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Teenage Depression Storyboard Candice Lawrence AET/541 July 4, 2011 Dr. Linda Justus

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Teenage Depression Storyboard

Candice Lawrence


July 4, 2011

Dr. Linda Justus

Notes: Pretraining teachers on the three different recognition components for teenage depression. Teachers need to comprehend the sense of urgency in recognizing teenage depression and the detrimental effects depression may have on an adolescent. By clicking on the image, the sound of the young teenage girls thoughts will be heard. The thoughts of a young girl are not usually heard by teachers. Therefore, teachers need to be aware of an adolescences cognition.

Animation (yes or no): No

Text/Audio Narration: All three words represent different recognition steps teachers need to utilize. The first, and main, step is identifying a student with depression. She may have a change in mood, weight gain or loss, change in grades, or change in friends or lack of social ability. The second component for the teacher will be to notify the school counselor so an assessment can be made and decide if there needs to be parental involvement. The final component is for the teacher to adapt their teaching strategies in order to engage the student in learning.

Title: Teenage Depression Scene (Three Components of Teenage Depression for Teachers to Utilize)

Graphics (yes or no): Yes

Audio (yes or no): Yes

Slide number: 2

Skill or Concept: Recognition

Anxiety Insights (2008).

Notes: Using personalization, the teacher will describe her struggles with teenage depression and how she was treated and recovered. Segmentation: use facts to stress the detrimental effect of teenage suicide left untreated. The key concept is for the teachers to be educated on the statistics and possible outcomes of teenage depression.

Animation (yes or no): Yes

Text/Audio Narration: By clicking on the link at the top of the page, this will take the teachers to an online video from a local news station that will show different teenagers discussing their struggles with teenage depression. By hearing the symptoms from the teenagers, speaking to adults and describing their own personal experiences, will help teachers understand what to look for and how imperative it is to address teenage depression immediately. Click on the speaker to hear the thoughts of an angry, hopeless teenager.

Title: Teenage Depression Scene (Video of Teenagers Describing their depression)

Graphics (yes or no): Yes Audio (yes or no): Yes

Slide number: 3

Skill or Concept: Identify

2Flashgames, (2011).

“Less than 33 percent of teens with depression get help, yet 80 percent of teens with depression can be successfully treated if they seek help from a doctor or therapist, and many local health clinics offer free or discounted treatment for teens with depression,” (Teen Depression, 2011).

“About 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood,” (Teen Depression, 2011).

Teen depression, if left untreated, may possibly lead to alienation, substance abuse, physical harm, and/or suicide.

Notes: It is imperative to treat teenage depression. Teachers need to be sensitive to the treatment process for students suffering from this disease and need to adapt the learning environment. Teachers, students, counselors need to work in partnership for the duration of the treatment process.

Animation (yes or no): No

Text/Audio Narration: Coming Soon: A video demonstrating treatment for teenage depression.

Title: Teenage Depression Scene (Treatment for Teenage Depression)

Graphics (yes or no): Yes Audio (yes or no): No

Slide number: 4

Skill or Concept: Assess

Cutline, (2011).

123RF, (2011).

Eckerd Academy, (2011).

Notes: Teenagers suffering from depression and left untreated may lead to detrimental events. Teenagers may turn to drug or alcohol usage. Some may turn to harming themselves such as cutting. In some cases, suicide may occur.

Animation (yes or no): No

Text/Audio Narration: Learners may watch the powerful video link of what may happen if teenage suicide is left untreated. It is a moving video that is from the perspective of a teenager suffering from depression. This is followed by the Emergency Suicide Hotline.

Title: Teenage Depression Scene (Teenage Depression Untreated)

Graphics (yes or no): Yes Audio (yes or no): No

Slide number: 5

Skill or Concept: Awareness, 2011

References123RF. (2011). Angry, Rebellios Teen Girl Talking to a Counselor. Retrieved July 10, 2011 from

2 Flash Games. (2011). 2FLASHGAMES.COM. Retrieved July 4, 2011 from

Adolescent Depression Treatment. (2011). Teenage Depression Statistics. Retrieved July 3, 2011 from

Dubicka, B., Goodyer, I.M., & Wilkinson, P. (2008). Adding CBT to antidepressant treatment not cost-effective for adolescent

depression.  Anxiety Insights, Retrieved July 2, 2011 from .

Eckerd Academy. (2011). Family Resources. Retrieved July 10, 2011 from


Pearson, C. (2011). Kendall: Teen Depression and Teen Suicide. Cutline. Retrieved July 10, 2011 from http://s11-

Smith, W. J. (2011). DublinPatch. Patch Network. Retrieved July 25, 2011 from

parents-to-be-vigilant-for-signs-of-depression-2 .