x tabber - 2/4 - gather.com : gather.com

X Tabber - 2/4 - Gather.com : Gather.com I love Pat Metheney, Jaco Pastorius, Miles Davis, Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd and King Crimson, as well as Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven. I write fiction, which is my favorite genre, but I sometimes vent using really bad poetry. I have no aspiration to be a p Rabbi Boris Paskoff's home was a shambles. Books were piled across the carpet, a three dimensional plush that you either navigated gingerly or fell flat on your face. A plastic covered Continue Reading »

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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X Tabber - 2/4 - Gather.com : Gather.com

I love Pat Metheney, Jaco Pastorius, Miles Davis, Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd and King Crimson, as wellas Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven. I write fiction, which is my favorite genre, but I sometimes ventusing really bad poetry. I have no aspiration to be a p

Rabbi Boris Paskoff's home was a shambles. Books were piled across the carpet, a threedimensional plush that you either navigated gingerly or fell flat on your face. A plastic covered

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Snowfall The very air seems padded and soundless My heartbeat loud in my ears but also Soft hissas the whirling flakes fall to the ground Like a tea kettle beginning its boil from afar My

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Well, I've been advised that my challenge last week was too difficult and too dark. Sorry about that. I wrote my response to it and found it too dark to publish so mea culpa my friends

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Like many other people, I was traveling this past week to visit family for Thanksgiving. Due to theextraordinary high cost of plane fares, I elected to drive the 800+ miles to the DC area

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It won't take much digging to figure out today is my birthday. I find it auspicious that my day to editGWE and my birthday fall on the same day, so let's make some hay with that. I think

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I count myself lucky every day To have found someone who Listens to me, even when I make nosense Holds me when I need the comforting arms Feeds my soul, my stomach and my headChallenges me intellectually

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Well, I'm traveling again. Seems that this is my trend lately -- every Tuesday, I'm off somewhereelse. This time, San Francisco. I can think of worse places to be for business!

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First, sorry about being absent the past couple of weeks. Two Tuesdays ago, I was traveling out ofthe country, and try as I might, I could not get my mobile device to give me internet access.

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Greetings Gather Writing Essential Members! We had good (but not great) participation with lastweek's Halloween prompts, but I'm delighted by the work turned in by our fellow Gatherers.

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Crit Welcome! I wrote this piece today just for this Tuesday's Child challenge. Help me make itbetter! Autumn had fully descended upon my little town of Dead Cricket, Missouri.

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With Halloween fast approaching, the leaves changing color, and the wind taking on Fallcharacteristics, I get nostalgic for those carefree days of my youth. The smell of cheap vinyl masks,

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A couple of weeks ago, I suggested that writers looking for critique to improve their work should askfor it. This was a common sense recommendation, but it left a number of well-meaning would-be

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Have you posted something to Gather, only to have lots of people pat you on the back, but give youno constructive criticism? Even with that glaring typo in the first line? Or, have you posted

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This piece is inspired by the King Crimson song "Satori in Tangier" Hot stink of livestock, cookinggrease and excrement Brutal sun pushing down like an artifact of gravity Shouts and curses, jingling

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M onday's child is fair of face, T uesday's child is full of grace, W ednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go, F riday's child is

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In my dream, I flew high over velvet earth Slid sideways through treetops, like dodging conesAlighted upon clouds, wetting my feet with dew. When I found I could not fly, I fell Wind sucking theair

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The skies opened up as soon as Winston left the terminal, soaking him instantly to the skin. Puddlesforming on the sidewalk splashing his trousers as he slogged through to the parking garage.

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What gift to give to the gifted? How to recognize the extraordinary? There is no jewel, no treasureworthy No exotic locale suitable For you, I would give you the laughter of children The wonder

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The door slammed shut behind Winston as he entered his apartment. Without the lights on, he couldsmell the trash decaying like dead beach creatures in the kitchen can. He sighed and decided

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You know who you are. You always tell me that I'm dark, see things through the half empty glass ButI prefer the contrast between what I expect, and the what-is Like the shimmering crescent of sun,

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This is a "party" entry for Sandy Knauer's Tuesday Writing Essential. Details found here. nn nnWinston Rafferty has a secret. It's no secret that he's a flight

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The wizened man climbs carefully up the stairs of the bus. A young boy, no more than 10 years old,follows him closely, holding his small suitcase and the old man's hat. Family and friends

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Decomposition Fragmentation The man stares back, no hiding the grizzled face Start of crows feet

there, a smile line turned frown line there Is asked pointedly, "Do you feel all is lost?

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nn A disturbing trend has emerged here on Gather. nn Due to the attention to this issue brought byseveral articles on the topic of harassment, notably by JustMe , Selene and Valerie , it's

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