01. historical-based probability estimation for onshore pipelines

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  • 8/9/2019 01. Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines




    PIPELINES.............................................................................................................. A.1

    A.1 Scope ...........................................................................................................A.1

    A.2 Approach ......................................................................................................A.1A.3 Baseline Failure Rates .................................................................................A.2A.4 Failure Mode Factor .....................................................................................A.3A.5 Failure Rate Models and Attribute Modification Factors...............................A.4

    A.5.1 External Corrosion ............................................................................A.4A.5.2 Internal Corrosion .............................................................................A.9

    A.5.2.1 Overview...........................................................................A.9A.5.2.2 Simplified Model ...............................................................A.9A.5.2.3 Refined Model ................................................................A.12

    A. Liquid Product Corrosion ................................A.12A. Wet Gas Corrosion .........................................A.16

    A.5.3 Equipment Impact...........................................................................A.20

    A.5.3.1 Overview.........................................................................A.20A.5.3.2 Rate of Occurrence of Equipment Impact ......................A.22A.5.3.3 Probability of Failure Given Impact.................................A.23A.5.3.4 Model Scale Factor.........................................................A.25

    A.5.4 Geotechnical Hazards ....................................................................A.26A.5.5 Stress Corrosion Cracking..............................................................A.28A.5.6 Manufacturing Cracks.....................................................................A.33A.5.7 Seismic Hazards.............................................................................A.35

    A.5.7.1 Overview.........................................................................A.35A.5.7.2 Failure Rate due to Lateral Spreading of Liquefied

    Soil..................................................................................A.37A.5.7.3 Guidance on Characterizing Soil Liquefaction

    Susceptibility...................................................................A.41A.5.8 Other Causes..................................................................................A.42A.5.8.1 Overview.........................................................................A.42A.5.8.2 Gas Pipelines .................................................................A.43A.5.8.3 Liquid Pipelines ..............................................................A.43

    A.6 Effective Age ..............................................................................................A.43A.7 References .................................................................................................A.46

    March 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

  • 8/9/2019 01. Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines


  • 8/9/2019 01. Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines



    A. Historical-Based Probability Estimation forOnshore Pipelines

    A.1 ScopeThis document describes a set of historical-based models developed to calculate the rates of

    failure by small leak, large leak or rupture for a given section of an onshore pipeline. The

    models are based on historical incident data and algorithms that depend on specific line

    attributes. The historical-based models were developed with an emphasis on simplicity,

    efficiency and minimal data requirements based on a combination of statistical analysis,

    simplified models and, where necessary, engineering judgment. The failure causes addressed

    by the historical-based models are: external metal loss, internal metal loss corrosion,

    equipment impact, geotechnical hazards, stress corrosion cracking, manufacturing cracks

    (seam weld fatigue), seismic hazards, and other (or miscellaneous) causes.

    A.2 Approach

    For a majority of the failure causes considered, the annual rate of failure for a section of

    pipeline is calculated from a baseline historical failure rate that is subsequently adjusted to

    reflect the anticipated impact on failure of specific line attributes. Baseline failure rate

    estimates are obtained from statistical analysis of historic pipeline incident data. These

    baseline rate estimates are converted to line-specific estimates using failure rate adjustment

    factors that depend on the values of a set of key attributes. The mode of failure is taken into

    account by multiplying the adjusted total failure rate estimate by a mode factor that

    represents the relative likelihood of failure by small leak, large leak and rupture.

    For models directly linked to a baseline historical failure rate, the annual failure rate estimate,

    , for each attribute-consistent section of line, as a function of failure mode iand failure

    causej, is given by


    [A.1a]jijjij FFfbf

    AMRR =

    where = the baseline failure rate for failure causej;

    = the relative probability of failure by mode ifor failure causej; and

    = the failure rate modification factor for failure causej.




    For models not directly linked to a baseline historical failure rate (see Section A.3), the

    annual failure rate estimate for each section of line is given by

    [A.1b]ijjij Fff

    MRR =

    where = the failure rate for failure causej.jf


    March 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

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    A.2 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    A.3 Baseline Failure Rates

    The failure rate is defined as the annual number of incidents involving loss of containment

    divided by the length of pipeline in operation for the year in which incidents are reported.

    The baseline failure rate, Rfb, is defined herein as the average failure rate for a reference

    pipeline section associated with a particular pipeline system, operating company or industry

    sector. It is intended to reflect typical conditions relating to construction, operation and

    maintenance for lines where the failure cause of interest constitutes a significant integrity

    threat. Note that the reference pipeline can and will be different for different failure causes

    (e.g. the attributes of a line where SCC constitutes a significant failure hazard may not be

    typical of pipelines where internal corrosion is a significant failure hazard).

    For a given pipeline system the baseline failure rate estimates are best obtained from

    operating company data if the system exposure (i.e. the total length and age of the system) is

    sufficient to yield a statistically significant number of failure incidents. In the absence of

    appropriate company or system specific data, an estimate of the baseline failure rates can be

    obtained from historical incident and exposure data gathered and published by government

    regulatory agencies, industry associations, and consultants.

    A review of onshore pipeline incident data and statistical summary reports was carried out to

    facilitate the development of a set of reference failure rates (and corresponding reference

    pipeline attributes) that could be assumed to apply to the population of natural gas, crude oil

    and petroleum product pipelines as a whole. Allowing for differences in incident reporting

    requirements associated with different reporting agencies, and recognizing that in the context

    of the risk estimation approach adopted herein, we are interested in rate estimates that

    include small leaks, which are often not reported, the review supports the baseline failure

    rates summarized in Table A.1.

    Failure Cause Failure Rate (per km yr)

    External Metal Loss Corrosion 3.0 x 10-4

    Internal Metal Loss Corrosion (simplified | refined) 3.0 x 10-4

    | 2.5 x 10-2

    Mechanical Damage 3.0 x 10-4

    Geotechnical Hazards N/A

    Stress Corrosion Cracking 3.0 x 10-4

    Manufacturing Cracks (seam weld fatigue) N/A

    Seismic Hazards N/A

    Other (excluding mechanical components) 2.0 x 10-4

    Table A.1 Baseline Failure Rates for Onshore Pipelines

    Note that baseline rates are not tabulated for failure causes involving geotechnical hazards,

    seismic hazards and manufacturing cracks. This reflects the fact that these failure causes are

    highly location or line specific (as opposed to being a common problem) and the associated

    failure rates are therefore not adequately characterized using the adjusted baseline failure rate

    approach described above. Instead, an approach to failure rate estimation that keys on

    March 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.3

    specific attributes of the line in question is be employed for these failure causes. The specific

    approach adopted for each of these excepted failure causes will be described in the sections

    of the report devoted to their respective failure rate models.

    A.4 Failure Mode FactorThe relative probability of failure by small leak, large leak, or rupture will depend on the

    failure mechanism being considered. For example, metal loss corrosion failures are

    predominantly small leaks (i.e. pin holes) whereas mechanical damage failures caused by

    excavation equipment typically involve a greater percentage of large leaks and ruptures.

    In PIRAMID, the distinction between the three failure modes is tied to the hole size, or more

    explicitly, the equivalent circular hole diameter. Pipeline failure rate summaries that report

    failure mode data by equivalent hole size (e.g. Fearnehough 1985, and EGIG 1999) typically

    define the transition from small leak to large leak by an equivalent hole diameter of 20 mm,

    and the transition between large leak and rupture by an equivalent diameter ranging from

    80 mm (Fearnehough 1985) to the line diameter (EGIG 1999). Based on this approach tofailure mode distinction, the above references suggest relative failure mode probabilities for

    gas transmission pipelines in the following ranges:

    Corrosion -85 to 95% small leaks, 5 to 10% large leaks and 0 to 5% rupture

    External interference -20 to 25% small leaks, 50 to 55% large leaks and 20 to 25% rupture

    Ground movement -10 to 20% small leaks, 35 to 45% large leaks and 35 to 45% rupture

    Construction/Material Defects -55 to 70% small leaks, 25 to 35% large leaks and 5 to 10% rupture

    Other causes/unknown -70 to 90% small leaks, 5 to 15% large leaks and 5 to 15% rupture

    Note that stress corrosion cracking is not specific addressed in these summary reports,

    however, anecdotal information on the North American experience suggests that most

    failures are large leaks or ruptures.

    The earthquake loss estimation methodology developed by the US Federal Emergency

    Management Agency (FEMA 1999) assumes that damage due to seismically induced

    permanent ground movement will consist of 20% leaks and 80% breaks.

    Representative failure mode splits based on the above information, assuming that the

    behaviour of gas and liquid product pipelines at failure is comparable, are summarized in

    Table A.2.

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    A.4 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Failure ModeFailure Cause

    Small Leak Large Leak Rupture

    External and Internal Corrosion 85 % 10 % 5 %

    Equipment Impact 25 % 50 % 25 %

    Geotechnical Hazards 20 % 40 % 40 %

    Stress Corrosion Cracking 0 % 50 % 50 %

    Manufacturing Cracks (seam weld fatigue) 60 % 30 % 10 %

    Seismic Hazards 0 % 20 % 80 %

    Other Causes 80 % 10 % 10 %

    Table A.2 Reference Failure Mode Splits for Onshore Pipelines

    A.5 Failure Rate Models and Attribute Modification Factors

    The algorithms that define the failure rate modification factor,AF, for models that depend onbaseline historical failure rates, and the algorithms that define the failure rate,Rf, for models

    that do not depend on baseline historical failure rates, are described in the following sections.

    A.5.1 External Corrosion

    Pipeline failure associated with external metal loss corrosion is typically the result of a loss

    of pipe protection at locations where the surrounding soil environment supports a corrosion

    reaction. The factors that affect the susceptibility of a line to external corrosion include: the

    type and condition of the coating system; the level of cathodic protection; and the corrosivity

    of the surrounding soil medium. Also, the operating temperature of the pipeline affects the

    corrosivity of the environment and the general condition of the coating system because hightemperatures promote coating decay and accelerate chemical reactions. Because external

    corrosion is a time dependent mechanism, the extent of corrosion damage and its propensity

    to cause line failure will be significantly influenced by the duration of exposure (i.e. the line

    age) and the thickness of the pipe wall that must be penetrated by a growing corrosion

    feature. The specific line attributes used in this model are listed in Table A.3.

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.5

    Attribute NameUnits

    Metric (Imperial)Attribute Description

    Benefit Period of Hydrotest - External


    The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure

    test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the

    failure rate due to external corrosion.

    Benefit Period of Inspection - External


    The length of time over which an inspection andmaintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction

    in the failure rate due to external corrosion.

    Casing Short Choice

    An indication of whether electrical shorting at cased

    locations is contributing to a lack of effective cathodic

    protection at exposed locations on the pipe wall.

    Cathodic Protection Level Choice

    A characterization of the adequacy and uniformity of

    the voltage potential generated by the cathodic

    protection system.

    Coating Condition ChoiceA characterization of the integrity of the external coating


    Coating Type Choice The type of external coating applied to the pipeline.

    Date of External Coating Rehabilitation YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the external coating system was

    replaced or otherwise rehabilitated.

    Date of Installation YYYY/MM/DD The date when the pipeline was installed.

    Date of Last Hydrotest YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the most recent hydrostatic pressure

    test was performed.

    Date of Last Inspection - External


    The date when the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event having an effect on internal

    corrosion was performed.

    Effectiveness of Inspection - External


    The reduction in the failure rate due to external

    corrosion resulting from the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event.

    Electrical Interference Choice

    An indication of whether or not stray electrical currents

    are undermining the effectiveness of cathodic

    protection at exposed locations on the pipe wall.

    Product Temperature C (F)

    The average temperature of the product being

    transported through the line. (Note that pipe body

    temperature is assumed to be equal to the product


    Soil Corrosivity Choice

    A characterization of the degree to which the soil

    conditions surrounding the pipe provide an environment

    that is conducive to the development of metal loss

    corrosion in unprotected areas of pipe.

    Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Table A.3 Line Attributes Required by External Corrosion Model

    The failure rate modification factor developed to reflect the impact of these factors on the

    baseline external corrosion failure rate is

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    A.6 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    ( ) CFCPSCec







    where KEC = external corrosion model scaling factor;

    = effective line age for external corrosion (see Section A.6);t = wall thickness;

    T = operating temperature (assumed equal to product temperature);




    SC = soil corrosivity factor;

    FCP = cathodic protection factor; and

    FCF = coating factor.

    The core relationship involving the line age wall thickness tand operating temperature Twas developed from a multiple linear regression analysis of failure rate data on hydrocarbon

    liquid pipelines operating in California published by the California State Fire Marshall

    (CSFM 1993). It should be noted that the actual relationship derived from the California

    pipeline incident data involved line diameter rather than wall thickness. The diameter termwas translated into a wall thickness term (which, in the context of corrosion failure, is

    considered to be the more relevant parameter) by assuming that on average wall thickness is

    directly proportional to line diameter.

    The soil corrosivity factorFSCis an index that scales the rate modification factor over a range

    that reflects the impact of variations in soil corrosivity on the corrosion failure rate. The

    index multipliers associated with each value of the soil corrosivity attribute are given in

    Table A.4.




    (ohm cm)

    Soil Drainage and Texture FSC

    Very low > 10,000 excessively drained - coarse texture 0.33

    Low 5000 - 10,000well drained - moderately coarse texture, or

    poorly drained - coarse texture0.67

    Moderate 2000 - 5000

    well drained - moderately fine texture, or

    poorly drained - moderately coarse texture, or

    very poorly drained with high steady water table


    High 1000 - 2000

    well drained - fine texture, or

    poorly drained - moderately fine texture, or

    very poorly drained with fluctuating water table


    Very high < 1000 poorly drained - fine texture, ormucks, peats with fluctuating water table


    Table A.4 Soil Corrosivity Factor

    The order of magnitude range was established based on the results of corrosion metal loss

    tests conducted on steel pipe samples buried in soils of various resistivities as reported by

    Crews (1976). The corrosivity categories and corresponding resistivity ranges (with

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.7

    descriptions of characteristic soil drainage and texture) were adapted from those developed

    by Miller et al. (1981) as a basis for ranking the underground corrosion potential based on

    soil surveys.

    The cathodic protection factorFCPis an index that scales the rate modification factor over a

    range that reflects the impact of varying degrees of cathodic protection system effectivenesson corrosion failure rate. The index multipliers associated with each value of the cathodic

    protection level attribute are given in Table A.5.

    Cathodic Protection Level Characterization FCP

    Consistently within range adequate voltage, uniform level 0.5

    Isolated excursions adequate average voltage, some variability 1.0

    Extensive excursions inadequate voltage and/or high variability 2.0

    None 5.0

    Table A.5 Cathodic Protection Factor

    The order of magnitude range was established primarily based on failure rate data reported

    by the CSFM (1993) that indicates a failure rate approximately five times higher for

    unprotected pipe. The multipliers 0.5 and 2.0 were introduced based on judgement to reflect

    the fact that the five fold reduction in failure rate is an average value which therefore applies

    to pipelines having average cathodic protection levels and that some allowance should be

    made for above and below average conditions.

    Note that the impact of two additional line attributes, the presence of casing shorts and

    electrical interference, are tied to the cathodic protection factor. The assumption implicit inthe model is that if there is a casing short, then the cathodic protection factor will be set equal

    to the no protection state (FCP= 5.0) and if there is electrical interference, then the cathodic

    protection factor will be downgraded by one category.

    The coating factorFCFis an index that scales the rate modification factor to reflect the impact

    of different coating types and their condition on corrosion failure rate. The index multipliers

    associated with each combination of coating type and coating condition are given in

    Table A.6.

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    A.8 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Coating Type FCF









    Not applicable

    (no coating)

    Fusion bonded epoxy 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.0

    Extruded polyethylene 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.0

    Coal tar 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.0

    Wax and vinyl tape 1.0 2.0 4.0 4.0

    Asphalt 1.0 2.0 4.0 4.0

    Polyethylene tape 1.0 4.0 8.0 8.0

    Bare (no coating) 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0

    Table A.6 Coating Factor

    The coating related index multipliers in Table A.6 were adapted from a study byKiefner et al. (1990) wherein factors are cited based on the perceived track record of

    generic coating types.

    The model scale factorKECserves to adjust the failure rate modification factor to a value of

    unity for the external corrosion reference sectiondefined as the line section associated with

    the reference value of all line attributes that influence the external metal loss failure rate

    estimate. The intention is that the baseline failure rate for external corrosion should apply

    directly to the reference section (hence the need for a corresponding attribute modification

    factor of 1).

    The expression forKECis obtained by first rearranging Equation [A.2] and settingAF= 1.0 togive

    ( ) CFCPSCec










    The value of the model scale factor is calculated using Equation [A.3] by substituting the

    values of all parameters that are associated with the reference section. The reference section

    parameter values should be developed in conjunction with the baseline failure rate estimate

    (see Section A.3) on a pipeline system, operating company or industry basis, depending onthe intended application of the model.

    Based on a review of incident data summaries in the public domain the following attribute

    values are considered to be representative of the external corrosion reference section:

    March 2003 PIRAMID Technical Reference Manual

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.9

    Age = 38 years;

    Coating type = Coal tar;

    Coating condition = Isolated damage;

    Cathodic protection level = Isolated excursions;

    Product (operating) temperature = 25 C; Soil corrosivity = Moderate; and

    Wall thickness = 5.82 mm.

    The corresponding model scale factor isKEC= 2.92 x10-5


    A.5.2 Internal Corrosion

    A.5.2.1 Overview

    Pipeline failure associated with internal metal loss corrosion is primarily influenced by the

    corrosivity of the transported product and the product flow conditions. Like externalcorrosion, internal corrosion is a time dependent mechanism. The extent of corrosion

    damage and its propensity to cause line failure will therefore be significantly influenced by

    the duration of exposure (i.e. the line age) and the thickness of the pipe wall that must be

    penetrated by a growing corrosion feature.

    Two models are available for estimating internal corrosion failure rates; a so-called

    simplified model in which the product corrosivity is defined directly by a single line

    attribute; and a refined model in which the product corrosivity, as represented by the metal

    loss rate, is calculated from a set of line attributes that reflect specific characteristics of the

    product and product flow regime. Use of the simplified model places the responsibility on

    the user to accurately characterize product corrosivity whereas use of the refined model

    requires significantly more pipeline-specific information.

    Note that the refined model is intended to address CO2corrosion of either liquid multiphase

    flow, using a corrosion rate model developed by Gopal and Jepson (1996); or wet gas flow,

    based on a model by de Waard et al. (1991). The refined model does reflect the impact of

    H2S content on corrosion rates but it does not address other internal corrosion mechanisms

    (e.g. microbial induced corrosion or MIC) because their characteristics can be extremely line-

    specific and they fall beyond the scope of this model. Note also that neither model accounts

    for the effects of internal pipe coatings or liners.

    A.5.2.2 Simplified Model

    The specific line attributes used in the simplified internal metal loss corrosion model are

    listed in Table A.7.

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    A.10 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Attribute NameUnits

    Metric (Imperial)Attribute Description

    Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal


    The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure

    test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the

    failure rate due to internal corrosion.

    Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal


    The length of time over which an inspection andmaintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction

    in the failure rate due to internal corrosion.

    Date of Installation YYYY/MM/DD The date when the pipeline was installed.

    Date of Last Hydrotest YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the most recent hydrostatic pressure

    test was performed.

    Date of Last Inspection - Internal


    The date when the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event having an effect on internal

    corrosion was performed.

    Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal


    The reduction in the failure rate due to internal

    corrosion resulting from the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event.

    Product Corrosivity ChoiceA characterization of the corrosivity of the product


    Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Table A.7 Line Attributes Required by Internal Corrosion Model (simplified method)

    The failure rate modification factor developed to reflect the impact of these factors on the

    baseline internal metal loss failure rate is



    ICF FtKA




    where KIC = internal corrosion model scaling factor;

    = effective line age for internal corrosion (see Section A.6);

    t = wall thickness; and




    PC = product corrosivity factor.

    The core relationship involving line age and wall thickness twas inferred from the modeldeveloped for external corrosion which suggests that the failure rate is directly proportional

    to line age and inversely proportional to wall thickness. Note that the line operating

    temperature term in the external corrosion model was dropped because the effect oftemperature on the failure rate is to be covered under the broadly defined measure of product


    The product corrosivity factorFPCis an index that scales the rate modification factor over a

    range that reflects the impact of variations in product corrosivity on corrosion failure rate.

    The index multipliers associated with each value of the product corrosivity attribute are given

    are given in Table A.8.

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.11

    Product CorrosivityGrow Rate


    Very low < 0.02 0.04

    Low 0.02 to < 0.1 0.2

    Moderate 0.1 to < 0.5 1.0

    High 0.5 to < 2.5 5.0

    Extreme 2.5 25.0

    Table A.8 Product Corrosivity Factor

    The index range was established based on the simple assumption that if the corrosion growth

    rate is essentially constant, and failure rate has been shown to be inversely proportional to

    wall thickness, then it follows that the failure rate will be directly proportional to pit depth

    growth rate. The index multipliers are therefore directly proportional to the assumed growth

    rates for each product category. The corrosion growth rate ranges associated with eachproduct category are consistent with values that are generally accepted in the process piping


    The model scale factorKICserves to adjust the failure rate modification factor to a value of

    unity for the internal corrosion reference sectiondefined as the line section associated with

    the reference value of all line attributes that influence the internal metal loss failure rate

    estimate. The intention is that the baseline failure rate for internal corrosion should apply

    directly to the reference segment (hence the need for a corresponding attribute modification

    factor of 1). The expression for KIC is obtained by first rearranging Equation [A.4] and

    settingAF= 1.0 to give









    The value of the model scale factor is calculated using Equation [A.5] by substituting the

    values of all parameters that are associated with the reference section. The reference section

    parameter values should be developed in conjunction with the baseline failure rate estimate

    (see Section A.3) on a pipeline system, operating company or industry basis, depending on

    the intended application of the model.

    Based on a review of incident data summaries in the public domain the following attribute

    values are considered to be representative of the internal corrosion reference section:

    Age = 38 years;

    Product corrosivity = Moderate; and

    Wall thickness = 5.82 mm.

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    A.12 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    The corresponding model scale factor isKIC= 1.53 x10-1


    A.5.2.3 Refined Model

    A. Liquid Product Corrosion

    The specific line attributes used in the refined internal metal loss corrosion model for liquid

    multiphase flow are

    Attribute NameUnits

    Metric (Imperial)Attribute Description

    Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal


    The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressuretest event is assumed to provide a reduction in thefailure rate due to internal corrosion.

    Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal


    The length of time over which an inspection andmaintenance event is assumed to provide a reductionin the failure rate due to internal corrosion.

    Date of Installation YYYY/MM/DD The date when the pipeline was installed.

    Date of Last Hydrotest YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the most recent hydrostatic pressuretest was performed.

    Date of Last Inspection - Internal


    The date when the most recent inspection andmaintenance event having an effect on internalcorrosion was performed.

    Diameter mm (in) The nominal outside diameter of the line pipe.

    Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal


    The reduction in the failure rate due to internalcorrosion resulting from the most recent inspection andmaintenance event.

    Inhibitor Effectiveness %

    The reduction in the rate of internal corrosionattributable to the use of inhibitors in the productmixture.

    Liquid Flow Characterization ChoiceA characterization of the liquid phase flow (areas of

    liquid separation or stagnation) in the product mixture.

    Liquid Fraction Water-Cut RatioThe ratio of water volume to total liquid volume for theproduct mixture.

    Operating Pressure Gradient kPa/km (psi/mi)The pressure gradient driving the product mixturethrough the pipeline.

    Partial Pressure CO2 kPa (psi)

    The concentration of dissolved CO2 in the productmixture, expressed as a partial pressure calculatedbased on mole fraction.

    Partial Pressure H2S kPa (psi)

    The average concentration of dissolved H2S in theproduct mixture, expressed as a partial pressurecalculated based on mole fraction.

    Product Temperature C (F)

    The average temperature of the product beingtransported through the line. (Note that pipe bodytemperature is assumed to be equal to the product

    temperature.)Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Table A.9 Line Attributes Required by the Liquid Product Internal Corrosion Model (refined method)

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.13

    The liquid product failure rate modification factor developed to reflect the impact of key

    factors on the baseline internal metal loss failure rate is








    whereKICL = liquid product internal corrosion model scale factor;

    = effective line age for internal corrosion (see Section A.6);

    t = wall thickness;




    0 = basic corrosion rate;

    Foil = liquid hydrocarbon factor;

    FH2S = hydrogen sulfide factor; and

    Finhibit = inhibitor factor.

    The basic corrosion rate is calculated using an empirically derived model for full pipe flow

    developed by Gopal and Jepson (1996). This model estimates the corrosion rate as a functionof total wall shear stress, CO2partial pressure, and temperature. It is given by





    1000)15.273(416649 w







    where T = product temperature (C);

    pCO2 = carbon dioxide partial pressure (kPa); and

    w = wall shear stress (N/m2).

    The wall shear stress is given by

    slopew PD

    4000= [A.7b]

    where Pslope = operating pressure gradient = P/L (kPa/km); andD = diameter (mm).

    This basic corrosion rate model is only applicable to pipelines under full pipe flow

    conditions. In general, corrosion rates for slug flow conditions are much higher than those

    for full pipe flow. It has been suggested (Gopal and Jepson 1996) that this is caused by the

    stripping of poorly adhered layers of corrosion products due to a combination of high wallshear stress and turbulence under slug flow conditions.

    The liquid hydrocarbon factor, Foil, is intended to account for the potential protection

    afforded to the pipe surface by the liquid hydrocarbon phase. The index multiplier associated

    with relevant line attributes is given in Table A.10. The model underlying this factor

    assumes that internal corrosion can only occur when the interior pipe surface is wetted. It

    further assumes that the water phase can wet the pipe surface if the water cut is greater than

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    A.14 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    or equal to 0.3, or if flow conditions allow the water to separate from the liquid hydrocarbon.

    Note that separation is considered likely for flow velocities less than 1.0 m/s but it can also

    occur in bent or non-horizontal pipe at higher flow velocities.

    Foil No separation/stagnation Separation/stagnation

    Water cut< 0.3 0.0 1.0

    Water cut>= 0.3 1.0 1.0

    Table A.10 Liquid Hydrocarbon Protection Factor

    The hydrogen sulfide factor,FH2S, is an index that adjusts the failure rate modification factor

    to acknowledge the potential two-fold increase in corrosion rate caused by the presence of

    hydrogen sulfide (Videm 1995). The factor indices are shown in Table A.11.

    H2S Partial Pressure (pH2S) FH2S

    pH2S0.056 kPa 1.0

    pH2S> 0.056 kPa 2.0

    Table A.11 Hydrogen Sulfide Factor

    The inhibitor factor, Finhib, scales the failure rate based on the assumed effectiveness of the

    inhibitor used in the pipeline. Inhibitor effectiveness is defined in terms of the expected

    reduction in metal loss corrosion rate. The factor is given by


    Finhib = [A.8]

    whereEis the inhibitor effectiveness (in percent).

    The model scale factorKICLserves to adjust the failure rate modification factor to a value of

    unity for the internal corrosion reference sectiondefined as the line section associated with

    the reference value of all line attributes that influence the internal metal loss failure rate

    estimate. The intention is that the baseline failure rate for internal corrosion should apply

    directly to the reference segment (hence the need for a corresponding attribute modification

    factor of 1). The expression forKICLis obtained by rearranging Equation [A.6] and setting

    AF= 1.0 to give








    The value of the model scale factor is calculated using Equation [A.9] by substituting the

    values of all parameters that are associated with the reference section. The reference section

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.15

    parameter values should be developed in conjunction with the baseline failure rate estimate

    (see Section A.3) on a pipeline system, operating company or industry basis, depending on

    the intended application of the model.

    Based on three case studies by Jones et al. (1998) and a review of other literature the

    following attribute values are used to define the liquid product reference section:

    Age = 14 years;

    Diameter = 610 mm,

    Inhibitor Effectiveness = 0 % (No Inhibitor)

    Liquid Flow Characterization = No separation/stagnation

    Liquid Fraction Water-Cut = 0.33 (ratio)

    Operating Pressure Gradient = 42.84 kPa/km

    Partial Pressure - C02 = 114.2 kPa

    Partial Pressure - H2S = 0.0 kPa Product Temperature = 23. 9 C

    Wall Thickness = 11.91 mm

    The corresponding model scale factor isKICL= 0.8165.

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    A.16 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    A. Wet Gas Corrosion

    The specific line attributes used in the refined internal metal loss corrosion model for wet-gas

    flow are

    Attribute Name UnitsMetric (Imperial)

    Attribute Description

    Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Internal


    The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressuretest event is assumed to provide a reduction in thefailure rate due to internal corrosion.

    Benefit Period of Inspection - Internal


    The length of time over which an inspection andmaintenance event is assumed to provide a reductionin the failure rate due to internal corrosion.

    Condensation Rateg/(m



    The rate of condensation of the transported watervapour.

    Date of Installation YYYY/MM/DD The date when the pipeline was installed.

    Date of Last Hydrotest YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the most recent hydrostatic pressuretest was performed.

    Date of Last Inspection - Internal


    The date when the most recent inspection andmaintenance event having an effect on internalcorrosion was performed.

    Effectiveness of Inspection - Internal


    The reduction in the failure rate due to internalcorrosion resulting from the most recent inspection andmaintenance event.

    Inhibitor Effectiveness %

    The reduction in the rate of internal corrosionattributable to the use of inhibitors in the productmixture.

    Liquid Flow Characterization ChoiceA characterization of the liquid phase flow (areas ofliquid separation or stagnation) in the product mixture.

    Liquid Fraction Water-Cut RatioThe ratio of water volume to total liquid volume for theproduct mixture.

    Partial Pressure CO2 kPa (psi)

    The concentration of dissolved CO2 in the product

    mixture, expressed as a partial pressure calculatedbased on mole fraction.

    Partial Pressure H2S kPa (psi)

    The average concentration of dissolved H2S in theproduct mixture, expressed as a partial pressurecalculated based on mole fraction.

    pH pH The acidity of the product water-cut.

    Pressure Profile kPa (psi)

    The anticipated maximum operating pressure in thepipeline defined at the start and end of the line and atselected reference points along the length of the line.(Note that the location of intermediate points should bechosen to adequately characterize the pressure profilegiven that the program uses linear interpolation to inferthe line pressure at all locations between specifiedreference points. Note also that the specified pressureshould reflect an upper bound pressure profile

    associated with likely worst case operating conditionsincluding, for example, periodic line pack or shut in.)

    Product Temperature C (F)

    The average temperature of the product beingtransported through the line. (Note that pipe bodytemperature is assumed to be equal to the producttemperature.)

    Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Table A.12 Line Attributes Required by the Wet-Gas Internal Corrosion Model (refined method)

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.17

    The wet-gas failure rate modification factor developed to reflect the impact of key factors on

    the baseline internal metal loss failure rate is








    whereKICG = wet-gas internal corrosion model scale factor;

    = effective line age for internal corrosion (see Section A.6);

    t = wall thickness;




    0 = basic corrosion rate;

    FH2S = hydrogen sulfide factor;

    Fscale = protective film factor;

    FpH = pH factor;

    Foil = liquid hydrocarbon factor;

    Fcond =.condensation factor; and

    Finhibit = inhibitor factor.

    The basic corrosion rate prediction and adjustment factors, with the exception of FH2S and

    Finhibit, are based on a model developed by deWaard et al. (1991). This model has been

    updated in recent years; however, the basic equations have not changed. The 1991 version

    has been used because it is completely in the public domain and later versions of the model

    reported in the literature do not include empirically derived constants. The basic corrosion

    rate is given by


    17108.5)log( 2fCO

    TVo +

    += [A.11a]

    where: T = product temperature (C); and

    fCO2 = carbon dioxide fugacity (kPa).

    Note that carbon dioxide fugacity is to calculate the basic corrosion rate instead of the CO2

    partial pressure because fugacity accounts for both the total pressure of CO2 in the system

    and the activity of CO2in the presence of other gases. Fugacity is given by

    [A.11b]apCOfCO 22 =

    where:pCO2 = carbon dioxide partial (kPa); and

    a = fugacity coefficient.

    The fugacity coefficient is based on results reported by deWaard for the fugacity of a binary

    gas system consisting of CO2 and CH4, as calculated using methods described by

    Lammers (1973).

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    A.18 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    The protective film factor, Fscale, is used to adjust the basic corrosion rate (and failure rate

    modification factor) to account for the formation of a protective film at higher temperatures.

    The corrosion product film changes texture with temperature and at temperatures below

    approximately 60 C the film is easily removed by flowing liquids. With increased

    temperature the protective film is more protective and more resistant to erosion.

    The protective film factor is given by the following











    and [A.12a]

    0 [A.12b]

    where T is the product temperature and Tscaleis the scaling temperature given by






    Tscale [A.12c]

    The presence of H2S is assumed to interfere with the formation of a stable protective scale

    (Srinvasan 1999); so in situations where the H2S partial pressure is greater than zero the

    protective film factorFscaleis set to 1.0.

    The pH factor,FpH, is given by

    forpH( actsatpH pHpHF = 32.0)log( )


    sat>pHact; [A.13a]

    0 forpH.1=pHF sat=pHact; [A.13b]

    forpH( 6.113.0)log( satactpH pHpHF = sat

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.19

    The condensation factor,Fcond, accounts for the decrease in corrosion rate that occurs in the

    presence of condensing water. It is given by

    [A.15a]condcond rF 4.0=


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    A.20 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Based on a three case studies by Jones et al. (1998) and a review of other literature the

    following attribute values are used for the wet-gas refined internal corrosion reference


    Age = 14 years;

    Condensation Rate = 0.25 g/m2

    s; Inhibitor Effectiveness = 0 %;

    Liquid Flow Characterization = No separation/stagnation;

    Liquid Fraction Water-Cut = 0.33 (ratio);

    Partial Pressure - C02 = 62.05 kPa;

    Partial Pressure - H2S = 0.0 (no H2S);

    pH = 5.5 pH;

    Pressure = 6205.3 kPa;

    Product Temperature = 23. 9 C; and

    Wall Thickness = 11.91 mm.

    The corresponding model scale factor isKICG= 2.9950.

    A.5.3 Equipment Impact

    A.5.3.1 Overview

    Mechanical damage incidents are typically caused by construction or excavation equipment

    working in the area of the pipeline. The potential for line failure due to damage inflicted by

    this type of equipment depends on both the likelihood of equipment impact and the

    subsequent likelihood of pipe failure given impact. The factors that affect the susceptibility

    of a line to equipment impact include: 1) the level of construction/excavation activity on or

    near the right-of-way, and 2) the degree to which line burial depth, right-of-way condition

    and signage, one-call systems, and line patrols reduce the potential for impact given activity.

    The potential for line failure given interference will depend on the type of equipment

    involved in the incident (i.e. the level of force applied and the configuration of the indentor)

    and the resistance of the pipe to a puncture-type failure, which is largely dependent on the

    thickness of the pipe wall and the strength of the material. The specific line attributes used in

    this model are listed in Table A.13.

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.21

    Attribute NameUnits

    Metric (Imperial)Attribute Description

    Activity Zone Choice

    A category describing the relative frequency of

    occurrence of excavation activity on the right-of-way

    and an indication of the likely nature of the activity (with

    shallow excavations being associated with

    undeveloped areas and deep excavations being

    associated with developed or developing areas).

    Alignment Markers - Above Ground Choice

    An indication of whether or not permanent above

    ground markers (such as fencing or concrete curbs)

    exist to provide an obvious indication of the location of

    the pipeline alignment.

    Alignment Markers - Buried Choice

    An indication of whether or not buried markers (such as

    coloured tape) exist to provide an indication of the

    location of the pipeline alignment after the start of

    excavation activity.

    Alignment Markers - Explicit Signage Choice

    An indication of the placement of explicit signage that

    describes and locates the pipeline and provides atelephone number for dig notification.

    Crossings / Special Terrain ChoiceA characterization of the type of crossing or special

    terrain feature encountered by the pipeline.

    Depth of Burial m (ft) The depth of top of the pipeline below ground surface.

    Diameter mm (in) The nominal outside diameter of the line pipe.

    Dig Notification Requirement Choice

    The legislative requirements pertaining to the need for

    parties planning excavation activities to use a one-call


    Dig Notification Response ChoiceThe action taken by the operator in response to a dig


    Mechanical Protection Choice

    An indication of whether or not buried physical

    protection (such as concrete slabs or steel plates)

    exists to effectively prevent direct contact between the

    pipe body and any excavation equipment.

    One-call System Type Choice The type of one-call system in place.

    Public Awareness Level Choice

    An assessment of the relative level of public awareness

    regarding the presence of, and hazards posed by,

    buried pipelines.

    Right-of-way Indication Choice

    An assessment of the degree to which the overall

    condition of the right-of-way provides an indication of

    the existence of a buried pipeline in the immediate

    area.Surveillance Interval Choice The time interval between right-of-way patrols.

    Surveillance Method Choice The method employed to patrol the right-of-way.

    Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Yield Strength (SMYS) MPa (ksi)Specified minimum yield strength of the line pipe. (e.g.

    5XL60 should be reported as 60 ksi or 414 MPa)

    Table A.13 Line Attributes Required by Equipment Impact Model

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    A.22 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    The failure rate modification factor developed to reflect the influence of these factors on the

    baseline equipment impact failure rate is

    [A.18]HFHITMDF PRKA |=

    where RHIT is the rate of occurrence of equipment impact events, PF|H is the probability offailure given impact, andKMDis the model scaling factor.

    A.5.3.2 Rate of Occurrence of Equipment Impact

    The rate of occurrence of equipment impact events is estimated using an algorithm developed

    using so-called fault tree analysis techniques. The algorithm takes the form

    15,321 ..., BBBBHIT pppfrR = [A.19]

    where rB1is the rate of excavation-related activity on the alignment (in events per unit length

    per year) andpBiis the probability of occurrence of basic event Bi, where each basic event isdefined as the possible outcome of actions that can be shown to depend on physical

    characteristics of the pipeline and its right-of-way, and various operating and preventative

    maintenance practices employed by the operator. The basic events that are assumed to

    contribute to the potential for a line hit, and the line attributes that are assumed to influence

    each basic event probability are:

    Equipment activity on the alignment(activity zone and crossings);

    Parties fail to use one-call before moving onto right-of-way(public awareness level, dignotification requirement and one-call system type);

    Right-of-way indicators not recognized(public awareness level and right-of-way

    indication); Parties ignore right-of-way indications(public awareness level and one-call system


    One-call system fails to notify operator(one-call system type);

    Explicit signage not seen(public awareness level and alignment markers-explicitsignage);

    Parties ignore explicit signage(public awareness level);

    No patrol during period of activity(surveillance interval);

    Patrol personnel fail to detect activity(surveillance method);

    Operator fails to ensure correct location of alignment(dig notification response);

    Above ground markers fail to convey alignment location(alignment markers aboveground);

    Buried markers fail to convey alignment location(alignment markers buried);

    Accidental activity of located alignment(dig notification response);

    Excavation depth exceeds burial depth(land use and depth of burial); and

    Mechanical protection fails to protect pipe(mechanical protection).

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.23

    The hit frequency algorithm outlined above is common to both the historical-based and the

    reliability-based probability estimation models that have been developed for equipment

    impact. See Appendix D, Section D.2.1 for a detailed description of the hit frequency model.

    A.5.3.3 Probability of Failure Given Impact

    Given a mechanical interference event, the probability of failure, PF|H, is equal to the

    probability that the load,L, will exceed the pipe wall resistance,R, at the location of impact.

    This can be written as

    [A.20]( ) ( 0| = LRPRLPP HF )

    If, as a first order approximation, the uncertainty associated with both the applied load and

    the pipe resistance are characterized by assuming that both parameters are normally

    distributed then a solution to Equation [A.20] is given by

    ( )P P R LF HL R

    L R

    | = < =


    0 2 2


    where L = the mean value of the applied load;

    L = the standard deviation of the applied load;

    R = the mean value of the pipe resistance;

    R = the standard deviation of the pipe resistance;

    and is the standard normal distribution function.

    The magnitude of the applied load is a function of the weight of the construction/excavation

    equipment impacting the pipeline. Based on an estimate of the weight distribution of

    excavators operating in North America obtained by C-FER from industry, and assuming that

    the impact force in kN is equal to 5.63 times the excavator weight in tonnes

    (Spiekhout 1995), the applied load can be characterized by the following

    L= 164 kN, [A.22a]

    L= 73.8 kN [A.22b]

    The pipe body resistance (i.e. the indentor load to cause failure) can be estimated using asemi-empirical model developed by Driver and Playdon (1997) from full-scale tests on line

    pipe reported in the literature. The model takes the form

    ( ) up twLt

    DR +

    = 0029.017.1 [A.23]

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    A.24 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    where D = pipe diameter (mm);

    t = pipe wall thickness (mm);

    L = indentor length (mm);

    w = indentor width (mm); and

    u = pipe body ultimate tensile strength (MPa).

    Driver and Playdon suggest that a representative indentor has a length of 70 mm and a width

    of 5 mm, which corresponds to the geometry of an individual tooth on the bucket of a typical


    From an analysis of line pipe material property data reported by Fleet Technology Limited

    (1996), a relationship between the pipe body tensile strength and the yield strength Sis given


    7786.0832.4 Su = [A.24]

    Substituting this expression for the tensile strength in Equation [A.23] gives the followingexpression for the indentor load causing failure in terms of the material yield strength

    ( ) 7786.00029.017.183.4 StwLt

    DRp +

    = [A.25]

    Uncertainty in estimating puncture resistance is taken into accounted by incorporating two

    model uncertainty factors in the final expression for the pipe body resistance, R, which is

    given by

    R C R CP= +1 2 [A.26]

    where C1 and C2 are the multiplicative and additive components of the model error,

    respectively. Regression analysis of test-to-predicted ratios by Driver and Playdon using

    Equation [A.23] reportedly found that C1is best approximated by a constant with a value of

    1.00 and C2 is best approximated by a normally distributed variable with mean value of 0.883

    kN and a standard deviation of 26.7 kN.

    These model error characterizations have been adopted for pipe resistance estimation using

    Equation [A.23], because the additional uncertainty associated with estimating the tensile

    strength of the material from its yield strength, using Equation [A.25], is small enough in

    comparison to the overall level of model uncertainty to be ignored.

    Based on this puncture model, and representative assumptions about the variability in pipe

    yield strength it can be shown that the pipe resistance is characterized by

    ( ) 27786.00029.017.183.4 CSR twL


    D ++

    = [A.27a]

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.25

    ( ) ( ) 2 22


    17786.0)7786.0(0029.017.183.4 CSSR twLt

    D +




    where S = mean value of pipe yield strength = 1.1 S;

    S = standard deviation of pipe yield strength = 0.07 S;C2 = mean value of C2 = 0.883 kN; and

    C2 = standard deviation of C2 = 26.7 kN.

    The probability of line failure given impact can therefore be estimated from Equation [A.21]

    using Equation [A.22] for the load parameters and Equation [A.27] for the resistance


    A.5.3.4 Model Scale Factor

    The model scale factorKMDserves to adjust the failure rate modification factor to a value of

    unity for the equipment impact reference sectiondefined as the line section associated withthe reference value of all line attributes that influence the equipment impact failure rate

    estimate. The intention is that the baseline failure rate for equipment impact should apply

    directly to the reference section (hence the need for a corresponding attribute modification

    factor of 1). The expression for KMD is obtained by first rearranging Equation [A.18] and

    settingAF= 1.0 to give




    K = [A.28]

    The value of the equipment impact model scale factor is calculated using Equations [A.19],[A.21], and [A.28] by substituting the values of all parameters that are associated with the

    reference section. The reference section parameter values should be developed in

    conjunction with the baseline failure rate estimate (see Section A.3) on a pipeline system,

    operating company or industry basis, depending on the intended application of the model.

    Based on a review of incident data summaries in the public domain the following attribute

    values are considered to be representative of the equipment impact reference section:

    Activity zone = Zone 3 (high-undeveloped);

    Alignment marker above ground = No;

    Alignment marker buried = No;

    Alignment marker explicit signage = At selected strategic locations;

    Depth of burial = 0.9 m;

    Diameter = 305 mm;

    Dig notification requirement = Not required (voluntary);

    Dig notification response = Locate and mark with no site supervision;

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    A.26 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Mechanical protection = None;

    One-call system type = Unified system;

    Public awareness level = Average;

    Right-of-way indication = Continuous but limited indication;

    Surveillance interval = Bi-weekly; Surveillance method = Aerial;

    Wall thickness = 5.82 mm; and

    Yield strength = 289 Mpa.

    The corresponding model scale factor isKMD= 776.7.

    A.5.4 Geotechnical Hazards

    Pipeline failure can occur as a result of geotechnical hazards involving progressive ground

    movement (e.g. subsidence, frost heave, thaw settlement, and slope movement), seismicactivity, and river scour. The potential for line failure depends on both the likelihood of

    occurrence of the hazardous event and the severity of the event in terms of its potential to

    cause pipe failure. The specific line attributes used in this model are listed in Table A.14.

    Attribute Name Units Attribute Description

    Failure Potential given Geotechnical


    The probability of pipeline failure given the occurrence

    of the prescribed geotechnical loading event.

    Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rateevents / km yr

    (events / mi yr)

    The frequency of occurrence of a geotechnical loading

    event generating significant outside force on the pipe

    body (e.g. ground movement, river scour).

    Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate

    Changeevents / km yr

    (events / mi yr)

    The annual rate of change in the frequency ofoccurrence of the prescribed geotechnical loading

    event (Note that an occurrence rate change of zero

    implies that the occurrence rate remains constant over


    Girth Weld Type Choice

    The type of pipe joint (i.e. weld vs. mechanical

    connection) and a relative indication of joint quality

    (with respect to tensile strength and ductility) for welded


    Table A.14 Line Attributes Required by Geotechnical Hazard Model

    Failures due to ground movement events are highly location and pipeline specific andtherefore, probability estimation based on historical incident rates adjusted by selected line

    attributes is not considered appropriate. An alternative approach based entirely on location

    specific information is employed. Specifically, pipeline failure associated with geotechnical

    hazards will be addressed by directly specifying estimates of both the probability of

    geotechnical loading event occurrence, and the probability of line failure given event


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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.27

    The failure rate is given by

    [A.29a]JNTMFMVf FPRR |*


    where R = effective annual frequency of event occurrence (see Section A.6)

    = +R ; [A.29b]

    = fixed component of the annual frequency of event occurrence;

    = variable component of the annual frequency of event occurrence;





    ( )+ MVMV R

    = time since the date of pipe installation (line age); = future time increment;

    PF|M = probability of pipe failure given event occurrence; and

    FJNT = pipe joint factor

    Note that for consistency with other failure cause models the frequency of geotechnical event

    occurrence must be defined per unit length of pipe. Specifically, if a geotechnical event is

    estimated to have an occurrence frequency of x (events per yr), and the effective length of

    pipe potentially involved in the geotechnical event is s (km), then the event occurrence

    frequency must be entered as x/s (events per km yr).

    The frequency of occurrence of a significant geotechnical event is user defined, however, the

    fixed component occurrence rate estimates shown in Table A.15 are provided for guidance.

    Subjective characterization Events per yr RMV(events per km yr)

    Negligible to very low 0.00001 0.000001/s

    Low 0.0001 0.00001/s

    Moderate 0.001 0.0001/s

    High 0.01 0.001/s

    Very high 0.1 0.01/s

    Note: s = effective length (in km) of the section of pipe potentially involved in the geotechnical event

    Table A.15 Geotechnical Hazard Occurrence Rate Suggested Values

    The probability of pipeline failure given event occurrence is also user defined. The estimates

    shown in Table A.16 are provided for guidance.

    Subjective Characterization PF|M

    Low 0.01

    Moderate 0.1

    High 1.0

    Table A.16 Failure Potential Given Event Suggested Values

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    A.28 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    The pipe joint factorFJNTis an index that modifies the estimate of the probability of failure

    given event occurrence to reflect the impact of weld quality on failure when the expected

    failure mode is tensile rupture. The index multipliers associated with each joint type are

    given in Table A.17.

    Girth Weld Type FJNTHigh quality weld 0.5

    Average quality weld 1.0

    Poor quality weld 2.0

    Mechanical joint 5.0

    Table A.17 Pipe Joint Factor for Geotechnical Hazards

    The index multipliers associated with each girth weld type were established subjectively

    based on judgement to reflect the perceived effect on failure probability of variations in the

    strength and ductility of different joint types.

    Note that if the geotechnical hazard occurrence rate is specified as a negative number, then it

    is assumed that failure will involve compression-induced buckling (typically away from the

    joints) in which case the joint factor is not relevant and it is therefore set to 1.0 in the failure

    rate calculation.

    A.5.5 Stress Corrosion Cracking

    Pipeline failure associated with stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is the result of a loss of pipe

    protection at locations where the physical and operating conditions of the pipe andsurrounding soil environment supports this form of environmentally induced cracking. The

    factors that affect the susceptibility of a line to SCC include: the presence of a soil and

    groundwater environment conducive to the formation of SCC in areas where coating damage

    and has occurred and cathodic protection is ineffective; a susceptible pipe body material; and

    an operating pressure that generates tensile stresses sufficient to promote significant crack

    growth. The specific line attributes used in this model are listed in Table A.18.

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.29

    Attribute NameUnits

    Metric (Imperial)Attribute Description

    Benefit Period of Hydrotest - SCC Cracks years

    The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure

    test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the

    failure rate due to stress corrosion cracking.

    Benefit Period of Inspection - SCC


    The length of time over which an inspection andmaintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction

    in the failure rate due to stress corrosion cracking.

    Date of External Coating Rehabilitation YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the external coating system was

    replaced or otherwise rehabilitated.

    Date of Installation YYYY/MM/DD The date when the pipeline was installed.

    Date of Last Hydrotest YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the most recent hydrostatic pressure

    test was performed.

    Date of Last Inspection - SCC Cracks YYYY/MM/DD

    The date when the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event having an effect on SCC was


    Diameter mm (in) The nominal outside diameter of the line pipe.

    Effectiveness of Inspection - SCC Cracks %

    The reduction in the failure rate due to SCC resulting

    from the most recent inspection and maintenance


    Pressure Profile kPa (psi)

    The anticipated maximum operating pressure in the

    pipeline defined at the start and end of the line and at

    selected reference points along the length of the line.

    (Note that the location of intermediate points should be

    chosen to adequately characterize the pressure profile

    given that the program uses linear interpolation to infer

    the line pressure at all locations between specified

    reference points. Note also that the specified pressure

    should reflect an upper bound pressure profileassociated with likely worst case operating conditions

    including, for example, periodic line pack or shut in.)

    SCC Potential of Environment Choice

    A characterization of the degree to which the soil

    conditions surrounding the pipe provide an environment

    that is conducive to the development of stress corrosion

    cracking in susceptible pipe.

    SCC Susceptibility of Pipe Choice

    A characterization of the susceptibility of the pipe body

    (i.e. metallurgy and surface condition) to the formation

    of stress corrosion cracking.

    Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Yield Strength (SMYS) MPa (ksi) Specified minimum yield strength of the line pipe. (e.g.5XL60 should be reported as 60 ksi or 414 MPa)

    Table A.18 Line Attributes Required by Stress Corrosion Cracking Model

    The failure rate modification factor developed to reflect the impact of these factors on the

    baseline SCC failure rate is

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    A.30 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines







    where KSCC = SCC model scaling factor;

    = effective line age for SCC (see Section A.6)t = wall thickness;F



    SCC = SCC potential factor;

    FPS = pipe susceptibility factor; and

    FTH = threshold stress factor.

    The core relationship involving line age and wall thickness twas inferred from the modeldeveloped for external corrosion which suggests that the failure rate is directly proportional

    to line age and inversely proportional to wall thickness. Note that the line operating

    temperature term in the external corrosion model was dropped because the effect of

    temperature on the failure rate is implicitly covered under the broadly defined SCC potential


    The SCC potential factor, FSCC, is an index that scales the rate modification factor over a

    range that is intended to reflect the combined impact on the failure rate of soil environment

    (i.e. soil type, drainage, topography, groundwater chemistry and pH, and temperature),

    coating type and condition, and cathodic protection system effectiveness. The index

    multipliers associated with each condition state are given in Table A.19.

    SCC Potential of Environment FSCC

    No potential 0.0

    Very low potential 0.1

    Low potential 0.3

    Moderate potential 1.0

    High potential 3.0

    Very high potential 10.0

    Table A.19 SCC Potential Factor

    The SCC potential categories and associated indices were established so that if the soil

    environment and/or the coating system is assumed to have no potential for the development

    to SCC, then the SCC failure rate will be set to zero; whereas if the environment is deemed to

    have a moderate potential for SCC damage then the failure rate will be equal to the baseline

    rate, provided that the pipe material is susceptible and the stress level is sufficiently high.

    Environments with a very high SCC potential are assumed to have failure rates one order of

    magnitude higher than the reference rate.

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.31

    Note that the all encompassing nature of the adopted SCC potential categories, and the order

    of magnitude variations in associated indices, have been chosen to provide a way to integrate

    company-specific SCC susceptibility ranking schemes into the PIRAMID model. It is

    recognized that the SCC mechanism is extremely complex and dependent upon a number of

    factors not explicitly addressed in the model. It is intended that operators will match their

    own site susceptibility categories to the most appropriate SCC potential categories in thePIRAMID model.

    The pipe susceptibility factor, FPS, is an index that is intended to acknowledge that the

    microstructure and/or surface treatment of the pipe body material may render it unsusceptible

    to the formation of SCC. The index multipliers associated with each condition state are

    given in Table A.20.

    SCC Susceptibility of Pipe FPS

    Not susceptible 0.0

    Unlikely to be susceptible 0.1

    Likely to be susceptible 0.5

    Proven to be susceptible 1.0

    Table A.20 Pipe Susceptibility Factor

    Intermediate susceptibility categories are provided to acknowledge that the materials

    susceptibility to SCC may not be known with certainty.

    The threshold stress factor,FTH, is intended to account for the impact of tensile stress on the

    potential for the formation and growth of significant SCC. The tensile stress level is definedin terms of a stress ratio given by



    2= [A.31]

    where p = operating pressure (calculated from pressure profile);

    D = diameter;

    t = wall thickness; and

    S = specified minimum yield strength.

    The index multipliers associated with each adopted condition state are given in Table A.21.

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    A.32 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Stress Ratio FTH

    SR < 0.6 0.0

    0.6 SR < 0.65 0.1

    0.65 SR < 0.7 0.5

    SR 0.7 1.0

    Table A.21 Threshold Stress Factor

    The threshold stress condition states and associated indices were selected based on the

    assumption that the threshold stress for the initiation of significant SCC is a hoop stress level

    of between 60 and 70 % of the pipe body yield strength. For hoop stress levels below 60 %

    of yield, the threshold index multiplier is set to 0.0, implying that SCC failure is essentially

    not possible. The uncertainty associated with the threshold stress level is reflected by index

    multipliers ranging between 0.1 and 0.5 for stress levels in the transition range.

    The model scale factorKSCCserves to adjust the failure rate modification factor to a value ofunity for the SCC reference sectiondefined as the line section associated with the reference

    value of all line attributes that influence the SCC failure rate estimate. The intention is that

    the baseline failure rate for SCC should apply directly to the reference section (hence the

    need for a corresponding attribute modification factor of 1).

    The expression forKSCCis obtained by first rearranging Equation [A.30] and setting AF= 1.0

    to give








    The value of the model scale factor is calculated using Equation [A.32] by substituting the

    values of all parameters that are associated with the reference section. The reference section

    parameter values should be developed in conjunction with the baseline failure rate estimate

    (see Section A.3) on a pipeline system, operating company or industry basis, depending on

    the intended application of the model.

    Based on a review of incident data summaries in the public domain the following attribute

    values are considered to be representative of the SCC reference section:

    Age = 20 years;

    Diameter = 914 mm;

    Pressure = 6895 kPa;

    SCC susceptibility of environment = Moderate;

    SCC susceptibility of pipe = Proven to be susceptible;

    Wall thickness = 9.14 mm; and

    Yield Strength (SMYS) = 448 MPa.

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.33

    The corresponding model scale factor isKEC= 4.57 x10-1


    A.5.6 Manufacturing Cracks

    Pipeline failure associated with manufacturing cracks is currently restricted to the

    consideration of seam weld fatigue only. Seam weld fatigue tends to occur in susceptibleseam welds (i.e. seams with significant starter defects) that are also undergoing significant

    stress fluctuations due to line pressure variations and/or external loads. The factors that are

    thought to affect the susceptibility of a pipeline to seam weld fatigue are primarily seam weld

    type, the effective stress range and number of stress cycles. The specific line attributes used

    in this model are listed in Table A.22.

    Attribute NameUnits

    Metric (Imperial)Attribute Description

    Benefit Period of Hydrotest - Fatigue


    The length of time over which a hydrostatic pressure

    test event is assumed to provide a reduction in the

    failure rate due to seam weld fatigue.

    Benefit Period of Inspection - Fatigue


    The length of time over which an inspection and

    maintenance event is assumed to provide a reduction

    in the failure rate due to seam weld fatigue.

    Date of Installation YYYY/MM/DD The date when the pipeline was installed.

    Date of Last Hydrotest YYYY/MM/DDThe date when the most recent hydrostatic pressure

    test was performed.

    Date of Last Inspection - Fatigue Cracks YYYY/MM/DD

    The date when the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event having an effect on seam weld

    fatigue was performed.

    Diameter mm (in) The nominal outside diameter of the line pipe.

    Effectiveness of Inspection - Fatigue


    The reduction in the failure rate due to seam weld

    fatigue resulting from the most recent inspection and

    maintenance event.

    Pressure Cycles cycles/year

    The effective number of pressure cycles experienced

    by the pipeline on an annual basis. (Note that complex

    pressure vs. time loading histories should be

    characterized by a representative single value Pressure

    Range and an associated annual number of Pressure


    Pressure Range kPa (psi)

    The effective pressure range associated with cyclic

    fluctuations in line pressure during routine operation.

    (Note that complex pressure vs. time loading histories

    should be characterized by a representative single

    value Pressure Range and an associated annual

    number of Pressure Cycles.)

    Seam Weld Type ChoiceA characterization of seam weld quality with respect to

    fatigue resistance.

    Wall Thickness mm (in) The nominal wall thickness of the line pipe.

    Table A.22 Line Attributes Required by Manufacturing Cracks Model

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    A.34 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    The fatigue life of a weldment,NR, is typically expressed using a relationship of the form

    [A.36]log NR( )= b m log Sr( )

    where b andmare random variables that can be estimated from regression analysis of fatigue

    test results, and Sr is the stress range perpendicular to the weldment axis. For longitudinalseam welds, the stress range is given by


    DpS rr

    2= [A.37]

    where pr = pressure range;

    D = diameter; and

    t = wall thickness.

    Adopting the parameter and model uncertainty characterizations developed in the Superb

    project (Superb 1996) and the fatigue curve transformation model described by Albrecht

    (1983), Equations [A.35], [A.36] and [A.37] can be combined and recast into the following

    expression for the probability of failure for a single weld

    ( ) ( )

















    )10log( Lr








    where )log( LNu ( )LNlog ;= coefficient of variation on the load cycles = 0.18;


    )log( rSu ( )rSlog =



    2log ;

    = coefficient of variation on the stress range = 0.10; and

    = cov on the stress history approximation model = 0.30.



    The mean value of the number of applied load cycles is given by


    mcLL nN = [A.39]

    where nL = average annual number of pressure cycles per year; and

    = effective line age for seam weld fatigue (see Section A.5.8)*mc

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    Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines A.35

    The probability of fatigue failure for a given seam weld can therefore be estimated from

    Equation [A.38] using the pressure cycle estimate given by Equation [A.39] if fatigue curve

    parameters appropriate for the type and quality of weld are available.

    Based on generally accepted probabilistic characterizations of fatigue life for standard

    categories of structural welds (DnV 1984) the fatigue resistance parameters given inTable A.23 are considered representative for the various categories of seam weld quality.

    Seam Weld Type Weld Classification / Descriptionb b



    (seamless)B (plain steel, as rolled) 15.3697 0.1821 4.0

    High quality weld

    (with NDT)C (transverse butt weld w/o NDT) 14.0342 0.2041 3.5

    Good quality weld

    (without NDT)D (transverse butt weld w/o NDT) 12.6007 0.2095 3.0

    Suspect weld F2 (one-sided butt weld w/o backing) 12.09 0.2279 3.0

    Poor quality weld W (partial penetration weld) 11.5662 0.1846 3.0

    Table A.23 Fatigue Resistance Parameters

    Finally, to account for the fact that the model developed above considers only a single

    weldment, a multiplier is required to convert the probability of failure per seam weld into a

    probability of failure per unit line length (see Equation [A.33]). Assuming that the seam on

    each pipe joint constitutes a distinct weldment, and assuming further an average joint length

    of approximately 10 m, this implies that there are on the order of 100 distinct weldments perkilometre of pipeline, hence

    [A.40]NSW = 100

    A.5.7 Seismic Hazards

    A.5.7.1 Overview

    Pipeline failure associated with seismic hazards is currently restricted to the consideration of

    failures caused by ground movement resulting from the lateral spreading of soil liquefied

    during a seismic event or ground movement directly associated with fault displacement.

    Seismic wave propagation, and seismically induced landslides and subsidence, are not

    addressed because historical data suggests that these damage mechanisms are typically much

    less likely to cause line failure than lateral spreading and fault displacement.

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    A.36 Historical-Based Probability Estimation for Onshore Pipelines

    Failures due to lateral spreading are associated with sections of pipeline that pass through

    seismically active areas where the soils have the potential to liquefy and thereby become

    unstable during significant seismic events. The model developed to quantify the

    susceptibility of a pipeline to failure by lateral spreading takes into account the intensity and

    duration of ground movement during a significant seismic event, the susceptibility of the

    surrounding soil to liquefaction during that event, the slope of the ground, and the overallductility of the pipeline as reflected by girth weld type. The specific line attributes used in

    the model are listed in Table A.24.

    Failures due to fault movement are associated with sections of pipeline that intersect active

    fault planes. It is assumed that companies operating pipelines