a hypothetical mathematical construct explaining the mechanism … · 2019. 9. 19. · a...

A hypothetical mathematical construct explaining the mechanism of biological amplification in an experimental model utilizing picoTesla (PT) electromagnetic fields Anjali Saxena, 1 Jerry Jacobson, 2 William Yamanashi, 2 Benjamin Scherlag, 3 John Lamberth, 4 Brij Saxena 5 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666, USA; 2 Institute of Theoretical Physics and Advanced Studies for Biophysical Research, Perspectivism Foundation, 2006 Mainsail Circle, Jupiter, Florida 33477, USA; 3 Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Section, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA; 4 Department of Recreation, Sports and Physical Therapy, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA; 5 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, USA Summary We seek to answer the conundrum: What is the fundamental mechanism by which very weak, low frequency Electromagnetic fields influence biosystems? In considering the hydrophobicity of intramembranous protein (IMP) H-bonds which cross the phospholipid bilayer of plasma membranes, and the necessity for photonic recycling in cell surface interactions after dissipation of energetic states, present models lack structure and thermodynamic properties to maintain (DE ) sufficient energy sources necessary for amplifications by factors of 10 12 . Even though one accepts that the ligand–receptor association alters the conformation of extracellular, extruding portions of IMP’s at the cell surface, and that this change can be transmitted to the cytoplasm by the transmembranous helical segments by nonlinear vibrations of proteins with generation of soliton waves, one is still unable to account for repair and balanced function. Indeed, responses of critical molecules to certain magnetic field signals may include enhanced vibrational amplitudes, increased quanta of thermal energies and order inducing interactions. We may accept that microtrabecular reticulum-receptor is associated with actin filaments and ATP molecules which contribute to the activation of the cyclase enzyme system through piezoelectricity. Magnetic fields will pass through the membrane which sharply attenuates the electric field component of an EM field, due to its high impedance. Furthermore, EM oscillations are converted to mechanical vibrations; i.e., photon–phonon transduction, to induce molecular vibrations of frequencies specifically responsible for bioamplifications of weak triggers at the membrane surface, as well as GAP junctions. The hydrogen bonds of considerable importance are those in proteins (10 12 Hz) and DNA (10 11 Hz) and may be viewed as centers of EM radiation emission in the range from the mm microwaves to the far IR. However, classical electrodynamical theory does not yield a model for 821 Medical Hypotheses (2003) 60(6), 821–839 ª 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0306-9877(03)00011-2 Received 11 June 2002 Accepted 19 September 2002 Correspondence to: Jerry Jacobson, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Advanced Studies for Biophysical Research, Perspectivism Foundation, Jupiter, FL 33477, USA (for theoretical section) and Anjali Saxena, Department of Biological Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666, USA (for experimental section).

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Page 1: A hypothetical mathematical construct explaining the mechanism … · 2019. 9. 19. · A hypothetical mathematical construct explaining the mechanism of biological amplification

A hypotheticalmathematical constructexplaining the mechanismof biological amplification inan experimental model utilizingpicoTesla (PT) electromagnetic fields

Anjali Saxena,1 Jerry Jacobson,2 William Yamanashi,2 Benjamin Scherlag,3

John Lamberth,4 Brij Saxena5

1Department of Biological Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666, USA; 2Institute of Theoretical

Physics and Advanced Studies for Biophysical Research, Perspectivism Foundation, 2006 Mainsail Circle, Jupiter, Florida 33477, USA; 3Department of

Medicine, Cardiovascular Section, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA; 4Department of Recreation, Sports

and Physical Therapy, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA; 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of

Reproductive Endocrinology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, USA

Summary We seek to answer the conundrum: What is the fundamental mechanism by which very weak, lowfrequency Electromagnetic fields influence biosystems? In considering the hydrophobicity of intramembranousprotein (IMP) H-bonds which cross the phospholipid bilayer of plasma membranes, and the necessity for photonicrecycling in cell surface interactions after dissipation of energetic states, present models lack structure andthermodynamic properties to maintain (DE ) sufficient energy sources necessary for amplifications by factors of1012. Even though one accepts that the ligand–receptor association alters the conformation of extracellular,extruding portions of IMP’s at the cell surface, and that this change can be transmitted to the cytoplasm by thetransmembranous helical segments by nonlinear vibrations of proteins with generation of soliton waves, one is stillunable to account for repair and balanced function. Indeed, responses of critical molecules to certain magneticfield signals may include enhanced vibrational amplitudes, increased quanta of thermal energies and orderinducing interactions.

We may accept that microtrabecular reticulum-receptor is associated with actin filaments and ATP moleculeswhich contribute to the activation of the cyclase enzyme system through piezoelectricity. Magnetic fields will passthrough the membrane which sharply attenuates the electric field component of an EM field, due to its highimpedance. Furthermore, EM oscillations are converted to mechanical vibrations; i.e., photon–phonontransduction, to induce molecular vibrations of frequencies specifically responsible for bioamplifications of weaktriggers at the membrane surface, as well as GAP junctions. The hydrogen bonds of considerable importance arethose in proteins (1012 Hz) and DNA (1011 Hz) and may be viewed as centers of EM radiation emission in the rangefrom the mm microwaves to the far IR. However, classical electrodynamical theory does not yield a model for


Medical Hypotheses (2003) 60(6), 821–839ª 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


Received 11 June 2002

Accepted 19 September 2002

Correspondence to: Jerry Jacobson, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Advanced Studies for Biophysical Research, Perspectivism Foundation, Jupiter,

FL 33477, USA (for theoretical section) and Anjali Saxena, Department of Biological Sciences, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, Teaneck,

New Jersey 07666, USA (for experimental section).

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biomolecular resonant responses which are integrated over time and account for the connection between thephonon field and photons. Jacobson Resonance does supply an initial physical mechanism, as equivalencies inenergy to that of Zeeman Resonance (i.e., zero-order magnetic resonance) and cyclotron resonance may bederived from the DeBroglie wave particle equation. For the first time, we view the introduction of Relativity Theoryto biology in the expression,

mc2 ¼ BvLq;

where m is the mass of a particle in the ‘box’ or ‘string’ (molecule in a biosystem), c is the velocity ofelectromagnetic field in space, independent of its inertial frame of reference, B is the magnetic flux density,v isthe velocity of the carrier or ‘string’ (a one or two dimensional ‘box’) in which the particle exists, L is its dimension(length) and q represents a unit charge q¼ 1 C, by defining electromotive force as energy per unit charge.

Equivalencies suggest that qvBL is one of the fundamental expressions of energy of a charged wave-particlein magnetic fields, just as Zeeman and cyclotron resonance energy expressions, gbB and qhB=2pm, andis applicable to all charged particles (molecules in biological systems). There may exist spontaneous,independent and incessant interactions of magnetic vector B and particles in biosystems which exert Lorentzforces. Lorentz forces may be transmitted from EM field to gravitational field as a gravity wave which return tothe phonon field as microgravitational fluctuations to therein produce quantum vibrational states thatincrease quanta of thermal energies integrated over time. This may account for the differential of 1012

between photonic energy of ELF waves and the Boltzman energy kT.Recent data from in vivo controlled studies are included as empirical support for the various hypotheses

presented.ª 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


Entropy (S) represents a property of a system thatchanges, when the system undergoes a reversiblechange, by an amount equal to the energy absorbed bythe system. Entropy depends upon the state of the sys-tem, and it is a quantity with an arbitrary zero, with onlychanges in its value being of significance. The concept ofentropy follows from the second law of thermodynamicsas it applies to, for example, a reversible cycle whereinthere is zero entropy change. For an irreversible processin an isolated system the entropy always increases. Abiological system may be viewed, in some sense, as aclosed circuit, e.g., B. Nordenstrom’s system of biologi-cally closed electric circuits (1,2), and changes are, tosome extent, irreversible; and any spontaneous changeoccurring in a closed system is accompanied by an in-crease in entropy. The absolute value of the entropy of asystem is a measure of the unavailability of its energy. Asolid that is not perfect has a certain amount of disorderwhich leads to it possessing a configurational entropy.

In general, entropy can be thought of as a measure ofthe disorder of a system. In consideration of the subtlediscontinuities and incoherences inherent in any sys-tem, including a biological system which in many re-spects may be viewed as the most ordered state ofmatter, there is nevertheless configurational entropyinherent in the vital structures such as proteins whichreduce DE, the free energy of a system available for or-dering production of ATP which drives the metabolicengine of life. When there are configurational entropies,

congruence of oscillatory trajectories of biological mi-crocomponents is diminished as well as coherence andconfluence of the molecules of the solvent, i.e., watermolecules. Biophotonic emissions from hydrogen bondsincessantly may adjust coherence and correlate spinangular momenta of baryons and leptons, thus regulat-ing particle jumps and the level of entropy while ad-justing availability of energy for driving biologicalprocesses. While transductive coupling of signals acrossthe plasma membrane is enhanced by an increase in DEavailable from within the cell, and the preparation ofcoherent charged states of cell surface receptors are re-sponsible for the wave of excitation and dissipation ofenergy rolling across the cellular membranes in dissi-pative reactions controlling calcium uptake and efflux,there must be a fundamental initiating physical phe-nomenon inexplicable with classical electro-dynamicaltheory which accounts for decrease in entropy andgreater utilization and production of free energy. Thisfundamental mechanism is speculated to be based inbiomolecular resonance, a discrete interaction basedupon in-phase vibrations setting conditions for reso-nance. Certain vibrational frequencies of molecules willproduce resonance. That is to say, these molecules willvibrate with large amplitudes in conjunction with specialvibration wavelengths. The same segments must fitproperly on the extended body of the molecule such thatnodes and antinodes exist at positions demanded by theconstraints of the molecule. In a very real sense, it maybe said that genes, for example, are particles that are

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confined to finite regions of space and are bound parti-cles. Other examples of bound particles are gas mole-cules in a closed container and electrons in atoms. Thede Broglie wave that represents a bound particle willundergo resonance within a confinement region whenwavelengths fit properly into the region. This representsa stationary state of the system. Indeed, it appears thatmolecules in cells are not free to do what they want, butare bound by various constraints of the systems whichconfine them and regulate their activity. It seems pos-sible that photon–phonon transductions may induceresonant vibratory states (microgravitational quantumvibrational interactions) which may amplify to enhanceDE (available energy for ATP formation) and the dimi-nution of entropic states in cells and in intercellularspaces. Since the total energy of a particle (i.e., its restmass energy plus its translational kinetic energy intrinsicto the particle) is represented by E a convenient ex-pression for E is

E ¼ mc2; ½1�

where c is the velocity of light. The induced electromo-tive force (emf) V in an electrically conducting carrier oflength Lmoving with velocity v through a magnetic fieldwith intensity B is given by Faraday’s law,

V ¼ BvL: ½2�

Induced electromotive force (emf) V is energy per unitcharge, q, i.e.,

V ¼ Eq: ½3�

The following equation is arrived at by equating theprevious two equations:

E ¼ BvLq: ½4�

Jacobson’s equation, can be arrived at by equating thefirst and the fourth equations:

mc2 ¼ BvLq: ½5�

The above equation applies when B is orthogonal to vand the long axis of L. It is proposed that we may select B(magnitude of B) and apply the magnetic component ofthe force moving through L whose energy is equal to thespecific intrinsic energy mc2 of any particle. V may beany inertial velocity, e.g., earth’s orbital velocity. Sincethe velocity of the magnetic field is c, the interactionbetween a magnetic field and a material particle is in-dependent of the inertial frame of the earth. Due to thegreat velocity of cosmic inertial systems, i.e., 3� 106

cm/s for earth’s orbital velocity, there may be a sponta-neous interaction resulting in the promulgation of aphoton–phonon transduction or virtual photonic flux ina microgravitational interaction and a consequentialquantized vibration of lattice structures with reorienta-

tion of magnetic moments and spin angular momenta offundamental particles, e.g., electrons, nucleons and at-oms. The rationale for the unidimensionality of the bi-ological system or ‘carrier’ is adapted from Einstein, whoviewed the largest dimension of all three-dimensionalobjects as the one most closely associated with its ve-locity (24–27). The dualism of the wave-particle natureof reality is analogous to the matter waves of de Broglie,represented by

k ¼ hp¼ h


and the fundamental Einstein equation (3–7)

W ¼ hf :

Adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) is a coenzyme and oneof the most important compounds in the metabolism ofall organisms, since it serves as a coupling agent be-tween different enzymatic reactions. ATP is a powerfuldonor of phosphate groups to suitable acceptors becauseof the pyrophosphate nature of the bonds between itsthree phosphates. ATP serves as the immediate source ofenergy for the mechanical work performed by muscle. Inits presence, the muscle protein actomysin contractswith the formation of adenosinediphosphate and inor-ganic phosphate. ATP is also involved with the activa-tion of amino acids, a necessary step in the synthesis ofprotein. In metabolism, ATP is generated from ADP andinorganic phosphate mainly as a consequence of energy-yielding oxidation–reduction reactions. In respiration,ATP is generated during the transport of electrons fromthe substrate to oxygen via the cytochrome system.Now, when the electrical potential changes across thefaces of a lattice structure such as a protein, a smallmechanical deformation occurs. Franco Bistolfi reportsthat recent studies have proved that proteins containingmore than one a-helix have a nearly spherical polyhe-dron geometry. This structure gives the same proteinsquasi-crystalline characteristics and explains the piezo-electric properties now under discussion. This deforma-tion causes reorientation of the molecules and atomsmaking up the structure. This reorientation, in turn, canmake atoms and molecules jump from one point to an-other. One example may be biophotonic emissionswhich are extremely weak and range from close UV tolower radio frequency, wherein the unwinding and re-winding of the DNA double helix are accompanied byrupture and recreation of hydrogen bonds (43,51,52).

It has been shown that many human tissues may bepiezoelectric. Debate is ongoing about which tissues andstructures may be piezoelectric, and indeed whether allare piezoelectric to a greater or lesser extent. Many re-searchers agree that genes, cytoskeletal structures suchas centrioles, a-helices such as those in nails and hair,

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collagen and bone are piezoelectric. In other words,electromagnetic oscillations acting on these structuresare converted to mechanical vibrations in the structuresthemselves, and vice versa. Continuing this concept, itcould be a possibility that the structures of genes,growth factors, proteins, hormones, RNA and other im-portant molecules are influenced through the macromechanisms of biochemical activity. Based on the con-cept of biological piezoelectricity, every biochemicalinteraction could be associated with concomitant reori-entation of electromagnetic fields. Therefore, biomolec-ular resonances may influence the energetic states ofcoherent charged particles and transfer energy from thedomain of the quantum vacuum through microgravita-tional processes which increase DE or available freeenergy for ATP production and domination of confor-mational entropic states which are deleterious to normalelectrophysiological states.



The mechanism underpinning biological effects dem-onstrated secondary to impingement of picoTesla mag-netic fields upon organisms are hypothesized to bebased in the subatomic realm. There is a connectionbetween the particles that comprise atoms (which arethemselves permanent spinning magnets) and the cellsthat comprise us. It seems logical to presuppose thatevery level of structure and function underlies anotherand forms part of the basis for perceived function. If anapplied field is physiologic, or natural to the system,then there may be reorientation of order and coherencein tissue. Improved cooperativity of systems and coher-ent charged states may be manifest as ionic channels areinfluenced, e.g., calcium influx and efflux.

There have been several studies suggesting that theremust be several orders of magnitude amplification ofinitial EM stimuli which are recognized at the cellmembrane surface needed to account for observed ef-fects (8,9,19,30–32,38–40,82). These included: EM fieldfar weaker than the EEG that influence circadianrhythms in man and birds reported by Wever (75), andtime estimation in monkeys observed by Gavalas-Mediciet al. (76) and navigation and predation in sharks andrays studied by Kalmijn (77). Following are some of thestudies, observations, and proposed models that mayaccount for these, as well as the studies in which pT ELFmagnetic fields demonstrated significant nerve regener-ative effects (10). Calcium levels are high in the fluidaround cells (2.0mM), and very low in the cytoplasm(10�7 M), while entry of micromolar amounts of calciuminto the cell is powerful stimulus to intracellular systems,including activation of major enzyme systems. In order

for the interactions to occur at athermal levels (i.e., be-low kT) in biological substrates and with EM fields at thelow frequency, Turing presented biomolecular modelsexhibiting cooperative patterns of organization (78).Othmer and Scriven extended these cooperative orga-nization models to include cellular networks (79). In bi-ologic systems, these cooperative dynamic patterns areinitiated and sustained by continuous inputs of energy.They are termed as ‘dissipative’ processes and occur atfar from equilibrium states with respect at least to oneimportant parameter in the system of Katchalsky andCurran (80). These non-equilibrium processes are char-acterized by resonant or ‘window’ phenomena, and areassociated with highly cooperative modulation of Cabinding at sites on terminals of stranded glycoproteins.These non linear vibrational states involve solitarywaves similar to those proposed by Davydov moving insequence down the length of glycoprotein and lipopro-tein molecules. Solitons may arouse the interaction ofphonons and excitons along linear molecules that resultin nonlinear molecular vibrations. Adey (8,11,15,36,81),using the solitons and the non-linear models, attemptedto explain how ELF fields millions of times weaker thanthe transmembrane gradient of 105 V/cm, can modulatecell response to surface stimuli. However, with the in-tramembranous proteins (IMPs) crossing the phospho-lipid bilayer being hydrophobic, and the necessity forphotonic recycling of cell surface interaction after dissi-pation of energetic states, their model appears to furtherrequire structural and thermodynamic properties tomaintain the necessary and sufficient energy (DE) sour-ces for such an amplification (15). ELF fields apparentlymodulate surface electrochemical events, amplifying thetrigger action of the ligand–receptor bond. Even thoughone accepts that the ligand–receptor association altersthe conformation of the extruding portion of the IMPs atcellular surfaces, and that this change is communicatedto the cytoplasm by transmembranous helical segments,by receptor aggregation, or by nonlinear vibration ofhelical proteins with soliton generation, one still mustaccount for the (1012) differential between the photonicenergy of a ELF wave and the Boltzman energy kT. Whenan extremely weak electromagnetic field (the magneticcomponent of which is in pT range) is impinging upon abiological system, the magnetic component will passthrough the membrane while the electric component issharply attenuated due to the high impedance. Accord-ing to Clegg, the ligand–receptor association is followedby cytoskeletal-mediated events and by the productionof a 2nd messenger (cAMP or cGMP) by activation of thecyclase enzyme in the membrane itself or in its prox-imity (16). The microtrabecular reticulum establishesconnections with membrane receptors and other struc-tures in the cytoplasm (13,14). These reticulum-receptor

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connections result in an excellent means of intracellularcommunication. The microtrabecular reticulum consistsof actin filaments and ATP molecules. It has been sug-gested that this may supply the necessary energy (DE) toactivate the cyclase enzyme which requires a large inputto produce the cyclic nucleotides (2nd messengers).Clegg stated that the growth sites of actin filaments arevery close or directly connected to specific plasma re-ceptors. The effect is the facilitation of the synthesis of a2nd messenger and the transmission of external stimuliwhich reach the surfaces of cells directly, and rapidlycommunicate with the entire cell. Consequently ex-tremely weak stimuli may be amplified and athermaleffects by non-ionizing radiation may be produced (17).One may rationalize that magnetic fields produce pie-zoelectricity through the intracellular matrix, convertingelectromagnetic oscillations to mechanical vibrations(i.e., photon–phonon transductions), to induce molecu-lar vibrations of frequencies specifically responsible forbiological amplifications of extremely weak triggers atthe membrane surface, as well as junctions. The fre-quency of the oscillating phenomenon related to hy-drogen bonds is described by Bistolfi. The frequenciesappear to be limited in the vast infrared (IR) frequencyband, from near IR (1014 Hz) to far IR neighboring mmMW (1012–1011 Hz). The hydrogen bonds of consider-able importance are those in proteins and DNA. Theyhave oscillation frequencies in the lower range at about1011 Hz for DNA hydrogen bonds and around 1012 Hz forsome proteins such as hemoglobin, lysozyme, keratin,poly-LL-alanine and several poly crystalline aminoacids(15). DNA and protein hydrogen bonds, therefore, maybe considered as centers of EM radiation emission in therange from the mm microwaves to the far IR. Piezo-electricity may be the common denominator for theaspecific actions of the various non-ionizing, order-in-ducing biological physical effects. Piezoelectric mecha-nisms may be present in all physiological processes.Examples are cells specialized in reception of externalstimuli (heat, pressure and sound). These cells mayconvert the special types of energy and are sensitive tothe energy (DE) which is order inducing and regulatesthe ATP metabolic engine. Various structures arethought to be piezoelectric, such as bone tissue, bloodvessel walls, collagen fibers, keratin, albumin, andglobulin, lipo- and glycoproteins, nucleoproteins, hi-stones, DNA and microtubules. Recent studies by Mur-zin and Finkelstein (18) have reported that proteinscontaining more than one a-helix have a nearly sphericalpolyhedron geometry. This structure renders the pro-teins quasi-crystalline, one of the characteristics that isassociated with their being piezoelectric. Many of themolecules which are recognized as piezoelectric have a-helices present, and have an ordered polypeptide struc-

ture and a set of ordered dipoles which correspond tothe definition of electret. Electrets are parallel molecularassemblies where the microscopic subunits and thewhole unit have stable and permanently oriented di-poles. Electrets fulfill the requirement for an ideal co-operative system described by Adey, in which thesystem’s microcomponents are: coherent, with congru-ent oscillatory trajectories, and ordered. In a near idealcooperative system, due to the ordered structure, theentropy is retained at a minimum and biologically or-dered free energy (DE) is maximized and made availableby the interaction with the external stimuli and itscomponents for required amplification and driving themetabolic ATP engine. a-helices seem designed for vec-torialized conduction of phonon like energy pulses fromthe centers of energy release (redox reactions, ATP hy-drolysis) to the site where it is used. a-helices cantherefore be compared to piezoelectric polypeptidesprings able to transform chemical and electromagneticenergy into mechanical energy, and mechanical energyinto electromagnetic energy. Thus the amplification ofweak triggers by a factor of about 1012 is thought tooccur through mediation of the magnetic component (ofEM field) by piezoelectric structures both extra cellularlyand intracellularly. Since the magnetic component maypass freely through the extremely high impedance (forelectric component of EM field) of the lipo-protein do-main of the cell membrane, the amplifications secondaryto photon–phonon transductions are made possible, andprovide reduction of configurational entropy withavailable free energy (DE) to enable the utilization of theATP-driven metabolic engine in promotion of growth,repair, and balanced function.

Responses of critical molecules to certain magneticfield signals may include enhanced vibrational ampli-tudes, increased quanta of thermal energies, and orderproducing interactions. For example, NGF may be con-sidered as an ‘electret-like’, i.e., piezoelectric, semi-crystalline structure, and can be defined physically as anaggregation of charged particles whose integrated vec-tors have a quantum magnetic moments, and can beinfluenced with an extreme sensitivity by externalmagnetic fields. In general these interactions possibly re-orient submolecular magnetic domains and improvecommunications between and among critical moleculesthat comprise and engender the dance of life.



The mechanism underpinning reported biological effectssecondary to exposure with ELF (extremely low fre-quency), non-ionizing radiation (NIRs) of such lowphotonic energies (1012 below kT) to be incapable of

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heating tissue is proposed. Heating has long beenthought to be the basic mechanism by which radiantenergy may produce biological effects. Perhaps beneaththe cloak of biochemical events there are concomitantelectromagnetic interactions, especially because all at-oms are themselves permanent spinning magnets; andas Einstein said, all matter is ultimately composed ofelementary electric charges (28,44).

Additionally, Einstein stated in his 1920 University ofLeyden Address, ‘Since according to our present con-ceptions the elementary particles of matter are also, intheir essence nothing else than condensations of theelectromagnetic field, our present view of the universepresents two realities which are completely separatedfrom each other conceptually, although connectedcausally, namely, gravitational ether and electromag-netic field, or as they might also be called—space andmatter’ (3,22,28,29,44).

It is hypothesized that the descriptor undercurrent inNIR bioeffects may be piezoelectricity via structureswithin the cell as well as extracellular matrix. The fun-damental interaction postulated relates to mechanicalelectromagnetic photon–phonon transduction or con-version; that is, the conversion of electromagnetic os-cillations into mechanical vibration and vice versa. Inorder to make educated speculations about the ampli-tudes and frequencies to use in experiment, it is neces-sary to create a mathematical structure to account forphysical events (45,46). Recent data, linking very weakelectrical currents of about a microampere to possiblenerve regeneration (41,42) and reports of picoTeslarange magnetic fields utilized to treat neurological pa-tients (4,6,7,10,2,21,49) along with classical work by D.Cohen at MIT which measured the picoTesla (pT) mag-netic fields associated with the human brain and heartare considered supportive (47).

The objective is to produce mechanical vibrations inselected critical molecules through externally, appliedelectromagnetic oscillations, or waves. Therefore, it isnecessary to mathematically associate waves and parti-cles. The next logical step is to revisit Einstein, Planckand De Broglie, thus recapitulating:

E ¼ mc2; ½1�

where E is energy,m is mass and c is the velocity of light.Also,

E ¼ hf ; ½6�

where E is energy, h is Planck’s constant and f is fre-quency. Now,

c ¼ f k; ½7�

where c is the velocity of light, f is the frequency and k isthe wavelength of electromagnetic waves. CombiningEqs. [6] and [7],

E ¼ hck: ½8�

Now, combining Eqs. [1] and [8] we derive,

mc2 ¼ hck: ½9�

Dividing by c, the velocity of light, we then see DeBroglie’s equation,

mc ¼ hk: ½10�

The left side of Eq. [10] represents the momentum of aparticle, whereas the right side of Eq. [10] represents thatparticle as a wave – with wavelength k. The foregoingappears interesting because we have a single equationdescribing on the one hand a particle and on the otherhand a wave. We may consider that perhaps there is away to mathematically relate the quantitative parame-ters of an electromagnetic signal to specific target massesof critical molecules to increase their amplitudes of vi-bration, coherently, improve homeostasis, and decreaseconfigurational entropy thus increasing available energy(DE) for renormalization of structure and function.

Generalizing Eq. [10] by letting c ¼ v (any velocity) wewrite,

mv ¼ hk: ½11�

String theory has won some favor within the physicalcommunity and has been discussed by Waldrop (23).

Hence, we may allow k to be the circumference of asingle loop of string with radius L, as in string theory.

k ¼ 2pL: ½12�

Combining Eqs. [11] and [12],

mv ¼ h2pL

: ½13�

Rearranging Eq. [13],

vL ¼ h2pm

: ½14�

Now, adding a charge q either separate or representa-tional of m and a magnetic flux density B to the systemwe derive,

BvLq ¼ qhB2pm

: ½15�

Since the electronic g factor is equal to 2.002322 we maywrite,

E ¼ BvLq ¼ geqhB4pm

; ½16�

where ge is the electronic g factor.The Zeeman energy (magnetic resonance) term


¼ BvLq

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an expression derived from De Broglie’s particle-waveequation. It seems possible then to write a differentparticle-wave equation, directly derived from funda-mental physical laws. Combining Eqs. [1] and [16] we get

mc2 ¼ BvLq: ½17�

This equation appears unusual, especially becausethe presence of v and q provoke questions, even if onewere to allow L to be equal to the length of the biologicalsystem. However Faraday’s law of a straight conductorof length L moving through a flux density B with ve-locity v to produce an electromotive force V within theconductor, previously stated in Eq. [2] demonstrates thata Lorentz Force is propitiated within L.

V is expressed in volts (MKS) or ab-volts (CGS), and isdefined as energy per unit charge, stated in Eq. [3]. Whencombining Eqs. [2] and [3] we derived,

E ¼ BvLq

as in Eq. [16], which demonstrates precisely the equiv-alency of Zeeman energy to BvLq on a generic basis.

Now the dilemma is this: Is the wave energy pro-duced by an electromagnetic interaction with a biosys-tem equal to the intrinsic energy (mc2) of a criticalmolecule? If so, one could wonder whether m might bethe mass of a molecule, but how then could we accountfor v and q? What quantitative values might they have?

Referring to Eq. [3], electromotive force is defined asenergy per unit charge. The thought strikes, ‘What wouldhappen if we normalize charge q¼ 1?’ Then, we wouldnot need to identify charge q in any quantitative mannerwithin the biological system. We are faced with thepossibility then that in the CGS unitary system of grav-itation:

mc2 ¼ BvLq; ½18�

when q¼1.If so, what value could v have that would represent

reality? Is it not true that we travel with the earth as itfollows a regular orbital path about our Sun? Are we nottraveling at the same velocity as the earth, given a non-terrestrial co-ordinate system of reference? Supposingthat the answer to the foregoing is yes, the questionremains, ‘As a primary example, does the geomagneticfield, the steady magnetic field of the earth, also travelwith the earth? If it does, how then could the earthotherwise affect biological systems but to induce weakelectric currents in moving tissue such as red blood cellswhich contain ferromagnetic material’. However, if weaccept Faraday’s notion that any conductor movingthrough a magnetic field will induce a force within theconductor, then, according to the theory of special rel-ativity, the geomagnetic field is not moving with theearth, and forces must be generated within biological

systems. Perhaps v could equal the orbital velocity of theearth? The key seems to be the fact that electromagneticwaves always travel at the velocity of light – independentof their inertial frame of reference. And if that is true, i.e.,the geomagnetic field does not travel with the earth butis incessantly re-created by the earth, then any con-ductor just sitting on the earth in the geomagnetic fieldmust have a force induced therein. Yet we cannot mea-sure any electromotive force or see any ostensible effectof such a supposed force? If such a force exists, where isit and how could it produce bioeffects, especially sec-ondary to a picoTesla range magnetic field?

We have these ideas about space and matter, aboutmechanical electromagnetic photon–phonon transduc-tions and about piezoelectricity. These considerationspoint to a gravity wave, something very difficult to de-tect indeed. We cannot look for a gravity wave but wemay look for its effects from a theoretical standpoint. Weare ready to make our calculations, but first comes thedecision about which unitary system ought to be testedfirst. An analogy between Maxwell’s electromagnetismtheory and Einstein’s theory of gravity is that just aselectromagnetic (EM) waves are created by the vibrationof electric charges, a gravity wave might travel throughspace to shake other masses. The notion that the gravitywave is the basis of photon–phonon transductions inbiological piezoelectricity involving extremely weaksignals represents a possibility explicating the nexus inthe multi-magnitude and multi-faceted biological am-plification process.

It then appears that if we are to shake the metric ofspace–time itself, the forces we should deal with mostdirectly are electrostatic in nature, most especially sinceour hypothesis depends upon a force that cannot bemeasured directly or even detected.

The decision is made to employ the centimeter gramsecond (CGS) unitary system because the unit of chargein the meter kilogram second (MKS) system of units isdefined in terms of force between moving charges ratherthan the electrostatic force between charges as in theCGS system of units. We proceed to calculate, accordingto Eq. [18], the B field associated with the length of amouse L, the orbital velocity of the earth v and targetmass m – nerve growth factor, (NGF), a molecule im-portant in nerve regeneration. Nerve growth factor hasa molecular weight of 26.5 kDa, the mean orbital ve-locity of the earth is about 18.5 miles per second(3� 106 cms�1), and the average length of a small mouseis 10 cm. The velocity of electromagnetic waves c in CGSis 3� 1010 cms�1. The normalized unit of charge, q ¼ 1,represents 1 ab-C in the CGS system of units. 26.5 kDais equal to 4:4255� 10�20 g as 1 Da is equal to1:67262� 10�24 g (mass of a proton). Now we can testour hypothesis:

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4:4255� 10�20 g � 9� 1020 cm2 s�2

¼ 1:32765� 10�6 G � 3� 106 cms�1 � 10cm� 1ab-C; ½19a�

NGF molecular weight � c2

¼ B � vð earth orbital velocity Þ � LðmouseÞ � q�ðunit electric chargeÞ . . . ½19b�

(This calculation was made for the mice motor meur-opathy study the data from which is presented herein.)

This is an interesting calculation because when wesubstitute the height of an average human, about 5 feet8 in. or 1:7� 102 cm, for L we see:

4:4255� 10�20 g � 9� 1020 cm2 s�2

¼ 7:8097� 10�8 G � 3� 106 cms�1

� 1:7� 102 cm � 1ab-C ½20a�

m � c2 ¼ B � v � L � q: ½20b�

Perhaps fortuitous, but the calculated B field for thehuman is precisely the amplitude of the magnetic fieldused to treat neurological disorders (20,21,48).

Combining Eqs. [15] and [17] we then desired,

mc2 ¼ qmc2tB2pm

: ½21�

Dividing both sides of Eq. [21] by mc2 and by t we get

Frequencyðf Þ ¼ qB2pm

: ½22�

Eq. [22] is the equation for cyclotron resonance. SinceEq. [22] is an MKS expression, we converted 1:32765�10�6 G in CGS to the MKS equivalent 1:32765� 10�10 T,as 104 G¼1 T unit of magnetic flux density. Now, q wasnormalized in the CGS system of units, q ¼ 1 ab-C,whereas 1 ab-C is equal to 10 C in MKS; we discern that q

in Eq. [22] has also to be normalized according to thesame standard set by Eq. [18], that is, the charge of theelectron has to be multiplied by a factor of 10. Thus, e isthe electronic charge, e ¼ 1:6� 10�19 C. Therefore,

1:6� 10�18 C ¼ 1:6� 10�19 C � 10 ¼ q: ½23�

Holding the standard for normalization of charge inCGS.

Then, we proceed to do the calculation:

f ¼ 1:6� 10�18 C � 1:32765� 10�10 T

2pð6:2832Þ � 9:11� 10�31 kg¼ 37:111Hz; ½24�

where q is adjusted for normalization from the charge ofan electron in C (MKS) and the rest mass of the electronis 9:11� 10�31 kg. Utilizing target mass (NGF), we notethat 1:28� 10�6 G with frequency 35.7 Hz was utilizedin the in vivo motor-neuropathy study herein presentedin Table 1. Small variations in signal represents an at-tempt to account for other neighboring target masseslike interferon and growth associated protein (GAP). Weproceeded as such in our tabulation of target masses’amplitudes and associated frequencies of EM signalinghoping for a positive outcome. And, these data suggestthat further research is indicated concerning the explo-ration of possible physical mechanisms which mightprove to be the underpinning of bioeffects from non-ionizing, radiation and biological piezoelectricity.

Finally, if the electronic charge were to be used as aunit charge,

1:6� 10�19 C � 0:1 ¼ 1:6� 10�20 ab-C;

we must normalize q to convert from CGS to MKS(for f ¼ 8B=2pm) by multiplying 1:6� 10�20 ab-C e by afactor of 10, as 1 ab-C¼10C.

Therefore, we are at liberty to utilize f ¼ qB=2pm as aCGS expression, and we note:

Table 1 The electromagnetic fields microgauss and milligauss settings as applied to Group 2 IDPN treated mice and mass(kilo Dalton, kDa) of molecules

Microgauss Milligauss

Intensity (G) Frequency (Hz) Intensity (G) Frequency (Hz)

9:69 � 10�6 271.1 0:17 � 10�3 2.558:77 � 10�6 244.7 0:0875 � 10�3 1.317:7 � 10�6 214.8 0:0774 � 10�3 1.155:8 � 10�6 161.8 0:055 � 10�3 0.824:7 � 10�6 131.1 0:043 � 10�3 0.643:6 � 10�6 100.4 0:034 � 10�3 0.52:98 � 10�6 83.1 0:0272 � 10�3 0.412:55 � 10�6 71.1 0:0221 � 10�3 0.332:14 � 10�6 59.37 0:017 � 10�3 0.2541:28 � 10�6 35.7 0:014 � 10�3 0.211:14 � 10�6 31.8 0:0122 � 10�3 0.1831 � 10�6 27.9 0:011 � 10�3 0.158

Mass of molecules (kDa): Dynein-1200, Kinesin-350, Microtubule Associated Protein (MAP)-280, Neurofilament-200, Tubulin-110, Chloinest-erase-75, Growth Associated Protein (GAP)-43, Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)-30, Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)-26.5, Calmodulin-16.5,ATP-0.503, Acetylcholine-0.146.

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f ¼ 1:6� 10�19 ab-C � 1:32765� 10�6 G

2pð6:2832Þ � 9:11� 10�28 g

¼ 37:111Hz: ½25�

Thus, in CGS, 1:6� 10�20 ab-C �10 ¼ 1:6� 10�19 ab-C normalizes q for f ¼ qB=2pm, an MKS expression de-scribing the force between moving charges as discussedbefore.

Now, in the equation:

f ¼ BvLq

h; ½26�

where h is defined by mc2 � t , mc2 represents the waveenergy of the target mass when m is, for example, nervegrowth factor. Furthermore, when q is normalized inf ¼ qB=2pm and m is the target mass, while B is the de-served physiologic flux density from mc2 ¼ BvLq, then frepresents the induced molecular vibrational frequencyof the target molecule when resonance is achevied andthe oscilatory vibrations ofm increases in amplitude, thus

f ¼ ð1ab-CÞð7:8� 10�8 GÞð2pÞ4:4� 10�20gðNGFÞ ¼ 2:8� 1011Hz

m:v:f ðDNAÞ: ½27�

Now to explicate the relation of the two approacheswithmc2 ¼ BvLq, when q is normalized as e the charge ofan electron, then 1:6� 10�19 C¼1:6� 10�20 ab-C, m isthe rest mass of the electron at 9:11� 10�28 g, v is earthorbital velocity, L is the height of a human and c is3� 1010 cms�1. Since cyclotron resonance takes intoaccount forces between moving charges and is an MKSexpression,

1:6� 10�20 ab-C� 10 ¼ 1:6� 10�19 ab-C ¼ q;

9:11� 10�28 g � 9� 1020 cm2 s�2

¼ B � 3� 106 cms�1 � 1:7� 102 cm � 1:6� 10�19 ab-C;

e mass � c2 ¼ EO �HL � unit charge


B ¼ 82� 10�8 cm2 s�2 g

8:16� 10�11 cm2 s�1 ab-Cffi 104G; ½28�

which represents a typical MRI signal. Finally, when wenormalize charge e heretofore delineated,

f ¼ 1:6� 10�19ab-C � 104G

ð2pÞ9:11� 10�28 g¼ 2:8� 1011Hz ½29�

approximately the same frequency as Eq. [27], indeed amolecular vibrational frequency of critical molecules inthe human genome as well as associated particles.

105 G gives us � 1012Hz ðproteinÞ:

The biological-electromagnetic affectation generallyinvolves an integration of factors over time to produce

manifestation of amplification of weak signal transduc-tions (33,35,37,50,53–55). The portion of receptor pro-teins which lie in plasma membranes are comprised of ahelix of about six turns, and are composed entirely ofhydrophobic amino acids, incapable of hydrogenbonding or ionic conduction, yet mediate the rapidtransfer of ions. Conversion of electromagnetic oscilla-tions to mechanical vibrations and vice versa; i.e., pie-zoelectricity, in this regard, is critically important.Landau levels reorient and Fermi energies rise to accountfor the subtle pressure of weak, low intensity fields onthe external manifold. When E is the photon energy, h isPlanck’s constant and f is the frequency of the radiation:

E ¼ hf ½6�

When f ¼ 16 Hz, an important Ca2þ window, then

E ¼ 6:626� 10�34 J s � 16Hz ¼ 1:06� 10�32 J ½30�

Now, k is a constant equal to R=N , where R is the uni-versal gas constant and N is the Avogadro constant. Ithas the value 1:380622� 10�23 JK�1. When K is bodytemperature, 37 �C or 310K, then

kT ¼ 1:382622� 10�23 JK�1 � 310K¼ 4:28� 10�21 J: ½31�

Therefore, dividing Eq. [31] by Eq. [30] we get

4:28� 10�21 J

1:06� 10�32 J¼ 4:04� 1011 ½32�

4:04� 1011 Hz is about the molecular vibrational fre-quency of the DNA hydrogen bonds which connect thenucleotides, and represents a necessary quantitativeamplification of a weak trigger.


Finally, the rationale for utilizing the ion cyclotron res-onance equation,

f ¼ qB2pm

to determine frequencies associated with steady mag-netic field B as derived from Jacobson Resonance is asfollows:

While amplitude resonance is the basis for

mc2 ¼ BvLq

it is often necessary in clinical situations to impose achanging field B to re-adjust circadian rythmicity con-comitant and directly associated with (d.c.) physiologicmagnetic profile B. Thus, when changing physiologicmagnetic fields such as 5� 10�8 G are maintained exter-nally about current carrying semi-conductive organismicbody parts (or whole organism) through placement insolenoidal or Helmholtz configurational environments,

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there is a resultant emf generated based upon the piezo-electric and Hall effects, across said conductive bodies;until the transverse electrostatic field Ee within the con-ductive biosystem is equal and opposite to the non-elec-trostatic field En. This makes the final transverse currentequal to zero (the conductive body being on ‘open-cir-cuit’ in the transverse direction). Therefore, the inductionof equilibrium of charge is accomplished congruent tocertain rythmicity, which therein rearranges sub-molec-ular magnetic domains. This brings about bio-intrinsicproduction of the B field to d.c. status within the organ-ism to then correspond in amplitude to the frequency ofpolarity change extrinsically impinged with a.c. B field.This may cause ‘gene jumping’ as electron and protonmagnetic moments reorient the atomic semi-crystallinelattice structures of malaligned genes and associatedstructures, e.g., oncogenes, as well as other quantumsemi-conductive masses such as viral nucleic acids (freestrands); which regulate therein metabolic processes re-sponsible for maintaining physiologic homeostasis, nor-mal energy transport systems, reflected by hormonal andenzymatic normalcy, and health of the organism.


mc2 ¼ BvLq

is an expression fundamentally concerned with the d.c.field B that is intrinsically produced by the biologicalsystem and is associated with the cyclotron resonancefrequencies generally ranging from extreme elf to 100Hzin bio-systems supporting physiologic circadianrhythms. When a changing B field is impinged upon abio-system or part thereof with appropriate rythmicitythe response of the organism is to intrinsically renor-malize the (d.c.) magnetic profile, which in conjunctionwith changing, intrinsic electric fields produce normalcyin fluctuating physiologic fields corresponding in am-plitude to the externally sourced field (12,22,23). In thismanner the cyclotron resonance is utilized to renor-malize magnetic profiles and their (d.c.) and (a.c.) status.Finally, the center of the fixed co-ordinate system ofreference for such inertial velocities as earth orbital isnecessarily our sun; while other co-ordinate systems ofreference may also be used, e.g., star cluster velocitywith the Milky Way Galaxy used as the referential frame.The rationale includes Einstein’s view that while there isno absolute reference system all systems that sharetranslational motion may be related in actuality.




The energy state and bioelectric potential of nerves maybe modulated by electromagnetic fields. The field in-

tensity and gradients were calculated considering sub-cellular components vital for nerve function.

The effect of uniform electromagnetic fields (EMF) onthe restoration of forelimb grip strength and radial nerveultrastructure was studied in mice with motorneuro-pathy. The motorneuropathy was induced by theadministration of a neurotoxin, 0.62% 3,30-iminodipro-pionitrile (IDPN), in drinking water for 9 1/2 weeks.Forelimb grip strength (lb) of mice as measured by aforce gauge meter declined to 47% compared to thecontrol group (p < 0:004). The IDPN treated groupwithout any magnetic field exposure persisted to have a56% decrease in grip strength and radial nerve elec-tronmicrographs showed axonal demyelination, mito-chondria in an orthodox state of conformation, anduneven dispersion of neurofilaments and microtubules.In contrast, one IDPN treated group was treated withapplied magnetic flux densities and frequencies thatwere calculated on the basis of the mass of moleculesvital to nerve function. During field exposure mice wereheld in a perforated Lucite box placed in a Resonator thatgenerated the EMF between the centers of two 18 in.discs, 9 in. apart containing copper coils in Helmholtzconfiguration. EMF was applied twice weekly for 8 1/2weeks that resulted in as much as 87% recovery(p < 0:05) of grip strength that was sustained after thetermination of exposure at an 82% level until the 27thweek of observation. The EMF exposed group also ex-hibited axonal remyelination, condensed state of mito-chondria, and evenly dispersed neurofilaments andmicrotubules consistent with grip strength recovery.These results are the first to demonstrate a biologicaleffect of EMF in vivo on the restoration of subcellularstructures required for nerve impulse conduction andmetabolism in nerves and consequently a grip strengthrecovery from motorneuropathy, under controlled ex-perimental conditions.

Current experimental and clinical findings haveshown a measurable effect of electromagnetic fields(EMF) on nerve repair, regeneration, growth and painalleviation. The weak pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) aswell as the direct current (d.c.) field have distinct re-generative effects on nerves and also wound healingactions (33,34,41,42).

The EMF in very low ranges of picoTesla (pT) ampli-tude have been used in the amelioration of neurologicaldisorders (7,12,48,49,83,84) and chronic osteoarthriticpain conditions (21,56). Recently, narrow spectrum in-frared wavelengths that are within the frequency rangeof the radiation emitted by the human body have shownto normalize diabetic metabolism by restoring the con-trol mechanisms of the hypothalamus for the sympa-thetic and parasympathetic nervous system (57). Thesestudies suggest certain biological responses were elicited

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by EMF exposure. An interaction of extremely low fre-quency EMF in-vitro at a cellular level has also beenshown in the alteration of polypeptide synthesis in sali-vary gland cells (58), glycolytic activity in fibroblasts (59)and in sodium-potassium ATPase enzyme systems incells (60). It was suggested by Adey (61,62) that the in-teraction between the endogenous electromagneticfields with the externally applied EMF of low frequencyand amplitude produce biological responses. Secondaryto cellular activity each tissue generates a low intensityendogenous electromagnetic field. For example, weakmagnetic fields in picoTesla ranges has been measuredduring alpha rhythm of a normal brain (47).

The rationale of this study is based on the premisethat extremely low frequency and weak intensity EMFmay supplement the endogenous electromagnetic fieldand cellular function may be restored from a state ofmotorneuropathy. A precise correlation between thenature of the nerve dysfunction and its recovery by EMFexposure under controlled experimental conditions re-mained to be established. Therefore, a study in vivo wasconducted on age-matched mice with motorneuropathyinduced by the administration of a neurotoxin (3,3’-Im-inodipropionitrile (IDPN)) in order to determine the ef-fect of EMF on forelimb grip strength, indicative of nervefunctionality.

Methods and materials

Animal study

Thirty, 4 weeks old Sprague–Dawley female mice(Harlan Sprague Dawley, Madison, Wisconsin) werehoused, two animals per cage, in an Institutional Ani-mal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approved Ani-mal Facility under 10 h light and 14 h dark periodswith rodent pellet and water provided ad lib. Threegroups of 10 mice each, were designated as untreatedcontrol Group 1 and experimental Groups 2 and 3. Toinduce motorneuropathy (63), the experimental groupsreceived a neurotoxin; 0.62% 3,3’Iminodipropionitrile(IDPN) (Cat. No. 31, 730-6. Aldrich Chemical Com-pany, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) in drinking water ad libfor 9 1/2 weeks.

Measurement of forelimb grip strength

A Digital Grip Strength Meter (Model 0167-004L, Co-lumbus Instruments International, Columbus, Ohio) wasused to measure forelimb grip strength in mice. Themeter displayed current force, peak tension, or peakcompression. The meter was adjusted in the tensionpeak mode to freeze the reading at each trial. The forceunit of the meter was selected to measure the gripstrength as pounds (lb). The forelimbs of each mousewere placed on the bar and pulled away by the tail until

the mouse clung to the bar. The peak force reading wasrecorded as displayed. The meter was zeroed before eachmeasurement. Three measurements were taken for eachmouse on each trial day.

Electromagnetic field exposure

The apparatus used for the generation of EMF consistedof three units, a Resonator, a Function Generator and anAttenuator. The Resonator (Prototype DevelopmentLaboratory, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi) consistedof two 18 in. diameter discs separated 9 in. apart madeup of laminated foam containing five turns of # 37 gaugecopper coils around the disc that produce magneticfields. The magnetic field was characterized for each setof coils fabricated in the Helmholtz configuration. Thefield correlation to the Generator was such that one voltsignal was equal to 1mG. The electronic system used theStanford Ultra Low Distortion Function Generator(Model DS360) that was capable of producing pure sinewaves of high frequency and resolution. The Attenuatorunit connected in series with the Resonator used thesignal produced by the generator to drive the Helmholtzcoils. The attenuation range was selected frommilligauss(10�3) range to microgauss (10�6). The EMF intensityproduced was uniform between the centers of the coils.

The externally applied EMF fields were calculated byusing Jacobson’s equation (64) and the frequencies bythe Cyclotron Resonance equation (9).

The protocols designated for EMF intensities (Gauss)and frequencies (Hertz) were calculated on the basis ofthe mass in kilo Dalton (kDa) of metabolically vitalmolecules involved in nerve function (Table 1) usingmicrogauss and milligauss intensity settings that tar-geted electrons and protons of the cell respectively. Theduration of each intensity was 2min with an interval of20 seconds between each intensity setting. The totalexposure time using microgauss settings was 24 minfollowed by 24 min with milligauss settings. The controlGroup 1 was neither given IDPN nor exposed to EMF.Groups 2 and 3 both received IDPN treatment. However,after IDPN treatment only experimental Group 2 re-ceived exposure to EMF protocols twice a week for 8 1/2weeks whereas the mice in IDPN treated Group 3 werekept in the Resonator without any EMF exposure as theplacebo. Two experimental mice were placed within atwo-chambered perforated 8 in.�6 in. Lucite box duringeach EMF exposure period. Forelimb grip strength for allof the groups was monitored during experimental peri-ods ending with the 27th week of observation.

Electron microscopic studies

The radial nerves from forelimb of mice in controlGroup1 as well as experimental Groups 2 and 3 were

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surgically excised after carbon dioxide euthanasia. Thenerve samples were processed for electron microscopy.The nerves were fixed in a solution containing 2% glu-taraldehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.02% picricacid in 0.1M sodium cacodylate overnight at 4 �C. Thenerves were then washed thrice with 0.1M sodiumcacodylate followed with a solution of 1% osmium te-troxide–1.5% potassium ferricyanide in water for 60 minat room temperature. The nerves were then treated with50% ethanol–3% uranyl acetate in solution for 90 minfollowed by immersion in a gradient of 70–100% etha-nol. Nerve samples were kept overnight in 1:1 ratio ofabsolute ethanol to Spurr’s resin solution then in Spurr’sresin alone for 4–8h at room temperature and thenovernight in an oven at 60–70 �C. Cross sections of thenerves of 70 nanometer (nm) in thickness were cut bythe aid of an ultramicrotome (85).

Statistical analysis of the data

Statistical analysis of grip strength values was performedby a t test considering two tailed, unequal variances forcalculating the significance between group means (SPSS,Chicago, IL). Statistical significance was assigned at pvalues of 60:05. When a significant p value was ob-tained the ANOVA test was used to ascertain the signif-

icant difference between group means. The p value wasthen accepted at p60:01. Data was analyzed on theforelimb grip strength from the start to the end points ofthe experiments on IDPN treatment and EMF exposureperiods. In addition, percent difference in grip strengthof each group between the start and end point of eachexperiment and percent difference between experimen-tal groups and control group were analyzed.


Effect of IDPN on forelimb grip strength of experimental

Groups 2 and 3

Prior to IDPN administration, mice showed grip strengthvalues (Group 1-0:1278� 0:033, Group 2-0:1333lb�0:026, Group 3-0:1372� 0:044) with no significant dif-ference (p > 0:8) between the groups (Fig. 1A and B). Atthe onset of the third week of IDPN treatment, the miceexhibited hyperkinesis followed by a gradual weakeningof grip strength as previously observed in an experi-mental motorneuropathy model in rats (63). Initial fluc-tuations in grip test values became relatively steady afterthe third week of IDPN treatment. At the end of 9 1/2weeks of IDPN treatment, a significant decline in gripstrength (Group 2-0:1147lb� 0:08, p < 0:004, Group 3-

Fig. 1 (A) (Top) Grip strength (lb) of mice (n¼ 10) in experimental Groups 2 and 3 during IDPN treatment for 9 1/2 weeks as comparedto control Group 1 (mean�SD). (B) (bottom left) Grip strength (lb) of mice (n¼ 10) at the start and end points of 9 1/2 weeks of IDPNtreatment in Group 2 and 3 as compared to control Group 1 (mean�SD). Percent change between the start and end points of treatmentwith statistical comparison of the groups. Change of grip strength between start and end of IDPN treatment period: Group 1: 92.5% increase,Group 2: 13.9% decrease, Group 3: 15.5% decrease. Pre-IDPN group difference: p > 0:8. Post-IDPN group difference: Groups 1 and 2,p < 0:004, Groups 1 and 3, p < 0:00. (C) (bottom right) Grip strength (lb) of mice (n¼ 10) of IDPN treated Groups 2 and 3 as comparedto control Group 1. Data represents percent change from the control Group during 9 1/2 weeks of IDPN treatment.

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0:1159lb� 0:009, p < 0:00 ) was observed as comparedto age matched control Group 1 (0:2461lb� 0:032) (Fig.1A and B). The normal age related increase in gripstrength in the control Group 1 was 92.5% from the startto the end of 9 1/2 weeks (Fig. 1B). In contrast, IDPNtreated Groups 2 and 3 showed 13.9% and 15.5% de-crease, respectively, manifesting a neurotoxin relatedinhibition of normal grip strength at the end of thetreatment period when the mice in each group attainedthe age of 14 weeks. An overall age-matched comparisonshowed a sequential decline in an age related gripstrength at the end of 9 1/2 weeks of IDPN treatmentthat were 86% in Group 2 and 84% in Group 3 ascompared to a concomitant increase of 192% in controlGroup 1 (Fig. 1A). A significant decrease in grip strengthin experimental groups as compared to control groupwas caused by IDPN between the four and fourteenweeks of age (Fig. 1C).

Effect of EMF exposure on forelimb grip strength of IDPN

treated mice Group 2

Prior to EMF exposure the forelimb grip strength valuesin IDPN treated mice (Groups 2-0:1147lb� 0:08, Group

3-0:1159lb� 0:009) showed no significant difference(p < 0:7). The EMF exposure to IDPN treated Group 2resulted in a steep rise in grip strength (to 0:2030lb�0:010) until the fourth week. Thereafter, it increasedsteadily up to the termination of EMF exposure at 8 1/2weeks (0:2264lb� 0:013) and was close to controlGroup 1 values (0:2588lb� 0:037) (Fig. 2A). A statisti-cally significant recovery in grip strength occurred asearly as 8 weeks of EMF exposure with a minimal dif-ference (p < 0:05) from the control group (Fig. 2B). Thegrip strength increase of 97.3% in Group 2 from the startto the end point of EMF exposure (Fig. 2B), and one weeklater a 87% improvement as compared to controlGroup1 indicated a noteworthy recovery from motor-neuropathy (Fig. 2C). However, in the absence of EMFexposure, IDPN treated Group 3 had a significantly lowgrip strength as compared to both EMF exposed Group 2( p < 0:01) and the control Group 1 (p < 0:00) (Fig. 2B).The lack of EMF exposure in Group 3 that remained atthe initial four weeks level in grip strength indicatedonly a 27.5% age related increase in grip strength be-tween fourteen to twenty four weeks of age (Fig. 2B). Theneurotoxin effect persisted as indicated by 56% lowergrip strength in Group 3 as compared to control Group

Fig. 2 (A) (Top) Grip strength (lb) in mice (n¼10) of IDPN treated Group 2 receiving EMF application for 8 1/2 weeks as compared toGroup 3 with no EMF application and the control Group 1 (mean�SD). (B) (bottom left) Grip strength (lb) in mice (n¼10) of Group 2 at thestart and end points of 8 1/2 weeks of EMF application as compared to Group 3 with no EMF application and the control Group 1 (mean�SD).Percent change in grip strength between the start and end points during 8 1/2 weeks with statistical comparison between the groups. Changeof grip strength between start and end of EMF exposure period: Group 1: 5.2% increase, Group 2: 97.3% increase, Group 3: 35%increase. Pre-EMF exposure group difference: Group 1 and 2, p < 0:00, Group 1 and 3, p < 0:00. Group 2 and 3, p < 0:7. Post-EMF exposuregroup difference: Group 1 and 2, p < 0:05, Group 1 and 3, p < 0:00, Group 2 and 3, p < 0:01. (C) (Bottom Right) Grip strength (lb) inmice (n¼ 10) of Group 2 receiving EMF application, Group 3 with no EMF application and control Group 1. Data represent percent changefrom the control Group 1 during 8 1/2 weeks.

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(Fig. 1C). In control Group 1 on the 19th week of theexperiment, the normal age related increase in gripstrength was significantly overridden by IDPN’s effect inGroup 3. However, as mice in each group reached 24weeks of age at the termination of EMF application aconsistent increase in grip strength was observed in EMFexposed Group 2 as the level approached that of controlGroup 1.

At the 19th week of the experiment following thetermination of EMF exposure, a weekly recording of gripstrength up to the 7th week and continued on the 16thand 27th week showed that the recovery was sustainedin Group 2 (Fig. 3A and B). The grip strength recorded onthe last day of EMF exposure at the 19th week of theexperiment (Fig. 2A and C) was maintained at an 82%recovery level in Group 2 until the end of experimentalobservation on the 27th week, when mice reached anage of 52 weeks (Fig. 3B).

Electronmicrograph of radial nerves cross sections of

control and experimental groups

The cross sections of radial nerves from control Group 1(Fig. 4) showed a distinct profile of its subcellular com-

ponents such as Schwann cells with conspicuous mito-chondria and Golgi bodies and a normal alignment ofthe axonal membrane with the myelin sheath in a la-mellar arrangement (Fig. 4A). An even distributionof neurofilaments and microtubules (Fig. 4C) wereindicative of a normal morphology of the axon andfurthermore, mitochondria exhibited a condensed con-formation with increased matrix density and distinctouter and inner membranes, the latter with cristae (Fig.4A and C). In addition, mitochondria showing binaryfission (Fig. 4B) were a sign of normal functional mor-phology of the axon.

However, a significant deviation from the normalsubcellular structure was apparent in nerve cross sec-tions of IDPN treated Group 3 mice not treated with EMF

Fig. 3 (A) (Top) Grip strength (lb) in mice (n¼9) of Group 2after EMF application up to 27th week of observation ascompared to Group 3 with no EMF application and the controlGroup 1 (mean�SD). (B) (bottom) Grip strength (lb) in mice(n¼9) of Group 2 after EMF application up to 27th week ofobservation as compared to Group 3 with no EMF application.Data represent percent change from the control Group 1.

Fig. 4 Electron micrograph (EM) of cross sections of radial nerveof mice from control Group 1, indicating Axon (AX), Axonalmembrane (AXM), Golgi bodies (GO), Microtubule (MIC),Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF),Schwann cells (SC). (A) (Top) GO, MT, (B) (bottom left) MT binaryfission, (C) (bottom) NF. EM Magnification 19,000�. Scalebar¼ 1 lm.

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(Fig. 5). Myelin sheath with distorted lamellae was sep-arated from axonal membrane indicating nerve degen-eration due to damage to the myelin structure. Schwanncells exhibited inconspicuous mitochondria (Fig. 5A andB). The neurofilaments and microtubules were sparseand of uneven distribution. Mitochondria were presentin an orthodox state of conformation (Fig. 5B) indicatingdecreased matrix density, indistinguishable doublemembranes and few cristae suggesting a metabolicallyinactive state. It was evident that an impairment of the

normal cellular structure of the nerve, concomitant withthe loss of forelimb grip strength in IDPN treated Group3 mice, appeared to be related.

The subcellular morphology of the nerves followingEMF exposure to IDPN treated mice in Group 2 (Fig. 6)was restored and was similar to that of control Group 1(Fig. 4). The Schwann cells with distinct mitochondriaand Golgi bodies (Fig. 6B and C) as well as lamellarmyelin sheath (Fig. 6A) were indicative of a normal stateof the axon. The remyelination of the axon and conse-quent grip strength recovery in Group 2 indicated a bi-ological effect of EMF on Schwann cells, which areresponsible for the formation of myelin sheath. More-over, condensed state of mitochondria as well as fewundergoing binary fission indicated metabolic activitynecessary to restoration of nerve function.

Fig. 5 Electron micrograph (EM) of cross sections of radial nerveof mice from IDPN treated Group 3 unexposed to EMF indicatingAxon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Microtubule (MIC),Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF),Schwann cells (SC). (A) (Top) MY, AXM, (B) (bottom) MY, AXM,MT, NF. EM Magnification 10,000�. Scale bar¼1 lm.

Fig. 6 Electron micrographs (EM) of cross sections of radial nerveof mice from IDPN treated Group 2 exposed to EMF, indicatingAxon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Golgi bodies (GO),Microtubule (MIC), Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY),Neurofilament (NF), Schwann cells (SC). (A) (Top) MT, MY, AXM,NF, MIC, (B) (bottom left) GO, MIC, (C) (Bottom Right) GO, NF, MY,MT. EM Magnification (A and B) 19,000�, (C) 4800�. Scalebar¼ 1 lm.

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The development of partial motorneuropathy in mice bythe administration of IDPN, a neurotoxin that inducednerve degeneration provided an animal model to studythe in vivo effectiveness of EMF on the changes in fore-limb grip strength and radial nerve ultrastructure. Thegradual loss in the forelimb grip test values (Fig. 1A andB) in IDPN treated mice as measured by force gaugemeter was indicative of a change in the nerve conduc-tion in the forelimb. This was substantiated by an un-even distribution of axonal neurofilaments (Fig. 5B),which normally determine the growth of axonal diame-ter and slow axonal transport for impulse conduction.Further the uneven dispersion of the microtubules (Fig.5B) affecting its function in normal longitudinal growthand in fast axonal transport verified the state of nervedegeneration. In another motorneuropathy model (65), aslow conduction velocity due to axonal atrophy wasdetected by electromyography in IDPN treated rats, andwas attributed to the dilation of axon having a thinmyelin sheath in the proximal part of the spinal cordventral root but without any segmental demyelination ofthe tibial nerve. Further studies indicated (66) that themigration of the slow component of neurofilament pro-teins was arrested along the axon of IDPN treated ratnerves. Moreover, a segregation of the neurofilamentstowards the periphery, microtubules at the center of theaxon and a disassembly in cross-links of microtubuleassociated proteins (MAP) with transport vesicles wereshown (67) in nerve samples of IDPN treated rats bydeep-etch electronmicroscopy. It may be concluded thata lack of proper assembly of neurofilaments and micro-tubules impacted the grip strength in mice by preventingtransport of major nerve molecules for neuromuscularfunction. Moreover the myelin sheath, a vital compo-nent in the conduction of nerve impulse was first seendamaged in the radial nerve of mice due to IDPN toxicity(Fig. 5A and B). Demyelination of axons and the severityof lesions associated with loss of conduction of nerveimpulse and grip strength in mice as observed in thisstudy has been defined as neurapraxia (68).

In IDPN treated Group 3 mice, most of the mito-chondria appeared to be in an orthodox state of con-formation (Fig. 5B). The condensed to orthodox statetransformation in mitochondria occurred in conditionswhen ADP is deficient. Reversal to a condensed statecorresponded with the oxidative phosphorylation reac-tion and ATP synthesis, dependent upon ADP and Pro-ton permeability of the mitochondria. It is suggestedthat the orthodox state of mitochondria in IDPN treatedmice was indicative of a reduced metabolic activity innerves. The condensed state of mitochondria as ob-served in IDPN treated mice in Group 2 after EMF ex-

posure (Fig. 6A) indicated a metabolically activecondition in axons and Schwann cells.

In a previous study, excised pieces of sciatic nerves ofmice in-vitro culture medium maintained a normal my-elin sheath structure during EMF exposure (30). Thiscould be attributed to Schwann cell activity along theaxons, which is known to play a critical role (69) in themyelination of nerve fibers after being disconnected fromcentral nervous system (CNS) neurons, a source of neu-rotropin for nerve growth. Schwann cells produce anumber of polypeptide nerve growth factors (NGF) fortheir own development and propagation (70,71). It hasalso been known that nerve injury induces an increasedoutput of NGF from Schwann cells (72). These studiessupport an autonomous role of Schwann cells in main-taining metabolic functions in the proximity of axons(73,74), by releasing NGF for myelin formation and act-ing as an NGF receptor. In the present in vivo study, twosources of NGF were apparently available to the intactnerve fibers, one from CNS neurons and the other fromSchwann cells. EMF exposure may have enhanced theaction of the Schwann cells in IDPN treated Group 2mice.These Schwann cells (Fig. 6B and C) indicated distinctGolgi bodies (GO) that are the source of NGF secretionresulting in the remyelination of axons. A link betweenEMF leading to normal Schwann cell function indicatedthat a non-neuronal control in the regeneration andgrowth of peripheral nerve fibers are definitely possible.

The restoration of neurotoxin impaired subcellularstructure of radial nerves of mice in Group 2 treated withEMF exposure is supported by the reappearance of mi-tochondria in a condensed state both in axons andSchwann cells. The physiological state of mitochondriaas observed indicated its normal membrane permeabilityand a recovery of ATP synthesis essential for nervegrowth and repair. Other ATP dependent processes suchas the organization of neurofilaments and microtubulesfor axonal slow and fast transport systems were also re-stored. ADEY (8,61,62) showed that the molecular sig-naling across an axonal membrane may be extensivelymodified by a low energy level of an applied electro-magnetic field and is attained by cooperative amplifica-tion that restored cellular function. In the present study,molecules critical in nerve conduction and metabolicactivity (Table 1) were significantly affected during EMFexposure. Therefore, the EMF of physiological rangesmay have created an additive effect on the recovery ofgrip strength in mice. Furthermore, a distinct correlationwith simultaneous restoration of the subcellular mor-phology of nerves supported that nerve metabolic pro-cesses were initiated and sustained.

In this study, the effectiveness of low intensities andfrequencies of EMF was significantly demonstratedin vivo by the restoration of subcellular nerve structure

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and by grip strength recovery sustained up to the 27thweek of observation in mice with motorneuropathy. It issuggested that the loss of nerve structure and functionmay result in a change in the inherent transmembranepotential. This potential could be manipulated by anexternally applied EMF, which restored the intrinsiccharge distribution of molecules vital for nerve con-duction and metabolism. A role of EMF in recovery fromnerve injury, spinal cord traumas, and peripheral neur-opathies may be postulated on the basis of selectivelymodulating neurotropins and their receptors. Furtherdose–response studies are required to determine a ther-apeutic model for EMF application in the treatment ofnerve dysfunctions.


Leona Cohen Gould, Director, Electron Microscopy Core Facil-ity. Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York.Larry Clayton, Prototype Development Laboratory, Mississippi.Michael Bartels. Fairleigh Dickinson University. Teaneck NewJersey.


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