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City of Quinte West

Public Works and Environmental Services Meeting Agenda

April 11, 2017 at 3:30 PM City Hall Council Chambers

1. Call to Order

2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof

3. Approval of Agenda - April 11, 2017

a) Agenda of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on April 11, 2017

4. Approval of Minutes

a) Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on March 14, 2017

Resolution: That the Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on March 14, 2017 be approved;

5. Presentations

a) Phil Weber, Principal Consultant Roundabouts, from GHD

Presentation on Roundabout Design and Proposed Roundabouts for Division Street Reconstruction

6. Public Meetings


7. Public Input

8. Committee Staff Reports

8.1 Director of Public Works and Environmental Services

a) Staff Report 17-023 Consolidated Public Works Operational Facility

8.2 Water & Wastewater Services

a) Staff Report 17-026 Trenton WWTP Headworks Upgrade Report

b) Staff Report 17-027 Operations and Compliance Information Report

8.3 Engineering Services

a) Staff Report 17-028 Capital Works Progress Report

8.4 Manager of Outdoor Operations

a) Staff Report 17-024 Operations Report

b) Staff Report 17-025 Centennial Park Athletic Turf Field

c) Staff Report 17-029 2012 Sidewalk Machine Purchase

9. Printed Information

a) Montrose Request

b) Letter and Petition from Morris D. Gates

c) Email from Don Kuntze re: Montrose Road

10. Non-Printed Information

11. Requests for Information

12. Adjournment

Next Regular Meeting

Next PWES Meeting: May 9, 2017

Quinte West Municipal Office – Council Chambers

7 Creswell Drive, Trenton

City of Quinte WestPublic Works and Environmental Services

Committee Minutes

Tuesday, March 14,2017 City Hall Gouncil Chambers

1. Call to Order

Councillor Fred Kuypers, Chair called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m

Members Present:

Councillor Fred Kuypers, ChairCouncillor Allan DeWitt, Vice-ChairDeputy Mayor Jim AlyeaCouncillor David McCueCouncillor Keith ReidCouncillor Bob WannamakerChuck Naphan, Public MemberBob Lockwood, Public MemberWayne Scaletta, Public MemberMayor Jim Harrison (regrets)

Staff Present:

Chris Angelo, Director of Public Works & Environmental Services (regrets)Matt Tracey, Manager of WaterA/úastewaterTim Colasante, Manager of EngineeringJim Turner, Manager of Outdoor OperationsKym Lord, Recording Secretary

Others Present:

Charlie Brown

2. Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature thereof

3. Approval of Agenda - March 14,2017

Agenda of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meetingheld on March 14,2017

Public Works and Environmental ServicesCommittee Minutes

Tuesday, March 14,2017

Moved by NaphanSeconded by McCue

Resolution: That the Agenda of the Public Works & Environmental ServicesCommíttee Meeting held on March 14,2017 be approved; Carried

4. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meetingheld on February 14,2017.

Moved by McCueSeconded by Lockwood

Resolution: That the Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental ServicesCommittee Meeting held on February 14,2017 be approved; Carried

5. Presentations


6. Public Meetings


7. Public lnput

Mr. Brown addressed the Public Works and Environmental ServicesCommittee about the bulk water station proposed location. He stated thatthe bulk water station would be better further north on the site of the OldGlen Miller School. Matt Tracey responded that Staff will review andconfirm if the City owns the property or not.

L Committee Staff Reports

8.1. Director of Public Works and Environmental Services

a) Staff Report 17-012 Streetlight lnstallation on Tuckers Avenue

Moved by WannamakerSeconded by Naphan

Publíc Works and Environmental ServicesCommittee Minutes

Tuesday, March 14,2017

That the PWES Committee recommends to Council not to install two streetlightson Tuckers Avenue. Carried

b) Staff Reporl17-017 Consolidated Public Works Operational Facility

Moved by McCueSeconded by DeWitt

That the Director of Public Works and Environmental Services Staff Report 17-017 PWES regarding an update on the construction of the Consolidated PublicWorks Operational Facility be received as information. Garried

8.2. Water & Wastewater Services

a) Staff Repoñ 17-018 Operations and Compliance lnformation Report

Moved by AlyeaSeconded by Lockwood

That the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services Staff Repoft 17-018PWES be received as information. Garried

b) Staff Report 17-019 PW15-01 Trenton \MIúTP Headwork's UpgradesProject

Moved by ReidSeconded by McCue

That the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services Staff Report 17-019PWES regarding an update on PW15-01 Trenton \AA//TP Headwork's UpgradesProject be received as information. Garried

8.3. Engineering Services

a) Staff Repoft 17-013 Capital Works Progress Report

Moved by LockwoodSeconded by DeWitt

That the Manager of Engineering's CapitalWorks Staff Report 17-013 bereceived as information. Carried

8.4. Manager of Outdoor Operations

Public Works and Environmental ServicesCommittee Minutes

Tuesday, March 14,2017

a) Staff Report 17-016 Operations Report

Moved by McCueSeconded by Lockwood

That the Manager of Outdoor Operations Staff Report 17-016 PWES bereceived as information. Carried

9. Printed lnformation

10. Non-Printed lnformation

11. Requests for lnformation

Wayne Scaletta inquired about the existing sand and salt quantities. JimTurner confirmed that any remaining materialfrom the Trenton yard will bemoved to the new building.

Keith Reid asked about the Frankford Skateboard Park status. Jim Turnerconfirmed that the work has started.

Chuck Naphan thanked Paul Belej and staff for their quick response to theBatawa factory water break.

Dave McCue requested that information about the round-a-bouts beavailable prior to the presentations as he is away. Tim confirmed that hecan provide the documents prior if needed.

Al DeWitt requested a possible field trip be organized to view a round-a-bout that includes high pedestrian traffic. Tim will look into this with Citystaff.

Al DeWitt would like to review the possibility of using higher quality linepaint. Jim Turner confirmed he would follow up.

12. Adjournment

Moved by AlyeaSeconded by DeWitt

That the Public Works and Environmental Services Committee nowadjourns at4:23 p.m. Carried

Public Works and Environmental ServicesCommittee Minutes

Tuesday, March 14,2017

Next Regular Meeting

Next PWES Meeting: April 11,2017Quinte West Municipal Office - Council Chambers

reswell Drive, Trenton

,å^frfud,rcyrNt-orO, Recording SecretaryF



DATE: April 14, 2017 TO: Chair Fred Kuypers and Members of the Public Works and Environmental Services Committee FROM: Chris Angelo Director of Public Works and Environmental Services SUBJECT: Consolidated Public Works Operational Facility

Recommendation: That the Director of Public Works and Environmental Services Staff Report 17-023 PWES regarding an update on the construction of the Consolidated Public Works Operational Facility be received as information.


Background: The contract price with Aquicon Construction was $18,417,375.00 plus applicable taxes. The total project budget is $23M which includes design, engineering, contract admin, site supervision, Aquicon costs and soft costs. To date Aquicon total costs including change orders amount to $20,160,000 plus taxes. Staff were advised by the contractor that the date for substantial completion is set for April 6, 2017 with some work being completed in the spring ie. hydroseeding, etc. Financial impact:

This project is on track with the $23M budget

Comment Analysis:

Pictures below


Plans Desk

Kitchen Area


Mechanics Bay



Front Entrance

Mechanic Bays


Front West Side

Garage Doors


East Side of Building

South Side of Building


DATE: April 11, 2017 TO: Chair Fred Kuypers and Members of the Public Works and

Environmental Services Committee FROM: Matt Tracey

Manager of Water and Wastewater Services SUBJECT: PW15-01 Trenton WWTP Headwork’s Upgrades Project ________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: That the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services Staff Report 17-026 PWES regarding an update on PW15-01 Trenton WWTP Headwork’s Upgrades Project be received as information.

Background: Committee members will find attached some information and updates of the progress to date of the reconstruction of the Trenton Wastewater Treatment Plant in Centennial Park. In summary, the project is proceeding well. The scheduled completion date is still anticipated to be December 15, 2017, with various equipment being commissioned throughout the duration of the project. At this point one rotary drum thickener, the inlet screens and grit system, the new UV disinfection system and one secondary clarifier are commissioned and in operation. The awarded contract price with Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. was $22,937,500.00 plus applicable taxes. The total project budget is 25.5M which includes construction, contingency allowance, SCADA system integration, contract administration, and site supervision. To date (Peak PC 17 issued), we have spent $17,033,389.17 (70%) plus taxes.


Financial Impact: This project is on track with the $25.5M budget and is still scheduled to be completed by December 15, 2017.

Public Input: N/A

Internal/External Consultation: N/A

Comments/Analysis: The overall project is proceeding well. Attached are photos taken of recent accomplishments.

March 6, 2017 – UV Channel Platform Installation


March 6, 2017 – Glycol Heating System

March 6, 2017 – Concrete Shear Connection Installation


March 6, 2017 – Admin Building – East Elevation

March 8, 2017 – Primary Clarifier Platform Installation


March 9, 2017 – Aeration Tank Electrical

March 14, 2017 – Primary Clarifier #2 Concrete Demolition


March 14, 2017 – West Tank Wall Block Installation

March 21, 2017 – Administration Building Drywall Installation


March 27, 2017 – Digester Supernatant Pump Installation

March 28, 2017 – Locker Room Drop Ceiling Installation


April 3, 2017 – Administration Building View

April 3, 2017 – Primary Clarifier #2 Scum Sump Concrete Work


April 3, 2017 – Block Installation – Aeration Tank Walls West Elevation

April 3, 2017 – Block Installation – Aeration Tank Walls East Elevation


April 3, 2017 – Primary Scum Pump Electrical


DATE: April 11, 2017 TO: Chair Fred Kuypers and Members of the Public Works and

Environmental Services Committee FROM: Matt Tracey

Manager of Water and Wastewater Services SUBJECT: Operations and Compliance Information Report ________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: That the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services Staff Report 17-027 PWES be received as information.

Background: For committee information, outlined below is an update with respect to Water and Wastewater Services. Financial Impact: N/A

Public Input: N/A

Internal/External Consultation: N/A


On March 20-24, 2017, 1 Operator attended the Entry Level Course for Drinking Water Operators, provided by WCWC, in Ottawa, ON.

On April 6, 2016, 1 Operator attended Water Meters: Customer Service, Usage and Operational Issues training, provided by Watermark, in Belleville, ON.


The 2016 Annual Wastewater Treatment Plant reports have been completed and are available to the public on the City Website. A presentation to City Council will be made in May highlighting the status of the water and wastewater infrastructure.

Bayside WT and WD

The City has received a Draft DWWP and MDWL for the newly consolidated Trenton/Bayside Drinking Water System. City staff are in the process of reviewing the draft documents. A new Permit and Licence will be issued shortly.

Frankford/Batawa WT and WD

The GAC media has been installed in both GAC filters in Frankford. Programming changes are required prior to putting the filters back online. This work is expected to be completed by April 14, 2017. GAC filters will go online shortly thereafter.

Trenton WT and WD

A watermain break and subsequent system pressure loss was reported to Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Environment on March 22, 2017. The City issued an interim Boil Water Advisory to all customers on the West side of the Trent River until such time the Health Unit issued their own. The BWA lasted for a period of two (2) days until samples results were received confirming no evidence of contamination in the water distribution system. Nineteen (19) samples were collected from various areas on the West side of the Trent River in response to the system pressure loss, and tested over the course of two (2) days. The Health Unit lifted their BWA by 1315H on March 24, 2017.

GAC replacement continues at the facility. Filter’s 4 and 5 are completed to date. Deficiencies with the underdrain for Filter 1 were identified during inspection, and require repairs. Repairs are tentatively scheduled for the week of April 17.

Batawa WWT and WWC

No items to report at this time. Frankford WWT and WWC

No items to report at this time. Trenton WWT and WWC


On March 14th, 20th, and 22nd, City staff reported a ‘Low UV Dosage’ alarm to SAC. The new UV system at the Trenton WWTP is designed to maintain a certain level of disinfection that is measured as a value of Dosage. For varied reasons, this measured value was reading below the target value and was reported to SAC accordingly. The City has opened discussion with the Equipment manufacturer, and J.L. Richards to come to a solution. The City has since received confirmation from MOECC Approvals Branch that we are no longer required to report these Events to SAC.

Stonecrest Estates STP

No items to report at this time.


DATE: April 11, 2017 TO: Public Works & Environmental Services Committee FROM: Tim Colasante Manager of Engineering SUBJECT: Capital Works Progress Report ________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: That the Manager of Engineering’s Capital Works Staff Report 17-028 be received as information.

Background: For Committee information, outlined below is an update with respect to the Capital Works Projects currently in progress or being proposed for 2017.

Various Roads PW 17-01 Hamilton Road from Aikins Road to 911# (414) Telephone Road from Roundabout to Old Wooler Road

Various Roads Tender closed on March 16, 2017 with Norway Asphalt Limited having the lowest bid of the five responses received. The proposals were reviewed and Norway Asphalt Limited has been awarded the work. A preconstruction meeting has been arranged for April 19, 2017 with mobilization for Telephone Road being proposed for May 1, 2017. As a result of Norway asphalt’s tender submission, on March 20, 2017 Council approved a recommendation from Chris Angelo to extend the limits of the Hamilton Road portion of the Various Roads Tender to Whites Road.

North Murray Street PW 17-02 Sidney Street to Ireland Drive

Geotechnical drilling investigations have been completed. Locates for utility servicing have been requested. A CCTV inspection of the existing storm and sanitary systems have been completed. As part of the City’s Active Transportation Network a 3.6 meter concrete/paved pathway is being implemented along the entire south side of the project. To illustrate the proposal and gather input for design considerations a Public Information Centre was held on


Tuesday March 21, 2017 with 12 residents attending. Input was very positive and as of today, no other responses have been received. Staff are currently in the final stages of Tender preparation with the intention of advertising the project for tender on April 12, with a submission date of April 27, 2017.

Division Street – Roundabout Design PW 17-10 In working with GHD Engineering, staff are currently collecting data, compiling engineering drawings and formulating a base plan that may include two roundabouts. Gifford and Harris surveyors have located the existing property boundaries to assist in the base plan design. In working with GHD Engineering an initial horizontal geometry has been developed for Public Works Committee to review. Phil Weber of GHD Engineering will present these conceptual plans, illustrate previous examples of similar roundabouts, and answer any questions Committee may have. A public meeting will follow mid-June of this year.

Creswell Watermain Loop PW 17-11

Staff are currently in the final stages of preparing Contact Drawings and Tender documents for distribution in April of this year.

Storm Ditching Program PW 17-03 Public Works Staff currently continue to compile a list of projects or areas of concerns to be reviewed. These will include proposed independent storm installations, revitalization projects and localized drainage improvements. Upon the approval of the Operations Budget, a list of projects will be presented to the Public Works Committee for consideration.

Existing Policy/By-law: Financial Impact: Included in the Budget for 2017 Public Input: Internal/External Consultation: Tender Process Comments/Analysis:



DATE: April 14, 2017 TO: Chair Fred Kuypers and Members of the Public Works and Environmental Services Committee FROM: Jim Turner Manager of Outdoor Operations SUBJECT: Operations Report


That the Manager of Outdoor Operations Staff Report 17-024 PWES be received as information.


Started cleaning shops for relocation to new building

Repairing signs as needed

Removal of trees in various locations


Brushing on Highways

Started sweeping

Progress in Parks

Playground & trail monthly inspections

Developing new training program for landscape equipment and maintenance practices

Clearing out 160 North Murray in preparation of moving to Operation Centre

Preparing capital plans for parks projects

Seasonal staff will start April 10/17

Working on Tender for lights at sports field in Centennial Park


Upcoming Community Special Events April 22 – Quinte West Hops on the Water May 5-7 – Kiwanis Walleye World Live Release Fishing Derby May 19-21 – Frankford Riverfest & Fireworks Fleet Co-ordinator report for repairs since the last meeting:

Truck #8-8- exhaust manifolds, turbo lines (Tallman Truck) $8131.00 Truck 8-53 –service call to repair block heater (Johns Equip) $505.00 Truck 8-47 – exhaust pipes and flex pipe and clamps (Premier Truck) $536.00 Truck 8-78 – engine warning light (Tallman Truck) $474.00 Truck 8-90- annual safety inspection (Reid Bros.) $1010.00 Truck 8-79- engine light and exhaust brake valve, repair cab heater (Tallman Truck) $1735.00 Truck 8-79 – repair no communication from TCM trans (Wajax Power) $2072.00 Truck 8-91 – annual safety inspection (Reid Bros) $1442.00 Unit 8-83- repairs to plow arms (HAI) $693.00 Loader 8-14- make new loader trip arm link (HAI) $1453.00 Truck 8-42- hyd alarm and deadman switch (Johns Equip) $1173.00 Truck 8-8- repair turn signals and lights (Johns Equip) $727.00 Truck 8-56- service call to Sidney deadman switch (Johns Equip) $306.00 Unit 8-83 – complete service (Johns Equip) $823.00 Truck 8-79 – to Trenton yard to repair tailgate and maxi brakes (Johns Equip) $604.00 Truck 8-51- Trenton yard to repair blown hyd hose (Johns Equip) $2063.00 Unit 8-18- to Trenton yard to repair brakes (Johns Equip) $1934.00 Trailer 1-20- annual safety inspection (Johns Equip) $701.00 Truck 8-1 – annual safety inspection (Johns Equip) $7390.00 Truck 8-51- replace rear brake maxi (Johns Equip) $353.00 Truck 8-77- replace wiper arm (Johns Equip) $297.00 Truck 8-89- to Murray yard to replace left rear maxi (Johns Equip) $621.00 Unit 8-43 –to Murray to repair no start (Johns Equip) $692.00 Truck 8-85- replace diff lock sensor and deadman switch (Johns Equip) $568.00 Truck 8-74- to Trenton yard to repair engine light, air leak, and coolant smell (Johns Equip) $1458.00 Unit 8-21- to Wallbridge to repair door latch (Johns Equip) $310.00 Unit 8-45 – to Colonial yard to repair for no start (Johns Equip) $884.00 Truck 8-12- repair taro and light issues (Johns Equip) $1254.00 Truck 8-41- to Wallbridge to repair brakes for locking up (Johns Equip) $726.00 Truck 8-53- replace MCM and reprogram (Premier Truck) $3704.00 Truck 8-41 – 2 new front steer tires (Attersley Tire) $1737.00 Truck 8-77- repair coolant alarm (Tallman Truck) $1268.00 Unit 1-52- complete service (Deerhaven) $675.00 Unit 1-53 – complete service (Deerhaven) $1294.00 Unit 8-20- change oil pan and complete service (Johns Equip) $4485.00 Unit 8-29- new blue beacon install and headlight wiring (Johns Equip) $632.00 Unit 6-16 – lube oil filter (McCurdys) $177.00


Truck 8-78 – new windshield install (Dougs Auto) $649.00 Snow Blower 8-13- parts for repair (Joe Johnson Equip) $6004.00 Truck 6-22- repair seized wheel brg (Lange And Fetter) $813.00 Truck 6-39- complete service and brake repair (Lange And Fetter) $801.00 Truck 6-21- complete service and front end work (Lange And Fetter) $1450.00 Truck 9-19 – box vibrator and regen, and coolant leak (Reid Bros) $1096.00 Truck 8-54- no low beams (Reid Bros) $321.00 Unit 1-54 – complete service (Anderson Equip) $1132.00 Unit 1-3 – complete service (Anderson Equip) $882.00

Existing Policy/By-law: N/A Financial Impact: N/A Public Input: N/A Internal/External Consultation: Consultation with the Director of Public Works and Environmental Services Comments/Analysis: N/A


DATE: April 11, 2017 TO: Chair Fred Kuypers and Members of the Public Works and

Environmental Services Committee FROM: Ryan Andrew, Parks & Open Space Supervisor SUBJECT: Centennial Park Athletic Turf Field

Recommendation: That Committee recommends to Council to receive staff report PWES 17-025 from the Parks and Open Space Supervisor and; That staff are approved to utilize the heavy equipment tender for the construction of the turf field in Centennial Park, to single source the irrigation system to Kerr Sprinkler Systems, and to single source the sod installation to Willowlee Sod Farm.

Intent Quinte West City Council has recently approved capital funds in the 2017 capital program to re-construct a turf field in Centennial Park to be applied as part of their youth programming. The recent Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades and road construction in 2016 at Centennial Park resulted in a loss of one youth playing field during the 2016 playing season. Background The project goals include the replacement, relocation and construction of one mid-sized athletic field within Centennial Park. One of the major concerns at this


time is having the field ready to be played on for the 2017 season and especially the Cameron Tournament. The construction elements involved with this project include project management and survey to be performed by City Staff, other contract services to be awarded by utilizing the heavy equipment tender include, top soil strip and rough grading of soils. The supply of sand and top soil would be received by following the City procurement policy. The irrigation system is recommended to be single sourced due to current Rainbird and decoder software that is connected to all of the existing irrigation systems within the park. The fine grade and sod installation is recommended to be single sourced to Willowlee Sod Farms due to all previous turf projects within Centennial Park have received Willowlee Sod installation and have proven to be of the highest quality. As well, plans have been made to add this field to the seasonal intergraded pest management program performed by Willowlee currently. If the PWES committee agrees to proceed using staffs recommended procurement process, this would provide staff with further cost control and an advantage over the completion date which would result in a positive impact on the soccer programming for this season and use of the field this summer. Financial Impact:

Top Soil & Sand Materials $27,500

Heavy Equipment $25,000

Irrigation $16,000

Sod $18,000

Nets & Goal Frames $3,500

Contingency $10,000

Total Budget $100,000

Internal/External Consultation: Consultation with the Manager of Outdoor Operations & Director of Public Works and Environmental Services



DATE: April 11, 2017 TO: Chair Fred Kuypers and Members of the Public Works and Environmental Services Committee FROM: Jim Turner Manager of Outdoor Operations SUBJECT: 2012 Sidewalk Machine Purchase

Recommendation: That Committee recommends to Council that the City single source the purchase of a used 2012 Model Prinoth SW 4S sidewalk machine including blower and blade from Shop Industrial Inc at a cost of $95,100 plus HST. ______________________________________________________________________ Background: Committee and Council members may recall that the Public Works Department currently rents/leases on a monthly basis, a sidewalk machine to assist with winter maintenance. This machine which has 1500 hours on it, has been offered to the City at a reduced rate to own rather than tendering for a new machine – which was included in the 2017 capital plan at $165,000. The Shop Industrial Inc. has provided a quote for the 2012 used Prinoth SW 4S which includes but not limited to the following: -fully variable hydrostatic transmission -independent control of each track through micro-processor -hydrostatic oil tank with heater -front adjustable air suspension -6 heavy duty solid rubber tires -rear mounted water radiator oil-cooler


Overall the price of a new machine of this type would cost over $160,000+ however this particular machine could be sold as follows to the City:

Price $97,500

Less 80% of rental payments made on this unit 4 months Dec-Jan, Jan-Feb, Feb-March and March-April


Sub Total $75,100

Attachments (blower and blade) $20,000

Total $95,100 plus HST

Existing Policy/By-law: The City’s purchasing policy requires 3 written quotes for purchases between $5,000.00 and $40,000.00, and for purchases greater, a formal Tender submission. The purchasing policy includes a provision for single sourcing where there is compelling rationale and City Council/Committee approval is granted. Financial Impact: The 2017 Capital budget includes $165,000 for a sidewalk machine to replace one of our older sidewalk machines. Public Input: N/A Internal/External Consultation: N/A Comments/Analysis: The City has requested exemptions to the Purchasing Policy in the past for specific projects. There is a strong business case in this instance to support the request for single source as we have rented this machine for the past few months and Shop Industrial have offered to apply and deduct 80% of the rental cost from the total cost of the “used” machine. In addition the surplus funds could be used to offset the cost of a new sweeper which is included in the 2017 capital plan or purchase a small half ton truck for our minimum maintenance patrols.


A Natural Attraction

DATE: April 4, 2017

TO: Chris Angelo, Director of Public Works & Environmental Services

FROM: Kevin Heath, City Clerk

SUBJECT: MontroseRequest

Hello Chris,

At a meeting of Council held on April 3'd, 2017, Councillor Kuntze requested thatthe Public Works and Environmental Services Committee review alternatemeasures for speed control in Montrose given that traffic is not always adheringto existing stop signs.

I trust that you will bring this fonruard to the Public Works and EnvironmentalServices Committee for their consideration.




7776 Carman Road, RR 1

Trenton, Ontario.

K8V 5P4.


Councillor Jim Alyea

Quinte West, Ontario.

Dear Jim

I am adding this extra document to provide you with some extra information that was gained from thosewho signed the accompanying ¡etter.

The most common expression was: "They have mutilated the countryside and turned the roadways intotrash piles." I believe the accompanying photos justify those statements.

The second notable comment was with respect to safety: "l wonder how long it will be before someperson - or a child - falls from a four-wheeler, a dirt bike or even just a bicycle and impales themselveson one of those sharp stakes that have been left behind by that flailing machine." I think you can sharethe feelings of those who expressed such a point if such an accident were to occur.

A third comment focussed on the reduction in property values that such mutilation brings about.

A final comment expressed a need for the Council as a whole to visit the area and see just what an

unsightly mess they have authorized.

Overall, the opinions were that the technique being employed is not acceptable and that there has been

no effort to clean up the messes that are turning the roadside into trash piles.

I believe we are entitled to a response, preferably by means of a specíal meeting where both sides ofthis íssue can be discussed fully.


D. Gates

Councillor Jim Alyea,

City of Quinte West.


Dear Councillor Alyea

Recently the city of Quinte West has begun a brush-clearing program in Murray Ward. This work has

been done using some large machine that flails the brush and trees and leaves the residue on the

ground below.

This technique produces a very haphazard result that is offensive and severely degrades the visual

harmony of the countryside. ln essence, the roadsides are turned into trash dumps that will persist for

some considerable time because often there are large tree limbs lying on the ground that will take many

years to rot and enter the soil.

Further, the technique destroys many small Lilac bushes that are not overhanging the road and which,

along with some wild flowers, help make the countryside attractive. lt seems that these plants need not

be cleared until they are large enough to interfere with forward vision or begin to encroach on the

roadside and affect snow-clearing.

Lastly, many of these roadsides have not been cleared for many years or only the occasional tree branch

has needed removal. The present technique seems extreme, certainly the destruction of large trees and

branches leave a most unsightly mess.

Enclosed are a number of photos taken showing how unattractive this technique has left much of the

countryside, it is a visual eyesore not in keeping with the motto "Quinte West - A Natural Attraction".

The results are not natural and certainly ihey are not attractive. - to the extent that it effects property


We respectfully request that some alternative form of brush control be practised that does not detract

from the natural beauty of the co ryside

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Stacy Dedlow



Don Kuntze < >

Sunday, April 09, 2OL7 9:04 PM

Chris AngeloCharlie Murphy; Stacy DedlowMontrose Rd. Public works committee meeting Apr 1L

Dear Chris

Please share this emailwith the Public Works Committee members

I hope this message conveys to the Public Works Committee my high concern for the stop sign that was placed onMontrose Rd in the fall of 2015.

The stop sign at Richard's Way & Montrose Rd, in my opinion is not working to reduce the speed on Montrose Rd

I have personally witnessed several violations of vehicles not stopping. Yes I have contacted the OPP more than threetimes since the arrival of the sign. I have even witnessed vehicles on Richard's Way coming to the stop sign withapproaching traffic on Montrose and they wait to see if the traffic on Montrose will obey the stop sign. I do this myselffrom personal experience. I have no trust that the Montrose traffic will observe the stop sign.

I do not even live where I can watch this intersection. These observations are from my morning walk and leaving myhome to drive on my daily travels. Most of the time I drive north on Colonial if heading to Belleville.

As you are aware Montrose Rd is quite long. lt is my observation that the vehicles that are speeding on Montrose arestill speeding regardless of one stop sign ! Even if a vehicle stops at the stop sign if they want to speed they race up tothe sign, brake hard then race off again as though it's the quarter mile drag strip.

I had reservations from the first suggestion of a stop sign; 1-. 40 plus years without a stop sign.2. Long straight stretch of road.3. Perceived short cut from Loyalist Wallbridge to Old Hwy 2. 4. No other traffic measures in place other than 50 kmspeed limit and intermittent OPP patrol (they can't be everywhere).5. The road way is in reasonable condition so little effect on the vehicle if a motorist wants to speed.6. I hear from my neighbours who do live on Montrose that they are concerned about the speed of traffic.7. No information about the volume of traffic.8. No other suggestions about speed controls on Montrose at the time .

There is a park entrance, a day care, a rail road crossing, multiple school bus stops to pick up and drop offchildrenduring the school year, four traffic intersections, ATV use, cyclists and the daily pedestrian traffic on Montrose Rd. Notto mention that along with West Moira the main entrance and exit for 500 families.

It is my understanding that there are other traff¡c control measures that can be put into place. From my point of viewweneedmoreinformation. lfwecouldmovethespeedspiestoMontroseRdtogatherthenumberofvehiclesandthespeed of the traffic.

The suggestion of a stop sign came from a few people complaining of speeding at a Public Meeting on the SidneyReserve Fund in the spring of 2015. Then bang a stop sign appeared. No data. No statistics. No public consultation. No

OPP presence until I complained two weeks after it was in place because I was almost hit by a car that ran the stop sign.


Please remove the stop sign? I have to speak up before someone gets hurt. That day is coming!

Yours truly,Don Kuntze

Sidney Ward Councillor for the City of Quinte West.


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