“your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you...

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start” 1. What are Mental Illnesses? 2. What are some signs and symptoms? 3. How can you help someone?

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can

go; they merely determine where you start”

1. What are Mental Illnesses?2. What are some signs and

symptoms?3. How can you help someone?

Depression and Suicide

Mental DisordersA mental disorder is a mental health problem that may:

• make parts of daily life hard or impossible

• cause emotional pain

• cloud a person’s ability to think clearly

• make a person lose touch with reality

• cause someone to harm him or herself or others

• require medical treatment

What are the signs of Mental Health Disorders?

• Sadness, Hopelessness, Despair, or Irritability

• Feeling of Panic or Terror without reason

• Change in Eating and Sleeping Habits

• Bizarre Behavior; Violence or agressive

• Loss of Self-Esteem

• Withdraw from Life; Lack of energy

• Extreme and Sudden Mood Changes

Some Mental and Emotional Disorders

Eating Disorders

- Anorexia

- Bulimia

* Excessive dieting resulting in self-starvation

* Bingeing on food then purging to avoid weight gain

Anxiety Disorders

- Anxiety

- OCD (Obsessive- Compulsive)

- Panic

- Phobia

* Feeling of fear with physical symptoms (Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, shaking, and sweating)

*Recurring thoughts with the need to perform some actions such as washing one’s hands

* Intense feeling of terror that occurs suddenly without cause

* Persistent fear of something

Continued ...Some Mental and Emotional Disorders

Dissociative Disorders

- Multiple Personality - Amnesia

* Having two or more distinct personalities

* Loss of memory

Mood Disorders

- Depression

- Manic- Depressive (Bipolar Disorder)

* Feelings of extreme sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness

* Exaggerated feelings of euphoria , irritability, and excessive mood swings

Personality Disorders

- Antisocial

- Paranoid

- Passive-Aggressive

* Preference to remain distant from others

* Consistent mistrust of others

* Behavior showing inner conflict between being dependent and assertive

What is Depression?A disorder that affects a personA disorder that affects a person’’s mood where s mood where

feeling range from the blues to extreme sadness and feeling range from the blues to extreme sadness and hopelessness.hopelessness.

[ It can be a crippling disease and may lead to suicide.It can be a crippling disease and may lead to suicide.[ It is caused by either a:It is caused by either a:

[ Physical: Chemical imbalance, injury, or illness within Physical: Chemical imbalance, injury, or illness within the brain.the brain.

[ Psychological: Unhealthy way of dealing with Psychological: Unhealthy way of dealing with experiences, emotions, or stressexperiences, emotions, or stress

[ Other Factors: Family history, Major life stresses, Other Factors: Family history, Major life stresses, Physical illness, Drug abuse, GenderPhysical illness, Drug abuse, Gender..

How to help someone who is Depressed?

• Talk to them- Don’t dwell on the negative; focus on the positive.

• Listen - Get them to talk.

• Show understanding.

• Get them to put things into perspective.

• Exercise.

• Don’t tell them “THINGS ARE NOT THAT BAD.”

• If it lasts longer than 2 weeks, seek help, hotlines, counselors, & trusted adults.


• helps people resolve past trauma through counseling

•Group Therapy

• involves a therapist leading a group of people with a similar disorder


• can help ease symptoms of a mental disorder but are not the answer to all mental health issues

Suicide:an act of taking one’s own life.


•depression or other mental disorder

•big disappointment or change

•substance abuse

Warning Signs•extreme sadness or

hopelessness•changes in grades, eating habits and

sleep habits•* gives things away•* talks about it•* has a will

What you can do to help? • 1) Determine the Danger

• ASK who, what, where, when, why, & how

• 2) Deal with the actual plan.

• Remove the potential for suicide.Or Remove the means.Or Determine the method.

• 3) Get professional HELP.

• Tell someone - teachers, counselors, parents, or suicidal hotlines.

• 4) Take RESPONSIBILITY for saving your friend’s life.

• 5) Write a contract for life.