writing example


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Page 1: Writing Example

A paper will be rated 0 if it -- contains no response-- merely copies the topic-- is off-topic-- is written in a foreign language-- consists only of keystroke characters

A typical paper at level 1-- may be incoherent-- may be undeveloped-- may contain severe and persistent writing errors

A typical paper at level 2 is seriously flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses:-- serious disorganization or underdevelopment-- little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics-- serious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage-- serious problems with focus

A typical paper at level 3 may reveal one or more of the following weaknesses:-- inadequate organization or development-- inappropriate or insufficient details to support or illustrate generalizations-- a noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms-- an accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usage

A typical paper at level 4-- addresses the writing topic adequately but may slight parts of the task-- is adequately organized and developed-- uses some details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea-- demonstrates adequate but possibly inconsistent facility with syntax and usage-- may contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning

A typical paper at level 5-- may address some parts of the task more effectively than others-- is generally well organized and developed-- uses details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea-- displays facility in the use of language-- demonstrates some syntactic variety and range of vocabulary though-- it will probably have occasional errors

A typical paper at level 6-- effectively addresses the writing task-- is well organized and well developed-- uses clearly appropriate details to support a thesis or illustrate ideas-- displays consistent facility in use of language-- demonstrates syntactic variety and appropriate word choice though-- it may have occasional errors

Page 2: Writing Example

Essay Topic: interesting class

Think of the most interesting class you have ever taken. Why did you enjoy this class so much? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Interesting Class Sample Essays

Sample essay score level 6

The most interesting class I have taken is art. I enjoy this class purely because of the freedom of choices one can make. The teacher, nor the work, are pressuring. The atmosphere of the classroom is extremely friendly and relaxing. Art class relieves the stress of the more rigorous courses I attend. There is an incredible variety of medias to chose from and one can develop a sense of independence. I enjoy this class particularly because I understand the subject of art. Art class gives a person the opportunity to explore within the realm of one's imagination. There does not seem to be a barrier for the ideas one wishes to create. The class is filled with pleasures because there is no stress nor worries. Art also helps one go through logical stages of development. Firstly, one makes a rough sketch of the final project and imagines different styles in which it could be done. Secondly, the actual thought process and the creating of the project develops. And lastly, the project is complete and ready for interpretation and viewing. I greatly believe that one is able to express through pictures and images when the can not explain in words. The inner thoughts of a person come directly through the canvas. The beauty of art is that it can be interpreted in many different ways by the viewer. I adore this subject because of the freedom of expression and the unlimited interpretation. I have learned a great deal being an art student. I have matured and gained independence while listening to criticism as well. The critcism only helps one expand their thoughts and acknowlegde other's style of thinking. I enjoy this class also because of the relaxed environment, a contrast to the rest of the academic classes. The freedom of choice is wonderfully appealing in my point of view.

Sample essay score level 5

The most interesting class I have ever taken was microeconomics class, the first course to be taken as a beginning of the economics study.It is remembered so vividly because, above all, I was under tremendous pressure when I was taking the course as most of my classmates were. None of us were accepted to the economics major yet, and the grade we got on this course will play a crucial part in admission process.

However, the fundamental reason that I enjoyed it so much was that after a month or so, I was able to read and understand financial newspaper such as Wall Street Journal. Sometimes, I was absorbed in what was happening in the real world so much that I neglected to study textbooks carefully.

I also had a pleasure of having the best TA (teaching assistant) I had ever had. University of California is a huge school and there are just too many students in each class. As undergraduate students, we don't have chance to see the professor in person very often. TA's are the ones who directly influence our progresses in class. My TA in that class was no less clear in explaining the class material than the professor, and he inspired us to have interests in economic interpretations of real world.

Page 3: Writing Example

Not everyone get to have the previlege of knowing exactly what to do with their lives. The fun of understanding economics and business made me sure that I would have my career in that field and get MBA degree.

Sample essay score level 4 The most interesting class I have ever taken was my Art Value class this year. I believe so due to the following reasons. First of all, art is the subject I love. If I could, I would spend my entire life just drawing, and I defenitely won't be bored. Unfortunetely, I did not have a chance to study art before, therefore taking this class was a great deal of interest and challenge to me. Being in this class I have found out so many new things about art, such as its history, techniques, types of materials that are used, and so on. I have discovered many secret talents in myself, which helped me to improve my self-esteme. Due to the things I have learned in this class I participated in several art contest and was really successful. I think that my that art class won't be as intersting without my teacher. She has invented different games to help us remember important events in the art history and understand how the art techiques and various types of paint work. She was, without a doubt, the most understanding, intesting, and challenging teacher I have ever had. Taking this class I have learned new things and have found out more about myself. Having such a great teacher helped me to succeed in art contests and to find my way in life. Now I know what I want to be.

Sample essay score level 3I took many classes in the four years of college but one was the most interesting of all of them: "The Sociology of transition". The reasons which are the background of my choice are related to the professor and, on the other hand, to the contents of the cours. In the first time, the "The Sociology of transition" class had come to reponse to my dillema about the unfunctionality of the social system in which I lived. In the second time, the professor had been a practioner and a specialist, a man who had worked in the public administration and had made part from civil society (non-governamental organisation). I had many thing to learn from him. We do not forget the specific of the moment when I took this class: I had been in the second year when I had known the bases of the sociology and I had had an overview of the social system mechanism. An ther extra-reasons is that my best friends took this class. I had enjoed

Sample essay score level 2The most significant and recognize class I have ever taken ,is the class or the period that I have spent at the university , it was energized with pleasure ,excitment friends,and tired ,it influence on me in a great deal. I have really feel how the life in university is beautifull ,I with my friends went for a picnics,doing homeworhs toghers, laugh on the jokes which every one of us must interested in. Also I have lived the feeling of energization in the exam's times , seeing and knowing the students and their welling,someone who are chatting,and the others who are good ,so I feel this period has candidated me for the work life.

Page 4: Writing Example

Sample essay score level 1The most interesting class I have ever taken is history. I took many history classes in my high school and I enjoyed all of them.I think, the reason was my teachers. They made classes more and more enjoyable. They teached me many things about Turkish and world history. They provided activities like

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