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1. Цели освоения дисциплины Целями освоения дисциплины являются повышение исходного уровня владения

иностранным языком, достигнутого на предыдущей ступени образования, и овладение студентами необходимым и достаточным уровнем коммуникативной компетенции для решения социально-коммуникативных задач в различных областях бытовой, культурной, профессиональной и научной деятельности при общении с зарубежными партнерами, а также для дальнейшего самообразования. Изучение иностранного языка призвано также обеспечить:

- повышение уровня учебной автономии, способности к самообразованию; - развитие когнитивных и исследовательских умений; - развитие информационной культуры; - расширение кругозора и повышение общей культуры студентов; - воспитание толерантности и уважения к духовным ценностям разных стран и народов. Задачи освоения дисциплины. В контексте вышеуказанных требований в рамках коммуникативной направленности

изучения иностранного языка, которая является системообразующим фактором, в неязыковом вузе выделяются четыре аспекта задач обучения:

Учебный практический аспект. Практической целью при обучении иностранному языку в неязыковых вузах является формирование у студента способности и готовности к межкультурной коммуникации, что предполагает развитие умений опосредованного письменного (чтение и письмо) и непосредственного устного (говорение и аудирование) иноязычного общения. Обучающиеся должны уметь пользоваться иностранным языком в устной и письменной формах, то есть владеть четырьмя видами речевой деятельности: аудированием, чтением, говорением, письмом и связанными с ними тремя аспектами языка – лексикой, фонетикой, грамматикой.

Воспитательный аспект обучения предполагает формирование у обучающихся системы нравственно-моральных ценностей; оценочно-эмоционального отношения к миру; положительного отношения к культуре народа, говорящего на изучаемом иностранном языке, способствующего развитию взаимопонимания, толерантности; воспитание ответственности за свои поступки, эстетическое и духовное развитие личности. Для реализации данного аспекта необходимо использовать содержательные (подбор соответствующих текстов и заданий к ним) и организационные (обсуждение проблем, формирование умения выносить свое ценностное отношение к возникающим/обсуждаемым проблемам) возможности при обучении иностранному языку.

Образовательный аспект предполагает понимание особенностей мышления; приобретение знаний о культуре, реалиях и традициях стран изучаемого языка; представление о достижениях национальных культур в развитии общечеловеческой культуры, включение обучающихся в диалог культур; понимание знаний о строе изучаемого иностранного языка, его системе, особенностях, сходстве и различиях с русским языком; удовлетворение личных познавательных интересов.

Развивающий аспект, осуществляемый в процессе освоения опыта творческой поисковой деятельности, предполагает формирование механизма языковой догадки и умения переноса знаний и навыков в новую ситуацию на основе осуществления широкого спектра проблемно-поисковой деятельности; формирование и развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей; ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций; способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение, потребности в дальнейшем самостоятельном изучении иностранного языка.

Чрезвычайно важным в учебном аспекте следует считать формирование и развитие навыков самостоятельной работы при обучении иностранному языку, поскольку знания не передаются в готовом и застывшем виде, а приобретаются самостоятельно в процессе личностно-значимой деятельности. Важно не только получить знания, но и уметь их использовать как в учебной, так и в реальной деятельности вне стен учебного заведения.

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Целью образования должны стать не просто знания и умения, но определенные качества личности.

2. Место дисциплины в структуре ОП бакалавриата Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» относится к базовой части блока дисциплин

гуманитарного, социального и экономического цикла (ГСЭЦ) ФГОС ВПО и является обязательной для изучения.

Требования к входным знаниям и компетенциям студентов: - владеть элементарными навыками разговорно-бытовой речи; - понимать в целом устную (монологическую и диалогическую) речь на бытовые,

общекультурные темы; - владеть наиболее употребительной грамматикой и основными грамматическими

явлениями, характерными для устной и письменной речи повседневного общения; - знать базовую лексику, представляющую стиль повседневного и общекультурного

общения; - читать и понимать со словарем литературу на темы повседневного и общекультурного

общения; - владеть основами устной речи (с предварительной подготовкой) и участвовать в

обсуждении проблем (на элементарном уровне) по вышеуказанным темам; - владеть основными навыками письма для ведения записей, бытовой переписки,

составления планов и т.д.; - иметь основные навыки и умения перевода, составления пересказов, аннотаций. 3. Перечень планируемых результатов обучения по дисциплине. 3.1. Компетенции обучающегося, формируемые в результате освоения дисциплины

(модуля) согласно матрице соответствия компетенций и составляющих ОП: - владеть культурой мышления, способностью к обобщению, анализу, восприятию

информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения (ОК-1); - владеть одним из иностранных языков международного общения на уровне,

обеспечивающем устные и письменные межличностные и профессиональные коммуникации (ОК-15).

Конечная цель обучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» – формирование способности и готовности к межкультурному общению – обусловливает коммуникативную направленность курса что предполагает достижение определенного уровня коммуникативной компетенции, под которой понимается умение соотносить языковые средства с конкретными целями, ситуациями и задачами речевого общения.

Конечный результат освоения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предполагает: – наличие языковой и коммуникативной компетенции, достаточной для дальнейшей

учебной деятельности, для последующего изучения зарубежного опыта в определенной (профилирующей) области науки и техники, а также для осуществления деловых контактов на элементарном уровне;

– знание и умение грамотного использования в своей профессиональной деятельности лексики, владение лексическим минимумом (1200-2000 лексических единиц, то есть слов и словосочетаний, обладающих наибольшей частотностью и семантической ценностью), грамматическим минимумом, включающим грамматические структуры, необходимые для обучения устным и письменным формам общения;

– умение вести на иностранном языке беседу – диалог общего характера, соблюдать правила речевого этикета, читать литературу по специальности без словаря с целью поиска информации, переводить тексты по специальности со словарём, составлять аннотации, рефераты и деловые письма.

3.2. Планируемые результаты обучения по дисциплине, соотнесенные с формируемыми компетенциями.

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Таким образом, по окончании курса обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе (минимально-достаточные требования Основного уровня) обучающиеся должны уметь в рамках обозначенной проблематики общения:

в области аудирования: - воспринимать на слух и понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных

общественно-политических, публицистических (медийных) и прагматических текстов, относящихся к различным типам речи (сообщение, рассказ), а также выделять в них значимую/запрашиваемую информацию

в области чтения: - понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных общественно-политических,

публицистических и прагматических текстов (информационных буклетов, брошюр/проспектов), научно-популярных и научных текстов, блогов/веб-сайтов; детально понимать общественно-политические, публицистические (медийные) тексты, а также письма личного характера; выделять значимую/запрашиваемую информацию из прагматических текстов справочно-информационного и рекламного характера

в области говорения: - начинать, вести/поддерживать и заканчивать диалог-расспрос об увиденном,

прочитанном, диалог-обмен мнениями и диалог-интервью/собеседование при приеме на работу, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета, при необходимости используя стратегии восстановления сбоя в процессе коммуникации (переспрос, перефразирование и др.); расспрашивать собеседника, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, высказывать свое мнение, просьбу, отвечать на предложение собеседника (принятие предложения или отказ); делать сообщения и выстраивать монолог-описание, монолог-повествование и монолог-рассуждение

в области письма: - заполнять формуляры и бланки прагматического характера; вести запись основных

мыслей и фактов (из аудиотекстов и текстов для чтения), а также запись тезисов устного выступления/письменного доклада по изучаемой проблематике; поддерживать контакты при помощи электронной почты (писать электронные письма личного характера); оформлять Curriculum Vitae/Resume и сопроводительное письмо, необходимые при приеме на работу, выполнять письменные проектные задания (письменное оформление презентаций, информационных буклетов, рекламных листовок, коллажей, постеров, стенных газет и т.д.).

4. Структура и содержание дисциплины Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 6 зачетных единиц 216 часов. 4.1. Объем дисциплины и виды учебной работы: Вид учебной деятельности Всего часов Семестры 5 6 Аудиторные занятия (всего) 94 58 36 В том числе: Лекции Практические занятия (ПЗ) 94 58 36 Лабораторные работы (ЛР) Самостоятельная работа (всего) 122 50 72 Вид аттестации Зачет Экзамен Общая трудоемкость (часы) 216 108 108 Зачетные единицы 6 3 3

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4.3. Содержание учебного материала по разделам (темам)

№№ пп

Раздел дисциплины

Виды учебной работы, включая самостоятельную работу студентов и трудоемкость (в часах)

Форма промежуточной аттестации (по семестрам)


и Практич








Речевой аспект. Языковой аспект Я и моя семья

14 38 2 Я и мое образование 16 40 Итого за 5 семестр (108 ч = 3 зач.ед.) 30 78 Зачет 3 Я и мир. Я и моя страна

14 38

4 Я и моя будущая профессия 16 40

Итого за 6 семестр (108 ч = 3 зач.ед.) 30 78 экзамен

Всего за 5-й и 6-й семестр (216 ч = 6 зач.ед.) 60 156 216

4.3. Содержание учебного материала по разделам (темам) Речевой аспект. Языковой аспект 1. Я и моя семья Семейные традиции, уклад жизни Дом, жилищные условия. Досуг и развлечения в семье. Семейные путешествия. Еда. Покупки Особенности фонетического строя английского языка. Имя существительное. Глагол “to be”. Глагол to have Артикль Имя прилагательное Наречие Имя числительное Местоимение Оборот there is/there are 2. Я и мое образование Высшее образование в России и за рубежом. Роль высшего образования для развития личности. Уровни высшего образования. Квалификации и сертификаты. Глагол. Активный залог: настоящее время

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Структура простого распространенного предложения Сложные предложения 3. Я и мир. Я и моя страна Язык как средство межкультурного общения. Роль иностранного языка в современном

мире. Образ жизни современного человека в России и за рубежом. Общее и различное в странах

и национальных культурах. Национальные традиции и обычаи России/ стран изучаемого языка/ других стран мира. Достопримечательности разных стран. Глагол. Активный залог: Прошедшее и будущее время. Модальные глаголы. Прямая и косвенная речь 4. Я и моя будущая профессия Избранное направление профессиональной деятельности История, современное состояние и перспективы развития изучаемой науки. Основные сферы деятельности в данной профессиональной области. Выдающиеся личности данной науки. Инфинитив Неличные формы глагола Наклонение Страдательный залог 5. Образовательные технологии При освоении дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в контексте реализации

компетентностного подхода могут и должны использоваться активные формы проведения занятий, в рамках которых применяются следующие образовательные технологии: метод проблемного изложения и освоения материала; самостоятельное ознакомление студентов в процессе активной творческой деятельности с источниками информации, в том числе с источниками в Интернет; использование иллюстративных материалов (видеофильмы, аудиозаписи, компьютерные презентации); проведение деловых и ролевых игр и др.

6. Учебно-методическое обеспечение самостоятельной работы студентов. Самостоятельная работа по совершенствованию уровня сформированности иноязычной

коммуникативной компетенции студентов на первом образовательном уровне предполагает изучение и анализ текстового материала бытовой, общекультурной, научно-популярной, общенаучной проблематики, периодических изданий и справочных источников. В процессе работы над текстовым материалом студенты выполняют задания, предложенные преподавателем, осуществляют поиск информации, выполняют конспектирование изучаемого материала.

Самостоятельная работа студента по заданию преподавателя, выполняемая во внеаудиторное время, организуется таким образом, чтобы, с одной стороны, обеспечить достижение практических целей, зафиксированных в Программе, а с другой, дать студенту возможность овладеть ее “тактикой”, которая позволила бы ему по окончании первой ступени обучения не только поддерживать достигнутый уровень владения иностранным языком, но и совершенствовать его. Ведущую роль в самостоятельной работе студентов играют учебные материалы, характер которых находится в соответствии с ее назначением и определяет ее виды: внеаудиторное чтение, работа с аудио- и видеоматериалами, самостоятельное изучение грамматики с использованием учебных пособий, занятия в компьютерных классах.

Внеаудиторное чтение является обязательным для студентов и направлено на совершенствование навыков и умений данного вида речевой деятельности, служит

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расширению словарного запаса студентов, знакомит с образцами иноязычной страноведческой, художественной и научной литературы. Формой контроля внеаудиторного чтения является собеседование с преподавателем по содержанию прочитанных материалов, составление конспектов, аннотаций и рефератов, подготовка проектов, докладов и выступлений на студенческих научных конференциях, выполнение тестовых заданий.

Работа с аудиоматериалами является еще одной формой самостоятельной работы студентов, которая служит развитию навыков аудирования.

Одним из назначений самостоятельной работы студентов во внеаудиторное время является совершенствование речевых и языковых навыков. Совершенствование языковых и речевых навыков студентов можно также успешно реализовать с использованием Интернета.

Самостоятельная работа студентов осуществляется в процессе работы с основной и дополнительной литературой, а также источниками Интернет. Студентам предлагаются следующие формы самостоятельной работы:

- самостоятельная домашняя работа; - внеаудиторное чтение; - самостоятельная работа (индивидуальная) с использованием Интернет-технологий; - индивидуальная и групповая творческая работа; - выполнение заданий по пройденным грамматическим темам с использованием

справочной литературы; - письменный перевод информации профессионального характера с английского языка на

русский. 7. Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины 7.1. Основная и дополнительная литература

Распределение учебных изданий** (включая учебники и учебные пособия):

О - Основное /

Д – Дополни-тельное ( О / Д )

Автор, название, издательство, год издания учебной и учебно-методической литературы

Год издания

Форма издания: печатное / электронное

Места хранения (печатные издания) / Ссылка на ресурс (электронные издания)

1 2 3 4 5


Зарицкая Л.А. Английский язык для архитектора и градостроителя [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие по английскому языку/ Зарицкая Л.А.— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Оренбург: Оренбургский государственный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2013.— 116 c.

2013 электронное



Английский язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ Н.И. Веренич [и др.].— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2012.— 304 c.

2012 электронное


О Лукина Л.В. ENGLISH THROUGH 2013 электронно http://www

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ART. Искусство как средство изучения английского языка [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ Лукина Л.В., Фомина З.Е.— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Воронеж: Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2013.— 162 c.

е .iprbookshop.ru/22660


Богданова Т.Г. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ Богданова Т.Г., Ганченко И.В.— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Краснодар: Южный институт менеджмента, 2011.— 78 c.

2011 электронное



Английский язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебно-методическое пособие № 128/ — Электрон. текстовые данные.— СПб.: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2013.— 139 c.

2013 электронное


7.2. Программное обеспечение и Интернет-ресурсы

№ Наименование используемого программного обеспечения

Документы, подтверждающие право использования программного обеспечения

1. 7-Zip Лицензия GNU v.3. Бесплатное ПО 2. Abbyy FineReader 10 Счет-фактура № Tr019369 от 09.06.2010 ЗАО "СофтЛайн Трейд" 3. Adobe Reader Лицензия Adobe Systems. Бесплатное ПО. 4. Google Chrome Лицензия Google. Бесплатное ПО. 5. Lingvo x3 Счет-фактура № Tr013231 от 06 мая 2009 6. Mozilla FireFox Лицензия Mozilla Corporation. Бесплатное ПО. 7.

MS Office 2010 Лицензии Майкрософт №№: 60339642, 60339642, 60497930, 60497930, 60905228, 60905228, 61308389, 61308389, 62181716, 62181716, 48976042, 48976042

8. MS Windows 7 Proffesional

Академическая подписка Майкрософт DreamSpark Premium, Идентификаторы подписок: ИиМПИ 700585848, ФИиД 1204009385, ФДО 1204009382, ФКиС 1204009383, ФФКиС 1204009384, ГФ: 1204009385

9. OmegaT Лицензия GNU v.3. Бесплатное ПО 10. Opera Лицензия Opera Software. Бесплатное ПО. 11. PROMT Freelance 9.0 Счет-фактура № Tr019369 от 09.06.2010 ЗАО "СофтЛайн Трейд" 12. Sanako Speak! Счет-фактура № Tr028933 от 17 июня 2014

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8. Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины (модуля)

Номер аудитории

Наименование оборудованных учебных кабинетов, объектов для

проведения практических занятий, объектов физической культуры и спорта с перечнем основного


Адрес (местоположение) учебных кабинетов,

объектов для проведения практических

занятий, объектов физической

культуры и спорта (с указанием номера

помещения в соответствии с

документами бюро технической


Собственность или иное вещное право

(оперативное управление, хозяйственное

ведение), аренда, субаренда,

безвозмездное пользование

Документ - основание

возникновения права

(указываются реквизиты и сроки


212 Аудитория 212 Экран Screen Media Manual 153*203 – 1шт Источник бесперебойного питания Back-UPS CS 500VA – 1шт Системный блок ICL-КПО RAY B323 Intel Core 2DUO 2.66/2Gb/Ge Force 8600GT/250Gb/DVD-RW – 1шт Монитор 19" BenQ E900 LCD 1280x1024 black – 1шт Витрина - 4шт Стол студенческий 2-х местный – 1шт Стол ученический – 7 шт Стул ученический – 20 шт

628615, Тюменская область, Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ -Югра, город Нижневартовск, улица Интернациональная, д. 35а

Безвозмездное пользование

Постановление Главы города № 573 от 17.07.2000 г., Договор №76 от 5 мая 1999 г. с Комитет по управлению имуществом администрации города Нижневартовска. Срок действия -бессрочно

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Приложение 1. Фонд оценочных средств для проведения текущей и промежуточной аттестации студентов по дисциплине (модулю) (ФОС).

Перечень оценочных средств

№ п/п

Наименование оценочного средства

Краткая характеристика оценочного средства Представление оценочного средства в ФОС

1 Контрольная работа

Средство проверки умений применять полученные знания для решения задач определенного типа по теме или разделу

Комплект контрольных заданий по вариантам

9 Разноуровневые задачи и задания

Различают задачи и задания: а) репродуктивного уровня, позволяющие оценивать и диагностировать знание фактического материала (базовые понятия, алгоритмы, факты) и умение правильно использовать специальные термины и понятия, узнавание объектов изучения в рамках определенного раздела дисциплины; б) реконструктивного уровня, позволяющие оценивать и диагностировать умения синтезировать, анализировать, обобщать фактический и теоретический материал с формулированием конкретных выводов, установлением причинно-следственных связей; в) творческого уровня, позволяющие оценивать и диагностировать умения, интегрировать знания различных областей, аргументировать собственную точку зрения.

Комплект разноуровневых задач и заданий

12 Доклад, сообщение

Продукт самостоятельной работы студента, представляющий собой публичное выступление по представлению полученных результатов решения определенной учебно-практической, учебно-исследовательской или научной темы

Темы докладов, сообщений

14 Творческое задание

Частично регламентированное задание, имеющее нестандартное решение и позволяющее диагностировать умения, интегрировать знания различных областей, аргументировать собственную точку зрения. Может выполняться в индивидуальном порядке или группой обучающихся.

Темы групповых и/или индивидуальных творческих заданий

15 Тест Система стандартизированных заданий, позволяющая автоматизировать процедуру измерения уровня знаний и умений обучающегося.

Фонд тестовых заданий

17 Эссе Средство, позволяющее оценить умение обучающегося письменно излагать суть поставленной проблемы, самостоятельно проводить анализ этой проблемы с использованием концепций и аналитического инструментария соответствующей дисциплины, делать выводы, обобщающие авторскую позицию по поставленной проблеме.

Тематика эссе

18 Зачет Оценка общей и специальной физической подготовленности обучающихся, оценка техники выполнения двигательных действий

Комплект контрольных заданий по вариантам зачета

Технологическая карта

5 семестр

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Сроки Компетенции (компоненты)

Наименование оценочного средства с указанием темы/ раздела

Количество баллов Минимальное (пороговое) Максимальное

Текущая аттестация сентябрь

(2 неделя) ОК-15) Входной тест 1 3

сентябрь (3неделя)

ОК-15) Устное сообщение «My Family» 3 5

сентябрь (4неделя)

ОК-15) Лексико-грамматический тест 3 5

октябрь (1 неделя)

ОК-15) Устное сообщение«My Leisure Time» 3 5

октябрь (2 неделя)

ОК-15) Проект«Ways of Travelling» 3 5

октябрь (3 неделя)

ОК-15) Лексико-грамматический тест 3 5

октябрь (4 неделя)

ОК-15) Устное сообщение «Higher Education in Russia» 3 5

ноябрь (1 неделя)

ОК-15) Эссе «Advantages and Disadvantages of Russian System of Education» 3 5

ноябрь (2неделя)

ОК-15) Круглый стол «America VS Russia: Education» 3 5

ноябрь ( 3неделя)

ОК-15) Лексико-грамматический тест 3 5

ноябрь (4 неделя)

ОК-15) Дискуссия «Our University: Traditions and History» 3 5

декабрь (2неделя)

ОК-15) Эссе «Outstanding People of Our University» 3 5

Декабрь (4неделя)

ОК-15) Контрольная работа №1 6 12

Промежуточная аттестация (ОК-15) Зачет 15 30

ИТОГО баллов 55 100

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Технологическая карта 6 семестр

Сроки Компетенции (компоненты)

Наименование оценочного средства с указанием темы/ раздела

Количество баллов Минимальное (пороговое) Максимальное

Текущая аттестация

февраль (2 неделя)

ОК-15) Конкурс на лучший профессионально-ориентированный перевод

1 3

февраль (4неделя)

ОК-15) Устное сообщение «Why People Learn Foreign Languages» 3 5

март (1неделя)

ОК-15) «Foreign Languages in our Life» Лексико-грамматический анализ текста

3 5

март (2 неделя)

ОК-15) Эссе «Esperanto is a Language of Communication» 3 5

март (3 неделя)

ОК-15) Лексико-грамматический тест 3 5

март (4 неделя)

ОК-15) Дискуссия «Foreign Language: a Necessity?» 3 5

апрель (1неделя)

ОК-15) Устное сообщение «My Future Speciality» 3 5

апрель (2 неделя)

ОК-15) Эссе «Advantages of Speaking a Foreign Language» 3 5

апрель (3 неделя)

ОК-15) Дискуссия «Way of Life: Russia and England» 3 5

апрель ( 4 неделя)

ОК-15) Лексико-грамматический тест 3 5

май (1 неделя)

ОК-15) Дискуссия «The Best Way of Learning Foreign Languages» 3 5

май (2неделя)

ОК-15) Эссе «My Plans» 3 5

май (4неделя)

ОК-15) Контрольная работа №2 6 12

Итоговая аттестация ОК-15) Экзамен 15 30

ИТОГО баллов 55 100

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1. Описание процедуры использования оценочного средства в учебном процессе Выполнение тестов предполагает использование англо-русского и русско-английского словарей, таблиц. На выполнение теста отводится 90 минут. 2. Содержание оценочного средства

I. ТЕСТ ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ИСХОДНОГО УРОВНЯ ПОДГОТОВКИ. Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропуска:

1. My name ___ Kathy. Aare

Bis Cwill Dam

2. She ______ from Russia. A not

Bisn't C aren't D hasn't

3 . ____ you work for IKEA? A Do

B Have C Does D Are

4. This is ______ pen. A a Peter's

B Peter's

C Peter D Peters

5. I like _____ to the theatre. A going

B coming C to going D go

6. _____ he love her? A Is

B Are C Do D Does

7. _______ some paper on your desk. A There are

B There aren't C There isn't D There is

8. ______ a glass of sherry? A I can have

B Can I C Can I have D Have I can

9. She ______ tea for breakfast. A has always B always has C always having

D having

10. They like watching films ______ television. A on

B at C in D of

11. She ____ play the piano. A do can

B can C does can D can to

12. Where were you born? I ________ in Madrid. A am born

B was born C were born D have beenborn

13. Would you like ______ water? A an

B a C any D some

14. Life is getting ______ every day. A gooder

B better

C best D good

15. I ______ any paper. A amn't got

B hasn't C haven't got D havegot

16. What ______ now? I'm eating peanuts. A you do B you are doing C are you doing D do you do

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17. ______ to leave the university?

A He is going

B Is he going C Does he go BHe going

18. I ______ in England ten years ago. A have stayed

B staid C did stayed D stayed

19. What did you _____ him? A tell B say C said to

D tell to

20. Would you like to go ____ the world? A about

B out of C by D round

21. When she got back, the dog ________ her lipstick. A chewed

B chew Сwas chewing D were chewing

22. He is reading ___ newspaper. A an

B ___

C a D the

23. The doorbell is ringing. I ______ it. A am going to get

B get C will get D got

24. You _____ to laugh if you don't like the joke. A doesn't have

B mustn't C don't have D shouldn't

25. If I _____ shopping today, I'll buy some apple juice for you. A go

B would go C will go

D went

26. She ______ smile a lot, but now she doesn't. A used to

B use to C is used

D did use to

27. Football ______ all over the world. A played

B is played C plays D is plays

28. If I ____ a lot of money, I would buy a house in the country. A had

B have C would have D would had

29. When I arrived, the film _________. A had started yet B already had started C started already D had already started

30. She said she _____ his new car. A can to like

B like C could to like D liked

31. _______ waiting long? A Have you been

B You have been C Were you D Are you

32. After ______ to Manchester, the Johnsons felt much better

A to move

B moving C move D having moved

33. I want ______ at home tonight A to stay B stay C stayed

D staying

34. We ______ eaten the pie by the time Mother gets home, won't we? A will

B won't have C have D will have

35. If you had really seen the film you ______ said such silly things about it.

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A hadn't B won't have C wouldn't have

D wouldn't

36. This time tomorrow she ______ her last exam. A will take

B is taking C will be taking

D takes

37. Please contact me ____ time you like. I'm always available. A no

B some C any D any when

38. She can't learn anything _______. She must have some company. A with herself

B on herself C at her own D on her own

39. ___ life is easy in ____ USA. A ___, the

B ___, ___ C The, the D The, ___

40. I depend so much ___ you A of B on C at D in

3. Процедура и критерии оценивания:

Количество правильных ответов

Уровень владения языком

<15 Beginner 15-24 Elementary 25-34 Pre-Intermediate 35-40 Intermediate

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Лексико-грамматический тест № 1

1. Выберите правильный ответ: We ... all from different countries. a) are b) am c) is I ... fond of animals. a) isn’t b) are c) am not John’s favourite sport ... football. a) am b) is c) are It ... warm today. a) are b) am c) isn’t Jane’s family ... very big. They are only two. a) are b) aren’t c) isn’t Mary and I ....good friends. a) isn’t b) am c) are ... your parents English? a) is b) are c) am

2. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола «to have (got)»

1. Julia wants to go on holiday but she ....any money. a) has got b) haven’t got c) hasn’t got 2. Mr and Mrs Johnson ... two children, a boy and a girl. a) haven’t got b) has got c) have got 3. It’s a nice town. It ....a very nice shopping centre. a) have got b) haves got c) has got 4. I ... a car but I ... a bicycle. a) have got, hasn’t got b) has got, hasn’t got c) have got, haven’t got 5. How much money .... you ...? a) has…. got b) have … got c) haven’t got

3. Закончите предложения, выбрав нужную форму оборота «there is/there are» .

1. ... a telephone in your flat? a) there is b) there isn’t c) is there 2. ... no sugar in the sugar-basin. a) there are b) there is c) there isn’t 3. .... some beautiful flowers in this garden. a) are there b) there is c) there are 4. How many pieces of furniture ... in your study? a) are there b) is there c) there are 5. ... too much work for me to do this afternoon. a) there are b) there is c) there isn’t

4. Заполните пропуски местоимениями “some, any” или “no” .

1. My uncle Dan can’t take ... photos. He has ... camera. a) some, any b) any, some с) any, any 2. Have you got ... free time? – Yes, I have ... . a) some, some b) any, any c) any, some 3. I’m afraid there are.... letters for you today. a) some b) no c) any 4. Can you buy ... bread when you go to the shops? a) no b) any c) some 5. Nick is very clever. He can answer ....question.

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a) any b) no c) some 5. Закончите предложения, добавив название страны или национальности. 1. Paola is from China. She is ..... 2. Pablo is from.... . He is Spanish. 3. Hans is from ... . He is Finnish. 4. Fergus is from Scotland. He is .... . 5. Marek is from Poland. He is ... .

6. Укажите существительные во множественном числе

1. a) tooth b) news c) watch d) foot e) children 2. a) mistake b) person c) advice d) mice e) address 3. a) information b) time c) tomato d) data e) church

7. Укажите предложения, в котором окончание «-s» является показателем притяжательного падежа. 1. a) My mother’s friend lived not far from her.

b) She reads a lot. c) He’s a teacher by profession. d) The Browns are my neighbours.

2. a) Ellen lives in a village in the country.

b) Tom’s got black hair. c) My grandfather’s over seventy years old already. d) When is your sister’s birthday? e) We have a big garden with a lot of flowers.

3. a) The weather’s nice today. b) These exercises are very easy. c) My daughter studies French and German at school. d) George’s wife is a doctor in a large hospital. e) Jim’s got a new car.

Лексико-грамматический тест №2 Выберите правильный вариант ответа 1. .… to the United States have fallen recently. A: Britain of export B: export to Britain C: Britain’s exports D:Britains exports

2. I’ve got … holiday starting on Monday. A: three of weeks B: three’s week C: weeks’ three D: three weeks’

3. Where did you have … lunch? We went to … restaurant. A: -; a B: the; - C: a; the D: the; the

4. Where’s …nearest shop? There’s one at … end of this street.

) A: a; - B: an; the C: the; the D: the; a

5. Can you tell me where … Room 25 is, please? It’s on … second floor. ) A: a; an B: -; the C: the; - D: a; the

6. I haven’t been to … cinema for ages. ) A: a B: the C: - D: an

7. Mary and I arrived at … same time.

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) A: - B: an C: a D: the 8. The red dress is … than the blue one.

) A: more expensive

B: most expensive C: much expensive D:expensiver

9. The Atlantic is … as the Pacific. ) A: much deep B: not as deep C: more deep D: -

10. It was an awful day. It was …day of my life. ) A: bad B: badly C: worse D: the worst

11. Our hotel was … than all the others in the town. ) A: more cheaper B: cheaper C: cheapest D: cheap

12. I … eat meat. I am a vegetarian. ) A: always B: never C: usually D: sometimes

13. The driver of the car had … injuries. ) A: seriously B: badly C: serious D:terriblly

14. It’s 10 o’clock and Tom hasn’t got up … . ) A: still B: already C: no longer D: yet

15. The … second text is easy. A: hundred B: twenty-one C: two D: second

16. He died in … . A: nineteen sixtieth B: nineteen sixty C: one thousand nine hundred

sixty D: nineteen hundred sixty

17. This dress costs $ 34.10 A: thirty-four dollars, ten cent

B: thirty-four dollars and ten cent

C: thirty-fourth dollars and ten cent

D: ten cent and thirty-fourth dollars

18. How much is … watch? ) A: this B: it C: these D: hers

19. Can I borrow … scissors, please? ) A:your B: you C: yours D: its

20. Don’t worry about Tom and me. We can look after … .

) A: myself B: ourselves C: yourself D: them 21. You can cash these traveller’sc heques at … bank.

) A: any B: some C: somewhere D: anyone 22. It was a public holiday, so there were … shops open.

) A: some B: any C: no D: none 23. There is … at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

) A: anybody B: somebody C: nothing D: somewhere 24. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got … to do.

) A: many B: more C: some D: much 25. I … never late for class.

) A: am not B: is C: am D: are 26. … you happy when John came to visit you?

) A: was B: were C: aren’t D: am 27. My aunt … two dogs and a parrot.

) A: hasn’t B: have C: has got D: haves 28. Julie … a party last week.

) A: had B: have C: having D: has 29. … a bookshop near here? Yes, … one in Hill Street.

) A: are there; there isn’t

B: is there; there is

C: was there; there is

D: are there; there were

30. … a lot of salt in the soup. ) A: there is B: there were C: there weren’t D: there was

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31.… anything on television, so I turned it off. ) A: there is B: there isn’t C: there wasn’t D: there were

32. She … a glass of fresh milk every morning. ) A: is drinking B: drinks C: drink D: drank

33. I … she is between twenty and twenty-five years old. A: think B: thinks C: ’m thinking D: don’t think

34. Helen … the flowers yesterday. A: watered B: has watered C: was watering D: waters

35. Somebody … the doorbell while we were having dinner. A: rings B: were ringing C: rang D: ringed

36. Be careful with this or you … drop it.

A: will B: are going C: are D: is going 37. Can you wait for me? I … be very long.

A: will B: shall C: won’t D: are 38. We … dinner when Julie phoned me.

A: had B: were having C: have D: has 39. Bob was playing the piano while Greg … when I called on them.

A: sleeps B: was sleeping C: slept D: has slept 40. … you … to the radio? No, you can turn it off.

A: are … listening B: is … listening C: have listen D: was listen

Лексико-грамматический тест № 3

Выберите правильный вариант для заполнения пропуска: 1.'What time does the train leave?' 'I think it ..... at 2 o'clock.'

a) leaves b) has been leaving c) has left 2. 'What is Jill doing these days?' 'She ................. for a job for six months.'

a) is looking b) has been looking c) looks 3. 'Have you been for a walk?' 'Yes. I often ......... for walks in the evenings.'

a) have gone b) am going c) go 4. 'Who does your hair for you?' 'My mother usually ...... it.'

a) is cutting b) cuts c) has cut 5. Liz and I are good friends. We ………each other for four years

a) know b) have known c) have been knowing 6. We … for two hours when we stopped for a rest.

a) were driving ) drove have been driving d) had been driving

7. My husband … to work by the time I woke up. a) had been going b) went c) was going d) had gone

8. Mary … dinner when her husband came home.

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a) cooked b) was cooking c) has been cooking d) had cooked

9. Lucy … a letter to her sister last night. a) had written b) was writing c) wrote d) had been writing

10. My friend was relieved to hear that he … the exam.

a) had been passing b) was passing ) had passed d) passed

11. I saw Jim this morning. He … … for the bus. ) ran ) was running had run ) had been running

12. Keri was angry. She … … for Sarah for two hours. a) had been waiting b) was waiting c) waited d) has waited

13. They … … their grandparents for a long time before they decided to go to see them.

a) hadn't visited b) weren't visiting c) didn’t visit d) haven’t visited

9. She … … hate washing up, but now she likes it. ) used to b) is used to c) was used to ) use to

10. They… … basketball yesterday.

) were playing b) play c) had played d) played

11. Nick cut himself when he … …. ) had shaved b) shaved c) was shaving d) is shaving

12. I … … in England ten years ago.

a) have stayed b) was staying c) had been staying d) stayed

13. When I arrived, the film … …. a) already had started b) had started yet c) had already started d) started already

14. This time tomorrow, I … to the managing director.

) will talk

) talk

) is talking

) will be talking

15. His parents think she … an actor today. ) will become

) is becoming

) becomes

) has become

16. By next weekend, Tom … the project

) will be finishing

) will have finished

) will be finished

) will finish

17. I hope life … in the 21st century. ) will have changed

) change

) will change

) is changing

18. By the time my mother retires, she … for the same company for 25 years.

) will work

will be working

has worked

will have been working

19. I’m too tired to walk home. I think I … a taxi. ) takes

) will take

) has taken

) will be taken

20. What … you … on Saturday evening?

) does … do

) are … doing

) does

) will have done

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21.Independence Day ___________ by Americans on July 4. a) was celebrated b) had been celebrated c) is celebrated 22.“Was Tom pleased with the newspaper article about him?” “No. He was angry because his name ________wrong” a) was spelt b) is spelt c) had been spelt 23. Many towns __________ by the earthquake in Japan last year. a) have been destroyed b) has destroyed c) were destroyed 24. “Did you hear about the robbery last week?” “Yes. The suspects _________already.” a) were arrested b) will have been arrested c) have been arrested 25. When he entered the hall the most dangerous tricks _____________. a) are being performed b) will be performed c) were being performed 26. Don’t leave your bicycle outside. It_________. a) is stolen b) will have been stolen c) will be stolen 27. The applicants __________ by 6 p.m. tomorrow a) will be interviewed b) will have been interviewed c) are being interviewed 28. Jane didn’t go to the meeting yesterday. It _______________ a) is cancelled b) had been cancelled c) was cancelled 29. I am going home now because all the work __________ . a) was done b) had been done c) has been done 30. The bank __________ by the time I was free. a) was closed b) had been closed c) was being close 31. I_______ never _______how to play chess. a) was … taught b) haven’t … been taught c) have … been taught 32. Usually lunch ___________ from 12.00 to 12.00 a) is being served b) serves c) is served 33. The Statue of Liberty ___________ to America by the French. a) was given b) was being given c) had been given 34. The experiment ____________ by the scientists at this time yesterday. a) is being done b) was doing c) was being done 35. The test papers ___________ now. a) were handed out b) are being handed out c) are handed out 36. All these beautiful things you can see ___________ by Sophie a) was made b) are being made c) have been made 37. My teeth __________ by the dentist tomorrow a) are checked b) will have been checked c) will be checked 38. I’m afraid I can’t lend you my camera. It ____________ still. a) is repaired b) has been repaired c) is being repaired

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39. By the year 2030 human labour in industry __________ by robots. a) will be replaced b) will have been replaced c) will have replaced 40. All the information _____________ before the detective handed in his report. a) had collected b) was collected c) had been collected

Лексико-грамматический тест № 4 I. Выберите один вариант ответа, который, по вашему мнению, является правильным. 1. I … the contract if I had read it properly. A will have signed B wouldn’t have signed C didn’t sign 2. The files aren’t here – I … them back at the office. A have left B must be leaving C should have left 3. I haven’t seen Simone for ages – she … in a different department. A should work B needn’t have worked C must be working 4. It’s a pity we sold the shares when we did – we … them for another couple of months. A should keep B should be keeping C should have kept 5. Sorry, but … you give me a hand with these boxes? A might B would C may 6. We had to get an interpreter in Japan because none of us … speak Japanese. A knew B could C were able 7. The CEO is confident that we will … increase sales by 100% next year. A be able to B can C manage 8. We … them the reminder last Monday morning because the cheque arrived in the post that afternoon. A needed to send B needn’t send C needn’t have sent 9. Alex … here for six months. A has been working B works C had been working 10. She went to the travel agent and … two tickets for Rome. A takes B took C were taking 11. He … that skill from his grandfather who was a magician. A was learning B had learnt C has been learning 12. Could you look after Mrs. Cervenkova tomorrow? – I can’t do it because I … back from the conference when she gets here. A was going to travel B will have travelled C will be travelling 13. Dear Karen, I am in England. I … with some English friends. A am staying B stay C have stayed 14. Hello, Mike. What are you doing here? I … to find nearby to rent. A am wanting B want C have wanted

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15. At the weekend I … to the cinema. A am probably going B have probably gone C will probably go 16. All salaries … recently. A were cut B have been cut C cut 17. His raincoat … at the moment. A is being cleaned B has been cleaned C was cleaned 18. The Capitol … in 1765. A were completed B has been being completed C was completed 19. The fire was put out … the firemen. A by B with C on 20. The fire was put out … water. A by B from C with 21. The class … mathematics at that time yesterday. A was teach B had been taught C was being taught 22. The water level … every day. A is check B is checked C must checked 23. … Janet recently? A have you met B did you meet C do you meet 24. Peggy broke the glass when she … lunch. A was having B had C had had 25. My mother … at this station for 20 years by next week. A will work B will be working C will have been working 26. How long … English when he took up German? A did he study B has he been studied C had he been studying 27. I came too late: all my papers … . A was removed B had been removed C has been removed 28. We … drive on the left in Britain. A should B ought to C have to 29. He … come more often. A ought to B would C will 30. The French Immigration office is in England. So passengers … get straight on to the train in England. A must B can C should 31. My mother says that I … go to the party till twelve o’clock. A can B must C may

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32. … I open the window? It’s too stuffy here. A shall B should C would 33. As he behaves badly he … . A was punished B will be punished C are punished 34. She said that the letter … at once. A should be answered B must be answered C had to be answered 35. She … with her housework. A was help B is being helped C will being helped 36. She said that he … before you came. A would have been sent for B will be sent for C is sent for 37. The article … by 6 o’clock. A will be translated B will be translate C will have been translated 38. It … that the delegation has left Moscow. A is report B is reported C reports 39. He tells us that the road … against the red light. A can not be crossed B must not be crossed C should not be crossed 40. The goods … tomorrow. A will be examined B will being examined C will have been examined

Процедура и критерии оценивания тестов: – оценка «отлично» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 86 – 100%; – оценка «хорошо» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 70 – 85%; – оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 50 – 69%; – оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 49% и меньше.

Составитель: Махутова Г.М., канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры ИЯ ФИО ученая степень, звание, должность

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5 семестр Контрольная работа №1

1. Описание процедуры использования оценочного средства в учебном процессе Для того чтобы выполнить контрольную работу №1, необходимо усвоить следующий

грамматический материал: 1. Существительное. Число, падеж. 2. Местоимение. Личные и притяжательные местоимения. 3. Прилагательное. Степени сравнения. 4. Числительное. Порядковые и количественные числительные. 5. Глагол ‘to be’, ‘to have’. 6. Оборот there is/are.

Выполнение контрольных работ предполагает использование англо-русского и русско-английского словарей, таблиц. На выполнение работы отводится 90 минут. 2. Содержание оценочного средства

Вариант №1 1. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.

Budapest Budapest has a population of over two million people. One in every five Hungarians lives there.

The River Danube divides the city into two parts. On the west bank, there are the woods and hills of Buda and the old town. On the east bank, there is the bigger and more modern Pest, the business and shopping centre. From Buda there are wonderful views of Pest and the river. Six bridges join Buda and Pest.

Important dates in the history of Budapest For nearly a thousand years, Buda and Pest were two towns. Then in 1873, they joined and

became one city, Budapest. Until 1939, Budapest was one of the most important cultural capitals of Europe. In 1945, the city was in ruins and the Communists took control. In 1956, the people tried to free themselves. They pulled down a statue of Stalin and fought the soldiers, but they were not successful. Communists rule did not end until 1989.

The city today Budapest is very unusual because it has two completely different parts. You can choose the

peace and quiet of Buda’s woods or the excitement of Pest, where there are good theatres, restaurants, bars, and shops.

The public transport system in Budapest is one of the best and cheapest in the world. You can travel easily by underground, bus, tram, and taxi, but driving a car in Budapest is not a good idea! There are not many car parks. Most cars are old, so pollution is very bad.

The healthiest thing to do in the city is to visit one of the thirty spa baths and swimming pools. The mineral waters of Budapest are famous, and a very popular way to relax. 1. How many people live in Budapest? 2. How many parts are there in Budapest? 3. What is the worst way to get round the city? 4. What is Budapest famous for? 2. Письменно переведите текст.

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3. Заполните пропуски, вставив нужный артикль (a/an; the;-). 1. My sister Iren lives in _ Budapest. 2. It’s _ very unusual city. 3. There are _ two parts in_ city. 4. She works in_ office in _ Pest but she lives in _lovely flat in _ second part of _ city, in _ Buda. 5. In the past. _ Budapest was one of_ most important cultural cities of _ Europe. 6. There are _ lot of places of interest there. 7. _ best way to get round _ city is to use _ underground and _ public transport system.8. It’s not _ good idea to travel by _ car. 9. The healthiest thing to do in _city is to visit _ spa bath or _ swimming pool.10. _ mineral waters of Budapest are _ famous and _very popular.11__ Hungarians are proud of their capital. 4. Употребите подчёркнутые существительные во множественном числе и выполните все необходимые преобразования. 1. From Buda there is a wonderful view of Pest. 2. You can see a good cinema, theatre, cafe, and a supermarket. 3. This city is very unusual. 4. It’s a very popular way to relax. 5. My sister-in-law visits a spa bath every year. 5.Объедините два существительных, используя форманты притяжательного падежа (‘s) (‘) или (…of ...). Переведите полученные словосочетания на русский язык. 1. the camera/ this tourist ; 2. the sightseeings / Budapest; 3. the news/ today; 4. the name / this street; 5. the excursion/three hours; 6. these businessmen/ luggage; 7. Peter and Jane / the room in the hotel. 6. Замените подчёркнутые существительные местоимениями.

1. The city has a population of over two million people. 2. People can see wonderful views of Pest and the river. 3. Six bridges join Buda and Pest. 4. They pulled down a statue of Stalin and fought the soldiers. 5. Most cars are old, so pollution is very bad. 6. Communists’ rule did not end until 1989. 7. Budapest’s places of interest always impress tourists. 8. He decided to save money for travelling and put his money in the bank. 9. When we got out of the tourist bus it was raining, so my clothes were absolutely wet. I had to

dry my clothes. 10. The information about the history of the city is really exciting, so naturally, everybody is

interested in this information. 7. A. Выберите из текста прилагательные и распределите их по степеням сравнения.

Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

Б. Заполните пропуски, употребив правильную степень сравнения прилагательных, данных в скобках.

1. There were a lot of people in the museum. It was ... than usual (crowded). 2. Buda is as... as Pest (interesting). 3. It’s ... to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken (a lot / easy). 4. We complained about the food in our hotel. But instead of improving, it got ... and ... (bad). 5. Buda is not so ... as Pest (modern). 6. It’s ... city I have ever seen (wonderful). 7. The public transport system in Budapest is one of ... and ... in the world (good/ cheap).

8. А. Выпишите из текста количественные числительные и образуйте от них порядковые числительные.

Б. Запишите указанные в тексте даты словами.

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9. Составьте предложения, употребив оборот there is/there are. e. g. two parts of the city; in Budapest - There are two parts of the city in Budapest. 1. two million people; in Budapest 2. the business and shopping centre; on the east bank 3. six bridges; across the River Danube 4. a good transport system; in the city 5. thirty spa baths and swimming pools; in Budapest 10.Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в нужной форме и времени. Переведите

предложения на русский язык. 1. The university ... a collection of colleges. 2. The first two years at the University ... a

continuation of secondary education. 3. A freshman ... a first-year student. 4. There ... no other universities in England, apart from Oxford and Cambridge, until the 19th century. 5. Universities ... centres of research. 6. Bacon, Cromwell, Newton ... Oxbridge students.

11.Определите видо-временную форму глаголов в следующих предложениях,

переведите предложения на русский язык. Например: goes – Present Simple, 3-е лицо, ед. число, от глагола to go.

1. Each university decides each year how many students it apposes to admit.

2. College graduates have applied to a public employment agency to get a job. 3. Many great men studied at Oxbridge. 4. In teaching the Open University uses a combination of television and radiobroadcasts. They have also produced a whole library of short course-books. 5. At any time a student needs advice, members of the Union Council will be glad to be of assistance. 6. College education is getting more expensive every year.

12. Задайте к каждому предложению 4 типа вопросов. 1. Budapest has got two different parts. 2. There are good spa baths in the city. 3. The public transport system is cheap in Budapest. 4. You can travel easily by tram and bus. 5. College education is getting more expensive every year.

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Контрольная работа № 1 (Вариант №2)

1. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.

PRAGUE Prague has a population of over one million people. It is not the biggest city in Europe, but it is

certainly one of the most beautiful. It is built on seven hills on the banks of the River Vltava. Fifteen bridges cross the river. The most famous is Charles Bridge, which joins Prague Castle and the old town. The view of the castle from the river is very famous.

Important dates in the history of Prague Prague did not become the capital until October 1918, after World War I, when Czechoslovakia

became an independent country. Twenty years later, in 1938, it lost its independence again before World War II. After the War, in 1948 the Communists took control. In 1968, the people tried to free themselves. They fought the soldiers in Wenceslas Square, but they were not successful. Communist rule did not end until 1989.

The city today Some people say Prague is the most beautiful city in the world! They call it ‘The Golden City’

and ‘The Mother of Cities’ because it still has many beautiful medieval buildings and statues. Perhaps the most popular building is the Old Town Hall with its amazing 15th century astronomical clock.

People also call Prague ‘Europe’s School of Music’. There are many concert halls, and every May there is a famous music festival: ‘Prague Spring’. There are also twenty theatres and many old pubs, wine bars, and restaurants.

There is now a modern underground, but traffic is still a problem. It is often better to walk and feel the atmosphere of the pretty little streets.

1) How many people live in Prague? 2) How many bridges are there? 3) How do people call Prague? Why? 4) What is the best way to get round the city?

2. Письменно переведите текст. 3. Заполните пропуски, вставив нужный артикль (a/an; the;-).

1. My name’s … Gashek. 2. I live in … Prague. 3. I’m ... guide. 4. I meet a lot of ... people every day. 5. They are ... tourists. 6. I am always ready to tell them about ... my native city. 7. ... Prague is ... most beautiful city in ... Europe. 8. Today over ... million of people live in ... Prague, ... capital of ... Czech Republic. 9. “The Mother of Cities” has so many medieval buildings and ... statues.10. The Old Town Hall is ... most popular building. 11. There is ... amazing astronomical clock there. 12. I invite you to visit Prague when there is ... famous music festival. 13. I’m sureyou will be surprised and satisfied with... sightseeings of “The Golden City”. 4. Употребите подчеркнутые существительные во множественном числе и выполните все необходимые преобразования. 1. The view of the castle from the river is very famous. 2. You can see a person who is standing in front of The Old Town Hall. 3. It became an independent country. 4. This little street makes us feel the atmosphere of Prague. 5. When my daughter-in-law is in Prague, she always visits a concert hall, a theatre, and an old pub.

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5. Объедините два существительных, используя форманты притяжательного падежа (‘s), (‘) или (…of…). Переведите полученные словосочетания. 1. the tickets/ these tourists 2. The Golden City/ Europe 3. the river/the banks 4. the atmosphere/ this medieval castle 5. Mary and John/ suitcases 6. a music festival/ this year 7. my daughter-in-law/ video camera 6. Замените подчеркнутые существительные местоимениями. 1. Prague is situated on the hills. 2. Fifteen bridges cross the river. 3. Charles Bridge joins Prague Castle and the old town. 4. Prague’s medieval buildings are beautiful. 5. Communists’ rule did not end until 1989. 6. There were a lot of suitcases in the hall. They were tourists’. 7. My jeans became dirty. I had to wash my jeans by hand. 8. They’ve just told me that I have a chance to go to a famous music festival in Prague. I like the news. 9. That is Mike’s camera. 10. He took many photos of the pretty little streets. 7. A. Выберите из текста прилагательные и распределите их по степеням

Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

7. Б. Заполните пропуски, употребив правильные степени сравнения прилагательных, данных в скобках. 1. Prague is ... city in the world. (beautiful) 2. Prague is not so ... as Budapest. (big) 3. There are ...bridges across the river in Prague than in Budapest. (much/many) 4. Walking round the old town we got ... and ... . (impressed) 5. It’s... to walk than to travel by car or underground. (good) 6. “Prague Spring” is ... music festival in Europe. (popular) 7. Nowadays there are as ... tourists in Prague as there were some years ago. (many) 8. А. Выпишите из текста количественные числительные и образуйте от них порядковые числительные. Б. Запишите указанные в тексте даты словами. 9. Составьте предложения, употребив оборот there is/there are. e.g. A modern underground; in Prague – There is a modern underground in Prague. 1. some ancient castles; in Prague 2. fifteen bridges; across the River Vltava 3. many beautiful medieval buildings and statues; in the Golden City. 4. a lot of people; in the museum 5. an amazing astronomic clock; in the Old Town Hall

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10. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в нужной форме и времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Universities ... centres of research. 2. A large percent of Oxford undergraduates ... from public schools. 3. The first postgraduate degree ... that of Master. 4. All universities ... independent and autonomous. 5. A tutor ... responsible for the student’s progress.

11. Определите видо-временную форму глаголов в следующих предложениях, переведите предложения на русский язык. Например: goes – Present Simple, 3-е лицо, ед. число, от глагола to go.

1. The history of Cambridge began in 1348. 2. All the universities receive financial support from the state. 3. Most students take jobs in the summer. 4. The Department of Education and Science controls appointment of the staff. 5. If a student needs advice, members of the Union Council will be glad to be of assistance. 6. The British government isn’t going to build any more new universities. 12. Задайте к каждому предложению 4 типа вопросов. 1. Prague has got a lot of medieval buildings. 2. There is a famous music festival in May. 3. Walking is the best way to get round the city. 4. You can feel the atmosphere of the pretty little streets. 5. The history of Cambridge began in 1348.

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6 семестр Контрольная работа № 2

1.Описание процедуры использования оценочного средства в учебном процессе

Для того чтобы выполнить контрольную работу №2, необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

1. Глагол. Правильные и неправильные глаголы. Видо-временные формы английского глагола (действительный залог).

2. Видо-временные формы английского глагола (страдательный залог). 3. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. 4. Согласование времен.

Выполнение контрольных работ предполагает использование англо-русского и русско-английского словарей, таблиц. На выполнение работы отводится 90 минут.

2. Содержание оценочного средства

Вариант №1 I. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.

The Internet in a cup

1. Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, follow commodity prices,

or stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the internet. Three centuries ago, the answer was just as easy: you went to a coffee-house. There, for the price of a cup of coffee, you couldattend scientific lectures, or chat with like-minded people about literature or politics. Like today’s websites, coffee-houses were lively. Collectively, Europe’s interconnected web of coffee-houses formed the internet of the Enlightenment era.

2. The contrast between coffee and alcoholic drinks was reflected in the decor of the coffee-houses that began to appear in European cities, London in particular. They were adorned with bookshelves, mirrors, gilt-framed pictures and good furniture, in contrast to the rowdiness and gloom of taverns. According to custom, social differences were left at the coffee-house door, the practice of drinking healths was banned, and anyone who started a quarrel had to atone for it by buying an order of coffee for all present.

3. Coffee was the ideal drink. Its popularity owed much to the growing middle class of information workers, who did mental work in offices rather than performing physical labour in the open, and found that coffee sharpened their mental faculties. Such men were not rich enough to entertain lavishly at home, but could afford to spend a few pence a day on coffee. Coffee-houses were nicknamed “penny universities” in a contemporary English verse which observed: “So great a Universitie, I think there ne’er was any; In which you may a Scholar be, for spending of a penny.”

4. Though coffee-houses were also popular in Paris, Venice and Amsterdam, this characteristic was particularly notable in London, where 82 coffee-houses had been set up by 1663, and more than 500 by 1700. Coffee-houses around the Royal Exchange were frequented by businessmen; those around St James’s and Westminster by politicians; those near St Paul’s Cathedral by clergymen and theologians. In the days before street numbering or regular postal services, it became a common practice to use a coffee-house as a mailing address. Regulars could pop in once or twice a day, hear the latest news, and check to see if any post awaited them. The wide-ranging interests of Robert Hooke, a scientist and polymath, were reflected in his visits to around 60 coffee-houses during the 1670s. Coffee-houses were popular in Paris, where 380 had been established by 1720. As in London, they were associated with particular topics or lines of business.

5. Can the coffee-houses’ modern equivalent, the internet, claim to have had such an impact? Perhaps not. But the parallels are certainly striking. Originally the province of scientists, the internet

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has since grown to become a nexus of commercial, journalistic and political interchange. The kinship between coffee-houses and the internet has recently been underlined by the establishments of wireless “hotspots” which provide internet access, using a technology called WiFi, in modern day coffee-shops.

1. What were the coffee-houses adorned with? 2. Why were the coffee-houses nicknamed “penny universities”? 3. What could regulars pop in the coffee-houses once or twice a day for? II. Письменно переведите 1, 4, 5 абзацы текста. III. Выпишите из текста предложения с глаголами в страдательном залоге.

Определите видо-временную форму глаголов. IV. Преобразуйте предложения из страдательного залога в действительный. 1. A dolphin was being dissected by a group of scientists including Isaac Newton in one of

London’s coffee-houses. 2. Coffee-houses were used by their patrons to report major events such as the outbreak of war

or the death of a head of the state. 3. Many attempts had been made to prohibit coffee and coffee-houses in the Muslim world. 4. Coffee-houses, like other public places in Paris, were stuffed with government spies. 5. Snippets of political news are rounded up and analysed in weblogs, those modern equivalents

of pamphlets and broadsides. V. Переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

1. In the 17th century everybody was able to go to a coffee-house. 2. If you want to know the latest business news, keep up with political gossip, you can log on to

the internet. 3. Depending on the interests of their customers, some coffee-houses had to display commodity

prices, share prices and shipping lists. 4. In the coffee-houses you could read the latest pamphlets, catch up on news and gossip, strike

business deals. 5. Coffee-houses were to provide a forum for education, debate and self-improvement. VI. Поставьте сказуемое придаточного предложения в нужную видо-временную

форму, учитывая правила согласования времен. 1. Rumours, news and gossip were carried between the coffee-houses by their patrons, and

sometimes runners (to flit) from one coffee-house to another. 2. One day he said to his friend that he (to go) to the coffee-house to discuss some problems. 3. The result was a public outcry, for coffee-houses (to become) central to commercial and

political life. 4. Scientific lectures and experiments also took place in coffee-houses, such as the Marine,

near St Paul’s, which (to frequent) by sailors and navigators. 5. He thought that she (to wait) for him in the coffee-house.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. If you use the shower, try and avoid.........water on the floor.

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a. splash b. splashing c. being splashed 2. Could you stop......so much noise? a. to make b. make c. making 3. He can't stand........ to traditional music. a. dancing b. to dance c. having danced 4. I have difficulty in.......... people's names. a. to remember b. remembering c. being remembered. 5. Imagine…..the lottery! a. to win b. winning c. having won. 6. We guarantee …….the goods by the end of June. a. to deliver b. delivering c. deliver. 7. May I suggest……the meeting until the next week? a. to postpone b. being postponed c. postponing 8. He refused……the contract until he’d spoken to his boss. a. sign b. to sign c. signing. 9. If we don’t decide soon, we risk…..the whole contract. a. to lose b. lose c. losing. 10. Are you waiting……the phone? a. using b. to use c. use.

Контрольная работа № 2. Вариант 2 I. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие за ним.

The Internet Today

1. Where do you go when you want to know the latest business news, keep up with political

gossip, find out what others think of a new book, or stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments.....? Today, the answer is obvious: you log on to the Internet. The Internet/“the net” is a network connecting millions of computer users worldwide. The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by the scientists. Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world.

2. The main use of the Internet is to find information. You can study for school or college and even obtain a degree using the Internet. Universities from around the world have sites and some offer online courses. Most schools now have an Internet connection, and many schoolchildren use it for research and for keeping in touch with schools abroad. Children can also visit special online exhibitions created by world-famous museums. It is much faster and easier to serf the net in search of information from all over the world than to travel to libraries in dozens of countries.

3. You can access information on the Internet or send and receive electronic mail/e-mail from a computer. E-mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends. There are more than 25

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000 every possible groups of news in the Internet, participants of which discuss politics, current events, software, ‘converse with’ of autos, domestic animals, tattoos, motion pictures, supermodels and love. E-mail is popular because it is faster than sending a letter and cheaper than a telephone conversation.

4. The Internet offers huge benefits to the consumers, not only as a source of information and entertainment, but as a new way of shopping for goods and services. On-line shopping makes it possible to search through catalogues to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. But Internet shopping has its problems too. We take consumer protection for granted when we buy from the shop, over the phone or by the mail order, but it’s often difficult to apply the same protection to shopping on the Internet.

5. Advertisements for the Internet promise you a world of information, entertainment, on-line shopping, e-mail services. But the real world of the Internet may not be as perfect as the advertisements suggest. The Internet obviously has both good and bad points. Fortunately, the system is improving all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved. Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time. Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it.

1. When was the World Wide Web created? 2. What can you use the Internet for? 3. What does the Internet offer to the consumers? II. Письменно переведите 2, 4, 5 абзацы текста.

III. Выпишите из текста предложения с глаголами в страдательном залоге.

Определите видо-временную форму глаголов. IV. Преобразуйте предложения из страдательного залога в действительный. 1. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on

your computer screen. 2. The keyboard was broken. 3. The children are allowed to surf the net on their own. 4. She has never been taught how to use a computer. 5. In future the more jobs will be done by computers, the less will be done by people. V. Переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. 1. On-line shopping can save you time and money. 2. If you need to look up statistics, you could try surfing the Internet. You never know what you

might find. 3. To surf the net, you should enter a web site address. 4. The Internet offers many advantages, but children should be supervised when they are using it,

and parents must teach them how to use it. 5. Twenty years ago few people realised that computers were to become part of our daily lives. VI. Поставьте сказуемое придаточного предложения в нужную видо-временную

форму, учитывая правила согласования времен. 1. Many people may now be wondering whether the spread of computers (to bring) us as many

problems as it (to solve). 2. Schoolchildren (to become) as familiar with computers as their parents (to be) with pencils

and exercise books. 3. She knew that her brother (to work) hard at computerization of public records. 4. He could complete his work after he (to collect) all the necessary data.

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5. The programmer said that he (to be going) to test programs for performing various tasks on a computer.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант. Переведите предложение на русский язык. 1. The house……in our street is a new school. a. being built b. to build c. build. 2. I haven’t decided where……the picture yet. a. to put b. putting c. having put. 3. David went to work without……breakfast this morning. a. have b. to have c. having. 4. ……….to accept the invitation he left the office. a. to refuse b. refuse c. having refused 5. ……..is a good form of exercise. a. walk b. to walk c. walking 6. We read the article……….in English. a. to write b. write c. written 7. My parents let me…....a party for my friends. a. have b. to have c. having 8. Jim would like……….his own business. a. start b. starting c. tostart 9. The manager advised us…….to the boss. a. speaking b. speak c. tospeak 10. You had better…….your parents now. a. to call b. calling c. call

3. Процедура и критерии оценивания: – оценка «отлично» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 86 – 100%; – оценка «хорошо» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 70 – 85%; – оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 50 – 69%; – оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется студенту, если процент правильных ответов составляет 49% и меньше . Составитель: Махутова Г.М., канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры ИЯ ФИО ученая степень, звание, должность

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5 семестр 1. Описание процедуры использования оценочного средства в учебном процессе Работа с текстами предполагает письменный перевод текста и выполнение заданий к нему. 2. Содержание оценочного средства

Text 1. Read and translate the text paying attention to the words in bold. Make a plan of this text.

About myself Let me introduce myself. I am Victor Belov, a first-year student. I’d like to say a few words

about myself. Let’s start with my family. Well, what can I say about my own family? First of all, it is very small – there are only three

of us in my immediate family: my father, my mother and, of course, myself. I have no brothers or sisters so I am an only child. I love my parents very much and I should say that we are friends. We used to spend a lot of time together but now I live away from home so we can’t spend much time together.

This summer I entered Moscow State University. Now I am a freshman, as they put in America, and I am doing History. I take a full course of World and Russian History. I must say I take a special liking to the subjects in which I am going to major (to specialize). And that is Modern History of Russia which was my favourite subject at school.

There are many historical subjects in our programme. When I am in my third year, I wish to devote myself to the special study of modern and contemporary history by which I am greatly attracted.

Each year we must present a course paper to our scientific adviser and make reports in class on historical themes. At the end of each term we will take several credits and examinations.

As for English, they will teach us not only to read and translate historical documents and literature but to speak English as well. Our English teacher says we must work at the language very hard.

It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up history seriously as my future speciality. Whether I will make a very good teacher or a research worker remains to be seen, but I am sure that eventually I will become quite knowledgeable in the field of history and perhaps social sciences. Text 2. Go through the main reading and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-l for each paragraph 1-8. There is one extra heading not to be used. Give a brief summary of the main reading according to these items.

The Importance of the Family

• The family is important for every person, young and old. It is not only a warm dry place to live and enough food to eat. The family gives you a sense of stability, understanding and support, makes you feel secure and comfortable. Here you feel loved for being special and unique to the people you feel close to.

• The roots of the family date back to prehistoric times. The family has changed a lot ever since but preserved its essence. Families can be made up of many different types of relationships that result from such factors as divorce, remarriage, job mobility, and changing social attitudes.

• In its traditional understanding family is a group of people who are closely related. Psychologists usually refer to a family consisting of mother, father and their children, who are either twins or siblings, as a nuclear family. Some of them are one-parent or single-parent families. A family which includes aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents and other distant relatives is called extended family. Relatives keep in touch but they see less of each other than they used to.

• These days the word "households" has appeared to describe a group of people living together. In most cases household consists of parents and children, too. But there maybe other

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relationships, such as single mother or father, divorced or remarried parents, young couples with no children, adult children who live on their own, etc.

• Mothers play a special role in the family. They bring up children and create a friendly home atmosphere. Children are more often attached to their mothers and feel a great deal of confidence to them. Mothers encourage children to greater efforts, point out mistakes for the progress to be made. They are caring, loving, generous, overprotective and ambitious about the adorable offsprings (отпрыски). Sometimes it's a very delicate task demanding tact and patience because teenagers are very radical in their opinions.

• Fathers are usually the main breadwinners in the family and stay less time at home. Still there exists the strongest human relation between father and child. While we turn to our mothers for love and support, we often need our fathers for approval. Many famous men and women have talked about the importance of their fathers to them. They always try to follow their fathers' advice and this helps them to be the best at whatever they do.

• Many people have happy memories of their grandparents. Their grandparents, especially grandmothers, loved them, gave them special treats, toys and sweet. Sometimes, grandparents even helped them when they had problems with their parents. It seems that for many people, their grandparents were a very happy part of their childhood. Today, many children do not live with their grandparents. However, grandparents still have an important role in their grandchildren's lives. They still love and care for their grandchildren, and make their lives happier, too.

• I'd like to say that there are times in our lives when everything seem to be going badly. You feel depressed and suffer from despair and can't cope with problems. In this case a fatherly manly hug (крепкое объятие) or a mother's loving embrace can really restore you from ashes. In this case you understand that even if the whole world turns its cold shoulder on you, there'll still be a family to turn to for love, compassion and understanding. And as every great masterpiece the family will remain in your soul forever.

Headings A. A special role of mothers B. "Households" C. A very happy part of our childhood. D. To be important to everybody. E. Problems of mixed families. F. A means for restoring you from ashes. G. Psychological types of families. H. Factors of family making up. I. The main breadwinners. Text 3. Read and translate the text. Give a brief summary of the article.

Unusual Hobbies Everyone has different hobbies. It can be doing things, making things, collecting things or

learning things. You are doing it to relax or to belong. Here is a list of the most unusual hobbies we found: 1. Tree shaping It’s a very cool hobby in which you train living trees and other woody plants into artistic shapes

or useful structures. Think about growing your own chair! It might take a while though. 2. Beetle fighting Choose different types of beetles to fight against each other. Beetle fighting enthusiasts

sometimes breed different species of beetles for fighting. You can find videos about it online, but while some might find it interesting, others may think it’s a bit gross!

3. Newsraiding This consists of appearing as a bystander in the background of television shows. Very few have

the resolve, planning skills, and perfect star-alignment to call this a hobby and not just a mere pipe

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dream. There has only been one truly great newsraider, Paul Yarrow, from the UK. He has appeared in many many broadcasts.

4. Extreme Ironing Yes, it’s a competitive sport, also known as “EI”. Extreme ironing consists of ironing clothing in

different, usually extreme, situations like while rock climbing, surfing, on a kayak… 5. Stone skipping Yes it’s exactly that. You take a nice oval stone and you try to make it bounce on water as many

times as possible. The current record holder managed a 51 bounce throw. 6. Geocaching This is free real-world treasure hunting hobby using technology. There are hidden containers

called geocaches with items inside these are located using a smart phone or GPS. This hobby is good for exploring the world and sharing experiences with other members.

7. Suing Ok, this belongs more in the comedy category but it seems there was at least 1 person who made

suing into an actual hobby. Despite being incarcerated at a federal prison in Kentucky, Jonathan Lee Riches has made it into

the Guinness Book of World Records. He was named as the person who has filed the most lawsuits ever. So what did he do next? He filed a lawsuit against the folks at Guinness! He’s also filed lawsuits against Plato, Nostradamus, James Hoffa, the Lincoln Memorial, the Eiffel Tower and Three Mile Island. In his latest court filing, Riches wrote about how he sued Black History Month, the president of Iran and butter substitute I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!

8. Element Collecting You collect elements from the periodic table. People do this in different ways and of different

purities. Heavy elements, poisonous and radioactive ones are not recommended to collect. 9. Competitive duck herding Yes competitive duck herding is a hobby. You learn to herd duck like you would sheep. 10. Toy Voyaging Do you have a toy that needs a vacation? Well, by registering at ToyVoyagers.com, you can

find your toy a host from around the world, or offer to host someone else’s toy. So basically, you register on the site, get a toy voyager ID, create a travel log and profile for your traveling toy, and send it packing! You can also include Life Missions for your toy, where you tell potential hosts what your toy wants to do while visiting. Hosts and owners update the travel log and add pictures.

Text 4. Read and translate the text in written form.

Harvard University Harvard, the oldest university in America, founded in 1636, is second to none in the world.

Probably this is the most famous, prestigious and noble place to study. Even though this year it was ranked second in the world according to the World University Ranking, the actual level of its teach-ing standards and scientific research is undoubtable.

It would take an entire magazine's space only to list all the famous alumni and their achievements. But there are two of them who are particularly interesting for us. Their stories are very similar; they were accepted into Harvard, then came up with a kind of innovative and unbelievable idea, and finally dropped out of the University. Their names are William Henry Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. The first one invented Windows and is now one of the richest people in the world. Well, the second one was named the Person of the Year by Time magazine, and he created Facebook. It is fascinating to see how these two students have changed the world.

I don't know whether someone can explain this immense success of Harvard's students. It is difficult to believe that this is simply a coincidence; there should be something else that influences young minds. Probably it all began in 1620, when the Mayflower arrived in the unknown land, which later on would be called the United States of America. The entrepreneurial ambition and belief in a new life influenced every single aspect of people's lives. I reckon that there are a few critical issues at Harvard: atmosphere, teaching standard, size of classes, individual work and, most

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important, the desire to study, study and study. In Harvard, students want to explore and to learn, and are always motivated by its brilliant teaching staff. It is a different philosophy, which aims to see something special in each student rather than simply produce office clerks.

This summer, I was privileged to do an on-line course at Harvard University. It did not require anything specific in the application process, simply IELTS results and some other relevant educational information. The crucial thing is the organization of the overall educational process. Many students from different parts in the world want to listen to the lectures. To satisfy their desire, all the lectures are recorded and then uploaded on a special webpage. And to make life even easier, the videos are divided into logical segments, so that it does not take too much time to find the required part. You would probably be interested to know how the given assignments are marked. In the era of the internet, this should not be a problem. You can do homework in Microsoft Word and insert drawings if necessary, or write by hand on paper and then scan it. I was personally surprised at the level of organization. In the first few days, I received e-mails explaining the whole process of submitting assignments, deadlines, contacts of people who are in charge of different segments, etc. This very well-structured system actually motivates one to study and do everything in time. When you know that late homework is not accepted, you are more likely to do it in time, especially considering that each mark influences your final mark.

Finally, it is worth saying a few words about teaching at Harvard. Well, it is so fascinating and unprecedented that it is difficult to describe. The most important thing is that professors always take their time; they especially emphasize the students' understanding and involvement. It only takes writing an e-mail to ask a question or to arrange a personal meeting.

You think that it is impossible for everyone to see these lectures? That's not true. Many lectures are available on-line on YouTube, so you can find one that is particularly interesting to you and make as if you were a Harvard student (or at any other university from the Ivy league) here: http://www. youtube.com/user/Harvard.

By Alexey Grabarnik, University College London BSc Mathematics with Economics

Text 5. Read the article and match each paragraph (1 – 5) with its heading (A - E). Translate the article.

Why I Love St Petersburg By Tom Masters, Author

There is something about St Petersburg that gets under your skin. Despite preferring Moscow when I first came to Russia almost two decades ago, St Petersburg lingered; its colours and incredible light stayed with me, its history haunted me. When I came to live in Russia in 2000, I didn’t hesitate in choosing St Petersburg. Today what excites me about the city is the growing underground art and music scene, the hedonistic atmosphere and the sense that great things are once again happening here. The city has emerged from Moscow’s shadow and will, I hope, show you a very different side to modern Russia.

Built from nothing by westward-looking Peter the Great, St Petersburg was from its inception to be a display of imperial Russia’s growing status in the world. Fine-tuned by Peter’s successors, who employed a host of European architects to add fabulous palaces and cathedrals to the city’s layout, St Petersburg grew to be the Romanovs’ showcase capital and Russia’s first great, modern city, a status it has retained despite the capital moving back to Moscow following the revolution. Despite all that history has thrown at it, St Petersburg still feels every bit the imperial capital, a city largely frozen in time.

St Petersburg is an almost unrivalled treasure trove of art and culture. You can spend days in the Hermitage, seeing everything from Egyptian mummies to Picassos, while the Russian Museum, spread over four sumptuous palaces, is perhaps the best collection of Russian art in the world. Add to this world-class ballet and opera at the Mariinsky Theatre, classical concerts at the Shostakovich Philharmonia and a slew of big-name music festivals over the summer months, and you won’t be

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stuck for cultural nourishment. If contemporary art is more your thing, there’s also the fantastic Erarta Museum, showcasing the best in modern Russian art, and a small but buzzing gallery scene.

Whether you’re cruising the elegant canals, crossing one of the 342 bridges in the city, or just watching them being raised over the mighty Neva River at night to allow ships to pass through, you’re never far from water in St Petersburg, which has earned the city unsurprising comparisons to Venice. The similarities don’t stop there, though: any wander in the historic centre will reveal canals lined by Italianate mansions and broken up by striking plazas adorned with baroque and neoclassical palaces.

The city’s White Nights are legendary: those long summer evenings when the northern sun barely dips below the horizon. Revelry begins in May, when spring finally comes to the city and parks are filled with flowering trees, and peaks in mid-June, when the sky doesn’t get dark, festivals pack out concert halls and the entire city seems to be partying over the brief but glorious summer. But don’t worry – even when the skies are grey and the ground covered in snow, St Petersburg’s rich culture still dazzles and delights. A. City of the Tsars B. White Nights C. Artistic Powerhouse D. Venice of the North E. Reasons that made the author love St Petersburg Text 6. Read the text and translate it in written form. The Queen's working day

Morning After breakfast, the Queen scans the British newspapers before reading her correspondence. She usually receives 200-300 letters from the public each day. She chooses a selection of letters to read herself and tells her staff how to respond to them. Her Majesty then meets with two of her private secretaries and examines her official papers. Policy papers, Cabinet documents and State papers are sent to her in 'red boxes' and, where necessary, she signs and approves them. A series of official meetings follow with the likes of Ambassadors and High Commissioners. The Queen and each visitor meet alone, usually for about 20 minutes. If there is an investiture, the ceremony begins at 11am and lasts just over an hour. If the Queen is on engagements, she usually has three per morning, either alone or with the Duke of Edinburgh. The Queen either has a private lunch or she and the Duke will invite a dozen or so guests for an informal lunch.

Afternoon Afternoons are usually spent on public engagements. These are carefully selected from hundreds of invitations sent to her each year, often by Lord Lieutenants, the Queen's representatives in the county. She carries out well over 300 engagements per year, sometimes well over 400. The Queen visits schools, hospitals, factories, military units, art galleries, hostels for the homeless and British and Commonwealth organisations. On occasions, the Queen, sometimes with the Duke of Edinburgh, goes to a city or region for the whole day. She often ends the afternoon meeting government ministers from the Privy Council.

Evening The Queen has a weekly audience alone with the Prime Minister when they are both in

London. This usually takes place at Buckingham Palace at 6.30 pm on a Wednesday. No written record is made of these meetings and tradition dictates that communications between the Queen and Prime Minister remain confidential. At about 7.30 pm on weekday evenings, a report on the day's Parliamentary proceedings, written by one of the government whips, arrives. The Queen insists on reading these the same evening.

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The Queen sometimes attends film premiers, charity concerts or a reception for a charity of which she is patron. Her Majesty also hosts official receptions at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of Holyrood house. Other receptions or dinners may be linked to a State visit. Task II. Speak about the Queen’s working day. Text 7. Read and find out the most popular leisure time activities among students. Translate the text.

Students spend more time in leisure activities than studying Spending hours on Facebook chat and sifting through your friend’s recently posted photos as a

means of academic procrastination probably sounds familiar. In fact, UC Riverside sociologists show that this, coupled with other leisure activities, dictates the majority of student attention among UC students.

Spending hours on Facebook chat and sifting through your friend’s recently posted photos as a means of academic procrastination probably sounds familiar. In fact, UC Riverside sociologists show that this, coupled with other leisure activities, dictates the majority of student attention among UC students.

A recent survey conducted by UC Riverside sociology professor Steven Brint found that of the 63,600 UC students surveyed, students on average dedicate 41 hours per week to social and leisure activities, allocating only 28 hours to academics. 10.7 of the 41 hours, according to the study, are spent on non-academic computer usage.

“A lot of the academic work I have requires a computer, but somehow I always end up on Facebook instead of being productive,” said sophomore community and regional development major Susan Haynes. “It gets to the point where I’ll have my roommate change my password so I can’t access my account.”

Brint and colleagues developed the questionnaire, known as the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey, as part of a collaborative effort intended to show a relationship between productive uses of time and positive academic outcomes.

Though the largest amount of time was dedicated to Internet usage on sites like Facebook, 10.5 hours were spent, on average per week, on socializing with friends and partying. Only 5.4 hours went to physical exercise and sports, five to watching television and 3.5 to attending entertainment events.

“I think that college students have too much free time on their hands because they don’t know how to time manage,” said Will Lipinski, a junior managerial economics major. “We don’t have enough structure and it’s the first time being on our own. Since I’ve gotten a job it’s been a lot easier to focus and figure out how to allocate my time.”

Since 2003, the time spent on leisure activities has sharply increased from 25 hours per week to 41 hours per week. Researchers attribute some of the increase to a change in question wording between 2003 and 2006, replacing “recreational or creative interests” with “partying.”

Steadily advancing technology has also resulted in an increased amount of time spent on the computer, contributing to the overall time increase students dedicate to leisure and recreation.

“At every type of institution, in every major, every demographic group, there’s been a longtime increase in leisure time,” Brint said. “There’s something about the college experience as something that has to do with friends, social life, organizational involvement, recreation, and not just academics.”

The 28 hours per week allocated to academics includes time studying outside of class as well as time spent attending lecture. Students who spent 13 hours per week of studying outside of lecture maintained roughly a 3.60 GPA, while those who studied just an hour less per week tended to maintain lower GPAs, averaging out to 2.79. While student attention to leisure and recreation has steadily increased, time allocated to academics both inside and outside the classroom has remained virtually the same.

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“The old Carnegie rule had it that students should spend two hours outside of class for every unit of credit,” said sociology professor John Hall. “At, say, 15 units, that would translate into 45 hours per week on academics, counting class. Now, I never believed that Davis students were all following that rule, but it’s a little challenging to think that students can succeed at college at [a 28 hour] level of time commitment.” 3. Процедура и критерии оценивания: зачтено Выставляется студенту, если он точно понял текст, умеет строить

письменное высказывания по обозначенной теме темам, знает необходимый лексический и грамматический минимум, умеет грамотно использовать приобретенные знания, умения и навыки.

не зачтено Выставляется студенту, если он частично понял текст, неуверенно, с большими затруднениями выполняет задания по тексту; письменное высказывание построено с большим количеством грамматических и лексических ошибок.

6 семестр

1. Описание процедуры использования оценочного средства в учебном процессе Работа с текстами предполагает письменный перевод текста и выполнение заданий к нему. 2. Содержание оценочного средства Text 1. Read the text and translate it paying attention to the words in bold. Speak about the main reason Spaniards need to learn English.

Bad Economy Pushes Spaniards to Learn English Spain is in a recession. More than one in five Spaniards don’t have jobs.

Spain’s unemployment is the highest of the seventeen countries that use the Euro. However, one part of the economy is doing well in Spain – English classes.

The EF Education First Company said Spain is a “low proficiency” country in English. Spain is below Italy and a little above Taiwan.

A fifth of the world speaks Spanish. There are many Spanish language TV shows and movies. Spaniards can also watch Hollywood movies dubbed in Spanish. They can watch news from Latin America.

Richard Vaughan is one of the few English voices on Spanish TV. “Hello and welcome back to another half-hour segment of Cloverdale’s Corner. Today is

Tuesday, and Lourdes has had to leave, but we still have four people here . . .” Richard Vaughan is from Texas. For thirty-five years, he’s lived in Spain. He owns that

country’s biggest English teaching company. His company has its own TV channel. “Aprende Ingles” – Learn English – is Spain’s only national channel in English. People watch his channel and take his classes to get a better job.

“People don’t learn English here for cultural reasons. Some do. But the motive is always, 99% of the time, professional.”

Economic problems at home can decrease job opportunities. Globalization may give opportunities for a better job in another country.

“People realize, you know, they are not only going to have to be mobile out of a choice, but they are going to have to be mobile because of necessity.”

In Spain, some of those studying English hope for jobs in Britain or the United States. Others want to work for international companies with offices in Spain. Many companies now say workers must be bilingual.

Dominic Campbell is an American. He lives in Madrid and teaches English part-time.

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“It’s a lot of jobs now are actually mandatory that you know at least two languages, and a lot of them actually want at least Spanish and English. And a lot of them are asking for Spanish, English, and French – especially airlines.”

Mr. Campbell says many of his students thought speaking Spanish was enough. “They just think, you know, ‘My English is poor. I don’t want to speak it. I don’t want to learn

how to speak it. I’ve got Spanish. That’s all I need.’” But people also need jobs. More than 40% of Spaniards in their twenties are out of work. Inigo Gomez has a degree in education. “I’m a teacher, and I couldn’t get a job here. So I think it’s a good idea to go to the United

Kingdom and try to find a job as a Spanish teacher.” While he does that, many Spaniards will be working hard to learn English at home.

Text 2. Translate the text in written form. Speak about the main idea of the text. The unstoppable rise of work experience Barely heard of in the UK three decades ago, internships have become must-haves on the CV of any young jobseeker. Why?

They are the bright-eyed, smartly-dressed young faces in your office, full of nerves and energy. If they're lucky, they will get a valuable insight into the world of employment. If they're not, they

can look forward to hours spent making tea and photocopying. The work experience placement has become almost a guaranteed rite of passage in an

increasingly competitive job market. To many employers this is a welcome development, allowing them to screen potential new

recruits and ensure that new workers have a basic grasp of workplace dynamics before they clock on for the first time.

But to critics, interns are nothing more than a vast army of unpaid labour - and the expectation in many industries that they will be prepared to work for free means it is largely those from privileged backgrounds who benefit.

Whatever your take, there is little doubt that work experience has an increasingly large impact on what will be the job prospects for many young people.

Some 21.7% of summer 2009 graduates who were in employment six months later had been taken on by an employer with whom they had previously had some kind of work experience, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). For the first time they represented the largest group of university leavers.

As a result, this summer will see many young people taking time out from their studies by making their first excursions into office life - if they calculate the traditional bar, shop or fruit-picking job will not now look impressive enough as they forge their future careers.

'Hidden economy' But it's not only undergraduates who feel compelled to volunteer their services. Emily Farley,

24, has undertaken six internships at magazines since leaving university with a first-class degree in her bid to break into journalism - and has lined up two more.

All have been unpaid and only a handful have made a contribution towards her £400-a-month travel expenses into London from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. Although Emily has supported herself by working between each placement, she has grown increasingly frustrated that work experience is the only route to proper work.

"It seems as though internships have replaced entry-level jobs," she says. "It's all about being in the right place at the right time.

"My family have been very supportive, but sometimes they say, 'do you feel you're getting any closer?' This just seems to be how it works nowadays."

How did work experience come to assume this role, almost analogous to the mediaeval apprentices who would have to shadow a craftsman before being allowed to join a guild?

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American author Ross Perlin, who is writing a book on the rise of internships, says the word "intern" was first used in the US to describe junior doctors in the 19th Century. Its name - if not its salary - was adopted in the 1930s by a scheme to provide volunteer work experience with politicians in Washington DC.

"In the 1960s and 70s, when you mentioned an intern people would have thought you meant a medical intern," he says.

'Elitist' "By the 1980s and 1990s many companies saw it as a way of saving on labour costs. Likewise,

the not-for-profit sector has been substantially powered in the last couple of decades by the fact that it's able to use intern labour."

Across the Atlantic, the explosion in access to higher education meant that British bosses began looking at similar schemes to distinguish the growing phalanx of undergraduates seeking entry-level positions each year, according to Heather Collier of the National Council for Work Experience (NCWE).

Some interns do just menial tasks She dates the boom in British internships from 1997, when Lord Dearing's report into higher

education called for some form of work experience to be undertaken by each undergraduate. "A lot of employers were complaining that the graduates they were taking on weren't work-

ready," she says. "It was very much seen as a business tool that could help both companies and their future recruits.

"Some people say it's elitist, but it's in the interests of companies to pay their interns. They want to take on the best and don't care where they come from. And there are a lot of fantastic internship vacancies every year that go begging."

However, many remain cynical about the motives underlying employers' preference for work experience.

Warwick University's Professor Kate Purcell, an expert in the graduate labour market, says there has been a decline in the number of sandwich courses, in which students, traditionally on vocational courses, get to spend a year in a relevant workplace.

She says with more competition among graduates than ever, employers in all sectors have looked for inspiration to traditionally over-subscribed industries like publishing, politics and the media, which have long expected new entrants to toil for little reward before they break into paid work.

Luck "Employers are remarkably good at complaining about highly educated kids who don't know

anything about the real world, but less good at actually getting students in to do structured work experience that actually teaches them something," she says.

"In reality, they're treating internships as a first stage of recruitment, but they aren't doing anything to widen access opportunities. As a result, occupations like journalism are becoming increasingly middle-class professions."

Nonetheless, few would dispute that well-run, properly-structured internships are of immense value to those lucky enough to make the most of them.

Becky Heath of the social enterprise Internocracy believes those doing unpaid work experience are being exploited and should get the national minimum wage, but says it would be wrong to do away with them altogether.

"There are so many advantages to internships, so what we want is to make access as wide as possible.

"It would be tragic to confine these opportunities to those who can afford to do them. At the moment, the whole landscape is so new that it's an entire hidden economy."

With age of the intern still in its early days, pressure may be building from groups like Internocracy to refine and, they hope, improve the system.

In the meantime, spare a thought for the student plonked next to the photocopier. Maybe it's time you offered to get the teas in?

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Text 3. Read and translate the text paying attention to the words in bold. Find out if the statements below are True (T) or False (F).

New Rules on US Summer Jobs for Foreign Students More than one hundred thousand international students will spend this summer working and

traveling in the United States. They are participating in the Summer Work Travel program through the State Department. They receive J-1 exchange visitor visas.

The idea is for students to work for up to three months and earn enough money to then spend a month traveling before they return home.

The Summer Work Travel program has existed for years. This year there are some changes. The State Department recently amended the employment rules. These changes follow a strike last summer by foreign students working at a distribution center for Hershey's chocolates.

The State Department said the students were put to work for long hours in jobs that provided little or no contact with the outside world. The students complained about having to lift heavy boxes and to work overnight.

They and other workers protested conditions at the plant in Palmyra, Pennsylvania. The students also complained about being underpaid as a result of deductions from their earnings. Some of their pay had to go to subcontractors involved in the operations.

The State Department has now banned the use of Summer Work Travel students in warehouses or packaging plants. Also, the majority of their work hours cannot fall between ten at night and six in the morning. The students are also barred from jobs in workplaces that the federal Labor Department says are unsafe.

More jobs will be banned in the fall. These include most construction, manufacturing and food processing jobs. Summer Work Travel students will also not be allowed to work in most mining and agricultural jobs.

Daniel Costa at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington welcomed the new limits on jobs that the students can fill.

DANIEL COSTA: "That is good because it will protect the actual foreign workers from getting injured on the job. It also protects U.S. workers, because there is high unemployment in a lot of those occupations."

He also praised a requirement that employers only fill temporary or seasonal jobs with Summer Work Travel students. He noted that some employers have continually hired new student workers to avoid having to hire regular full-time employees. Jacob Horwitz is lead organizer for the National Guest worker Alliance, the group that organized the strike in Palmyra.

JACOB HORWITZ: "The changes to the J-1 rules really recognize the demands that the students put forward, and both add a whole set of protections and changes that protect local workers who work in industries that use guest workers and also protect future J-1 students."

He says the State Department's changes will help return the program to its original purpose as a cultural exchange program. 1. The main purpose of the Summer Work travel program is to fill temporary or seasonal jobs with foreign students. 2. The Program started some years ago. 3. There are no reasons for changing the employment rules of the program. 4. The State Department has banned the use of Summer Work Travel students in some jobs. 5. The new limits on jobs students can fill protect US employers. 6. The goal of the State department’s changes is to return the program to its original purpose as a cultural exchange program. Text 4. Read and translate the text. Give a brief summary of the article.

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Modern worker, dated benefits WHAT does your employer owe you? For your work do you deserve (in addition to your wages)

job security, excellent health care, and pension in retirement? We have a romantic notion that such benefits used to be a part of employment. The company man was the ideal, working for a large manufacturing firm for most of his (inevitably his) career and receiving a variety of forms of compensation in exchange for his life's work. Is this still a realistic expectation? Health care inflation and longer life expectancy mean that a progressively larger share of compensation comes from benefits. This rising expense is part of the reason real wages have stagnated for many Americans.

I wonder if this situation benefits employees anymore either. In the modern and more global labour market the nature of work has changed. It's popular to say employees can no longer coast on average skill levels, according to Thomas Friedman:

In the past, workers with average skills, doing an average job, could earn an average lifestyle. But, today, average is officially over. Being average just won't earn you what it used to. It can't when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor, cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genius. Therefore, everyone needs to find their extra — their unique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their field of employment. Average is over.

But that's unfair to the old-school company man. It may be more accurate to say that what we mean by being a good employee has changed. Before, it benefited both employers and workers to form long-term employment relationships. The premium on firm specific-capital was large; the skills needed to be good at a job were often idiosyncratic across employers. Now a higher premium exists for individual capital—like a knowledge of specialised tasks and or a good network of contacts. Acquiring this requires more education both in school and on the job. It may require changing jobs at least a few times in a career, and perhaps working as a contractor in order to learn operations at other companies and expand one's network. This may explain why, before the financial crisis, average tenure was decreasing while the probability of losing a job decreased. To some degree this reflects a shift to a service economy, but it's also true in manufacturing. Adam Davidson describes the changing nature of work at an auto-parts manufacturer in South Carolina.

Before the rise of computer-run machines, factories needed people at every step of production, from the most routine to the most complex. The Gildemeister, for example, automatically performs a series of operations that previously would have required several machines—each with its own operator. It's relatively easy to train a newcomer to run a simple, single-step machine. Newcomers with no training could start out working the simplest and then gradually learn others. Eventually, with that on-the-job training, some workers could become higher-paid supervisors, overseeing the entire operation. This kind of knowledge could be acquired only on the job; few people went to school to learn how to work in a factory.

We shouldn't romanticise the old days. Even then it was an insider-outsider economy; at the apex of the company pension plan less than 30% of the population had one. But a worrying aspect of the modern labour market is the income inequality it has created. This is in part due to the rising premium on skills obtained from education and also because workers face mixed incentives when it comes to changing jobs. A new job or a stint as a contractor at a different company might be important in terms of career development, but it might also mean a loss of benefits. Large, employer-based benefit packages inhibits job change.

This is not such a big problem for pensions, because most firms now offer private accounts, which are portable. But it is still true for health care. Economist Brigitte Madrian has found that if it were not for employer health insurance, job turnover would be 25% higher. It also may discourage entrepreneurship. Alison Wellington found people are more likely to be self-employed when they are not dependent on their job for health insurance. The tax deduction employers get to provide health care makes it much more expensive for individuals to buy their own health insurance (it remains to be seen what the impact of health-care reform will be for individual buyers).

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It is often too expensive for a middle-earning breadwinner to work as a contractor, even if that would be a sensible career move. If America wants its workers to better adapt to the new economy, it should reform its welfare state to better accommodate flexibility and the accumulation of individual skills. 3. Процедура и критерии оценивания: зачтено Выставляется студенту, если он точно понял текст, умеет строить

письменное высказывания по обозначенной теме темам, знает необходимый лексический и грамматический минимум, умеет грамотно использовать приобретенные знания, умения и навыки.

не зачтено Выставляется студенту, если он частично понял текст, неуверенно, с большими затруднениями выполняет задания по тексту; письменное высказывание построено с большим количеством грамматических и лексических ошибок.

Составитель: Махутова Г.М., канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры ИЯ ФИО ученая степень, звание, должность

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Требования на зачете

К зачету допускаются студенты, выполнившие контрольную работу по пройденному лексико-грамматическому материалу; сдавшие дополнительное чтение в объеме, установленном для данного курса; не имеющие задолженностей за текущий учебный материал при работе в аудитории.

Для получения зачета студент должен: ─ владеть лексико-грамматическим материалом согласно учебному плану курса; ─ прочитать и понять текст объемом 1500-2000 печатных знаков (I этап), 2500-3000

печатных знаков (II этап). Форма проверки: 1) чтение и передача основного содержания текста на

русском/иностранном языке; 2) перевод на русский язык отрывков из текста, указанных преподавателем; 3) нахождение основной мысли текста, выполнение заданий на поиск соответствия-несоответствия информации, ее трансформации и т. п.; 4) беседа по содержанию текста и по затронутым в нем проблемам.

─ уметь вести/поддерживать беседу в рамках разговорных тем и ситуаций общения согласно учебному плану курса: «Семейные традиции стран изучаемого языка», «Планы на будущее», «Молодежь в современном обществе», «Досуг молодежи. Свободное время и культура проведения досуга», «Роль иностранного языка в будущей профессиональной сфере».

Требования на экзамене К экзамену допускаются студенты, получившие зачеты за весь курс обучения;

выполнившие письменную контрольную работу согласно учебному плану курса; сдавшие дополнительное чтение в объеме, установленном для данного курса; не имеющие задолженностей за текущий учебный материал при работе в аудитории.

Экзамен по иностранному языку включает в себя: 1. Чтение и понимание основного содержания текста по специальности вуза или по своей

специальности объемом 2500-3000 печатных знаков, письменный перевод со словарем указанного фрагмента текста объемом 400-450 печатных знаков (время подготовки – 45-60 минут). Беседа со студентом по затронутым в тексте проблемам, разрешается пользоваться текстом.

2. Беседа со студентом в рамках разговорных тем, ситуаций и сфер общения согласно учебному плану курса: Cемья, жилищные и бытовые условия проживания. Семейные традиции в странах изучаемого языка. Страна/страны изучаемого языка, их культурные достопримечательности. Обучение в вузе. Повседневная жизнь Молодежь в современном обществе. Досуг молодежи. Свободное время и культура проведения досуга. Образование в высшей школе в России и в странах изучаемого языка. Выдающиеся личности. Иностранные языки и их роль в будущей профессиональной сфере. Будущая профессия.

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Нижневартовский государственный университет» Кафедра иностранных языков

Экзамен по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» по направлению 07.03.01 – «Архитектура» (бакалавр)

УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зав. кафедрой ИЯ Колесник Л.И.____ «____ » __________ 201__ г.

Билет № 1

1. Переведите и прочитайте выделенный отрывок текста (со словарем). 2.Примите участие в беседе с преподавателем по теме представленной в тексте. 3. Примите участие в беседе с преподавателем по теме: «…»

Составитель: Махутова Г.М., канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры ИЯ ФИО ученая степень, звание, должность

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Работа над иностранным языком по своему характеру во многом отличается от работы над другими дисциплинами. Занятия по английскому языку могут быть успешными только при повседневной систематической работе. Следует помнить, что значительно эффективнее заниматься понемногу, но каждый день, чем несколько часов в день, но с большими перерывами.

При изучении любого материала по английскому языку всегда следует раньше понять его, разобраться в сути явления, а затем уже через неоднократное применение довести до стадии навыка. Особенно это относится к изучению грамматики.

Усвоить грамматическое правило – значит, понять его особенности, значение и употребление на уровне формы и содержания, освоить его в употреблении на практических примерах.

Полезно проводить сравнения английского языка с русским, отмечая как сходства, так и различия. Такое сравнение помогает лучше понять строй языков.

Нельзя оставлять не усвоенными ни одного грамматического раздела, иначе возникнут затруднения при изучении и усвоении дальнейшего материала. В случае необходимости студенту рекомендуется обращаться за письменной или устной консультацией к преподавателю кафедры.

Памятка пользования словарем:

1. Не стремитесь сразу обращаться к словарю. Сначала прочтите один или несколько абзацев текста и постарайтесь понять его общее содержание.

2. Перед тем, как найти слово в словаре, постарайтесь догадаться о его значении по смыслу (контексту). Проверьте свое предположение по словарю.

3. Повторите алфавит, так как все слова в словаре расположены строго в алфавитном порядке.

4. Запомните условные сокращения и обозначения, принятые в словаре. 5. Прежде чем отыскать слово, определите, к какой части речи оно относится. 6. Хорошо запомните графический образ слова, чтобы не тратить время на повторное

его прочтение и поиск в тексте. 7. Ищите слово по буквам-ориентирам в верхнем левом или правом углу страниц

словаря. 8. Помните, что слова даются в словарных, исходных формах: имя существительное –

в единственном числе, глагол – в неопределенной форме (в инфинитиве). 9. Помните, что почти все слова многозначны, и поэтому не останавливайтесь на

первом значении слова, а просмотрите все значения, данные в словарной статье, и выберите наиболее подходящее по контексту.

Методические рекомендации по работе над переводом текста

Приступая к переводу текста, необходимо прочесть весь текст или абзац, чтобы уяснить себе общее содержание на основании знакомых слов, слов-интернационализмов, рисунков и т. п. с целью определения основной темы/идеи. В некоторых словах могут оказаться знакомые части слова, по которым можно догадаться о значении нового (однокорневого) слова (при условии знания словообразующих элементов). Например, зная, что sense – чувство, смысл, а суффикс -less всегда обозначает отсутствие какого-либо качества, можно сделать вывод, чтоsenselessявляется прилагательным и может переводиться как бессмысленный, бесчувственный.

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Нельзя брать в словаре первое попавшееся значение слова. Большинство слов в словаре имеет не одно, а несколько значений. Поэтому следует выбирать только слово наиболее точно подходящее по смыслу текста.

Никогда не следует переводить слова в предложении подряд. Перевод предложения нужно начинать лишь после того, как вы разобрались в построении предложения. Для этого следует прибегнуть к лексико-грамматическому анализу. В первую очередь необходимо по формальным признакам определить структуру предложения, найти подлежащее и сказуемое. Перевод текста и анализ предложений неразрывно связаны и неотделимы. Это две стороны одного процесса.

Необходимо также обратить внимание, есть ли в предложении устойчивые словосочетания, многозначные слова и т. п. Они могут представлять определенную трудность, поскольку обычно являются исключениями из правил. Рекомендуется запоминать наиболее часто встречающиеся случаи устойчивых словосочетаний и учиться анализировать функции слов.

После того как сделан «черновой» перевод текста, нужно устранить погрешности перевода: нарушение норм русского языка, неудачный порядок слов, стилистические недочеты, то есть сделать литературный перевод текста.

Методические рекомендации по работе с текстами для

дополнительного чтения При работе с текстами дополнительного (внеаудиторного) чтения рекомендуется все

встречающиеся незнакомые слова и выражения выписывать в отдельную тетрадь–словарь, разделив страницу вертикальной чертой пополам. Слова должны выписываться не в той форме, в которой они встречаются в тексте, а в словарной (начальной) форме.

Для удобства пользования записями в этих словарях следует выписывать слова с указанием названия текста, номера страницы, с которой они выписаны. Еще удобнее дополнительно делить страницу текста на абзацы, нумеруя их и выписывая слова к соответствующему абзацу.

Выписанные слова и выражения контролируются преподавателем при приеме дополнительного чтения. Наличие такого словаря при сдаче текста является обязательным. Не следует делать письменный перевод текста, т. к. такой перевод бесполезен, а если в нем допущены ошибки, то и вреден. По выписанным словам всегда нетрудно вспомнить перевод, выполняемая при этом работа по повторению перевода очень полезна.

Студентам рекомендуется не ограничиваться нормами чтения, указанными в контрольных заданиях, а читать как можно больше.