a rupee earned


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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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A student created tutorial for a reading passage


Page 1: A rupee earned

By-Taylor Ann Bertolini

Sara SmithKalayah Sargeant

Blake Bowman

Page 2: A rupee earned

Once upon a time, in a land to the north, there lived a blacksmith who had worked hard all his life to provide for the needs of his family. So diligently had he labored and so carefully had he saved that his wife and his children never knew want, and he even managed to put by a small store of wealth.


Page 3: A rupee earned

Once upon a time, in a land to the north, there lived a blacksmith who had worked hard all his life to provide for the needs of his family. So diligently had he labored and so carefully had he saved that his wife and his children never knew want, and he even managed to put by a small store of wealth.

Page 4: A rupee earned

But unlike his father, the son of this industrious man was such a lazybones that in the whole wide world there was none to equal him. Although he was healthy and strong he did not know how to do anything but eat, drink, and sleep in the shade. In all the twenty years of his life he had not earned a single Anna, and he never gave a thought to the fact that he was living on his fathers bread.

Page 5: A rupee earned

But unlike his father, the son of this industrious man was such a lazybones that in the whole wide world there was none to equal him. Although he was healthy and strong he did not know how to do anything but eat, drink, and sleep in the shade. In all the twenty years of his life he had not earned a single Anna, and he never gave a thought to the fact that he was living on his fathers bread.

Page 6: A rupee earned

Now the time came when the blacksmith grew old and no longer had the strength to raise a spark from his anvil. Finally he took to his bed, and when he realized that death was near, he called his son to his side.

Page 7: A rupee earned

Now the time came when the blacksmith grew old and no longer had the strength to raise a spark from his anvil. Finally he took to his bed, and when he realized that death was near, he called his son to his side.

Page 8: A rupee earned

“I do not know why you are so lazy,” the aged blacksmith lamented. “You cannot take after me, for I have been on friendly terms with work my whole life long. Little by little I acquired my household goods by toil and honest sweat. How can it be that a son of mine cannot earn even one rupee?” “Well, to earn just a rupee is not such a magnificent thing,” the youth replied. “My son,” said the father, “show me that you can earn one rupee and all that I own will be yours when I die. Yes, you must prove to me now that you can earn something by the labor of your hands; otherwise, when I am gone you will not receive a rusty horseshoe nail. That is my will.”


Page 9: A rupee earned

“I do not know why you are so lazy,” the aged blacksmith lamented. “You cannot take after me, for I have been on friendly terms with work my whole life long. Little by little I acquired my household goods by toil and honest sweat. How can it be that a son of mine cannot earn even one rupee?” “Well, to earn just a rupee is not such a magnificent thing,” the youth replied. “My son,” said the father, “show me that you can earn one rupee and all that I own will be yours when I die. Yes, you must prove to me now that you can earn something by the labor of your hands; otherwise, when I am gone you will not receive a rusty horseshoe nail. That is my will.”

Page 10: A rupee earned

Now the blacksmith’s son wanted very much to come into his inheritance, but he was so lazy he hated to bestir himself to perform the small task his father required. Besides, he did not know how. What a cruel thing, to have to earn a whole rupee when he had never earned a single Anna since the day he was born! But a paternal word is a stone mountain, and as a stone mountain is not removed, a paternal word is not changed. His father had spoken. The doting mother of this good-for-nothing youth could not bear to see him suffer. When she found a convenient moment, she said to him: “Listen, little son, here is a rupee for you. Go and amuse yourself today, but when you come home in the evening, pretend you are returning from work and tell your father that you have earned the money.”

Page 11: A rupee earned

Now the blacksmith’s son wanted very much to come into his inheritance, but he was so lazy he hated to bestir himself to perform the small task his father required. Besides, he did not know how. What a cruel thing, to have to earn a whole rupee when he had never earned a single Anna since the day he was born! But a paternal word is a stone mountain, and as a stone mountain is not removed, a paternal word is not changed. His father had spoken. The doting mother of this good-for-nothing youth could not bear to see him suffer. When she found a convenient moment, she said to him: “Listen, little son, here is a rupee for you. Go and amuse yourself today, but when you come home in the evening, pretend you are returning from work and tell your father that you have earned the money.”

Page 12: A rupee earned

The youth was so lazy he did not want to bother himself even this much, but he knew that something had to be done. So he took his mothers rupee, and with a bit of bread and cheese he went off into the mountains. All day long he ate and drank and counted the birds in the sky. Then at nightfall he returned home and gave his father the rupee, saying: Here, Father, take it. It wasn’t easy for me to earn this rupee. I cannot straighten my back, I worked so hard. The father took the coin, looked at it from both sides, and tossed it from palm to palm.


Page 13: A rupee earned

The youth was so lazy he did not want to bother himself even this much, but he knew that something had to be done. So he took his mothers rupee, and with a bit of bread and cheese he went off into the mountains. All day long he ate and drank and counted the birds in the sky. Then at nightfall he returned home and gave his father the rupee, saying: Here, Father, take it. It wasn’t easy for me to earn this rupee. I cannot straighten my back, I worked so hard. The father took the coin, looked at it from both sides, and tossed it from palm to palm.

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Then he threw it into the fire. No, he said, you did

not earn that rupee. With a shrug of his shoulders the son replied: Well, you don’t have to believe me. And he went off to bed. The next day the worried mother gave her son a second rupee, but this time she instructed him: Sleep all day if you wish, little son, but before you come home in the evening, run one mile. You will perspire, you will be tired, and then your father will believe that you have been at work, and that you did his bidding and earned the money by your labor.

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Then he threw it into the fire. No, he said, you did not earn that rupee. With a shrug of his shoulders

the son replied: Well, you don’t have to believe me. And he went off to bed. The next day the worried mother gave her son a second rupee, but this time she instructed him: Sleep all day if you wish, little son, but before you come home in the evening, run one mile. You will perspire, you will be tired, and then your father will believe that you have been at work, and that you did his bidding and earned the money by your labor.

Page 16: A rupee earned

The lazybones cared for his legs, but he cared still more to inherit his father’s fortune. So he took his

mother’s rupee, and with food and drink he set out for the mountains as before. From dawn to dusk he ate and drank and warmed himself in the sun, but when it came time to go home he ran a mile, and then for good measure he ran another. And when he arrived at the threshold he was so tired he could hardly draw a breath. Perspiration poured from him in streams. He toppled onto a bench and held out the rupee. “It surely was hard for me to earn this rupee!”, he gasped. ”I worked like an ox the livelong day. I am falling over my feet with fatigue.” The father took the coin from his son, turned it over again and again in his hand, then threw it into the fire. “No,” he said, “you are deceiving me, my son. This rupee was given to you. It was useless for you to run from the mountains.” What could the lazy youth say? “You don’t wish to believe me,” he shrugged, smiling. “To be sure, it’s not true.”


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The mother cares for her son and tries to help him.

Page 18: A rupee earned

Then he went to his father and poured a handful of coins before him. Again the old man turned over the money, weighed it in his hand, and held some pieces up to the light. Then he said, “No, my son. You have deceived me again. You did not earn this money.” And he seized all the coins and threw them into the fire like so much rubbish. itself.


Page 19: A rupee earned

Then he went to his father and poured a handful of coins before him. Again the old man turned over the money, weighed it in his hand, and held some pieces up to the light. Then he said, “No, my son. You have deceived me again. You did not earn this money.” And he seized all the coins and threw them into the fire like so much rubbish. itself.

Page 20: A rupee earned

But this time the son was in a frenzy. He hurled himself into the fireplace, separated the burning coals with his bare hands, and snatched the money out of the very fire“Why did you do that?” he cried. “I haven’t straightened up my back for a whole week and you want to burn my money in the fire!”

Page 21: A rupee earned

But this time the son was in a frenzy. He hurled himself into the fireplace, separated the burning coals with his bare hands, and snatched the money out of the very fire“Why did you do that?” he cried. “I haven’t straightened up my back for a whole week and you want to burn my money in the fire!”

Page 22: A rupee earned

The father looked at his son and said, “Now I believe that you earned this rupee yourself. Someone else’s money you do not care about, that is cheap. But the money you earn by your own labor, ah, that you make a big fuss over! So it is, my son. Remember my words: As long as you work, you will have money and contentment, and all things will be yours. But if you will not work, another person’s money cannot help you, for someone else’s rupee is not worth one anna.” Then the father willed all his property to his son and went to the land from which no man ever returns.

Page 23: A rupee earned

The father looked at his son and said, “Now I believe that you earned this rupee yourself. Someone else’s money you do not care about, that is cheap. But the money you earn by your own labor, ah, that you make a big fuss over! So it is, my son. Remember my words: As long as you work, you will have money and contentment, and all things will be yours. But if you will not work, another person’s money cannot help you, for someone else’s rupee is not worth one anna.” Then the father willed all his property to his son and went to the land from which no man ever returns.

Page 24: A rupee earned

1.The author of the passage would most likely make the statement that the blacksmith

A. realized his wife was conspiring with their son.

B. was being unreasonable in his demands of his son.

C. had unintentionally contributed to his son’s laziness.

D. felt that one rupee is a substantial amount of money.


Page 25: A rupee earned

The blacksmith worked all his life and his wife and children never knew want so, the correct answer is…

A. realized his wife was conspiring with their son.

B. was being unreasonable in his demands of his son.

C. had unintentionally contributed to his son’s laziness.

D. felt that one rupee is a substantial amount of money.

Page 26: A rupee earned

C. had unintentionally contributed to his son’s laziness.

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The answer is C because as mentioned above the blacksmith worked all his life to provide for his family’s wants and needs. Because he always provided for them they never worked or helped work. With the father doing this his children became lazy.

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Answer A is incorrect because during the story there is no evidence that the dad discovered what the mom was doing.

Answer B is incorrect because the dad wasn’t being unreasonable by wanting to ensure that his belongings are in good hands after his death.

Answer D is incorrect because if the dad felt that 1 rupee is a substantial amount of money he wouldn’t have worked hard all his life.

Page 29: A rupee earned

2. What was the authors purpose for writing this passage?

A. A. to emphasize the necessity of obeying parental demands

B. to educate readers about the rewards of being industrious

C. to relate an experience between parents and their lazy son

D. to illustrate the complexities of the relationships within a family


Page 30: A rupee earned

2. What was the authors purpose for writing this passage?

A. A. to emphasize the necessity of obeying parental demands

B. to educate readers about the rewards of being industrious

C. to relate an experience between parents and their lazy son

D. to illustrate the complexities of the relationships within a family

Think about why the author wrote the article, what does it benefit?

Page 31: A rupee earned

B! B is the correct answer because the

author wrote this article to show that with hard work and dedication, things, in this case a Rupee can be earned. Industrious means “Diligent and hardworking”.

Page 32: A rupee earned

3. Read the first two sentences of the story.

Once upon a time, in the land of the north, there lived a blacksmith who had worked hard all his life to provide for the needs of his family. So diligently had he labored and so carefully had he saved that his wife and his children never knew want, and he even managed to put by a small store of wealth.


Page 33: A rupee earned

The blacksmith worked hard all his life to provide for his family so, the answer is…

A. Had led a difficult life.

B. Cared a great deal about his family.

C. Had become a wealthy man over time.

D. Enjoyed hard work and saving money.

Page 34: A rupee earned

B. Cared a great deal about his family

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The answer is B because the first sentence mentioned that he works hard to provide for his family. From this, you can infer that he cares about his family a lot.

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Answer A is incorrect because the story never mentioned that his life was difficult.

Answer C is incorrect because even though he stored a bit of wealthy, doesn’t mean that he is a wealthy man.

Answer D is incorrect because nowhere in the story did he show a positive emotion towards working hard and saving money.

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Page 38: A rupee earned

The Mother tried to get her son out of the hard work of earning a rupee, by telling him to run a mile before his father comes home. To make it seem as though he did “work”.

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A- to explain why she gave her son a rupee.

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The answer is A because if you do not know the word doting, that will through you off.

The word doting is- demonstrating great love and fondness for somebody or something.

Using context clues from the example given of what the mother does for her son shows her great love for him, even though he is “good-for-nothing” person

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The answer is not B because the mother is not trying to emphasize her sons laziness she is doing the opposite by trying to help him.

The answer is not C because it may seem like she is illustrating how much she cared for her son but she was having a “determination” of NOT showing her sons laziness, which she does out of love.

The answer is not D because she isn’t trying to show that she loves her son more than his father does. The mother is trying to protect the son out of love. While the father is trying to teach the son a lesson out of love.

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