workshop suecia avina 2009


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The Youth as Key Actors in the Social Transformation

Of Latin America

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The development of any nation..

..depends on the quality of its human capital

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With a population of 106 million people between the ages of 15 and 24..

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the future of Latin America has never depended so much on the political and strategic decisions made

today regarding this population group ..

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… in order to overcome

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The High Rates ofYouth Unemployment

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and the Grave Social, Educational and Cultural Inequality that the region faces.

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If the efforts of government agencies and international organizations to address many of these challenges are to bear


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..the participation of the youth in the design and implementation of innovative

solutions must be stimulated and supported.

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Many young people are already promoting social transformation processes..

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That bring us closer to a vision of a more prosperous, integrated and democratic

Latin America.

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For instance, the youth are actively involved in programs that seek to

strengthen democracyin countries like

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The creation of a National Youth Policy in Brazil

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of a National Youth Agenda in Ecuador

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and the “Penguin movement” for the improvement of the quality of education

in Chile..

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..these are but a few examples of the contribution this generation is already making to the progress of the region.

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In light of the challenges facing the region, and the potential that lies in the young


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..this initiative seeks to position the youth as a key actor for the sustainable

development of Latin America,

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In order to guarantee the impact of the processes of social transformation, with a

multiplying effect and sustainability in time.

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To reach this goal, it has devised three interconnected strategies:

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(1) To strengthen youth leadership, promoting the creation and consolidation of youth networks and alliances of continental


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(2) To systematize and publicize youth initiatives for social change, making these

efforts visible and their innovative methodologies accessible to a wider


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(3) To promote advocacy actions, supporting and monitoring

intergenerational and inter-sectorial articulation aimed at influencing national and continental policies that affect the

youth in such areas as education, culture, environment, employment and citizen


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This initiative already involves the social and cultural diversity of 95

young leaders in 12 Latin American countries, who participated in the

Recreando America Latina program, various networks of youth

organizations, local and international agencies, and experts and researchers

dedicated to this population.

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Recreate Latin AmericaRecreate Latin America

Is the callenge of our generation..Is the callenge of our generation..

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