analogies (level 2)

Post on 21-Jul-2015






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Level 2

Wall : Room

A. Orange : Strawberry

B. Dog : Cat

C. Wheel : Car

D. Song : Dance

A wall is part of a room. A ____ is

part of a ____.

Finger : Hand

A. Potato : Ground

B. Summer : Hot

C. Shoe : Sock

D. Leaf : Tree

A finger is part of a hand. A ____ is

part of a ____.

Match : Fire

A. Bag : Wallet

B. Key : Car

C. Coffee : Coffee Pot

D. Cookie : Mouth

A match is used to start a fire. A

____ is used to start a ____.

Candy : Sweet

A. Water : Cold

B. Time : Fast

C. Money : Expensive

D. Fire : Hot

Candy is always sweet. ____ is

always ____.

Huge : Big

A. Nice : Good

B. Tiny : Small

C. Funny : Happy

D. Old : New

Something that is huge is very big.

Something that is ____ is very


Teacher : Educate

A. Doctor : Heal

B. Farmer : Talk

C. Engine : Oil

D. Dog : Sit

The function of a teacher is to educate. The function of a ____ is to ____.

Ugly : Beauty

A. Serious : Humor

B. Old : Age

C. Hot : Eat

D. Sweet : Strength

Something that is ugly lacks beauty.

Something that is ____ lacks ____.

Teacher : Educate

A. Doctor : Heal

B. Farmer : Talk

C. Engine : Oil

D. Dog : Sit

The function of a teacher is to educate. The function of a ____ is to ____.

Hilarious : Funny

A. Right : Wrong

B. Hard : Boring

C. Nice : Crazy

D. Great : Good

Something that is hilarious is very funny. Something that is ____ is very ____.

Play : Work

A. Sleep : Tired

B. Eat : Talk

C. Run : Walk

D. See : Hear

To play is the opposite of to work.

To ____ is the opposite of to ____.

Eyes : See

A. Hands : Cry

B. Ears : Hear

C. Feet : Talk

D. Teeth : Think

Eyes are used to see. ____ are

used to ____.

Ham : Meat

A. Air : Water

B. Tennis : School

C. Juice : Drink

D. Math : Number

Ham is a type of meat. ____ is a

type of ____.

Mountain : High

A. River : Ugly

B. Valley : Low

C. Forest : Lonely

D. Desert : Wet

A characteristic of a mountain is tobe high. A characteristic of a ____is to be _____.

Teacher : Educate

A. Coach : Instruct

B. Lawyer : Condemn

C. Police Officer : Brave

D. Doctor : Intelligent

The function of a teacher is to educate. The function of a ____ is to _____.

Gold : Expensive

A. Jewelry : Dull

B. Cotton : Beautiful

C. Silver : Outrageous

D. Velvet : Soft

A characteristic of gold is to be expensive. A characteristic of ____ is to be _____.

Mother : Female

A. Vegetable : Green

B. Snake : Dangerous

C. Rock : Hard

D. Tree : Old

A mother is, by definition, female. A

____ is, by definition, ____.

Helicopter : Sky

A. Canoe : Street

B. Truck : River

C. Motorcycle : Bus

D. Submarine : Water

A helicopter travels in the sky. A

____ travels in the _____.

Nice : Unkind

A. Hideous : Pretty

B. Safe : Solid

C. Loud : Noisy

D. Terrible : Awful

Nice is the opposite of unkind. ____

is the opposite of _____.

Television : Watched

A. Record : Baked

B. Newspaper : Cooked

C. Novel/Book : Read

D. Comic : Laughed

The function of a television is to be watched. The function of a ____ is to be ____.

Pie : Dessert

A. Bacon : Meat

B. Candy : Drink

C. Cola : Tea

D. Ham : Beef

Pie is a type of dessert. ____ is a

type of _____.

Microwave : Heat

A. Refrigerator : Cool

B. Freezer : Cook

C. Sink : Organize

D. Fireplace : Destroy

The function of a microwave is to heat food. The function of a ____ is to ____ food.

Comedy : Funny

A. Mystery : Boring

B. Drama : Romantic

C. Tragedy : Sad

D. Newspaper : Expensive

A characteristic of a comedy is to be funny. A characteristic of a ____is to be _____.

Brother : Sibling

A. Mother : Daughter

B. Doctor : Nurse

C. Uncle : Aunt

D. Father : Parent

A brother is, by definition, a sibling.

A ____ is, by definition, a ______.

Train : Railroad

A. Boat : Mountain

B. Helicopter : Cloud

C. Truck : Highway

D. Wagon : Wheel

A train travels on a railroad. A ____

travels on a _____.

Sunscreen : Skin

A. Magic : Children

B. Grass : House

C. Armor : Body

D. Faith : Country

Sunscreen is used to protect the

skin. ____ is used to protect the


Spaghetti : Pasta

A. Ketchup : Condiment

B. Lettuce : Sauce

C. Bacon : Fruit

D. Cereal : Dairy

Spaghetti is a type of pasta. ____ is

a type of _____.

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