celebration of first penance - portlaoise...

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Celebration of First Penance

Portlaoise Parish

14th February 2015

Children sing opening hymn Opening Hymn: My Shepherd Is The Lord Sign of the Cross Words of Welcome: Welcome to this celebration of the love and forgiveness of God. Even if we sometimes forget God He never forgets us. This evening we want to praise and thank God for loving us and for choosing us to be members of His Family. Reception of Children: Celebrant: We will now listen to the story of the Good Shepherd (Parent reads).

Scripture Reading: The Good Shepherd. Jesus told this parable: ‘Which one of you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbours, saying to them, “Rejoice with me, for I have just found my sheep that was lost”. Priest shares Reflection. Examination of Conscience Celebrant: When Jesus wanted to be quiet and still the Spirit led Him into the wilderness to pray. Let us focus now on our picture of the Good shepherd as we say our Prayer for Forgiveness. Children stand in seat and say together Prayer for Forgiveness O my God, help me to remember the times when I didn’t live as Jesus asked me to. Help me to be sorry and to try again. Amen

Parents, when you brought your child to the Church to be baptised, you accepted the responsibility of accompanying your child on their journey of faith. Today your child takes a further step on that journey. We are going to remember the times when we were untrue to ourselves and didn’t live up to the goodness that God sees in us. We are going to ask God to search for us, to find us and forgive us, just like the Good Shepherd found the sheep that was lost and brought it back to its flock.

Act of Sorrow: O my God, I thank you for loving me, I am sorry for all my sins, for not loving others and not loving you. Help me to live like Jesus and not sin again . Amen. Hymn: I’m Sorry, God Individual Confession and Absolution Celebrant: Just as God has forgiven us, let us forgive one another. Child together with parent(s) are directed forward to Priest. Parent(s) introduce child by name to Priest and then take 2 steps backwards and wait for child.

Words to be used by children for individual Confessions are as follows: Bless me Father, this is my First Confession, I am sorry for all my sins, especially for …

Parent (s) return to seat with child. When all children have received the Sacrament of Penance the Priest will invite children to give a sign of Peace to their parent(s). Children stand in seat and say together. Prayer after forgiveness O my God, thank you for forgiving me. Help me to love others. Help me to live as Jesus asked me to. Amen Prayers of the Faithful

We pray for all families. Bless them Lord and keep them safe. Lord, hear us.

We pray for all our teachers, principals and friends in school. Lord bless all our schools. Lord, hear us.

We pray for all the new life that will grow this Spring. Thank you Lord for the Gift of Spring time. Lord, hear us.

We pray that we will always be kind and forgiving. Lord, hear us.

We pray for our Grandparents. Lord bless them. We remember Grandparents who have died. Lord, hear us.

We pray for all who are sick at home and hospital. May Lord heal them. Lord, hear us.

We pray for all our Priests. May God bless them and give them happiness. Lord, hear us.

Our Father (Say together standing in seats with actions)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Children invited onto the sanctuary

Concluding Rite: Celebrant: May God bless all those who care for and love these children. We thank God for the gift of children. All: Amen Celebrant: May God bless all those who accompany these children on their faith journey. All: Amen Dismissal Celebrant: Go in peace to live like Jesus. All: Amen Celebrant: Go in peace to love one another All: Amen Celebrant: May Almighty God bless you all in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen: Amen Concluding Hymn: Happy in the Presence of the Lord.

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