Duke EmployeeOccupational Health andWellness, said the best defenseis protection:wash handsoften withsoap andwater; avoidtouchingfaces andavoid contactwith people who are sick. Andget a seasonal flu shot.

    There are lots of thingspeople can do to keepthemselves healthy like notsmoking, eating a reasonable

    diet, getting enough sleep and exercise on a regular basis, Jackson said.These are positive steps to enhance overall health, which will help wardoff the flu and decrease complications if you get it.

    Through mid-December, the seasonal flu shot is offered free toemployees across campus. The seasonal flu vaccine is also available 10 3 p.m. Oct. 20 during the employee Health Fair in the Searle Center.

    When the 2009 H1N1 (swine) flu vaccine is available, it will bedistributed based on criteria defined by the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention. Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel are at thetop of the list. The seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against H1N1.

    Working@Duke met with Dr. Jackson to learn more about the seasonaland H1N1 influenza infections.

    Whats different about this novel H1N1 flu virus?The novel H1N1 flu virus, which was originally referred to as swine

    flu, has enough different components that most people have no immunityagainst infection. Because of this, more people will get infected than theusual seasonal flu. There isnt a significant difference in symptoms caused byH1N1 compared to seasonal influenza. But because more people will getinfected with H1N1, there will be much more illness in the communityand much more potential for spread.

    Who is most at risk?Seasonal influenza is more serious among the old

    and very young, however with H1N1, there is a differentpattern because fewer older individuals are gettinginfected. This could be because older people may have hadexperience with this strain of virus in the past. People atthe greatest risk of complications from H1N1 are the

    same as those with seasonal influenza: pregnant women and people withchronic illnesses like respiratory problems.

    How will Duke employees know they have the flu?Its difficult to differentiate between the cold and influenza. The bigdifferential is fever. If there is a fever of 100 degrees or over, we encouragepeople to view themselves as having influenza. They should isolatethemselves from others. Leave work or school, and stay home.

    Do people need more than one flu shot?Its possible people may need three shots this year, but that could

    change. The seasonal flu will be the usual one-time vaccination. Thegovernment expects to have a vaccine for H1N1 available between mid-October and November. Although it was initially indicated more than oneshot would be needed, new information encourages a single dose. When itbecomes available, it will be rationed and initially only be available foryouth and people with significant illnesses or conditions who are at highrisk if they get influenza.

    By Bryan RothWriter, Office of Communication Services

    Dr. George Jackson, director of Duke Employee

    Occupational Health and Wellness, washes his hands

    throughout the day to avoid germs and the flu.

    Outdoor emergency sirens to be tested Oct. 21As part of a periodic test of the DukeALERT emergency notification

    system, Duke will conduct a test of its various communication tools,

    which includes the outdoor sirens.

    The test will

    begin at 10 a.m.

    with the activation

    of the sirens and


    website. Soon after, Duke community members will receive a test

    e-mail and text message, if they signed up for the text service.

    Students and employees are encouraged to respond to an

    online survey to assess the effectiveness of the various

    DukeALERT communication methods. The survey will be at once the test begins.

    Learn more about investmentsFaculty and staff can hear the latest about the forces affecting

    the stock market during the second in a series of Quarterly Market

    Updates, a pilot seminar sponsored by Duke Human Resources.

    Jeff Tackett from Fidelity Investment will lead the update noon

    to 1 p.m. Oct. 26 in Duke Hospital Room 2002. Brett Hammond, a

    representative from TIAA-CREF, will present noon to 1 p.m. Oct. 29

    in the Breedlove Room of Perkins Library.We look forward to these professionals sharing their insights

    into how interest rates and other financial trends are affecting

    investment decisions, said Sylvester Hackney, associate director

    of benefits at Duke.

    Register at .

    Free seasonal flu shots (and more) at health fairThe Duke health fairs in October offer a one-stop shop for faculty

    and staff: seasonal flu shots, blood pressure, cholesterol, and bone-

    density screenings (for women at risk for osteoporosis) and more.

    Health representatives will answer questions about nutrition,

    heart health, exercise, disease prevention and smoking cessation

    during the free fair, which is hosted by LIVE FOR LIFE. Genetic

    counselors will also be available to discuss family health histories.

    The Health Fair offers an outstanding range of health resources

    in one convenient location, said Julie Joyner, director of LIVE FOR

    LIFE, Dukes employee wellness program. Employees will want to take

    advantage of this opportunity to get information about the small

    steps they can take to make a big difference in their health.

    The health fair is 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 20 in the Searle Center.

    Genetic counselors are available from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

    New website offers guidance for global travelprogramsA Duke student planning to study in Africa or a staff or faculty

    member working abroad has a host of practical issues to consider:

    What clothes should they pack? Which immunizations do they need?

    How can they check email abroad or use Dukes travel insurance in an


    A new Duke website answers these and many other questions.

    Launched in response to Dukes expanding global operations, the site, , offers extensive advice about living,

    working and studying abroad.

    Until now, this information has been scattered across the

    university, said Christy Parrish Michels, the universitys manager of

    global administrative support and leader of the team that developed

    the site. Weve worked with people in every school and in dozens of

    programs to pull together information on everything from

    reimbursement of travel expenses to federal export controls thatmay limit where you can bring your laptop.

    Provost Lecture Series looks at digital archivingThis years Provost Lecture series, The Future of the Past, the Future

    of the Present: The Historical Record in the Digital Age, explores the

    dilemma that in the digital age, everything is saved yet little is


    On Oct. 13, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh will

    give the first talk in the series from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Page

    Auditorium. The second speaker is Professor Diana Taylor of the Tisch

    School of the Arts at NYU on Oct. 26. Her talk at 5 p.m. in the Love

    Auditorium of Levine Science Research Center is about Archiving

    Performance Performing the Archive.

    For information, visit


    Letters to the Editor must include name and contact information. E-mail letters to [email protected] or mail them to Working@Duke Editor, Box 90496, Durham,NC 27708. Fax letters to (919) 681-7926. Please keep length to no more than 200 words.

    LEANORA [email protected]

    For the seasonal flu vaccine schedule, visit


    Protect yourself against the flu

    Working@Duke is brought to you

    by yours truly; designer Paul

    Figuerado; and writers Marsha

    Green and Bryan Roth. Its a team effort

    that offers news you can use, and based

    on the latest readership survey, youre

    making good use of the publication.

    We sent the quarterly survey in

    August to 5,000 randomly selected

    faculty and staff. Nearly, 800

    responded. Among the results, 82

    percent read the publication every

    month; 87 percent enjoy it; and 82

    percent say it helps them understand

    Duke benefits.

    We also got valuable feedback,

    including suggestions from some who

    say we should save costs by putting

    Working@Duke online. Your copy, which

    provides a one-stop shop to learn about

    employee benefits and resources, costs

    just 32 cents per issue. The print

    publication also serves a significant

    portion of the university workforce that

    does not have computer access orspends little time at a desk.

    One employee noted the benefit

    of receiving a print version (I receive

    so much electronically that I often do

    not have the time to read upon receipt

    and then the message gets forgotten).

    Perhaps Tara Daily, project

    coordinator for the Office of Research

    Administration, summed it up best in

    her survey comments.

    I love the Working@Duke

    newsletter because it makes me feel

    connected to Duke in so many ways,

    even though I may not be physically

    present at the events or directly

    involved with the research, news, etc.

    Each month that I read the newsletter,I walk away feeling proud to be a

    Duke employee.

    Please post the DukeALERTposter inside this publicationin your office.


  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009


    Duke football fans have another reason to cheer this season.

    Restrooms, concession areas and a new video screen on thescoreboard have been added to Wallace Wade Stadium to enhance

    the game experience. The renovations were funded by donations throughDuke Athletics and are the first phase to make Wallace Wade an even morefan-friendly place to watch football.

    The concessions and bathrooms added a new level of comfort atWallace Wade that really heightens the fan experience, said Bart Smith,director of marketing andpromotions for Duke Athletics.With the addition of a state-of-the-art video board, we are ableto highlight game action betterand we can be more creative onhow we intensify the atmosphereand fun in Wallace WadeStadium.

    A big addition are new mensand womens restrooms on theeast and west side of the stadium.The eastside restrooms are nearthe presidents box. What was amens bathroom is now a 3,200square foot restroom facility forboth men and women. Amatching restroom is located onthe westside of the stadium, nearthe Finch-Yeager Building.

    On west side of Wallace Wade, a new concession area has been added forBlue Devil concessions, which sell nachos, popcorn, chicken sandwiches andmore. Both stands are about 700 square feet and feature six cash registers.

    During the season opener Sept. 5, fans were treated to upgraded pictureand audio on a new video board that stands 31 feet high and 67 feet long.The new screen replaced an old system with two separate areas one side

    of light bulbs for statistics and the score and another for replays and videos.The new screen spans the scoreboard as one large area. Stats and live gameaction are shown in an area with more space.

    Blair Hedges, the student leadership coordinator for Jewish Life atDuke, attended the season opener. She said the improvements remind her

    of what it was like to attendgames at Ohio State University.

    I noticed an improvedatmosphere at Saturdays gameand definitely think that thenew scoreboard had somethingto do with it, she said. Imhoping that the enhancedenvironment will help to get

    more people out to WallaceWade for each home game.

    By Bryan Roth

    Writer, Office of

    Communication Services

    New scoreboard, concession standsand restrooms at Wallace Wade

    Mark Kinsella collects massive amounts of data, butsometimes finds it difficult to explain it to people.He also encounters a steep learning curve with

    database programs that improve his reporting.I tried using Access but found that my frustration

    level was too high, and I put it down, said Kinsella, ananalyst in the Central Scheduling Hub in the PatientRevenue Management Organization.

    He found the solution in an Access class offered byLearning & Organization Development (L&OD), a unitwithin Duke Human Resources.

    Kinsella works in a department with 65 employeeswho field about 3,500 phone calls daily from patientsrequesting appointments at 17 Duke clinics. Kinsella helpstrack the number of daily calls and how quickly theyre

    answered, among other service indicators.Viewing this mass of data in a spreadsheet madeseeing trends or making historical comparisons difficult,Kinsella said.

    The two-day class at L&OD gave Kinsella hands-onexperience in creating a database in Access. He entereddata he collected since last December from spreadsheetsinto the new database. Now I have historical data at thetouch of my fingers, he said. I can report how manycalls we get on Monday versus Tuesday, or how ourperformance has improved over time.

    He also created a database to track rescheduling ofpatients when doctors bump appointments because ofvacation, surgery or other time conflicts.

    The $189 paid for this class was well worthspending, said Kinsellas supervisor, Amy Pearce.

    Everyone in the officecan now update thedatabases using simpletemplates. Now wecan measure ourperformance and giveinformation back to theclinics in a way that iseasily understandable.

    The Access classis one of more than40 classes offered eachsemester by L&OD,which added 10 newcourses this fall. These

    include two-hour powersessions that focus onspecific functions such aspivot tables in Excel, running queries in Access ortransitioning from Microsoft Office 2003 to 2007.

    Dates and descriptions for classes are on the L&ODwebsite, which includes links to other departments thatoffer workshops to enhance employee skills.

    Kinsella said the L&OD class helped him learn newskills and left him wanting more.

    I learned a lot, he said, but I also learned that thereis more I dont know. It whet my whistle to learn more.

    By Marsha A. Green

    Writer, Office of Communication Services

    Low-cost, high value trainingavailable for employees


    A list of training by department or topic is at

    Mark Kinsella, an analyst in the

    Patient Revenue Management

    Organization, uses knowledge he

    gained in a Learning &

    Organization Development course

    on creating databases to help his


    Get In the (Home) GameOct. 3 Virginia Tech

    Oct. 24 Maryland

    Nov. 14 Georgia Tech

    Nov. 28 Wake Forest

    Get tickets at

    A new scoreboard was unveiled at the Duke football

    home opener Sept. 5.

    ProfessionalDevelopmentOn A Shoestring

  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009



    For more information on health programs, visit

    Fighting ObesityCONTINUED FROM PAGE 1


    Duke supports employees through a variety ofprograms ranging from intensive one-on-one coachingthrough LIVE FOR LIFE and Duke Prospective Health

    to programs like the Run/Walk clubs and discount gymmemberships.

    Andrea Clauden, a staff specialist in the Office ofInformation Technology, is one of the hundreds ofemployees using these offerings. Like many struggling withweight, Clauden once ate a few hundred more calories thanshe needed daily, resulting in slow but steady weight gainover the years.

    When the scale hit 330pounds, I knew it was timeto get help, she said.

    In April 2008, Claudenjoined LIVE FOR LIFEsPathways to Change program,

    an intensive 12-monthwellness program availableto benefits-eligible employeescoping with high bloodpressure, diabetes,cardiovascular disease orobesity. The programsquarterly weigh-ins, coupledwith frequent, one-on-oneguidance from a registered

    dietitian, changed Claudens relationship with food, andpounds melted away.

    I had to keep a food journal, and that showed thatportion control was a big issue for me, Clauden said. Mydietitian, Kay Pratt, taught me to read the nutritioninformation on labels and got me to buy a calorie guide,so I knew how many calories I was eating.

    Clauden broiled, instead of frying, chicken. Shesnacked on fruit instead of fudge. She pushed aside mostsweets and meats. And blood pressure and weight dropped.

    I called Kay every time I reached my goal of losinganother 10 pounds, Clauden said. She kept memotivated.

    A year and a half later, Clauden is 50 pounds lighter,three dress sizes smaller, and her blood pressure is 20points lower.

    Bruce Farley, a financial analyst for the Health System,

    has a similar success story.

    He spends eight hours a day at his computer, but sinceJanuary, Farley has turned technology into a weight losstool with support from LIVE FOR LIFE, Dukes employeewellness program.

    Farley was considering losing some of his 300 poundslast fall when he looked at vacation photos and thought,Wow, is that what I look like? But the real incentivecame when his 42-year-old sister was diagnosed withdiabetes.

    Just like me, shes been a little heavy for years, hesaid. I thought Id better start taking care of myself, too.

    In January, Farley enrolled in the free, onlinechallenge Eat Wise and Exercise through LIVE FORLIFE to track his eating, exercise and weight. Initially, hewas skeptical about using the Internet to track progress,but I found it easy to use. And having the weeklyaccountability of reporting my weight was really great.

    At the end of the 10-week challenge, Farley lost 37

    pounds and had more energy to keep up with his 4-yearold son, Wade. It makes a big difference to have thissupport at work, he said.


    For Wilson, the marketing specialist diagnosed withdiabetes, the convenience of using a Duke gym is key tomanaging weight.

    A member at the Wilson Recreation Center on WestCampus for six years, Wilsons daily 60-minute exerciseroutine helped control her diabetes and led to losing 45pounds. But after a year, her weight loss stalled. To getunstuck, she took advantage of a free fitness consult inMarch with Mary Ann Dobbins, a LIVE FOR LIFE

    exercise physiologist.She explained how I needed to change things around

    to keep losing weight and helped me set up a new routine,Wilson said. It ratcheted things up another notch and gotme back to losing weight.

    According to Svetkey, the Duke physician, maintaininga healthy weight is critical to overall success.

    Have short term, realistic goals with concrete actionplans for reaching them, and dont quit if things dont goperfectly, Svetkey said. Most important: plan on makingchanges that you can stick with for a lifetime.

    Having lost 61 pounds over two years, Wilson has thatlong view in mind.

    I have five more pounds to lose to drop from the

    obese to the overweight category, she said. Once I makethat goal, Ill keep losing until I get to my healthiest weight.I dont care if it takes me 10 more years to get there. I justwant to make sure I dont gain again, because Ive learnedthat managing my weight is the key to good health.

    By Marsha A. Green

    Writer, Office of Communication Services

    Free Duke Resources For Weight Management

    LIVE FOR LIFEDukes employee health promotion program offers various wellnessservices like assessments; fitness activities; tobacco cessationresources; gym discounts; consultations with fitness specialists andregistered dietitians; and run/walk clubs. LIVE FOR LIFE organizes thefarmers and mobile markets and promotes education through programslike Pathways to Change and Steps to Health.Website: Phone: (919) 684-3136

    Duke Prospective HealthThis program is for employees in Duke Select or Duke Basic healthplans. Its designed to identify risks for diseases and chronic conditionslike hypertension and diabetes. It helps employees create a plan foroptimal health and provides resources to achieve goals. ProspectiveHealth works closely with LIVE FOR LIFE.Website: Phone: (888) 279-9445

    Blue Extras ProgramsThis is for employees enrolled in Blue Care and Duke Options plans.Blue Cross Blue Shield offers a range of health management services,

    programs and incentives.Website: Phone: (877) 224-3305

    Andrea Clauden, right, visits with

    LIVE FOR LIFE nutritionist Kay

    Pratt, left. Clauden, a staff

    specialist in the Office of

    Information Technology, has lost

    50 pounds by changing her

    eating habits.

    Bruce Farley, a financial

    analyst for the Health

    System, with son, Wade.

    Farley uses Dukes

    online resources to lose

    weight. This photo was

    taken after Farley lost

    about 37 pounds.

  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009



    The annual enrollment forbenefits for faculty and staffopens Oct. 19 and ends Oct. 27.

    Despite cost increases in healthcare driven by higher utilization andincreased cost of prescription drugs,Dukes four medical insurance planswill continue to offer comprehensivecoverage for 2010.

    A significant amount of analysisand discussion have taken placeduring the last several months, saidKyle Cavanaugh, vice president forHuman Resources. The result of thiswork is that Dukes premiumincreases will be only half of theaverage increase nationally, whilemaintaining the overall structure ofthe plan.

    Duke offers faculty and staff fourdifferent medical insurance plans thatenable individual choice for coveragebased on cost and unique needs,including a low-cost option thatoffers individual coverage starting

    at $23 a month.Premium increases for 2010 willrange from $2.03 to $6.43 permonth for individual coverage andfrom $12.80 to $25.64 per monthfor family coverage, depending onthe plan selected (see chart below).

    We have been able to keep somekey co-pays flat for 2010, including

    primary care and urgent care visits,generic drugs, and mental health visits,reflecting the importance of preventivecare and efficient use of resources,Cavanaugh said. However, in order tokeep the plan financially viable andavailable, other co-pays anddeductibles have been adjusted.

    Duke has made efforts to reinin prescription drug costs, a majordriver for increasing cost. While theco-pays for generic drugs will remainthe same, co-pays will increase forretail purchases of brand and non-formulary medications.

    A new annual deductible of $100will apply for brand and non-formularydrugs purchased at retail pharmacies.That deductible is waived forprescriptions purchased through theMedco home delivery program. Inaddition, those who continue topurchase maintenance prescriptionsat retail locations will have a co-pay of50 percent of the cost of the drug after

    the first three months (subject to aminimum and maximum per month).Faculty and staff can save on

    health expenses by signing up orrenewing reimbursement accountsduring open enrollment. Employeesare eligible to enroll in reimbursementaccounts whether or not they

    participate in a Duke-sponsoredmedical insurance plan. Butreimbursement accounts do notautomatically renew each year; openenrollment is the only timeto enroll and renew.

    All employees should considersigning up for a reimbursementaccount, which helps participants saveabout one-third on eligible health ordependent care expenses, including co-pays and deductibles, Cavanaugh said.

    Dukes continued focus will beto encourage faculty and staff to takeadvantage of resources available tomanage and improve their health,which has a direct impact on healthbenefit costs, Cavanaugh said. Theseresources include wellness programsand information sessions throughLIVE FOR LIFE and DukeProspective Health.

    Not only do Duke employeeshave access to cutting edge medicalcare available through Duke

    University Health System, they alsohave access to innovative programs,Cavanaugh said. These diseasemanagement and wellness programshave helped us slow down the risingcosts of medical care for theindividual and, in the long term,for everyone at Duke.


    Tips Review My Health.

    My Life. informationpackets being mailedhome

    Enroll and makechanges to medical,dental and visioncoverage and enrolland renew dependentcare and health carereimbursement accounts beginning Oct. 19

    Enroll and makeadjustments atDuke@Work - or callthe Duke EnrollmentService Center at (919)684-5600 to speakwith a customer servicerepresentative. For callcenter hours, pleasecheck the information


    2010 Health Plan Highlights

    2010 Monthly Health Care Premiums

    No reductions in comprehensive coverage

    Increases in monthly premiums for medicalplans ranging from $2.03 to $6.43 forindividual coverage and from $12.80 to $25.64for family coverage

    No increase in co-pays for primary care, urgentcare, and mental health visits and no increase inco-pay for generic drugs

    Increase in co-pay for specialist visits, outpatientsurgery and most emergency and inpatientservices

    Unchanged vision insurance premiums

    Increased pharmacy co-pays for retail purchaseof non-formulary and brand medications;addition of a $100 deductible for brand andnon-formulary medications (waived if purchasedby mail order)

    Expanded coverage for mental healthin-network services

    Inclusion of bariatric surgery for severely obesepatients who meet strict criteria

    Increase in dental insurance premiums forPlan A, which offers broader coverage

    New FederalGuidelinesfor Race,Ethnicity

    The United States

    government recentlyissued guidelines for

    changes in reporting ofrace and ethnicity to

    capture a more accuratepicture of diversity of the

    U.S. population. As a result,Duke updated its systems,

    and all employees areencouraged to review and

    update their race and

    ethnicity, as well as otherinformation, during openenrollment through the


    selfserviceor by calling the openenrollment call center,

    (919) 684-5600.

    Individual Family

    2009 2010 2009 2010

    Duke Basic $20.97 $23 $212.20 $225

    Duke Select $56.19 $60 $334.87 $355

    Blue Care $92.57 $99 $418.74 $444

    Duke Options $89.24 $95 $412.36 $438

    For more about Open Enrollment, visit

    Health benefits openenrollment begins Oct. 19Premium increases half the national average

  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009



    Todays fast wirelessnetworks and ubiquitousmobile devices help keep

    Duke staff and facultyconnected with e-mail and theWeb anytime, anywhere. Butthey also pose an increasingrisk: those devices, which areeasily lost or stolen, may storepasswords to access the Dukenetwork and confidential data.

    Duke is strengtheninginformation security with apilot data encryption projectthis fall for mobile devices usedby staff and faculty who haveaccess to personal health information. Encryption programsenable files to be encoded so they can only be read using a

    special key.In addition, Dukes IT Security Office is expanding its

    methods and tools, with frequent tests of network securityand user password strength. The Duke Health TechnologyServices Security Office performs similar tests for theSchool of Medicine and health system.

    Theres data at rest on a device and data in motion,which is the network, said Paul Horner, the universityschief information security officer. We have to protect both.The network truly is only as strong as its weakest link. If athreat can penetrate one machine, it can get behind ourdefenses, and we all live in fear of this.

    Efforts to strengthen security will be invisible for mostemployees, Horner said.

    Not everybody works with confidential data, hesaid. The technology is adaptable enough that we can

    make most security and privacycontrols invisible to users, whilestill providing more secure

    handling of data thats importantfor our students, patients andresearchers who may have alifetimes worth of work wrappedup in their data.

    Horner and his counterpart inhealth technology services, RobertAdams, also are meeting withfaculty across Duke this fall toreview an updated computing andnetworking acceptable use policy part of an overall effort to refineinformation security governance

    at Duke, led by Dukes Information Security SteeringCommittee.

    Its more of a reminder of the common-sense practicesmany people already employ automatically, he said.

    As part of National Cyber Security Awareness Monthin October, analysts in Dukes IT Security Office arereminding employees and students to do their part, too.Users should choose strong passwords, and change themregularly; install and update anti-virus software; and notclick on links in e-mails that ask for personal information.

    The threats are omnipresent, Horner said. A big partof our job is to think the ugly thoughts, to think like theperpetrators do, so we can give people the tools, theawareness and maybe the reminders to protect themselves.

    By Cara BonnettManaging Editor, News & Information,

    Office of Information Technology

    By TheNumbers

    3 millionThreats detected (and thwarted)

    each month on Dukes campusnetwork

    57,000NetID passwords assessed

    quarterly by Dukes IT SecurityOffice for complexity/strength

    1 to 2Phishing attempts reported

    by Duke users each week

    Learn MoreLearn how to secure your

    computer and data at a Learn

    IT@Lunch seminar Oct. 28. Thesession is noon to 1 p.m. in theRENCI conference room in the

    OIT TelecommunicationsBuilding. For details, and select

    IT Training under Get Help.

    Duke steps up efforts tosecure mobile devices

    Paul Horner, the universitys chief information security officer.

    Theres data at rest on a device and data in motion, which is the

    network, he says. We have to protect both.

    Department: The MURDOCK Study team, based in Kannapolis, N.C. Part of the Duke TranslationalMedicine Institute (Duke School of Medicine).

    Years at Duke: Less than two.

    Who they are: In late 2007, David H. Murdock, billionaire owner of Dole Foods, gave $35 million to Duketo support a massive, longitudinal health research project at the North Carolina Research Campus inKannapolis. Begun in 2008, the MURDOCK Study (Measurement to Understand the Reclassification ofDisease of Cabarrus/Kannapolis) is an effort to understand how disease occurs at the molecular level, andhow it varies from one person to the next.

    What theyre known for: The MURDOCK Study teams goal is to enroll 50,000 volunteers from in andaround the Kannapolis community to provide biological samples and health data. Researchers will use newtechniques to study the data and identify novel patterns and characteristics that will help predict risk of orresponses to therapy in cardiovascular disease, liver disease, osteoarthritis, obesity and other diseases overseveral decades. Since February 2009, when enrollment began, nearly 1,200 people have joined the study.

    What they can do for you: Contribute to Dukes reputation for innovative research into human health and wellness, and

    serve as liaisons to the resources on the N.C. Research Campus, and assist in establishing partnerships for Duke.Number of employees: 16 staff members and many investigators.

    Hidden department fact: They have a 170-pound mascot, Ylorek, a Great Pyrenees dog. His owner, Victoria Christian,is manager of the MURDOCK Study and chief operating officer of the Duke Translational Research Institute. Ylorekregularly comes to the office, greets visitors and patiently nibbles snacks during meetings.

    Most significant achievement: Designed the protocols to start up one of the most ambitious clinical registries in history,while making the local community feel included in such a promising endeavor.

    How they make a difference: We explain biotechnology and the goals of the MURDOCK Study in terms that everyonecan understand, so that they can get involved, said Ashley Dunham, community health project leader. It is exciting howmuch people want to play a role in the N.C. Research Campus. They want to participate in something that is larger thanthem, larger than this community, even if they may not see any direct benefit.

    Big goal: To reclassify disease, transform the practice of medicine and rewrite the textbook of medicine. By using genomictechnologies and a huge database of electronic health records, said Christian, the manager of the MURDOCK Study, we

    hope to find how genetics, geography and environment contribute to health and wellness.

    Interview by Marsha A. Green, writer, Office of Communication Services

    Rewriting thetextbook of medicine

    The MURDOCK Study team, based

    in Kannapolis, N.C., with 70-pound

    mascot, Ylorek, a Great Pyrenees.

    Learn more about the MURDOCK Study at

  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009


    Y O U R S O U R C E F O R G R E E N N E W S A T D U K E

    Sustainable uke


    Stay informed about sustainablility at

    When Debra Harding arrived at Duke to work at theDuke Clinical Research Institute four years ago, shethought she would have to own a car to get around

    until the Zipcar car-sharing program came to campus.

    The program fit Hardings lifestyle so well that sheactually sold her Ford Escort last spring, and now walks towork and on most errands. She usesa Zipcar once a week for certaintasks, such as carrying home awatermelon or 10-pound bag ofcat litter.

    Im always looking for ways toreduce my carbon footprint, saidHarding, an administrative assistantwho lived in New York City for 25years. The world is in a crisis now,and we all need to be doing a littlebit more than we think we can.

    Harding joined Zipcar inFebruary and spends $120 a monthusing the 24/7 service a fraction ofthe cost of a car payment, insurance, gas, maintenance andparking permits. She has reserved a car at least 35 times.

    I dont really need a car that much. My life is prettysimple, Harding said. The Zipcar fills in the gaps ofneeding a car.

    Zipcars fleet at Duke expanded in August from four tosix cars: three each of the Toyota Matrix and Prius modelsparked on East and West campuses. Zipcar names its cars.The vehicles at Duke have names like Moisa and Peard.

    Since the program began in January, more than 250employees and students have joined Zipcar, paying a $35

    annual membership fee. Users may rent from one-hour to

    up to four days at $8 per hour or $66 a day, booking timethrough the companys web site:

    Zipcar, which was featured on the cover of Fortunemagazine, allows members to borrow a car without carrying

    costs of ownership or commuting. Theres no cost for gas;members just have to leave a quarter of a tank for the nextuser as a courtesy. The goal is alternativetransit to reduce traffic, parking demandand pollution.

    As the popularity of Zipcar grows,I think students and employees who useit will really become the ambassadors toget others to try it out, said Tavey M.Capps, Dukes environmentalsustainability director. They see howeasy it is to reduce their environmentalfootprint and will encourage friends todo the same.

    Kate Johnson, who works at theNicholas Institute for EnvironmentalPolicy Solutions, walks to work and uses a

    Zipcar three times a month to run errands, or to attend off-site meetings. Johnson first used a Zipcar as an undergrad atUNC-Chapel Hill, and was excited when Duke beganparticipating, too.

    Its just such a smart and easy program, Johnson said.Its a major perk.

    There are a few reclaimed benefits, for Harding at least.The two-mile walk to work and back slows her down afterbusy days that buzz by.

    You can see whats going on in the world, she said.Stop and see whats blooming.

    By Samiha Khanna

    Working@Duke Correspondent

    Sharing WheelsTwo cars added to campus car-sharing service

    Want tobecome aZipster?

    Go to


    There's a Zipcar

    iPhone app rightaround thecorner. for


    Debra Harding, an administrative assistant at the Duke Clinical Research Institute, has reserved a Zipcar at least 35 times.

    Im always

    looking for ways

    to reduce my carbon

    footprint. ... we all need to

    be doing a little bit more

    than we think we can.

    Debra Harding

    Administrative Assistant

    Duke Clinical Research Institute

  • 8/14/2019 Working@Duke - October, 2009


    D U K E T O D A YFor daily news and information, visit

    Im a member of the Duke Fitness Club through LIVE FOR LIFE, so I get a

    discounted membership to Millennium Sports Club in Durham. I pretty much workout there religiously, at least three times a week. I dont want to get a big, old belly, and its justsomething I enjoy doing. I also coach in a youth football league, so that keeps me busy.

    Rocky Taylor

    Operations manager, Duke Postal

    18 years at Duke

    How do you stay fit and healthy?

    I mainly go the gym. I try to go at least three times a week,but I also row, which is what I love. I love being outdoors

    on the water, and its a good full-body workout. Its also a groupactivity, so others are relying on you to be there, which is moreincentive.

    Mary Schrot

    Senior advisor to international students and scholars

    Duke Visa Services

    4 years at Duke

    I walk in the Duke Forest twice each weekend for aboutan hour each time. I walk the whole three miles around.

    I think its a good way to keep in shape, and I like the forestbecause theres lots of things to look at, and the air is fresh.I also eat an Asian diet, which is pretty healthy. Its high in

    vegetables, and I usually dont use butter.Xinnian Dong

    Professor, Department of Biology

    17 years at Duke

    dialogue@DukeHOW TO REACH USEditor: Leanora Minai

    (919) 681-4533

    [email protected]

    Assistant Vice President:

    Paul S. Grantham

    (919) 681-4534

    [email protected]

    Graphic Design & Layout:

    Paul Figuerado

    Photography: Bryan Roth and Marsha

    Green, Office of Communication

    Services; and Duke University


    Working@Dukeis published monthly

    by Dukes Office of Communication

    Services. We invite your

    feedback and suggestions for

    future story topics.

    Please write us at

    [email protected]

    Working@Duke, Box 90496,

    705 Broad St., Durham, NC 27708

    Call us at (919) 684-4345.

    Send faxes to (919) 681-7926.


    By Bryan Roth

    Writer, Office of Communication Services

    Got astory

    [email protected]

    or Call681-4533


    Natina Harris has several tipsfor Duke employees taking in ashow at the Durham Performing

    Arts Center.

    The first is to use PERQS, the Dukeemployee discount, to save on tickets.

    I keep telling my friends to be sure toorder tickets through Dukes site,because it saves 10 percent, saidHarris, a neurodiagnostic technologistat Dukes Sleep Center. Thats too goodto miss.

    Another tip is to buy what Harrisconsiders the best seats in the house:the Grand Tier, just below the firstbalcony.

    I sat there for The Color Purple andfelt like I was right on stage, she said.

    Despite tough economic times, Harrisattends shows at the performing artscenter frequently, often with her 16-year old daughter, Alecxis. To me,spending money wisely on a show thatcan take your mind off your troubles is

    well worth it, said Harris, who saves

    about $10 each time sheuses the discount.

    Having grown up enjoyingthe lively arts scene inPhiladelphia, Harris isdelighted to have theperforming arts centerenlivening her adoptedhometown of Durham.

    When I went to my firstshow, I was amazed at thebuilding, she said. I was so happy thatthey put together something so modernand beautiful.

    The performing arts center, whichopened last November and sits next tothe Durham Bulls Athletic Park, offersBroadway musicals, concerts and livecomedy. Upcoming shows includemagician David Copperfield (Oct. 21),and musicals, The Phantom of theOpera (Nov. 26 - Dec. 20) and MammaMia! (Jan. 26-31, 2010).

    While the standard employee discountis 10 percent, Duke employees can save

    up to 20 percent with lower online fees.

    To get the discount, employees mustorder tickets online through the PERQSwebsite, which links to the performingarts centers website with full detailsabout dates, times and seating.

    Thats where a final tip from Harriscomes in handy:

    Always get an end seat. That way, ifsomeone has to get out, you can letthem by easily and not miss a momentof the show.

    By Marsha A. GreenWriter, Office of

    Communication Services

    For a complete list of DukePERQS discounts

    Durham PerformingArts Center

    123 Vivian St., Durham

    Join the Facebook fan

    page for Working@Duke

    Save on shows at theDurham PerformingArts Center


    Durham Performing Arts Center