leinon-classroom management plan

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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Brianna LeinonMay 14, 2014ED 132Classroom Management and Communication Plan Part I: Management Style and Philosophical Beliefs I believe that classroom management is one of the most important aspects to teaching, as without it learning would not occur. Classroom management skills make it so there is a structure to the classroom. Through a management plan, students know what to expect each day and are not constantly thrown changes, which can affect their learning. Also by having a set management style, students will be able to easily learn your expectations so they are not unclear as to what is expected of them. Lastly, by having a plan teachers are more easily able to avoid bad behavior, as they will know how to ensure it is not encouraged or supported. My management style is best described as an authoritative style. According to a classroom management profile, this style means that I place limits and controls, while still pushing for the students to be independent. I believe that this accurately describes me, as I do think students need to have limits, but at the secondary level really need to begin to take their learning in their own hand. The other part this description mentioned is that students are aware that it is acceptable for them to ask questions at any time, even if it means interrupting the teacher as long as the question is relevant. I think this is very important in classroom management because it helps to create trust between the students and myself. If my classroom works in a way that is previously described, then I can trust my students to follow the limits, yet also be acquire freedoms when it comes to their learning. I believe that knowing my students is one of the most important parts of classroom management, and therefore I need to be willing to meet their needs as much as I possibly can. I want students to feel as comfortable as possible in my classroom, specifically with me and with their fellow classmates. I do not want to force anything on my students as at the secondary level I do not feel that this is something that they need, instead they need to be able to develop ideas and appropriate behaviors for themselves. I want to be able to have fun in the classroom with the students so that they are able to enjoy a certain content area as much as I do. In order to have fun, I want students to be able to have choices and know that the learning really is all about them.

Part II: Establishing a Positive Classroom CultureIn my opinion, having a positive and welcoming classroom culture is one of the most important aspects to classroom management. The best way to accomplish this is through strong student-teacher relationships. I will develop these relationships by beginning the semester by having students create a small board/poster as seen below. On this board I will have them indicate fifty to one hundred things that they love. By doing this they will have the opportunity to express their creativity but also tell me about their favorite subject, themselves. I plan to do this so that I am able to begin more fully understand them as a person and a student. However, this is just a way to begin the semester. In order to then continue expanding and maintaining these relationships there are various tactics that I would like to implement. Some of the tactics mentioned throughout Teaching with Love and Logic, include treating students with dignity, giving them a reason to trust you and creating an environment where everyone (teachers and students) are equally respected. In order to create the environment mentioned in Teaching with Love and Logic, I plan to ensure that students know that they can do anything and they have the right to do things that may not always be perceived as logical, as that is when their best learning could occur. Through this plan, students will believe that they can do anything and I will help them get there, therefore creating a sense of common trust. I will encourage this by having students look at things from various points of view, and by questioning their thinking in order for them to be able to fully develop their ideas in a way that is beneficial to their learning. By doing the actions previously mentioned I believe I will be able to have a class who can succeed and will function in a positive way. I STAND UPON MY DESK TO REMIND MYSELF THAT WE MUST CONSTANTLY LOOK AT THINGS IN A DIFFERENT WAY. Dead Poets Society

Part III: Developing Classroom Rules and ProceduresIn order to create a classroom that is not entirely chaotic all of the time, I will need to establish classroom rules and procedures, however I do not plan on creating them on my own. I think that students should be allowed to give suggestions as to how the classroom environment should be maintained. I see this as being useful because most students will have a good idea of what is already expected in the classroom by the time they get to the secondary level, therefore their ideas will not vary too much from mine. Once these rules and procedures are created, they will be clearly posted in the classroom so that they are constantly visible to everyone. For my expectations when it comes to this subject, there are a few areas that I will decide on. As an example, when it comes to students leaving my classroom, they will be expected to sign out in their planners so they have something to carry in the hallway if they are stopped. They will also be required to sign out on a sheet by the door so I am able to keep track of how often each student exits my classroom, to ensure it does not begin affecting their learning. If students are absent from my class, I will have a designated area in the classroom for students to find the missing work, along with a brief summary of what happened in class the day(s) they were gone. I will expect them to come to me if they have any questions regarding the missing work. For late work, I will have late work passes and once those are used up it will be increasingly difficult for students to do well on a late assignment. My classroom will have a routine, so students are able to pick up on it and adjust to it within the first few weeks of the semester. I plan to establish the expectation where students are to be ready in their desks with needed supplies for the day as the bell rings. They will know what is needed for the day, as I will have it written on the board along with specified objectives for class each day. During class I will keep track of student learning through various assessments, both formal and informal. I will organize this through various charts, which I will plan to keep in a binder so that it is constantly at my fingertips. Lastly, if a lesson ever ends early, depending on the situation, students will be given time to work on homework, have a bit of free time or work on an extension project that will span through the semester.

Part IV: Classroom Layout

For my layout I will have the students at tables or in pods in a horseshoe shape. I will probably maintain this through the school year, but will move students location in the classroom as I see fit. I have my desk in the back facing the wall, because then there is no way I can be the teacher who just sits at a desk lecturing for an entire period. In my classroom, I also have three areas in the back of the room where I will be able to meet with groups of students who may be struggling in the class or are above expectations and need to be challenged a bit. Otherwise these tables can be used for group projects or station work. I also have a ton of shelves. I want to have as many books in my room as possible, because I want students to love reading as much as I do. To encourage this further I put in a sofa and beanbag chairs as an incentive to read.

Part V: Monitoring the Classroom and Responding to Student Misbehavior

When I think of student misbehavior, I think of students who are blurting out answers, talking at inappropriate times, or who are not staying on task. If any of these were to occur I would simply begin intervention by standing closer to a student. If this did not work I would place a stop sign (as seen below) on their desk. I would include on there that this would be discussed after class. Therefore, they would need to bring the little sign to me before they leave, meaning they have to talk to me about their disruptive or inappropriate behavior. Although I wish these slight interventions would solve all my problems in the classroom, I realize that is unrealistic. Therefore, if the receiving of this sign does not stop a students behavior I would relocate them to a different area in the classroom. If this does not work I would adjust to have the class work on something, if this occurs where I need to stop the class in order to deal with the problem, a call home will be made. If the behavior continues in class on a regular basis I would ask for a meeting with the student and their parents in order to determine why this behavior occurs and together come up with a plan for what we will do about it. Involving the principal would be my absolute last step in dealing with student misbehavior.

Please stop what youre doing and make a better choice.P.S. Please return this to me after class.

Part VI: Parents as PartnersIn my classroom, I hope for the parents to be my ally on the home front. I want parents to be able to help students with assignments if possible; this however does not mean that they are the ones doing the projects for the students. In order to accomplish this, I will collect parents information at the beginning of the year and acquiring their preference of communication. When communicating with parents throughout the semester I will keep a log if the communication was specific to their child. I will also send out a survey after the first few weeks of school to the parent in order to learn a little bit more about the student. By doing this I hope that parents will realize I value their opinion and want them to be involved in my classroom. I would also like to have a classroom blog where parents can be kept up to date on the happenings of my classroom. In order to maintain the blog, I would rotate students who would write it. As for parent teacher conferences I will conduct these so that students who are struggling have first priority. I think this is important so that hopefully the parents and I can work collaboratively in order to figure out the best way for the student to succeed. However, I would also want to eventually meet with all parents so that we can continue to keep the student on the right track with their education. In these meetings, I would check where parents are at when it comes to supporting students work ethic and education. If the parents were perceived as too involved I would emphasize that students need to be able to succeed and fail on their own. As for parents who do not support their children at home I would attempt to stress the important of their involvement in their childs education.

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