essentially worthing magazine - april 2012

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Essentially Worthing Magazine - April 2012




LittLEhAmptON LANciNg ShOrEhAm SOuthwick StEYNiNg StOrriNgtON AruNDEL FiNDON

Ew rEviEwS thE BESt BEAch cAFES

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IS 60 ThE NEw 50?

ANd ThE AwArd goES To…

Littlehampton gardens by thesea tOp tipS ON hOw tO cuLtivAtE A mAritimE gArDEN is the key to themost recommended businesses in worthing.Our website opens the door to the finest restaurants,hotels, shops, local attractions and so much more.









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To advertise your business in Essentially worthing call

Jacquie Pond on 01293 775060worthingESSENTIALLY


All my experience and passion has been for local news. People love people and my magazine gives a forum for familiar faces to talk about their businesses, expertise and activities.

I began my career here in Sussex working on a free local newspaper in crawley. In 1982, I launched and ran gatwick News for sixteen years, then moved to a regional daily newspaper before venturing north as publisher for a group of county lifestyle magazines. But in September 2011, I was drawn home to west Sussex and purchased Essentially worthing.

The attraction of the magazine was that it was an established, local publication where I could fulfil my ambition of promoting the community – both in the social and commercial spheres. In addition to our extensive local events coverage, the magazine can provide a crucial role in championing local commerce. we offer individual advice, advertising and editorial to keep businesses and customers in touch with each other and our economy thriving, even in more difficult times.

But it is ultimately your magazine. we intend it to be the first stop for finding what’s on whatever your age. In addition to our kids’ pages, we are proud to be adding a new, four-page supplement Active Age from worthing community Partnership, targeting the over 55s.

And we want to keep expanding. from April, we will be featuring “Beach Life” and from May, a local photography page, Ew gallery. If you would like to be included in this section, submit your high resolution, digital shots of people and places in the area to we look forward to your contributions.

we print 18,000 copies of Essentially worthing, distributed through 270 outlets – and clearly, I can’t do that on my own! I’m fortunate to have a small, dedicated team composed of Sheryl Tipton (sales and marketing), Terri germaine (advertising) award-winning photographer Kate Eastman and Richard Andrews (covers and layouts) and Karen Costello-McFeat (editorial) Sue Boiling (distribution)

of course, it is hard work, but I can honestly say that nothing beats the feeling of picking up the magazine from the printer’s, taking it to show our customers and readers and getting so much positive feedback.

Contact Jacquie on: or 01293 775060 / 07939 011316, the website: or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Personally speaking

who’s whopublisher - Jacquie Pond - 07939 011316Editorial - essentiallyworthing@gmail.comAdvertising - 01293 775060Office Manager - Terri Germaine - manager - Sue Boiling - 01273 463366Design - Kate Eastman, Richard Andrews - designessentiallyworthing@gmail.comprint - Evonprint - 01273 494631pond publishing Ltd. 28 tanyard way, horley, Surrey rh26 9pg

iNSiDE Ew mArch iSSuE

3 Personally Speaking why is Essentially worthing vital to the local community?

4-8 Essential Diary 5 pages of things to do locally this April

9 Treading The Boards wildlife, murder and music at worthing theatres

10-11 Essential Gardens cowpots help save the planet and seaside gardens made easy

12 Essential Food and Drink Easter wine and real tasty pies

13-16 Active Age News and information from worthing community Partnership

17 Essential Fitness Ew puts Bodyshapers of Lancing through their paces

18-19 Essential Splash who will you nominate this year for a Splash fM award?

20 EssentialProfile The sponsors of Splash fM awards

21 Essential Beach Life Jane hicks visits the Lobster Pot at felpham

22-23 Essentially For Kids Make an Easter bunny plus kids diary for April24 Essential Care why the Shelley makes it so easy

25-26 Essential Directory27 Essential Health Good health with Nuffield Hospital 28 Woods Travel

Jacquie Pond acquired Essentially Worthing in September last year. Since then, she’s worked hard to make it a premium, glossy magazine. We talk to Jacquie about how she got here, her motivation and vision for the future.

ISSuE 70


© Copyright Pond Publishing Ltd. No reproduction in whole or part without written permission. The Publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information herein or obtained from the Publisher’s website and therefore cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, distress or inconvenience caused by the content of any such website. The publisher accepts no liability for views expressed by contributors and advertisers, undertakes that prices were correct at time of going to press and can neither accept responsibility for loss or damage to unsolicited material nor return it without an SAE. No product or service advertised and/or publicised and/or appearing in Essentially Worthing magazine is, unless expressly stated to the contrary, endorsed by and/or otherwise associated with Essentially Worthing.

cover photograph by kate Eastman



ShorehamSparkles Will this YEAr’s firEWOrks

Night gO Off With A BANg?

YOur chANcE tO mEEt thE stArs

DiNiNg iN AND DiNiNg Out this christmAs

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ChristmasThe Spirit of

WE tAlk tO BEliEvErs AND NON-BEliEvErs ABOut thEir fEstivE viEWs

littlEhAmptON lANciNg shOrEhAm sOuthWick stEYNiNg stOrriNgtON AruNDEl fiNDON

YOur guiDE tO kEEpiNg thE kiDs ENtErtAiNED this christmAs


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FIzzY pop





LittLEhAmptON LANciNg ShOrEhAm SOuthwick StEYNiNg StOrriNgtON AruNDEL FiNDON

New YearHappy

wOrthiNg mAYOr tELLS Ew whAtS hAppENiNg iN 2012

cLASSicAL cONcErtS, jivE AND SOuNDS OF thE SixtiES

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LittLEhAmptON LANciNg ShOrEhAm SOuthwick StEYNiNg StOrriNgtON AruNDEL FiNDON

LoveAll you need iscAN YOur LOvE OF cAtS AND DOgS hELp YOu FiND A NEw rOmANcE?

wE tALk tO NEw BuSiNESSES StArtiNg up iN wOrthiNg

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LittLEhAmptON LANciNg ShOrEhAm SOuthwick StEYNiNg StOrriNgtON AruNDEL FiNDON

mEEt thE cASt BAckStAgE

whO iS OrgANiSiNg wOrthiNg’S FOOD FEStivAL ?

LEArN tO tANgO, tAkE YOur mum tO A mOthErS DAY cONcErt




Findon Valley mums & toddlers20 YEArS ON AND StiLL gOiNg StrONg

Art on the PierSpring and summercreative waves community Arts is showcasing the wealth of artistic talent in our community in this new exhibition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of worthing Pier. The exhibition is comprised of 100 images from 60 artists, which have been printed on high quality vinyl and applied to a section of the glass partition that runs along Worthing Pier’s central walkway. Don’t miss it.

Adur Art ClubTuesdays, 7pm to 9pm and Thursdays, 2pm to 4pm This friendly club welcomes new members. There is no official tuition, but talented members are always willing to help. Annual subscription: £40 and includes attendance on both days and refreshments. Additional charges apply for demonstrations by professional artists. room 8 (upstairs) at the Shoreham centre, Pond road,

East Worthing Short Mat Bowls ClubWednesday evenings, 7.00pm or Friday mornings, 9.30amAll welcome and tuition given where required. on Saturday 14 April, the club will celebrate its 25th anniversary with an open day. East worthing community centre, Pages Lane, 01903 212855 or 01903 243728.

The Southwick Sequence Dance Club Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm to 9.30pmA great opportunity to make friends, keep fit and have fun. dances are easy to follow. April 2012 marks the club’s 65th anniversary and club leader, wendy cosh is looking for past members to join them on the 18 April for a special celebration with a dance for each decade. Admission £3.00 including refreshments. The St John Ambulance hQ in The Twitten, Southwick, 01273 594049.

Worthing Short Mat Bowling ClubWednesdays (summer) and also Fridays (winter), 7.00pm to 9.30pm (both days)have you tried short mat bowling? why not come along for free coaching at St. Andrews School? Bowls are available. Experienced bowlers also welcome.Sackville road, Broadwater, Ron 01903 268240 or Betty 01903 260218

New Pilates Beginners’ ClassesThursdays, 12.45pmclasses run continuously and you can join any time. Special offer for EW readers – just quote essentially645 when you book and receive 6 lessons for the price of 5! Trax health & fitness, or call: 07821 740166

The Southwick and Shoreham Country MarketFriday mornings, 9.15 to 11am homemade cakes, savouries, jams, honey, free range eggs, handmade knitted toys and children’s clothing. Please note that the market due to be held on good friday (6 April) will be held on Thursday 5 April instead. The Porter room at the Southwick community centre, Southwick Street.

Worthing Friendship Centre Wednesday 4 April, 10.30amcoffee morning for over 50s.Sunny restaurant, ham road, Worthing, 01903 503291

Sussex Keyboard & Organ Club Wednesday 4 April, 7.30pmThe club welcomes Tim flint in concert. refreshments and raffle. Admission £6.The Queen Street centre, Queen Street, Worthing, 01903 691888

Your essential events guideESSENTIAL DIARY


Essentially Worthing is all about keeping members of the community in touch with each other. So, if you’d like to advertise your club or event here for free, please email your details to by the 15th of the month before. As we know, a picture paints a thousand words and high quality, digital images are especially eloquent. Just attach them to the email. Or if you’d like to promote an event, contact Jacquie Pond on 01293 775060


The Great Swing RevivalThursdays, 8pmSwing dance is back in style! If you’d like to be part of the revival, you can learn with the Savoy Swing dance club in worthing. The goring conservative club, Mulberry Lane, goring,

Goring Gardening SocietyThursday April 5, 7.30pm The society welcomes Martin Jarvis, who has a nursery in dappers lane, to talk about ‘vegetable growing and Market Gardening’. There will be a raffle and refreshments. Entry £1 for non-members.St Marys church hall, goring

Shoreham Oratorio ChoirGood Friday Concert 6 April, 7.30 pmThe choir will be singing Mozart’s Requiem and Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater arranged for Soc by conductor, Tony Allen. Entrance free with retiring collection.St Mary de haura church, East Street, Shoreham-by-Sea

Worthing Friendship Centre Tuesday 10 April, 7pmrobert goldsmith talks on ‘Dive to the Titanic’ community centre, durrington, 01903 503291

West Sussex Writers’ Club – Writing comedy for TVThursday 12 April, 7.30pm to 9.30pmken rock, a scriptwriter and founder member of The British Society of comedy writers, will be talking about writing comedy for TV. Door fee: £3 members, £5 non-members (free interval refreshments). club announcements and panto writing after the interval. New venue: heene gallery, worthing,

Roundabout Poets at Worthing LibraryFriday 13 April, 12 nooncelebrate the coming of spring with a new collection of poems about renewal. There will be contributions from our best local poets and the audience is invited to join in too with their original poems or favourite works. Entrance is free. All welcome. worthing Library, richmond road, 01903 704809.

Bartie’s BoutiqueSaturday 14 April, 9.30am to 4pm Looking for the perfect present? Bartie provides a first class, one stop service for buying gifts. You choose the gift and card, we wrap and send. free EntrySt Paul’s Centre, Chapel Road, worthing

Second Saturday Acoustic Showcase - Stairsailor’s James WalshSaturday 14 April, 7.15pm to 11pm James walsh, front man and writer for Starsailor will be supported by The Move On’s and Bradley Hicks. Tickets: £12.50 Paul’s Centre, Chapel Road, worthing

Worthing & District Cats Protection Spring FayreSaturday 14 April, 10am to 12.30pmSt.Peter and St. Paul’s Church hall, The Street, rustington,

WI Spring FayreSaturday 14 April, 10am until 11.30am.ferring wI is holding a Spring fayre with numerous stalls including: cakes, plants, books, filled baskets, white elephant, jewellery and more. There will also be a raffle, tombola and ‘Guess the Name of the Doll’ competition. Proceeds will go towards St. Barnabas hospice and Sussex Air Ambulance. Entrance: 50p. ferring village hall



Spring is the time for new beginnings and the diary is bursting with fresh ideas for hobbies and activities this month

Sussex County Croquet ClubApril 11 and 12, 2pm to 3.30pm; April 17 and May 5, 10.30am to 12.00 noon; April 18, 6.30pm – 8.00pm. You are invited to try croquet - an enjoyable and skilful outdoor game for all ages! Free taster days will be held on the dates above. The club is looking for new members, with or without previous experience. Please wear flat-soled shoes, no other equipment necessary. There will also be a six-week evening course for beginners starting on Tuesday 17 April, 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Tel: Richard on 01273 501483.kingston Lane, Southwick, opposite Shoreham college. Contact: 07717 058833 or Artisan

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Worthing Astronomical SocietyMonday 16 April, 7.30 pm Member’s Contributions & Astronomical Question Time. Visitors £3Emmanuel United reformed church hall, worthing Ten Week Art Courses in WorthingCourses begin Tuesday April 17, 10am to 12 noon for the figure drawing class and on Thursday April 19, 10am to 12 noon for experimental drawing. There is also a monthly Sunday morning figure drawing session from 10am to 1pm.Sidney walter centre, Sussex road. contact: dudley Sawer 01903 232746,

The Friends of Worthing Museum and Art GalleryTuesday 17 April, 2.30pmThe friends welcome Ian gledhill who will be giving an illustrated talk on Magnus volk and his railways. Ian is chairman of volks Electric railway Association, so expect an especially enthusiastic presentation. visitor entry: £2 including refreshments.The Education room, worthing Museum, chapel road

Zachary Merton Community Hospital – AGMWednesday 18 April, 3p.m.The AgM of the League of friends will be followed

by a talk by Mr harry clark (rustington heritage Association) entitled ‘why is J M Barrie in Rustington?’ refreshments afterwards. All welcome. The dining room, Zachary Merton community hospital, rustington

Argentine TangoBeginners 4 week course commencing wednesday 18th April 2012 7:30pm – 8:45pm cost £24highdown vineyard, ferring, BN12 6Pg email phone 07808594005

Setting the Scene with Erinna Mettler: a writer’s workshopWednesday 18 April, 2pm – 4.30pm (with break for refreshments)debut novelist Erinna will use her Brighton set novel, Starlings, and works by other writers to explore scene-setting techniques for emerging writers. Admission £3 from library desk.worthing Library, richmond Road, Worthing, 01903 704809,

Painting DemonstrationTuesday 17 April, 7.30pm to 9.30pmAdur Art club would like to invite everyone to a demonstration of line and wash painting in a cartoon style by well known artist Brett Hudson. Admission: £4 for visitors and £3 for members.Room 3 (downstairs) at the Shoreham Centre, Pond Road

Goring Residents’ Association Annual General MeetingThursday 19 April, 7.30 pm This year, the AgM will be followed by an exhibition of local volunteer and hobby groups including the Natural history Society, worthing Astronomers and the high Salvington wind Mill Trust. So we would like to issue an open invitation to all residents, to join us at 8:15 pm to find out about local activities and our association. refreshments available. St Mary’s Hall, Ilex Way,

Casting the RunesThursday 19 to Saturday 21 April, 7.45pmcatch the world premier performance of Robert Pope’s adaptation of MR James’s short story by the cissbury Players. Tickets cost £7.50 and are available from Peckham’s the Butchers, findon village and can be reserved for collection on the door, Tel: 01903 527687. Please note that parking is limited.findon village hall.

The West Sussex Geological SocietyFriday 20 April, 7.30pmThis evening, the society welcomes dr richard herrington from the Natural history Museum to speak about ‘Black Smokers’. St Stephen’s Church, Angola Road, Worthing, 01903 209140.

The Kids Kaboodle Nearly New SaleSaturday 21 April, 9.30am to 12.30pm All kinds of nearly new and new items on offer and admission costs only £1 after 10am. (Before 10am, £2) Stalls available for the public and businesses. There will also be a bake sale with proceeds to go to William’s Fund.charmandean centre, worthing, and

Spring FayreSaturday 21 April, 10am to 1pmBroadwater community Association’s spring fayre promises: cakes, a tombola, children’s raffle, books, refreshments and more. contributions to the tombola welcome. Entrance 20p (children free).The Parish rooms Broadwater, opposite the green The Worthing National Trust Association Saturday 21 April, 2.15pm This will be The Annual general Meeting followed by a talk by gilly halcrow on ‘food drink and Table Manners 1200 to 2012’.durrington community centre, New road, durrington, 01903 367485

An Evening of Feel Good MusicSaturday 21 April, 7pm to 9.30pmLocal musicians, Ted Young, Laura ward and friends will be giving a concert in aid of the worthing Churches Homeless Projects. Evening includes an interval, raffle, wine and soft drinks by donation. Tickets: Adults £5, children £3 are available from the venue below and wchP charity of the good Shepherd, kings walk, west Beach, Shoreham, 01903 227829,

Messy ChurchSunday 22 April 4pm to 6pmcome and explore the Bible through craft, Bible stories and a meal. Everyone is welcomegoring Methodist church, Bury Drive, Jennie 01903 501577

David Copperfield and Little Dorrit Monday 23 April, 7.15pm celebrate the birthday of Dickens and join Listen Up! storytellers carol hunter and david Stephens for a special adaptation of two extracts from dickens of his most popular stories. Soft drinks available or why not bring a bottle? Tickets £3 from Worthing Library or contact any west Sussex library via our website, , 01903 704809



New ferry shuttle service is now in operationThe result of a partnership between the Town council, Littlehampton harbour Board, Littlehampton Yacht club and Action Boat Limited, a newly established venture offering rIB rides out to sea giving residents and visitors far easier access to the west bank, with its beautiful beach and dunes and historic fort, Yacht clubs, Marina facilities and golf club, the service, sponsored by the west Beach café, will run regularly, departing from the harbour Board pontoon (outside the Harbour Board office) and travelling across to the ferry pontoon at Littlehampton Yacht Club, as well as offering harbour tours. for residents of the west Bank the ferry will give access to the facilities of the Town, East Beach and the green.Tickets will be available at Action Boats ticket office. More details can be found on the visit Littlehampton website at

call Essentially Worthing

01293 775060



Sussex Keyboard & Organ Club – Anniversary Concert Wednesday 2 May, 7.30pmThe club celebrates their 40th anniversary with an evening featuring Michael wooldridge and chris Stanbury. There will also be refreshments and a raffle. Visitors welcome. Admission £6; parking free.The Queen Street centre, Queen Street, Worthing, 01903 691888

Tarring Art Circle Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 May, 10am -6pm, Monday 7 May, 10am to 5pmAnnual exhibition and sale of paintings. Admission freeThe Emmanuel church hall, St Michaels road, worthing.

Variety Evening to Raise Money for St Ann’s Hospice and The Neuro FoundationSaturday 13 May, 7:30pm (Doors open at 7pm)You are invited to an evening of good old-fashioned music hall with burlesque and Irish tap dancers, the kaleidoscope choir, a strong man, a poet, a juggler and more! There will also be a painting auction and raffle. All proceeds to the charity. Tickets cost £8.50 from Steyning Bookshop & guitar freq. Steyning Athletics club, charlton Street, Steyning

Painting DemonstrationThursday 17 May, 2pm Adur Art club would like to invite everyone to a painting in watercolour demonstration by Kate Osborne. Admission: £4 for visitors and £3 for members Room 3 at the Shoreham Centre, Pond Road, Shoreham

The Floral Fringe Fair Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 May, 10am to 5pmExplore 11 acres of glorious gardens replanted by chelsea gold medallists, fleur de Lys. Includes 50 specialist nursery stalls, contemporary crafts and local produce. refreshments, light lunches and cream teas available in the old Stables. Entrance £6; children under 14 free.dogs on leads.Bignor Park, 5 miles south of Petworth, 07939 272443,

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration PartySaturday 19 May, 7.30pm to 10.30pm Join us for a charity supper evening with musical accompaniment by duo accordionists, ‘Two in Accord’ Shirley and Bill. Tickets, £10 (to include supper) and proceeds will go to the NSPcc. Please bring your own drinks, glassware and cutlery. wine permitted. No children please. New durrington community centre, Contacts: Brenda (01903) 232149 or Shirley (01903) 238785

AND LOOKING AHEAD…Worthing & District Cats Protection Fashion ShowWednesday 25 April, 7.30pm to 10pmFun fashion show - come and see our volunteers on the ‘cat Walk! Tickets: £5, available from the shop at 35 Rowlands Road or Denise 01903 767274The charles dickens, heene road, worthing

Zachary Merton Community Hospital 75th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving Friday 27 April, 2.30pm.The League of friends have organised a service of thanksgiving, conducted by the hospital chaplain, revd Pat Brooks. This will be followed by refreshments in the church hall. All welcome. rustington Parish church, The Street, rustington

Sussex Egyptology Society Saturday 28 April, 2pm to 4.30pm Egyptologist and former Worthing-based Beecham research chemist Alan reiblein will be talking about ‘colour in Ancient Egypt’ in this illustrated lecture. Entry costs £4 for non-members. davison School, Selborne Road, or call 01403 710794.

Free Drawing DaySaturday 28 April, 10.30am until 3pm Enjoy a free drawing day at the worthing Museum and Art gallery with the assistance and inspiration of two artists. 16 years and over, please.worthing Museum and Art Gallery, Chapel Road, 01903 221448

‘Singin’ by the Sea! 2012’Saturday 19 May, 7pmThe National Association of choirs, Thames South group, composed of local choirs The rowland Singers, Sussex gruffs Mvc, gillingham Mvc, Songbirds crawley and Pound hill Junior School choir will be performing an eclectic mix of choral singing. Tickets cost: £10 adults, children £2 from 01903 238792 or 206206Assembly hall, Stoke Abbott road, worthing,, or contact helen:

To advertise your business in

Essentially worthing call Jacquie Pond

01293 775060

Treading the boardsESSENTIAL EVENTS


This April showers stars at Worthing Theatres

To book tickets go to or phone 01903 206206

All the Single LadiesFriday 13 AprilLeslie Ash, Brooke kinsella and Tara flynn star in this poignant new comedy where their lives and stories intersect around one problem.connaught Theatre, worthing

Johnny Cash RoadshowFriday 20 AprilSinger/songwriter clive John, The Spirit Band and Jill Schoonjans join to recreate the life of the legendary singer. Expect all the greatest hits! Pavilion Theatre, worthing

Worthing Symphony Orchestra - Classic HeroesSunday 22 AprilJohn gibbons conducts the orchestra through the classical masters: handel, Mendelssohn, Mozart and Beethoven. Starring soloist Julian Bliss on clarinet. Assembly hall, worthing

Fever Pitch Saturday 28 AprilBased on the best-selling book by Nick hornby, this dramatic adaptation humorously observes the life of an obsessed Arsenal fan.Pavilion Theatre, worthing

Weird Creatures with Nick Baker Friday 13 April Let naturalist Nick Baker escort you on an incredible journey from Lake Titicaca in the Andes to the shadowy caves of Slovenia in search of truly weird creatures.Pavilion Theatre, worthing

Chinese State Circus Tuesday 3 to Thursday 5 AprilThis new production, Yin Yang, promises to be a treat for the whole family incorporating a combination of amazing acrobatics, martial arts and circus skills.Pavilion Theatre, worthing

Stars of Strictly Come Dancing Katya Virshilas and Pasha KovalevMonday 2 April The duo will be joined by Sky 1’s Lindsey and Ryan and forty local dancers in their performance of exhilarating exhibition routines.Pavilion Theatre, worthing

Murder Mistaken Tuesday 3 to Saturday 7 April Edward Bare marries older, wealthy women for money and it is not just their income that is disposable. In this tense, psychological thriller, we will have to wait to discover if, in the end, crime pays. connaught Theatre, worthing

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7TH April at Ferring Country Centre.

Do not miss the Easter Fun Day and Launch of the Rangers Cafe.

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Rife Way, Ferring, West Sussex, BN12 5JZTelephone 01903 245078

Charity Number: 297286

Seaside Gardens

There is one great advantage to gardening by the sea, frost is rare. on the other hand the challenge of salt laden winds needs particular planning.

The main defence is hedging as wooden structures need to be substantial to take the strongest gusts. for an immediate seashore boundary it is Tamarix which can tolerate these conditions but Escallonia, Euonymus and griselinia are suitable not far from the beach itself. Years ago the estates had cupressus macrocarpa planted as temporary protection. As many were not replaced they grew into the huge conifers often still seen around East Preston and rustington to this day.

once a wind break is created the frost free, sunny aspect gives us an abundance for choice of plants. Nerium oleander and Mimosa (Acacia dealbata) are more common in many gardens along this coastal strip. Plants with a small waxy or even slightly furry leaf are suited like olearia , Sedum or Senecio and Phlomis. The chusan palm Trachycarpus fortunii brings an exotic feel to any area, but in very exposed locations may need a fleece wrap for the leaves between december and March.

gardens close to the sea often have stoneless soils which

become compact and do not drain. Manure and compost help to improve soil structure while digging in grit improves aeration and drainage. of course in close beach locations lacking in soil it may be a necessary to build raised beds to create planting depth. Lavender, cistus and hibiscus all tolerate the dry conditions and together with Yucca and cordyline create a very Mediterranean atmosphere.

Some other interesting flowering plants are Armeria (Sea thrift), Eryngium (Sea holly), Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) and I have always been amazed at how roses tolerate the conditions often flowering late into the autumn even when all their

leaves have been scorched dry and shrivelled by the sun and sea breeze.

Bell Gardens Ltd Heene Road, Worthing01903 241687If you have any questions for Andrew please email them to:

Andrew Tomes has tips on creating a stunning seaside garden

Bell gardens Ltd01903 241687/07703

Find out how our 50 years of experience in garden design and construction can help you cut down some of the perennial chores.

Ask us about plants suitable for your aspect and conditions.

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April work in the Garden:Lawn First cut. De-thatch and seed bare patchesBorders divide perennials, weed, water and mulchPlant Summer flowering bulbs and tubers including potatoes.Prune Forsythia once flowering finished. Dogwoods,

Buddlieia, hydrangeas, fushias and Lavatera. If cutting hard back a privet hedge do one side this year and the other next

Sow Many veg and hardy annuals in green house

Tip: If buying many plants for the garden at the garden centre, do not be tempted by all that are flowering at the time otherwise you will end up with a one month interest garden.Turn house plants occasionally so they receive light on all sides eventually.

Hooray it’s Easter, with all those lovely aromas of chocolate, hot cross buns and of course new season English lamb, which really excites our palates and fires-up our imaginations to the array of possibilities of Easter fayre, entertaining our families and friends, matching Great wines to our menu’s, and what better way than to start in the South downs National Park with this pleasing find at Henning’s wine.

Stopham Estate Rose´ 2010grown on the banks of the beautiful river Arun, near Pulborough, this light dry rose´ wine made with precision by wine maker, Simon woodhead, from the dornfelder grape variety, oozing raspberries & cream on the nose with balanced sweet fruit on the palate, I would think this selection is going to be well matched with lighter lamb and fish dishes.£12.99 from Henning’s Wine Merchants, Aldsworth Parade, Goring, Worthing, BN12 4UPT: 01903 700224

CONDE DE VALDEMAR RESERVA.2005Well this next wine selection really did fire up my imagination with this Gold medal winning Rioja red wine from the Bodegas valdemar, making wine since 1889.made from a tasty blend of 90% Tempranillo & 10% Mazuelo grape spending seventeen months in french and American oak casks, on the nose it has strong complex aromas of stewed blackberries, spicy touches of black pepper and mineral notes, on the palate it has ripe fruit and oak with a long persistent finish and will go fantastically well with chocolate and meat dishes. The thing that I find particularly pleasing with this wine is that it is of magnum size 150cl or two bottles in one, making a saving of around £5 on a 75cl bottle (currently retailing around £17.50 per bottle) but not only the saving it looks great as a centre piece on your table, thank you “Grapes “for this great find!!£30 from Grapes of Worthing, 10 Prospect Place, Worthing, BN11 3BL. T: 01903 608563,

Try these wines and let us know if you agree with Neil’s recommendations email

EW set the task to local wine expert Neil Libby to find two good wines to buy for April from our local wine stores in the Worthing area



Wine for EasterReal Pies, Reel TastyJason’s traditional pies proved so popular at his Reel Tasty Street Café that now they are going to have a place of their own. Jason Earl tells Essentially Worthing about his plans.

reel Tasty Pie and Mash is the latest member in the reel group family of cafes and take- away restaurants. It came about because of the enthusiasm for the freshly made pies that were already being served in their cafes in the day time. Jason said, ‘There is nothing more satisfying as a caterer than to be told again and again how wonderful your food is.’ So when customers requested that their appetites for his delicious pies could be satisfied into the evening, he could hardly refuse.

from 1 April, a new Pie and Mash café will be open from 5pm until 10pm in the evenings at 96 Brighton road, worthing (near the Aquarena and next door to

the other reel café). Jason promises that the midday crowd will not be forgotten since, ‘You will be able to get a reduced version of our menu during lunchtimes from Reel Café.’

The problem will be choosing which delight to savour – a steak and guinness or a chicken and leek? A traditional East End Pie or a Sussex Pasty?

And looking ahead, Jason said, ‘we will, in the near future, be hoping to introduce vegan and gluten free pies to the range.’

Add to this an assortment of sweet pies and optional extras at more than affordable prices and there is no surprise that customers have been asking for more.

Welcome to a new newsletter just for you!

Many of you will remember Worthing Neighbourhood Care Alliance, dedicated to supporting over 55s in Worthing which came to an end in September 2010. But all was not lost… Worthing Community Partnership have now decided to embark on producing a quarterly newsletter to fill the gap left.

This newsletter will let you know what’s going on in Worthing for over 60s who enjoy being active, either physically, mentally or even both!

It’s designed for people who don’t want to just sit at home and watch TV, but want to make new friends, take up a new hobby, learn a new skill or join a club.

Just because you are getting older, you don’t have to be old!!

Active Age will provide advertising space to support voluntary and community groups also advertising opportunities for commercial organisations, give us a call to find out more. You could sponsor an issue of Active Age, with a distribution of over 18,000, it’s a good deal!

So we want to hear from you: let us know what you would like to see, your letters, views, comments, stories, pictures, for inclusion in future issues. Do you have a favourite place you go that you could share with others? Have you found a restaurant or shop that has given you good service or value?

We hope you enjoy this first newsletter, please pass it on to your friends. You will find our next newsletter in the July issue of Essentially Worthing.

You can contact us by writing to:

Active Age Worthing Community Partnership

Portland House Richmond Road

Worthing BN11 1LT

or emailing us at:

If you would like to sponsor the next issue, advertise your event

or service then call

07563 955871

Worthing Community Partnership

Worthing Community Partnership (WCP) is a unique Worthing based Charity which enables and supports community regeneration. One of the ways we do this is via the Worthing Community Chest Grant, a small grants program that awards grants of up to £1,000 four times a year to community groups and charities. In 2011 we celebrated our tenth anniversary and the giving of over £132,000 to Worthing voluntary groups over those ten years. WCP also leases rooms in Renaissance House in Rowlands Road to charitable organisations at a low rate of rent. This allows these groups to spend more of their funding on carrying out their core aims in the community.

Worthing Borough Council (WBC) has supported WCP from its start 10 years ago, and every year it makes a contribution to The Community Chest pot, hosts our application form on its website and provides us with office space. In recent years the pot has benefited from the WBC recycling grant that has allowed us to reach even more community groups in Worthing.

Issue 1 sponsored by

Focus on... Dance Have you been enjoying “Strictly Come Dancing”? Fancy yourself, as Brendan Cole or Natalie Low? Why not try something traditional like Tea Dancing or Ballroom? There are plenty of classes to choose from, and these are just a few of those available:

Tea Dancing Heene Community Centre Durrington Community Centre St Mary's Church, Ilex Way East Worthing Community Centre

Kate Jackie Blake Mrs Took

01903 209997 01903 268287 01273 441861 01903 593903

Ballroom Dancing Heene Community Centre Kate 01903 209997 Ballroom and Latin Heene Community Centre

Heene Community Centre Kate Kate

01903 209997 01903 209997

Saturday Social and Dance East Worthing Community Centre John Smith 01903 245833

Or try something new like Zumba! This is the new dance sensation - it’s fun, it will increase your fitness and the best bit is you don’t have to have a partner! Zumba incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, some Bollywood and belly dance moves. There are different versions including Aqua Zumba (in the swimming pool) and Zumba Gold, which is designed for Active Older Adults. There are over 100 classes in the Worthing area every week… here are details of just a few!

Zumba Gold Durrington Community Centre Sidney Walter Centre

Liz Downes 07973 532733

Zumba Worthing Aquarena Field Place

Worthing Leisure Centre Davidson Leisure Centre

Aqua Zumba Aquarena Or why not try something completely different? For example, creative dancing which is a user led group, taught by dance teacher Leonie, where you are encouraged to try different dance styles letting your own creativity shine through. Give it a go and you might find your inner dancer! We’ve also listed several other different styles of dance, including belly dancing! Creative Dance Cornerstone Church 01903 538627 American Square Dancing The Barn, Goring 01403 731120 Circle Dancing Heene Community Centre 01903 209997 Egyptian Dancing for Beginners East Worthing Community Centre 01903 753257 Line Dancing Durrington Community Centre 01903 268287 Route 66 Country Western Dance Club 01903 502836

Learn something new (or even advanced) ... Computers

Don’t believe you can’t teach old dogs new tricks! There is a wealth of courses designed for adults, and their popularity shows it’s not just the young ones who can pick up new skills. Learning a new skill makes you feel good and could lead to other opportunities. Details below:

Guildbourne IT Workshop Free for all levels – Monday - Friday 10am – 4pm Saturday 10am – 1pm

01903 231356

Worthing Homes Drop-in Session Wednesday 12.15 pm - 3pm

01903 703177 – ask for Ruth

Guild Care Wednesday - 10.30am - Midday 01903 528600 Adult & Community Learning Service Worthing and Goring Library

Basic starter classes upwards, including social media - over 65s - 10% discount and free to benefit claimants

0845 601 0161

Durrington Community Centre One to one lessons - all levels 01903 268287 University of the Third Age (U3A) 48 different groups West Sussex Adult Education 100s of different adult education

classes 0845 075 1009 adult education

Northbook College Languages, cookery, crafts, and more

0845 155 6060

Are you over 50, still very active and enjoy meeting people? Do you want to try something new and make new friends? Guild Care is starting a brand new service called Full of Beans for active people who are over 50 and would like your input. A Taster Day will be held on Monday 16 April between 10am and 3pm, when you can pop in and try some new activities and let them know what you think, you can also suggest other activities you may wish to do. Full of Beans is expected to be lively, outgoing, sociable, fun, informative and friendly. Taster activities will be free and will probably include a tai chi taster, some singing and craft activity. There will be refreshments, cakes and light lunches available. The Healthy Living Centre will be transformed in to an area with relaxed seating in a coffee lounge style where people can chat and socialise together. On the Taster Day, the wellbeing therapy room will be open for manicures and hand massage and following suggestions, we expect to offer a range of different therapies on Mondays. Full of Beans will commence fully on Monday 14 May and will be open every Monday at the Healthy Living Centre, Methold House, North Street, Worthing, from 10am to 3pm You will not need to book in - just drop by on Mondays, join in with activities or meet friends over a coffee and a cake. There will be a full programme compiled following the Taster Day which will be available to pick up or sent by email.

Introducing Worthing Volunteer Centre Worthing Volunteer Centre is part of Worthing Council for Voluntary Service and is accredited by Volunteering England. The Volunteer Centre, which is in the town centre, offers a range of volunteering opportunities and support to start you off. You can come and see us to explore what's available; there is no obligation and no charge! There is a lot of choose from if you want to be a volunteer. You may want to use your existing skills or develop new ones. It can help keep you in touch with the community and can be very rewarding. You can find out more by calling us on 01903 528622 or emailing We will arrange to meet with you to talk about the things you are interested in and make some calls to find you the right match. You can also look at our webpage on

Sue's story Sue retired four years ago after working as a Case Worker for the NHS. She said: "When I first retired I had so many things I wanted to do - day trips, meeting friends for lunch, etc., but after a couple of months I knew that this wasn't going to keep me motivated enough and had to do something else. Chatting to a good friend, they mentioned the Volunteer Centre as somewhere to go and talk to about me and the things I am interested in. I rang and a very nice lady took my details and sent some information for me to look through and we arranged to meet. There was so much to choose from I didn't know where to start! I felt a little anxious about going, but they were so nice and welcoming. We talked about lots of things and the lady made some calls to voluntary groups and it just went on from there! Why do I now volunteer? I wanted to stay active and get out of the house. I have fun and a laugh - it's like having an extended family and you never know who you might meet from day to day. It gives me something to focus on and I feel I'm still needed. I still have a busy personal life and always encourage friends to get involved." When asked if she plans to continue in volunteering, she replied: "I intend to carry on as long as I can."

Sue is an inspiration to all you would-be volunteers.

So instead of sitting at home wondering what to do on Mondays, come along, either on your own or with friends - you will be made very welcome.

For further details please contact Jacqui Swindells on 01903 528600 or email

Tai chi picture

Don’t forget your free TV licence Have you just celebrated your 75th birthday? Or do you live with someone who is 75? Then don’t forget you are entitled to a free TV licence.

You might still be very active and perhaps don’t watch a lot of Television, but you still have to have a licence, so save some money and claim your free one! This concession is not granted automatically, TV licensing is asking those entitled to a free licence to apply now! Visit or call 0300 790 6073.

Thinking about going on holiday? Carry on Clubbing! According to a recent survey, the number of over 55s going clubbing abroad is increasing! 20% of older travellers have danced with strangers on their holidays abroad and 10% have jumped up and strutted their funky stuff on the tables! Additionally, 15% admitted to having a holiday fling! The poll of 2,000 people by insurers Gnu, found the top clubbing destinations for the over 55s to be Lanzarote, Ibiza, Rio, Magaluf and Ayia Napa, so... pack those bags now!!!

Gap years for over 50s Other over 50s are taking gap years from their normal lives. In a report by Footprint travel guides, older people are looking to expand their horizons, see the world, and enjoy some authentic cultural experiences. Liz Harper, head of marketing and digital editor, explained that many older people are taking gap years because they have the time to do it, having retired from work and seen their children leave home. Many over 50s professionals are take career breaks, and adopting something of a ‘now or never’ attitude to a year out. Ms Harper added, “We are seeing more interest in places like Borneo and Africa.”

Luc’s Column

Hi I’m Luc Harvengt, Guild Care Outreach Team Manager and I’d like to tell you a little bit about what we do...

Are you feeling bored at home? Do you want to be more active and sociable? If this is you, then try one of our local activities we run at a venue near you.

We organise a weekly Tai-Chi session at Broadwater on Friday afternoons. We also have a social gathering every Thursday morning at Highdown Court, Durrington, with coffee, chat, quizzes, exercise, poetry, etc. As you get older, we realise it's sometimes difficult to find the opportunity to make new friends, so, if you really just want to make new friends, we gather likeminded people for Tea & Chat at easily accessible venues like local cafes.

If you would like further information on any of the above activities in Worthing & Adur, or if you need information on other groups or services in Worthing, just give us a call on 01903 528627.

The Guild Care Outreach Team is here to help, whether you are 50 or 90!


Active Age is a project of Worthing Community Partnership Registered Charity Number 1098284



Reassuring and relaxedBodyshapers Lancing is tried and tested by Terri from Essentially Worthing

It was with some reservations I agreed to try out the equipment at Bodyshapers in Lancing as I had in my mind it was a ‘gym’ environment – how wrong I was! Feeling a little nervous I arrived for my appointment at 1pm in my tracky bottoms and t-shirt. The owner, Angela, was there to greet me and after having a chat and running through a very simple health check all my fears just slipped away and it was time to start my workout.

There are 6 machines in total each of them working on a different set of muscles in your body. I started the first one and Angela was very thorough in telling me exactly where I had to sit and where to put my hands and feet. The machine was started up and although it seemed quite easy at first I was encouraged to work with the machine to maximise the effects. The more effort you put in – the better the results.

Angela stayed with me throughout my trial encouraging me to work a little harder and was reminding me how to position my elbows, legs, knees, feet, in fact every part of my body. It sounds complicated but believe me it isn’t.

And the best thing of all, as Angela said, I didn’t ache in the morning!

while I was there a few people came along enquiring whether they were ‘fit’ enough to use Bodyshapers and Angela took her time to listen to the various health issues they had, including fibromyalgia, back aches, trapped nerves and many more. Angela reassured all these people she would adjust the machines accordingly and sure enough all the people signed up for a trial workout.

One of the many benefits at Bodyshapers is they can help you out with a healthy eating plan too and monitor your progress – a bit like your own personal trainer at much less cost!

My experience there was great and I would recommend anyone to try it – what have you got to lose?

Bodyshapers 01903 755700

Becca has lost 27 inches and 1 stone and 3lbs. Becca joined in Nov 2011.

Tracy has lost 23.5 inches and 9lbs she also joined in Nov 2011.

Mother and daughter Tracey and Becca are thoroughly enjoying their workout sessions with Bodyshapers of Lancing not only have they seen drastic changes in shape and body tone they have also gained confidence

This is what they had to say to Angela Prodger the owner of Bodyshapers Lancing

Before we joined Bodyshapers we lacked confidence and didn’t like the way we looked. our confidence has grown and now we feel so much better. The team at Bodyshapers are so supporting and always making sure we as the customer are getting the best vip service. The difference with Bodyshapers is you are always motivated and encouraged, as part of the package they discuss the right foods to eat, you always get a eating plan which has really helped us to get on the right track. Thank you Bodyshapers for coming to Lancing. Becca and Tracey

Bodyshapers delivers results andimprovesconfidence







Splash awardsFor the fourth year running, we’re celebrating the best that Worthing and the surrounding area has to offer – recognising everything from a successful business, through to individuals with a heart of gold.

This year’s Splash Awards take place on Thursday the 17th of May at Worthing’s dome cinema.

Nominations are now open in a total of fourteen categories.

Best Businesswith Worthing Town Centre Initiativedo you know of a local business that’s flourishing, while all around them seem to be having trouble keeping their heads above water? We’re looking for a local success story – a company that’s made gains in turnover, demonstrated great service, or done an exceptional job of standing out from the crowd.

Best Friend AwardWith The SamaritansIs there a special person that’s always there for you? Someone who’s always there to share the highs with, but is also there to help you through the lows? Tell everyone how much their friendship and support means to you.

Charity of the Yearwith Saywell Internationalwe want you to tell us of a local charity that’s worked hard to raise funds, had a real positive impact on the people and community they serve, and struck a chord with the public in order to gain their support.

Chris Copsey Gold Awardwith Henry House Hot Pool & Therapy Centrewe want to reward a local star from the Splash fM area, who has made a significant contribution to local life – someone with endless dedication, passion and commitment to their community.

Courage Awardwith Adur & Worthing CouncilsWe’re looking to recognise a true local hero. Someone who’s been a knight in shining armour and come to the aid of someone else, or somebody who’s had to show strength, bravery and determination through difficult times.

Dad Of The Yearwith Worthing Extreme TyresIs your dad a cut above the rest? we want to hear about a local father who dedicates every waking hour to ensuring his kids get the best start in life. he could be a shoulder to cry on, the person who’s helped you follow your dream, or maybe he’s just been there for you in spite of his own problems.

Fundraiser of the Yearwith Southern WaterWe’re looking to recognise a local individual with an endless commitment for charity work or good causes – someone with great enthusiasm and creativity, who is constantly getting involved in fundraising initiatives, in order to help others.

Lifetime Achievementwith Stand Dentalwe want to recognise a local person whose life story is an inspiration to others – someone who’s shown years of dedication to help others in the local community, or someone who’s overcome extraordinary odds to achieve success.

Mum of the Yearwith Davison High School for GirlsWe’re looking for a mum in a million – someone who’s shown incredible love and support, or overcome a difficult situation, but has still always been there to care for her kids through troubled times.

Pub of The Yearwith Goring Road Carpet CentreIs your local a real ‘jewel in the crown’? We want to hear of a pub that’s built up a loyal set of customers, but still has a warm welcome for all. we want to recognise an establishment that offers a great drink, great entertainment, and a great community spirit.

Restaurant of the Yearwith Kendricks Coffeewe want you to recommend a local restaurant that keeps you coming back for more. obviously the food is the primary factor, but our

winning eatery will have the whole package – a unique atmosphere, a friendly welcome and a service that’s second to none

Sporting Starwith Worthing Leisurewe want to recognise an individual from the Splash fM area who has excelled in their chosen sport over the last twelve months – someone who’s demonstrated unquestionable skill – along with an unrivalled determination to do the best they can.

Sporting Teamwith Body Shapers of LancingWe’re looking to recognise a local sporting club that has shown great improvements in the last twelve months. It’s not necessarily about how many trophies are in the cabinet – determination and teamwork are just as important.

Top Teacherwith Northbrook CollegeIs there a special teacher at your local school - the type that your kids will still remember in twenty years time? We’d like to recognise someone who gets their pupils attention and respect, and goes that extra mile to inspire them and help with their studies.



Voting is easy, you can nominate online just go to or call 01903 210772 to request a nomination pack in the post – don’t forget to mention Essentially Worthing

Successful Aerospace Company Supports Local Charities

Essentially Worthing talks to Peter Saywell, Managing Director of Saywell International, about what he does and what motivates him

Peter Saywell has chosen to sponsor the Splash fM charity of the Year Award and it is apt that a man so committed to local charities should do this. when asked what prompted him to contribute, he replied, ‘we are fortunate to have a thriving business in unusually difficult times and we just want to give something back.’

And give back they do - generously. His company sponsors the Saywell International (Arun and chichester) Youth football League, which aims to help develop youth football. Saywell International is also active in making worthing United football Club, ‘something to be proud of.’

Saywell International also raises money for charity by sponsoring track days at goodwood Motor circuit. They select only local charities and, where possible, ask that funds be particularly allocated. In the case of Sparks, for example, it was put towards specific medical research. There are three days planned for this year, with the first recipient being the Douglas Bader foundation.

Also, keeping it local, Peter’s company sponsors and hosts the quarterly helping hands Award with Splash fM, which supports local charities to give kids the best start in life.

for a very busy man, Peter finds a huge amount of time to help others. I wondered what motivates him. ‘we are all in the same boat,’ he said cheerfully. Businesses and the community are complementary not contrary. working together, ‘we can make things happen.’

Saywell International Downland Business Park Lyons Way, Worthing BN14 9LA. 01903 705 700



Kendricks are

pleased to be


The Splash

FM Restaurant

of the year

award “Happy to sponsor

the Splash award for

Sporting Team”

Visit the Lobster Pot it is well worth the tripWelcome to Beach Life, EW asked Jane Hicks to review beach cafes from Shoreham to Bognor. We start this month with a visit to the Lobster Pot, Felpham

on the seafront of the unspoilt, pretty little village of felpham sits a historical gem. The Lobster Pot café attracts people like a honeypot attracts bees. It was literally buzzing when I went along – and owner Tom Barnes told me that it was quiet that day! So what is its secret of success?

In the first place, it seems always to have been there to serve the local residents. Tom told me he had been there for three years, although the café itself has been existence for about 100 years. The present building was constructed in the mid-1920s as a tea cabin, although the original building on the site dates back to 1894.

during the Second world war, canadian servicemen were billeted in the area and their meals were served in the tea room. Those residing at the hotel situated immediately behind were able to use a convenient walk-through to get there.

The memoirs of one couple in the 1930s include buying ‘coconut tobacco’ and sherbet in a yellow card tube which you sucked through a liquorice pipe costing 1d (one old penny). Then in the 1960s came a juke box, pinball machines and a small bar, now long gone.

It was not until the early 1980s that it was appropriately named The Lobster Pot, due to the fact that the fishermen used to keep their lobster pots at the top of the beach. Nowadays, this popular café serves anyone and everyone. on Sundays it is a popular haunt for motor cycle enthusiasts who meet there quietly to enjoy the view and the banter.

Today, The Lobster Pot has a smart, new frontage and has been extended to accommodate more customers inside. with exterior seating as well, they are able to serve 150 at any one time. They are open from 8am-5pm all year round, serving home cooked food all day, not to mention those very naughty, delicious home-made cakes. And the coffee is superb!

The lunch-time fare includes a Specials Board as well as a regular menu. A variety of fish dishes are available in addition to good quality pub-type food, and there is a kids menu. vegetarian and healthy options are also on offer.

of particular mention on the Specials Board the day I went was a starter of Spicy Thai butternut squash soup and a mains warm Salad of Cajun chicken strips with tzatziki and sweet chilli sauce. I opted for Panchetta cherry tomato quiche & salad with new potatoes. I must say I was as impressed with the quick service as I was with the delightful food – tasty, home-made quiche with a generous helping of a colourful salad. who could ask for more?

The Lobster Pot opens in the evenings between April and october, offering a more extensive, continental menu with a wine list, so transforming it into a romantic little place for a candlelit dinner. And you don’t need to book. Just turn up and they promise to find you a table. Tom says he can accommodate more diners this way.

This is a trip well worth making - you won’t be disappointed!

The Lobster Pot, The Esplanade, felpham Bognor regis



Street parking, Dog-friendly (inside & out), Wheelchair & pram access, Unisex toilets (no disabled)

what do you call an angry rabbit sitting in the sun?A hot, cross bunny!

why did the Easter egg hide?Because he was a little chicken!

what is the difference between a fake £5 note and a crazy rabbit?One is bad money and the other a mad bunny!

how do bunnies travel?By hareplane!

what kinds of books do bunnies like?Ones with hoppy endings!




Easter Bunnies

What you will need: One pastel coloured face flannelone elastic bandCotton wool/small white pom-pomgoogly eyes or tiny black buttonsglueNeedle and black thread/black paperribbon, beads, stickers etc for decoration

How to make your bunnyn Lay your face flannel on the

table (fluffy side down) and carefully fold one corner over to meet the one on the op-posite side. You now have a triangle.

n Taking the widest corner, roll the face cloth up tightly to-wards the long, straight edge. You now have a fat sausage.

n Take the ‘sausage’ and fold in half.

n This time, fold the ‘sausage’ again, but so that one half lies on top of the other half.

n Take your elastic band and tie it tightly at the half way point.

n The bunny now has a head. Pull out the pointed ends to shape the ears.

n Stick on the eyes.

n Stick on a fluffy tail

n Sew on a little nose and a few whiskers. (You can use paper and glue if easier)

n decorate with ribbon or other attachments if desired.

n Make a family for Easter decorations and for friends. (You can stuff the rabbits with tiny soaps, eggs or gifts)

Make your own Easter bunny to carry your little egg – or make some to give as gifts.

Hah! Hah!

Essentially for Kidswe want these pages to be bursting with interesting events, but we need you our readers to help us achieve this. If you run an amazing mums and toddlers, a nearly new sale, fete or child-cen-tred activity – let us know! Just drop us a line on on the 15th of the month before and we’ll do our best to fit you in.

Coombes Farm Lambing SeasonUntil 15 April, 9.30am to 4pm dailycome and witness the miracle of birth. Lambs and calves abound at the farm and if you wish to extend your visit and see more, why not take a scenic tractor-trailer ride to view the animals in the fields? Tickets: Lambing sheds – adults £3, children £2. Tractor rides: adults and children £2.50 (ride lasts approximately 30 minutes.) details from the website:

Easter Holiday Activities at Arundel Wetland Centre31 March until 15 April come and see the Easter bunnies! Giant rabbits will be visiting the reserve from the raystede centre for Animal welfare. on April 6 to 9, families can also visit the domestic ducklings in the visitors centre and discover about the breeding programme at a Behind the Scenes display.

outside there will be numerous baby ducklings to be found along the trails and waterways. Spring sees the start of the pond dipping season and there will be children’s crafts available each afternoon. want more? Then follow the Easter Egg trail around the reserve. Admission: Adults £10.90, children (4-16) £5.45, family ticket (2+2) £29.10.Tel: 01903 883355,

Fireman Sam – Pontypandy Rocks!Monday 2 AprilPontypandy is planning its first musical festival with a secret guest star. who will it be and will Naughty Norman upset the town’s plans? An afternoon that promises to be filled with songs and adventures from your favourite hero and friends. A perfect Easter treat.connaught Theatre, worthing,

FREE cycle training courses Monday 2 April to Thursday 5 April, 10am to 12.30pm.west Sussex county council is offering The Level 2 Bikeability courses over the Easter holiday for kids aged 10 or over at oak grove college, worthing and chichester college. To book a place call 01243 777098 or email:

Children’s Activities at the Museum - Weald and Downland Open Air MuseumWednesday 4 and 11 April and the Easter weekend, Saturday 7 to Monday 9 April Activities from 11am until 4pm. (Museum 10.30am to 6pm)Explore this living, open air museum and discover what our ancestors in the countryside would have been doing at this time of year. Visit the houses, enjoy activities, crafts and games, see the newborn lambs and watch the horses at work on seasonal tasks.

There are special activities to enjoy over the Easter weekend too including a bonnet competition and parade on Easter Monday. children must be accompanied. Entrance: Adults £10, children and students £5.40, family (2 +3) £28. weald and downland open Air Museum, Singleton, chichester,

Mewsbrook Easter Out & About Session - LittlehamptonWednesday 4 April from 10am to 12 noonvisit this beautiful green flag park at Easter and enjoy games, a bouncy castle, an Easter Bunny hunt, face painting and much more. Suitable for children aged 3-11. Mewsbrook Park, Sea road, Littlehampton, 01903 732063

Baby and Children Fayre Saturday 7 April, 10am to 4pmopen day with stalls selling baby and children’s items. Actives for children include: entertainment, face painting, balloons and bouncy castle. free EntrySt Pauls centre, chapel road, worthing

Brookfield Easter Out & About Session - LittlehamptonWednesday 11 April from 10 until 12 noonThis hidden gem of a park offers lots of fun and games for 3 – 11 year olds including: a bouncy castle, Easter Bunny hunt and much more. A hot drink vendor will be on site. Parking is very limited, so please walk if you can.Brookfield Park, Worthing road, Littlehampton, Tel: 01903 732063

Worthing & District Society of Model Engineers ExhibitionSaturday 14 and Sunday 15 AprilThis exhibition will showcase a wide variety of model railway layouts, traders and society stands. Light refreshments available. Admission: Adults £4, children £2, family (2 + 2) £11. field Place, The Boulevard, Worthing, Tel: 01903 815396

Tiddlers and ToddlersMondays, 10am to 12 noonMums and little ones are invited to join this new, mother, baby and toddler group for free play, crafts, snack time for toddlers and a soft area for babies.Emmanuel church, St Michaels road, worthing

Kids’ Diary - April



Nothing is too much trouble at the ShelleyWe asked our residents relatives if they would like to share their views of The Shelley. This is one of them, Dominic’s story.

A very Special Place…..By dominic cropleyIt was early February 2009 and Mum’s falls were

becoming more frequent. It was becoming more and more apparent that she was unable to live alone anymore; she was so sad and upset. why was this happening to her? I was naturally becoming very concerned and was trying desperately to find a solution. I was recommended by a friend to go and visit The Shelley residential home.

That was three wonderful years ago! The companionship, laughter, and sense of knowing The Shelley truly is a wonderful place meant Mum was able to enjoy life again. At first it was so strange and very hard for Mum to live with support, to be honest it was hard for all of us. Now we feel the excellent staff, for which nothing seems too much trouble, and the other residents have all become our friends. The staff, truly are, this homes greatest asset.

Mum goes on regular day trips, enjoys an impressive range of activities with the dedicated team, and relishes many of the entertainers who come to The Shelley several times a week.

It has not just made a huge difference in her life, it’s made an

enormous difference in mine.If you are worried

about having to move into a residential home don’t be, take my word for it and try

The Shelley. You will not be disappointed, it’s like living in a hotel.

The Shelley truly is a special place.

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Directory boxes cost from £32 plus VAT for a 4cm box. 10% discount for a series of six. Includes design. Just call us on 01293 775060

wadarsWorthing and District Animal Rescue Service

Registered Charity Number 257843

YOUR local animal charitycelebrating it’s 40th Anniversary

Registration from 12.30pm

wadars dog reunion!Saturday 18th July

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giant slideroundabout

CompetitionsAnd MUCH MORE . . .



wadarsWorthing and District Animal Rescue Service

Registered Charity Number 257843

YOUR local animal charitycelebrating it’s 40th Anniversary

Registration from 12.30pm

wadars dog reunion!Saturday 18th July

10.30am to 4pmRefreshments

Home-made CakesIce creams


Car DisplayBouncy CastleFace Painting

giant slideroundabout

CompetitionsAnd MUCH MORE . . .



wadarsWorthing and District Animal Rescue Service

Registered Charity Number 257843

YOUR local animal charitycelebrating it’s 40th Anniversary

Registration from 12.30pm

wadars dog reunion!Saturday 18th July

10.30am to 4pmRefreshments

Home-made CakesIce creams


Car DisplayBouncy CastleFace Painting

giant slideroundabout

CompetitionsAnd MUCH MORE . . .


EntrancewadarsWorthing and District Animal Rescue Service

Registered Charity Number 257843

YOUR local animal charitycelebrating it’s 40th Anniversary

Registration from 12.30pm

wadars dog reunion!Saturday 18th July

10.30am to 4pmRefreshments

Home-made CakesIce creams


Car DisplayBouncy CastleFace Painting

giant slideroundabout

CompetitionsAnd MUCH MORE . . .



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that is visibly neither? have we forgotton what we are for? Since when did a light head cold, a bout of diarrhoea, a splinter or a fungal nail infection- and yes, I was offered one (and politely declined) this very morning with some incredulity at 3am- become emergencies?

Of course, it’s not all about me. It’s not only that I mind seeing this stuff. It’s not just that I am irked beyond endurance at the mere mention of a verruca in the Ed. It has all been such a terrible waste of money training Emergency doctors to save lives if this is how we spend our time. It’s like having Usain Bolt running in the egg-and-spoon at the church fete.

we have to accept that people and society have changed. The public has been

disempowered and emasculated and no longer trusts its own judgement without a government advice line. It is about now getting the right people to do the right job and redefining roles.

I would like to reclaim the Emergencies for the Emergency department. An Emergency is: A problem (as opposed to a person) that cannot wait, or something bad will happen.Bring out your chainsaws!

Dr Sarah trained in medicine at King’s College, London, and now works in the Emergency Department at Worthing Hospital.

Dr Sarah has the last word

Your Good Health



Dr Sarah is an A&E doctor working on the frontline of emergency care and this month she questions how the system is being used

Nuffield Health will offer their expert advice on medical matters in future issues, but first an introduction

chichester 90x134 essential local ad.indd 2 2/14/2012 2:59:49 PM

I used to work in Accident and Emergency. But things have definitely changed round here. Most Emergency Medics are afflicted to some degree with Attention Deficit Disorder. While you are actively trying to die, you are assured of my full and undivided attention. once out of danger, I will joyfully hand over your ongoing care to someone with a bleep and a bedside manner with barely a backwards glance. I’m good at caring alot for a short space of time, that’s what makes me good at what I do. That’s why I’d make a rubbish GP. That’s why I’m not a GP, and that’s why I don’t really want to see alot of GP stuff in accident and emergency.

So it is with increasing despondence that I often scan down the list of cases waiting to be seen these days.

Perhaps I’m being unreasonable, but I tend to think that if my mum could sort it out, then it is possible my skills are being underused.

In the olden days when many people did not have cars, but most had jobs, when the mobile phone did not exist and NHS Direct was your nan, hospital was for sick people. really sick people. You did not ‘pop in’ on your way back from the pub or because the pregnancy tests are free. Surely if you need to phone to ask advice about whether a problem constitutes an emergency, then chances are it isn’t...

I do live in the real world and appreciate that it is not always easy to pass the gP receptionists test of worthiness for an appointment. But has it equally become too quick a reflex to go to A&E with a problem

Nuffield Health Chichester Hospital and Nuffield Health Brighton hospital are delighted to have collaborated with Essentially worthing to run some short articles about common health problems. These will be written by our expert consultants who can offer free advice and hopefully put some minds at ease.

A little something about Nuffield HealthNuffield Health is the UK’s largest not-for-profit healthcare organisation. We provide clinical, fitness and wellbeing services to the general public, private organisations and the NhS.

Nuffield Health has run independent ‘not-for-profit’ hospitals for over 50 years, and has the UK’s third largest portfolio of independent hospitals providing services including elective surgery, rehabilitation and diagnostic tests. Two thirds of the British population are within an hour’s drive of a Nuffield Health Hospital.

Since 1957, Nuffield Health has been setting the standard in the health sector. we have a unique approach to improving health in the Uk, putting the quality of care and satisfaction of individuals and companies at our heart and, in the process, improving the health of millions of people.

Quality standards and procedures are very important to us. Integrated governance is the mechanism used to challenge and measure quality – responding quickly to safety concerns, measuring customer feedback and understanding and evaluating mistakes. we have been awarded NHS Litigation Authority Level 3. Nuffield health is the only private sector provider with this level of accreditation from the NhS for our governance policies and processes.For more information please call Chichester on 01243 753001 or Brighton on 01273 624488

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