4 reasons why you shouldn't start a business blog

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start a Business Blog 4

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Reasons Why You

Shouldn’t Start a

Business Blog


Customer experience and relevant content

is more important than ever before

Both mom-and-pop shops and multi-million

dollar corporations are looking to connect

with customers and earn new business

With a company blog, businesses of every

scale can experience some form of success

The impact of business blogging is undeniable,

and it’s perfect for generating buzz

and driving traffic

So why would anyone say no to starting a business blog?

1. You Aren’t Concerned With

Search Rank

Business blogging has huge benefits in terms of SEO

With so much competition, business

owners need innovative ways to reach new customers

Blogging is one of the top outlets that triggers

the search engines while engaging real people

Using a business blog to score better Google

rankings is a slow process, but it’s proven

to be effective

If you aren’t concerned about your website’s search engine rank, you shouldn’t start

a business blog

It will only help your rankings get better over time.

2. You Have Zero Interest

in Sharing Great Social Content

More small businesses are embracing social

media now than ever before

It’s great to see small businesses

heading in the right direction

But the problem is that many small business

owners aren’t sure what to post, tweet, or pin

You shouldn’t start a business blog if you don’t want to share

helpful and engaging content with customers

It will only give them content to enjoy and share

with their friends

3. You Don’t Want to Build

Awareness For Your Business

Eventually, the excitement of every start up will die down

Brand awareness will help keep your

company afloat

And a business blog will leverage your own

voice to generate buzz for your company

Besides, who will talk about you

if even you aren’t talking about you?

You shouldn’t start a business blog if you want to build a great

brand and create awareness of your name.

It will only help you build up your

brand name, products, and services

4.You Don’t Care About cost

Effective Marketing

Business blogging is by far one of the most cost effective forms

of marketing that exists today

Many methods of advertising are budget

breaking and short lived.

Business blogging is cost effective

because it can be tweaked so easily

You can sprinkle in extra content and design features to add some oomph

Try doing that with a billboard or TV ad

You shouldn’t start a business blog if you

like to spend big bucks unnecessarily on your marketing

Business blogging will only help keep cash in your wallet while

maximizing your reach for new customers.