5 minute diet makeover


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Page 2: 5 Minute Diet Makeover

© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved.

Nick Pineault

Wait! Just Give Me 5 Minutes.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to download this fat burning report.

You’re probably wondering: Is it really possible to do a diet makeover in only 5 minutes? Sounds fishy…

The answer is yes, you can. This report will take a grand total of 5 minutes to read, and will give you clear action steps on how to replace little-known fattening ingredients in your diet for fat burning foods you’re probably avoiding for all the wrong reasons right now.

Let’s be honest here.

Do you really need more dieting tricks? More rules to follow? More FORBIDDEN ingredients? More stress in your crazy busy days? More guilt when you enjoy a treat?

No you don’t.

What you need instead is to take baby steps and swap the so-called “health foods” that are sabotaging your ability to burn fat for delicious foods that boost your metabolism 24/7 and make your fat loss inevitable.

That’s the only way to lose fat, transform your body and improve your entire health – without the starvation, restriction, complicated rules and usual rebound weight.

Before we move on, I’ve got to warn you: I’ve studied fat burning foods for years and uncovered the dirty secrets the food industry pulls off on you ev-ery day – so expect some of the information in this report to SHOCK you.

If you prefer to stay comfortable and might be afraid to learn the truth… feel free to stop reading here.

But if you’re ready to stop dieting and start burning – using techniques that only take 5 minutes of your time every week – then read on…

Still here?

Good. Turn the page and let’s get started!

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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved. 2

the 5-minute diet makeover

Vegetable oil made with corn, soybean or canola is considered healthy. But in reality, it’s the WORST oil you can ever eat.

Here’s why: A study by the University of Florida at Gainesville found that they contain up to 4.6% trans fat that’s not on the label – even the non-hydrogenated kind.1

How is this scam even possible?

The big food companies would never care to admit it – but the heavy 5-step processing the delicate plant oils go through doesn’t only de-stroy all the healthy fats; it also transforms them into dangerous and fattening trans fats.

Not only will these trans fats directly increase your belly fat; science also proves that eating just 4-5 g of trans fat per day will double your risk of heart disease.2

Wait, it gets worse. Step #2 of the manufacturing process (Solvent Extraction) also leaves traces of hexane (a toxic industrial chemical) in your oil – at levels ten times higher than what is considered normal by the FDA.3

The Solution: Coconut Oil

I hear you already: “Isn’t coconut oil full of dangerous saturated fat?”

Yes it is – but recent research found that scientists were completely wrong on saturated fat after all. This one study published recently in the prestigious British Medical Journal proved that replacing healthy saturated fat for polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oil actually increases your risks of heart disease and premature death.4

Coconut oil isn’t only safe and healthy: It’s also a proven fat burner5,6 that speeds up your metabolism.7

Look for coconut oil at your local health food store, or buy the Tropical Traditions brand online: Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil

You can also use the expeller-pressed (deodorized) version to get all the benefits without any of the taste: Tropical Traditions Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil

Ditch Your Vegetable Oil

Pressing: the grains are pressed to extract most of the oil

Boiling: solvents are removed (212°F)

Deodorization: the oil is blown with hot vapor to remove traces of taste and smell (440-485°F)

Solvent Extraction: the grains are mixed with industrial solvents to ex-tract more oil

Degumming and Bleaching:

more impurities are removed






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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved.

Nick Pineault


This will offend a lot of “bread haters” and “low carb fanatics” out there, but it’s possible to eat bread and still lose weight… if you choose the right kind.

So what should you choose? Judge by yourself…

White Bread

There’s no better way to say this – white bread basically has the same effect on your blood sugar as white sugar itself.

It’s an amalgam of toxic refined ingredients like refined wheat flour, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oil, salt, soy protein, synthetic vitamins and artificial color.

And if you happen to live in the US, your white bread contains both potassium bromate and azodicarbonamide – two dan-gerous ingredients banned in dozens of countries but still approved by the FDA for some odd reason.

Brown Bread

66% of people think that brown bread is better than white bread.8 Are you one of them?

The fact is – 73% of all breads in the US are made with refined flour. A lot of brown breads actually contain MORE refined flour than white breads, and the same toxic ingredients.

So while you think you’re eating healthy whole grains, your brown bread is probably making you fatter with every slice.

The Solution: Sprouted Grain Bread

Sprouted grain bread contains up to 8 times more vitamin A, B and C, as well as essential minerals than regular wheat bread.9

It packs a lot of protein and fiber, which will reduce its impact on your blood sugar and fat storage.

Look for the Ezekiel brand at your local health food store.

If you can’t find sprouted grain bread, choose bread that contains 100% whole grains. If it doesn’t say “whole [grain name]” on the ingre-dients list, it’s NOT whole grain bread. Your best bet is finding a local bakery and buying from them.

Choose The Right Bread

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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved. 4

the 5-minute diet makeover

I’ll be blunt. There’s a big chance that your milk – even the fat-free kind – is actually worsening your health and slowing your weight loss down.

You might not know this… but because milk is pasteurszed, all the beneficial probiotics and enzymes it naturally contains are gone. That’s why 60% of all adults can’t digest it properly10 – causing inflammatio, poor digestion and bloating.

Commercial milk also contains:

• An increasing number of hormone-disrupting pesticides11 • Antibiotics that are not regularly tested12

• The hormone rBGH, banned in dozens of countries but used in all 50 states in the US13

The Solution: The Milk Test

To discover if milk is increasing inflammation in your body and sabotaging your fat loss ability, simply drink less milk or avoid it altogether for an entire week.

Then, add it back in your diet and see how you feel. Most people will experience more energy, faster fat loss and reduced joint pain when they stop drinking milk.

If you run the test and realize that you do just fine drinking milk, at least make sure you choose the organic kind to avoid the pesticides, hormones and other contaminants.

Drink LESS Milk

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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved.

Nick Pineault


Having a protein source with every meal is very important to keep your appetite in control. But choose the wrong kind of meat, and you’ll end up ingesting a lot of undesirable toxic ingredients at the same time.

You see, the fact is that most farmers use grains (soy, corn, etc.) to feed and fatten their animals. This kind of diet is incompatible with their diges-tive system (cows, lambs and bison usually eat grass) – which takes a toll on their health.

That’s why regular supermarket meat contains:

• Little to no omega-3, very little vitamins and minerals, and too much inflammatory omega-6 fats that contribute to body fat accumulation• A fraction of the 15 million pounds of antibiotics that are used on grain-fed cattle in order to make them grow bigger14

• Antibiotic-resistant bacteria which can lead to serious infections like MRSA15

The Solution: Grass-Fed Meats

Feeding animals a natural grass diet like in the “good old days” makes their meat one of the most nutritious protein foods.

In fact, grass-fed meats contains 2 to 4X more omega-3, 4 times more vitamin A and E, and a lot more conjugated linoleic acid/CLA (a natural fat burner) than regular grain-fed meats you buy at the supermarket. 16

Find a local farmer that offers pasture-raised beef, lamb or bison, and make sure that these animals are NEVER fed grains.

Or, buy your meat online here: US Wellness Meats

If you can’t afford grass-fed meat and need to settle for the supermarket stuff, make sure to only choose lean cuts. The fat contains most of the toxins, and you’ll avoid them this way.

Choose The Right Meat

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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved. 6

the 5-minute diet makeover

Time is flying by very quickly, so I’ll keep this short.

In this report, you learned how to swap 4 foods you probably eat every single day to increase their fat burning effect and minimize the toxic ingredients you might be exposed to:

Vegetable oil – choose coconut oil instead

Bread – choose sprouted grain bread or 100% whole grains instead

Milk – drink less or none of it for an entire week and see how you feel

Meat – choose grass-fed meats instead of regular grain-fed supermarket meats

Now it’s time to implement those fat burning foods swaps one by one and get better results than any diet would ever give you.

So here’s what you need to do NOW – not tomorrow, not next week:

1. Print the fat burning habits chart on the next page and put it on your fridge.

2. Implement at least one new fat burning habit each week, and check it off when it’s done.

3. In 4 weeks or less, you’ll have completed your own diet makeover, and will now consume more fat burning foods every single day – without even thinking about it, stressing about it or obsessing about it.

That’s how you set yourself up for inevitable fat loss. Do you see how powerful this can get once your different fat burning habits stack up?

How much more fat will you burn and fattening ingredients will you avoid in just a month? What about in an entire year? A lot.

And when you’re done with those 4 new habits and are ready to take it to the next level, join me over on my blog, where you’ll find dozens of other fat burning food swaps you can implement to make your fat loss inevitable.

You can do this, one step at a time. Turn to the next page and let’s get started.

Time To Take Action

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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved.

Nick Pineault


The 5-Minute Diet Makeover PrintablePrint this page and set it on your fridge where everyone can see it. Then, choose at least one new fat burning habit you’ll implement this week, and check it off once it’s done.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

LEGEND:Vegetable oil – choose coconut oil instead

Bread – choose sprouted grain bread or 100% whole grains instead

Milk – drink less or none of it for an entire week and see how you feel

Meat – choose grass-fed meats instead of regular grain-fed supermarket meats

Remember to join me over at my blog to continue your diet makeover:


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© 2013 Nick Pineault. All Rights Reserved. 8

the 5-minute diet makeover

My name is Nick Pineault (read it with a French accent), but people call me “The Nutrition Nerd”.

This nickname fits me perfectly: I’ve spent the last 7+ years reading papers, studies, articles and every single bit of informa-tion under the sun to master my knowledge on nutrition and the unique power of fat burning foods.

After years of research, I’ve started exposing a LOT of dirty tricks the food industry, the dieting industry and even the Gov-ernment pull off on good people like you and me – making me one of the most controversial and even HATED nutrition experts around.

The bad guys may hate me for being honest, but I couldn’t care less because an equal number of people support my mis-sion. Dozens of renowned fitness experts, nutritionists and fat loss coaches from all around the world now endorse my work.

To be totally transparent with you – my #1 goal is to get you OFF diets, gimmicks and other BS the industry as fed you, and to help you start living a little.

It’s time to take action. Join me on my blog over at www.nickpineault.com, where the good stuff happens – or contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions or want to share your story.

And remember:

Always keep things simple and healthy,

Nick Pineault

join the communityFree articles, videos, fat burning recipes and hilarious jokes (can’t guarantee that one)… how could it get any better?

About The Author

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1 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-4522.1994.tb00244.x/abstract2 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/93665803 http://cornucopia.org/soysurvey/OrganicSoyReport/behindthebean_color_final.pdf4 http://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.e87075 http://jn.nutrition.org/content/132/3/329.full6 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/98063127 Seaton TB, Welle SL, Warenko MK, et al. Thermic effect of medium-chain and long-chain triglycerides in man. Am J Clin

Nutr. 1986;44:630-634.8 Sara Lee Food & Beverage’s survey included 1,000 mothers aged 25-65 nationwide, conducted Nov. 16-19, 2006, with a

95% confidence level.9 http://www.parentdish.com/2010/02/16/health-benefits-of-sprouted-grain-bread/10 According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, 60% of all adults don’t retain the ability to

digest lactose properly after childhood.11 http://www.organic-center.org/reportfiles/Milk_Pesticides_FAQs.pdf12 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/26/business/26milk.html13 http://www.consumersunion.org/pub/2007/12/005315print.html14 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html15 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2149838516 Smith, G.C. “Dietary supplementation of vitamin E to cattle to improve shelf life and case life of

beef for domestic and international markets.” Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1171.
