www.novell.com how essentialtalk uses ichain ® and edirectory ™ for web commerce lorand l. szojka...

www.novell.com Uses iChain ® and eDirectory for Web Commerce Lorand L. Szojka Chief Information Officer The Essentialtalk Network [email protected]

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How Essentialtalk Uses iChain® and eDirectory™ for Web Commerce

How Essentialtalk Uses iChain® and eDirectory™ for Web Commerce

Lorand L. SzojkaChief Information OfficerThe Essentialtalk [email protected]


• Introduce The Essentialtalk Network• Discuss value-based business principles• Outline Essentialtalk’s challenges• Leverage Novell eDirectory™

• Demonstrate Essentialtalk live


The Essentialtalk Network

What Is Essentialtalk?

• To the outside world Essentialtalk is

A communications solutions provider

Facilitator for presentations and training

Essentialtalk’s Clients

• Compaq• Novell• TransCanada Pipelines• Canadian Hockey Association• HSBC• Aon Reed Stenhouse

What Our Clients Achieve

• Through Essentialtalk our clients achieve: Enhanced human communications Highly interactive conference calls Superior meetings to small and large groups Highly effective training and presentations

What Our Clients Achieve (cont.)

• In summary, our clients achieve:

Substantial $$$ Savings

Essentialtalk Features—Participant

• High-quality audio over internet • Streaming, not VOIP

• Access to visuals and supplementary documentation online

• Completely browser based• No large software downloads or installations

• Low bandwidth requirement (56 kbps)• Can access archives for replay anytime

Essentialtalk Features—Chairperson

• Can be anywhere in the world• Can show presentations, documents, videos,

and much more• Can interact through audio and text• Retains full control over meeting• Can deliver live/archived or professionally


Essentialtalk Features—Infrastructure

• Can facilitate multiple, simultaneous meetings and presentations

• Scalable to tens of thousands of participants without degradation

• Can be transparently integrated• Rapid deployment without large capital


Essentialtalk’s Applications

• Web-enhanced conference calls• Live streaming audio seminars

With full audience interaction and active participation

• Personalized corporate communications both internal and to the public

• Interactive customer and investor relations • Effective distance education and training• Powerful global marketing, product


Business Principles

Business Principles 101

Business Model—“Dot-Bomb”

• Think of a unique concept or idea

• Raise millions of dollars• Grab market share at any

cost • Pretend to run like a business

while burning through capital• Hope to become profitable

one day without a direct and realistic business plan

• Fail after the money is gone

Business Model—Value-Based

• Think of a unique concept or idea• Research and develop concept• Develop business plan with clear path to

profitability • Fail early and fail often• Raise capital • Grow sustainable, profitable product delivery• Build value for shareholders• Provide superior value for clients

Value-Based Business Focus

• Understand Return on Investment (ROI)• Leverage available skills and resources• Automate• Automate• Automate

Essentialtalk’s Requirements

• Requirements• And challenges

Essentialtalk’s Business Requirements

• Build a profitable model Fixed, incremental and managed expansion costs Exponential growth capability

• Simple, intuitive and easy-to-use• Fun and interesting environment• Easy to change, customize, modify and

enhance• Easy to maintain (user self-administered)• Fully automated• Scalable to millions

Essentialtalk’s Implementation Requirements

• All systems must pass the S-cubed (S3) test: Simple Scalable Secure

Essentialtalk’s Challenges

• Minimal system requirements Internet access with audio (headphones) Java enabled browser No large downloads

• Reliable and system redundant• Complete automation• High security and audio encryption• User self-administration and provisioning• Flexible foundation for uncertainties

Essentialtalk’s Uncertainties

• Rapidly evolving hardware and software

• Variety of “standards”• Uncertain operating

environment Windows Linux

What Is Certain?

• People throughout the world have always and will always need to:

Communicate ideas Inform others Share information Make decisions

If you are human, you communicate with others

We Don’t Know

• We don’t know (nor should we really care): Where a user is How they are going to access Essentialtalk Or from what browser Or through what operating system Or on what hardware

Which network operating system is this flexible?

Leveraging Novell Technologies

Leveraging Novell’s Strengths

Infrastructure Before eBusiness

• It’s always “I” before “E” "…IT professionals need to…simplify internal

systems and create externally facing computing infrastructure that satisfies customers, suppliers and partners.”

» Jamie Lewis, CEO and Research Director, Burton Group

This is exactly what Essentialtalk has achieved by leveraging the strengths of eDirectory and iChain® with our own proprietary automation applications thereby creating an unparalleled communications system

Novell eDirectory—Strengths

• Strengths and Features of eDirectory: Removes dependencies to:

• Operating system (Windows, Linux, OS X)• Application software• Hardware• Access method• Location• Browser (no client)

Replicable, redundant, fail-safe Secure: eDirectory’s rights management

becomes the “firewall” to your organization and its data

Novell eDirectory—Strengths (cont.)

• Strengths and features: Profile Store:

• All user information• All object information

Authentication point Identity Manager for ALL content

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions?

• We've leveraged all the strengths of eDirectory to the deployment of Essentialtalk’s communication system

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• eDirectory features: Instantiate a user Fully automated, self-administered process Simple and easy to use Easy to integrate and federate with other applications

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: We’ve separated the user administration process from

the application The administration of our communication system is thus

simple and easy to use, easy to integrate and federate with other applications

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• eDirectory features: Rights to access functions based on group membership

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: Security within the application is controlled by eDirectory,

functions available to the user within the application are managed by Essentialtalk

We can concentrate our efforts on appropriate and useful Business Processes

eDirectory takes care of User Administration and Rights Management

eDirectory simplifies!

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• eDirectory: “Meetings” become an eDirectory object We instantiate a meeting by simply replicating

a “Meeting Object” and then defining attributes and rights of that object

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: We’ve leveraged the secure, replicable, fail-safe

directory that has no dependencies to operating environment, other applications, hardware or access method

Essentialtalk inherits these attributes and our communication system thus becomes equally secure, replicable, fail-safe and without dependencies on operating environment, other applications, hardware or access method

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• eDirectory: Attributes of objects can be other objects

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: Business processes, application behavior, time-

lines of meeting events, all meeting activity: these and much more can be defined as “Meeting Attributes”

The user rights to access these processes, functions and behaviors are natively controlled by the security of eDirectory and user group membership

What Does Novell’s eDirectory Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• In summary, eDirectory helps make Essentialtalk’s communication systems simple, secure and scalable

Novell iChain—Strengths

• Strengths and features: Proxy architecture

• iChain communicates with underlying web servers and applications on behalf of clients visiting our website

Multi-homing• Provides strength against denial of service attacks

while adding to the flexibility of our configuration Authentication using eDirectory

• iChain doesn’t use agents running on each web server, making configuration and management easy

Novell iChain—Strengths (cont.)

• Strengths and Features: Browser-based, e-mail authentication

• Simple, single sign-on using e-mail • Easy to integrate other applications

Simple SSL configuration• SSL connections are managed from the iChain Proxy

server, not each underlying web server; the administration of certificates is thus greatly simplified

Pages are cached from Proxy Server Easy to create dynamic content

• Dynamic content can be passed through http header

What Does Novell’s iChain Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions?

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: Through iChain we’ve implemented a powerful

yet easy to administer Privilege Management System that meets our “S-cubed” test:

– Simple, scalable and secure

iChain simplifies!

What Does Novell’s iChain Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: iChain with eDirectory isn’t dependent on the underlying

hardware configuration; it runs independently and thus transcends the underlying architecture

From a design standpoint, it therefore frees EssentialtalkTM to focus on best methods, best solutions; i.e., the solutions that work independent of hardware, operating system, choice of applications or their configuration

What Does Novell’s iChain Dofor Essentialtalk’s Solutions? (cont.)

• Benefit to Essentialtalk: The security is always there; like the air we

breathe, iChain does the function it was designed to do, yet is completely transparent

Essentialtalk relies heavily on iChain’s capabilities, and because it works so well we often take it for granted


• iChain frees up the developers of Essentialtalk to focus on their core competencies and ultimately on the solutions that work best

• Because iChain is “S-cubed,” and because Essentialtalk has leveraged eDirectory and iChain strengths, the powerful Communication Systems developed by Essentialtalk inherit these capabilites: thanks to Novell iChain and eDirectory, Essentialtalk is simple, scalable and secure

Live Demonstration

• A live demonstration of Essentialtalk’s Communication system