classroom management plan official.docx

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  • 8/9/2019 Classroom Management Plan Official.docx


  • 8/9/2019 Classroom Management Plan Official.docx


    Part 1Physical Environment and Classroom Organization Page 3

    Desks Page 4earning Centers Page 4

    !mall grou"s Page #$udio%visual Eui"ment Page #O"erational Procedures Page #'ecord (ee"ing Page #!tudent )iles Page # *eacher )iles Page #+e, students Page -

    Part 2Disci"linary Policies and Pro.essional Ethics Page -

    'ules & Conseuences Page -

    Positive Classroom Page /Playground 0isconduct Page !tudent nattentiveness Page 1 *ardiness Page 1+ot getting ,ork done Page 11ate Passes Page 11Cheating Page 12Parent%Princi"al nvolvement Page 12Pro.essionalism Page 12

    Part 3

    Classroom 'outines & Procedures Page13)irst day Page 13!tudent !haring Page 14'oom el"ers Page 14)ree *ime Page 1-)ield tri"s Page 1-ome,ork Page 15anding in Pa"ers Page 15Dismissal Page 156athroom Page 1/7etting a drink Page 1/

    Di8erentiation Page 1/Parents Page 1

    Part 1


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    Physical Environment & ClassroomOrganiation



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    !tudent desks ,ill 9e set u" in grou"s o. 4#; Each grou" o. 4#students ,ill have an island name; *here ,ill 9e a great deal o. grou",ork< active engagement and colla9oration in our classroom; *his9eing said< having the desks set u" this ,ay ,ill allo, them to ,orkamong others< ask .or hel" =i. needed>< or ,ork inde"endently at

    designated times; Each island ,ill have a color.ul "lastic shel. ne?t totheir grou" island; Each "lastic shel. ,ill have e?tra su""lies thatstudents can utilize at any time; ,ill su""ly the .ollo,ing items:crayons< markers< shar"ened "encils< erasers< scissors< scra" "a"er<and a "lace .or each students @talehome .olderA to go; . at any time< se that students need di8erent su""lies .airly o.ten< ,ill have adonation 9o? that students can donate items to anytime throughoutthe year; *his 9o? ,ill 9e hidden and no student ,ill have access to this9o? ,ithout my "ermission;

    #earning Centers

    ,ill have various learning centers throughout my classroom; 'eading,ill 9e essential< so ,ill have a s"eciBc area .or any inde"endent or"artner reading; !tudents can use this area ,hen they are doing theirdaily # activities< reading in a small grou"< or during .ree reading time;n addition to this area< ,ill have a ta9le set u" in the .ront o. theroom .or guided reading activities; *his ta9le ,ill have cushion seatsthat students ,ill utilize during small grou" ,ork or oneononemeetings ,ith me; During certain times o. the day< this same area ,ill9e utilized .or student ,riting time; $nother learning center that ,illhave is a com"uter center; !tudents ,ill go this area ,hen they ,antto use a la"to"< listen to reading< or occasionally "lay educational

    games; . there are several students ,ho need a la"to"< or iPad< ,ecan rent out a school technology cart; *he last center ,ill have ,ill9e an art center; *he arts ,ill in .act 9e incor"orated into myclassroom< so this area ,ill have di8erent art mediums students canuse .or inde"endent and grou" "roects< .or any cra.ts ,e do as a class<or i. they ust ,ant to use the minimum .ree time they have to create a"iece o. art; n this area< ,e student art,ork and "roects ,ill also 9edis"layed; n the 9eginning o. the year< ,ill have students create acollage< "ainting< dra,ing< or "oem all a9out them; *hese ,ill then 9e"osted in this area so ,e can res"ect and recognize our di8erencesand similarities; n addition to these centers< ,ill have "laces in the

    room ,here students ,ill 9e a9le to Bnd su""lies< 9ooks< and otherthings that they need .or each su9ect; =E?am"le: the math area ,illhave .ake money< times ta9le and division 9ooks< math games< variouschallenges< etc; *he science area ,ill have .ake animals< skeletons<9rains< hearts< 9ooks< etc; *he social studies area ,ill have ma"s<timelines< "resident names< 9ooks< and more>;


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     $mall gro% 'or" area(s)n the 9ack o. the room< there ,ill 9e circular grou" desks to ,ork insmall grou"s =or i. they need e?tra hel"> and individual desks .orstudents ,ill also 9e set u" i. students ,ant to ,ork on their o,nduring small grou" time;

    *%+io,-is%al or instr%ctional e%iment ,ill have an overhead%Elmo set u" in .ront o. the classroom sostudents ,ill al,ays have a visual re"resentation o. an assignment;

     *his ,ill 9e used as an aid ,hen students are com"leting grou" ,orkand individual ,ork; ,ill "rovide di8erentiated co"ies .or students,ho may need additional time or resources;

    Oerational Proce+%resRecord Keeping "lan to have a very ,ell organized classroom in everything .romarrangement to record kee"ing and student assessments; ,ill .ollo,any "rocedures that are assigned according to my district< in the ,aythat they e?"ect me to; ,ill additionally kee" records in a recordkee"ing note9ook< as ,ell as on a e?cel document; ,ill 9e organized

    in dividing these records 9y organizing them 9y su9ect andal"ha9etically 9y the childs name; *hese ,ill 9e easily accessi9le andeasy to read .or any teacher ,ho ,anted to @check inA to studentsrecords;Student Files/Folders+e?t to the teacher desk< ,ill have a tall Ble ca9inet; Each ca9inet ,illhave a .older .or each student in al"ha9etical order; *hese ca9inets ,ill9e assigned according to su9ect; )or e?am"le: to" ca9inet ,ill 9e .orreading< second ca9inet ,ill 9e .or math< third ca9inet .or science<.ourth ca9inet .or social studies< and last ca9inet .or miscellaneous,ork< 9ehavior charts< etc; n each .older ,ill kee" a record o. that

    students ,ork; ,ill not save all ,orkF ho,ever< ,ill save any ,orkthat 9elieve is im"ortant and can assist me in monitoring student"rogress throughout the year; ,ill also include student goals< a"rogress sheet< assessments< running records< and a section .orteacher and student notes<Teacher Files/Folders ,ill also have a Ble%.older o. my o,n that ,ill 9e ,ell organized and9eneBcial on a daily 9asis; n this .older< ,ill include student


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    attendance sheets< school calendars< ,eekly schedules< s"ecialassem9lies and other scheduled events< a student grade 9ook< mylesson "lans .or that ,eek< additional notes and a 9asic "lanner ,ithim"ortant dates to remem9er; !tudents ,ill not 9e a9le to access this9inder< and it ,ill 9e more my eyes only;

    New students. a ne, student is added to my room at a later "oint in the semester< ,ill allo, my advanced students to 9e their mentor until they 9ecomeacuainted ,ith the class "rocedures< style< etc; also ,ill hel" thestudent ,ith anything they need< o. course;Classroom order ater< ,ill e?"lain the classroom o9s that each student ,ill have< andone o. the o9s ,ill 9e a desk cleaner; ,ill have cleaning su""lies in aca9inet near my desk; *he student ,ill go around at the end o. the dayand s"ray cleaner on the desk and ,i"e them do,n ,ith a rag;!tudents ,ill not 9e allo,ed to ,rite on their desks< and i. discover

    that they have< there ,ill 9e a conseuence de"ending on the content,ritten;

    Part 2!iscilinary Policies an+ Professional Ethics

    On day one< ,ill "oint out the classroom rules%e?"ectations%remindersto my students; *hese reminders ,ill 9e "osted in the .ront o. the roomunderneath our main dry erase 9oard; *he "osters ,ill 9e in color.ul.onts and re.erred 9ack to at necessary times; *hese reminders are

    uite sim"le< and illustrate 9asic expected classroom 9ehavior; ,illnot la9el these @rulesA< 9ut they ,ill 9e sim"le reca"s that remind thestudents ho, they are e?"ected to act in our classroom on a daily9asis;


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     *he reminders ,ill readG'eminder 1: isten ,hen someone is talking;'eminder 2: )ollo, directions the Brst time they are given;'eminder 3: *reat everyone ,ith kindness and res"ect;'eminder 4: *ake care o. our school and our classroom;

    'eminder #: Hork< "lay< 9e sa.e< and al,ays learn;Conse%ences for brea"ing r%les. a student does not a9ide in a classroom rule< they ,ill 9e re.erred tothe "osted rules; ,ill tell them to think a9out ,hat they did ,rong<and ,hat ,hen they ,ere ready to tell me ho, they could correct their9ehavior; . a childs 9ehavior is consistently dishonoring our classroomrules< they ,ill 9e sent to a desk located in the 9ack o. the room to Bllout a 9ehavior sheet; On this sheet< student ,ill ,rite ,hat they did,rong< ,hy they did ,hat they did< and ho, they ,ill im"rove this9ehavior; De"ending on ho, the students heavier im"roves or ,orsensthroughout the day< they may 9e asked to take this 9ehavior reIection

    home and get a "arent%guardian signature; ,ill have a 9ehaviordis"lay 9oard ,ith 5 di8erent levels; Each day< students ,ill start atthe @read to learnA level regardless o. ,hat they had done "rior that,eek; $ Brst ,arning ,ill move them do,n a level< here they ,ill haveto Bll out a @!*OPA 9ehavior sheet; . they continue to mis9ehave< they,ill again move do,n another level the teacher ,ill make aconseuence choice 9ased on their conduct; *he ne?t level involves"arent contacting =either a note or an immediate call>; !tudents havethe o""ortunity to move u" a level at anytime; . their 9ehaviorgenuinely im"roves throughout the day< ,ill most deBnitely movethem u" and congratulate them on their "rogress .or that given day;


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    Hhen a student seems do,n or is having a 9ad day< ,ill give themthe o""ortunity to cool o8< or im"rove their attitude 9y sending themto the encouragement 9oard; ,ill have an encouragement 9ulletin9oard set u" in my classroom ,ith @.ree "ositive thoughtsA<encouraging uotes< stress 9alls< .ans< and other necessary orreuested eui"ment; *his ,ill not 9e a "lace ,here students can go togoo. o8 or get out o. doing ,ork; !tudents ,ill enter this area i. ,ehave a 9reak< or at a time that is not disru"ting their learning;

    . a student is 9eing disres"ect.ul to another student or teacher they,ill 9e given o"tions to a"ologize to the "erson they may havea8ected emotionally; !tudents ,ill 9e given the o"tion to: ,ritea"ology letters< say three nice things a9out the other "erson =notincluding com"liments a9out the ,ay they look< 9ut instead theircharacter and%or the "erson they are>< or have a small con.erence ,iththe other individual a"ologizing and 9uilding u" the "erson they mayhave hurt; =*his ,ill 9e during a time such as: lunch< recess< "acku"time< art< gym< etc;>;

    Playgro%n+ Misbehavior

    . there is an issue on the "layground< student "rivileges ,ill 9e takena,ay; !tudent ,ill miss out on the ne?t recess =during that day o.another day during the ,eek>< and ,ill Bll out the 9ehavior sheet"rovided earlier; . there is a s"eciBc conIict or argument 9et,een t,oindividuals on the "layground< they ,ill 9e told =and eventuallye?"ected> to go the @conIict resolutionA "art o. the classroom; ,illhave 9ean9ags near the reading area that students can also utilize togo and solve conIict 9et,een other classmates;

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    $t%+ent inattentiveness/lac" of motivation. a student seems to have a day o8 inattentiveness or lack o.motivation< ,ill do my 9est to change this attitude; ,ill Brst "ull thestudent aside and have a oneonone discussion ,ith them; ,ill ask

    them ,hat can do to hel" them or motivate them; ,ant mystudents to kno, that am there .or them to talk a9out anything goingon; ho"e to "rovide a classroom that motivates students to learn allthe time< each and every day; o,ever< there ,ill most deBnitely 9edays ,e have this ty"e o. situation; !tudents can gra9 a ,ord o.encouragement .rom the 9ack 9ulletin 9oard< they can chose to sit in a9ean 9ag as long as they are still "aying attention; ,ant to kee" this"retty o"en< 9ecause each student needs something di8erent< and allstudents are motivated di8erently; *he 9est ,ay to deal ,ith this is totalk to them< give them encouragement< and ask them ,hat e?actlythey need%,ant;

    Tar+inessEach student ,ill 9e given a magnet ,ith his or her designated classnum9er on it; Each time the student enters the classroom in themorning< he%she ,ill move their magnet to the @in classA s"ot; ; )ore?am"le< ,e ,ill have three columns; n addition to the "icture 9elo,< ,ill ask students to move their num9ers out o. the chart at the end o.the day; $t the end o. each day 9e.ore "acking u"< students ,ill "utthere magnet in this "lace; Hhen they return in the morning =eachday>< they ,ill move their magnet to the @in classA s"ot; $s soon as the9ell rings< ,ill check the 9oard and see ,hose name is missing; *his

    ,ill indicate ,hether or not the student is "resent that day; $t the 9ell ,ill ,rite do,n the students num9ers in a note9ook that are located inthe @n classA "osition< i. they come late =a.ter the 9ell>< ,ill have theirname ,ritten do,n ,ithout em9arrassing them in .ront o. the class;)or the Brst tardy< students ,ill 9e given a ,arning; On the secondtardy< they ,ill 9e held 9ack .or lunch or recess .or the amount o. timeo. class they missed =starting .rom a.ter the 9ell>;

    0ot getting 'or" +one


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    . a student chooses not to get ,ork done during the class "eriod< they,ill have time taken a,ay .rom their recess< lunch< or time added9e.ore%a.ter school; *his ,ill not 9e acce"ta9le in my classroom; ,illnot let students get a,ay ,ith not com"leting their ,ork andassignments; $ll assignments assign ,ill 9e "ur"ose.ul< and

    intentional .or students to gro, in their learning; ,ill not have @9usy,orkA or any unnecessary ,ork .or students to com"lete; *here.ore<the ,ork assign ,ill 9e ,ork that strongly encourage them to Bnishthoroughly in class; $s .ar as home,ork is concernedJ "lan to send"ractice "ro9lems home and o"tional e?ercises that recommend themto doF ho,ever< it is the students "arents choice ,hether or not theycom"lete it; . the home,ork assign is not done< ,ill not take a,ay"oints< 9ut i. am giving the student e?tra time to com"lete< "ractice<or get hel" ,ith these "ro9lems then ,ill e?"ect them to havehome,ork com"leted; *his ,ill 9e a good o"tion .or me to di8erentiate,ork and allo, "arents to kno, ,hat ,e are doing in our classroom; .

    have a struggling student ,ho strongly 9elieve needs to 9e doinge?tra ,ork at home< ,ill reuire a "arent signature; ,ill not give outhome,ork solely .or "oints< 9ut instead as a learning tool that canho"e.ully assist students in de"ending their learning and kno,ledge;

    Missing 'or"/tar+y asses. students are demonstrating e?cellent 9ehavior< they may receive a"ass that they can use .or "ractice "ro9lems< tardiness< etc; Eachstudent can only get a ma? o. 4 total "asses each semester; *here isreally never an e?cuse .or 9eing tardy< and i. there is< ,ill e?"ect mystudents to arrive ,ith a "ass .rom another teacher< or a "arent; ,ill

    hold students accounta9le .or missing ,ork< and ,ill assure that theyturn it in close< i. not on the due date; *here ,ill 9e an e?ce"tion .orsome students i. their circumstances "rohi9it them .rom com"leting,ork; ,ill 9e Ie?i9le in e?tending due dates on given occasions< 9ut it,ill not 9e regularly tolerated i. a student consistently turns in ,orklate;

    CheatingCheating ,ill not 9e tolerated in my classroom; 0any o. myassignments< assessments< and "roects ,ill 9e grou" and "artner9ased< so e?"ect colla9orative learning and .airness among students;

    Disres"ect ,ill not 9e tolerated in my classroom< and cheating is a.orm o. stealing .rom another "erson; . this occurs< student ,ill Bll outa 9ehavior sheet< redo any ,ork that they co"ied< have a meeting ,iththe teacher< and may or may not receive a "hone call to their"arents%guardians regarding their dishonesty and disres"ect in thisarea; ho"e that students .eel com.orta9le enough in my classroom toask .or hel" ,hen needed< .rom 9oth their "eers and mysel.; ,ant tohave a colla9orative learning environment< and there.ore students


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    should never .eel the need to take someone else ,ork and make ittheir o,n;

    Parent/g%ar+ian an+ rincial involvement

    Parent involvement ,ill ha""en ,henever necessary; ,ant to stay incontact ,ith each o. my students "arents .rom the 9eginning so i.there is an instance ,here need to make a "hone call home< the Brstconversation have ,ith their "arents ,ill not 9e a negative one; donot think it is necessary to call "arents during school hoursF ho,ever< ,ill send home notes asking the "arent to call me i. they ,ant morein.ormation regarding the issue; "lan to have a solid relationshi" ,itheach o. my students "arents; *hey ,ill receive regular u"dates onvarious ha""enings in the class< including their student 9ehavior andetiuette in the classroom; ho"e that ,ill 9e a9le to manage myclassroom enough to never have to send students to the oKce; . an

    issue 9ecomes e?tremely disru"tive to the classroom and havealready done all that can do to manage and alter this 9ehavior<student ,ill 9e sent to a 9uddy room =assuming 9e.orehand havemade these arrangements ,ith another same grade level teacher>"rior to sending them to the "rinci"al; "lan to 9e u" to date ,ith"rinci"al on all that is going on in my classroom< so i. in .act amcontinuously having issues ,ith a "articular child< my "rinci"al may 9e,arned i. "lan to send him%her to the "rinci"als oKce;


    $ very im"ortant "art o. 9eing a teacher is your conduct and

    "ro.essionalism inside and outside o. school; *here are constantly"eo"le ,atching you including other co,orkers< "arents< and

    community mem9ers; $ teacher should 9e mind.ul o. their

    res"onsi9ility to 9e a "ositive role model; 'es"ect and communication

    is key in this o9< there.ore ,ill strive to al,ays res"ect others in my

    ,ords< actions< and thoughts; *here ,ill never 9e a time ,hen

    "artake in gossi"< es"ecially a9out students or co,orkers; . hear

    other sta8 talking 9ad a9out students or co,orkers< ,ill ask them to

    mind their o,n 9usiness and to save the gossi" .or another time and

    another "lace; ,ill strive to remain "ositive even ,hen there aretimes ,here it may seem ustiBa9le to s"eak "oorly a9out someone or

    something; *his 9eing said< think it is im"ortant to share your vie,

    and o"inion ,ith those you associate yoursel. ,ith at ,orkF ho,ever<

    this should 9e done in a honora9le and res"ecta9le ,ay; +o one should

    ever 9e "ut do,n .or ,hat they 9elieve< so ,ill remain o"enminded

    and al,ays seek to see the 9est in others; . there is a situation ,here


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    disagree ,ith the leadershi" strategies o. a colleague< ,ill "ro"erly

    assess my intentions and decide i. it is a""ro"riate to 9ring u" ,ith a

    colleague; . decide to do so< ,ill make sure that remain res"ect.ul<

    gentle< and loving in the ,ay that con.ront the situation; ,ill o8er

    my ideas and%or vie,s< 9ut ,ill never 9e demanding or condescendingin my s"eech;

    ,ill al,ays act a""ro"riately .or ,ork and remind mysel. that am an

    e?am"le and re"resentation .or my school; ,ill model

    "ro.essionalism in my attire and do all that can to set a "ositive and

    e?"ert e?am"le; Even outside o. school< ,ill conduct mysel. ,ith

    "aramount "ro.essionalism; 0y a""ro"riate and commenda9le conduct

    ,ill gain the res"ect o. my students< "arents< and co,orkers

    Part 3Classroom 'outines & Proceduresirst +ayOn the Brst day o. class< ,ill clearly lay out all o. my e?"ectations; ,ill sho, students all o. the reminders in my room< and e?"lain all my"ostings around the room; ,ill start my routine on the very Brst day;He ,ill have a 9ell "ro9lem< discussion< and class as ,e ,ould on thevery last day; ,ill tell students a9out mysel.< and let them ask me anyuestions that they may have; ,ill also "rovide students ,ith a co"yo. a collage made including some in.ormation a9out my .amily< myli.e< and mysel. in general; ,ill also give them a letter .or heir "arentsclearly laying out my e?"ectations .or the school year; *his letter ,illalso include my classroom rules< "rocedures< and contact in.ormation;

    $t%+ent sharing$t the 9eginning o. the school year< each student ,ill receive a schoolsu""lies list; On this list< they ,ill 9e reuired to "urchase their o,nsu""lies such as< "ens< markers< "encils< erasers< scissors< etc;!tudents ,ill kee" their o,n su""lies in their assigned 9o?es locatedne?t to their grou" desks; n addition to the su""lies students 9uy .orthemselves< ,ill "rovide several art mediums< scissors< e?tra "a"er<(leene?< and more in my classroom; Each small grou" =desk island> o.students ,ill have a 9o? o. tools and su""lies that they can use atanytime needed; !tudents ,ill al,ays 9e a9le to share the su""lieslocated in their grou" 9o?; o,ever< they ,ill not 9e allo,ed to sharetheir o,n su""lies ,ith anyone in the class; *his ,ill eliminate a great


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    deal o. conIict regarding sharing su""lies; ,ant all o. my students to9e ,illing to share< 9ut they ,ill not 9e mandated to share anything.rom their o,n 9o? o. su""lies;

    oom elers

    Each student ,ill have an assigned o9 in the classroom; ,ill have a"icture o. each student and "ut their "icture ,ith their corres"onding o9 .or the ,eek; $s sho,n 9elo,< my classroom o9 sheet ,ill have a"ocket .or each o9; ,ill rotate the student "ictures daily so everyonecan e?"erience all the o9s; . throughout the school year decide thata o9 needs to 9e added or taken a,ay< can easily create ne,"ockets;

     The classroom 4obs 'ill be5$ssisting the teacher: *his student ,ill "lay the role o. my hel"er; . need little tasks done< ,ill ask them to assist; )or e?am"le< i. had to

    use the restroom a.ter recess< ,ould ask them to make sure allstudents ,ere seated and doing ,ork u"on my arrival;*echnology: *his student ,ill 9e in charge o. gra99ing iPads on days,e use them in class; *hey ,ill also 9e in charge o. making sure allcom"uters are logged o8 .ollo,ing their use;*he ta9les: *his student ,ill 9e in charge o. cleaning o8 the ta9les atthe end o. activities; $ll scra"s should 9e thro,n out< student .oldersand ,ork "ut them in the designated student @,ork 9inA < and su""liesmust 9e orderly;Organizing "a"ers: *his student ,ill hel" me organize student "a"ersand "ass "a"ers out;

    *he lights: *his student ,ill 9e in charge o. turning o. the lights ,hen,e leave the classroom< ,atch a video cli"< or i. am trying to get theattention o. my students;eading the line: *his student ,ill lead the line ,henever ,e leave theclassroom; *hey ought to set a great e?am"le to their "eers< not goo.o8< and get "laces uickly;'ecycling: *his student ,ill take the recycling to a designatedclassroom in the school every )riday; *hey ,ill also encourage their.ello, students to recycle "a"er and ,hatever else they can;*he schedule: *his student ,ill read the daily schedule out loud to theclass; *hey also may remind students to 9e on task during certain

    scheduled activities;!chool li9rary 9ooks: *his student ,ill collect all li9rary 9ooks thatneed to 9e returned; *hey ,ill give their "eers reminders a9out certaindue dates and li9rary visits;*he lunches: *his student ,ill make sure that all students have movedtheir clothes"in to their lunch selection .or the day; ,ill have a small9oard ,ith three "arts to it: hot lunch< cold lunch< and leaving .orlunch; !tudents ,ill move their "in to their "ick every morning and the


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    6se of free time *here ,ill not 9e too much .ree time in my class< 9ecause "lan toal,ays have students "artici"ating in class activities< inde"endentactivities< or "artner activities; ,ant to have a constant learningenvironment< and "lan accordingly to ho, much time have in a givenday; . there is a day ,hen ,e are e?tremely eKcient< and geteverything done that ,e need to< ,ill allo, students to "artici"ate insilent reading< ,riting< or dra,ing; ,ant all the time they s"end in theclassroom to 9e use.ul and "roductive< so ,ill not allo, them to slacko8 and "lay educational games; ,ill "rovide ,riting ournals that theycan ,rite in a9out their .avorite movies< 9ooks< characters< and more;

    iel+ tris ,ill "lan engaging< learning Beld tri"s throughout the year; Every Beld

    tri" ,ill 9e a ,onder.ul learning e?"erience .or the children; He ,illal,ays discuss as a class and reIect and ,hat ,e learned and ho, itrelated to ,hat ,e are currently learning or have learned in the "ast;During Beld tri"s< students ,ill have a "artner that they are reuired tostay ,ith and kee" track o. at all times; !tudents ,ill not 9e allo,ed to,ander o8< "lay around< or mis9ehave during Beldtri"s< or they ,ill 9ereuired to 9e "artners ,ith a teacher or volunteer "arent; On the 9usride< or ,alk to our Beld tri" "laces< students ,ill 9e e?"ected to act


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    individually; )or lunch< may choose to dismiss students according totheir lunch "ick; . there are students 9eing disres"ect.ul or not a9idingin rules that day< they ,ill 9e the last to line u"; Once all students arelined u"< standing straight< .acing .or,ard< ,e ,ill "recede to leave theclassroom;

    7athroom Proce+%res. a student has to use the restroom< they ,ill get u"< ,ithoutdisru"ting the class< gra9 their num9er .rom the 9oard and ,alk u" tome silently sho,ing me their num9er; =*his ,ill indicate that they haveto use the restroom>; ,ill give them sim"le thum9s u"< giving them"ermission to leave .or the 9athroom; !tudents ,ill then "lace theirnum9er magnet under the restroom s"ot on this diagram; =$s seena9ove>

    Getting a +rin"  ,ill highly encourage all students to 9ring a ,ater 9ottle to schooldaily; $t the 9eginning o. the day< and a.ter lunch< students ,ill 9egiven the o""ortunity to Bll their ,ater 9ottles u" and kee" them attheir desks throughout the day; ,ant to strive to not ,aste anytimeduring the class "eriod< so allo,ing students to constantly take a tri"to the ,ater .ountain ,ould take a,ay e8ective classroom andinstruction time;

    !i8erentiation Policy 9elieve that it is e?tremely im"ortant to notice the di8erent needsamong students; t ,ill 9e my o9 as the teacher to give each student,hat he or she needs; ,ill do all that can to give each student o.mine a "ositive< challenging and 9eneBcial education; ,ant to strive


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    .or the success o. each student< and encourage him or her to "ut .orthhis or her utmost e8ort to succeed in my learning environment; "lanto continually assess ,here my students are at< and kno, them on adee" level so that can "rovide the student ,hatever they may needto "er.orm to their greatest a9ility;

    Challenged Learner 9 *hese students ,ill 9e given all they need in order to assist themin their struggles; +ot only ,ill give students ,hat think theyneed< 9ut ,ill also ask .or their in"ut and ask .or them to giveme ,ays in ,hich they 9elieve they ,ill learn more e8ectively; ,ill di8erentiate my assignments and "rovide them ,ith ,orkthat caters to their needs; . a student is a visual learner< ,illcreate an assignment that ,ill allo, them to use their strengthsto understand the conce"ts that other students may 9e learningin more o. an a9stract ,ay; ,ill give students o""ortunities tostay during recess< lunch< 9e.ore o. a.ter school i. they have

    uestions .or me that they did not Bnd time to ask me during theschool day; Hhen students are ,orking inde"endently< ,ill giveadditional directions to those ,ho may have not understood myinitial instructions; ,ill colla9orate ,ith other teachers and Bndout ,hat has ,orked success.ully in the "ast .or students< and,hat has not; *hese students ,ill also 9e given several concretere"resentations%e?am"les and sca8olding to .urther theirunderstanding o. com"le? conce"ts;

    Gifted Students9 ,ill "rovide students ,ith several o""ortunities to .urther their

    learning; ,ill allo, them to ,ork inde"endently or among otherstudents ,ho may 9e at the same level as them; . students ,ante?tensions or e?tra< more challenging ,ork ,ill give that tothem as ,ell; t ,ill 9e crucial that kno, these students on adee" level so can give them ,hat they need academically<socially< and emotionally; !tudents ,ill al,ays have choices< sothat they can choose ,hat ,ill 9e most 9eneBcial using theirgiven gi.ts and talents; ,ill grou" these students in ,ays that,ill assist them most; !ome students may 9eneBt most .orm,orking ,ith likea9ility students< ,hile others may " to hel"students ,ho are o. lo,er a9ility;

    Parents "lan to kee" in consistent contact ,ith my students "arents; $s saidearlier on< ,ant to maintain a solid relationshi" ,ith each o. mystudents "arents throughout the school year; ,ill start o8 the schoolyear getting the "arents acuainted ,ith my classroom e?"ectations<"rocedures< and mysel. as a "erson; ,ill encourage them to email me<,rite me letters< set a""ointments ,henever they have uestions;


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    ,ant them to kno, that am there to su""ort their student in all ,aysthat can;

    ,ill make sure that "rovide a very ,elcoming environment duringo"en houseJone that is reIecting on ho, my class ,ill al,ays look;

    ,ill demonstrate e?citement and eagerness to get to kno, the "arentso. my students; ,ant them to .eel com.orta9le a""roaching me ,ithany concerns< uestions< or ust to chat a9out their childs "er.ormancein my classroom;

    ,ill send home ,eekly u"dates on a regular 9asis; Parents ,ill never9e una,are o. ,hat ,e are doing that ,eek in our classroom; ,illencourage "arent involvement in the classroom and look .oro""ortunities .or them to assist me ,ith Beld tri"s< "lanning< or otherevents;

    Parentteacher con.erences ,ill 9e very hel".ul .or the "arents; ,ill"rovide them ,ith all o. their childs ,ork and a "rogress chartdemonstrating their childs "rogress throughout the year; ,ill kee",ork that ,ill assist me in in.orming "arents o. their childs talents<a9ilities< and struggles; !tudents ,ill have the o"tion to attend"arent%teacher con.erences and "rovide any in.ormation mayaccidentally miss; ,ant our relationshi" to 9e healthy and ho"e that can make a lasting im"act on 9oth the student and the "arents; t ismy desire that the "arents and ,ork colla9oratively to ensure allstudents are having the 9est time in the classroomJone that ise?tremely 9eneBcial and constructive< and most im"ortantly< one that

    ,ill make an eternal im"ression on the students lives;

    am very e?cited to im"lement this classroom management "lan in the.uture; Creating this "lan has allo,ed me to think a9out the severalas"ects o. managing a class; *here ,ill most deBnitely 9e challenges<and am sure that a lot o. ,hat "lan ,ill .ail< 9ut ,ill surely learn.rom mistakes that make and gro, into a 9etter< more e8ectiveteacher;


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     *he )irst Days o. !chool =4th Edition> 9y arry ( Hong

    indie *ruitts classroom ideas



