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Degree Proposal April 2018

Degree Proposal Draft for internal approval March 2018

Degree Proposal Draft for internal approval March 2018

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management i

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 1

1. Program Details ................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Degree Name and Specialization/Period of Study ................................................................. 2 1.2 Capacity, Enrollment and Full Load Equivalent ...................................................................... 2 1.3 Courses ................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Delivery Methods ................................................................................................................. 15 1.5 Regulatory Bodies, Professional Associations ...................................................................... 16 1.6 Work Experience .................................................................................................................. 17

2. Benefit to Saskatchewan Learners and Post‐Secondary System ............................................ 18 2.1 Benefit to the Post‐Secondary System ................................................................................. 18 2.2 Fit within the Saskatchewan Post –Secondary System ........................................................ 20 2.3 Student Demand .................................................................................................................. 23 2.4 Current Labour Market Demand .......................................................................................... 24 2.5 Transfer Credit ..................................................................................................................... 27 2.6 Employment Outcomes and Educational Pathways ............................................................ 28 2.7 Collaboration and Partnership Arrangements ..................................................................... 30

3. Advancement of Saskatchewan’s Economic and Social ......................................................... 30 3.1 Provincial Economic and Social Priorities ............................................................................. 30 3.2 Local, Regional and National Social and Economic Trends .................................................. 33

4. Institutional Fit .................................................................................................................. 33 4.1 Mission and Mandate ........................................................................................................... 33 4.2 Strategic and Business Plans ................................................................................................ 34 4.3 Institutional Expertise and Capacity ..................................................................................... 35 4.4 Relationship to Existing Programs ........................................................................................ 37 4.5 Development and Academic Approval Processes ................................................................ 38

5. Program Marketability and Graduate Employability ............................................................ 40 5.1 Labour Market Demand ....................................................................................................... 40 5.2 Consultation and Support from Industry ............................................................................. 44

6. Financial Plan ..................................................................................................................... 45 7. Supporting Documents ....................................................................................................... 47

Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 48

Appendix A: Letters of Support from Employers and Associations ..................................................... 49 Appendix B: BAMgt Curriculum Blueprint and Distribution of Hours .................................................. 72 Appendix C: Diploma Programs and Journeyperson Certification for Admissions .............................. 75 Appendix D: Focus Group Consultations .............................................................................................. 78

Appendix E: Financial Analysis - BAMgt Detailed Budget Information ............................................... 92

Appendix F: Hanover Research Market Analysis, September 2013 ..................................................... 97

Appendix G: Hanover Research Topline Results, December 2013 .................................................... 122

Appendix H: Hanover Research Bachelor of Management Survey Analysis, 2015 ............................ 134

Appendix I: Insightrix Research Report, 2018 .................................................................................... 147

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 1

Executive Summary This proposal provides support for Saskatchewan Polytechnic to offer a Bachelor of Applied Management (BAMgt). The proposed baccalaureate degree completion program focuses on providing applied learning and skill development opportunities in the areas of strategic management, leadership, and business skills and knowledge. The expected students are mid-career professionals from engineering and computer technologies, health and biological sciences, human services and other sectors. The degree program will also provide a unique, new pathway for journeypersons.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic has done significant research and consulted widely with business, industry, and students in developing this proposal (Appendices D, F, G, H, I). Saskatchewan Polytechnic has examined curriculum in graduate and under-graduate programs in business, management, leadership, and project management; and has consulted with key stakeholders about factors, trends, and issues which are unique to the business and management climate in Saskatchewan. In particular, the institution has focused on examining existing degree programs that provide leadership and management to non-business diploma graduates and journeypersons.

The proposed degree completion program will build on diploma and journeyperson foundations, and will provide learning opportunities through coursework in business, management and leadership, along with general courses in arts and sciences. All implementation dates and revenue/expenses are estimates, subject to degree authorization processes and timelines.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 2

1. Program Details

1.1 Degree Name and Specialization/Period of Study

Name: Bachelor of Applied Management (BAMgt).

The Bachelor of Applied Management will serve the following target audiences:

Degree completion for graduates of Saskatchewan Polytechnic non‐business diploma programs or other similar diploma programs from accredited post‐secondary institutions, within Canada and internationally.

Bridging program and degree completion for journeypersons who have completed apprenticeship training.

Period of Study:

Saskatchewan Polytechnic has set a minimum of 120 credit units for the awarding of a bachelor degree over a typical period of eight (8) semesters or equivalent. The proposed BAMgt degree completion program length is 120 credit units comprised of 60 credit units of prior learning, required for admission, plus the proposed 60 credit units offered in the BAMgt degree completion program.

The BAMgt is designed to complement an existing diploma earned at a recognized postsecondary institution but not in a business discipline. Potential students will receive up to 60 credits toward the proposed Bachelor of Applied Management degree based on their prior learning. They will be required to complete an additional 60 credit units in business and management, in addition to that previous learning.

Journeypersons will receive 45 credits for study and experience in their trade, if a three-year trade certification, and 54 credits for study and experience in their trade if completed in a four-year certification. This proposed credit allocation is based on research regarding recognition of journeyperson certification offered by other post‐secondary institutions including Thompson Rivers University (TRU) and Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). Saskatchewan Polytechnic also recognizes that many potential students who hold journeyperson certification may have additional postsecondary educational credits for which they can request credit transfer or prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR).

To graduate with a Bachelor of Applied Management, a student must have earned a minimum of 120 credits through a combination of previous education and the coursework in the BAMgt program.

1.2 Capacity, Enrollment and Full Load Equivalent

Based on the proposed timeline for program approval, the School of Business will introduce bridging courses in January 20201. Beginning in September 2020, the program will continue to offer the bridging courses and will introduce courses for Term 5 and Term 6, the first year of the degree program. The faculty will facilitate course delivery through instructor‐led classroom delivery scheduled as evening and weekend courses at Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Regina Campus. Other faculty members will convert the face‐to‐face courses for online delivery, planned to occur during the 2021/22 academic year. Demand is expected to be strong. Evidence for student demand comes from Hanover Research (2013)2

1 The School of Business may revise its proposed program implementation based on the timing of program approval; for example, it may

start in January 2021. 2 Hanover Research (2013). Topline Results: Postgraduate Certificate Program Survey (December 2013). The research indicated the

additional need for a degree for non‐ business sector graduates.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 3

survey data, results of the focus group meeting, phone conversations with more than 40 employers in early 2018, letters of support from employers and professional associations, and the Insightrix (2018)3 survey of potential students.

The capacity for the proposed degree completion is set at 30 students per year for the instructor‐led on campus delivery and 20 students enrolled in online delivery. Initially, the capacity for the bridging is set at 20 students for instructor‐led on‐campus course offerings; however, capacity will be expanded to 30 students through online course offerings. Minimum enrollment for the full-time program to be offered will be 14 students.

On-campus course offerings will feature flexible scheduling and will be responsive to the needs of students and industry. The first graduates will enter the marketplace in 2022. The effects of combining work and study, PLAR, and transfer credit are difficult to measure in advance, given that these factors are unique to each student and will affect completion timing. Given the large pool of eligible students from Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s graduates, industry demand for managerial and leadership talent as determined by Insightrix, and the demand for degree‐level business education, the School of Business anticipates strong application and completion rates for the program.

For the 2021/22 academic year, the number of anticipated graduates, based on an attrition rate of 20%, is 24. Attrition in the part-time program is anticipated at 15% after the first and second years, 10% after the third year, and 0% for the final year.

The annual tuition per student is estimated at $6990 for Year 3 and Year 4 of the Bachelor of Applied Management degree completion program. The program tuition is based on $233.00 per credit unit.

Bachelor of Applied Management Degree Completion Program Enrollment Plan

Projected Student Enrollment

2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26+

BAMgt Bridging Beginning January 2020

4 year Journeyperson

(2 courses ‐ 6 cu)







3 year Journeyperson

(5 courses ‐ 15 cu)







Total Bridging Enrollments 20 30 30 30 30 30

BAMgt Full time Beginning September 2020

Year 3 (30 cu) 30 30 30 30 30 30

Year 4 (30 cu) 0 24 24 24 24 24

BAMgt Part time Beginning September 2020

Year 3 (semester 5 @ 12 cu) 0 40 40 40 40 40

Year 3 (semester 5 @ 3 cu)

Year 3 (semester 6 @ 9 cu)







3 Insightrix (2018). Bachelor of Applied Management needs assessment review.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 4

Projected Student Enrollment

2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26+

Year 3 (semester 6 @ 6 cu)

Year 4 (semester 7 @ 6 cu)







Year 4 (semester 7 @ 9 cu)

Year 4 (semester 8 @ 3 cu)







Year 4 (semester 8 @ 12 cu) 0 0 0 0 0 23

Total Full time and Part time Enrollments







Saskatchewan Polytechnic expects to graduate 24 students from the applied management degree completion program in 2022. Once part-time students begin to complete the program, a total of 53 graduates annually is estimated. The School of Business recognizes that many potential students will have transfer credits and work experiences that may qualify for PLAR that can accelerate progress; students may also face work‐life balance issues that affect their program completion rates.

The projected full load equivalent (FLE) information follows. The FLE is based on 30 credits per year, a full load based on the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) standard for degrees consisting of 120 credits, and in keeping with Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s own Credential Qualification Framework. The projections also assume students enroll in all identified courses each year.

Projected Full Load Equivalents

Projected FLEs FLE* 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26+

BAMgt Bridging Beginning January 2020

Bridging (6 cu)


12 x.2 = 2.4

18 x .2 = 3.6

18 x .2 = 3.6

18 x .2 = 3.6

18 x .2 = 3.6

18 x .2 = 3.6

Bridging (15 cu) .5 8 x.5 = 1.6 12 x .5 = 2.4 12 x .5 = 2.4 12 x .5 = 2.4 12 x .5 = 2.4 12 x .5 = 2.4

Total Bridging FLEs

per year







BAMgt Full time Beginning September 2020

Year 3 1.0 30 30 30 30 30 30

Year 4 1.0 0 24 24 24 24 24

Total F/T Degree

Completion FLEs

per year







BAMgt Part time Beginning September 2021

Year 3 (semester 5

@ 12 cu)



40 x .4= 16

40 x .4= 16

40 x .4= 16

40 x .4= 16

40 x .4= 16

Year 3 (semester 5 @ 3 cu)

Year 3 (semester 6

@ 9 cu)




35 x .4=14

35 x .4=14

35 x .4=14

35 x .4=14

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 5

Year 3 (semester 6 @ 6 cu)

Year 4 (semester 7

@ 6 cu)





30 x .4=12.0

30 x .4=12.0

30 x .4=12.0

Year 4 (semester 7

@ 9 cu) Year 4 (semester 8

@ 3 cu)






26 x .4=10.4

26 x .4=10.4

Year 4 (semester 8

@ 12 cu)







23 x .4=9.2

Total P/T Degree

Completion FLEs

per year









30 FLEs

82 FLEs

84 FLEs

96 FLEs

106.4 FLEs

115.6 FLEs

*1 FLE = 30 CU per year for purposes of the Bachelor of Applied Management degree completion program

The total projected FLE per year beginning 2025/26 and onward is 115.6 FLEs plus 6 bridging FLEs.

1.3 Courses The following courses comprise the BAMgt degree completion program.

Core Courses

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

Year 3 Term 5


Organizational Writing

You will study research techniques and develop writing and presentation skills for business applications. You will practice collaborative writing and research skills using the tools of electronic communication.

1. Compile a list of print and visual sources for critical analysis of a business. 2. Summarize and evaluate texts gathered in secondary research.

3. Write a proposal. 4. Write business correspondence to generate sources for primary research.

5. Design a questionnaire for research purposes. 6. Conduct interviews for primary research.

7. Write a progress report. 8. Use the tools of electronic communication to produce

collaborative documents. 9. Write a formal analytical report

10. Use the tools of electronic communication to produce an

effective oral or multi‐media presentation.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 6

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

MGMT 3XX Organizational Behaviour

You will study human behaviour in organizations and develop the skills needed to deal with people at work. The course content includes individual behaviour, values, interpersonal relationships and communications, groups and team

dynamics, organizational culture, leadership, and change. Your studies of human organizational behaviour will focus on diverse formal organizations.

1. Describe organizational behavior. 2. Explain how our perceptions, personalities, and emotions shape our

behavior. 3. Explain how values influence behavior.

4. Apply various motivational models to improve performance. 5. Develop effective teambuilding skills.

6. Explain how power and organizational politics relate to performance.

7. Describe organizational culture.

8. Describe the appropriate leadership style in a situation using leadership theory.

9. Explain the benefits and the challenges facing group decision



Accounting for Managers

In your studies, you will gain the required knowledge

of accounting and finance to perform your role as a

manager. Your studies will include an introduction to

essential accounting concepts and the development

and interpretation of financial statements. You will

also learn how to prepare operating and capital

budgets, and how to compare budgeted and actual

results throughout the organization’s fiscal year.

1. Explain the differences between financial and managerial accounting and the use of accounting information for decision making.

2. Explain the behaviour of costs.

3. Illustrate the use of costs in a variety of decision‐making techniques.

4. Explain the basic concepts and terminology of management accounting systems.

5. Identify the factors managers must consider when making special decisions that will influence the success or failure of an organization.

6. Explain the basic principles of financial accounting.

7. Analyze financial statements for decision‐making purposes. 8. Use cost flow information to prepare budget documents.

9. Demonstrate the utilization of various models in capital budgeting decision‐making.

10. Discuss management control systems which contribute to the

overall success of the organization.

LEAD 3XX Leadership Fundamentals

You will develop the knowledge, skills and

competencies to work with and manage people in

the workplace, community, and volunteer

experiences. You will learn strategies for building

and maintaining trust, developing successful

interpersonal interactions, and addressing difficult

situations. You will develop useful techniques for

creating learning conversations used in coaching


1. Use journaling as a strategy to develop self‐awareness related to values, interpersonal style, and your impact on others.

2. Discuss the concept and process of becoming an authentic leader.

3. Discuss strategies to inspire trust and build collaboration. 4. Demonstrate strategies to build trust in a culturally diverse

workplace and to restore broken trust. 5. Use communication strategies and skills to build relationships.

6. Identify the types of situations which create conflict for you. 7. Select appropriate strategies to manage conflict.

8. Discuss coaching and its contribution to the workplace.

9. Develop skills to conduct a coaching conversation, offer praise

and recognition, and provide constructive feedback.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 7

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

Year 3 Term 6

MGMT 3XX Law and Ethics

Your studies will focus on the field of business law and its related concepts of ethics, privacy, and confidentiality. You will examine the concepts of contract law and apply them in business contexts. You will also learn and apply legislation related to torts, agency, various forms of business organization, and the sale of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on applying ethical decision‐making within

business contexts, as well as on the essential nature of privacy and confidentiality in business relationships.

1. Describe how laws have evolved to facilitate our society. 2. Apply the law of torts.

3. Demonstrate the formation, execution, breach, and conclusion of a contract.

4. Apply the law relating to agency relationships, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.

5. Apply the law relating to the Sale of Goods Acts and the Consumer Protection Acts.

6. Apply the law relating to the employment relationship. 7. Describe several common ethical dilemmas within a

business/management context.

8. Apply common problem‐solving and decision‐making tools to address ethical situations.

9. Apply the main components of federal and provincial privacy legislation to specific business situations.

10. Identify business relationships in which the concept of

confidentiality is essential.

HR 3XX Human Resource Management

Your studies will focus on an overview of human resource management and practices. You will learn the impact of job analysis; planning, recruiting, and selection processes; training, developing and compensation considerations, and management performance and labour relations. Employee and organizational ethics are discussed throughout the course with an emphasis on using human resource management to achieve high organizational performance.

1. Describe how an organization utilizes various systems and the effective

management of Human Resources

to achieve its objectives.

2. Explain the legal and ethical responsibilities of both an organization to its employees and the employees to the organization.

3. Explain the concept of job analysis and approaches used in job design. 4. Examine the planning, recruiting, selection, and onboarding

processes. 5. Analyze the benefits and costs of employee training and its impact

on organizational effectiveness.

6. Explain how performance management contributes to organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

7. Contrast flexible and fixed approaches to the awarding of compensation.

8. Evaluate the role of benefits and services as part of employees’ total compensation.

9. Describe the impact of a collective agreement in human resource management.

10. Explain the contributions and effectiveness of human resource management strategies on creation of a high‐performance organization.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 8

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes



You will study the basics of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Your studies will include economic theories of scarcity, opportunity costs, demand and supply, how market structures determine output and price, the role of the government’s spending and taxation, the Canadian banking system, foreign trade, and how each of these affects the Canadian economy.

1. Describe the nature and methods of microeconomics and

macroeconomics. 2. Demonstrate price equilibrium changes using the laws of supply and

demand. 3. Explain the concept of elasticity of demand and supply.

4. Determine the price and output levels under various market structures: perfect competition, monopoly and imperfect competition.

5. Explain the business cycles of growth, unemployment, and inflation and the impact each has on the Canadian economy.

6. Determine the impact on price levels and real gross domestic product when aggregate demand and supply changes.

7. Discuss the operations and limitations of a government’s fiscal policy, including deficits and debts.

8. Identify the main functions of the Bank of Canada, the goals and tools of its monetary policy, and its impact on the Canadian economy.

9. Discuss the importance of international trade to the Canadian economy and the effect international transactions have on Canadian currency.

LEAD 3XX Contemporary Leadership

You will develop the essential knowledge, skills, and competencies to apply leadership concepts to all aspects of your paid and volunteer work. Through the tool of narrative, you will explore your own leadership style and compare your style with the characteristics of sound leadership practice. You will compare and contrast leadership and management roles and functions and their connections to organizational and personal values.

1. Define what it means to be a leader. 2. Identify the leadership stories that influence your philosophy.

3. Identify the relationships in which you act as a leader. 4. Define the link between personal and organizational values.

5. Demonstrate an understanding of ethical leadership.

6. Expand your own personal statement of leadership. 7. Move your philosophy to action.

8. Create a plan for your own leadership development.

Non Mandatory Work Experience

Year 4 Term 7

MATH 4XX Business Analytics

You will learn the essential skill of estimating costs

and benefits for a process change.

Your studies will include the development of

theoretical knowledge and practical skills in

these areas: querying from existing data sources,

outlining assumptions, developing cost‐benefits

models, analyzing outcomes over multiple years,

separating assumptions from the model, and

developing flexible formulae. A component of your

studies will include an introduction to relational

databases and advanced use of spreadsheet


1. Describe Business Intelligence. 2. Describe Business Analytics.

3. Identify common metrics (measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion) used in data analysis.

4. Perform time value of money calculations using a spreadsheet.

5. Perform a cost/benefit analysis and calculate ROI using a spreadsheet.

6. Perform predictive analysis using spreadsheet software. 7. Discuss how data is stored in a relational database.

8. Use database queries to convert data to information. 9. Use pivot tables to compile information into reports.

10. Discuss business process engineering and change management.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 9

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

FIN 4XX Finance

You will study the basic components of modern corporate and personal finance. Your studies will include the following topics: accounting, time value of money, shares, debt instruments including bonds and debentures, valuations, interest calculations, rate of return.

1. Calculate interest payments, present value of an annuity, basic internal rates of return, and discounted cash flows.

2. Describe the characteristics of shares and equity, bonds, debentures, and liabilities.

3. Calculate net present values of financial instruments. 4. Use financial statements to make comparative evaluation.

5. Apply portfolio theory to design an investment portfolio.

6. Discuss capital markets. 7. Compare debt versus equity financing.

8. Describe inflation and its effects. 9. Describe types of corporate entities including not‐for‐profit


10. Compare capital and operating budgets.

MGMT 4XX Strategic Business Management

You will study management processes, strategies, techniques that are consistent corporate business strategy and designed to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Your studies will equip you with the critical skills and knowledge required to make important business decisions. You will develop the business expertise to engage in strategic planning that supports the integration of functional business activities of production, finance and marketing.

1. Identify the elements of a business strategy. 2. Discuss the role of strategy in building, communicating, and

maintaining the direction of a business. 3. Identify the tools used to conduct an environmental analysis that

supports a strategic business direction. 4. Analyze the impact of resource allocation and management perspective

in the development of a strategic business direction. 5. Conduct an organizational analysis.

6. Develop a strategic business direction based on the existing capabilities of an organization, its gaps, and the magnitude of the required changes.

7. Assess the feasibility of adopting a particular business management strategy.

8. Formulate business decisions based on a risk analysis of functional business activities and the expected performance of the organization.

9. Create a business plan model.

LEAD 4XX Effective Leadership

You will develop leadership skills which are

appropriate for diverse organizational community

contexts. The course content emphasizes the

interactions between self, systems and the

organizational context. You will explore the types

of actions based on theoretical approaches and

conceptual understandings, which leaders take to

make positive differences. You develop your vision of leadership within a diverse organization and determine how you will apply your leadership vision in a variety of organizational and community contexts.

1. Examine interaction between self, systems, and organizational contexts.

2. Demonstrate the ability to integrate critical thinking and research skills through the examination of the storied experience of leaders.

3. Analyze leadership styles and the role of situational leadership.

4. Explain how leaders take action to make a positive difference. 5. Examine your leadership style and its impact on others.

6. Articulate a vision of how you will lead in diverse situations.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 10

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

Year 4 Term 8


Building a Digital Communication Strategy

You will examine your digital footprint and identify strategies to enhance your digital presence. You will consider issues of privacy, ethics, professionalism, and career advancement in constructing your digital footprint. You will also study the digital communication practices and identify strategies that organizations can implement to improve their communication with key stakeholders and achieve their strategic goals.

1. Examine your digital footprint.

2. Examine the social implications of digital communication. 3. Explain the role of radical trust in digital media communication.

4. Explain the implications of real‐time advertising. 5. Apply best practices in digital communication.

6. Differentiate between content focused communication and interruption based communication.

7. Develop a content management strategy.

8. Develop a social media communication strategy. 9. Measure a social media communication strategy.


Risk Management

You will learn how to identify and manage threats, both external and internal, focusing on best practices in the field of risk management. You will learn to recognize the normal operating and financial risks of all businesses along with the threats posed by natural causes and disasters, legal liabilities, technical failures, crime and terrorism. You will learn how to manage threats and deal with them in an appropriate and effective manner that can be measured, including the development of risk avoidance and

reduction strategies.

1. Describe the dangers of risk and the importance of pro‐active

risk management. 2. Discuss positive risk management with a focus on legal risks.

3. Discuss financial risk management. 4. Discuss risk management for technology and electronic data.

5. Discuss positive risk management with a focus on organizational processes and the human element.

6. Describe risk management standards developed for a range of industries.

7. Identify, assess and prioritize risk situations.

8. Apply strategies and techniques for dealing with or mitigating risks.

9. Create and document an effective risk management plan.

MKTG 4XX Cross‐Cultural Management

You will learn skills, knowledge, attitudes that support the transformation of diversity into a competitive advantage. Your studies will include the elements of culture that define societies, intercultural communication skills that support collaboration, and strategies that enhance organizational and personal efficiency and effectiveness.

1. Describe the diversity of Canadian consumers and businesses. 2. Describe the levels, characteristics, and dimensions of culture

including generational differences. 3. Describe cross‐cultural differences in verbal and non‐verbal

communication and negotiating behaviours. 4. Discuss the manifestation of cross‐cultural, intercultural, and

intergenerational issues in the workplace. 5. Discuss culturally‐based approaches for managing time,

expressing assertiveness, and managing conflict. 6. Negotiate solutions to culturally‐based problems arising within a


7. Develop solutions to issues arising from intercultural and cross‐ cultural differences among businesses and between a business and its customers.

8. Identify the advantages of a culturally diverse organization. 9. Develop strategies to leverage cultural differences into

competitive advantage. 10. Illustrate strategies for personal adaptation and change that support

successful integration into a cross‐cultural and intercultural workplace.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 11

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

LEAD 4XX Managing Change

You will develop a strategic perspective on

managing the four phases of change and your role as a change agent. Your studies will include content that will support your role as a change agent and the personal factors that you will use when you are leading an organizational change. You will explore challenges that organizations face, and you will develop a leadership perspective that will assist you to deal with change or manage change.

1. Describe elements that facilitate and constrain change. 2. Describe managerial/leadership roles in facilitating positive

change outcomes throughout the four phases of change. 3. Identify strategies to address ethical dilemmas that accompany change

intervention. 4. Develop strategies to incorporate criteria and standards for

change interventions. 5. Discuss the role of resistance and commitment in relation to

change. 6. Describe the challenges of sustaining momentum for change.

7. Assess whether the goal of institutionalization has been realized.

8. Propose change strategies for enhancing institutionalization of change.

9. Discuss future trends impacting upon organizational change



Leading Projects

You will develop the knowledge and skills to lead a project to successful completion. Your studies will combine operational aspects of managing a project with leadership qualities required to inspire a project team and to provide interaction with the project’s key stakeholders. You will develop the

knowledge and skills to analyze the feasibility of a project, develop processes to ensure the project work gets done, lead and motivate the project team, and create contingency plans to mitigate risk.

1. Investigate the benefits and challenges of using project management software.

2. Identify your personal project leadership goals. 3. Distinguish between regular management and project

management. 4. Produce a project concept document that includes the project

mission, financial and non‐financial criteria, project requirements, and the need for the project.

5. Determine the project’s scope, timelines, and cost using a budget and Gantt, critical Path Method, and PERT charts.

6. Develop a project proposal. 7. Demonstrate project leadership skills by working with a project team

to assemble a work plan.

8. Execute the project. 9. Organize the close‐out phase of a project and its celebration.

10. Evaluate the project’s overall success and your ability to achieve your project leadership goals.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 12

Elective Courses

Students will be able to choose three (3) of the following six (6) courses (one course in each of term 5, 6, and 7):

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes


Business and Society

You will study the business corporation in its social

context, with a focus on stakeholder groups and

their participation in decision‐ making for a


1. Describe the history of business entities and the rise of the business


2. Describe stakeholder relationships with contemporary business.

3. Discuss the changing social, economic, political and cultural forces,

their influences on business decisions, and business

strategies which influence society.

4. Analyze organizational issues from multiple stakeholder perspectives.

5. Discuss the responsibilities of stakeholder groups, and describe tools for stakeholder participation in business.

6. Discuss the shareholder‐corporation relationship and the tools for shareholder participation.

7. Explain perceptions, influences, and social biases behind stakeholder perspectives.

8. Analyze the social consequences of management decisions, from those based on ethical business practice along a continuum to decisions based on irresponsible business practice.

9. Describe the challenges and opportunities for managers to make ethical decisions with due consideration to stakeholders’ needs and social consequences.


Analytical Decision Making

You will learn the basic concepts, methods and tools of critical thinking and logic. You will apply these tools to analyze ordinary and famous decisions made in the past and to make sound business decisions for the future.

1. Describe the role of logic in language and argument.

2. Distinguish fact from opinion and knowledge from belief. 3. Distinguish premises, conclusions, fallacies and tautologies.

4. Describe inductive and deductive reasoning, and apply them to problems.

5. Identify true problems rather than symptoms. 6. Determine and authenticate information relevant to a problem.

7. Analyze attitudes and activities that are anti‐critical‐thinking and illogical.

8. Apply relevant elements of critical thinking and logic to ordinary and famous problems from current events, history, business, science and technology.

9. Apply critical thinking and analytical decision making to a business




You will discover the dynamic field of marketing. You will explore what marketing is, how it works, and the effect it can have on consumers and on society. At the end of the course, you should have a strong sense of how to market yourself, your skills, your ideas, as well as more traditional products and services. Marketing concepts you will learn include: the strategic marketing planning process, segmentation, positioning, forecasting, consumer behaviour, and the

marketing mix.

1. Explain the function of marketing within an organization.

2. Use marketing research methods to provide input into managerial decision making.

3. Explain consumer and business buyer behavior.

4. Illustrate appropriate market segmentation, target market, and market positioning for a product and/or organization.

5. Identify strategies for the creation and marketing of a brand, product, and service.

6. Explain product life cycle and accompanying marketing strategies. 7. Explain pricing considerations and strategies.

8. Describe the importance and function of distribution channels. 9. Apply basic integrated marketing communication strategies

including the use of digital media.

10. Complete a Strategic Marketing Plan for an organization.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 13

Social Science 1 Varies

Social Science 2 Varies

Open Varies

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 14

Bridging Courses Three-year journeypersons must complete all of the following five (5) courses (15 credit units).

Four‐year journeypersons must complete BCOM 2XX Business Communications (shown below) plus one (1) other course from the remaining courses as follows (6 credit units).

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes


Business Communications You will develop fundamental employability skills by studying the principles of communication. The course content includes developing effective writing skills. You will apply the principles and skills by writing letters and memorandums for routine and negative purposes. You will develop teamwork employability skills and examine ways to apply communication skills to team and cross‐cultural situations.

1. Explain the process of communication.

2. Illustrate the importance of cultural awareness in communications.

3. Discuss communication techniques in interpersonal and workplace situations.

4. Compose effective sentences and paragraphs. 5. Write routine business messages.

6. Write negative business messages.


Information Systems

Your studies will focus on the practical use of Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office Professional

software suite. You will learn a wide range of skills from intermediate to advanced in each of the applications. Your studies will focus on the practical use of Word, Excel, and

PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office 2010 Professional software suite. You will learn a wide range of skills from intermediate to advanced in each of the applications.

1. Make a business document using Microsoft Word.

2. Apply best practices in managing Microsoft Outlook.

3. Use Microsoft Excel formulas and functions. 4. Construct a chart from an Excel data set.

5. Use Microsoft Excel tables, PivotTables and PivotCharts. 6. Manipulate multiple Excel worksheets and workbooks.

7. Use advanced Excel features. 8. Construct an Excel spreadsheet application.

9. Make a business presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint.

ADMN 2XX Introduction to Management

You will be provided with an overview of the development of management theory and practices. The course content includes organizing, planning, leading, controlling functions, and focuses on decisions in different types of environments.

1. Explain the concept of management and its relationship to organizational success.

2. Describe the environmental factors that impact an organization’s success.

3. Identify the challenges when operating in a global economy.

4. Recognize different ethical models that affect an organization and its stakeholders.

5. Describe the impact that the major approaches to corporate social responsibility have on an organization and its stakeholders.

6. Solve an organizational problem using the decision‐making process.

7. Explain the development and evolution of organizational culture. 8. Describe how the planning process is used at different levels of an

organization. 9. Describe the various organizational structures and the influences that

determine them.

10. Evaluate how different leadership models can impact an organization.

11. Recognize organizational controls.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 15

Course/Course Description Learning Outcomes

BUS 2XX Business Mathematics

You will deal with commercial problems involving discounts, markups, ratios and proportions. You will examine the concept

of Time Value of Money. With the assistance of a financial calculator, you will solve a variety of practical business problems involving simple interest, compound interest, ordinary annuities and amortization of debt.

1. Solve business problems using ratios, percentages and proportions.

2. Perform currency exchange calculations. 3. Solve problems using simple interest.

4. Examine the concept of Time Value of Money. 5. Compare the effects of changes in contracts.

6. Solve problems involving compound interest. 7. Calculate the present value/future value of ordinary annuities.

8. Perform calculations on ordinary annuities.

ACCT 2XX Accounting

You will be introduced to fundamental accounting concepts used in business. You will learn to appreciate the value of information presented in an organization’s financial statements and will acquire and practice basic bookkeeping and financial statement preparation skills.

1. Explain the primary functions of business, accounting, and professional ethics.

2. Use financial information in the preparation of financial statements.

3. Prepare a simple set of accounting records and financial statements.

4. Prepare adjusting entries.

5. Prepare classified financial statements. 6. Distinguish between financial statements of service businesses and those

that sell goods. 7. Maintain perpetual inventory records.

8. Describe the most common manual and automated accounting systems.

9. Prepare cash records as part of a system of internal control.

10. Prepare payroll records.

1.4 Delivery Methods The School of Business will offer the BAMgt program and bridging courses using on‐campus (instructor‐led, face‐to‐face) delivery initially; however, once Saskatchewan Polytechnic receives approval to deliver the program, the School of Business will begin planning the development of both the bridging courses and degree completion program for online delivery. The School of Business recognizes that many potential students do not live in either Saskatoon or Regina, or they may be employed in jobs that do not accommodate attendance at face‐to‐face courses. Faculty have a proven record of actively promoting student success through a combination of delivery methods. The distance online delivery option is designed with part-time students as the primary target audience. The full time on‐campus student is the secondary target audience.

Experiential Learning Experiential learning can occur both inside the classroom and outside the classroom. The School of Business has extensive experience with incorporating both types of experiential learning into its business programs. Experiential learning outside the classroom is facilitated through co-operative education work terms, and via collaborative projects with outside stakeholders. The BAMgt program will include collaborative projects with outside stakeholders but will not at this time include co-operative education work terms, as students are expected to have work experience prior to admission, in most cases. Experiential learning activities inside the classroom will include role plays, simulations, case studies, projects, and journaling.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 16

Student‐Centered Learning The School of Business faculty will build on current student‐centered instructional methods to include best practices in teaching and learning. These approaches include collaborative and co-operative learning activities; flipped classrooms to foster positive group dynamics and supportive relationships both among students and between faculty and students; discussions that are both instructor- and

student led; debates; and case studies. Guest speakers will provide expertise on broad trends in

business management and leadership.

Labs (a) Computer labs: Students will have access to computers to facilitate the preparation of papers

or for retrieval of information. Computers are available in Saskatchewan Polytechnic libraries as well as in program classrooms.

(b) Experiential labs and simulations: The program will adapt instructional spaces to provide students with space to put leadership and management theory into action.

(c) Field work: Field work in business focuses on opportunities for students to engage with

business leaders, managers, and community leaders in the not‐for‐profit sector during their course of study. The program design will incorporate visits with experts in the field of practice to share their experiences and provide opportunities for students to engage with these leaders, managers, and business experts.

Online Delivery The School of Business recognizes that the success of the proposed BAMgt program is tied to Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s capacity to build high quality online courses and the expertise of the School of Business faculty in developing and facilitating distance education delivery. The School of Business is a pioneer in the delivery of distance education. The faculty began delivering businesses courses through Saskatchewan Communication Network (SCN) in 1990. The Extension Department manages more than 1500 course registrations annually. The faculty has transitioned many televised and print‐manual courses to online course delivery. Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s School of Business has developed a reputation for offering a quality product at a reasonable price to students in the communities in which they live. Introducing an online delivery option for the management degree program extends the same opportunity to a new group of students to learn in their home communities. Online delivery will begin in 2021/22.

1.5 Regulatory Bodies, Professional Associations

Based on feedback from the focus group participants and the online survey participants, industry does not require that the proposed Bachelor of Applied Management degree completion program seek an external program accreditation; however, the participants did recommend that a graduate should be able to pursue a professional designation. The participants felt that some or all of the courses or the credential should be recognized by the appropriate professional association or society toward a designation.

Industry designations are awarded to individuals based on a combination of formal preparation such as earning a degree and additional study and experience. For example, many human resources professionals pursue a designation as a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR), for which earning an undergraduate degree is one step in the process. The BAMgt degree will meet the degree preparation requirement for recognition by professional associations.

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1.6 Work Experience

The main target audience for the bridging and degree completion is part-time distance students. The BAMgt is targeting graduates of non‐business diploma programs who are in the workforce and wish to pursue career laddering opportunities though a leadership and management degree. These part-time students will be encouraged to use work‐based scenarios for their projects and assignments to assimilate the program with their work to provide authentic learning. The second audience is the full-time on campus student, many of whom will bring work experiences of their own, to be supplemented by industry interactions through guest lectures and/or industry projects.

The diploma programs and journeyperson experiences required for admissions into the degree completion program utilize an applied learning, practice‐based instructional approach. Students in the final two years of the BAMgt degree completion program will be involved in practice education through applied research, project coursework and guest lecture interactions. Experiential learning activities inside the classroom will include role plays, simulations, case studies, projects, and journaling. A mandatory co‐operative education work term is not intended to be offered since it is expected that the majority of students will have prior work experience or will be working while studying and thus will have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned.

The BAMgt program will examine a strategy for a non‐mandatory work experience after Year 3. Should the non‐mandatory work experience be introduced, students will be able to obtain a placement in a variety of community settings based on their diploma or journeyperson field of expertise. The systems and processes currently in place at Saskatchewan Polytechnic for delivery of work experiences in the diplomas and journeyperson programs will provide a strong foundation to build on for degree‐level placements.

Students who are already working in their field and studying part-time will be able to put their skills to work in their workplaces.

More extensive surveying and consultation with industry stakeholders related to non‐mandatory work experiences will occur. If deemed viable, work experience opportunities will be available at multiple sites in the province. There are numerous employers who have the capacity and potential to take students for work placements. Saskatchewan Polytechnic has strong links with industry, both in‐province and out, based on years of work placements related to diploma programs, industry interactions and apprenticeship sites. The types of potential work placements are numerous and include human resource offices, Crown corporations, small‐ and medium‐sized businesses, all levels of government, and professional accounting firms, to name a few.

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2. Benefit to Saskatchewan Learners and Post‐Secondary System

2.1 Benefit to the Post‐Secondary System

Baccalaureate degrees in business are an integral part of the broader post‐secondary system, in Saskatchewan and beyond. The BAMgt program benefits the province, learners and employers in that it optimizes a niche for management and leadership education and skill development that is not available from other post‐secondary institutions in Saskatchewan.

The BAMgt program is unique in that it provides career laddering for non‐business diploma graduates and journeypersons, building on their technical expertise and work experience to develop management and leadership knowledge and skills for management positions. This new learner pathway is in keeping with the objectives of the Ministry of Advanced Education and the Saskatchewan Transfer Credit and Learner Pathways Council to support recognition of prior learning and provide pathways for lifelong learning within Saskatchewan.

In order to provide the scope and complexity of knowledge and skills required in the areas of business, management and leadership, 60 credit units (two years) are required in addition to prior learning. Seven (7) business courses (21 credit units) are required to provide fundamental business knowledge for management responsibilities. A further 13 courses in communications, leadership and management skills add to the depth of knowledge. The combination of prior learning from diploma or journeyperson education and experience, plus new business-focused courses, meets the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Credential Qualification Framework standard for baccalaureate level education.

Within the Credential Qualification Framework at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, there is no other credential that would enable a student to achieve the scope and complexity identified by industry as necessary within an additional 60 credit units or two years of study. Advanced diplomas are credentials of 2.5 - 3 years in length and provide depth of study in a particular discipline (e.g., Medical Laboratory or Engineering technologists). A post-graduate certificate provides specialized training in addition to prior learning in a field, but is post baccalaureate and not available to diploma graduates and journeypersons.

In addition, the focus on online and distance learning opportunities will respond to the needs of prospective students in rural and remote communities, as well as urban centres. Bridging

coursework will both recognize the rigour and learning within journeyperson certification, add academic supports, and address the need for management and leadership education for individuals who want to move into either supervisory or management positions and those who aspire to become entrepreneurs.

The BAMgt program will complement current offerings in the Saskatchewan post‐secondary system. It provides a direct link from existing diploma programs, providing career laddering and professional growth for graduates of diploma programs from Saskatchewan Polytechnic or other accredited post‐secondary institutions. It provides a new and unique opportunity for those who have earned a journeyperson certification and wish to build on that training and experience toward a degree. Both universities in Saskatchewan offer degrees in business or commerce; however, these programs are designed for the first-time entrant to post-secondary studies. The university baccalaureates in business are not designed to meet the educational needs of aspiring managers and leaders who have completed non‐business related diplomas or journeyperson certification.

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This significant difference in student focus is recognized by the universities. The deans from the University of Saskatchewan and University of Regina schools of business have been consulted on this proposal and they support this initiative. And, while this approach is unique to Saskatchewan, other institutions in Alberta and British Columbia have adopted this approach as one of the options in the design of their commerce, leadership and business administration degrees.

Saskatchewan is the primary focus for delivery and service to students; however, since the program will be delivered using online technology, it will be available nationally and internationally. Currently, Saskatchewan Polytechnic business programs are brokered by post-secondary institutions throughout the world; therefore, based on students’ and post‐secondary institutions’ familiarity with the Saskatchewan Polytechnic educational experience, it increases the likelihood that students throughout the world will enroll in online degree courses offered by the School of Business.

The province will derive benefit from the timely preparation of graduates with industry‐specific knowledge and skills, industry experience, and the value-added by business, management, and leadership knowledge and skills. These graduates will be ready to fill researched job vacancies arising from massive retirements and industry expansion in several sectors.

Students will experience numerous benefits with the implementation of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bachelor of Applied Management. The degree will achieve the following goals:

Provide opportunities for graduates with a diploma from a recognized postsecondary educational institution or a journeyperson certificate to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Provide a bridging program to facilitate career laddering.

Provide transitional education in business, management, and leadership which responds to the needs of business and industry.

Provide dynamic curriculum that integrates theory, research, and practical, applied learning opportunities that are attuned to the business climates of Saskatchewan and Canada.

Employ student‐centered learning methodologies and instructional strategies.

Respond to emerging business trends.

Engage stakeholders in ongoing dialogue about business and industry initiatives and issues, including educational needs.

Prepare graduates:

o to become the leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs required to expand provincial and national economic activities;

o to work collaboratively and effectively as team members and team leaders; o to communicate effectively through a variety of media at work, with the

media, and in public; o with attitudes, knowledge, and skills to become business leaders,

managers, and entrepreneurs in their industries; o with attitudes, knowledge and skills to support and lead business

and industry initiatives; o with attitudes, knowledge, and skills to support business through

applied research; o with leadership, critical reflection, and inquiry skills; and o to integrate stakeholder, product, and service research into the

development of a vibrant business culture.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 20

The BAMgt degree program will facilitate Saskatchewan residents seeking upward mobility by advancing career laddering opportunities. By becoming degree prepared, students will learn important concepts related to management, leadership, critical thinking, research practices, emerging technologies and more. This increased level, breadth and depth of education will prepare program graduates to not only work within their profession but also to take on additional responsibilities and obtain managerial positions.

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic BAMgt degree completion program will benefit students by providing learning pathways previously not available for non‐business diploma programs and journeypersons. Saskatchewan Polytechnic is confident the degree will enhance the provincial post‐secondary system and benefit Saskatchewan learners. It does not anticipate any negative implications in the implementation of the BAMgt. Business schools at both provincial universities recognize the difference in expected student target market and program focus, and they would welcome graduates from the proposed program into their MBA programs.

2.2 Fit within the Saskatchewan Post–Secondary System As discussed above, the BAMgt will complement existing offerings in the Saskatchewan post‐secondary system. Both the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan offer baccalaureate‐level degrees in business‐related fields, each with several different areas of specialization. Both institutions offer programs in accounting, finance, general management, human resources, or marketing. The University of Regina also offers majors in entrepreneurship and international business, while the University of Saskatchewan offers a major in operations management. 4

The University of Regina’s Paul J. Hill School of Business targets high school graduates and also provides transfer credit for students with business certificates or diplomas. The University of Saskatchewan’s Edwards School of Business offers a Bachelor of Commerce degree. The program targets high school graduates and will provide transfer credit to individuals with a minimum of 18 post‐secondary credits. The transfer credit is provided for equivalent courses that are in the program and/or for courses that meet elective requirements.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is introducing the BAMgt as a means for non‐business diploma graduates and journeypersons to further their education and attain management and leadership skills they can use in their established field of expertise. The target audience differs from existing programs as it serves individuals who aspire to management and leadership advancement with current employers in their fields, who are developing their own business enterprise, or are interested in fulfilling leadership and management positions in small and medium businesses.

Fit with Saskatchewan Polytechnic The BAMgt degree program offers a new pathway for Saskatchewan Polytechnic graduates of diploma programs. It also serves the journeypersons who received their required technical training through Saskatchewan Polytechnic, which is the major provider of this training in the province. It is differentiated from the target student

4 Hanover Research conducted for Saskatchewan Polytechnic. (September 2013). Market Analysis – Bachelor’s Programs in Business. (Updated by Insightrix January 2018)

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 21

audience, and industry needs, served by the Business certificate and diploma programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

This degree complements the recently introduced Saskatchewan Polytechnic Business Management post‐graduate certificate. This certificate program targets graduates from bachelor’s or master’s degrees in any discipline. A post-graduate certificate provides a unique opportunity for professionals who want to advance their careers through the development of leadership and management knowledge and skills, in addition to previous baccalaureate-level education.

The BAMgt will also complement the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bachelor of Construction Management (BCM). The BCM degree completion program targets engineering technology and architectural technologies diploma graduates and provides specialty skills in areas such as construction law, planning and scheduling, project management, cost estimating and procurement, safety and site management and other construction-specific knowledge and skills. The BCM also provides business management skills and there may be opportunity to share resources in a few select courses.

Other Provinces While there are numerous degrees across Canada that focus on business, there are relatively few opportunities for non‐business diploma graduates and journeypersons to develop management and leadership skills at a degree level while recognizing their full prior learning.

Bachelor of Applied Management degrees are recognized degrees that exist in post-secondary institutions including Athabasca University, Dalhousie University, University of Lethbridge, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia and Concordia University College of Alberta. In addition, Humber College and Grant McEwan University offer Bachelor of Commerce (Management) degrees and Royal Roads offers a Bachelor of Commerce (Entrepreneurial Management).

The following chart focuses on baccalaureate business degrees like the proposed BAMgt in that they provide access for non‐business diploma graduates and/or journeypersons to attain a baccalaureate degree.

Province Institution Degree Non-traditional Admissions

Alberta Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

Bachelor of Business Administration

Journeyperson “Trades to Degree” option allowing qualified trade professionals with 3-5 years of management work experience admission to 3rd year.

Alberta Athabasca University Bachelor of Management (post diploma)

Non-business‐field two or three-year diploma holders from accredited colleges or technical institutes may receive 30 to 60 credits of block transfer. Students with diplomas in business or a closely-related field will receive 60 credits of block transfer.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 22

Province Institution Degree Non-traditional Admissions

Bachelor of Commerce (post diploma)

Non-business‐field two or three-year diploma holders from accredited colleges or technical institutes may receive 30 credits of block transfer. Students with diplomas in business or a closely-related field will receive 60 credits of block transfer.

British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology


Bachelor of Business Administration (degree completion program)

Full-time BCIT students completing specific non‐business diplomas from BCIT only accepted into the program.

British Columbia Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Bachelor of Technology, Trades and Technology Leadership

Four-year trades’ qualification may receive up to 60 credits of transfer credit.

Bachelor of Technology, Technology Management

Two-year diploma of technology receives a block transfer of 60 credits.

British Columbia Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Bachelor of

Business Administration

Completion of a 60-credit business diploma at the undergraduate level from a recognized post‐ secondary institution with appropriate bridging courses.

New Brunswick University of New Brunswick

Bachelor of Applied Management – General Management

Students in this program come from diverse backgrounds including: journalism, nursing, graphic design, animation, forestry, computer science, engineering technology, youth care worker, marketing, culinary and pastry, ceramics, and many other programs. Completion of a two-year diploma from a recognized college, with a minimum overall average of 70%.

NAIT provides non-traditional admission into Year 3 of the Bachelor of Business Administration.

NAIT’s “Trades to Degrees” is one of the first pathways in North America to allow recognized trade professionals the opportunity to progress from a trades credential to the third year of a degree program. Qualified trade professionals can enter Year 3 of NAIT’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program, building on their previous education and professional experience to open doors into entrepreneurship, leadership and management opportunities.

BCIT accepts diploma graduates from a variety of its own business diplomas and some of its own non‐business diplomas such as graphic communications technology management or digital design and development as admissions to the BCIT degree completion program.

Thompson Rivers University Bachelor of Technology, Trades and Technology Leadership provides qualified journeypersons and technologists with the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective team leaders, supervisors and managers in a changing business and technical environment. Students are eligible for admission after completing such programs as Provincial

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 23

Grade 12 Diploma or approved equivalent and Red Seal Trades Qualification or a recognized diploma of technology. Students with a recognized four‐year trades qualification may receive up to 60 PLAR credits towards the 120 credits required to complete the degree.

The Bachelor of Applied Management – General Management at the University of New Brunswick accepts students from diverse backgrounds including journalism, nursing, graphic design, animation, forestry, computer science, engineering technology, youth care worker, marketing, culinary and pastry, ceramics, and many other programs. Completion of a two-year diploma from a recognized college, with a minimum overall average of 70% is required. Students must successfully complete at least 60 credit hours of course work and must obtain the minimum required grades in all required, elective and option courses specifically required for the degree and in the prerequisites for those courses.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is committed to collaborating and working with other post‐secondary institutions that offer similar degree programs. Discussions have occurred with faculty from NAIT and TRU regarding their experience and lessons learned from their degree completion programs. In particular, NAIT faculty found the biggest requirement for journeypersons was for bridging that provided academic writing and communication preparation. TRU representatives noted that their experience also suggested a need for sufficient bridging. Their experience (and a model that British Columbia is moving towards) suggests that each apprentice year can be equated to 15 credit units of study. That advice has served as a guide in decision making for the BAMgt bridging program and has been integrated within this proposal. The proposed bridging program will benefit learners and the post‐secondary system by helping to increase student success.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic will also examine collaboration opportunities with other post‐ secondary institutions for delivery of the program. Equivalent courses from other institutions will be accepted as transfer credits. Additionally, where feasible, opportunities to collaborate in the delivery or development of courses with other institutions will be pursued.

2.3 Student Demand

Student demand for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bachelor of Applied Management is expected to be high. Saskatchewan Polytechnic contracted Insightrix Research Inc. (Insightrix) to conduct a survey of potential students for the proposed (BAMgt). As part of its research, Insightrix conducted a survey during January 2018 with three target groups: members of relevant associations who may be interested and qualify for the program, current students in non-business programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, and recent graduates (2016/2017) from non-business programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. See Appendix I for the report.

Interest is high among association members (84%) and graduates (80%) and lower among current students (55%).

Source Respondents

Association members 470

Graduates of Sask Polytech 109

Current students of Sask Polytech


Total respondents 630

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 24

Insightrix Research analyzed the survey results and provided the following breakdown of interest by sector and organization size.

Interest in Applied Management Degree by Association Members

* Low base size. Interpret with caution

Interest based on this description: how interested are you in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Applied Management?

Base: All respondents.

Survey respondents responsible for hiring in their organization were asked how important it would be for a job applicant to have the proposed degree when it is available and 72% indicated it would be important.

2.4 Current Labour Market Demand Trends in Enrollment for Baccalaureate Business Programs As noted earlier, there are six institutions offering degree programs related to business that designate non-traditional admissions requirements. Two of the institutions are polytechnics, three are universities and one is a polytechnic university. The existence of these programs demonstrates that a demand for business degrees targeting non‐business diplomas and journeypersons exists. In addition, student enrollments in baccalaureate business programs have been increasing, as shown below.

Association Members interested


Sector of Operation

Public Sector 80% 225

Private Sector 85% 172

Non-Profit 89% 65

Occupation Description Category

Engineering Technology 84% 115

Healthcare 83% 112

Health Sciences 72% 39

Construction 92% 39

Other (Education, Child Care, Agriculture) 89% 44

Number of Employees in Organization

1 to 20 80% 122

21 to 100 87% 99

More than 100 84% 241

Responsible for Hiring Staff at organization 76% 168

Employment Status

Employed 83% 409

Full-time 85% 25

Part-time 64% 28

Self-employed 75% 462

Unemployed* 88% 8

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 25

Postsecondary Degree Enrollments in Business‐Related Fields 2009‐2016 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-

15 2015-16

CAGR National

Bachelor’s level or equivalent

172,779 180,108 186,888 192,876 197,001 203,610 205,473


Total credentials 339,753 346,731 354,606 362,646 368,037 373,197 356,793 0.7% Saskatchewan

Bachelor’s level or equivalent

4,521 4,485 4,665 4,758 4,647 4,524 4,650


Total credentials 6,789 6,624 6,735 6,717 6,531 6,354 6,516 -0.58% Source: Hanover Research5 2013a, p.5 reproduced in part. Note: These figures do not represent enrolments from the

University of Regina for 2007 and 2008. Updated by Insightrix Research.

Completions in business‐related degree programs have also risen each year as follows:

Postsecondary Bachelor Degree Program Completions – Business‐Related Fields 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CAGR National

Bachelor’s level or equivalent

34,557 35,742 38,274 39,687 41,475 42,750 43,101 3.21%

Total credentials 94,530 100,347 101,436 104,121 109,203 112,557 110,238 2.22% Saskatchewan

Bachelor’s level or equivalent

921 666 933 1,008 972 936 921 0.00%

Total credentials 1,986 1,728 2,139 2,109 2,184 2,166 2,148 1.13% Source: Hanover Research6 2013a, p.6 reproduced in part. Updated by Insightrix Research.

Demand for Related Programs In Hanover’s secondary research, data highlighted a strong demand for related programs, providing additional insight into the strong demand for business baccalaureate programs. This information was updated by Insightrix.

BCIT School of Business – Bachelor of Business Administration 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Enrollments7 166 166 194 197 190

Graduates8 167 149 178 188 188

5 Hanover Research conducted for Saskatchewan Polytechnic. (September 2013). Market Analysis –

Bachelor’s Programs in Business. Updated by Insightrix. 6 Ibid. 7 Enrolments by BCIT Schools 8 Graduate Counts by BCIT School and Program Title

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 26

In addition, the BCIT Baccalaureate Graduates Survey for 2016 shows employment results9. A total of 507 students were eligible to respond; 250 graduates responded to the survey ‐ a 49% response rate. Ninety-two percent (92%) of respondents indicated they were employed, and ninety-seven percent (97%) of that ninety-two indicated they were employed full-time. Eighty-seven per cent indicated their employment was related to their training. The gross median annual salary for those employed full-time was $63,000.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Bachelor of Business Administration applications and graduate data follows. Recent graduates from the NAIT Bachelor of Business Administration program reported a median starting salary of $45,200 per year (Program Summary, 2013) 10.

NAIT School of Business – Bachelor of Business Administration

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Applications 513 534 n/a n/a n/a

Graduates 231 201 15411 14712 15913

Prospective students of the management degree completion program are also the graduates of Saskatchewan Polytechnic diploma and journeyperson programs. The Bachelor of Applied Management program is targeting non‐business-related diploma programs, as well as apprentices who have received their journeyperson certification.

As of June 30, 2017, there were more than 8000 apprentices registered in Saskatchewan.

The following table lists the numbers of Saskatchewan Polytechnic diploma program graduates in 2015 and 2016. Graduates from these programs will also form potential applicant and student pools for the management degree program.

Graduates from Saskatchewan Polytechnic Diploma Programs

School 2014-15 2015-16 Construction 30 30

Information and Communication Technology 73 84 Mining Engineering Manufacturing 150 183

Natural Resources and Built Environment 63 55

Health Sciences 181 156

Hospitality and Tourism 62 49

Human Services and Community Safety 104 70

Nursing 215 125

Total 715 752

9 Summary Outcomes Indicators for Degree Graduates (2013) ‐ Bachelor of Business Administration 10 NAIT Bachelor of Business Administration – Program Summary

file:///C:/Users/bremner/Downloads/Bachelor%20of%20Business%20Administration.pdf 11 12 13

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 27

2.5 Transfer Credit Transfer credit is twofold – for students completing courses within the BAMgt and students entering the program. Both are outlined in the information below.

Transfer credit for graduates Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s strategy for transfer credit has been identified as part of the development process for the Bachelor of Applied Management. Degree completion courses in Year 3 and Year 4 will have potential transfer credit on a course‐by‐course basis to the University of Saskatchewan Bachelor of Commerce and/or University of Regina Bachelor of Business Administration. Course transfer credit opportunities will be discussed with both institutions once program approval has been received.

To improve student mobility, enhance opportunities to learn at different institutions, and recognize learning achievements, Saskatchewan Polytechnic has and will continue to engage in developing program articulation agreements with partner institutions. These agreements facilitate the assessment of course credits earned at other recognized postsecondary educational institutions and facilitate the awarding of credit for achievement in similar courses. Saskatchewan Polytechnic has developed an in‐depth guide to inform faculty about transfer credit and articulation processes and to provide tools to assist faculty with course to course transfer credit assessments and articulation agreement development and maintenance processes.

The BAMgt will reflect a level of rigour that will lend itself to transferring credits to similar baccalaureate degrees available in Canada. These opportunities for transfer credit will be explored first with institutions with which Saskatchewan Polytechnic has articulation agreements, expanding beyond these subsequently with other polytechnics and universities.

The strategy also includes in‐depth review of similar programs. Several programs with potential transfer credit related to the management degree completion program have been identified, including the six institutions identified earlier:

Alberta NAIT Bachelor of Business Administration

Alberta Athabasca University Bachelor of Applied Management (post diploma)

Alberta Athabasca University Bachelor of Commerce (post diploma)

British Columbia BCIT Bachelor of Business Administration

British Columbia Kwantlen Entrepreneurial Leadership: Bachelor of Business Administration

British Columbia TRU Bachelor of Technology, Trades and Leadership

New Brunswick UNB Bachelor of Applied Management

Transfer credit on admission Transfer credit is a component of the admissions process for the management degree completion program. Prospective students must have obtained a diploma with a minimum of 60 credits from a recognized postsecondary educational institution to be eligible for admission. The transcripts of applicants with a journeyperson certification or other credentials will be evaluated, and the applicants may be required to complete 6 to 15 credit units in a bridging program.

The transfer credit process at Saskatchewan Polytechnic is defined in policy. Saskatchewan Polytechnic grants credit for previous successful education that is similar in content, objectives,

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 28

and evaluation standards to that in existing Saskatchewan Polytechnic courses. Transfer credit is not denied for minor variations occurring between educational environments in course content, learning activities, strategies, and methodologies. Saskatchewan Polytechnic accepts credits from many other colleges and universities, and many colleges and universities accept Saskatchewan Polytechnic course credits towards their diplomas and degrees. Saskatchewan Polytechnic has articulation agreements in place with other Canadian accredited postsecondary educational institutions that allow Saskatchewan Polytechnic graduates to gain advanced standing in a wide variety of programs based on using Saskatchewan Polytechnic course credits. Criteria for transfer credit include:

The course(s) must be from an accredited post‐secondary institution.

Credit will be given for previous training that is similar in content, outcomes and evaluation standards. The course content is assessed as presented and is generally 80% equivalent in the critical elements.

Courses from different institutions can have similar goals, objectives, aims and outcomes even if the content varies. When evaluating equivalency, the program ensures that the transferring students have achieved roughly the same outcomes as those described in the Saskatchewan Polytechnic course, especially the critical outcomes.

When assessing for course equivalency, the course content/outcomes from more than one course from the sending institution can be combined to achieve Saskatchewan Polytechnic course equivalency.

The student will provide, and the program head will assess, the following items: o the course outline and/or syllabus (including learning outcomes or course

intents, course pre‐requisites, course hours, course credit, student assessment method/tools, passing grade)

o information related to required textbooks, reading lists, resource materials, and information from the originating institution for contact purposes.

Additionally, students who do not qualify for transfer credit, but have experiential or informal education, can apply for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).

2.6 Employment Outcomes and Educational Pathways

Employment Outcomes Through the development and delivery of the BAMgt program, there will be greater access to more advanced leadership and management skills across numerous sectors. The degree completion program will emphasize enhanced education in organizational behaviour, accounting, law and ethics, leadership, strategic business management, human resource management, economics, analytical decision making, finance, marketing, digital communication, risk management, leading projects and managing change. As technical and business leaders, graduates will be able to provide mentorship to new diploma graduates with technical expertise, utilize advanced skills for business, and be better prepared as leaders in their fields. The graduates will have opportunities for employment as middle managers and supervisors in a variety of small- and medium-sized businesses. They will be prepared to develop their own business enterprises and advance in their current careers. Positions will vary given the range of diploma sectors and journeyperson expertise that will be admitted to the BAMgt. Graduates may be employed as:

Business operations managers Sales managers

Information technology managers

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Site managers Owners of small and medium enterprises

Managers in retail and corporate head offices Public sector managers

Supervisory, manager‐ or director‐level positions in early childhood programs, hospitality, justice and corrections, information technology, health, manufacturing, corporate services, business development, business manager and more based on their diploma or journeyperson expertise.

Further Study and Educational Pathways Graduates from the proposed Bachelor of Applied Management degree completion program will have opportunities for further studies at a masters level. The degree completion program will be designed to ensure it provides appropriate preparation for graduate studies.

Further study in business is available at the University of Regina, the University of Saskatchewan, and other universities in Canada. The University of Regina offers a post‐graduate diploma, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Executive Masters of Business Administration, and Master of Administration (major in Leadership) programs. Applicants for all postgraduate programs must achieve a minimum GMAT score of 500, have three years’ work experience, and achieve 70% in specific undergraduate courses.

The University of Saskatchewan offers a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) for which students must have a four‐year degree from a recognized postsecondary institution, an average of at least 75% in the last two years of study, and a GMAT score of 550.

Institutions including Royal Roads University and Athabasca University offer flexible admissions to their masters degree programs. One avenue for admissions into several Royal Roads masters degrees is a four‐year (or comparable) undergraduate degree in a related field from a recognized post‐secondary institution, along with varied experience requirements. The masters programs are diverse in their focuses and specific fields of study, and would align well with the knowledge acquired by graduates from the Saskatchewan Polytechnic BAMgt, with both technical and business leadership expertise. Athabasca University also has a number of masters degrees that, for admissions purposes, require an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution (plus differing years of experience).

These examples demonstrate the potential for formal articulation agreements that Saskatchewan Polytechnic will continually pursue. Saskatchewan Polytechnic ‘s School of Business has articulation and transfer agreements with several institutions for its diploma and certificate programs that allow students to gain advanced standing in a wide variety of programs using Saskatchewan Polytechnic credits. Examples of institutions that provide articulations include: University of Saskatchewan, University of Regina, Athabasca University, Briercrest College and Seminary, Husson University and University of Fredericton.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic has an established relationship with these institutions and a reputation for excellence in program design and instructional delivery which will support Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s efforts in seeking degree recognition for its management degree completion program.

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2.7 Collaboration and Partnership Arrangements

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is committed to collaborating and working with other post‐secondary institutions that offer similar degree programs. Discussions have occurred with faculty from NAIT and TRU regarding their experience and lessons learned from their degree completion programs, as detailed above. In particular, they found the biggest requirement for journeypersons was for bridging that provided academic writing and communication preparation.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic will also examine collaboration opportunities with other post‐secondary institutions for delivery of the program. Equivalent courses from other institutions will be accepted as transfer credits. These opportunities will enhance benefits to learners by providing increased flexibility. Additionally, where feasible, opportunities to collaborate in the delivery or development of courses with other institutions will be pursued. These collaborations benefit the system by reducing potential duplication and will be pursued to increase efficiency.

3. Advancement of Saskatchewan’s Economic and Social Priorities

3.1 Provincial Economic and Social Priorities

Saskatchewan Economic and Social Priorities Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Bachelor of Applied Management supports provincial education and training priorities in numerous ways. In the Speech from the Throne 201314, the Honorable Vaughn Solomon Schofield highlighted that the expansion of degree granting authority to institutions such as Saskatchewan Polytechnic allows “for greater choice and flexibility for students to take new and innovative courses that support our growing economy” (p.6). She further emphasized:

My government will support [SIAST] as it evolves into a polytechnic institution which combines the practical approach of a college education with the depth of study usually associated with a university program. Polytechnic graduates can obtain degree‐level programming, certificate, diploma or apprenticeship credentials and bring a high level of practical experience into the workforce. (p. 6)

The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond15 establishes the vision for the Government of Saskatchewan and its people. The government’s plan sets out “principles, goals and actions to ensure Saskatchewan is capturing opportunities and meeting the challenges of a growing province” (p. 4). The implementation of the proposed BAMgt can help the province in its goal of “Growing and Developing the Province’s Labour Force.”

The implementation of a BAMgt degree completion program will benefit the province by contributing to and supporting the transition of the current skilled workforce from production and service experts to managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs. The program will provide a supply

14 As cited by the Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Speech from the Throne, October 23, 2013. The full speech is

available at‐speech‐2013‐english.pdf . 15 Government of Saskatchewan (2012). Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond.,3975,594,1,Documents&MediaID=da3f2 b1a‐dade‐4e4e‐8308‐5d1534bc4729&Filename=Saskatchewan+Plan+for+Growth+‐+Full+Version.pdf

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of qualified managers and leaders to replace retiring managers who have developed the requisite management and leadership knowledge and skills through years of experience gained through successive promotion. Moreover, the program will assist prospective entrepreneurs to develop and hone the attitudes, knowledge, and skill sets that support successful transition from employee to employer.

The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond cites workforce attraction and workforce development as essential themes in its labour market strategy. The plan also highlights the importance of international engagement. The plan further notes the role of post‐secondary education in building relationships with international counterparts.

The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond16 sees workforce development as linked to “the ability of our education and training systems to adapt to economic opportunity. Of the job vacancies in 2011 … 46 percent required post‐secondary education and/or management skills” (p.19). Furthermore, the Saskatchewan Labour Demand Outlook 2016-202017 indicates that “65 per cent of job openings for higher-skilled occupations…require management experience, a university degree, a post-secondary certificate or diploma, or apprenticeship training.” These skills are the foundation of the BAMgt.

The province has invested heavily in apprenticeship training. Apprenticeship funding increased by

58% between 2007 and 2012, and the number of registered apprentices increased by 43% in that

time.18 A major target audience of the Bachelor of Applied Management is journeypersons. As more apprentices complete their three‐ or four‐year programs through to journeyperson certification, more managers and leaders in these fields will be required, as well. The proposed degree will ensure middle managers with the technical skills can advance their leadership skills and fill the roles of supervisors and project managers.

Implementation of the proposed BAMgt can also help the province in its goal of “increasing Saskatchewan’s competitiveness.”19 While the province will seek to encourage start‐ups and growth in small business through tax competitiveness, Saskatchewan Polytechnic can assist small and medium enterprises by providing needed leadership development to be successful. As noted in the plan, “A growing economy requires a well‐educated and highly skilled workforce”20 (p. 60).

Saskatchewan Polytechnic can also support workforce attraction through its capacity in educating international students. International student engagement and enrollment is growing at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The institution has seen a significant rise in enrollment of international students in recent years. The numbers have increased from 67 in 2011/12 to 550 in 2017/18, with 40% of international students enrolled in the School of Business.

The implementation of the BAMgt degree will provide additional inducement for international students to enroll at the institution and increase graduates into the provincial workforce. It will provide opportunities for international students who graduate from Saskatchewan Polytechnic or

16 Ibid. 17 Government of Saskatchewan. (2016).

Saskatchewan%20Detailed%20Occupational%20Outlook,%202016-2020.pdf 18 SIAST. (2007-2012). Operating and Capital Plans. 19 Government of Saskatchewan. (2012). Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond.,3975,594,1,Documents&MediaID=da3f2 b1a‐dade‐4e4e‐8308‐5d1534bc4729&Filename=Saskatchewan+Plan+for+Growth+‐+Full+Version.pdf 20 Ibid.

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other accredited post‐secondary non‐business diploma programs to advance their leadership and management knowledge and skills. In this way, the degree can serve to attract and retain more international students.

Ministry of Advanced Education Priorities The BAMgt supports the following provincial government priorities as outlined in Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond and detailed in the Ministry of Advanced Education Plan for 2017‐1821 (pp.3‐6).

Ministry of Advanced Education Strategies

Government Actions that the BAMgt Supports

Increase post-secondary attainment. Support education pathways and transitions through creation of a new Saskatchewan pathway for diploma holders and journeypersons; ensure transfer credit with other business degrees in the province and admission to graduate studies in business.

Provide education and training to meet the diverse needs of Saskatchewan’s labour market.

Provide a degree completion pathway for previously unserved students; allow for online study to fit with work commitments; provide an additional pathway for international students.

Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions collaborate to serve students and operate efficiently.

Provide a pathway that serves previously unserved students; collaboration in transfer credit with other institutions.

The BAMgt will also be an influential element to help increase First Nations and Métis students’ participation and success in post-secondary education. Indigenous students constitute more than 18% of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic student population. “More than 3,000 Saskatchewan Polytechnic students declare themselves as having Aboriginal ancestry ‐ that's more than any other post‐secondary institution in the province”22. Indigenous students who graduate from non‐business diplomas or attain journeyperson certification will have access to a baccalaureate degree in management and leadership from an institution they have grown with and in which they have experienced previous success.

The program will respond to the needs of Saskatchewan residents, use technology to bring learning opportunities to residents’ communities, and recognize prior learning and experience of potential students in its credit granting processes.

21 Government of Saskatchewan, (2017). Ministry of Advanced Education: Plan for 2017-18.

22 Saskatchewan Polytechnic (2017). Multi Year Business Plan, 2017-2020.

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3.2 Local, Regional and National Social and Economic Trends Saskatchewan Polytechnic serves Saskatchewan’s students and employers; however, the expectation to serve national needs is also recognized as a part of this mandate. Additionally, regional needs within Saskatchewan are met through the collaborative efforts of Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the college system, as colleges select Saskatchewan Polytechnic credentialed programs for delivery, based on local demands.

The BAMgt will meet the needs of Saskatchewan, Canada, and regions through on-campus delivery and via online education. Working with colleges, this degree program could be offered face-to-face in a manner similar to other Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs delivered by the colleges and the degree-level courses from the University of Saskatchewan and University of Regina, as delivered by the colleges.

Economic and social trends related to management training, within Saskatchewan and Canada, are detailed in Section 5. There is a clear trend of retiring baby boomers from management roles, leading to an increased need for new managers with both industry knowledge and experience, and degree-level management education.

Overall, the BAMgt degree completion program can serve Saskatchewan, Canada, and regional needs through:

Supporting the transition of the current skilled workforce from production and service experts to managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Supporting apprenticeship training. As apprentices complete through to journeyperson certification, managers and leaders in related fields will be required.

Meeting the need for higher-skilled entrants to occupations. The Saskatchewan Labour Market Demand (2017-2021) indicates that 65 per cent of job opening are for higher-skilled occupations that require management experience, a university degree, a post-secondary certificate or diploma, or apprenticeship training. These skills are the foundation of the BAMgt.

Providing a supply of qualified managers and leaders to replace retiring managers.

Assisting prospective entrepreneurs to develop and hone the attitudes, knowledge, and skill sets that support successful transitions from employee to employer. In the primary research conducted by Insightrix in 2018, among association members, three quarters (75%) of self-employed respondents expressed interest in pursuing the BAMgt.

Helping to increase First Nations and Métis students’ participation and success in advanced education. Aboriginal students who graduate from Saskatchewan Polytechnic in non‐business diplomas or attain journeyperson certification will have access to a baccalaureate degree in management and leadership.

Providing additional inducement for international students to enroll at Saskatchewan Polytechnic and increase graduates into the Saskatchewan workforce.

4. Institutional Fit

4.1 Mission and Mandate

Saskatchewan Polytechnic began preparing to offer degrees in 2008, when it first articulated its vision and plans for degree granting. Since then, the institution has continued to develop its long‐term vision to include degree granting. The Saskatchewan

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Polytechnic mission, vision and mandate provide a foundation for its vision to offer degrees.

Vision: By 2020, our expertise in responsive applied education and research that meet student and market needs will make us globally recognized as the first‐choice polytechnic in Canada.

Mission: To educate students and provide skilled and successful graduates.

Mandate: Saskatchewan Polytechnic “may provide courses and programs of study, instruction or training, and related services, in academic, scientific, trade, technical, technological and vocational fields of education”23 (p. 2).

The School of Business provides an array of business programming to address the needs of the provincial economic sector. Consistent with the vision and mission of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, the BAMgt degree completion program represents innovation in education and is designed to meet the needs of students, employers and communities. The BAMgt will be part of the School of Business, building on its proven expertise and experience in providing quality education to the business sector.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic degrees provide the institution with the opportunity to better meet its mission for delivering quality education and skills training as required by students, employers and communities in the business sector. The changing demands of the workforce support the need for degree credentials in business in areas where Saskatchewan Polytechnic is the primary provider.

4.2 Strategic and Business Plans

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Strategic Plan Tomorrow in the Making: Strategic Plan 2014‐ 2020 is the institutional framework for program planning. Extensive internal consultations

occurred on campuses during its development. The plan expresses the fit of degrees into the strategic framework as it notes “Our programs touch every sector of the economy and include apprenticeship training, certificates, diplomas and degrees. We fuel growth in Saskatchewan by

providing qualified work‐ready graduates to meet labour market demand” (p.10). 24 The plan further notes:

As we developed this strategic plan we took time to consider the changing world around us and to listen to the communities we work with about their needs for the future. What those activities told us is that we must be ready for the demands of a new reality. It’s not just a matter of doing more of what we’re already good at. We need to be open and receptive to doing new things and to doing things differently. (p.8)

In 2012, we received approval to offer our first degree program, the Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing. This is a game changer for Saskatchewan Polytechnic as we can now pursue development of baccalaureate programs where a higher level of applied learning will benefit our two client groups –

23 As cited in The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Act, 2014,‐118.pdf 24 Saskatchewan Polytechnic (2014). Plan Tomorrow in the Making: Strategic Plan 2014‐2020

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students and employers. (p.10)25.

A key priority for the School of Business is maintaining its delivery of high‐quality certificate and diploma programs to students enrolled in Saskatchewan Polytechnic full‐time day programs, evening and online extension courses, and through brokerage arrangements with regional colleges. The School of Business has established an international reputation for program excellence that has drawn a significant number of international students to the Moose Jaw Campus to study business. The introduction of the BAMgt degree completion program is a natural expansion of Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s business programming. The Saskatchewan Polytechnic School of Business will extend its programming to graduates of other diploma programs and to journeypersons. The proposed program therefore supports the spirit and the intent of The Degree Authorization Act (2012) and Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Degree Plan.

4.3 Institutional Expertise and Capacity

Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s School of Business delivers innovative, relevant education, and generates and disseminates knowledge through applied research and inter‐professional collaboration. The 55 faculty members who currently serve in the School of Business and the leadership team work collaboratively with associations such as Canadian Professional Accountants Canada (CPA), Insurance Institute of Canada (IIC), Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR), and Canadian Institute of Management (CIM).

Saskatchewan Polytechnic School of Business provides quality education by ensuring:

access to learning (addressing the needs of equity students and responding to changing Saskatchewan demographics);

choice for applicants; program competencies that reflect those established by professional accreditation


preparation for professional practice;

response to provincial workforce needs; and

response to the needs of the business sector.

The School of Business offers a vast array of programming in business: six (6) diplomas, four (4) certificates, one (1) applied certificate, one (1) certificate of achievement, two (2) post‐graduate certificates, more than 1500 individual course registrations in Extension, and a variety of non‐credit programs and courses designed to meet the needs of students and industry. Cooperative education opportunities are integrated in four (4) programs and the insurance diploma program has a paid one-year internship arrangement with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).

Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s School of Business also offers expertise in management, administration, accounting, and other high-demand business programming. The addition of the proposed management degree completion program augments current diploma level programming and creates opportunities for Saskatchewan Polytechnic graduates from other schools to benefit from the addition of business and leadership expertise to their professional skill and knowledge portfolio. The addition of the proposed degree creates new opportunities for business faculty to work in collaboration with Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Office of Applied

25 Ibid.

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Research and Innovation and faculty from the institution’s Arts and Sciences department.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic has both expertise and capacity to develop and deliver the BAMgt management degree completion program for both classroom and online delivery. The School of Business has had more than 20 years’ experience delivering televised, brokered, and online courses and programs. Saskatchewan Polytechnic is considered a leader in business education programming at the diploma and certificate level. These programs are distributed through distance learning technology and brokerage arrangement to many communities in Saskatchewan. International students relocate to Saskatchewan to enroll in business programming at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The proposed degree program will serve a niche to further this expertise and build on its success in the province and internationally.

Faculty Expertise The School of Business has a strong faculty complement that ensures program quality and standards in the existing diploma and certificate programs are met. The degree completion and bridging options will require approximately eight (8) full time equivalents (FTEs). The School of Business will select faculty from the current 15 masters‐prepared and one (1) PhD‐prepared faculty members who have specialization in a variety of areas that include business administration, accounting, economics, management, leadership and communications. The BAMgt will also be supported by Arts and Sciences department faculty, 40 of whom are masters prepared and six (6) are PhD prepared. Their expertise range in areas of communications, education, mathematics, sciences, philosophy, business administration, social work and architecture.

Faculty assignments will provide for both instructional and research components. The program planning consultant will provide leadership to the faculty with regard to curriculum development, instructional design, research design, and research project management. The faculty members are actively engaged in the introduction of innovative instructional approaches such as using streaming video to distribute live instructional sessions to students at other campuses, social media software to connect students, and project‐based learning that takes students out into the community and brings the community into Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The instructors are actively involved in sharing their experiences through workshops for Saskatchewan Polytechnic faculty and conference presentations.

The following examples illustrate the commitment of the School of Business faculty to research, innovation, and publication:

Dr. Dagenais has presented at the following conferences: Association of Community Colleges of Canada, National ACCUPLACER, Canadian Association of College & University Student Services, and The Teaching Professor. She also provided leadership, research design, and data analysis for the cooperative research project on the implementation of diagnostic testing and online remedial education for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Industrial Division, Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission, and the College Board.

Mr. Gavin Osborne (M. Sc.) has co‐led several presentations on characteristics and strengths of the millennial generation and teaching approaches to which this generation responds.

Ms. Morai Forer (M. Ed.) has developed and delivered a series of workshops for a variety of audiences on the challenges of organizational change. These examples illustrate the depth and diversity of the School of Business faculty and the scholarship that resides within the School of Business.

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The program head for the BAMgt degree completion program will assume responsibility for the overall academic leadership and management of the program. An administrative assistant will support the program head and faculty. The School of Business will support the development of a committee structure to ensure faculty engagement in program governance and to provide opportunities for student input at various stages of program development, delivery and evaluation. Faculty and students will have both the opportunity and responsibility to engage in consultations and decision-making regarding curriculum development, implementation, evaluation, and revision. The program head and school program consultant will manage the coordination of the curriculum development and maintenance processes.

The BAMgt degree completion program will have a program advisory committee consistent with Saskatchewan Polytechnic policy to provide an effective link between the program and the various sectors it serves. Membership will consist of employers of graduates, practitioners, other relevant sector representatives, program head and faculty representatives. The purpose of the program advisory committee is to provide advice and guidance on currency, relevance, quality, and strategic direction for the program. The office of the dean will facilitate coordination with other relevant Saskatchewan Polytechnic program advisory committees.

Research Expertise Saskatchewan Polytechnic supports the academic goals of research and knowledge application through the ongoing development of administrative and faculty capacity, the funding of research and scholarship projects for faculty and students, and by maintaining a solid infrastructure for inquiry and knowledge dissemination through the Office of Applied Research and Innovation

(OARI). The OARI provides an oversight function that ensures the ethical, sensitive and highly

rigorous process of proposal preparation, grant application, project review, research conduct, data storage, project evaluation and the dissemination of research findings and project outcomes. The OARI will continue to grow and advance research and scholarship within the institution.

As an institution, Saskatchewan Polytechnic is both NSERC and SSHRC eligible. Saskatchewan Polytechnic has policies, procedures and guidelines designed to support research and scholarly activities. These policies are supplemented by guidelines, procedures and protocols including an applied research framework, research ethics protocol, applied research agreements and intellectual property processes.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Schools of Nursing; Natural Resources and Built Environment; Construction; Mining, Engineering and Manufacturing; and Information and Communications Technology have been actively engaged in research and/or scholarly activities for more than 20 years. The School of Business is in the nascent stages of developing its research culture.

4.4 Relationship to Existing Programs

The BAMgt will have a positive impact on diploma and journeyperson program graduates in creating a direct path for lifelong learning and career laddering opportunities. The degree program will build a learning pathway for many diploma graduates, broadening their education and skills to work in fields of business leadership. The degree will also create synergies for applied research projects which can utilize both diploma‐ and degree‐level student participation. The added degree level credential will have the potential to attract more advanced projects that will benefit the business sector, employers, faculty and students.

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The BAMgt will also have the capacity to flourish in partnership with the institute’s applied research unit and through intraprofessional collaboration among related programs in other Saskatchewan Polytechnic schools. There are no anticipated negative impacts associated with the introduction of the BAMgt degree program.

As an additional degree program offering, the proposed BAMgt degree completion program will complement the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing degree completion program and the Bachelor of Science in Construction Management. It will also complement the Business Management post‐ graduate certificate. It will build on Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s existing strengths in delivering strong educational programs in the business field. The BAMgt degree completion program will attract graduates working in a variety of fields who want to advance their careers and also employers who wish to expand the skill and knowledge set of their employees through program sponsorship opportunities.

4.5 Development and Academic Approval Processes

The foundation for quality assurance for degree programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic originated from the Ministerial Statement on Quality Assurance of Degree Education in Canada (2007). In 2007, the Council of Ministers Education, Canada (CMEC)26 developed a framework to create Canadian degree standards.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education and Saskatchewan Polytechnic support the CMEC (2007) national framework that brings consistency and coherency to a Canadian degree. The standards for any credential must be defined in terms of the program design and outcomes related to the skills, abilities, capacity and knowledge expected of a graduate upon completion of the program. The CMEC (2007) definition and standards for a bachelor degree state:

The credential awarded for the bachelor’s degree is designed to acquaint the student with the basic conceptual approaches and methodologies of the principal discipline or disciplines that constitute the program of study, to provide some specialized knowledge, and to nurture the capacity for independent work in the discipline/disciplines and field of practice. All bachelors’ programs are designed to provide graduates with knowledge and skills that enable them to develop the capacity for independent intellectual work.

The standards stipulate the demonstrable transferable learning skills and level of mastery of a body of specialized knowledge in six dimensions:

1. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge 2. Knowledge of Methodologies 3. Application of Knowledge 4. Communication Skills 5. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge 6. Professional Capacity/Autonomy27 (pp. 2‐3).

In 2017, Saskatchewan Polytechnic approved an updated Credentials policy, and a related

26 Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. (2007). Ministerial Statement on Quality Assurance of Degree

Education in Canada.‐ Statement‐2007.en.pdf . 27 Ibid.

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Credential Qualification Framework, with the parameters for a degree program based on CMEC standards. The BAMgt has been designed to meet these standards. In preparation, Saskatchewan Polytechnic faculty examined other similar programs offered by polytechnic institutions in Canada, commissioned an environmental scan and employer survey, and facilitated stakeholder consultations.

Faculty were consulted and actively engaged in identifying the core concepts, courses and curriculum content for the BAMgt program. The curriculum for the BAMgt degree completion program has been developed to reflect the program faculty members’ understanding of business management and leadership priorities and the skills and knowledge that graduates need to lead and manage industries and businesses in Saskatchewan. The proposed program blueprint includes course content in leadership, management, business, and general education courses

(communications, business analytics, sociology, and analytical decision making).

Faculty members were guided by Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s defined curriculum development process and curriculum standards. At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, learning outcomes are the basic building blocks of the curriculum structure. Learning outcomes provide a common language to guide curriculum design, set standards for assessment, and promote portability of credits. Curriculum development and delivery is part of a larger strategic program planning process. In the planning process, various activities must occur before a program moves into the curriculum process. The activities include but are not limited to: needs assessment both general (provincial and local) and specific (targeted labour market or audience) feasibility assessments and/or resource priority setting. Generally, the Saskatchewan Polytechnic curriculum process is comprised of the following five interrelated phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Delivery and Evaluation. Each of the phases are well‐defined within the Saskatchewan Polytechnic curriculum development process.

The degree development team proposed the initial program blueprint which was circulated to School of Business program heads and faculty. Based on their comments and feedback, the proposed program blueprint was revised. Subsequently, the School of Business arranged consultations with industry stakeholders through a focus group and an electronic survey to ensure that industry stakeholders would recognize the credential and that the proposed program consisted of courses (and learning outcomes) that meet industry’s standards and expectations. The School of Business gathered feedback regarding the types of courses, the content streams, distribution of the courses into semesters, relevance of the content, and employability of the graduates. The courses, learning outcomes, structure, and streams were modified in response to external stakeholders’ feedback (See Appendix B).

As part of the approval process for programs, Saskatchewan Polytechnic engages students and faculty through a peer review and endorsement process. The proposed BAMgt will receive this in‐depth internal review, endorsement and approval process once an initial approval is received.

A strengthened peer review process, moving to an Academic Council comparable to those in place at other polytechnics and post-secondary institutions in Canada, is under development and will be in place for the academic year 2018-2019. The Academic Council will be a part of the internal quality assurance process for the BAMgt degree as curriculum is developed, following authorization.

Following initial approval of a finalized version of this draft document, a detailed Program Self‐Evaluation will be developed and submitted to the Saskatchewan Higher Education Quality Assurance Board. The self‐evaluation provides additional depth in key areas including relevant

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organizational policies, the program philosophical underpinnings, bachelor level standards, expert review panel results, facilities planning, faculty curriculum vitaes, faculty workload, scholarly capacity, program review processes and more. The internal review and approvals will occur simultaneously with the Program Self‐Evaluation.

Program Advisory Committee (PAC) members from existing, related programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic participated in curriculum validations in the formation of the curriculum and will continue to do so through the development process. A specific BAMgt PAC will be formed to provide ongoing input upon approval of the program.

5. Program Marketability and Graduate Employability 5.1 Labour Market Demand

A labour market scan from various research phases indicates strong support for the BAMgt program. Following is a summary of the findings from this secondary research.

Current Market Demographics Across the country and world‐wide, there are trends that are leading to shortages of workers. Demographic trends include people living longer, baby boomers reaching retirement age, and fertility rates decreasing. These factors have a significant impact on labour force participation. In Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond cites a need and goal to have “60,000 more people working in Saskatchewan by 2020”28 (p.4). In the plan, the government acknowledges the need for increased education and training and appropriate skills development.

In Saskatchewan, there is an estimated 79,495 residents29 working in management positions. Over the next 5 years, the net new job openings are estimated to be almost 20,000. 30 Of the 79,495 employees, approximately 53,040 are male and 26,455 are female. 31 In terms of age, 19,645 are between the ages of 45 and 55 (25%) and 29,250 are over the age of 55 (37%). 32 In total, 61% of the workforce in management jobs are people over the age of 45.

Saskatchewan’s future growth requires employment growth. The shortage of skilled labour will increase unless we as a province can better match workers to jobs, training to the needs of employers and employees, and build skills in our workforce that will allow more Saskatchewan people to occupy jobs today and tomorrow.

Replacing a workforce is different than evolving a workforce. As managers leave their positions, there is no longer opportunity for people to grow with the company and learn on‐the‐job. Shortages of workers and a rapidly changing workforce in a knowledge‐based economy rely on increasing educational outcomes and call for higher levels of educational attainment.

28Government of Saskatchewan (2012). Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond.,3975,594,1,Documents&MediaID=da3f2 29 Statistics Canada, (2016). 30 Government of Saskatchewan (2017). Saskatchewan Detailed Occupational Outlook,%202016-2020.pdf 31 Statistics Canada (2016). 32 Ibid.

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Canada’s Changing Labour Force Statistics Canada (2016) provides highlights of the management sector and comparative data for 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016.33 The following data provide insight into the supply of management talent by field. The data analysis also reveals the overall effects of an aging workforce and foreshadows some of the implications for workforce planning.

Canada Statistics 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016

Administrative Services Managers (A11) (NOC 071)

Number employed 105,010 135,535 156,970 168,570 178,340

Number age 45‐54 30,990 41,705 52,760 57,350 56,585

Number over 55 10,910 15,020 24,025 31,175 39,680

Percent 45 or older 39.90% 41.85% 48.91% 52.52% 53.98%

Percent over 55 10.39% 11.80% 15.30% 18.49% 22.25%

Managers in health, education, social and community services (A31 & A42) (NOC 072) *category changed to A31 and A42 in 2011

Number employed 68,700 78,800 80,620 103,245* 109,995

Number age 45‐54 31,365 35,480 30,785 37,700 39,215

Number over 55 9,190 12,620 18,015 25,265 28,175

Percent 45 or older 38.78% 44.87% 60.53% 60.99% 61.26%

Percent over 55 14.39% 16.02% 22.35% 24.27% 25.61%

Managers in primary production (except agriculture) (A38) (NOC 072)

**category changed to A81 in 2011

Number employed 9,815 12,475 13,325 13,175** 12,765**

Number age 45‐54 3,050 4,160 4,695 5,050 4,020

Number over 55 1,465 1700 2,310 2,530 3,230

Percent 45 or older 38.78% 46.97% 52.57% 57.53% 56.80%

Percent over 55 14.39% 13.63% 17.34% 38.33% 25.30%

The data points to significant numbers of managers and an aging workforce. In the overall Canadian administrative manager category, employees 55 and older grew by 28,770 participants or a 263% increase from 1996 to 2016. The participation of health, education, social and community service managers at age 55 and older increased by 18,985 or 206% from 1996 to 2016. In the primary production manager category, the participation by those over 55 increased by 1,765 or 120% from 1996‐2016. Statistics Canada indicates more than 25% of the management workforce is over the age of 55.34

Saskatchewan Statistics 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016

Administrative managers (A11) (NOC 122)

Number employed 2,090 2,780 3,665 3,565 3,995

Number age 45‐54 665 1,000 1,455 1,305 1,095

Number over 55 210 240 530 1,010 880 Percent 45 or older 41.86% 44.60% 54.16% 64.94% 49.44%

33 Ibid. 34 Ibid.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 42

Percent over 55 10.04% 8.63% 14.46% 28.33% 22.03%

Managers in health , education, social, and community service (A32) (NOC 031)

Number employed 2,400 3,065 3,255 3,875 4,175

Number age 45‐54 1,055 1,400 1,310 1,440 1,470

Number over 55 340 350 735 745 985

Percent 45 or older 58.12% 57.10% 62.82% 56.39% 58.80%

Percent over 55 14.16% 11.41% 22.58% 19.22% 23.60%

A38 Managers in primary production (except agriculture) (A38) (NOC 041)

Number employed 445 605 665 805 765

Number age 45‐54 155 135 170 360 250

Number over 55 40 90 45 110 105

Percent 45 or older 38.78% 37.19% 30.75% 58.39% 46.41%

Percent over 55 14.39% 14.88% 6.77% 44.72% 13.72%

In Saskatchewan, there are approximately 9,000 people employed within three NOC categories, Administrative Managers, Managers in Health, Education, Social and Community Services and in Primary Production (excluding agriculture). The trends of an aging workforce are similar. The number of Administrative Managers over the age of 55 has grown by 670 or 319%. Managers in Health, Education, Social and Community Service has experienced growth of 645 or 190% among those 55 years of age or older.

In addition to the above sectors, similar trends are seen in the statistics for other sectors. As examples, managers in food services and accommodations, as well as computer and information systems, are also aging. The overall number of managers in food services and accommodations has remained somewhat steady since 2006; however, in 2016, of these 156,890 managers in Canada and 4,905 managers in Saskatchewan, 45% were age 45 and older in Canada, and 42% in Saskatchewan. The number of computer and information systems managers in Canada in 2016 was 63,940, and in Saskatchewan there were 975. In Canada, 50% of the managers were age 45 and older, and in Saskatchewan 54% fit this category.

Employment and Social Development Canada provides projections of future labour demand and labour supply by broad skill level and by occupation, using the models of the Canadian Occupational system. The Canadian Occupational Profile System (COPS) is a suite of models to produce detailed 10‐year trends and reveal labour market imbalances. Retirements are highlighted as significant reasons for job openings.

National Employment Projections 2015-2024, Business‐related Occupations Occupation Projected

Openings Source of Openings Projected

Job Seekers Category

Share of Student Seekers

Expansion Other (retirement)

Administrative Service Managers (0113)

10,400 16% 72% 10,300 39%

Managers in Financial & Business Services (0111)

27,000 19% 71% 26,500 35%

Managers in Engineering, Architecture, Science and Information Systems (0211)

19,300 39% 52% 19,200 44%

Managers in Public Administration (0410)

14,300 14% 76% 13,500 17%

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 43

Retail and Wholesale Trader Managers (0621)

104,100 -20% 104% 93,200 52%

Managers in Customer/Personal Services (0651)

7,000 14% 76% 7,000 37%

Managers in Natural Resource Production (0811)

4,800 8% 79% 4,700 32%

Accounting Technicians and Bookkeepers (1311)

47,400 11% 73% 43,800 41%

Human Resources Professionals (1121)

40,200 35% 55% 38,900 54%

Administrative Officers (1221) 104,000 29% 60% 100,800 44%

Adapted from Hanover Research35 (2013a) and source Canadian Occupational Projection System

Provincial Employer Demand On a provincial level, Saskatchewan Polytechnic conducted surveys with employers. In 2013, Hanover Research36 (2013b) conducted an employer survey on behalf of Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The survey sample included 177 contacts across various industries in the province which yielded 71 viable responses, a response rate of approximately 40%. Each respondent identified that he/she was in position to make decisions or influence recruitment and hiring at his/her organization. The respondents were from a variety of institutions.

According to the data analysis by Hanover Research37 (2013b), more than 75% of respondents indicated that their company would be ‘very likely,’ ‘likely,’ or ‘somewhat likely’ to hire graduates; only 15% believed their company would not be likely to sponsor staff members to earn the credential. In addition, the survey asked respondents to gauge their interest in hiring graduates; the data analysis revealed that 64% estimate that their companies would hire a graduate. (p. 5) Almost 40% of the respondents stated that having a business credential would make the candidate more desirable; however, a larger proportion (54%) feel that hire‐ability would be dependent on the individual applicant. The respondents stated that the “top three hard skills” that companies look for in hiring decisions are business ethics, general management, and accounting and financial reporting; the three most important “soft skills” are teamwork, interpersonal communication, and problem‐solving/critical thinking. (p. 6)

The findings from Hanover Research still hold true today. Insightrix asked association members and recent graduates, who are in decision-making roles for hiring employees, how important it is for a job applicant to have the BAMgt degree if it was available. A majority of respondents, 72% of association members and five out of the six recent graduates who are in a hiring position, feel that having the degree would be important for a potential job applicant.

According to the Saskatchewan Labour Demand Outlook (2017), Saskatchewan Labour Demand Outlook 2017 to 2021, an estimated 93,800 job openings are forecast for Saskatchewan over the five-year period, 2017 to 2021. The majority of these job openings, 70,300 (75%), are largely due to expected replacement of retiring workers. Overall, 65% of job openings are for higher skilled occupations that require either management experience, a university degree, a post-secondary certificate or diploma, or apprenticeship training. In terms of management job openings, it is

35 Hanover Research. (September 2013). Market Analysis – Bachelor’s Programs in Business. 36 Hanover Research. (December 2013). Topline Results: Postgraduate Certificate Program Survey. 37 Ibid.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 44

forecasted that 2,900 will be new positions and 16,100 will be replacement positions. 38

The Saskatchewan Employment Forecast (2016), Detailed Occupational Outlook, 2016‐2020, profiles jobs with good, fair or limited employment prospects. Of those occupations ranked as ‘good’, a large majority require management skills, a university degree, and/or a postsecondary certificate/diploma. The top 15 management occupations with the most job openings span across finance, insurance, sales and services, education, social services and agriculture. In the top 15 management occupations, 11,810 job openings are forecasted, 81% of the total job openings for this skill category. Retirements are the main driver for these job openings.39

The goal of the management degree completion program is to address a prevailing skills gap by providing opportunities for professionals in expanding sectors to obtain the requisite business, management, and leadership skills and knowledge so that these professionals can guide their industries forward and thereby enhance economic and social prosperity for the citizens of Saskatchewan and Canada.

5.2 Consultation and Support from Industry Saskatchewan Polytechnic has consulted extensively with industry during the past five years to gather information with regard to the proposed Bachelor of Applied Management program; for example:

In September 2013, Hanover Research conducted an employer survey to determine economic demand.

In February and March 2014, a survey to solicit feedback and recommendations on program title, required skill sets, program accreditation and structure was distributed to key stakeholders by the School of Business.

In February 2015, Hanover Research40 conducted a survey of regional employers regarding the proposed degree, and findings verified that employers viewed the degree as a valuable credential.

In January and February of 2018, Insightrix Research asked association members and recent graduates who are in decision making roles for hiring employees, how important it is for a job applicant to have the BAMgt degree if it was available: 72% of association members and five out of six recent graduates who are in a hiring position feel that having the degree would be important for a potential job applicant.

Finally, letters of support from employers and associations were gathered in 2014 and again in January of 2018 to provide more than two dozen letters of support from businesses and industry associations (See Appendix A).

38 Government of Saskatchewan (2017). Saskatchewan Labour Demand Outlook 39 Government of Saskatchewan. (2016). Detailed Occupational Outlook 2016 to 2020,%202016-2020.pdf 40 Hanover Research conducted for Saskatchewan Polytechnic (February 2015). Bachelor of Management Survey Analysis.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 45

6. Financial Plan

The following summary provides information surrounding enrollment, tuition revenue, anticipated expenses and program cost for the Bachelor of Applied Management degree completion program and bridging program.

Enrollment and Tuition

Tuition is estimated at $233.00 per credit unit for the 2020-21 academic year, when program delivery is planned to begin. The annual tuition per student is $233.00 x 30 credits = $6990.00.

Tuition increases are projected at less than 4% annually for purposes of forecasting. Attrition of

12% is included in the calculation.

These tuition estimates are aligned with other Saskatchewan Polytechnic degree-level programs and compare favorably to other institutions delivering a similar applied management degree program, as shown below.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 46

Tuition Comparisons (based on 30 credit units per year) Institution Tuition per credit unit

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology $223

Thompson Rivers University $138

University of New Brunswick $220

Kwantlen Polytechnic University $139

British Columbia Institute of Technology $210

The BAMgt program has been designed as a two‐year completion degree. Part-time students will take 5 years to complete.

Funding Requirements Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes an initial revenue shortfall. By 2021-22, the shortfall has been recovered in part due to enrollment of international students. The School of Business has a strong reputation with international students and has had high growth over the last 5 years in international student enrollment.

Potential Risks The risks of proposed degree programs are similar to those of other new programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The close connection of programs to industry, Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s choice to measure program success in part through employer satisfaction and graduate employment, makes success susceptible to changing economic times that affect the labour market overall and in specific sectors. Enrolment in programs and employment of graduates may not meet expectations due to economic conditions.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic seeks to mitigate these risks through careful, evidence-based decision making before new programs are approved internally, and proposed for authorization in the case of degrees. The annual review of all programs against criteria including application and enrolment demand, employment of graduates, curriculum currency, and quality standards provides further protection against these risks.

In the case of degree programs, the extensive review by the Ministry of Advanced Education, SHEQAB and subject area external accreditation provides a further level of evidence-based consideration to mitigate risk.

Financial Plan Summary

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26+


Total Tuition less Attrition 316,172 712,990 855,550 1,014,003 1,170,470 1,308,954


Salaries and Benefits 312,036 601,804 754,315 798,428 842,002 885,776

Other expenses (materials, services, etc.) 20,900 26,900 30,700 31,800 33,700 34,600

Capital 10,500 4,500 6,200 6,000 6,000 8,000

Total Expenses 343,436 633,204 791,215 836,228 881,702 928,376

Net Revenue (Shortfall) (27,264) 79,786 64,335 177,775 288,768 380,578

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 47

7. Supporting Documents

The following appendices contain supporting documents, including:

Appendix A: Letters of Support from Employers and Associations

Appendix B: BAMgt Curriculum Blueprint and Distribution of Hours

Appendix C: Diploma Programs and Journeyperson Certification for Admission

Appendix D: Focus Group Consultations

Appendix E: Financial Analysis - BAMgt Detailed Budget Information

Appendix F: Hanover Research Market Analysis, September 2013

Appendix G: Hanover Research Topline Results, December 2013

Appendix H: Hanover Research Bachelor of Management Survey Analysis, 2015

Appendix I: Insightrix research report, 2018.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 48


Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 49

Appendix A: Letters of Support from Employers and Associations

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 50

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Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 56

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 57

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 58

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 59

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 60

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 61

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 62

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Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 64

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Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 66

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Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 70

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 71

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 72

Appendix B: BAMgt Curriculum Blueprint and Distribution of Hours

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 73

Proposed Bachelor of Applied Management

Degree Completion Draft Curriculum Blueprint

All courses are 45 hours and 3 credit units

Proposed Business Leadership and Management Degree Completion Program

Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8




Law and Ethics


Business Analytics


Building a Digital






Human Resources




Risk Management


Accounting for

Managers MGMT 3XX



Strategic Business

Management MGMT 4XX


Management MKTG 4XX


Fundamentals LEAD 3XX


Leadership LEAD 3XX

Effective Leadership


Managing Change


Elective Elective Elective Leading Projects


Credit Units=15

Total Hours=225

Credit Units=15

Total Hours=225

Credit Units=15

Total Hours=225

Credit Units=15

Total Hours=225

Electives (Choose three of the following)

SOCI XXX Business and Society

PHIL XXX Analytical Decision Making MKTG XXX Marketing

SOSC XXX Social Science Elective 1 SOSC XXX Social Science Elective 2

Open Elective Bridging Program for Journeypersons

Four‐year: required to complete BCOM 2XX plus one other bridging course from below. Three‐year: required to complete all five (5) bridging courses below.

Bridging Courses

Business Communications BCOM 2XX

Information Systems COMP 2XX

Accounting ACCT 2XX Introduction to Management ADMN 2XX

Business Mathematics MATH 2XX

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 74

Proposed Bachelor of Applied Management

Degree Completion Draft Distribution of Hours by Area of Study

Proposed Management Degree Completion Program

Arts, Science and





Organizational Writing


Accounting for






Leadership Fundamentals


Business Analytics




Law and Ethics


Contemporary Leadership


Building a Digital





Strategic Business



Managing Change


Electives* Analytical Decision

Making PHIL XXX Business and

Society SOCI XXX

Social Science 1 Social Science 2

Human Resources


Risk Management


Effective Leadership





Leading Projects


Elective Marketing


Credit Units=15 or 18*

Total Hours=225 or 270

Credit Units*=15 or 18

Total Hours=225 or 270

Credit Units=12

Total Hours=180

Credit Units=15

Total Hours=225

*Depends on elective chosen

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 75

Appendix C: Diploma Programs and Journeyperson Certification for


Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 76

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Diplomas

The BAMgt will admit non‐business diploma or journeyperson certification from any recognized post‐ secondary institution. The following provides insight into those programs that are eligible to feed into the BAMgt from Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

Health Sciences Human Services and Community Safety

Addictions Counselling

Advanced Care Paramedic

Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technology


Dental Hygiene

Health Information Management

Medical Laboratory Technology

Medical Radiologic Technology

Therapeutic Recreation

Veterinary Technology

Correctional Studies

Early Childhood Education

Youth Care Worker


Practical Nursing Psychiatric Nursing

Construction Hospitality and Tourism

Architectural Technologies Culinary Arts

Food and Nutrition Management

Hotel and Restaurant Management

Recreation and Tourism Management

Information and Communication Technologies

Mining and Engineering Technology

Business Information Systems

Computer Engineering Technology

Computer Systems Technology

Graphic Communications

Library and Information Technology

Media Arts Production

New Media Communication

Chemical Technology

CAD/CAM Engineering Technology

Electrical Engineering Technology

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology

Engineering Design and Drafting Technology

Geomatics and Surveying Engineering Technology

Instrumentation Engineering Technology

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Mining Engineering Technology

Power Engineering Technology

Natural Resources and Built Environment Transportation

BioScience Technology

Civil Engineering Technology

Environmental Engineering Technology

Integrated Resource Management

Resource and Environmental Law

Water Resources Engineering Technology

Commercial Pilot

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 77

Apprenticeship to Journeyperson Programs

Apprenticeship Agricultural Machinery Technician Auto Service Technician Automotive Service Education Bricklayer Carpenter Cook Construction Craft Operator Electrician Heavy Duty Mechanic Industrial Instrumentation Technician

Ironworker Machinist Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Partsperson Plumber Refrigeration Mechanic Sheet Metal Worker Steamfitter Pipefitter Steel Fabricator Truck and Transport Mechanic

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 78

Appendix D: Focus Group Consultations

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 79

Bachelor Management Degree Completion Program Industry Focus

March 13, 2014 Room 623 Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus


Industry Representatives Sector

Freedom 55 Financial Financial Henderson Insurance Insurance

Business consultant and labour market development specialist

Business consultant and labour planning specialist

Solvera Solutions Information Technology

Saskatchewan Government Insurance Insurance

Long‐term Industrial Investments Japan Ltd. International Business investment

PotashCorp Mining

Spectrum Electric (owner/manager) Industrial Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Manufacturing

Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region Health

Saskatchewan Medical Services Association (SEMSA) Health Director, University of Regina Day care Early Childhood Education

Alliance Energy Ltd. Industrial electrical energy

SaskEnergy Public utility Ministry of Education (Early Years Branch) Ministry of Education Ministry of Education (Early Years Branch) Ministry of Education

SaskEnergy Public utility

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Senior Management Arnold Boldt, associate vice‐president, Academic and Research Dan MacKay, dean, School of Business

Facilitator Dr. Margaret Dagenais, program planning consultant, School of Business

Degree Development Team Dr. Margaret Dagenais, program planning consultant, School of Business Rod Macpherson, instructor, Business Certificate program

Recorder Kristy Hills‐Craig, executive assistant Dean of Business

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 80

Process: The participants reviewed and revised the following proposed Duties and Responsibilities, Technical Skills, General Skills, and Business‐Related skills set out by Hanover Research (2013b). The participants recommended addition of some duties and responsibilities and the deletion of others.

Business Management Duties and Responsibilities

Plan, organize, direct, and evaluate the operation of a department or area of responsibility.

Implement fiscal policies. o Not realistic based on the participants’ feedback about entry‐level management responsibilities.

Recruit, organize, train, and manage staff. Prepare reports for management committees.

Plan, administer, and control budgets for contracts. Direct and manage compliance with governance and regulatory procedures.

Network with colleagues and professional organizations. Identify training strategies.

Lead work and project teams. o Critical component of the program as it is difficult to learn leadership on the job.

Conduct research.

Develop long range plans. Develop and maintain client relations.

Manage organizational culture

Critical from an ethnicity perspective but also critical from an intergenerational perspective.

Participants emphasized the need to motivate and lead individuals from four generations of society.

Assess individual employee’s strengths, communication styles, and capacity to contribute to teamwork.

o Form functional work teams based on an understanding about personality types and how they work together.

Facilitate employment, manage change, and leverage culture diversity.

Manage and lead within the governance structure of the organization and within the provisions of the collective agreement.

Conduct performance appraisals.

Facilitate positive public relations within internal and external stakeholders.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 81

Technical Skills General Skills

Make decisions guided by business ethics, code of conduct, and the organizational governance structure.

Apply general management skills.

Interpret accounting and financial reporting.

Manage practical daily business enterprise including dealing with people and every day administration.

Demonstrate effective teamwork skills.

Use interpersonal communications skills

effectively. Demonstrate problem solving and critical thinking skills.

Business‐Related Skills

Ability to: o Interpret and manage budgets. o Prepare a budget forecast. o Interpret and operationalize policies and regulations. o Form and lead project teams. o Communicate effectively with colleagues, senior managers, and external clients. o Ensure policy and regulation compliance. o Conduct research. o Prepare reports. o Develop elements for an organization’s strategic plan. o Implement theoretical to produce and implement a marketing plan, public relations plan, and a customer service plan. o Use social media to advance the goals of an organization.

*©2013 Hanover Research / Academy Administration Practice

The participants also discussed the need for the proposed program given the performance of the Saskatchewan economy, the vacancies created by the retiring baby boomer generation, and the need to accelerate individuals into management and leadership roles more quickly. Previously, potential managers and leaders were mentored through successive promotion and coaching. According to the participants, this model for management and leadership training and education is not viable in today’s market.

Key Findings:

1. Duties and responsibilities pertaining to leading and managing include these: a. Organizational change b. Cultural diversity c. Within an organizational governance structure d. Functional work teams and units e. Positive public relations with internal and external stakeholders

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 82

f. Fiscal accountability

2. Job postings would likely have one of the following position titles: manager, director, team leader, supervisor, project manager, senior account manager followed by the field of practice.

3. A program accreditation is not important; however, the potential for graduates to pursue an

industry designation is important.

4. The participants identified the following as key strengths of the program:

a. Practical b. Accessible c. Options for PLAR and transfer credit d. The content – critical soft skills and general business, leadership, and management skills

and knowledge. e. Development of business acumen

5. The participants identified the following gaps in the curriculum:

a. Additional content related to the human resources function b. Safety training c. Clarity surrounding inclusion of content on an intergenerational workforce d. Additional content on the development of the elements of a business plan e. Potential to include a practicum option.

6. Overall the participants described the educational opportunity provided by the proposed

degree‐completion program as follows: a. Excellent preparation for management and leadership opportunities. b. Amazing opportunity c. Great building block for future managers d. Opens doors to future careers.

7. The participants stated that they would recognize the proposed degree completion as having

equivalent rigor as the University of Regina Bachelor of Business Administration degree or the University of Saskatchewan Bachelor of Commerce degree; however, they also stated that the degrees offered different strengths. The industry‐specific knowledge and training sets the proposed degree completion program apart and provides a distinct advantage to these graduates in specific circumstances.

8. The participants identified the following trends or issues:

a. Emphasis on organizational change b. Managing leveraging diversity in the workplace c. Working in a global environment d. Managing the media e. Financial literacy

9. Program Advisory Committees are a key element in Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s program quality

assurance procedures. Nine participants volunteered to serve on the program advisory committee for the Bachelor of Business Administration (Leadership and Management) degree completion program.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 83

Bachelor of Applied Management Online Survey Results

Survey Period: February 20, 2014 – March 24, 2014


Business Representative Sector Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Science and Health)

Postsecondary education

Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Industrial) Postsecondary education

Saskatchewan Polytechnic (PLAR) Postsecondary education

Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Nursing) Postsecondary education

Talent‐C People Services Inc. Human Resources

SaskPower Public utility

Mosaic Mining

Synergy Credit Union Financial institution

Project Management Institute Professional Association Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan Thomas Circle of Care Transition/Reunification Home

Postsecondary education

Community Services

Saskatoon Health Region Health

Trade Certification Postsecondary education trade certification

Process: The School of Business requested that other schools within Saskatchewan Polytechnic submit names of external and internal stakeholders who would be interested in Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s proposal to offer a Bachelor of Applied Management degree completion program and would be willing to respond to the survey questions and provide feedback on the proposed courses.

The survey was distributed electronically as a word document on which the respondents could enter their responses and return them by email. The survey respondents received minimal information about the proposed degree completion program and did not have the same opportunity to discuss the courses as the focus group.

Overall, the e‐survey group was more critical of some of the general education and business courses than the focus group. The e‐survey group did not revise proposed job posting skills.

Key Findings

1. Duties, and responsibilities pertaining to leading and managing include these: a. Survey group did not recommend changes

2. Job postings would likely have one of the following position titles: manager, director, team

leader, supervisor, project manager, project lead, coordinator, senior account manager followed by the field of practice.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 84

3. A program accreditation is not important; however, the potential for graduates to pursue an industry designation is important.

a. The respondents identified the professional designation, Chartered Professional in Human Resources, most frequently.

4. The participants identified the following as key strengths of the program:

a. An orientation to business skills to support entrepreneurship. b. A fast track for management and business acumen for positions in technical areas. c. Course content on strategic planning skills, interpersonal communication, human

resources, diversity, digital communications, and change management. d. Capacity to earn a degree by combining previous education with new learning. e. Meeting a need not currently met by other postsecondary institutions. f. Combination of practical skill development and theory.

5. The participants identified the following gaps in the curriculum:

a. Introductory courses are redundant for Business diploma graduates. b. Insufficient management courses and a surplus of “arts, science, and humanities”

courses. c. Limited number of business electives in human resources, accounting, and information

technology. d. Increased focus on building a strong organizational culture, critical thinking skills,

coaching and mentoring, building a strong business case, and working in a not‐for‐profit organization.

6. Overall the participants described the educational opportunity provided by the proposed degree

completion program as follows: a. Aligned with degrees offered by other postsecondary institutions across Canada. b. Providing opportunity for diploma and journey persons to earn a degree in less than

four years is significant. c. Building essential skills; not just theory. d. Providing motivation for the leaders of tomorrow to advance their careers more quickly. e. Building on existing industry‐ or field‐specific training and education.

7. Most respondents stated that they would recognize the proposed degree completion as having

equivalent rigor as the University of Regina Bachelor of Business Administration degree or the University of Saskatchewan Bachelor of Commerce degree; however, they also stated that the degrees offered different strengths. The industry‐specific knowledge and training sets the proposed degree completion program apart and provides a distinct advantage to these graduates in specific circumstances. A few respondents stated that they would need to do additional research.

8. The participants identified the following trends or issues:

a. Maintaining and delivering service or product with a customer focus to a diverse client group from an ever changing and culturally diverse organization.

b. Managing change and providing a support business culture. c. Transforming the ideology of failure into a learning opportunity.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 85

d. Bridging the technology business gap, using emotional intelligence, and incorporating business ethics into “business as usual” context.

9. Most respondents (12 of 13) stated that completion of the Bachelor of Business Administration

(Leadership and Management) degree completion program would be an asset (1 respondent chose not to answer the question).

10. Program Advisory Committees are a key element in Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s program quality

assurance procedures. Seven (7) respondents volunteered to serve in the program advisory committee for the Bachelor of Business Administration (Leadership and Management) degree completion program.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 86

Bachelor of Applied Management Degree Completion Program

E‐Survey Curriculum Survey Results

Process: The Office of the Dean of Business distributed 286 curriculum validation surveys and received 12 responses. Although the respondents could offer comments as well as rating the course and learning outcomes, most respondents chose only to rate the courses and learning outcomes. The respondents used a rating scale, and they rated each course and its learning outcomes as “critical” (3), “important” (2), “somewhat important” (1) or “not important” (0). The researchers calculated the weighted average, presented the results in the chart below accompanied by key comments.

The results are summarized below.

Course Information Rating Comments Semester 5 Organizational Writing ENGL 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical No comments

Organizational Behaviour MGMT 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical No comments

Accounting for Managers MGMT 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical None of the learning outcomes is critical but the overall course is very important.

Law and Ethics MGMT 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

important The learning outcomes addressing privacy, confidentiality, and the formation, breach and conclusion of a contract are most important.

Leadership Fundamentals LEAD 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical All the elements are critical.

Semester 6 Business and Society SOCI 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

somewhat important ‐ important

The learning outcome which provides content on the challenges and opportunities for managers to make ethical decisions is very important.

Business Statistics MATH 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

somewhat important The content in this course would not be used extensively by an employee but the overall topic is relevant.

Introduction to Human Resource Management HR 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical All the elements are critical. This content is the essence of leadership.

Economics ECON 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

somewhat important Most employees don’t get involved in large economic issues, but having an understanding is important.

Contemporary Leadership LEAD 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical This is a key course.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 87

Course Information Rating Comments Semester 7

Analytical Decision Making PHIL 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical The course should include a section on the role of subordinates or team members in decision making.

Finance FIN 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

somewhat important This course seems like an elective as most jobs don’t require this level of understanding.

Introduction to Marketing MKTG 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

somewhat important This course should include content on marketing ideas or concepts related to change to individuals within an organization.

Strategic Business Management MGMT 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

important Although the content may seem to be “big picture,”employees in the work unit or department need these skills.

Effective Leadership LEAD 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical All the elements are critical.

Semester 8 Building a Digital Communication Strategy COMM 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

somewhat important This seems like an elective course.

Risk Management MGMT 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

important Risk is something everyone needs to take more seriously. The content should be made relevant to the participants in the course (at the level of the department or work unit).

Cross‐Cultural Management MKTG 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical The course should have a wide‐angle approach; however, some specific components on the Aboriginal community and the intergenerational workplace should be included.

Managing Change LEAD 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

important Critical core course.

Leading Projects LEAD 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical This content is more important in certain jobs but has relevant core skills for everyone.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 88

Course Information Rating Comments

Introduction to Psychology PSYCH 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

somewhat important The content is very helpful when one is leading people.

Information Systems COMP 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

important Graduates need these skills.

Business Communications BCOM 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical The course content should include nonverbal communication skills as well as written and verbal communication skills.

Business Mathematics MATH 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

somewhat important The course should be an elective.

Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1XX 45 hour 3 cu

somewhat important Sociology as it relates to teams and the workplace is very useful.

Introduction to Management ADMN 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

important This should be a core course.

Accounting ACCT 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

important‐ critical This is a core course. Our managers have responsibility for large operational and capital budgets.

Laboratory Science SCI 2XX 45 hours 3 cu

not rated The learning outcomes will be developed by another department within Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

Bridging Courses

Bridging Courses

Bridging Courses

Bridging Courses

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 89

Bachelor of Applied Management Degree Completion Program

Focus Group Curriculum Survey Results

Process: The Office of the Dean of Business invited 22 participants to a focus group to discuss the purpose and need for a Bachelor of Business Administration (Leadership and Management) degree completion program and the proposed curriculum. Seventeen representatives from a variety of industries and businesses attended the focus group on March 13, 2014. The participants reviewed, discussed, and rated the courses and the learning outcomes for each course.

The participants used a rating scale, and they rated each course and its learning outcomes as “critical” (3), “important” (2), “somewhat important” (1) or “not important” (0). The researchers calculated the weighted average, presented the results in the chart below accompanied by key comments.

The results are summarized below.

Course Information Rating Comments Semester 5 Organizational Writing ENGL 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical This is a foundational course. The students should learn to write items for decision or information.

Organizational Behaviour MGMT 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical The course should include the following learning outcome: Develop an organization’s vision, mission, and values document.

Accounting for Managers MGMT 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical Understanding accounting functions and documents, balance sheets, and income statements is important.

Law and Ethics MGMT 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

important Ethics is important. Ethical dilemmas may also be relevant in the “Leadership Fundamentals” course.

Leadership Fundamentals LEAD 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical This is a foundational course, and should include content on employee engagement, corporate culture, and recognizing and leveraging culture as an opportunity for change management.

Semester 6 Business and Society SOCI 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

important The impact of the intergenerational workforce and globalization should be included.

Business Statistics MATH 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

somewhat important – not important

This course was discussed extensively. The consensus of the participants was that this course is too complex and too theoretical. The participants recommended a Business Analytics course. Based on the recommendation of the focus group participants, the Degree Development Team facilitated the development of the course description and the learning outcomes which were circulated to key participants for feedback. The proposed Business Analytics course is included in the list of proposed courses.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 90

Course Information Rating Comments Semester 7 Introduction to Human Resource Management HR 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical The course should emphasize the importance of corporate culture and employee engagement.

Economics ECON 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

important The participants stated that the importance of this course content is “huge” and supports the development of an understanding of globalization and global trade.

Contemporary Leadership LEAD 3XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical Employee engagement might be a better fit in this course. Communications is critical in this course and in every course in this proposed degree program.

Analytical Decision Making PHIL 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

important ‐ critical In decision making, it is critical to determine the root cause of the problem.

Finance FIN 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical The ability to read and understand financial statements is critical.

Introduction to Marketing MKTG 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

important‐critical The notions of marketing mix and customer service should be included in the course content.

Strategic Business Management MGMT 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical The course content is critical. A manager must be grounded in the organization’s strategic direction and understand the contribution of financial performance and management.

Effective Leadership LEAD 4XX 45 hours 3 cu

critical The content and skills are relevant to any sector.

Semester 8 Building a Digital Communication Strategy COMM 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

important‐ critical This course is definitely relevant and becoming more relevant every day. The course should assist students to link social media with risk management.

Risk Management MGMT 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical The course content should include links to enterprise risk management, safety, and an organization’s strategic direction.

Cross‐Cultural Management MKTG 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical The participants interpreted culture to include only ethnic and racial differences. They highlighted the importance of the issues and opportunities pertaining to the intergenerational workforce and working with persons with disabilities. Understanding cultural differences will support overseas marketing.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 91

Managing Change LEAD 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical The participants encouraged the course developers to examine research on the People Side of Change and to include change management tools.

Leading Projects LEAD 4XX 45 hour 3 cu

important The course content is a valuable introduction to Project Management Professional Certification.

Bridging Courses

Course Information Rating Comments

Introduction to Psychology PSYCH 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

important No comments

Information Systems COMP 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

important This course should be offered in another program.

Business Communications BCOM 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical No Comments

Business Mathematics MATH 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical No Comments

Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1XX 45 hour 3 cu

important No Comments

Introduction to Management ADMN 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

critical No Comments

Accounting ACCT 2XX 45 hour 3 cu

important No Comments

Laboratory Science SCI 2XX 45 hours 3 cu

not rated The course description and learning outcomes will be developed by another Saskatchewan Polytechnic school.

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 92

Appendix E: Financial Analysis – BAMgt Detailed Budget Information

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 93

2020-21 Number of Students

Number of Credit Units

Tuition per Student/credit

Total Tuition

Degree Completion year 3 30 30 233 $209,700

Bridging (2 courses) 12 6 233 $16,776

Bridging (5 courses) 8 15 233 $27,960

International year 3 5 30 699 $104,850



Less 12% attrition


Total Revenue


2021-22 Number of Students

Number of Credit Units

Tuition per Student/credit

Total Tuition

Degree Completion year 3 30 30 242 $217,800

Degree Completion year 4 26 30 242 $188,760

Bridging (2 courses) 18 6 242 $26,136

Bridging (5 courses) 12 15 242 $43,560

Part time year 3 (group 1) 40 12 242 $116,160

International year 3 5 30 726 $108,900

International year 4 5 30 726 $108,900



Less 12% attrition


Total Revenue


Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 94

2022-23 Number of Students

Number of Credit Units

Tuition per Student/credit

Total Tuition

Degree Completion year 3 30 30 252 $226,800

Degree Completion year 4 26 30 252 $196,560

Bridging (2 courses) 18 6 252 $27,216

Bridging (5 courses) 12 15 252 $45,360

Part time year 3 (group 1) 40 12 252 $120,960

Part time year 3 (group 2) 35 12 252 $105,840

International year 3 6 30 756 $136,080

International year 4 5 30 756 $113,400



Less 12% attrition


Total Revenue


2023-24 Number of Students

Number of Credit Units

Tuition per Student/credit

Total Tuition

Degree Completion year 3 30 30 262 $235,800

Degree Completion year 4 26 30 262 $204,360

Bridging (2 courses) 18 6 262 $28,296

Bridging (5 courses) 12 15 262 $47,160

Part time year 3 (group 1) 40 12 262 $125,760

Part time year 3 (group 2) 35 12 262 $110,040

Part time year ¾ (group 3) 30 12 262 $94,320

International year 3 7 30 786 $165,060

International year 4 6 30 786 $141,480



Less 12% attrition


Total Revenue


Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 95

2024-25 Number of Students

Number of Credit Units

Tuition per Student/credit

Total Tuition

Degree Completion year 3 30 30 272 $244,800

Degree Completion year 4 26 30 272 $212,160

Bridging (2 courses) 18 6 272 $29,376

Bridging (5 courses) 12 15 272 $48,960

Part time year 3 (group 1) 40 12 272 $130,560

Part time year 3 (group 2) 35 12 272 $114,240

Part time year ¾ (group 3) 30 12 272 $97,920

Part time year 4 (group 4) 26 12 272 $84,864

International year 3 8 30 816 $195,840

International year 4 7 30 816 $171,360

TOTAL $1,330,080

Less 12% attrition -$159,609.60

Total Revenue $1,170,470

2025-26+ Number of Students

Number of Credit Units

Tuition per Student/credit

Total Tuition

Degree Completion year 3 30 30 283 $254,700

Degree Completion year 4 26 30 283 $220,740

Bridging (2 courses) 18 6 283 $30,564

Bridging (5 courses) 12 15 283 $50,940

Part time year 3 (group 1) 40 12 283 $135,840

Part time year 3 (group 2) 35 12 283 $118,860

Part time year ¾ (group 3) 30 12 283 $101,880

Part time year 4 (group 4) 26 12 283 $88,296

Part time year 5 (group 5) 23 12 283 $78,108

International year 3 8 30 849 $203,760

International year 4 8 30 849 $203,760



Less 12% attrition


Total Revenue


Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 96

Financial Plan Summary

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26+


Total Tuition less Attrition 316,172 712,990 855,550 1,014,003 1,170,470 1,308,954

Expenses Salaries and Benefits 312,036 601,804 754,315 798,428 842,002 885,776

Other expenses (materials, services, etc.) 20,900 26,900 30,700 31,800 33,700 34,600

Capital 10,500 4,500 6,200 6,000 6,000 8,000

Total Expenses 343,436 633,204 791,215 836,228 881,702 928,376

Funding (Shortfall) -27,264 79,786 64,335 177,775 288,768 380,578

Degree Proposal – Bachelor of Applied Management 97

Appendix F: Hanover Research Market Analysis, September 2013

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Appendix G: Hanover Research Topline Results, December 2013

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Appendix H: Hanover Research Bachelor of Management Survey

Analysis, 2015

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Appendix I: Insightrix Research report, 2018

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