yellowstone national park

Yellowstone national park Have you ever wanted to see the famous Old Faithful?? Old Faithful was named by the first official expedition to Yellowstone, the Washburn Expedition of 1870. They were impressed by its size and frequency. Old Faithful erupts every 45minutes for 1 1/2 to 5 minutes. Its maximum height ranges from 90 to 184 feet. Biggest regular geyser in Yellowstone.. Furthermore, it has been erupting in nearly the same fashion throughout the recorded history of the park. Through the years, it has become one of the most studied geysers. One result of this close observation is that the Park Rangers are able to predict its eruptions fairly accurately. This makes Old Faithful geyser one of the easiest geysers in Yellowstone to see. Old Faithful is deceiving. The benches around the geyser are over 300 feet from the geyser but with nothing to judge the distance by, I rarely realize just how big the geyser is until I get further away. Personally, I like the view from Geyser Hill. As with any geyser, watch the wind direction or you may only see steam. Yellowstone was established in 1872. Yellowstone National Park is America's first national park. Located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, it is home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and elk. Preserved within Yellowstone National Park are Old Faithful and a collection of the world's most extraordinary geysers and hot springs. This is also the largest and oldest park in the world. This is what Bart Henderson said about Yellowstone. “We…came to a beautiful flat which gave the name of buffalo flat buffalo flat as we found thousand s of buffalos grazing in the field. It also has numerous lakes scattered over in the finest range in the world. Here we found all manner of wild game.’’ It was made a park cause of its beauty. And of all of its natural recourses.

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Yellowstone national park

Yellowstone national park Have you ever wanted to see the famous Old Faithful?? Old Faithful was named by the first official expedition to Yellowstone, the Washburn Expedition of 1870. They were impressed by its size and frequency. Old Faithful erupts every 45minutes for 1 1/2 to 5 minutes. Its maximum height ranges from 90 to 184 feet. Biggest regular geyser in Yellowstone.. Furthermore, it has been erupting in nearly the same fashion throughout the recorded history of the park. Through the years, it has become one of the most studied geysers. One result of this close observation is that the Park Rangers are able to predict its eruptions fairly accurately. This makes Old Faithful geyser one of the easiest geysers in Yellowstone to see. Old Faithful is deceiving. The benches around the geyser are over 300 feet from the geyser but with nothing to judge the distance by, I rarely realize just how big the geyser is until I get further away. Personally, I like the view from Geyser Hill. As with any geyser, watch the wind direction or you may only see steam.

Yellowstone was established in 1872. Yellowstone National Park is America's first national park. Located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, it is home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and elk. Preserved within Yellowstone National Park are Old Faithful and a collection of the world's most extraordinary geysers and hot springs. This is also the largest and oldest park in the world. This is what Bart Henderson said about Yellowstone. “We…came to a beautiful flat which gave the name of buffalo flat buffalo flat as we found thousand s of buffalos grazing in the field. It also has numerous lakes scattered over in the finest range in the world. Here we found all manner of wild game.’’ It was made a park cause of its beauty. And of all of its natural recourses.

This park is on a high plateau. Most of the park is drained by the Yellowstone River. The most spectacular scenery is carved into the plateau. Yellowstone’s lakes elevation is 7731ft. The Yellowstone Lake is a really popular lake for fishing it is also the park that has the most amount of fresh water. There’s lots of geysers in yellowstone.Since there’s so many of them the air smells like rotten eggs.The geysers can come in many different

colors but most of the time there white. Yellowstone National Park covers 2,221,766 acres, which is roughly the size of the state of Connecticut. Most of the park is located in the northwestern corner of Wyoming, but a small portion overlaps that state's boundaries with Montana and Idaho. The park is comprised primarily of high, forested, volcanic plateaus that have been eroded over the millennia by glaciations and stream flow and that are flanked on the north, east, and south by mountains. The Continental Divide traverses the park from its southeastern corner to it’s western boundary. The elevation of the park averages 8,000 feet, ranging from 5,282 feet in the north, where the Gardner River drains from the park, to 11,358 feet in the east, at the summit of Eagle Peak in the Absaroka Range.

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History is fun right…... A lot of scientists think that Native Americans avoided yellowstone.But later they found spears and Native Americans tools. In the summer of 1988 there’s was a fire. It burned 1.4 billion sq miles in and around the park. A lot of the land had been burned enough to leave it barren. The park was picked to be universal significance by the world heritage convection in they think that natives were there so the first nonnative American guy to go to Yellowstone was a fur trapper named john Colter. In 1871 the first boat was taken out to Yellowstone Lake. About 600,000 years ago magma from under Yellowstone began to rise. This burned a lot of the area. This now is black from the lava.

The park has a lot of animals and really hard to maintain them because some of the animals are getting instinct at that areas like there’s was not that many bears to eat the wolves and the wolves got big and ate a lot of meat which got a lot of dear and other and other animals got in smaller groups so they have to bring in more bear to give the animals a fair amount. About 600,000 years ago magma from under Yellowstone began to rise. This burned a lot of the area. This now is black from the lava.


So that’s how Yellowstone is old and beautiful. Now if you ever get to see it please tell me how it went. Doesn’t I sound like a beautiful and a fun place to visit? There are also a lot of mud pots. In this feature, steam rises through groundwater that has dissolved surrounding rocks into clay; various minerals in the rocks make wide variations in the color of the mud. More often than not, such water is quite acidic, which help is the breaking down and dissolving process.

Here's a picture of an elk grazing.

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