留学生 腧穴学总论,acupoints

General introduction to acupoints

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general introduction to acupoints.


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General introduction to


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General introduction to acupoints

Acupoints are the spots where qi and blood from the viscera and meridians effuse and infuse in the body surface.

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General introduction to acupoints

The viscera, meridians and acupoints in the interior and exterior form an organic whole with close relation and harmonious unity.

effuse and infuse

exterior interior

run out and in

meridiansacupoints viscera

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupoints


acupoints viscera

General introduction to acupoints

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The Names of Acupoints

1.According to the pictograph

2.According to the location or function of human organs

3.According to the theories of Yin-yang,Zang-fu Organs,Channels and Collaterals,or Qi and Blood

4.According to the related anatomical knowledge

5.According to the therapeutic properties

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupoints


Channel acupoints

Extraordinary acupoints

Ashi points

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsChannel acupoints

The points distributed along the course of the fourteen channels (twelve regular channels

plus the governor and conception vessels) are called the “points of the fourteen channels”,

or “channel points” for short.

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsChannel acupoints

Huang Di Nei Jing(huangdi’s internal classic)

it mentioned “365 points”, but the actual number of points with their names recorded in the classic is around 160

Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing (the ABC classic of acupuncture and moxibustion) and Qian Jin Yi Fang (supplement to the invaluable prescriptions)

recorded 349 points

Tong Ren Shu Xue Zhen Jiu Tu Jing(illustrated manual of points on bronze figure) Shi Si Jing Fa Hui(elaboration of the fourteen meridians )

recorded 354 points respectively

Zhen Jiu Da Cheng(great compendium of acupuncture and moxibustion)

recorded 359 points

Zhen Jiu Feng Yuan (source of acupuncture and moxibustion) compiled in the late qing dynasty recorded 361 points, which is the number of channel points still used today.

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsExtraordinary acupoints

The points that have definite locations but have not been recognized as points of the fourteen

channels have specific names and effective indications and are named as “extra points outside the channels”

or “extra points” for short.

Points in this category have relatively fixed indications, and most of them are indicated for some

specific disorders.

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupoints

Ashi points actually refer to tenderness spots. Such points are marked by no fixed location, no pertaining channels and no names.

Ashi points have no fixed location. They are actually tender spots. They often change because the affected regions vary with disease. Since they do not have fixed location, they have no names and no direct relationship with channels.

Ashi acupoints

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsRules for the effects of points

Rules for the effects points

local therapeutic effects

remote therapeutic effect

special therapeutic effects

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsRules for the effects of points

local therapeutic effects

This is a characteristic therapeutic property for all points, including channel points, extra points ashi-points. All points can treat the disorders of their local and adjacent locations.

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsRules for the effects of points

remote therapeutic effect

The remote therapeutic effect is a property of the channel points, especially for those of the twelve regular channel located distally to the elbow and knee joints. They are effective not

only for local disorders but also for the disorders of remote locations on the course of their pertaining channels. This is what the saying “the indication extends to where the

meridian reaches”

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsRules for the effects of points

special therapeutic effects

Besides the above local and remote therapeutic effects, some points have certain special effects such as bi-directional regulation, general regulation, and other specific actions.

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupoints

Special acupoints refer to the acupoints on the fourteen channels with special curative effect. A majority of the acupoints bear special effect and are commonly used in clinical treatment.

Special acupoints

General introduction to acupoints

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints

General introduction to acupoints

five-shu yuan-source


lower He-sea


eight convergent

Back-Shu Front-Mu eight confluent


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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


Five-Shu acupoints refer to Jing-Well, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River and He-Sea which are five acupoints located on the twelve channels below the knees and elbows. They are situated in the

above order from the distal extremities to the elbow or knees. These five acupoints reflect the indication

of the acupoints below the knees and elbows.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


Yuan-Source acupoints, the regions where the primary qi of the viscera flows by and

retains, are usually located around the wrists and ankles, reflecting the

pathological changes of the viscera. They are clinically used to diagnose and treat

the disorders of the related viscera.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


Luo-Connecting acupoints refer to the points where the fifteen collaterals stem from the twelve channels, the governor and conception vessels

as well as the major collateral of the spleen. All the Luo-Connecting acupoints of the twelve chan

nels are located below the elbows and knees.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


The Xi-Cleft acupoints are the sites where qi and blood from the meridians are deeply

converged. Each of the twelve channels and the four extraordinary vess

els (Yin link and Yang link vessels, Yin heel and Yang heel

vessels) has a Xi-Cleft acupoint on the limbs,

amounting to sixteen in all.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


Clinically Xi-Cleft acupoints are used to treat severe acute disorders of the meridians. The Xi-Cleft acupoints on the yin channels are usually used to treat various blood syndromes and the Xi-Cleft acupoints on the yang channels are of

ten used to treat various pain syndro


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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints

eight Confluence

The eight convergent acupoints refer to the eight acupoints on the twelve channels that are connected with the eight extraordinary vessels. These eight acupoints are all located below the knees and elbows and are used to treat is orders involving the face, head and trunk related to the eight extraor

dinary vessels.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints

lower He-sea

The lower He-Sea acupoints refer to six acupoints on the three yang channels of the foot where qi from the six fu organs converges and are the key acupoints for the treatment of the disorders of the six

fu organs.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


The Back-Shu acupoints are located on the back and waist along the first lateral line of the bladder channel(1.5 cun lateral to the back middle line) and are the regions where qi of the viscera is infused. The distributing order of Back-Shu

acupoints is similar to that of th location of the viscera.Clinically these acupoints are used to treat the disorders

of the related viscera, tissues and organs.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints

Front-MuFront-Mu acupoints are those located on the chest

and abdomen where qi of the viscera is infused and converged. The location of the Front-Mu

acupoints is similar to that of the related viscera. Front-Mu acupoints can be used to treat

disorders of the related viscera, especially the disorders

of the six fu organs. Front-Mu acupoints are usually needled with the

combination of Back-Shu acupoints.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints

eight influential

Eight confluent acupoints, located on the trunk and four limbs below the knees and elbows, are the regions where the essence of qi, blood, tendons, vessels, bones, marrow, zang organs and fu organs converges.

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General introduction to acupointsSpecial acupoints


Crossing acupoints are those at the intersection of two or more channels. Most of them are located on the head,face and trunk, except a few which are located on the lower limbs. Crossing acupoints are clinically used to treat diseases related to the cha

nnel proper and the channels crossed with the channel proper.

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Methods for Locating Points1.Measurement with Anatomic Landmarks1.1 Fixed Anatomic Landmarks1.2 Moving Landmarks

2.Bone-Length Proportional Measurement3.Finger Measurement3.1 Middle Finger Measurement3.2 Thumb Measurement3.3 Four-Finger Measurement

4. Simplified Measurement

General introduction to acupoints

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Methods for Locating Points

Anatomic Landmarks

Fixed Anatomic Landmarks

five sensory organshairnailsnipplesumbilicusprominences and depressions of bones and muscles

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Methods for Locating Points

Anatomic Landmarks

Moving Landmarks

Moving landmarks refer to the depressions and folds on the joints, muscles, and skin with reference to specific body movements.

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Methods for Locating Points

Bone-length Proportional Measurement

Bone-length proportional measurement is a point locating method by taking the bones and joints of the body as major markers used to measure the length and size of certain body parts and converting their length or size into proportional units based on the measuring criteria for locating points

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Methods for Locating Points

Bone-length Proportional Measurement

Bone-length proportional measurement is to measure the length and width of all parts of the body by means of anatomic landmarks on the body surface. Actually, this method is the extension of the anatomic landmarks measurement, and supplements the limitation of the latter measurement. It is considered to be an accurate points-locating method, thus bone-length proportional measurement is most ofter used clinically and is widely applicable for most points.

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Methods for Locating Points

Finger Measurement

Finger measurement is a point-locating method using the length and width of the patient's finger as a standard to locate points.

The middle finger measurement Thumb Measurement Four-Finger Measurement

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Methods for Locating Points

Finger Measurement

The middle finger measurement

When the patient's middle finger is bent, the distance between the two medial ends of the creases of two interphalangeal joints is taken as one cun

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Methods for Locating Points

Finger Measurement

Thumb Measurement

The width of the interphalangeal joint of the patient's thumb is taken as one cun

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Methods for Locating Points

Finger Measurement

Four-Finger Measurement

When the patient's four fingers extend and touch closely together, the width of the four fingers at the level of the crease of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is measured to be three cun.

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Methods for Locating Points

Simplified Measurement

A simple method used to locate points

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