www.teambusiness.com the real life business game team business ™ executive overview for education

www.teambusiness.com The Real Life Business Game TEAM BUSINESS Executive Overview for Education

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The Real Life Business Game


Executive Overview for Education

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Company Background.

Program Descriptions.

Program Description and Learning Outcomes.

Quick Facts.


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Team Business offers experiential business simulations where students learn about business, by running one in competition with other students.

We’ve had 350K + participants and 250 + organizations attend our programs globally.

Programs developed in 1995 in S. Africa – launched in the US in 2002 and in Europe in 2007.

What is Team Business?

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What is Team Business?

Business Education Programs Instructor-led Business Simulations Team Building Elements Team-Based, 4-10 Member Teams Learn from Peers, Your Team and the Competition

Experiential & Shared Learning Methodology Extremely Competitive Highly Engaging Run by Team Business or Certify Your Own Trainers

Design Basics common to all our programs…

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Our Simulation-Based Business Workshops

Teams run 'real', hands-on businesses in competition with each other.

Simulation Outcome


2Fundamentals of Business

3 Team Building and Effectiveness

4 Accounting and Financial Analysis

(the fine print – not team based – rather a simulated experience)

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Our clients incorporate us into their programs for various applications - some common themes include:

a quick half or full day immersion program into understanding business

a method of accelerating the pace at which students get to know one another, to jump start the rest of the program

a way to provide students from varying backgrounds with a common experience from which to teach business lessons in greater depth

an experience from which to observe students behavior and to provide them with a learning opportunity about themselves and their styles, in a 'safe' learning environment

A fun experience that keep students engaged for several hours without technology, and takes a generation used to communicating strictly via technology, to work as a team and to interact with one another

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A few of Our Clients and How they Apply our Programs

Client ApplicationTuck School of Business at Dartmouth -Lead Program

Accounting Comes Alive – accounting ‘acumen’

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth -Lead Program

Wharton Leadership Department – Undergraduate

University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering

Georgetown University (summer program)

Entrepreneurship 101 (for business, engineering and high potential students) Team Dynamics Team Bonding Run for The Management and Technology Summer Institute, Summer Institute in Business

and Technology, LEAD Program, Leadership in the Business World, University of Singapore Program, Wharton/West Point Joint Program

Johns Hopkins – MBA/MPH Entrepreneurship 101 for medical professionals Team Dynamics Team Bonding

Wharton Leadership Department – MBA Observe behaviors, leadership and communication methods and styles to assist in the process of selecting leadership fellows. The department use our program to get from 80 applicants to 40 Fellows

The Lauder Institute

Accelerate team bonding Learn about personal leadership Style, and those of their peers Team Dynamics Administration, faculty or Organizational Dynamics professionals observe the

personalities and dynamics of the in-coming class and facilitate a learning experience

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Ideas: How You May Consider Applying our Programs

Area Application

Boot – Camp/Pre-MBA Session

Accelerate team bonding Intro to Accounting in 1 day

Center for Leadership Observe behaviors, leadership and communication methods and use the experience to explore leadership traits in a ‘safe’ environment

Accounting ‘acumen’

Business for Non Business Students

Entrepreneurship 101 (for business, engineering and liberal arts students) Team Dynamics /Leadership Lessons Team Bonding

Student Affairs Program Office Team bonding for cohorts/teams Competitive Fun

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More Detail about BOX and the Learning Outcomes

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What participants get out of the BOX experience?

Understand, hands on, what it means to be an entrepreneur, to have a career in business or to work in a corporation.

How to be successful working as a part of a team.

How you can’t be successful, unless you work with your team…

How important it is to communicate and listen to others…

That there is no one right answer in business…

How to read and complete an income statement –

More importantly… Why it’s important that more money comes in and less money goes out

Participants stay engaged for 4-8 hours…without digital technology…

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Everyone participates in the management and production of a product.

Participants run businesses for 6 imaginary months, in one day, with several stages and challenges:


Competitive Rivalry

Impact of Technology

Impact of Quality

Challenge of the Future

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The Process …

Teams receive a business assignment

They go into management meetings to develop basic business plans …

Then they identify their key value and cost drivers …

They turn their business plan into action … against the clock …

Each team markets their value to their customer.…

They measure and analyze their business results, including an income statement.

Most critically, they reflect on what happened … and learn from their mistakes and successes

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The cornerstones of business – customer satisfaction, costs, revenue, profit

The impact of technology

The challenge of reduced demand

The role of quality

The role of advertising

The concept of adding value

The affordability of staff

The dynamics of market forces and pricing

The impact of interest and tax on profit

The value chain – suppliers, inputs, processes, outputs, customers


Size &


4-5 member teams; 16-30 participants

Students in any specialization (business, science etc)

Time 6-8 hours. Can be run in 1 full day or 2 half-day sessions

Quick Facts

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More Detail about CAR and the Learning Outcomes

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The Process…

Participants are given the opportunity to run their own Car Manufacturing Division, wherein they physically produce cars that are sold into the market at the end of each production period.

Using basic financial tools to plan production activities, resource requirements, measure performance and benchmark against the competition, participants get to observe the outcome of their business decisions

They acquire an understanding of causality… the relationship between decisions made and outcomes realized.

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Quick Facts

Key Concepts

Gain a crisp understanding of the key business drivers: Quality, Volume and Cost

Understand the relationship between these key drivers and their impact on profitability

Understand the critical business inputs of Staff, Time, Resources, Information and Process that determine how effective business objectives can be achieved

Learn how to identify and define shortcomings and opportunities for improvement within a business

Workshop Size & Audience

7-10 member teams; up to 120 participants Any audience with a need or desire to create an environment

of creativity, innovation and continuous improvement

Time CAR Simulation: 4 hours

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More Detail about TEAM and the Learning Outcomes

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What the participants gain from the TEAM Experience

A view into their individual behavior under stress

An interesting insight into the power, or weakness, of collective decision-making

A sound understanding of the decision-making and thinking processes of their colleagues

… Participant comments on the TEAM Program

This was an interesting experience that gave me valuable insight into the team dynamics of my classmates and into my own strengths and weaknesses

An innovative program that elicits organic leadership and behavioral team-based traits – a great tool!

This is helpful for learning how other members work, as a preemptive strategy for future teamwork

I found it very useful to learn business basics and learned about each other’s leadership styles

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Students will use basic financial tools to plan production activities, resource requirements, measure performance and benchmark against the competition. Participants get to observe the outcome of their business decisions, thereby acquiring an understanding of the relationship between decisions made and outcomes realized.

Participants get a view into how they and their peers behave in a “pressure-cooker” environment. The experience helps break down barriers and encourages co-operation. Our programs accelerate the pace at which students get to know one other, leading to improved team productivity.

Teams run 'real', hands-on businesses in competition with each other.

The Process…

The Process…

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Quick Facts

Key Concepts

Encourages co-operation among students

Learn about team dynamics and leadership

A team exercise to get to know how fellow students behave

under pressure

Fun, pressure cooker introduction to managing a business and

working with peers

Team based approach to solving problems and decision making

Understand how each individual can impact value drivers and


Share information, innovation and techniques with peers

Workshop Size & Audience

4-10 member teams; 16-30 per program; maximum 50 Any audience where improving team dynamics and developing

leadership is the main focus

Time 1 day or 2 half day sessions Or ½ day

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More Detail about Accounting Comes Alive and the Learning Outcomes

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Our Simulation-Based Business Workshops: Accounting Comes Alive

Participants learn accounting and financial concepts through real life business scenarios using a newly developed technology. Color Accounting™ eliminates guesswork and strips away the complexity normally associated with accounting.

Participants gain a solid understanding of balance sheets, income statements, financial reporting and analysis.

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The Process…

Everyone is presented with real business scenarios…

Participants are guided through how accounting principles apply to the scenarios being discussed…

Proprietary color technology is used to solidify the accounting principles and terminology…

Accounting lessons are applied to financial analysis which drive business decisions…

A clear understanding on how understanding accounting is fundamental to understanding business…

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Learning Outcomes

Financial Analysis and Concepts

Balance Sheets and Income Statements


Management Ratios


Financial Reporting

Business and Financial Communication

Business Acumen

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Quick Facts

Key Concepts

Gain a general or a deeper understanding of accounting

depending on course taken

Obtain the accounting tools necessary for typical financial

communication and analysis

Apply and use accounting confidently, easily and with true


Use this foundation to readily master more advanced accounting


Experience accounting as liberating and empowering rather than

intimidating and boring

Workshop Size & Audience

Maximum 20 (larger groups can be accommodated with a change in format)

Any audience where delving into the world of accounting and developing a deeper understanding is the main focus

Time Seminars: 1 to 4 hours for the fundamentals of accounting Workshop: 5 to 8 hours for more in depth learning

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Thank you..

For further discussions, or to contact Team Business,

call Lara Azzam at 301 537 8980

Or e-mail: [email protected]