accreditation & obe

Introduction to Engineering Introduction to Engineering  Accreditation & OBE  Accreditation & OBE   The FKE UTeM Experience The FKE UTeM Experience   Hyreil Anuar Bin Hj K asdirin Hyreil Anuar Bin Hj Kasdirin Department of Control, Instrumentation & Automation (CIA) Department of Control, Instrumentation & Automation (CIA) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Homepage: Homepage: Contact No: 06 Contact No: 06- 555 2226 / Fax: ext 2222 555 2226 / Fax: ext 2222

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Introduction to EngineeringIntroduction to Engineering Accreditation & OBE Accreditation & OBE

 “ “The FKE UTeM ExperienceThe FKE UTeM Experience” ” 

Hyreil Anuar Bin Hj KasdirinHyreil Anuar Bin Hj Kasdirin

Department of Control, Instrumentation & Automation (CIA)Department of Control, Instrumentation & Automation (CIA)

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia MelakaUniversiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Email:Email: [email protected]

Contact No: 06Contact No: 06--555 2226 / Fax: ext 2222555 2226 / Fax: ext 2222

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Presentation OutcomesPresentation Outcomes

►►Identify & evaluate the importance of Identify & evaluate the importance of 

Engineering Accreditation by EACEngineering Accreditation by EAC►►Define the OBE and its implementation inDefine the OBE and its implementation in

the facultythe faculty►► Acknowledge the process of application for Acknowledge the process of application for

 Accreditation Accreditation

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Presentation OutcomesPresentation Outcomes

►►Identify & evaluate the importance of Identify & evaluate the importance of 

Engineering Accreditation by EACEngineering Accreditation by EAC

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Why Need Accreditation?Why Need Accreditation?

►►Why Should My Program Seek Why Should My Program Seek 

 Accreditation? Why it is important? Accreditation? Why it is important? Accreditation provides you with a structured Accreditation provides you with a structured

mechanism to assess, evaluate, and improvemechanism to assess, evaluate, and improve

the quality of your program.the quality of your program. Accreditation helps students, their parents, and Accreditation helps students, their parents, and

also future employers to choose quality & wellalso future employers to choose quality & well--prepared programs.prepared programs.

 Accreditation is used by registration, licensure, Accreditation is used by registration, licensure,and certification boards to screen applicants.and certification boards to screen applicants.

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Why Need Accreditation?Why Need Accreditation?

►►Why Should I Choose an AccreditedWhy Should I Choose an Accredited

Program?Program?►► Accreditation assures that a program has met quality Accreditation assures that a program has met quality

standards set by the profession.standards set by the profession.

►►To employers, graduate schools, and licensure,To employers, graduate schools, and licensure,certification, and registration boards, graduationcertification, and registration boards, graduation

from an accredited program signifies adequatefrom an accredited program signifies adequate

preparation for entry into the profession. In fact,preparation for entry into the profession. In fact,many of these groups require graduation from anmany of these groups require graduation from an

accredited program as a minimum qualification.accredited program as a minimum qualification.

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 Are our faculty graduate is an Are our faculty graduate is an

Engineer, Technologist or Technician?Engineer, Technologist or Technician?►► There are three agreements covering mutual recognitionThere are three agreements covering mutual recognition

in respect of tertiaryin respect of tertiary--level qualifications in engineering:level qualifications in engineering: The Washington Accord The Washington Accord signed in 1989 was the firstsigned in 1989 was the first -- itit

recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications in professional engineering, normally of four yeaqualifications in professional engineering, normally of four yearsrs


The Sydney Accord The Sydney Accord commenced in 2001 and recognizescommenced in 2001 and recognizessubstantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications isubstantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications innengineering technology, normally of three years technology, normally of three years duration.

The Dublin Accord The Dublin Accord is an agreement for substantial equivalence inis an agreement for substantial equivalence inthe accreditation of tertiary qualifications in technicianthe accreditation of tertiary qualifications in technicianengineering, normally of two years duration. It commenced inengineering, normally of two years duration. It commenced in2002.2002.

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Why must be accredited by TheWhy must be accredited by The

Washington Accord?Washington Accord?►► The Washington Accord, is an international agreementThe Washington Accord, is an international agreement

among bodies responsible for accrediting engineeringamong bodies responsible for accrediting engineering

degree programs. It recognizes the substantial equivalencydegree programs. It recognizes the substantial equivalencyof programs accredited by those bodies and recommendsof programs accredited by those bodies and recommendsthat graduates of programs accredited by any of thethat graduates of programs accredited by any of the

signatory bodies be recognized by the other bodies assignatory bodies be recognized by the other bodies ashaving met the academic requirements for entry to thehaving met the academic requirements for entry to thepractice of engineering.practice of engineering.

►► One of the Accredited Programs from TheOne of the Accredited Programs from The

Washington Accord isWashington Accord is  ABET ABET -- (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)

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Why must be accredited by TheWhy must be accredited by The

Washington Accord?Washington Accord?►► Organizations holding provisional status have beenOrganizations holding provisional status have been

identified as having qualification accreditation oridentified as having qualification accreditation or

recognition procedures that are potentially suitable for therecognition procedures that are potentially suitable for thepurposes of the Accordpurposes of the Accord * Germany* Germany -- Represented by German Accreditation Agency forRepresented by German Accreditation Agency for

Study Programs in Engineering and InformaticsStudy Programs in Engineering and Informatics

* India* India -- Represented by National Board of Accreditation of AllRepresented by National Board of Accreditation of AllIndia Council for Technical EducationIndia Council for Technical Education

* Malaysia* Malaysia -- Represented by Board of EngineersRepresented by Board of Engineers -- MalaysiaMalaysiaEngineering Accreditation Council (EAC)Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC)

* Russia* Russia -- Represented by Russian Association for EngineeringRepresented by Russian Association for EngineeringEducationEducation

* Sri Lanka* Sri Lanka -- Represented by Institution of Engineers Sri LankaRepresented by Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka


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Why must be accredited by TheWhy must be accredited by The

Washington Accord?Washington Accord?The Need for an Outcomes Approach for

Continual Program Improvement (CQI)

Quality Assurance Division ,Ministry of Higher 





 Among member countries: substantial equivalency of accreditation systems. graduates prepared to practice engineering at the

entry level

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Why must be accredited by TheWhy must be accredited by The

Washington Accord?Washington Accord?MalaysiaMalaysia ’ ’ s WA Applications WA Application

►► Malaysia admitted as Provisional Member in 2003, alongsideMalaysia admitted as Provisional Member in 2003, alongsideGermany, Japan, & SingaporeGermany, Japan, & Singapore

►►  An exercise in internationalization An exercise in internationalization

► Demands the attainment of a global level of quality assurance

Implications of WA membershipImplications of WA membership

►► WA demands 2 major efforts :WA demands 2 major efforts :--1.1. Improvement of procedures, documentation, criteria, etcImprovement of procedures, documentation, criteria, etc - - 

easily attainable easily attainable 

2.2.  “ “a genuine shift towards OBEa genuine shift towards OBE” ” in the Malaysian Engineeringin the Malaysian EngineeringEducation SystemEducation System - - requires bigger effort requires bigger effort 

Existing: conventional prescriptive Existing: conventional prescriptive - - based system based system 

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EAC, EEAC, Engineeringngineering A  A ccreditationccreditation CCouncilouncil,,

BBoardoard of of EEngineersngineers MM alaysiaalaysia (BEM)(BEM)•• FoFormed in 2000

Previous accreditation for engineering programs :

PSD (1957)→ IEM (1959)→ BEM (1967)→ LAN(1996)







Why Need Accreditation?Why Need Accreditation?

MCED, MalaysianCouncil forEngineering Deans

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(Revised 2002) (Revised 2002) 

• no person is allowed to practice unless he

is a professional engineer • professional engineer may use “Ir” before

his name OR “PEng” after his name

• graduate engineer to register before

taking up employment as an engineer 

Those who has successfully completed an accredited

engineering programme by EAC

Professional Engineer - a graduate engineer who has obtained

the prescribed practical experience, passed the Professional

Assessment Examination, and satisfied all other requirements of theBoard of Engineers (BEM)

Programs to bePrograms to be

accredited in 2009accredited in 2009

will have to bewill have to be

based on OBEbased on OBE

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Presentation OutcomesPresentation Outcomes

►►Define the OBE and its implementation inDefine the OBE and its implementation in

the facultythe faculty

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The concept of program educationalThe concept of program educational OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES andand

OUTCOMESOUTCOMES is unfamiliar to most universities, this leads tois unfamiliar to most universities, this leads to

the tendency of imparting and evaluating only technicalthe tendency of imparting and evaluating only technicaloutcomes of graduates.outcomes of graduates.

Too much focus on curriculum and educational process.Too much focus on curriculum and educational process.

 Very prescriptive. Very prescriptive.For example: BITG1113For example: BITG1113

•• PrescriptivePrescriptive: Students would be exposed to the C : Students would be exposed to the C 

language.language.•• OutcomesOutcomes : Students should be to make use of : Students should be to make use of 

the C language in programming.the C language in programming.

What is OBE? The Current ScenarioWhat is OBE? The Current Scenario

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Program are reviewed every 5 years based on universitiesProgram are reviewed every 5 years based on universities’ ’ 

own review and comments from external examiners, i.e. noown review and comments from external examiners, i.e. no

input from industrial and other stakeholders in programinput from industrial and other stakeholders in program

quality improvement.quality improvement.Universities are seen not serious enough to develop theUniversities are seen not serious enough to develop the

more wellmore well--rounded outcomes of graduates in a systematicrounded outcomes of graduates in a systematic

way.way.The seriousness is not manifested from the curriculum,The seriousness is not manifested from the curriculum,

learning design, assessment and evaluation methods.learning design, assessment and evaluation methods.

 Accreditation process gives too much emphasis on the Accreditation process gives too much emphasis on thecontent and process and very prescriptive.content and process and very prescriptive.

What is OBE? The Current ScenarioWhat is OBE? The Current Scenario

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DoesnDoesn’ ’ t require documented evidences on the achievementt require documented evidences on the achievement

of the graduate attributes.of the graduate attributes.

DoesnDoesn’ ’ t include external stakeholders or constituencies int include external stakeholders or constituencies in

any accreditation exercise and hence no feed back isany accreditation exercise and hence no feed back is

received from these very important components.received from these very important components.

Not much assurance on the delivery of the outcomeNot much assurance on the delivery of the outcome

capabilities in every graduate.capabilities in every graduate.

What is OBE? The Current ScenarioWhat is OBE? The Current Scenario

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►► Alert and concern Alert and concern qualities of the graduates produced.qualities of the graduates produced.►► CQICQI with iwith inputnput andand feedback feedback fromfrom variousvarious

constituenciesconstituencies oror external stakeholdersexternal stakeholders

►► Students are well informed and trained of the skillsStudents are well informed and trained of the skillsrequired out of themrequired out of them

►► Encourage more systematic, innovative and flexibleEncourage more systematic, innovative and flexibleteaching approach or learning designteaching approach or learning design – – for example: AL & for example: AL & PBLPBL

►► Encourage more exposures to professional practiceEncourage more exposures to professional practicethrough LI, site visits, industrythrough LI, site visits, industry--linked projects orlinked projects or

assignments, industry mentors, student dialogue withassignments, industry mentors, student dialogue withindustry professionals or visiting industry speakers.industry professionals or visiting industry speakers.

►► Higher assurance of the delivery of the outcomeHigher assurance of the delivery of the outcome

capabilities in every graduate.capabilities in every graduate.

What is OBE? The AdvantagesWhat is OBE? The Advantages

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Education - -  A Shift in Focus  A Shift in Focus  from curricula, resources and processes

 towards outcomes and objectives .

What is OBE?What is OBE?


Talk ing about OBE, there are 3 levels:

1. Philosophy / Theory / ”Broad Perspective” 2. Curr icula / structures / procedures 3. Classroom practice (PBL, CL, AL, etc) 

Make sure we’re talking at the samelevel

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 Example: Reasons for introducing a new course:

Conventional: - tradition - a professor wants it

OBE approach: - does it contribute to desired outcome/s?

What is OBE?What is OBE?

Outcome-BasedEducation - -  A More Logical Way  A More Logical Way 

- - Some Immediate Advantages Some Immediate Advantages 

•  Always alert on quality of graduates• .More effective & innovative teaching

- PBL, CL, etc

•  More industry input 

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What is OBE?What is OBE?

(OUTCOME BASE EDUCATION)(OUTCOME BASE EDUCATION) OBE is a model of education that rejects theOBE is a model of education that rejects the

traditional focus on what the school provides totraditional focus on what the school provides to

students, in favor of making students demonstratestudents, in favor of making students demonstratethat they "know and are able to do" whatever thethat they "know and are able to do" whatever therequired outcomes are.required outcomes are.

The emphasis in an OBE education system is onThe emphasis in an OBE education system is on

measuredmeasured “ “outcomesoutcomes” ”  rather thanrather than "inputs,""inputs," suchsuchas how many hours students spend in class, or whatas how many hours students spend in class, or whattextbooks are provided.textbooks are provided.

OUTCOMESOUTCOMES►►may include a range of skills and knowledge.may include a range of skills and knowledge.►►The key things students should understand and be able to doThe key things students should understand and be able to do

or the qualities they should develop.or the qualities they should develop.

►► If the outcomes are not achieved they are rethought as toIf the outcomes are not achieved they are rethought as to

ensure there is a Continual Quality Improvement (CQI)ensure there is a Continual Quality Improvement (CQI)within the education system.within the education system.

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Accreditation will be made on the OUTCOME-BASEDEDUCATION (OBE) program

Which means that our program will have to be based onOBE


The program that has greater focus on PEO & PO means

that all stakeholders must have a say in establishingthem, and measuring them.

(Stakeholders – industry, faculty, students, government,

alumni, etc)

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Different Levels of OBEDifferent Levels of OBE

►► Program EducationalProgram EducationalObjectives, PEOObjectives, PEO

►► Program Outcome, POProgram Outcome, PO

►► Course or Subject orCourse or Subject or

Outcomes / LearningOutcomes / Learning

Outcomes, LOOutcomes, LO

►► Weekly or TopicWeekly or TopicOutcomesOutcomes

►► PEOPEO -- Few years afterFew years aftergraduationgraduation

►► POPO -- Upon graduationUpon graduation

►► LOLO -- Upon subjectUpon subject


►► Upon weekly / topicUpon weekly / topic



For EAC accreditation

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For EAC accreditationWhat will be involved in the process towards OBE?What will be involved in the process towards OBE?

►► Course ContentCourse Content Reviewing course content to suit specified Learning Outcomes, cuReviewing course content to suit specified Learning Outcomes, currentrrent

development, industrial needs, job specifications, professionaldevelopment, industrial needs, job specifications, professional bodybodyrequirement (accreditation), own niche, etc.requirement (accreditation), own niche, etc.

►► TeachingTeaching--Learning MethodsLearning Methods Introducing innovative/flexible teaching methods/delivery toolsIntroducing innovative/flexible teaching methods/delivery tools toto

develop PEO and PO in students/graduatesdevelop PEO and PO in students/graduates

►►  Assessment & Evaluation Tools Assessment & Evaluation Tools Introducing variety of assessment and evaluation tools to measurIntroducing variety of assessment and evaluation tools to measure thee the

achievement of PEO and PO.achievement of PEO and PO.

►► Data & Evidence CollectionData & Evidence Collection Collecting evidences of process involved and the achievement of Collecting evidences of process involved and the achievement of thethe

PEO and PO.PEO and PO.

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Advisory committee


For EAC accreditation

AlumniAssessment Assessment 

Assessment Assessment 

Assessment Assessment 




A n

 al      y si     s

A n

 al      y si     s

A n

 al      y si     s

A n

 al      y si     s

A n

 al      y si     s

A n

 al      y si     s

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Presentation OutcomesPresentation Outcomes

►► Acknowledge the process of application for Acknowledge the process of application for

 Accreditation Accreditation

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 Application for Accreditation Application for Accreditation

►► FKE HistoryFKE History

BEKPBEKP – – FullFull-- Accreditation 2004 Accreditation 2004


►►2 years Accreditation 20072 years Accreditation 2007


Submission for Extension 2009Submission for Extension 2009

BEKMBEKM – – Submission for Application 2009Submission for Application 2009

►► Submission to EAC for Accreditation ApplicationSubmission to EAC for Accreditation Application

ReferRefer Select AccreditationSelect Accreditation EngineeringEngineering ProgrammeProgramme

 Accreditation Manual Accreditation Manual the EAC Manual 2007.pdf the EAC Manual 2007.pdf 

A li i f A di iA li ti f A dit ti

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 Application for Accreditation Application for Accreditation

EAC Manual 2007EAC Manual 2007►► Evaluation by EAC Members: MQA, JPA, BEM and IEMEvaluation by EAC Members: MQA, JPA, BEM and IEM

►► How they evaluate?How they evaluate?

It conducted to verify that the program under evaluation is in cIt conducted to verify that the program under evaluation is in complianceompliancewith the appropriate accreditation criteria in this Manual.with the appropriate accreditation criteria in this Manual.

The evaluation exercise shall be conducted by an Evaluation PaneThe evaluation exercise shall be conducted by an Evaluation Panellappointed by EAC (refer to Appendix A).appointed by EAC (refer to Appendix A).

►► What type of decision they make?What type of decision they make?

 Accreditation Decision: Accreditation Decision: through the recommendation by the Evaluationthrough the recommendation by the EvaluationPanel may decide on one of the following:Panel may decide on one of the following:►► (i) To accord full accreditation for five years.(i) To accord full accreditation for five years.

►► (ii) To accord less than five years accreditation.(ii) To accord less than five years accreditation.

►► (iii) To decline accreditation. In such a case, a further applic(iii) To decline accreditation. In such a case, a further application will normallyation will normallynot be considered within the next one year.not be considered within the next one year.

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 Application for Accreditation Application for Accreditation

EAC Manual 2007EAC Manual 2007

►►What is their procedure?What is their procedure?

 Apply for Accreditat ion Apply for Accreditat ion►►For a new program, should apply at leastFor a new program, should apply at least 6 months6 months before thebefore the

final examination of the first intake of examination of the first intake of students.

►►For a current accredited program, should apply at leastFor a current accredited program, should apply at least 66

monthsmonths before the expiry date of the accreditation.before the expiry date of the accreditation.►►The application shall ensure that complete information isThe application shall ensure that complete information is

forwarded to EAC through MQA.forwarded to EAC through MQA.

 Accreditation Visit Accreditation Visit►►Normally be scheduled for a period of two days.Normally be scheduled for a period of two days.

Report and RecommendationReport and Recommendation


The report and recommendation, prepared by the visitingThe report and recommendation, prepared by the visitingpanels in accordance to Appendix D : Evaluation Panel Reportpanels in accordance to Appendix D : Evaluation Panel Report

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 Application for Accreditation Application for Accreditation

EAC Manual 2007EAC Manual 2007►► Qualifying Requirements and AccreditationQualifying Requirements and Accreditation


The assessment involves a review of qualifyingThe assessment involves a review of qualifyingrequirements and an evaluation based on the followingrequirements and an evaluation based on the followingcriteria, apart from PEO and PO:criteria, apart from PEO and PO:►►Criterion 1Criterion 1 ‐ Academic Curriculum Academic Curriculum

►►Criterion 2Criterion 2 ‐ StudentsStudents►►Criterion 3Criterion 3 ‐ Academic and Support staff  Academic and Support staff 

►►Criterion 4Criterion 4 ‐ FacilitiesFacilities

►►Criterion 5Criterion 5 ‐ Quality Management SystemsQuality Management Systems

The assessment process will involve two parts:The assessment process will involve two parts:►► (i) Initial assessment of qualifying requirements.(i) Initial assessment of qualifying requirements.

►► (ii) Detailed assessment of the program based on the(ii) Detailed assessment of the program based on theaccreditation criteria.accreditation criteria.

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 Application for Accreditation Application for Accreditation

EAC Manual 2007EAC Manual 2007

►► Accreditation Documents Accreditation Documents

For each program to be accredited:For each program to be accredited:►►i.i. Self Assessment ReportSelf Assessment Report (Section 8.2 EAC(Section 8.2 EAC

Manual)Manual) ‐‐ HardcopyHardcopy



Supporting Material DocumentSupporting Material Document

(Section 8.3(Section 8.3

EAC Manual)EAC Manual) – – Digital Format including details of theDigital Format including details of thesyllabus.syllabus.

►►iii.iii. Appendix C Appendix C (Checklist of Documents for(Checklist of Documents for

 Accreditation/Approval of New program & Relevant Accreditation/Approval of New program & RelevantInformation)Information)

►►Institutional Documents and AdditionalInstitutional Documents and Additional

Documentation (as noted in Section 8.4) to be madeDocumentation (as noted in Section 8.4) to be madeavailable during the visit.available during the visit.

A li ti f A dit tiApplication for Accreditation

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 Application for Accreditation Application for Accreditation

EAC Manual 2007EAC Manual 2007

►►EACEAC’ ’ ss DecisionDecision (Received panel report less(Received panel report lessthan 4than 4 --weeks)weeks)

to recommend approval of the program to beto recommend approval of the program to beconductedconducted

to recommend conditional approval for theto recommend conditional approval for theprogram to be conducted with the provisionprogram to be conducted with the provisionthat the IHL takes certain actions to rectify allthat the IHL takes certain actions to rectify all

the shortcomings indicated in the report withinthe shortcomings indicated in the report withina specified period as determined by EACa specified period as determined by EAC

not to recommend approval.not to recommend approval.

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Self Self -- Assessment Report Assessment Report

►► Qualifying RequirementsQualifying Requirements

Minimum 120 credit hours of whichMinimum 120 credit hours of which 80 credit hours80 credit hoursmust be engineering subjectsmust be engineering subjects

Final year project & Industrial trainingFinal year project & Industrial training

Minimum of Minimum of 8 full8 full

‐t imetime academic staff academic staff 

Staff : student rat ioStaff : student rat io of 1:25 or better (ideally itof 1:25 or better (ideally it

should be 1:15 or better)should be 1:15 or better)

External examiner's reportExternal examiner's report Program Educational ObjectivesProgram Educational Objectives (PEO)(PEO) & & ProgrammeProgramme

OutcomesOutcomes (PO)(PO)

lfS lf A R

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Self Self -- Assessment Report Assessment Report

►►  Assessment Report Assessment Report


1: Academic Curriculum1: Academic Curriculum

2: Students2: Students

3: Academic and Support3: Academic and Supportstaff staff 

4: Facilities4: Facilities

5: Quality Management5: Quality Management


►► Their Details & Process ImplementationsTheir Details & Process Implementations►► Their establishment and evaluation of Their establishment and evaluation of 

achievement as well as CQIachievement as well as CQI

►► Program structure, content, delivery & Program structure, content, delivery & assessment and CQIassessment and CQI

►► Their distributions (engineering, nonTheir distributions (engineering, non--eng,eng,semester)semester)

►►  Admission Process, policies, credit transfer, Admission Process, policies, credit transfer,workloadworkload


Involvement in Student OrganizationsInvolvement in Student Organizations

►► Strength & competencies (academic, supportStrength & competencies (academic, supportstaff)staff)

►► Overall workload & professional qualificationsOverall workload & professional qualifications

►► The adequacy of P&P and support facilitiesThe adequacy of P&P and support facilities

►► The faculty/university structureThe faculty/university structure

►► Program planning, development, & review asProgram planning, development, & review aswell as feedback well as feedback 


External examiner feedback External examiner feedback ►► Quality assurances & benchmarkingQuality assurances & benchmarking

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Questions & BreakthroughQuestions & Breakthrough

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►►Presentation Slides fromPresentation Slides from

Prof Prof IrIr DrDr HjHj WanWan HamidonHamidon HjHj WanWanBadaruzzamanBadaruzzaman

Prof Prof IrIr DrDr HassanHassan BasriBasri

►►http:// / /

►►http:// / /

►►http:// / /


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Thank you very muchThank you very much