5 surefire ways to repurpose your webinar

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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5 Surefire Ways to Repurpose Your Webinar

Making sure that your webinar reaches as wide an audience as possible is an important concern. Given

all the work and planning that has gone into setting up a webinar, you will naturally want to get as much

mileage out of it as you can. And one of the best ways to do that is by repurposing your webinar, so that

it can continue to work for you long after the initial run is through. How do you do that? Here are a few

tips that may come in handy.

Create a blog post out of the content in the webinar

If you currently maintain a blog, you already have an effective platform for drumming up attention to

your webinar. You may have already used your blog to promote your webinar beforehand, but it can be

used to reach even more people as well. Make sure to post about your webinar in your blog, and you

stand to gain a few more interested viewers.

Turn your Webinar into a podcast and post it to iTunes

A webinar can be converted into a podcast fairly easily, and this will allow you to upload it to iTunes.

This way, your webinar will attract the attention of a lot more people than you had initially planned.

Post your slides to Slideshare

Slides of your webinar can also be uploaded to Slideshare and similar sites. This will give potential

viewers a chance to check out the visual content of your webinar.

Include your webinar in an e-newsletter

You can also send email newsletters to your followers, including a mention of your recently concluded


Create 5-minute segments of your webinar and post it YouTube

Finally, utilize the power of YouTube to get your webinar to the attention of millions of viewers around

the world.

View the original article: 5 Surefire Ways to Repurpose Your Webinar

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